HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-25, Page 1TIIIRTEENTII YEAR -- 607.
sin hardware, but it (loos not necessarily follow that
theie L', not to be. 011e. In fact we have just received ,
news of very heavy advance in a short time.
Known hs Builders' Hardware, this last year has
been (in exceptional ode owing to the rapid advances in ,
all lines. We consequently bought very heavily and as
result find ourselves very much overstocked. lf you
intend to
Or a barn this coining, season, we will be very pleas- .
ed to give you prices on tal the hardware you will re-
quire, and we c(tu convince you can build build about its
T AN -
orN cfPffs.
To be seen to be appreciated.
Conaplete stock of American Pereitles, 8.0, inch
regular 12Lic. clearing
English Washable, 10,0.; now Cie.
Men's all 'Wool half hose, regnlar 20c., to sell at
Men's guaranteed all:Wool 'flOse, regillar 25c. sell
at 19c.
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or yinage property, at
iowest rates of interest.
Barristers, eta., Exeter.
e undersign ed has a 'few good farms for
male cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
• Sam weirs Block Exeter
The undersigned is offering for sale or
?tint his for3n heing.Lot4jO son.th Boundark,
1ly,,c611ainefilro0 e hIlhartiVa'adr-t'f&clea-r-
ed-antl in a good state of culti.vationv 132
acres Jail ,plowing done and 8 acres fall
'5heat sown. There is on the premises a
good bank barn and other out buildings,
good orchard, twog,00a wells and other
convenienees: This is a good. farm and will
be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Ap-
ply to Wo. HARRIs,
• Bay, 1'. 0.
Statement of Assets, and Liabilities
of the Corporation of Village of Exeter,
on December. 81st, 1899.
Cash in Treasury',2 2905 87
Taxes in arrears, :
35 59
Town Hall sinking fund in iNfolsons Bank, 807 57
Land, including Parks, 1500 00
Town Hall building,• ' (350000
10,000 00
400 00
1.000 00
100 00
School Property (entire)
steam and hand rim engines,
Band instruments and uniforms,
Wind nail and water tanks,
:Market building and weigh scales,
Total assets $27329.03
Comity Rate dim and unpaid, $ 378 70
Granolitlfic Tan/cement deb. debt issued
1805, 500 00
Aid to railway, 7942 95
Town Hall debt, 0500 00
Steam fire engine debt, . 1800 00
Oranolithie pavenrent deb. debt issued
1805, 1390 ob
Total Liabilities $15517 05
County Rate for 1898, $ 379
Streets, bridges;drain parks, etc., 2597 53
• Town Ball account,
'Election expenses,
Salaries and commissions,
Refund of taies and
Water supply:01d fire protection,
Printing, stationery, postage
Registration fees,
Legal •fees,
gills payable and redeemed,
Interest other than debenture,
Street fighting,
Cublic Library, •
Town Hall sinking fund,
Street watering account, .
4 Railway debenture debt,
Town Rail debenture debt,
Oranolithie paverhent debenture debt,
2950 4.
0(1359 '
115 99 (31
700 ;
30 00 (11.
2800 06- '
29 35
913 75
515 00
504 93
792 77
325 00
129 60
Miscellaneous, 209 80
Qublic School 8010.40,, teachers salruics. 2404 31
" " - " janitor and Secretary, -
salary, ' 285 09
" turd etc. 161 30
miscellaneous, • (32164
Total expenditure , .4. S1160.1 52
We, thmtindersi,,nmed Auditeis of the Altinicipalitk,
of the Village of Exeter do certify that we ilEINC ek-
lanineel and audithd the foregoing accounts of th,g
Treasurer and gild 511501 correct and She balance 67‘
13995 87 18 in the hands of Ilse Treasurer on the 31st,
13001091111 1899,
Municipal Auditors' Abstract of the Report of ;the
accounts 55 (3)5 Treasurer of the Village of Exeter,
tor the year ending- on the 31sb elay of December 1899.
Balance from 1598; $4425 10
Arrears 08 (0155 1808; ' 15114.
;interest 00 1101510-11 oe eaves 1898, 4 52
Taxes eoneef,ea'for mintieipal 10111101 11
1595, 8293 73
'License futid, 472 42
Street,e, bridges, parks, cte., • 13 34-
Speciallocal rate re,granolithic pavement, 1445 00
'Poll fax ' 0 00
• 'Legislative settee; grant, 220 00
(1(13330 .c11001 Boards, 253 70
Itents'of p'yoperty, 10013
Mniiey berrowed:bn biOs 311y113e, 230000 .
• 'interest on investments andlleposits, 34,92
Ste ea waterinvAind fretitage tax, 17135(3
Librarpaccount, 200 00
MiscellaneoUS, 79 70
Z)ict Receipts $1.8000
otal receipts brought do \cri 69.
'Id al expen131101'0,; 14001 82
ork bond ' S7
lindited 191d found correct.
THOMAS (iProorty351)1013)11
S, 1,41,11511,1,
:DateiI,T;wu 1l:411) 1900.
Money to loan at from 434 to 5 per cent.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
The undersigned has a limitedluttntity of
now Beardless Barley for sale: also a num-
ber of sows supposed to be with pig for sale.
;lain May, Exeter, P0, London. Road,
There strayed from the e promises of theun-
dersigned, two good two-year,-om steers;
color, one all white, the other red. Both
animals are marked on both ears by a V.
shaped piece being removed., from tbe top of
each ear. Any person giving information
-as to their w-lrerp.almu41, ;will be suitn bly re-
...karded.. 44- ,
QITINTON EROS., Saintesbury
If you want your Repairing well clone
go to R. HICKS—Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry a specialty.
Marriage Licenses issued and Wedding
• Rings always on hand.
Fanson's Block, Exeter.
Grand Bend
Mrs. (Rev.) Harrison of Granton,
preached a very intereseing an instruc-
tive serMOD ill the Methodist church
on Sunday last and on the following
Monday afternoon a meeting was called
for the purpose of organizing a Wo-
men's Missionary Auxiliary, when the
following officers were appointee:—
Pres., Mrs. Young; Vice -Pres„ .1Ni,s.
George Sherritt. Rec. Sec'y, ..Miss 4 lie
Mollard; Cor. Sec'y, Mils , Della Ski -
rift; Treas., Mrs. Winn Mollard.—
and Mrs. Wm. Down, of Thedford, ihe
visiting friends here this week.—Mrs.
Tom Fellis is on the sick list.' We WO
td,soon liear of her recovery.—Messrs.
Flank Baker and George drity retrkii-
editieme from the "Woods;n"-eit Thinr,-
claViNst. Frank had theTinisfortime
to'llii;„e his foot badly cut.while a,Way,;
consequently will be laid pp for a 'fOW"
days ---Mr. Delbert IMollArd, accbm-
panied hy his sister, Miss Allie, visitedfrAds in Varna and flensall fa'St:
week. ro ' '....,
Mrs. 'Wm. Leivis,4of Ltniclon, is vis-
iting at her datighter's, ;Mrs. Thomas
Miss Lottie 171.i*s, of Exeter,
and Miss Hill are' Visiting their aunt,
Frank Hill spent Fricla.Y. Lcindon on
13u5i15eSs.--3-Lt.''.11:E/Ston has his sAw-
ing the buzz again and is
doing, an extensive business. --Mr. G.
Grafton is .preparing to build a new
.brick dwelling next season. --Messrs.
/C. L. Haggitl) and Harvey :Lane are
again engaged in the same schools for
another tern). This spettls well for
'the y6iing nien. rs. (Rev.) 'Harrison,
of Granton, was here op Thursday
last, for the purpose or building up our
Womens' Missionary Society. A num-
ber of the ladies gathered at the church
(tnd were addressed by the visitor.
WErinixn Bhinns.,--The ,first' jingle.
of these inerry bells in 1900,
bring with them so much1 joy and hap-
piness, Were heard ringing in our burg
on \Vettrmsday, it being the wedding
_of Mi;35.3 elar11 Boyle Aft. F'ercy
BroWn, butter maker,' Of Winchelsea.
'rile wedding was perfortned at the
Methodist parSonage, Ellin ville, ,by the
Rev. Mr. Waddell, after which the
young eAmple returned to the residence
of the bride".s mother, lierentnd partook
of a sumptuous repast. The.: wedding
prose!) were both n unievons and cost.,
ly, which spealt highly fla to ale es,
teem which the young' couple are
held. Wc join, with their limtly friends
in wishing them a pleasant voyage
throtigii ;101111103'.
Mrs. (Rev.) Harrison, of .Granton
preached a very impressive mission=
ary sermon in BostonMethodist church
last Sabbath and on Monday' evening
she gave a very feeling and interesting
address and organized a WOMens'Mis-
sionary Society. --Union Tent, No. '48.,
K.O.T.M., have arranged to.'hold ,
grand entertainment and oyster sup-
per on Tuesday evening, Jan. 301.h.
They expect a ninnber of speakers,
among them, Mr. S. W. Trussler, Dep-
uty Supreme Commander, of Cain-
lachie, and Henry Eilber, 1(1. P. P.
Music will be furnished by th,e Crec/i-
ton Quartette Club.—A. 0. Wilson,
B.S,.A.,;*London, is 13913ne on a visit to
bs p3tAfilts.,--4Mr, James Py1e.3 of New
YOfk, manufacturer o4the celebrated
Pearline'r died at his home in New
York city last Sunday. Ile was born
in Nova Scotia and was a relative of
the McPherson's and Wilson of this
vicinity. He was a man of great
wealth.—Severa/ young boys have got
themselves into trouble and opened a
way for a trip to the county gaol or
Kingston, by breaking into a vacant
house of Mr. John 1MeGregor's and
breaking about fifty lights of glass.
They are liable to be arrested any day
if the parents neglect to settle.
Mr. Gilmore has returned from his
twO weeks visit to Jerseyville.—Mr,
Albert Neil, of Toronto, attendedthe
funeral of his father; Daniel Neil, On
Sunday: last.—Mr. Richard Dagg, of
London, is visiting friends in Hidilelph.
—Mr. john Guest is down with the
grip, but is mi the mend.
Din. --There died at the &billy re-
sidence, Maple Avenue Farm, on Jan-
uary 191.13, Daniel Neil, at the (.t.dvanc-
ed. age of 82 VO 1.15 a man universally
respected for hiS sterling christian
qualities. The deceased was born in
.freland and at the iige of 18 years he
came to Canada. He leaves four sons
(Ind four daughters to mourn his de-
miSe. ,His sons, John andiRichard, i.e
sides in McGilli Vt. ay township, Albert,
Toronto; and Franklin H. on the old
homestead. His dzingliterS are MrS,
Black -Well and Mrs.' Williains, Clande-
bOye, MrS. Wicket, Toronto, and. Mrs..
Ad un 'Neil, of McGillivray, ••'•
.AS one by ene theyfade away,
• Those hardy pioneers,
That /wide their homes in Canada
For 11101e thrill sixty years,
Tts few upheld the Christian cause,
Or could its truths re,yeal,
Or lived according to its laws
Like our friend, Daniel Neil.
Who always send just what he thought
In his peculiar Wfty,.
No one who knew old Mr. Neil
Would doribt what he would say.
He 11) 0110 use for pomp or pride,
Or those thitt rinide pretence,
Ile had instead a well 8t0L'ed. Mina
Of 0-ood sound, common sense.
I knew him ss'ell for fifty years,
And well I ought to know,
He, t(tught our class in SUrldriy school
Near fifty years ago. •'
He and his ±1) 3d John Atkinson,
And TOInlil y AbbOtib, t00,
Would meet on SuntLty zdternoon
At dear old "Number two,"
To try ancl teach the rustic, youths.
And did not try in vain
But left impressions on their minds
For 0100 1.11100115.11).
The impress left there long ago,
Allow rue here to" sily,
It could be seen for anany years
And can be seen to -day.
A 1Triend.
Mitchell Srinday night the grocery
store of E. '5(1115101'!], was entered and
soine-nighte..enboxes of eigaretteS and
several poimds of candies carried
away.. A 19:1,00 in the , door at the
rear Of the shop was 3e0101701; ana
then 1500 '5 was ati easy matter.
S. joSepil •
e 11iii I) a S a g; n sa 1)1,?f'al'ed
and 01.11' ll0;ids are in a very poor con,-
dition.--The population or our burg is
steadily inereasing, the Wife of 1 -Er.
Geo. Campbell gave liirth to twin gir18
on ToQsday of last week, one still horn,
th6 other one andthe mother are both
progressing favorably. --A very enjoy-
able evening was span t die residence;
'1 1. aml Mrs. Rohe. Taylor, on
liriday night last, \viten a goodly
31 in lel' Of yoring people gathered., to-
gether and stepped the light 1';i 011)4101;
to the sweet stiAins 0 i -,he violin in
11113 LL)1P 'rands of Mr. kr. Bossenherry,
of Grand Bend, bill the wee sina hours,
—Mr, J. Surtuus has got the brick on
the ground for the, erectlon of a new
brick house next sunnuer. That is
right ;Josh get tlie cage and then 'the
bird. ---The residence of Mr. R.
was the scene of a very pretty sved-
,ding on Wednesdity eve11100;2I111 inst.,
When his daughter 111;trgery was' unit-
ed in,the bonds of holy matrimonY to
Mr, Thoinas Horton, of TtickerSinith,
'the; Rev. Mr. L01,1g, of Hensa 11, tying
the nuptkil 'knot, harsland fast,
about. four o'clock- in the 11 fte11(144',
'the gliests began te arrive. The?C'ex,p..
Mony was performed 01-11ve.
bride was very Ilansoinely
cream corded ge4c1s, triunuotl iW;d1.1-,
"creal-n, satin anetlace, 1; '1 supportc-d
lyyher sister 1Bertha,'WhileltIr. Preird,
Heirtoil brotherralisthe acted'ItS
beSt inan. After the Oersumny ' 'al
sumptuous dinner, )vas served tei
all present did justice,' The inide
recioicut of many Valuable "and'
Sod OM
Some of the local sports 'Were tart
one day last Week and Saw some -very'
strange tracks supposed to he these of
tt marten, rninus a, Joot. The tracks
Were seen On therP41„Vis lot, on the ith
'101)11-51 111 Steplieny Up to this thne
it has not been . eaPttired. --Mrs. .1 oho.
Periliale lielphig't4; attend her fath-
er, Nvho is ill, ,--1.Nfisk Arabella Box is
the guest of ;3116.. NSrin.
Han -is, I IA1 fl 1',01111 y are making opa r-
ations to inove to the 'Northwest.—
Sortie hen thieves visiter11\en. Ching's.
a few -nights ago and helped them-
selves to some of biS,fitzttn. hens.— -The
sodom Temperance, LetrYtte was ad-
dressed by Silas Stanialee,bdr,, Stinclity
night. --Mss Laura Harris: was select-
ed to take the nleetilifq atiXt Fi101th13`.
Mr. 1,Vn. McCoyngeneral (igent for
the Deering 114ailf,„LOttniing Co. of Chic-
,:igo, is assisting mirlorial Agents liere
fey a fewWalter, of
,.Iiistosvel, Yeineral agent' for the Tie-
-Minion Lite Assiutance.,,, co., was m
litisVn Sa1:Am:1(1V, los4.4,tg,',. after the in-
tdestiof the comP4Y,-Mr. and Mrs.
'IT41O, 'Wild, ofNoiAl'i''Dakcittt, lvere
'Callidden friends ii..,t41.00o. iNfr. Wild
haS.;,),Men in the iini,kf.or some years
whd 15 one ot tl10A10 young- men
)vhh lefther spine tt,riA4.ago that has
inad verY nice ff',4*ii.ttit. for himself.
1(15) 0,35.13)1 4.it13is new home
,has disposed
eIrrver to Snell
: good figpoit,ltreei„,
Con traC-
JAI,Xiikota.— Mr,
0l1Th d so 1) s
..anc;rROSs of ExeteVI:
Cnias. Cann,
;'of tbe Rous(
tor and painter oi 'tor. called on
- town Oscar
LIT , s h wood, :St Priclayed in toWn.
TorraneigArn„.as ;Attending
County Council inCiodo,ich this week-.
' - W1nebe1$11,
A young Mr. Tboti*n, and sister,
pf,'Woodstock, are 've,1/41Ig at Mr. A.
TurnbulPs.—Mr. Thos: :;Wilite has the
hi.ick, stone and .0104dAtbe ground for
the erection of a 'neW,:tbouse. during
the coming summei,%-r,Th'e Ladies' Aid
of St. Paul's church, Klif,kton, held a
grand social at the residence of Messrs.
Richardson and EassOii,.,',here, on Fri-
ditY evening last. TheIinuse was fill-
ecl to overflowing ad , Standing room
Was at a premium. Three big loailafrom
BlOshard, and one 'firer)) Clinton and,
Zitrieh were in attendange. The pro-
ceeds amounted to over.$1 5., which will
be'applied the new chnrch fund.—
Mr, John DelbriclgA had a big wood
be.e on Friday last and A.s a result john
had a fine lot ,,Of wood cut. More to
follow.—A social licip took place at the
residence of 11r. jolfin Bell, on Friday
night last, and the -es -ening was pleas-
antly spent. —Mr. Jibs. White, had the
misfortune to cut ho ;foot the other
-4siay'nibiob wi1l4Pd3ssit11tc4:his laying
otr work for a feW days. —A certain
young man was seen going north at a
very early hour the other morning.
It would be well for the party to take
something to keep the dogs from
s1ANWtTY, Bar s,
74,y4.o01er;;,'Not ario3, Fixeter. ont ,
ins,and`,T. vStan bury, -13.41. (late ,w)tl/
(:)ell ;41: Ar. or'N:
itoba, 010 ii
p.tt61..speraling a few days her, thed
uest:Of Mr: A. L: ,Hertrand.—Mr. C.
Beaver is haying' brick drawn for his
new brick block --.:Me, Charles Holtz;
mao is Wearing- a broad smile. It's
'go.—Messrs. John:. Kuhn, and John
Dietz are very ill. , We trust they
se,ohrecover,—Reyival 3ectipgs are
being held in, the Metbodist church.
Xas,y, they 'meet ;Mel). i-2-1!'ea,t,suocOss.'—
Mr./Gpo. Dieti," of Per,t Huron, is 1.
ing, his father, Who, is 1113 „Arid rew
Hicks, of Centralia,'„, Spent Monday
,eVening with here. ---31i'. V.
Rats, .14.1,. P., intends to hold a political
-Meeting in the Town Hall next Dies-
el:Iv, Jan. 30111, at17.30 pan. Every-
body come. ---Mrs. McKinster, whe has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Rosena
Finkbeiner, left for Hersey, Michigan,
on Wednesclay.—Our electric lights
appear- to have been dropped. Messrs.
make a start.
DIED.7-1sVord was received here last
week of the death of Cora Marie, infant
daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. M. Flan -
0000, of Detroit. The remains were
brought to the residence of Mr. James
Ifocignis here. on the 17th inst., and
interred in the Exeter cemetery the
following day. The paren ts, together
with Mrs. E. Flannery, of the same
city, Mr. Oscar Hodgins and Mr. Flan-
nery, sr., of London, accompanied the
remains here. Much sympathy is ex-
tended to the bereaved parents and
Far quhar
D. RAY, Farquhar, commissioner and
Conveyancer. Money 10 10150 at lowest, rates
of interest.
:Alt-, Samuel Passmore ancl his wife
visited Mrs. Passmore's brother, ?Jr.
Hair y Hunkin, of Logan, for a clay ot.
two last week.—Afessrs. W. A. Turn-
bull and D. Hay who were auditing
the books of the tisborne & Hibbert
Fire Insurance Co., the latter end of
last week and the 1)eginning of this
week have completed theft work and
the report accompanied by a beauti-
ful calendar will be in the hands of the
membei.s in a, few days.—Mr. Samuel
McCurdy andwife from 'Carberry,
Manitoba, have been visiting at the
former's father, Mr. S. McCurdy, dur-
ing the past'week or two.—Mrs. Hol-
man, of Crystal City Manitoba, is the
guest of her sister Mrs. Arthur Fran-
eis,—At the invitation of Mr. John
Thompson, Thames Road, a number of
the young men responded by turning
out with their axes and SaWS On
da,y,' cutting up all his 'mooch At
night the young ladies gathered in
and a very pleasant time wtts spent in
keeping time to the sweet strains of
the violin until the early hours of the
morning. --The Misses Barbara 1)forris,
Lillie Park and Sadie McKellar, of
Cromarty, spent a few days pleasantly
the latter end of last s \reek and the
beginning of thi. aS the gnests of Miss
Lillie. Passinote.—A very pleasant
tinie was spent at the house of Mr.
Simon Campbell one night last week
when quite a number of the farmers
and their svives in the neighborhood
gathered to hear Mr. A. Q. 'Hobicr, of
Exeter, explain the advantages of
cream separators. Mr. Bobier besides
taking up the benefits of the separa-
tor, entertained with his phonograph.
After this NA.qtS (001 331385 youths enjoyed
themselves 1,31 (1 time by.tippirig the Inc
to the sweet strains of the Violin.—Mr.'
Henry P1ISSI-1101re-and Nvife, 311. Thos,
Hackney and his sister 1ice 'and Mr.
James McNiCol ana friends at tended
'the, entertainment given by Ben go gh,
the clever cartoonist, and lectnrer from
Toronto, on Friday night last at
Statra, antler the auspices of the For-
esters, Of Court Withurn and are high
in their praises of the entertainment,
they en loyed so immensely, fl proyed
a, good drawing card fet. the Court, as
the proceeds amounted to ovo:, 370.
On Monday evening gr. DaVid'Brossn
returned home 11010 1,0! where he
has been svorking in tho gas works, to
spend a few (la:vs with his f(nnily here.
Children Cry for
DE 311 SIR: -1 have a grave problem
to submit to the citizens of Exeter, to
every surrounding village, zind :appar-
entty shOulcl be presented in every
city, town and village in Ontario.
The problem is: What is wrong with
Our boys? and hew shall we remedy
the wrong? if such ,exists. On the
street, in your stere or office, in the
homes, from the platform, 'from the
mlpit, yea hear the continual wailing,
hat shall We do with our boys? It
is said in all those places that our boys
Smoke cigarettes, cigai.s,, pipes; drink
and get drunk; are runnannerly; use
foul, indecent and bad language; are
lazy spendthrifts; gamble, aud in fact
that the ordinary boy of to -day is bad.
IS this 'accusation true or 'false? .ikfter.
considerable eng ivy I- ant personally
convinced that it is partly trne. True
to a larger .extent than any father,
mother,.philanthropist, or any person
Svhci wished well to his fellow -beings,
could. wish. Parental authority,
lie school discipline, Sabbath school
teachings, chnrches, single lectures,
all Ordinary/lie:ins that have been tried
seem inadequate to the occasion. Cur-
few bellsdn other towns do not seem
to. get to the bottom of the trouble.
You can't curfew a boy or girl of six-
teen or twenty home at night. If our
boys are.gbing wrong, 011100 01(11 be no
utility in hiding the fact. Nothing
canhe more effective than, open day
light and.discassion on: all. our :public
troubles: 1 write, not as an aggrieved
parent, but a's a sympathizer with,Par-
ents whose boys are going , wrong-. Of
course all the foregoing accusatious
are partly true of 01-11Y Urnited, 11.51.4
bet' of boys. No one Can- pretend that
an the boys of (tny community can be
aCcused of imprOper eon d ft Ct of 11 37
If the proportion of such boys
is increasing,:bew shall Wel 111004 37 i t ?
That is the question. Shell . we let
them alone to work- out their own-. f a,
'titre salvation? ,.Shall.we co-He:Ns-them
into a better life? • . Shall we provide
better ,and healthier (innisements for
them?. Shall 'we take them into our
confidence and try perfeet frankness
tvith them ?: Shal1:. the parents unite
their,: forces or each work: singly ?
Shall the method; be ha rsliness, kind -
118555, or a mixture? Let ns 'cuddle
oar brains and devise. "11 111 . common
ground :on which all can meet, 'and
Work harm si y 1.0 011,1114 cm ni on
end. Let' us at least discuss 'the mat-
ter in the open light 'of, :
Yours; 3. .
. R.
EXeter,. .fan'y 201110 1000.
Var1)11.: SAC.011:4> 4111111 11)11(1 from daughter. Mrs. Carpen-
ter, of Copits, Mich, last I.VQ01:,
ing that her only 0" Imy OC 1.8
1110111.1:is old, /net with his tl eat I) by ii n
accident. His inotlier 111z1111121.g.
And while she. was lianging ont the
(1100110)4 ±110 e1i1c1 \ve.titi 'b.) the stoye
aild his clothes caught ',on fire. Bris
sarearns brought 1118 amtlier to him,
but he died in two hours.
Clinton: For some timQ 'Salto Moz'
ley has been employed. at the home
of Mr. -NV. ,Iaelcson, and on T1301.4da.7
morning he got up as usual, did his
chores, and appeared to be in his gen--
oral health, but when called for break-
fast) he did nob respond, When Mr,
aeloson Wentlip to his room, he foUnd
him lying on the bed dressed, but kra-
eonscious, and breathing lieavily.. A
doctor was e(tilecl, who, on examina-
tion found he was suffer/lig, fror.t..
paralysis and in less than, half an hour
he exnired.
Godel'ich: .e)ei Wednesday nlOrning,
the n:'i;1enc- 11 31rs, Howell, was tin',
scene of a quite wedding, the COtt-
tracting pin:ties being the fiLir 0'. '130"
and Dan Mei vol., of loitne.vie's 111(04.
001)115 e,Stablishment. Al3 11. 01.0)4 ail ear-
ly wedding, maids and best nien were,
dispensed with, and as the clock chim-
ed six Airs. Howell entered the room ,
leaning on the arm of her father, „i•;(31
ttm inspiring music of the we
inarbh played by the bride's
)lis 1-lottep. Rev, Jas. A. And
B. A., then joined the bridal eiii
bonds that only death can bre
at the conclusion, of. the cerenio
appetizing- wedding breakfast
Hayfield: Al the annual inqetin
the Stanley Branch Agriculturgl Seel-
ty, held at the River hotel. here, the
followingofficers were elected: llobt.
Silowden, Pres.; Richard Pon hale, first
Vice Pres.; David McNa u gh ton, second.
Vice Pres.; Directors, H. A.. Higgins,
Varna, Donald Galbraith, Albert An-
derson, Goclerich township; Hall Rut-
ledge, .10110 Woods, Porter's 1. Hills;
Charles Donaldson, Joseph I'NriTol, Geo.
Bates. Stanlek township; James Don-,
alelson, 10., Bayfield; Reuben Graham,
Brucefield; H. W. Erwin, Hayfield,
Secretary; Frank A. Edwards, Hayfield
Treasurer, The receipts of the societ.y
for the year were $531.06; the expendi-
ture $518.50, leaving ft small balance
on. hand.
Goderieli: In the death of the late
Mrs. GarrOW 011 Friday the township
of McKillop loses one of its early
settlers. Mrs. Garro* -was born in
the North of Ireland of Scottish an-
cestry on Febrimry 2nd, 1818, and was
thus in her 82nd year. Her maiden
name was Rebecca Kay. In early in-
fancy she -went with her parents to
Glasgow, Scotland, where she remain-
ed till her marriage in April, 18.42, to
the late Edward Gatrow, a native of
the Stirling town. Scotland, who died
in August, 1894. It might be men tion -
that on the clay of her husbands fuller-
al Mrs. (3a111 -ow fell and broke her
thigh, and as she never recovered front
this injury the accident 110 doubt great-
ly shortened her life.
Seaford): St. James' church, was
the scene of two interesting niatrimore-
ial events last ,week. On, Tuesday
tri /inn gSAViiiggie eurid; darigh-
ter of the Itne Michael' McQuVel, of,,;
Tnekersinith. WaS united in -niarriage
to Mr. P. J. Kelly, a prosperous young
farmer, of near Blyth. The ceremony
WaS performed, 1337 Rev. Father Mc-
Cabe, and the. bride was assisted by
Miss Mary Lamb, while Mr. Kelly,
brother of the groom, acted as grooms-
m(tn. After the ceremilnythe Young
couple drove to tile bride's home,
where ft large number of guests had
assembled. The remainder of the day
and evening was pleasantly spent in a
social way. On Wednesday morning,
Miss Mary Kennedy, sister of the
:Messrs. Kennedy, butchers, Seaforth,
and Mr. Robert King, of Wingharn,
joined hands in matrimony. Rev.
Father McCabe, performed the cei2e-
1001137. 'Miss Lizzie Kennedy assisted
the bride, while the groom was sap,
ported by his brother.
Wardens Elected.
Toronto, Ont., Jan. 23.—Wardens or
County Councils in the Province of
Ontario were elected as follows:-- '
Frontenac—Win, Miller.
Norfolk—I, D. Dalton.
.Peterborough --Joseph Foster.
Leeds and Grenville—Andress Car-
Brant—Scott Da,vidson.
HUrOn--Dr. Rollins.
Lennox and Addington—Thos. S:s-nn-
Hastine-s--James Clare.
Elgin—Da' Moore.
Ontario—.Tames G. Umphrey.
Lainbton—M. D. Cameron.
Victoria—T. A. Ellis.
Kent—Sohn Davidson.
Haldimand—Thos, Hassard.
Sinicoe.—W. H. Hamilton.
Peel—Robert Johnston.
Perth—W, F. Sandeifson.
Lincoln—W. H. J. Evans.
Waterloo --Jacob S. Haltinan,
Oxford—Councillor iNfurray.
Wellington—J. A. Henderson,
Bruce—P. Cummings.
Stormont, Danclas and Glengarry—
Thos. S. Edwards.
Prescott and Russell—J. Joaniesse.
Renfrew—W. J. Johnston.
Carleton—B. Rothwell Gloucester.
„ , „
BE L L --vLitviim. one residence of
the bride's parents, Mothenwell, on
January 101.13, Mr. J. C. Bell, of Win-,
chelsea, to Miss Bella Oliver.
13110-WbL-13001 E. --At the illethoclist
parsonage, Bliniville, on January 17,
by the RCN. NV. J. Waddell, Mr. P.
. Brown, butteminker, of Cen-
tralia, to 14iss Clara Boyle, of the
same place. isEA'Tpis.
SW.1LLOW--in11 on ,Tan, 14,
5E61i3z,,ietable,st,bowini foenottCrs .e „' S a ge
Mottly--In Clinton, on January lith
Isaac. Morley, aged 79 years,
childrell cry for
r. 4