HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-25, Page 4THE The new Toronto directOry show
, that the City illOpitSt year has ig Jettr. Ab,x,,,ovatt iililoP0P.94,11 by 16_ ,50p, an Cl
W 4131, Li7 people in the,
efts,. There are this year 149 less
elaas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop
vacant stores' and officee and. 432 hou-
The 'felthwing watritnoni:d
diseMent hails from Dakata;es.
. ‘Lovers, Take Notice. --On and after
3rie date, I will present an elegant
'.eltainnO, a parlor lamp, OP a glass water
£& t, all lividal eoraples nnteried by
' sne.' :All:Marrying done in he most;
:autistic way, either in private or ptihs
RunaWay couples married at any
hour of theday Or night, and pursuer,
:thrown' off • the Seent Refinced rates
those I have -married before.
:red lanternbangs in front of My .door,
;prairie street at night. No dog
kept. -Night bell directly under the
:&intern.-Moses'Dorld, J.. P
* *
Dr. Biaren, the Provincial Registrar -
General for Ontario, in his report, -of
Aeaths:for 1809 States that 'the total'
number of deaths Was 20,370, or '.11;5
per cent. per 1,000. This is a remark.
able low death rate, and slims's that.
'Ontario is very healthy, the death rate ,
'being lower than any other country
-within the: British Empire. The fig -
:tires of marriages for tbe provinces'
.ior 1899 show the total 'number of
_marriages to have been 15,203Hanrna
"Serease of 381 over previous year; In
ve cities there was a decrease/of 122
:marriages over 1897, while in the rest
of the cities of the prOVince the
erease amounted to 500. Moire 11.1etho-
slilsts married than any other denom-
ination, the number of ;persons being
10,382. There were 6,400 Presbytegtilis
wedded, 4,002 Anglicafis, 4;657 Ronatli
Catholics and 1,90SBaptists. '
.Would you like to have yonis gev
, -
eanthent supply you :With niodb.e.,, Ce?
Ihat is just Ni,h0it fides` the baiikerS.
Yeint4Y.,„ he linkers pst<iip' govern-
••"'" mentlit 'S for the batik ites. True,
but Is it ereka bond sinifily property
Uke your hot* or farm? 'N.rhap much,
even; for what twould '•g-Ogrnment
bonds be wortlitaf tere,Weiii rid houses
or farths in thiS•conneest?„,'Tehr 'homes
and shops, not the bonda$rileAlie real I
base of the bankers XibteslaeThey real-
ly are enable to :riSe thennabecause Of
your property. 1V„1iat Itifne:Youare to
allowonekind of property; As issue
moneyand not your kind. That is be -
ranee the holders of bands are wise
enough to study the situaton and go
;after what tuey want, while you are
mitt !•s
a • • •,
**a ," •
The report or the Inspector ofRegis,
'Sr,y -offices has just ,ben issued for , the
'years 1898,: and:Ix-ex.:- it the, following
parpiculars are ''-gathered , concerning
theAlurota office.: The total nunaber
, of kinatrum.Rrits registered was 3,735,
•annOthe fees received fOrY the same
'we* $4,1055. Of this nuMber 1,130
.were deeds,. 1,001 were :mortgages,
.1,010, were mortgages discharged; 6
leases; and 130 Were wills$375.90 were
fees earned, but net 'paid. The gross
amount reeeived. for 4898 was $5,341.-
25, being about $500 less than in 1807.
'The net account received by the Regis-
trar, As his Share of the fees, was $9'-
193.55 being $1000 less than in 189-0.
The aggregate amount of the rnorta
ges registered was $1,332,173, or an
'.average of $1,332 each.
ses than last. In 1809 the number of
U lillOCCupied'stores and offices wes •105
ant the atimber 01 housee 1,081.
sidering that an unusually large riuM
tier of houses and buildings were built
during 1800, and very few in the pre-
ceding year, this is further: proof. that
the city is going ahead rapidly.
aemaritable e;tise of' dreaming 15 re-
lated in Chatthan in connection with
the recent sod. 'death of WM. Camp-
bell, county court clerk of Kent, who
was killed by falling from a train near
Milton recently. • Mr. Campbell lived
opposite the home of Easca4:iaTdi:-r1singli-
Malcomson, in 'ChatliMn, Employed
in theMalebinson home is Miss Mary
ReeVes,a bright Young woman of 20.
11Iiss Reeves only knew Mr. Campbell
by sight, and when she retired, on the
night of his death did not know that
he had left the city. In fact Mr.
Campbell's movements were quite
unknown toany of the Malcomson
family. Next morning when Miss
Reeves was found in a highly nervous
and excited condition/10 one in Chat:
liana, knew that any accident had be-
fallen -Mr. Campbell. On 'being ques-
tioned; Miss Reeves told Mrs. Malcom -
son that she had been tormented dur-
ing the night with most horrible and
realistic dreams. that she had seen Mr.,
Campbell thrown from a train and;
killed. He had been picked up dettd"
with his skull crushed and his rtklit
Ind smashed. It was supposedt,riat
the girl had been suffering froqVght-
mare, and the family were greaotly sur-
prised and puzzled on receiafilig the
news a little later that Mr./Ounphell
had Met" Ns:death in pratigely the
Man tier -described by. MissOteeves. re-
ceiving exae,ily the injaaries stated.
How she ccVd have drea;thed so at:cur...,
ately is the.startling thing, and stories
of secOnd'aight," etc., are at a prem-
ium in Clintharis just tic.wv. It is relat-
ed of this?sanae young lady that some
years ago' she came from her room one
morning ?And said he had dreamed
that Mr.Xalccanson's father had been
found deiid sitting in his Chair. Later
on the saine day a telegram was re-
ceived stftting.that the old gentleman
lad died' suddenly of heart failure
while sitting hi, a cuair-just as des-
cribed by ISlis5t-Reeves• . •
Death of DrShannori' Godeiich.
• Goderichai4 20. -Dr. J. R. Shan-
non died .Tfitirsday night of 'typhoid
fever at the age 4f 34 years Dr. Shan-
non Wfl. a membEr of the -Independent
Order of Foresters and Oddfellows,
also lieutenant surgeon of 33rd Battal-
ion. He Was iOnember of the Collegi-
ate Institute BOard, and', had -been
mayor twice4:.'Hedear'es a WidoW, and
two childrenk
IVAII reference to the poor quality
efAthe Boers' ammunition for their big
;ttrqas,- another correspondent shut up
in Ladysmith has been amusing him-
self by making a calculation as to the
number of shells sent into the town
by the Boers since the beginning of
the siege to the time of the departuee
of his dispatches (Satm•day, Nov. 25.)
" Tlat, grand total is given as 2,080,
and othat number 1,070 went into
the town itself, 800 were directedlit
, the nayal batteries. and the remaining
'IiiitatiO:s reached the different cithips.
Taking the larger type of shells thrown
hy the*eis and the smaller, and giv-
hig an ayerage value of £17 1.0s for
eachtSh'ell, it is seen that the monetary
cost of the bombardthent of Lady-
smith to the Boer 8 has beent*.et bout
£50,000, Bight British soldiers have
been killed by shells. It has tht:iS
cost the Boers (according to the
statistics (piffled) between R6,000 and
:7.000 to kill .;,'( man in Ladysinith."-
London Standard.
Possibly the best quoted word just
now of Dutch South African origin is
llitlander, sometimes written " Out-•
iander.7ae " Newcomer" or '`outsider
is perhaps the nearest' that can be got
' to this in transation, and the word is
pronounced.agneagYansepossible like
The name of the pre-,
tAten t of - thes` Trait si,"a al Republic is'
written Kruger, lint it is neither sound-
ed'as Kroojer nor Krowger, but -as
near as can • be indicated--Kree-er.
The word, Transvaal is, literally,
ea,ae.ress'the yellow " (or yellowish-
broW4nlyer. „al:land, short for Vv it-
watersrandalapronounced as if spelt
rant. The word veld -the final " t "
is sometimes added -means field of
common, and is pronounced "felt."
Kopie.-a hillock, or piece of rising
ground -is neither kop-jay nor kep-jee
but koppy. Dr. Leyds patronymic is
pronounced Licks. The Boer parlia-
ment house is called the Raadzaal, ond
the parliament the Volksraad, the "v"
being sounded like " f." Berg is motna
trim the plural being formed by the
addition of " en " after the ",g."
drift is a ford, and a chirp a town or
village. Thus we • have Kragersdorp,
Ledsdorp, etc, Sad also means town
and winkel-a store, ^ where almost
-everything is sold. Fontein, As the
aarne.thiplies, means spring, Wild
• kranfz, a cliff or precipice,. Boschveld
(pronounced busbfelt) is an open plain
covered with bush. To trek is a bet vol.
voortrekkers meaning pioneers. A
vlei (flay) is a pool of water, inoetly
formed in the rainy season. Pooinek
is a term of contempt applisd to Bri-
Ushers, uod means " red -neck." --Lon-
don Daily Mait
1,1? r.VAICENIN 1.1h,,r,C, The TY. .&;
Emulsitmwfl 1 surely diirc the hiost
affeetiOn8 the ,lunge.: That 't 1'
ilottn” coriclition,,, the after effeetS Of a
ff.t. heavy cold , d ells” comiteracted.'
ufitettire'd Inc D:tvis & LaW-
Ciia: Ltd.
Crushed4,13t• Machine.
• Ghatisanne:' 01)4, ;Ian. 23. -Patrick
Fla nn entY, ain:einployein. the G. T. R.
freightaK4d, was seriously injured
this utivning. He was engaged' :in
loadingtread m n to a box, car; 'when
one of the machines' fell upon
breakingehis 'left leg just helosir the
knee andaiso badly 'critshing him.
The injured limn was removed to the
hospital, where it was: found that in
addition' to his leg heing broken his lel
Shoulder WaShiirt find his chest crush-
ed in. AS Flanne'rty. is over ,siktY
years of age -his recovery is dotibtful.
Whiskey and a Revolver.
Ottawa, Jan. 12. --Because he was
crazy with whiskey, Napoleon Tsepine,
of \canter street; lies Au a felon's Cell
with the charge of :attempted.: murder
nesting. over hint.' No one . was ' killed,
but it was no fault Of Lepine's, for, ac-
cording to the stary that Peter Albert,
of St. Andrew Street; tells, the de-
fendant twice dischlirged a loaded: ae-
volVer at him. Lepfne is .saki to have
some grtidge.at.Albertal :He got very
drunk last night; an-prOceeded to kick
in the door. He lir:10: the door and
the window, and Va •. on his road up-
stairsto finish .the c estructicin of.: the
house, when the;pr rietor .interfered.
Then is was that 't - edine' is said to
have .discharg,,ed the revolver at his
Fatality at a Railway CroSing,
' Whitby, Jan. 23. -e -As Joseph. BO/B-
(161, proprietor of . the Brook House,
Oshawa, was driving from that 'town,
in company: ; with flenry Kelly, to
Whitby, he.met.wit4„ a terrible' neci-
dent.'. They were cl'iVilig behind an.-
other vehicle, drive ' hy John .11loody,
and Were hurriedl endeavoring : to
cross the G.T.E. tracks near the junc-
tion ' station . beforei an ' approacthng
train .arriveh. , . Moody's horse be -
„came frightened ;mit stripped, throw-
ingethe driver from his wagon. This
compelled Randell fp: stop also, and
his horse became upControllable, run-
ning directly into the train, which was
running at a fair rat 4 of speed. Kelly
jumped and saved himself, but :the
train struck the 'i-ig, killing Damien
and his horse almost instantly.
,A Good In‘yention.
,..One of the most u 'OW inventions
for the fanner that has'''...porne out in
recent years is what iie'5 known as John
CoWie's Multisaale. The patent for
this invention is held by Messrs. D. S.
O'Neil, Of Liman, and ,Rtsliert _Stanley;
of Granton, and a set is now ''gg;t up
in workingprder t Geo. Stanley's
store, Luean, The Milti-Seale y..be
hridfly described as follow',: --An ordi-
nary .scale for weiglii4g grain and hay,
is set hp, in the farmerla barn, with a
oapncity.46Pay5..4.20Q As. The Multi-
Scale- attachment obilsists of it plat-
form atispended on cables which is
placed in the stable below. This at-
„tachment increases tqf weighing ca-
,piteitit fOtirfold, or in tother WOrtiS,
1200 lb. scale on •the 41p.'n flloor, will
weigh up to 4800 lbs in the stable be-
low. This IV' alti-Sca letco it be put up
cOmplete fOr $15, and i'1.7i11 save its Ctost
in no time to tlie,,farmiir. The value
of being able to weigh stock, horses,
• cattle;'sheep, pigs, oto,, right in the
stable is soniething,c'*ety persoa will
aarnta*ei•oteS;:,;••.°.,11"f`atead guss at the
velght of Itt nti idie farnaer can
learn a -hat weight he gas, to a potind.:,
hlvers• faxiner should se'o this scale at
(leo. Stenley's Intedivarbstore.-Lucan
AgainSt Land Grant to Eastern
Extension Cable Cbirrittanli
Prompt Action Taken by the /Premier -
tSir Wilfrid Laurier Communicated
WitIn Cli arm berlliin +clot. to t
tyrgeot Iteortiest of Lord Strintli-
come-le New South Wales
Ottawa, jar]. 23. Concerning' the -
London cable in yesterday inaliiirg's
newspapers, statitig that adit Colon-
ial Office has permitted.tflie Govern
meta of New SoUth ,Pic4les to gratrt:
tho Flastcrn Extensio.00alile Conipany'?r.'-
a subvention of for As
11 II Ind Lam ter ‘•csada yesterday,4f
noon that heilOiaci receivdd sp\tlal
cablegramsgdont T.,ort-t."
bearilig othe Rissage,
received •,itan (he 11 i g-11,'Comni6ss i oiler
aft.eri)Von corroborated the
new4Ver rep4t, and imPnased up-
on ./S4i• Wilfrid the neceasity6f: mak-
tinmediate prot2t1pl ad-.
alive. has been antici,nalted by the
Krim° Minister, -who ISVO,re the arriv-
al of Lord Strtttlici.jTit's. Cablegram
had communicated !fawith Mr. 'Cham-
berlain, objecting ,:to'his.` sailction of
the action of thO4New".Scnith Wales
Government, anc*Ciating out that it
was fraught vg -A, menance to the
Pacific cable sclicine, in 'Which Nord
Steathdona ai.Lrd Aberdeell are,
Canada's refireSente.tives in Great'
Britain. The ai;tion of the Colonial
Oillee, is cinite';',Inexplicable to .the
Prime Minhsatt,o`f Canada, and detail-
ed inforinativit-- is anxiously awaited
by him a•Atedithis colleagues. 11 now
seems asrthOugh New South Wales
were trying to cut loose from the
agreement entered into lastctspring.
Tog Ingraham Bas Arrived From the
Wreck in St. Mary's Buy.
St. John's, Nfld., Jan. 28. -- The
tug Ingi•ahant hits returned from the
wri ck. of the Heligoland, in St.
Mary's Bay.
A diver who went down found the
steamer a shapeless mass of iron,
sails and cordage. Her -mizzenmast,
had beet: hurled overboard when she
struisa Her funnel proba,bly went
at tho same time and ber mainmast,
followed. Her foremast alone is now
Th a only letters of ber name now
remaining are "Hel."
The coast people who' first sig-hted
the ship say she was on fire as she
en,:tere.!:1 the bay, , 4,13.6 flames being,
-supposition is
that the ctipta in nVIhiII for
landto beach the steamer when, the
recf, -was .struck.
Noi,:bodles have yet been recovered.
Chancellor Burwaell our Victoria Uri iver-
Sit)* Taken Suddenly 111.
Ann Arhor, Mich., Jn 3 - 1)r.
N. Burwash, Chancellor of Victoria
University, Toronto, Can td was
stricken with heart trouble Sunday
night, in the midst of his lecture at
the First M.P. Church, and WaS un-
able to proceed. An iminceise itudi-
ence was present and showed the
greatest sympathy for the speaker.
Bis illness is not considered danger-
May Como Home To -day.
'Toronto, Jan. 28. - A telegrani
was received from Mrs. Durwash yes-
terday afternoon. saying it was lilce-
ly Chancellor Bur WaSil Would be well
enough to come home to -day.
Ex -Premier Greeirivay's Seat A itacIced
Tiloro to Come.
Winnipes• Jan. 28 -Five addition-
al . protests were filed yesterday has
Conservatives. They include petitions
against Hon. Thomas Green \vay,
Mountain; T. C. Norris, Lancisdo-wne:
J. Riddle, Lorne; V. 1Vrin1 ler, Rhine-
land, and T. L. IJor LOP, SVestbourne.
To Disqualify Tories.
The Libetails will probablY Me Pe-
titions to disqualify j. A. ,Davidson,
the defeated candidate for :Beautiful
Plains, and James r.r. Gorcloa; the de-
feated candidate for Mountain.
• The Defeat of tile Tailors.
Nogales, Ariz., ."Jan. mes-
sage from Ortiz, a station On .the
Sonora Railroad, confirnist-,he report-
ed defeat of the Tatthi Indians bY
the Mexicans. Mexican loss in killed
and Wei:laded; SO. The. Yaqui
Tetabiate; was 'killed along with 200
Of his best fighters... The '500 In-
dians taken prisoners svill be brought
into Ortiz today and also Father
Beltran and, •••fosephine Sisters, who
werc rescued.
Sizinted il Oere1 ict.
London, Jan. 23.--Vhe British
steanier Ai ch tor, Capt. Iiohnan,
which arrived at Rotterdam on
urday from Philadelphia, reports hav-
ing on Jan. 5, in latitude 89, longi-
tude 37, sighted the derelict sehoon-
-er Alfaretta S. Spare, which was
abtildoned oft' Cane Cod on Nov. 12
when bound from St. John, N.B., for
New York.
Tieiners WO? 1,1 1 orouto.
Toronto, Jan, 28. -Mr, R. F. Stu -
part, director of the Meteorological
service in Toronto, has sent out a
bromide print of the observatory'
Toronto seismogram, wh shOWS
that the earth tremors. were Rat in
Toronto some five or ten .minutes af-
ter the quake occurred in Mexico on
Prof. LiaZe 1 Ita,; tirt.
Ivashington, ,7a n . 28. -Henry A.
Hazen, professor of meteorology encl
one of the chief forecaeters of w-ea-
ther conditions at the Weather Bu-
reau in this city, NN'as probe bly fatal-
ly injured last night by being flar017/1
front his bike.
Governor Ro-o--s4:4spends 6 hours
ands 40 78n,ngat,esper day at the. state
Russell e was a warm suppoiteiof
Zachary Taylor, and recently said that
his idealAiiitilean politician was Henry
;914:4‘ . "
IrirA;;12.872.'-Sarali Bernhardt was getting
$40 srnonth at the Odeon. In the 23
years4,since then she has 'received
:70.0j'• ,
Mr., Be-vexqdge,','.:thenaiakf aenatdr from.,
„Indiana, ia,ea self ''`nlde man, and' is
known anidtiiilistrice44';a'S' the "second
Olathe lst of January Tonunasefial-
yini celebrated Iris seventieth birthday,
He has had a career on, the -stage of
more than 50 years. '
William Miller Collier, Whom Govern-
or Roosevelt has made a New York civil
seryice` commissioner, is the anther of
"‘Zollier on Bankruptcy."
Senator McCumber, recently elected
from ,,North, Dakota, is described av
about 43 Years of age, smoothed faced,
with light" hair and blue eyes.
Johniilooper, a man with a mania for
tomb4Eones, stole 18 of them from
Gradelancl cemetery, Chicago, and used
thgm for bric,a-brac at his home.
Ex -Governor Taylor of Tennessee
granted 693 pardons, commutations and
respites during his two years in office.
On the last day of his term he signed 43
Dr. Nicholas Senna who was promi-
nent by his work as an anny surgeon
dukiaag the Spanish war, holds the chair
of practical surgery at the'University
0 Chicago.
" Rev. Dr. N. D. Hillis, who is to suc-
ceed Lyman Abbott in the charge of
Beecher's old Plymouth church, Brdok-
lyn, is said to be as omniverons a read-
er as was Gladstone.
Charles Dudley Warner has Come opt
as a believer in the indeterminate sen-
tence for crilainals, saying that prisons
s'nould really be naerely hospitals where
the inmates are held until cured.
James R. Scott, Iowa's oldest news-
paper man, recently- deceased, never
missed a day at his desk in the Dubuque
Herald in 41 years. The floor beneath it
bore a deep impress from his heels.
The instrument which, Edouard Re-
menyi, the famous violinist, was playing
when he fell dead on the stage was a
Stradivarius' known as the “Titan,"
which its owner would neve.* sell, but,
which has now been purchase* for $40
by Sol Mareosson, the Alnericau
Th• e man who procraatinates,strug-
gles with ruin-Hesiod.
The more honesty a roan has the
less he affects the air of a saint.-La-
Duty', and today are ours. " Results
and futurity belong to God. -Horace
Greeley. •
The praises of others may be of use
in teaching us, not what weare, but
what we ought to be. -Hare.
Poverty is the only load which is the
heavier the more loved ones there are
to assist in bearing it. -Richter. "
The prodigal robs his heir, the miser
robs himself. Tbe middle waylis justice
to ourselves and others.-Bruyere,
You may deceive all the people part
of the time, and part of the people all
the time, but not all the people all the
time. -Lincoln::
John Pearson, of Taa'attapast Giaind'
Trunk employee, was killed on the
ra ilwa y.
J•lev. Father Dixon of Kingsbridge
died suddotly 011 his way faint] his
house to the church to say ninss.
A ilderS011: Mr. Win. Henry and
family have moved to the farm recent-
ly purehosed from I'Vna. Stennet, near
St. Marys, and Mr. Bruce, of Logan,
has taken possession of Mr. Henry's
,. , • „
Clinton: , The firm of Seale 411oov-
er has been dissolved. Mr. 3. B: Hoov-
er will continue the business; .k.i0 here-
tofor and for the halaric'eA9ttbis year
Air. Seale will remalfiVi'i'fithvifhim as
saleaman. 1:- • ••
tBirrnoeit.dfOot fell, his skate catc;:n2g, in
the calf of his leg, inak-ing a. 'ti:Viriful
wmind which will lay him up fosygOine
. • -
Seaforth: While playing licickey on
the rink on Saturday night, Harold Broadfoot
Clinton: The other day H. -•,Penne-
baker, who is employed in tl'ia yard
at the Organ Factory. met lvith a
peculiar accident. He was using a
cant -hook, when it slipped, and the
handle flew up, striking him on the
nose, and cutting it open as clean as if
split with a knife.
Mx -s. George Swallow died on Sun-
day, aged 50 years, 9 month's. She
had been ill for months and her de-
ceased was not unexpected hitt none
the less sod as it deprives thre ' young
sons of the care of a loving 1 other.
'.1.1ie funeral took place OD Wed resday
to Clinton CeMetery. 71
Goderich tip: On Saturday ', Nelson
Yeo met with a very painful accident.
lie was hauling logs out of tl a bush
tvhen the sleigh tipSet, throwing him
,4 and 11111D ing him by theq.a]g he-
taveen a tree and the log. Vdry for-
tunately the horses stood pc]rfeetly
still, ot her wiStt it Would have gl'oUnd
his log to pieces. His father ,lheard
his call for help and came to hiairelief.
Goderich: We are aorta,' to -have
to recor(1 the death of Miss Jessie
oliver,,, which °craw rod on Ince ral (111010]l nerher Fri dire ve n
Li -
i g last ;it her 1101kle. iVii88 01r :yr WliS
a k en iIi almer, three, weeks a;Pi.'with.
afloat of tla.] stornaela, and ' snife
of ell that could be done ,hets'astl-theal
istes, a *killed 1105 se; being with
r (01 '11 her illness, the attack
1ited fatally.
sria,Sta- Ade .fartt.
What is
.01 5XXXKL ,W1t ,\XN NNV
-Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is
harmless substitute for CLI.stor Oil, Paregoric, Drop,e,V,,
mid ',Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opim
„Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasaut..:,
' Its guarantee is thirty years' Ilse by Millions ,o'f
, -1Mothers. Castoria destro3's Worms and allays Ft)VeriSit-
oles. `Castoria cures Diarrhwa and Windeolic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and .
riataleag; castoria aSaimilates the Food, regulates
tSibmach :and Dowels of infants and Children, giving
hea1tli4 and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -I -The; Mother's Friend.
Castaia,. Castoria, •
ecastoria is an excellent 'itedicine for " eastorla Is so well adapted to children
children. Mothers have repeateActold, ate that I recommend it as superior to any pre -
of its good effect upon their ellildreth< scription known to nie."
Da. O. C. OsG000, 'Lowell, Acgs,r, II. A. ARCHER, NI. D. B?ooklyn,.N.
•.1 F ,419A'AZ.!1,
A IRadiCal Chancre, in Marketing Methoils
'Aplied to Sewing Machines. •
4th. 61,40,w4tiet! vvhich you can obtaisit
easier tern'es tTnThitfr,er value in the purchase of
71.7.77=if ous 7,Mie" Sewing Maehine thari
ever ibefore offered. •
• sa sc•'for our elegant H-'1' Catalogue and detailed particular. How -
WO ean deve you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine]
and 'the- insay 7,71.r=o payment we ean offer, either direct from
factoi-Y or through our feginar authorized agents., This. is an oppor-
ttnity cannot afford to pas'a.You know the "White," you know-
- ta
• ninnufacturers; Titerelore, a7771777;7747.17177177 mac i=7ILw ait
its consist:I-dada ls.ltinfacessery, f you have an old machine to exchange-
. _
wa can offer most liberal -terms. Write to -day. Address in full.
For sale' by S.. MA RI" 1 N Exeter.
The Election Protests. .
• Ste Thomas, Jan. 17. --The protests
against, the retain of C. A. Browner,
hitt) isrti Ewle•pisitt Ea were
day dfternoon With D. MeTaaws. The.;
petitioners are D. .Miielntyre iu WC?
EaSt riding and Donald. -MacNish:
in -
the West- riding. Both , are defeated
Liberal eandidates in the .hyeeleCtion
held on Dec. 12, .1809.. The . Charges
-aro -plat otically the same in'''each case.
It is alleged that the Candidates ,and
their agents 'did directly and inclii'ect-
Ne., 'lend, offer and ,prentise vain -
aisle considerations 10 person to vote
.and refrain from' ,voting; that drink.
and other entertainment was furnished
to voters; thatundue influence, and,
Other illegal'acts were practiced; thnt,
meat and refreshments Werp ljaia.- fors
that travelling.exnenses•of voteee,avere
paid; 'that treating Wita sindalged irn.
that :•peaSons Were indneedtatts -.vote
when they had no right' toe'eVt;ja'an aria
that' bets and wagers Were !Ina:P
J,' M. Clarks e--M.P.P.,
Smith's Falls; .'];‘'
:Hatitilton's Patriotic Fut
$5e,1 siv.Tt . of $10,000,
l‘tr, Joseph G. Kirk-,
of L
Stratftird; is dead
11-t4"/rke of 'Hon. John Haggar 4,
in t•he -hospital at Montreal
'Three young men escaped from the
Mercer Reformatory last night beween
5 and 6 o'eloek.
A seven-year-old SOD of Mr. D. B.
Watson; Guelph, is dead from the ef-
fects of a horse's kick.
The Imperial Bank hos snhseribed
$2,000 and the tank of Toronto $2,500
to the National 'Patriotic Fund.
Five more protests have been filed
by the Manitoba Conserva ti VeS
the election of Liberals to the Legisla-
By a fire in Peck & Co's Wok,
Winnipeg, the Consolidated St:Atha
. .
nery Company lost $30;000 by dalfinge
to stock. •
Mr. W. H. Varey of St. Catharines
was found dead in the. tannery °Mee.
It is supposed he WilS attacked 'with
heart disease.
Testimonial of 'John Hunter,
. • Township of Usborne..
, •
• I tun using English Stock Food for
calves and young stock and am highly
pleased with its effects. it keeps the
digestive organs in a heathy condition
and thegrowth and improvement of
the stock is well Marked. T., consider •
it a most excellent food and feel con-
fident that it, pays well to use it. 4.
Would highly reconunend its use to all
,stock 1 115015 21 mufiettiipd. bY
Luta, druggist,,Exeter. Price 50 cents ,•
per bag. .
A large part of the business quat•teis
of 1)7? 5S'500 City was burned on Wed-
nesday night, January 10. Th
exceeds S500,000. „
„ ton -year-old hoy °named 4Edimind
Depatie, residing,,,iegrpoielt Charles,
was killed at a ei4ossing td the Grand
Trunk in that town. •
.1‘lary 0 lirran. all 'aged scittaw, was
fc)utsd dead at Barrietield. Near the
bedy was a laiSket containing two hot-
tlee half full of whiskey.
• I e NV1As for the :Provincial bye -
elections in Manitoba, have been issued,
ancl polling on February 0. :
Nonathation ,takes place on .1001; IV ,":30
Blackleg has broken <tilt atrithl g Ilir t.atolld
cattle in the CleirVale diatiet. vet,- '1'"Vir''
urinary surgeon. 011,,
trials' in the affectUr
row•paing crops because they're
resh and alwaya tine best. For
-gale everywhere. Refuse substitutes.
Stick to lireify?s Seedand prosoer.
1900 Seed 1'.4nual. free. Write,i1.?,r
9.M. FERRY &CO..Windso,r, Qnti
•' .• tresaals(i.
t,•A •
child of ,Mr.Thomaa Rutherford
Williamsville took a bottfe of cal -bond
acid from the sideboard', and drank
Part of the contents, dying in a couple
of hours.
THERE Is No Cf?';cfE0,TAI5(T,5.7 about
Pyny-Pectoral. 11 66res your cough
quickly. All brithchial affections give
way to it. .Sc.2°Phil druggists. Mania
factured by he, rirdkietors of Perry
Davis' PainlKiller.
Mr. Will. Fldtcher, one of the pio-
neers,of Downie township died at the ,1.?C
homesteadbn lot 11, concession 14, 00
SatjardaVAvening, Jan. 13, aged 80
years: , The deceased man'had been ill
for seVbral years and his death was
oPercy. Carroll, the fonv-year-old son
aif M. Carroll, of Hamilton, had a fit,
fa]rtltdhehri't(1).11g(?itvileel't,ilewhhotbiys itincV1171ribatt1111!
ile pot the little fellow in a tub c)
water, the temperatnre of whioh was
not too hot for his own fingers when
tested, but the child was fatally
scalded. •
:nfantS and Children.