HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-18, Page 8„,„ , iee en •i St ' ei • Mere. e eeerterceenleee, Ter-e71"T" f=ralta! \T s •• s ' ' ..'S„ ' •' --t i s • • I Coliarette Lost. Up. Sthettlep, of Ditshwood, is engag- I/ 1 With cost to •311Ssiness Brightness Brings SucCess. 1 ' ' - - Y the tiewspaper. The special dispatch- On the London Road between Mr, ed. 't ' (sleek for the, It Pielet el Go. Seenetilenee Artmr74'VED .AT ...4•N )..' TIME .,. , 4. • t, .1 • 1 4 144 4. .4 ,4 ,,, , , , , • , ' ' ' " .., .6,C 1. CI 1,4 ' t. S belie et) tat, eenkeee inecropinieni W in. icomne ...nut ioNvn, a nu, (joutn,_ \7., R m, P. , of flava {..,,,,Lve taw rei en__ j, levees eoet, for cabling alone, some- ett.e. Filldee 'will Pollfer a favor bY A nynceeee; 0 pleasaut ce111 00 Alondey tedee " nit/ thing like te1)25 0 column. Soinetheles, leaveng sallie at this office: • h Arr. 13/4 kei., of AN, en \\ (1 eerrespom eet h 1Se "rbe cited-tidal:es mentioned for the seetie leraley last. in town on business. eenee " "scoop," lie •sends it at "urgelleY Wardenship of the County are Dr. ' • • • S I/ 14,1' FOR I:), ONT'. rates -el etull'hge or $3 ci" Ronnie, of' Exeter, and. I). Holt Of AGhool that offers antages slot fouee Mr• \Valiant Dell, employe, of,. onedeiedi, bid., we have every .30e;ison fq.ses,svheto iserOtIlikda. Large staff ef expert. Sutherland -Innes Co;, received the to•think.it will fall to the fernier. • Before Judge .MZ1SSOU. attoneelle,enits nice-ence. MonclaY last of the instrecticeee inerea,ecei , o - (late buiiness training; scores of studenta laced in. god paying positions; studortt,6 (1C-qt11 of his wite which took place at her 'mine near Soirera, Mrs. Dell had la. a tte ildanee from plaoe.4.14 which are loon, - ed other busi.ness colleges. They want the best. It pees in the end New terin now open. Enter ai soon as posrible. Write to- day for our handsome prospectus, W. J. Elliott, Principal LOCAL DOINGS. 143 11U\1 lit by eleetricity. 'The towo eloek took a rest on Sunday. Huron County Qatencil will meet, on ntesclay next. Miss Ethel Sweet etitertained,t nom- ' ber of her young friends' on Monday evening. elr. and 'Mrs. le. .7. Spackman enter - tertained a nuitibee or friends on Bei - day evening. Show your patriotism by attending the Patriotic: e'oncert, 00 Monday night next. A. large number oe our young people attended the ccu•nivel at Hensall on Tuesday night. The S teat tord Tine' „e„ssociation claim July 24 as the date for their trotting meeting for 1310e. The medals for eh: venterans of 180(1- 70 are now being neepaeed for distri- bution at Ottawa. Blaeiehard township council has de- cided to abolish t,e statute labor sys- tem of road making. It is • ratite a et -range eoincedence that the year IWO begins with a Mon- day and elide with a eforiday. Messrs. Melville & Morrison installed an acetylene gas plant in the skating rink at Ailsa Craig last week. Let thee he a lizinepee house at the Patriotic Concert in Ceidleys' Opera House on elonday evening next. Sleighing parties fro: a Hensall, Levan and Crediton attended the :skating riule on Friday evening. Piekle, employe of the Sntheeland 11141143 Co.. lost another -valuable horse from death,. on Fticlay. Miss Akan), of ellint,on, sang a solo in the James Street Methodist church, with splendid effect 4.40 Sunday night There is some talk of the Hensall •Ourlers playing an exhibition game in the Exeter sk,tenig rink in tlie near Hear Mr. leattersan to -night. He - has e eonthiental reputat.ion. Opera House. Admission, adults 25e., child- 3Ir. Cudmore, of Kipper), bonght, at fine lot of horses ie town this week. He iptends shipren;z, them to the Old Use Winan's Cough Balsam for Coughs, Colds and Beonchitie troublee. For Sale at Lards Drag store. Price 25c. per bottle. Me J. A. Stewart 0411(10 the p00 - 'chase of a handsome little pony in London the other day, which, he re- ceived 'Monday. Owing to severe illness his Lordship, Bishop Baldwin, will not be able to preach in the Trivitt Memorial chnecb on Sunday next. Miss Addie Mariock, milliner. ,en- tertained a. number of her friends on Tuesday night last, including se,veral from Mitehell. One day last week Mr. Wm. Sanders, of 'the, 4th concession, of Stephen, had a very valuable cow break her leg by slipping on the ice. V. Ratz, M. P.,will address a politi- cal meeting in renner's Hall, ei eand Bend, on Thursday evening, January 2.5th, at 7.30 o'clock. . The brick work on the new power house is finished. It is expected that the plant will be in running order within four or five weeks. Tbe. Nick for the erection of Mr. R. Knight's new tailor shop on the eornet. of Main and James streets is being hauled on the premises. While we go to press the District nieeting of the Royal Templet's is being, held in their hall, after which a con- e:ere will be held in Ccidlevs' Opera beeu in very poor health for a number of years. Mr. Dell drove to Lucan the same afternoon where he took the train for his home. The boiler and engine recently des- troyed in the power house tire were taken to Seaforth Saturday, where they will be overhauled by Mr. Bell, foundryman. Messrs. Snell & Tre- te:line have pieced an order with eir. Bell for a large boiler and two engines. One of the engines will be 50 horse power and the other 0 hundred. Turkish Scalp Food removes demi- rufT, removes itching of the scalp, re- stores the natural color and vitality of faded and guey hair and is a most pleasant, dressing, for the hair. Turk- ish, Scalp Food is rapidly growing in pa Wi0 favor and takes the. lead of all other preparations on the market. For sale at Lutz's Drug store, Exeter. AVInsuever anybody pours into your ears some piece of scandal, reneember diet* are two sides to the .story, and ask yourself what the motive of the teller may be. It will often be found that the scandal monger has soine per- sonal grudge to satisfy which has led to outrageous embellishment of the original incident. Us -welly, too, the person whose habitual CESe011use and conveesasional stock -in -trade is bitter and malevolent gossip, is a good. per- son t,o avoid. Generally speaking, the per who wilt vilify e neighbor to you, will vilify you to a neighbor. Tbe case of Bowman vs. Berry, which has auoused some interest among, horsemen and others Lin this neighborhood, came up at the London Winter Assizes lest week. This was House. • To -night Mr. Paterson's lecture, "From Toronto to Belfast via Salt Lake City," GitlIcy's Opera House. Reserved seats 25c., children 15c: Plan at Mr. Grieve's. Mr. W. H. Moncer. who has been engaged as clerk for eir. W. J. Ilea - mart the past few months,' has resign- ed his position. Mr. Moncur intends Gravelling Tor a Guelphilardwarefirm. A splendid program is being prepar- ed for the Patriotic Concert in Aid of the Red Cross SoeOty, on Monday night next. reet.e0ery person turn atronizie an action against Mr. Thos. J. Beery, of Hensall, for $1000, damages for4dleg- ed beezech of Warranty of at stallion, and for the return of the purchase money. Mr. Beery maintained 111151 he had not warranted the horse and that he was perfeceiy eOund when sold. When the ease was reached last week, consent judgement was entered for the defen- dant by which the plaintiffs withdrew the case and paid the costs of the Coue•t and of their Solicitors, the defendant paying his own. Aleredith & Co., (London.) for the plaintiffs, Collins & Stanburv; (Exeter,) foe the defen- Chicken for Sale. The undersigned has 0 number of choice Buff Coohins and Brewn ,Leg - horns for sele. These are splendid birds and warranted thoroughbred. JOHN 3110011E. To SlthscriberS. The figures after the address of every subscriber indicates the date to which his subscription hes been paid. A change of the number is a receipt foe money received. Watch the fig - n105 and see that you are paid. he ad - The spring sittigee.of the Assize Court for the Couti1y,'01 Huron will he 'held in Godez•ich on Monday, •Match 1919, for the trial of 'actions witha, ury, before %Ir. Justice Falconbrige, A'ild 00 Monday, May 2th for the trial, of non -jury ceses,. be,tee Mr. Chief Justice 'Meredith, A man in Beaton was fined. $10 and 510.00 costs the other day, for harbor- ing end selling estray cow with - one advertising her. Faeiners having serav ettle• on their premises should make a note of this. Social Evening. „ The Willie.. Workers of the Trivitt Memorial church,. inten(t to give a social evening we Feley, 19th inst., in the sehooL hall, comniencing at 7.80. Jed nisei° n 10 tents. Refresh Dien ts ssill 140 served. We hope our vousitg people will be eucoueaged anal well patronized. Gold Medal Contest. A ehnoting match for the Exeter Gun Club gold 111ed.01 again took place on Saturday last between Me.sst•s. Roberti Senders and Wesley Snell, re- sulting, en Me. Sanders again winning the teophey. bit wes a ten.bird match, the winner shooting ten -straight, while his opponent was 0 close follciwer having shee nine. Death of Mrs. Geo. Hodgins. Another of our oldest residents pass- ed over to the silent maeority on Sun day afteremon last in the pet -Son (If Charlotte , wife of Aix. George, Hodgins. The deceased has been in poor health for some time from general debility and.infirmities of old age, being in her 77114 year. Her remains wore interred in the Exeter cemetery (yesterday) Wednesday. , What The Law Requires. Parents and physicians eve le:mind- ed that every With must be reported to the elerk of the municipality with- in thirty days. The doctor should re- port at once, giving date of birth and name of parent, so the clerk will know who to look after for further particle lars. 'Neglect to attend to this matter is punishable by a fine of $10. Any births that have not been reported should be attended to before the end of the month. Clergymen 000 requir- ed to report a marriage within thirty days tend :deo make a half yearly re - 110)1. 014 forms provided by elerk. On Tuesday the charge against John Doyle, of beeziking, into John G. Quar- rie's store at Mount Carmel and Steal- ing 'goods therefrom, was tried by Judge Masson, who found the accused not guilty. Edward. 1 -Tall who had pleaded guilty to the same charge, was Sent to Central Prison for six 111Q11ths. James, brother to John Doyle, was apprehended after the other two men, and having pleaded guilty, was sent to melte- ja11 for two months. E. Campton, Q. C., appear- ed for the Doyle's. Council Proceedings. 001.11161 met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, Friday, Jan. 12111. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirnidd. Lovett -- Armstrong, that the following ace coauts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for same: D. Dyer, sta- tionery, $1.40; C. Lutz, a coo 0111 1809, $2.05; Dr. T. A. Amos', disinfecting Vosper's and Powell's houses, $3.00; S. Handfeed, labor, 75c.; Geo. Cudmore, labor, $5.00; le. Rumohr, labor, $1.87; S. Baskerville do. gravel, 1,899 account $2.15; Wni. Treble, "North End" labor 1399 account, $1,12; Geo. H. Bis- sett, election expenses, $20.20; 3 ,lines Creech, postage 50c. Carried. Evans —Muir, that the, clerk ask for tenders for printing for 1900. --Carried. Evens —Levett that applications be received for the following positions up to jan. 19th: --Assessor, street commissioner, and bellringer.---Ctrried. Muir----Arm- strong--that the commit adjourn to Friday, Jan. 19th, at 7.30 pan. GEo. H. BissEre, Clerk, Concert and Lecture. The Concert and Lecture under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. of the Presbyterian church, promises to be a most interesting affair in the most ample sense of the word. A splendid Program has been Prepared including a lecture by the Rev. Wm. Patterson, of Cook's eh verde Toronto, the title of the lecture being "From Toronto to Belfast. via Salt Lake City." Mr. Pat- terson is admittedly 0 peer among orators and this lecture is said to be one of his msterpieces. The public A Sensible View. In discussing the benefits of adver- tising in newspapers, 'Me. W,tnamaker recently made the following statement: I never in my life used such a thing as a poster or :t dodger or 0 handbill. My plan for twenty years has been to buy $o much space in a nevespaper and fill it tip as I wanted. I would not give an advertisment in a newspaper of 500 circulation for 5000 dodgers or posters. "11 wanted to sell cheap jewelry 00 0011 a gambling scheme 1 might use posters, but 1 would 110t. Stilt a decent reading public. with hand- bills. The class of people who read them are too poor to support, mercan- tile affairs. J. deal directly with the publisher; I say to him: "How long will you let me run a column of mat- ter through your paper for *1100 or $500 as the case may be? I let him do the figring, and if I think he is not trying to take more the11 his ehare T give him the copy. I lay aside the profits on a particular line of goods for advertising purposes. "At first I laid aside $5,000. Last year I laid aside and spent $10,- 000. 1 haye done better this year and shall increase the sum as the peofits warrant it. liowe my success to the newspapers am to them freely give a , . certain profit of my yearly busm••ess. dleneelieeeenee--"seeeketrele”eirsaiIitinetelleee'S • • • PERSOAL. iT,4oaosimmeolmousaetneasaam M. .John Treble is still confined to his .home. • , Mr. Win. Bawden was in the County town Monday. • Mr. Will Hill spent Tuesday in Lon- don on busines. . • Miss Cora 1?rine visited friends in Kiekton last week. Mr. I. R. Carling spent Saturday and Sunday in Toronto. Miss Boyle. of Conte:elitevisited her brother, Mr. T. Boyle Monday. Ed. Christie :end sister Maud spent Sunday with friends in Hensel!. Mrs. Shelton. of Detroit, was visit- ine triends in Exeter last week. Miss Gertrude Laidlaw, of Seeforth, is the guest of Miss Vera HaWkshaw, Mr. 3'. Merner, of Zurich, gave the Advocate a pleasant call on Friday MI% Matile-SOn, oi 1ITC411, Spent 44. lew days in town the beginning of the Messes. 'Will Ross nnel Jackson, of Clinton, spent Sunday wit,h friends in town. • eIr. and Mrs. Rennie. of TTensall, weee the guests of errs. F. W. Collins, Sunday. Mr. R. Leathoen, who has been in London foe some sveeks' returned home -Monday. .311iss Ida, Johns, after It, pleasent vieit with friends in Sarnia, reetirned hoine Tuesday. Geo. Powell rammed to elarletA,e, Mich., after a few clays' visit with his parents here. Miss Sarah Gomuridge, of Felys -.Mills, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Hail, 'Huron street. • Coencillor etuir visited several 01 the Nortliern towns ditrille tlie foie, part ,)f tlie week. • Dr. .13311ine was in London last,' Fri day, operating 013 a, patiellt hl dle Gener,1 Hospital. Mr. Geo. Bawden, wife :tnel. family left, Aiondey fOr Alvinston sylieve they -will visit, relatives. Mr. Israel and sister, of Seaorth were the guests of the .Misses Sweet, Huron et., Stmday. eliss Elsie McCallum left last week to visit Beanipton, Georgetown; Toronto 4.113(1 131Itro.o. Chas. 1(yr-id, of Dot glas, is spending a fess, weeks; with old friende lexe.ter and vicinity. Mr. Thos. Tapp of Virden Stan.,is spending 41 few weeks with relativee An exchange pribliebee tha following ahe several things a level 110:nled man should miss 41 treat like this. -11•Be VValter Carline loft on' Setur- ehould never do, are te walk on a rail- daY, for St. Pan 1, elinie, where bc" has eoad track, to pohlt a gem or pistol et orres (1 - ,seceueed. a SittlatiOn as hook .keeper. • • A Good Example. • p nacnt ita 11011) Sea,- . another to keep ins '4'1VIIIgS in. en old sock, under the bed, or nin for office nv" s Cd-Idim 6 OP -la liellsee he Tee:Ni-4 largest building in this town. was filled here 'V0d11)ieday )not'ning 110(1. when he lies a paying beehives. co utnmst caPacety to -day at 1 will epe.nd 41, ‘S'OOkS ‘Vit,11 '1 s 1 IS 41r, A_ ineeti-ng of the Literary society o'clock, when a publie religions eer_ 'M Jos. Davis, svho We, elude men - of 00001 No. 1 Exeter publle school, vice Nwt,S held by the citizens 111 btelialf of last week beingilI is doing Aas held Friday evening for the 911r- of the British cause in South .Afriea. inie is sem eon fined ni hie NA-. pose of electing officers for dm Present All places of business were closed for temln, An intimated :tnd elose election one llorieltral-/IT 11)-eegaiii)esitiolghti,esiepreeisaii,,e‘eie,bel' d:sughtor, N.Nvihr(s>10(Ds11.))0Cill nv<iics91:stiotrlig, took place, which resulted, as folloivs: 'Rev. returned to her hoine in el elo- freeident, F. Ross; Vice President, S. and wae a.seisted by the other minis- :1;ohiee; Sc-Treae.. E. ' McCallnin; ters of the town. The united el • 'Rod ltOr, (7111, Q11( INfrelt", , Of 111e, twebes furmehed efe Mrs. W. Lovett I ft T e ' • Organist, propriate inusie, and at ,t1i0 close e col- Ilderton, where she TIooper; Usher, P, 110094 r, be t101 of 8125 was made fox' the Red sister, elre. Geo Ken' nee f tee: E. Rollins M Chrire D Ilendle Cross fend , • • e 01 e Is 143 week, the guest of Mr. G. A. K. Mc- Leod. mr. VV., Chapman of Hay, and Miss Westaway, of Hn esidl, were the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Alf. Ford, Sunday. :Mr. I. Newton, of Sarnia, and Mr. J. 1?. Roberts, of Parkhill, were in town on Monday winding up some business in connection with a real es- tate deal. Junes Westeott Donelas Man., is shaking hands with 11143 ntany old, friends, here axle Ivetek• He vill return in a, few weeks with a cauload horses. Win. eck ell left, Tuesday for Youngs- town, Ohio, after visiting his father, Me. Wm, Jeckell, Loudon Road. North, who still continues in a low state of truthful bit f informaton. "Among maY expect, a rare tre:et. No person and friends in 111'd'al'''111nd Exeter. 115±107) :Mr. F. 3. Cerr, of Duluth, Mime, who has been on a visit to friends in Montreal arrived here last week and will spend a feW de ys with friends and elr. Richaed Beock and sister, Al berta, who have been. visiting friends and relatives in town for the past few days, retuened to their home in Oshawa Tuesday. elr Ghee Kinyon of Ardoeh N. Dale, who has been visiting his uncle, Sir. Wm. Horton, left on Saturday for Washington, D. C., where lie will visit fore few weeks, after evhich he will return here and spend a short time be- . fore leaving for his honte in Dakota. Blyth: Mr. _Archie Meguarry, son of Mr. Hugh McQuarrie, has enlisted for servicein South Africa. is a member of the 13th field battery, Win Wingletni: James Tedford black- smith at Wm. Holmes' was severely kicked by a horse Monday mei aS 14. consequence was unable to work for several days. Cinton: eIr. George Swallow has disposed of his grocery business, which he has carried on so, successfully for years, to F. D. Melville. Mr. Melville is a young man 4111(1 ha lately been in business in Russeldale. Clineont Mr. George McGeegor had the forefinger and thumb of his right hand taken off on Sa,turday by a cir- cular saw which he 'MIS operating in eiackenzie's planing mill. 'Air. Mc- Gregor has returned to his home in Goderieh. Hensel!: The friends of 'Air. Robert Tsvitchell will regret to learn that he is serionsly ill and had to undergo an operationon Sabbath. Appendieitis, We believe, is the trouble, ancl it is thought he. will have to undergo an- other operation. Goclerich: Chas. Johnston, who was charged with horse stealing, at d suit Dungannon, stealing a net, clothes in Lucknow, was senteliced by Judge Masson to one year in the Cen- tral for eat% offence, the sentences to run concurrently. Parkhill: On Saturday morning last a. tirekesman of the name of Wilson fell while his train was at the station here and the wheel of one of the ,,caes passed 0000 1111 arm, severing 31 be- e tweets the elbow and, shoulder. He was teken on to Sarnia. Clinton: Messrs. J. & N. Fain have sold the machinery of• their sew mill to W. Doherty & Co., who propose moving it to, their factory, where a, building will be erected for it; when completed, the mill will be tem by electricity from the factory dynamo. Logan: Peter Shean, one of the hest known men here,died on Tuesday. aged, 75 years. As a politican he was a Con- servative and at one time exerted an influence in the interests of the party. His wife died some eleven years ago. He has a wide connection of friends in this locality and other parts. Clinton: The annual meeting of the Huron Central Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday. The report; of the.Secretary-Treasurer, W. Coates, was read and edopted. The date of the annual fall exhibition was fixed foe Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25-26. It was decided to leave the election of officers until Friday, jan. 26th, at 7 p.m. Colborne: With deep regret we notice the death of Jarnes Clark, WhiCh ocourred at his home, Claremont Farm, Friday morning, -after an illness of several months. Mr. Clark came to Colborne in'1834, with his father, the late D. Cleek. In Scotland he marri- ed his wife, Henrietta Fordyee, who sine -tees 141141. After coming to Can, tide he esided for some time near Dundas. Leaving there, he settled on his farm in 1862. We think we can say he was one of the first in Colbourne to ent a sheaf with the sickle, end among the first to see grain cut with a NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP The undereigned wishes to announeh that he lits opeeed up 'a blacksmite business in Davis' old stand, Main street where he will be prepared to do all kinds of, General Jobbing BlaclEsinithing. HORSE SHOEING A SfIECIALTY A. CALL SOLICITEI). JAS. rtt;ssELL. OMMON SENSE OMMANDS that' yolt eh o call and in spe et the lines of s GENT'S FURNISHINGS that WO have 1.ilitcecl in our stor e You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit yon. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL__ This is what We always accomplish when we melee a suit for you. Prices' that Please, Bert Knight • . Misty Vision Comes with advancing yeam, but can be cleared by properly fitted glasses Spectacles are our specialty. When we fit them, they give satisfaction. Eyes examined free. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, T. Fitton's Jewelry Store Hay: Mrs. C. Schilbe, one, of the pioneers of Hay township has passed over to the silent maority, and the 011111111 11S were. interred in the Lutheran cemetery on 'Wednesday of Inst week. The deceased lady was 77 years of age. She came to this township when it was 0 forest, ,tud has reeided here ever since. Her husband died about seven- teen years ago. Seaforth: On Saturchey evening about seven o'clock Clare Mud, sec- ond daughter of Mr. Sleeth, passed to the better land at the early age of 37 years, 2 months and 27 days. The de- ceased was a bright girl having attend. - ed the Public schooleind up to a short time before her illness WaS 0 student at the Collegiate institute where she hadmany friends who will miss her greatly from their midst. For tile past three mouths she has been ailing but it was not until two weeks before her demise that she was confined to bed. At first it was thought that, Miss Maud had typhoid fever lint in a, few days it was evident that brain fever had set in and from that time, until death came, her, sufferings were in- tense. The fimeral took place on Mon- day afternoon. ..'HLOOS:Atilk))KTS'.,.: • .47.N111E1 InGuEsT PRICES PAID. Custom Sawing Done. THE SUTHERLAND-INNES CO, , (Late Gould's Mill) ' E. C. KESSEL, • Foreintun le X El'ER, ONT. 1 EXETER LUMBER YARD. East side of Main street opposite planing Mill. —STOOK— We have in stock. dressed and 'patched siding., flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in, 11- in., LI in. and 2 in, Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on hand. .A larcPe stock of barn lumf- ber just arrived. Call and Examine - Jas. Willis, Proprietor. Light your home with. The Light of all Lights, ACETYLENE CAS The Radiant Horne Automatic Acetylene Gas Generator. The.Radem t Hoine Arteathatie Aotty- 10410 Gas Generator has numarveas • tes- ,, timonialeeend each 'eltelline iS 1-1-.130-e- enteed to give every satesfection, Manufactured MELVILLE & MORRISON, EXETER, - • ONT, Snell's,ster CCIIMERCIAL LIVEY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at HawkshaW'S Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,Christie's old Stand ' will receive prompt at- tention . . . • 4. e ezm s Reasonable e)b°'lq'i SOLE LEATHER.. We wi.Ii to impress on the nainas of everybody tl)rl t we aoret, sell sole leather. ileitlier do we sell meat as tough as sole 1e434.1)e2. OUR MEATS Are of the eery best quality. 'Try our • big brown Sirloin. ltoast. Is as toothsonle and appetizing (is 11)43 ±411210110 teaeoules roast or Kingly times. We ltnew hew to f it an all nice tor the oe,), Try ns once, 1. till I try us twice; You'll fill(' 011141100±143 Ave choice and nice. • . John Mannig. "Chic91 Gowns ;t easily modeled from Prie.stley's Black Wool Figured Fabrics because the firmness of the tekture and orquisite weave • /I yield ideal draping qulitie. Combined With t1115 is the originality of the designs "P•N‘ 4,X10' L9 -,n • in Black Wool 'Figitres—in IVIatalasse effects, Arrnures, Pebble Cloths and Wool Canvass Cloths. For the street, for calling or for the hous, Fashion dictates from aeross the water as erntriently c4)s- weci:-?"4,1 rect this season ;2144 k e;ZO. Priestley's Black Wool Figured Fabrics "Priestley" stamlnd cn the slvedge. tis Sold by E SPACKMA111 Exeter. 4