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ifURSDAY,Jek NUAltY i8 1900,
Sweden has $175,540,000 invested in
London is to spend $1.6,000,000 on
new drainage works.
Americans hay $7,000,000 woreh of
millinery in Paris yearly.
eThe new glass roof on the Syden-
liam Crystal Palace in England cost
Trees and, shrubs are being, planted
along the Suez canal, to keep the sand
from drifting.
The nucleus of a fund has been col-
lected to transfer the body of Chopin
from Paris to Cracow.
Taxantulas are being raised in. Aus-
tralia for their webs, which are used
tin making threads for balloons.
Publishers in Finland lose from
46,000 to $10,000 a year due to sup-
egession of books by the government.
Parisian authorities are trying to de-
vise regulations for automobile traffic
which will be fair to all parties con-
The German Government has bought
Bohliemann's place in Athens, at $80,-
000, for the use of the German Arch-
aeological society,
China has just received a cargo of
Sewing machines from America, and
Chinese women are said to be taking
kindly to the innovation.
Near Tangier a native, who •stole
2i donkey worth $125, was taken be -
/ore the Chief of the Dila; and as
punishment he was tied to a tree
-while his eyes were burned out with
a redhot iron.
'Russia is devising more liberal in-
ducements for European Russian
.ea,sants to settle in various parts of
-the empire in Asia. Approved parties
of peasants possessing a capital of
from $100 to $800 are to receive trans-
portation free and grants of land,
tax free, for tvventy years.
There never was, and never will be, a
airriversal panacea, in one remedy, for all
alls to which flesh is heir—the very nature
sef rinany curatives being such that were
be germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
Tatient--what would relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the other. We
ahave, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many and grevions ills.
13y its gradual and judicious use, the
atrailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the in./him:ice which Qui -
aline exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
;Frith whom a chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack (If interest in life is a
-disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound anl refreshing sleep --
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
snaking activity a necessaryresult,
atrengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
'demand increased substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the 'public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
,any in the market. All druggists sell it,
How it Separates Lovers.
"Skejaw, what is the trouble be-
tween you and Miss Pye?"
"The trouble is this: We decided
two or three years ago to be married
at the beginning of the twentieth.
century She takes the absurd ground
tacit it begins Jan. 1, 1900. I want to
marry, of course, as much as she does,
but I simply won't yield to any such
ridiculous contention!"
My daughter has improved so mtioh that
you would. hardly know her—Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills did it.
there any way," said the mother
of the femily that had just moved in
to the neighor on the other side of the
back yard fence, "by which we Call
get rid of the cockroaches in this
'Well," replied the neighbor, "all
the other folks that's lived in that
house has got red of 'em by movize
away.' '
They Cleanse the System. Thoroughly.--
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stom-
ach and bowels of bilious matter, cause
tbe excretory vessels to throw off impuri-
ties from the blood into the bowels and
expel the deleterious mass from the body.
They do this Without pain or inc,on vera-
lence to the patient, who speedily realizes
their good offices as soon as they begin to
take effect. They have strong recom-
mendations from all kinds of people.
Cranial Exposure.
"I wish I knew," said lef.r. Tucker,
"how I caught this cold."
"Didn't you get a bad cold when
you changed your imderclothee last
spring, paw?" asked Tommy.
"Yes, I believe I did."
"This cold's in your head, ain't it,
"I guess you got it by changing
your 1111.
Miller's Worm Povrders for restles nese
and peevishness.
"I told. you," Raid MT. Pewee,
sailing around in the kitchen while
the Christmas fowl was cooking, "to
bay a la,ege chielten. I believe you
have deeeived me and bieughta small
turkey I"
You thank I look ao mach better: yes,
and. I foal befter—Miller's. Compoutd Iron
cii fi it,
Primed, Punctuated and Preservoct in
Pithy Paragraphs for the Perusal or
Praetioaa nacelle — Persoual, Politieni
stEnd Profitable,
The death is announced at Rome of
Count de 13enomar, the Spanisa Am-
aassador to Italy.
Noah Phelps, President of Grimsby
Park Co., died on Thursday moatilag
in Toronto. lie will be buried from
the °la homestead, St. Catharines,
where he spent his life, and ;was for
Many years president of the laiticioln
Paper Company.
Hon. sT. It. Stratton, the Provincial
Secretary, is on his tour of inspec-
tion of public institutions. He in-
spected the Loeclon. Insaneylum
on 'Thursday. .
Hou. E. J. Davies', CommiSaiolter of
Crown Laatds, has arranged for a
visit to the , Sudbury mining centre
on the 'eta and 17hof this month.
Be will be accompanied by Mr. A,.
Hon. John Dryden, Minister of
Agriculture, is collecting ioformation
regarding cold storage stations, and
at the next session of the Legislae
ture he will probably bring in loges-
lation in connecting with the es-
tablishmentof, cold storage and col -
teeth] t'a stations in various parts of
the Province.
A London despatch is to the , effect
that the Queen will open Parliament
an Feb. 14 in person.
The smallpox in Quebec Is being
cleared up rapidly. There are now
only 21 cases, while 244 have recov-
A number of women have 'made
application for entrance to the
Guelph Agricultural College. Their
applications are under . consideration.
George C. Creelman, superintendent
of the Farmers' Institute, has been
made a chief in the Oneida Indian
tribe, and his name in Indian is
Chief Kayeatchkwi.
The Senate Committee on. Privi-
leges and Elections. at Washington on
Friday decided by a vote of four to
three to make an adverse report upon
the resolution to seat Senator Quay.
Owen McCarthy, the oldest 'citizen
of Saratoga County, N.Y., celebrated
the one hundredth anniversary of his
birthday on Friday. He is a native
of Ireland and . estrus to America in
Italy has returned a fa-vorable resa
ponse to the recent note of the
-United States Stato Department 'res-
pecing the open. door in China. 'Italy
was tho last of the great powers to
be heard 'from.
The earnings of the Grand Trunk
Railway for week ending 'Dec. 31
were $802,128, ' as compared with
$794,843 for the - same period of the
previous year. Accordingly there is
an increase of $7,285.
The British Foreign Office has no
knowledge of any private meseen ear
having been sent by Emperor Wil-
liam to Queen Victoria, supposed to
be connected with the seizure of
German ships or any other et...tail-.
Detective Ca.mpau, who was detail-
ed by the Ontario Government to in-
vestigate the drowning of Ralph and
Irwin Robertson of Leamington, in
Lake Erie last November, has report-
ed that the deaths were accidental.
For the third time since the street
car men's strike was inaugurated at
Springfield, Ill., dynamite was re-
sorted to on Thursday night, being
placed on the street car track. No
one was injured, but the, gar was
badly wrecked.
James Wallace and Robert Roe, two
youthful inmates of the Industrial
School at Mimics), made their escape
from that institution on Friday
inight and have not since been cap-
tured. Wallace was committed from
Toronto and Roe from Stony Creek.
Owing to the wIthdrawaa of the
trans-Atlantic liners as transports
and the consequent non -arrival of
American naeat, London butchers
have the utmost difficulty in, prooctr-
ing supplies and are advancing prices
two pence to three pence per pound.
John D. Rockefeller visited, Tarry-
town on Friday for the first
time during the holidays. One
of his pockets was bulging
with $5 gold pieces, which ho
distributed to the employes at the
railroad station and workmen, about
the village.
When water was let into the dry
dock at Milford Haven on Plittreatea
the American Line steamer Paris,
Which is to be twain in fielfast for
a thorough overhauling, after run-
ning ashore near the Manacles, May
21 last, and being re -floated, began
to fill, owing to an undiscovered
Thu French Consul has refused' to
accept , the San Doiningo Govern-
ment's offer to . pay the amount of
the BoleMare-Caccavelli claim of
280,000 francs hi three instalments,
every fortnight, and insists on an
immediate settlement. Three days
have 'been granted for the payment of
the claim,
The Sultan of Turkey, fearing lest
other members of his family, follow-
ing the example set by his brother-
in-law, Mahmoud Pasha, may make
good their escape to foreign parts,
has ordered the palace police to
guard particularly against such a
possibility. Detectives have already
been posted at the piers and the rail-
way stations.
The new royal yacht, 'Victoria carat
Albert, which listed thirty degrees
to port when an attempt 'Was made
to undock her at PentbrOke on Wede
nesday, her starboard bilge keel be -
coining jammed, and the strain on
the vessel •being so great that her
position was considered oriticaLevite
successfully undoeked on Thursday
morning, after being partially right-
ed with ballast.
Fort MEN 011' WA.B.
General Otis telegraphs from Ma-
nilla that Col, Hare has released all
of the American prisonere In the
haads of the Filipinos, including
Charles Morlseey, whose home
is iii Emily Toeveaship, Victoria. Coun-
ty, was killed, in the Philippiiies,
was one of the crew of the cruiser
YOrktowei and was shot 'at Baler, in
the island, of Lalama
'Ithe 'United States navy has taken
possession of another island in the
east. Tbe island, -Which is called Si-
buta Island, lies at the southwestern
angle of the boundary line of the
quadrangle ericlosing the Philippine
The French Goveroment has cabled,
the .commandant of the naval squad-
ron in the Atlautic to proceed' imme-
diately to Santo Domingo. This 'or-
deris peatotoio in connection with
the reeeht detnand Upon the Black
Republic. to Pae' an indemnity te a
French citizen.
Joel G. Tyler, late teller of the
Safety National Dana of Fitchburg,
Mass., was senteneed on, Friday to
serve five years for embezzling the
funds of the bank.
John Button of Brantford was at
.Cainsville on Thursday evening. He
tieti his rig in the Maple Leaf Hotel
driVingashed, and oit his. return to
the shed soon at ter wards the rig
was gone. No trace can be found.
Charged with killing Mrs. I-Iattie
Rogers on ' Dec, 16, City Engineer
Rust, Manager Keating and Superin-
tendent Gunn of the Street llailevay
Company, Robert IPewster, motor=
mare and Arthur Kinsella, hack -
driver, appeared in the rToronto Po-
lice Court on Friday morningand
were remanded for a -week.
The Toronto Criminal Sessions'
grand jurors, in their presentment to
Judge McDougall on Friday, urged
upon the court the necessity of im-
posing a heavy penalty, even to 'the
extent, of using the lash, upon such
criminals as housebreakers and street
robbers who take advantage of dark-
ness to perpetrate their crimes.
Robert .T. Johnston, a young Cana-
dian from Toronto, was placed under
arrest at Detroit by Detectives High
and Larkins for passing forged
cheques. Since his arrest the police
}Ave also received information that
Johnston is wanted at Dunnville and
Simcoe, Ont., for paesing forged
cheques. At Dunnville he is said to
have obtained $900 and at Simcoo
$100 by his forgeries.
An unknown thug knocked down
Miss Rachael Ferguson in Toronto on
Friday night as sho was going home
and robbed her of a watch chain
e.nd a. small sum of money. She was
beaten almost insensible by her as-
sailant. Miss Ferguson is a book-
keeper at Nasruith's. There is a
slight clue which may enable the'
police to capture the thief. Notwith-
standing all efforts of her physician,
Miss Ferguson died at 2.15 this (Sat-
urday) morning. An inquesi has been
One Man's Idea of What is
Durham Brown, of Kenmore. was Cure&
of Rheumatism and Backache—
Says it is Ris Duty to Recommend
the Medicine that Cured lieu—
aDocld's Kidney Pills do even
More Tnian is Claimed
for Them."
Kenmore, Jan. 8
For some time past I have contem-
plated writing concerning the merits
of the well-known and wonderful
medicine, Dodd's Kidney Pills, but
through neglect have failed to ac-
complish what I now term my duty.
During the last winter I was fre-
quently troubled with lame back, so
much so that I was unable at times to
stoop without a great deal of pain and
exertion. I experienced other well -
know symptoms peculiar to kidney
trouble. I also was afflicted with
Rheinnatism in my right leg and hip
to an extent that I was constantly
(while at my eeork) suffering agoniz-
ing pains in the parts affected. My
work during the summer months con-
sists of cheese -box making and this
required me to .be seated driving
nails. Previous to taking Dodd's
Kidney Pills I was forced to look to
the invention of a machine to nail
covers on, which I named Jack in a
Pinch. After taking one box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills I found an improvement
in my condition and before I had
finished six boxes I found myself
nailing in the natural way and Jack
in a Pinch was discarded. lavas able
to sit up in ray chair as of old and
drive five hundred one-and-a-quar ter -
inch 11£1,1113 in eighteen minutes. My
brother and I worked together, and
if necessary he can testify to the cure
I have received through Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
In conclusion I would say that
Dodd's Kidney Pills are all and even
more than is claimed for them. If
this is of any benefit to the proprie-
tors in any way they are at liberty to
make use of it as they may deem ad-
Wishing them continued success,
I remain,
'Very sincerely,
Durham Brown.
Guilt of Men and Women.
An article on "Women and the
Emotions," by Prof. Mantegazza. in
the Humanitarian, eaye that man
bears false witness 100 times to a wo-
man's 17: man for forgery and coun-
terfeit coining was convicted 100
times te a woroali's 11;
France 'women are summoned before
the tribunals four times les e than
Men. Takina the whole of Europe,
WOMen are five tames leis guilty than
I used to 'be continually tired, now I am
stating and well—afiller's Compound Iron
Pills did it.
They Show mea to Bare Been a Cam-
bridge; student's Favorite Brink.
There is a bill for groceries, ete., for-
nished for an unclereradue te at Cam-
bridge In the year 1788. The bill con-
tains one or two items of furniture.
Apparently the undergraduate took
over rooms already furnished at a val-
uation, and certain articles had to be
bought new, sueb as a heartb bruse, a
pail, a mop and a "Holland goteh."
Que knows not Mita thiS meaue, but
It cost 2 shillings 9 pence (43 ceets)
The undergraduate would seem at
,first sight to have consumed tea in a
most reekless manner. On Oct. 24 Lie
is charged 2 shilliugs for Elyson and 1
shllling p pence for Congo. On, Nov.
1 he is cliarge.d 2 shillings for tea and
on th-e same day, which looks erae, 6
shillings 6 pence for tea. On tile 9th
of the month he boys a new teapot, the
old one, one suppoees, worn out with
bard service. T.10WeVOr, this tea lasts
him till the end of the term, so that
his tea costs hen for the two months
no more than 11 saillings, or $2,75, and
as the price of tea at thie aline varied
from 8 shillings to about 25 shilling's
we may conclude that he got ehrough
no more than a pound during the term.
In other words, this, young man took
for breakfast a slight repast of weak
tea and bread and butter. Dinner was
then served at 12, so that breakfast
was only what the Indians call a
"chota hazri." On sugar he speut 4
shillings, which means six pounds at
8 pence a pound. ,On candles he spent
24 shillings See pence, or about 3 shil-
lings a week. He burned wax candles,
mold candles and "Wax twist." salt
was a shilling a packet. On two occa-
sions he bought sand. Was, then, the
floor of his room sanded? It -would
seem so.
Cupid in a Bluff.
"Our engagement is off again."
"What's the matter now?"
"I gave her a belt buckle with my
photograph on it, and she eses It to
fasten her dog's collar "—Chicago Rec-
A Serious Disappointment.
"Why does Mrs. Timberlake wear
that settled look of melancholy?"
"Because *she can't make eyeglasses
stay on that, tiatnose or hers." --Cleve-
land Plain Dealer
Freaks of Explosions.
Gunpowder explosions have one re-
markable feature. The bodies of per-
sons killed in such an accident are
always found without clothing, but
frequently one foot will have the shoe
on. This is true of horses also. If one
of the feet is in the air and another
on the ground. the shoe will be found
torn from the foot that was on the
ground, and not from the other.
When men are killed in poivder ex-
plosions the foot that happened to be
in the air when the shook came will
be found wearing the shoe, while the
other foot will be bare.
Health for the children. eliller's
Worm Powders.
Lyddlte Shells in Africa.
The terrible devastation caused by
le-ddite shelLs fired by the English
among the Boers marks the introduc-
tion of a new and formidable engine
of destruction. The lyddite is packed
in a shell and fired by a percussion
fuse. It is obtained by the fusion of
nitric acid upon phenol. Its explosion
creates an area of havoc far wider
than that due to the ordinaxy shell
charged with powder and shot. The
resulting deaths are for the most part
due to the terrible concussion of air,
which has beet: know -n to kill a man
at a distance of .200 yards.
There are cases of eonstunption so far
advanced that Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that
it will not give relief. For coughs, colds
and all affections of the throat, lungs and
chest, it is a specific which has never been
known to fail. It promotes a free and
easy expectoration, thereby removing the
phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a
chance to heal.
Envious Foreigner—"You Ameri-
cans are making a great ado over the
loss of the Charleston. She Was only
a .second-class cruiser, anyhow."
Patriotic American—"She makes, a
first-class w-reck, all the saane."
Beware of Ointtnents for Catacril
That Contain Mercury,::
as inercurv,will surely destroy the set110,,Of
smell and completely derange thewhole system
wen entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles shoola never be moat except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from themo Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufaetured by F, T. Cheney
Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and hEl taken
internally, acting direetly upon the blood and
mucoes surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally. and made in Toledo, Ohio, by
F. J. Cheney RT. 0,0. Testimonials free.
teieSold by Druggists, price 76e, per bottle.
ood imitation.
Famaie, aged five, was visiting in
the country, and, seeing a lot of sheep
and lambs for the first time, she ex-
claimed: "Oh mamma, just look at
the cute little lambs, and they're
such good imitations, too. They
squeak just like my toy laneb and
have goy the saine kind Of hai.r on."
ATT London
Are undoubtedly; '1'11E BEST.
Testimonials from 4 heinists, 10 medals, 1.1
diplomas. The most wholeorho of beverages.
Itertnainended by Physiciaes, For attic evere-
Justas the liglitbuoy is a signal
of ,danger to sailors, and the red light
to railway men, so has nature equip-
ped individuals with danger signals
of one kind or'another, when their
,, is n
physical condition not quiteright.—
It may simply be a tired feeling, a
. .
. .
. slight cold, weakness of the muscles,
„,–,,,,,„........,-..... _
. ....,_,-.-„,..........„.7.7....–
fickle appetite or some other sign—
slight at first—which indicates that your condition is not a
healthy one. If the danger signal is not heeded, serious re-
sults will follow and a:complete collapse may occur. In nine
cases out of ten the direct cause of the' trouble is impoverished
blood, or weak nerves. You need something to brace you up
—to make your blood rich and'your nerves strong. Dr. Wi17
Hams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this promptly
and effectively. They strengthen from first dose to last.
Mr. John SIdaous, London, One, saye:—."T eau speak most • favorably
of the virtue of 1)r, Williams' Pink Pills, They prove invaluable in
strengthening and toning up the system When debilitated. ' Having used
them for some time past I can speak most favorably of their beneficial re-
Ae an invigorator of the constitution they are all that they claim
to be."
Sold by all dealers Or Poet paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes
. .
$2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Aireeleeine Co., Brockville.
Spiders Have Big Appetites.
Commenting on the amount which
a spider actually consumed daring .24
hours Sir J. Lubbock says: "At a
similar rate of consumption a man,
weighing 160 pounds, will require
a whole fat deer for breakfast, a steer
and five sheep for dinner, and for sup-
per two bullocks, eight sheep and four
hogs, and just before retiring nearly
four barrels of fresh fish."
Tell the Deaf.—Mr. J. F. Kellock;
Druggist, Perth, writes: "A customer of
miue having been cured of deafness by the
use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, wrote to
Ireland, telling his friends there of the
cure. In conseetnanc.e I receive,d au' order
to send half a dozen by express to Wex-
'ford, Ireland. this week."
A Female Gravedigger.
The town of Lewis, England, has a
woman gravedigger, who has attended
to all the work in the cemetery for
25 years.
Large Apple Shipments.
It is estimated that 40,000 barrels of
apples wereshipped out of Huron
county, Ont., last year.
"The French have a folding bicycle."
"Is that so? Well, the American
wheel doubles up often enough to sult
me."—Indinnapolis Journal.
A Mixed Blessing.
"Telephones are great time savers,
aren't they?"
"Well, that depends on who calls you
us.”—Chicago Record.
The Women oelndia.
Marty of the women of India, and
especially those of Cashmere, are beau-
tiful. In a typical Hindoo beauty
the skin is just dark enough to give
a rich, soft appearance to the com-
plexion, the features are regular, the
eyes mild and black, and shaded by
long, silken lashes, the hands and feet
are small and elegaatly formed.
They Advertise Themselves.—Immed-
lately they were offered to the public,
Parmelee s Vegetable Pills became pop-
ular because of the good report they made
for themselves. That reputation has
grown, and they now rank: among the
first medicines for use in attacks of dys-
pepsia and biliousness, complaints of the
liver and kidneys, rheumatism, fever and
ague and the innumerable complications
to which these ailments give rise.
Rockers and Insanity.
The rocking chair causes insanity,
so it is said. In fact. the physicians
are claiming that the rocking chairs
are the cause of most of the nervous
troubles from which women stiffer,
and are advising their relegation to
any place where' they will not be
Miler's Worm Powders are the best
laxative medicine for children; as nice as
Ex Parte.
"Do you know," said the man in
the gray ulster, "that police statistics
show a total of nearly 20,000 persons
who are reported missing every
"I'll bet more than half of,them
aren't missed at all. They only think
they are," responded the pessimistic
man with the boil on his neck.
Peerders cure fever in
"Why don't these fellows clap their
hands when they want to applaud?"
said the man in the back seat. "They
do nothing but stamp."
"This isa convention of philatel-
ists," explained the man sitting next
to him.
New life for a quarter. Miller' Com-
pound 11.011 Pills. '
Ronan There.
"Those people in the next fiat had
one of the prettiest ChriStinas trees
eyer SaW.
"A Christnias tae0 Where on earth
did they act it up?"
"Ou the roof."
A new back for 50 cents. Miller'
Kidney Pills awl Fleeter.
Jiin ni y and il2e Baby.
Jimmy's niother kept cows and sold
milk. Jimmy Wm:tell' had nothing to
do with the cows, though spnietirnes
he used to carry the milis pail to hie
mother's customers. The customers
all liked .Iinimy, with liis round, frec-
kled face and bashful grin, and they
used to ask hina how business was, for,
although Jimmy was only 13 years old,
he had a business. He made coLfins--
baby cotlins—and sold them to the un-
dertaker. They were nice pine coffins,
with all the edges carefully joined.
Jimmy received 50 cents for eacb one.
, One day Jimmy stopped at the bouse
of one of, his mother's customers to
leave.some milk. A little boy met -hire
tit the door.
"We've got a new baby!" said the
little boy. -Would you like to see it?"
Jimmy nodded. The little boy's aunt
laughingly led Jimmy to the cradle
where the new baby was. Jimmy
gazed at the infant for some time,
speechless with admiration or some
such emotion.
"What do you think of it, Jimmy?"
asked the aunt.
Jimmy grluned.
"1 guess I'll have to make a nice lit-
tle coffin wben I go borne," he said.—
New York Commercial Advertiser,
Boers Greta Pioneers.
The Boer is the ideal pioneer. Front
the days of the great trek, in 1837, and
even before that he opened up coun-
tries hitherto unexplored by a white
man. A great deal of fuss has been
imide of mighty travelers, lenges].) and
foreign, who have traversed Africa, to
the vast pecuniary benefit of their pub-
lishers and with no stnall timed of fauns
to themselves, but there was scarcely
one of the old voortrelikers and hunt-
ers of the forties and fifties who did
not accomplish feats of endurance,(
pluck and lengthy travel which were/
ten times as try ng.—London Mall.
Patiently bore Dosttrace tor Years.
44 1 t,
"I had. for *years patiently borne tee
grace, suffering, misery and privations due
to my husband's drinking habits. .tIoaring
of your marvelous remedy for the cure of
drunkenness, witich I coula glve my hus-
band secretly, I decided to try It. I pro-
cured a package and mixed It In his foo6
and coffee, and, as the remedy was odor-
less.and eastelens, he ma not know what It
was that so quickly relieved his craving for
liquor. He soon began to Pick Up flesh,
las appetite for solid food returned, he
etuck to his work regularly, and we Tina,
have a lumpy home. After he Was Com-
pletely cured r ,told Mai of the deeeptiou
I had practised on him, when he acknowl-
edged that it had been his saving, as he
lied not the resolution to break off of his
own accord. 1 heartily advise all women
erffletal as I was to glvd your remedy a
sbeknati';;In.eine,P13gilevtinIgn tePsitalleilMnis:lasieedndenfvueill"in%
formation. with directions how to take or
administer Samaria l'rescriptIon. Corre-
spondence considered sacredly' confiden-
tial. Addreest The Samaria Remedy CII,G
28 Jordan -street, Toronto, Ont. "
Tee nee. -.lade. Send ror Catalogno.
impok RT.Ria LL.S. ,Coffees
OV atOOLRIR. .8. ds fi. EX tract
Write M.' HAM/L.TON, L.S. 11..soce,e,
orpkAitio BINDISII leeetiveileotee lee
Union Station 'Arcade To t
iarehtitributing Adver-
, tieing Matter. Won s you scant. Sena,
addrcss fne:Irpsa:tlic8t!la(tir"sli;. erSIA.ctiett:a t:ina ae Po:1'1027a
' 254
iTs'OPEED FREE, Permanent-
for all Nerveus DiEerises, Vas,
Paalepso, Spasms and St. Viteetaince. No '
rite or Nervausn ea after last day's use. '
Treatise and 1142 trial bottle sent'
through Citerelian AgenQ,,, l'itEk to Fit paii,ent,s
Lb ey 16 yi lig express cherees when reee‘ved,
"Seed to Dr, 11.'itue, 181 Arch, st„ PhiladelpIda,Pw,