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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-18, Page 5•rs•lo
TI.i 111
..9tierticr . tittorate
. ., ,
x, published every 'Thursday Morning,
et the Office,
. •
, •
, i
'A, muill)FR s[si)Ecir
• - • '
A. 'Saddler \Vali ..ti trot
rroz.o,to Jari.,1,6 --- with'_
coption of a sq,.., fO, the reoriteer-
- .t- '' '
tai steal, tin) entire force atBars
riAcits is comPlc;t0.• :En the three
, , - - - -- . ,_ ___ ..,
(Chat/4'34 °N.6" 'Weclues447) '
Wheat 'tar butthel.i. , .... „,... .... . . ...., .4.1•" to ,11,
n - ' ' ' - -
Flour . .. .i, ..,...'............1.88 to 2.00
Elarley..„... ' ' -- t ' --
. , ,,
Did James Ross Conunit the Fer-
, , „ , ...
guapn Murder in Toronto.
squat rout, titete no-tv ,I60 nien.,,
i. ' c I. Eva . •zty5 v •r ttlii to• '
ant 0 LIS Es , , e k,, , . t ,...., is ,Battat
..s. a c i 01a. hour ,i, nota.c.
Lieuc...C101, KO,soa,„ le j: i ..,..,stc,vil. • for
4 ,) ,.*
(nits '" ' ' . ' ' 21 t°
P°a3-.."---"*- . - . ''' ."--". .......... - ...... ' '''.... 5.2 e° .)11
1' i'
k.ggs... • 17
POtittoes per bag .. ,..,.. li).
Hay tier ton. .. .. .. . .. ) to -6-J9
. , . : , t . , ,-, ' . , ...
1 10111 A 41111 stiO )ViiAt er, wsl int/ 1 i ),1"i i.U.
- --,,.' "'' ; ,-
. . 4,
. .. . , .,
Is the .WorId
Canada's Best
velleus Health
' '
ofq gompollog,
- . ,
. . .
s Greatest' Medi -.
to-aay, .
Bay. it is 1 Mar-'
-giving Prescription.
AlTilOCATE-POst.i,SH 1 itiG.'OOMPABY .,
J'aei Rolla?' Per .aantinl if Paid in Advance
1141,50. if not 60 pail",
, ,
IL,±1.-trort3-1.23-0,' mat-Itt3' or" "rs-PiP1•1°'-'
No paper di SOOPti 11`k100. until ell arm), rage
Lae paid. Advertiaements*ithout %pet:dile
Ilrections will be published till forbid' and
thargociaocordingly, Liberal disconntmade
:or transoient, ad vertisem ente. inserted for
' ' ds Every description of JOB
oug pert° . .
eaINTING turned. out in the finest style,
, -
'eclat moderate rate% Chertues,moneyorcl-
tea, Ittc. for
nimad.epavaible to, '
Chas. II. Sanders, ,
El1„..........."_ITOR AND P1102
, , . ... . . .. . '
R-in,,..s.ton 1,, ,.,,,,, ,,, „.:,,,_ , _., „,
4.5 r H VVLUPp4.1.11VE., 1) ..1 loll in-
. • .App
„„.,i,„...,,,.„„0„..i. 01,tat-ewai after 'sap-
' '
ormlentling the reeruitin,, and rifib'l
n of the List, second anti lout th
. ..... _.... .. . . ....:_., ...
Dried A i 1,
1e p r . • ..)
"Iilirteys..... ! 8 ' , '-:.' .... : .. .. 7-.. , ti to n
Chiellen-- ...... - ----,-- . . 82. itt
Geese, -
, , , ,,,'-• , 4,,
V4:-.01 ', tic ..r2,e - ...--dif,? , f
lidte _ -*„ ) ,,,, I t,i
not- deo-- ll 4'1-1 see us •tt the'
first op-portue;ley rind Pt on
Sl/ONV a 1! of the
U., intakes statement. Ad Impel taiice
When lie Was Taken Into t'u.tody on
troopS of "A" Squadron ;Intl Lin,
i e,',d( e. rt , . ,t. ff ., 1. • '
I a 1 .I. els s a . 4-, 0 Is succeeded
by Lit nt,-Col. Lyalts, who is to c,ont.,
„ 7
-- '''' ' ' ; '' .tt.1-18.
t iti oil ' ....... -''' ..... ' ''' ' ' --t•• t t 84
1 lY•-• .... ...,.. • .. • .. , -•-• - ..,... I - o . • l
____ ______________ ._
You pri(e.F,
.Failev, I.VOvestecis and Scotcp.
'rivet:CI:is. '
a Char:re trhat lie. NV ;143, 010
' "Laid Aontaittteret utiVi Mfit.,
Man(1 th 0 lt10/11110(1 ' 1uil Lit„y ' until
t71103' atriVe in ,SollthA , "rica.
f.t.,,_..v by , tie i* ' •
Tr ro t • J li ' • ' -
. .) n 4), an. .b. ---- Ai ler three
dayshard work. On Llie case in
WfJP3if P-'11, c a ; LI)REN A N I) ipitIPPLES •
"wed hy Brave men rroin Beath . in an
' ..
A (
Pain back , of. your
.. . . .
. you Seer) the now Staples and
11a).e .. . .
r.111T11-ringtX,iie patterns. They
:lie 1>eatit,lest.
Which Miss Jennie :Moffatt was the
victim of a fiend's 01e Detective
Porter of tile:St: .Andre/lv'S ,,te.oket,
Division xnacle. an important .trrest
last night, • and lodged his prisoliel.
behind the bars at the Collt.t. street
Station. Tb iniporta-000 of this lir-
:est may lie iiidgea ,froin tile fact, that
when tile Pris.oner 1)1' 0'. in tile
P, olice Cour 11, morning a second
charge, tile 'terrible one- 01 nturclering
Miss' Rachael Fergalso•n, may be plac.
ed 'against his nciine 00 t he inagis-
trate's calendar.
The trisoner is 3 " P -• vi
1. . t. am-ies •I.OSS, A 10
lives .at 327 tidiliton street. -..cetee_
tive Porter got the clile in the case
frOin two lads -naineci Whitt: pet_
' ° tta-watt -Tab, 1C/•-•-•Feltrteen peoPie,
wwIt'ell, ellildl'en• and. cripples, Avere
tlilk,ell• ,,oet i...11, all 111010st lincoilseloas
'sl'aae tr"In• "all ejaeltling ratline -5 of
,the tire 'which bl-oke out eitrl,y yester-
9a•Y .nrit)ring in tke Laing .& Co. de-
partniental store on , Wellington
street, That ille.)' did not all perish
in the flames' is due to the heroism (A
ittillnr.oe..tni.11(ei 11, 1!'o'n,,IlStlite,q :Ft,' 16 way
ts, ' , gl le x, It,I1 "ula. t, irouL„ i
the blinding' smoke, hrout.flit all the
ltu-natc Salt. ' • .1 fll, 1.5100 15 00
cSaoNines(tta. btihee,11,.:(1)1111.1t3e:on j(1;:s\i:ep5..;11 acr)0,3)01:lonleilifte,
, , _ , ,, : . , , , ,
!Jar -tender at the DOI.IllUI011.•11.all, anti
Davte Adams, clerk at, the Dominion
Hall.. During the fire Alexanelei• Pol-
eyes? Heavy pressure
ill your ead? And are
. .
you snmetimes faint and
.. . .
dizzy? Is your tongue
coated? . Bad taste- in
your InOuth ? And does,
, -
your food distress you ?
, . .
Are you nervous and ir-
, . .
ritable? Do you often
have the, blues? And
. .
are you troubled about
1 rheePei rillg Y?Cigh" Nivel,' Ai
' all wo•onip,
A bi range of Blues acid BIncic, ,ft tab
SergeS at the old prices. '
If you want a Tilattik. 'We have what. yoo
`NNIant in 'Twilis,, Venetian§
01 reOtltS in Bea,vers, IdellonS, Curio,
anti Montanacts.
, , m „
It Keeps People. Strong and vvell,
in Winter Tune.
Paine's Celery Convound is truly
oattire's relliodY; it etires 'when Other
mee_1..i.citifie hill. _ ' . 1 . . , ,
, rani° 8 Celery 4j,alnP(')unt ' is 'Pies-
•cribed (=Very day hy Our ctblest Citna-
• . . .
(Lem ppysteins.
t• Our'' best druggists recorranend
to the. ir pat-
Pitine's: Celery the slightest
roivs without. the hesitation;
they know it possesses life-saving vir-
thee; they have nOted remarkable
cures from its USe, and its ininiense
sales prove its popularity.
Cant-ail:1u clertrvmen of all dem-alai-
antions speak oF1-litirie's Celery Coin-
Pound W-itil elitlitiSiaSill and g,ladriess,
ancl recoMmend it to , their parishion-
Paine's Celery Compound .purifies
and enriches the blood, regulates the
nervous system, proinotes,-- perfect „Ai_
gestion gives sound. and refreshing
..' . t . ' -
sleep, healthy appetite, and that re"
ignieTlnahrte-,aluinfSede l4wiafhptiiptclh begSoSut.atlreaontf ePesti-
nCeosn.t..e(..n,etl - .
erYCinnPen"(1 will etm vine° ltlY slit
ferer that it is 1l)itiisher of dse
that lias rto equal. •
Professional Card 8.
H. 1KINS MAN, L. D. S. & D. A. R.
el KINSMAN. 1., 1). S., D. D. S.,,Honor
graduate of Toronto .15niversitY•
*irie Main Street,Exotar,
.1_, '.110norg Gtaduate qfthe, Toronto Iln*-
raity and B.oyal College of Dental Surgeo,ns
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date. OfiliceNaps
oyor Elliot & Elliot's la* offioe-opposite
Central Hotel -Exeter. . '
rie, residents of lienciersoa 11,'Vellili,".
The,,- told the -ofhcer ilia t.' theY hail
been -chased on S..tilly crescent ' tyy ii,
strange man, who carried ' 0 chill,
last Friday evening, after the report
had iteen receii•ecl of the .clas La:tally
. .
Vin, a. fireman of No. 7 station, was
Ilnried 15 itait to the g•round, as the
1:05111t 01: I} 1,,r P1013 111., and w.tis
seriously"0' 05'' ' It"' -\vras carried'
into the Cecil 1.-101,e1 in an Une011isejOkli;
crintlit ice"
But there IS 3 cure.
, •
Tis,the old reliable
work done in t-,ifie. latest yle and
' fit. grinrazittee.d.
14. . CsiiIEliE
---'"---- -
McLATIO-1-11..,IN, MtMEIE•B' °F
1DR.:Ffiopc- Reg, ad Surgeons,.•
o e of Physicians a .,
0,ataide, ph,..,,sleian, Surgeon and A.coonoll
llUir. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
III • ' -..,-..----" .-'•'"-- •••—
assatil t on Miss iNfoll'a li t.
, Their description \vas so conipiete
that Detective Porter loci' dif-
• • ,-, little ,,
Called 1110 tiovoiatot. NallIkSi.
'Victoria, 'B. C., Jan. "...fl, --.--- In the
. , , , , , ,
, -
Opposite :Post °face
.1.9 Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
corarri-issioners. S...oliaitors for the Melsons
Bault, etc. Aloney to loan at 5 antl 5e.i, per
cent. Offioe Fa
lrEi. ierRne. stCaerll. o(nA 'Tmhuemrsdbneasryonoo,ffsteha'eclhficr,wmke, HeWkM.iD)laliienbResoaN.t
hcaltv in followino• up the mit ttor
A -1.• • 4-1 • ' •.1
aim .de man, .vv.1015. he now
believes was 1-esPoilSible for the out-
s oaan -rMehsuiusrlsrt tes- ttiotroal-,''
, . . as
Legislatere ll estertal.Y. attention
.ct a int.).1cart LOn in The ,...ani.-
directed 'I' I I' ' '' Ti 1-
100Ps Standard, referring to Lieut.-
tlilail-thocen'ertnroo"rse, M.11„rco. Ilndn-aleens-ds "cithb, ierOiwebiet iSinse ksed0rae1rdd.
pltace 5'. 1111 'County Cr/wrn • 1.5 1011105
• i , ` • , .-
ucwartvt•150 v -as Sillnin010C, 11015I
the inquest, whichwas going on m
the butidirnt, '
, s,.
City Crown: At torn ey CairiT was
also sent for, and on his arrival thcs
prisoner was brought -up from' the
coils to tile office of InStak.
sPector , r
r risomo es' , tartl i nu. story,
ain u -t
Thwa t ilt a
en Ross s agp
hin,,vi,„,,,, , iii,„..lit.. ,. The pu.•blisheiviilri •.
he requitecLo appear ,ootore t1oc„a
0/ the IItatio, fol' tontortipc, to a tt.,-
presentative of the elrown.
P6 ti LionS \VC.I'e if rusel t t ed to the City
Creamed last -night., asking that, -the
Peileral Govermaent be tirg•eri to so
amend the. critnitat I code as to intro-
duce the., l'rench system of , legalizing
lirostitititiOn in CanaCiet, '
They act directly on
the liver. They . cure
constipation -,biliousness,
sick headache, nausea,
and dyspepsiaTake a
. ',
Vs iso .faid Ret 511 ,
Etc., Convevaueer6and Money to
Loan. ' •
B. V. 1,...1.,...10T. F. W. CItanmAtr.
Measuring Vessels Tor Their outfit —Whig
Ship CilklitiOng Are made Of.,
Witere anew vessel is read,'” to be fittee
out with her cushions, 'she is ineaSul-ed
for ere, ilo8 LI church would' be, fox
th11011 11
a certain numbe,2 of.cushious of a 'spec-
ified size to supply a certain number of'
pews, bat every space ju whieh a °ash.
ion is to be placed separately. On p
large vessel there might be a number of
cushions of the same tliMetisions, but
marine architecture is Such 'that duSh.
ions Inay he required on the same veSSel
in a great 'variety t -if forms, and of vary.
„ . , , . ,
liag dimensions even within given lines,
narrower at one end, for iustannet than
at the other.. And. cushions Are made to
tit ai'ourid masts,.and around•the•round-
ed ends of cabins, and in other, space's
. . ,
„where. they inust be made in 'the form
' 'of' ani arc -of a Circle; and ship. cushi.ons
are made V shaped and in, othr sliapei
to fit into various: nooks and jogS..' _ , „
All cuslifOUS'afei'inade ivith a -vertical
front edge,- add lutist of theni aro made
with a ."'Vertical rear edge, but sill':
• , . . .
cushions 'are often made with a rounded
Or beveled rear edg,e to fit handsomely
.. . .
itgainst the .side. of' the , v,essel, .which
bach to the seat, but relaY
serves as a a '
, slope away at a sharper angle than seat
bilebs commonly do. .
Practically every boat that is , set
afloat, Nviiatev'er she may he, big or lit-
tie is individually measured through-
Out for her,cushions, The same materi•
.." ats 1 n ,1 -
ale fcr.'stutnin. c • -1 io s il at are used
. • ii, . : - i , •
on lalld ale u5ed 014. the Water,--- ,Nir,
MOSS, ,cottou and, so cii---and 'ship cnsh-
. . ‘ , , . ,,.., , ,,, .
,ions ale somcennes stuffed wit]) cork
elii)iings for their buoyant properties.
Tile inaterials most commonly used in
coverino. churels cushions 'are damasks
awl reps, the damasks more generally.
The material, xnost commonly used in
i ; ' 1 4 • i • i t
covering sd.p cu8d.ons is nionair p.usa,
, (71-1,111:1:.:tli:.:., Iiitl,1:uat6b eii.uisv. 1,..11ii,°9unsse' 71c:1'3,0,11:id..
in r' SIlir.1 cushions especially In snick.
t' ' '
int" rooms and chartrooms, and aboard
t' little if any, Mort
yachts, . and it costs , . , , ,
than a fine quality of mohair plush.--
New "York San.
BOSSE.N.BERRY,Grand Pend, Lieensed
. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sates
promptly attended to. and chargea moder-
ate. Orders by mail \yin receive every at-
Leation. . ' ' •
.1,15, and it is
severe exand -
said -that he told such a' startling
story t, court, Stenogritpiter A.hix-:
ander Downey •taals a ftervtards sent
itown itis s Ua-t
for to tat3 ci ticont, '1' he
ACellit411C 4111 Crow's Nest Lille.
. . .
t. '.iraillit:P.c.I.14:..1, •Jat.t.... 1 el. —. Tile, .vvest
-'''''"' . •• •-'• tit." tui . the (..' °" "
isioet ss itccident
Nest. 'Divn, mh an a
laxative dose each night.
For 60 years.years they
have been, the Standard
Family Pills.
Choped.fee.d arley, Peas, Oats, COVD
a .
• - --
lag BROWN, Win ohs Leen. Licetised knot-
1.1.. ioneer for t,lie Counties ot Perth and
Middlesex, e.lso for the township ofUsberne
4alete promptly attended toand terms rea-
saus a„autted, at peat office, win_
1 haltiee.. , - , ,
prisoi er was in the swir thox. abolit
1 - a ' • ' - '
three 11°7s, anti '‘'‘'hen lle 'emerged.
he ' a.ppear eel -unconcerned ail(' talked
- ' ,' ' ' -
finite Treciiy to the officers whom he
passed on the way to the cells, in
5511 i D , .. , „u c . ti s; ,
arge o etect,I \ 0 I C ,ra s. one
015 t''''untlitS, bY 5531 5511 several ears'
, .. ....1 1 • , '
\‘',.01,1 di.e..tal e. (,- , . .
'''• ' • 41 (515 11 • bt"Iggttge 'and
', , . ' .1, ...i. 1 LSV(' ..• l . , ...-: •
c..\piess c ....c t. , ani passo-ttis
natliera II• '4',',1:011etlk of -:.elsoti, arid'
'ti 1.± 0-.•c.ii1„,15,6, „..,,,,,, i100,,,,,1 .
-- • -- ' 0 ." r • •
Price ZS tut*. Att Briilits.,
have talrefiAyer'S •PilIii ragu-:
larly for. six faonths-. They have
cured me ofa severe headacherand
1 can now, walk from two to four
miles without gettiur tiredorout
of hreath,, something I have not
Prices FiCrbt.
- ' -
, .
J..COBBL1DiCK Vanager,
.tInsurtince Agent, Eiret.e,
Main St.
f 11 - rt" t • 1 a 1' • 1 - • 1)..• v
o , le -pa Its n c ) lout( as . 4. tit&
Pie-to-et/1'C. at the itiv'estigation. vvould
,-. ,
. Tile, cause tif the ' acciciiint is not
',Ittl,O-‘0.11- The Ca.r8 -Nsere dilrifli.""ii. ,one
been able fo do.for many yeara.,'"'
.- .- • S.:E.WALWORK, '
Jaly 141190. . snafu'', Mato;
tell -a•liar. . transpire/1 while the. pris-
oner vvas in the. room, btu: they -were
. .. .
apintrently satisfied' thrit14 cne . a rrest,
would go a long \\ray 'towards soh--
5511 le.'west Creston, I.7.vo stations
ectIsti01 Kootenay' Landing, and live
PasS"eingerS tfrriVed• a 1, the ,1_-anding
Tour hours la. le: '
WpIta the 4octii..
f e you have:any-complaint whitersr
and desire the hest medical adviteyou •
CM] possihiy receive, write the doctor
freely. You will receive a prompt re-
ASkatir.ASE.2Ba Az aamificalladak
. "" .. .. '
A4 Fr 4:)..1:1VS
1 .. '
4 xo'i.ead- the big silol'eS ad-
4 vertiseineuts...... '
„ :
T.141r4K 1
- :
' ,,, For whose" good. are We in
ill the furniture business? - , For
44 yours and ours. If we are, not
-1 useful to you.,We cannot,. be ttse-
4 ful to ourselves. NS e have got
4 to carry the goods you want at
the•prices yott 55 11 or 'site can-
S not inake Xi suceests. of otir • busi.
4 floss, '1311t we Inive been douig
'1 business right along for years,
. , . ,. ,
which proves E•hat NS e ate the
right kind, of people with the ,
oe'iltid see, for
right prices. Cm
1 S GIDLEY & S011 ,i'
4, -
Furniture. lindert akinz ,
1 1
' . • .
in,, the .inystery .8m-roan/ling Lii,e ter -
rible critnes that h,ave been con -Unit-
-Led' in ' this 'citv.,• during -411e. past fort.-
The Sea stilt Turbulerit. ,
st,....JOhri"...4.. ,i);101',.. tJan. 1 6.t, -The
ply without cost.,
, Dit..J.C.ALYER;Lowell, Mum
night- ''''' ''
Colonial ohuiser 'IF'1,Olitt js now at the
. -
. .S' inu.(-11- •v"ntgert ,han ,3,'"3
1"ks• He. gives his age as -i.-! years.
The slouchy appearance ot the. inns-
St., Alary'S. 'wrecl.-. 8, he -\‘• ill be joined.
this morning liy.' the tug. Ing,raharri,'
atld. a diver' will then go down if the
„iewea- - kassiamisaaiatar 0....,,,..2.1174..,isi41,-mt-
. .
T KE ..0TicE
se.171•0:1,' /01'; °I:rice tn-theltearilels. w..:1.01111 oviin:•• nn1:htte:t.' al elitl., ::IFIst.:1....."
lit-ilanced. As 'a, nicitttiter' of .fact;•it .is
knoNvn to the police Itt-,ss (iid 'spend
senle time in .ti,n .1,rciyineicti Asylum,
and ,was diseharg• ed as cured. , .
jalTles Ross; the is a. sail
sea-1-;'61.111it'S' Val L '' g th is , an a t-
-teraPt•. v'l "",:he 11.1 de ,to effect:a ai d
l.'‘Yo ' bodies'Il'anad, ' a t ... ' ek 1 -
ing in Seulpin Cove, , \viler+) 'there rci-re
, 1,511.8 -51,, fitire
boat, It serinis 'highly prol)able that
ciaalet1(.1)41._Lev,of tile 'Yet-8el. will be learn-
, ..
Pailliiii He r '-
- '
L A Allsrlicine Cheat In Itself.
.* Simple, Safe and Quick Care 'for
_. 4- • - ' ,
i;icRAinip,s• DiArtilliorA co,tiolas id
, COLDS, rteinii..11'.1ATISa`1,
Ail aetaiints dtie the
' ''' he ' settIed ai.
FtillSt ,
of -Dotecti'Ve'ltoss of the ,.1). P. 1;.. ser-
ic For sortie . time oast he lvis
v-- -e: . ' - ' ' ' • ", '
heed working La'bollt - the crtiripa.rtv's
shops at Toronto Junction, /Icing -r a, . t...1 • . 4. . ',.t . „ , ,,
u .04, inilu, L0 41. /11111 unel 0.
_ .,. . " . f- , . .. .
u as no 1 °spoils 1 li 1 li ty t'it tacit 011 .
._ lrp to a late liour last night. ,,no-
body 1,he idea-
I ' ' I,
01.111,)0Vit,S 011 La_ns.
AVashington, Jan, 16. --Ii pod, the
- -
motion of "Mr, (dark (_\,-.'1.1.), ,a. resolu-'
. , ,. 1 - . .1 • ...i) , tt „,., ',ill_
7,100 W.a.S ,I..0 OPte,t . 0,!..• 1.t., . ,r 0 . S c
mg upon tlui Secretary of tx-r,Le , for
, nformation relative to, the status . of '
,,,' • t• ' ' ` ' ' c • 1 .r .• .
' he agrecnien t lie tweed). -o. ea a 1 ta in
?A 25 ond 50 cont. r.,o1-11.os. .4
ril sizwAa-,.oF imo-A-noNs-,, .31.1.
' . ' • , Pi
. BUY ONLY THF., 1106.. 50
ii"..! .,. ,.._,.
,... r . " .. . ....... „ - .... ... ,... . ...,,bhd ,,,
appeared at station to
tif,... the pi.isonet, ..,.,..i th y, anof the
crimes, hut it. is 'proliable this' vvili he
done to -day. Tin., 3.11'56011511'8s3.11'56011511'8 father
d anrt-he 'United States, which --pre-
vented tht. • United States from build-
' ' '' ' •
ino• arming or ma intaming mote
than' 015e vessel 151)n' ti great -lakes'
Pe -10 After' 'Wood's Ph0813110aiDet
The Greet Engl.ish ReMia 11.
asked to he alio \vect to 8.00 'the son,
. Bold and recommended an
out, was i•eftised the, privilege by
S.'l, iell')e;t1N,,oettria\rtiR,e1..t'N'-iirti• ' S01100.1 Ross
is . charged with assaulting:, lias al-,
nip ,St. fully 12,ecovcreel from -the efTect,s
.1 't. '
oi /ler injuries. 'The burnee. .spo. ts on
her hands a-ral face have disappeared,was
LotalAOnL,9 07111 1,-(.),"r1.1alii"..itle'i'. 1--,-"e3dA.,,e: an
I . l'lrell'Y an 'iged pensionet• who
i el .4" .. , - . - ,
1 0[i/tett/tic . at ti Cav-en il ; '431 street., . -was
1 ' I clear' in beef yes Lertia4,/ anorning.
.„, ,. . i ,
Mr. r_larclay a . vt.t et an 01 t it,
zulit Witt. in. Sou 111 Africa. 1Vhen -the
1 druggists. in Canada. Only reS,Ii.
* *, paabelk% rage: dgualcinrecentescicotoveic•edar.e. b4)11.
forms of Sexual 1Yeakness, all effects otabuse
orexcess, Dlental 'Worry 'Excessive rase otTos
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. 1)_Is.'llati on receipt
°f•Prlee, cue Package Si. BIM, Skr.l. Olde wit; gea3e.
si.'a lull care. Papphlete free to any address.,
'rho Mood Company, Windsor, Ont.
. 1 , ,
BE1.1F, ilLiA31B, POli.1
I;Ax,r.ri, AT LAsr is 11-A 1 Liu,.
call ior ' ,it 'Canaille:it contine'ent t4,,„
:made Mr . Barclay expressed his wit-
ir........7--r_vv,.00.i.s Phosphodine is, sold in F.xeter by
U. 1111,7., OtUagllit.
• • • 9
Arm' a r Iiir-Alir 117 IW'llfrlitrligr lir
modern Awninge.
"Scarcely any object is more conspics
nous in the summer Season than, the
awning," said Mr. Biffleten. "In axons
18 01-11' Prng/'ess in 1'iYiization Inuto .1.11).
paren t. Awning ' stripes. are in ade nowt.
adays in a great variety of styles and in
.; various, colors and shades of color. It, is
•te possible to "Pt all awning to match
qaubluildiri',, or o"ii-ei ...that shall contras
with it .°Ligreeably. 1 have seen lately
a large biownstone building equipped
with ,kwiliijos frivia- galternate stripe?'
, in two` shati"k,'s cii htd. wn, shading admi:.
rrably ',Nit!). the stone, the whole produc.
ing a iila8Sive, 1111,Tnionions'and Pleasilig
effect. 1 have seen buildings nr riigill
colored bricks with light stone Or. terra
' - ' , . .
cotta trinunings equipped with awnings
in. stripes 'of darker -colors and of some
t'lliat fanciful ,design as to the widti,
and grouping id the ,stripes, giving too
- • • . . b
effect sotnewhat striking perhaps,, 13,
decidedly picture,s•oue. .
"The fact is tl,,7e,. ill the ' hands Of P'
earn...lie:tent pe.,,,,,,th awniafi niay fitro
easlY be ri.u4d! 11 great e•in.hellishment (i.
the '6nild'iii; 31151 Pr°PilY . put 1.19' a
iii. deed raeSt ef them are niuNvadllYs it
, becollies , thip,8„,tif" beaty 1,1,1d „a : if
•....419fi,, f9iVeri .ati011f4 ., for the sumintx
niotiths."..Eiiirehange.- '
ire.nowes Iltothers Also Allented to Go
, under substantial timid*.
, . .
ling/less to go to south Africa and
take his part in the, present -war.
The l‘nollsons Bnk.
(Chartered b v Parliament, 1855.1
:Paid up Oitpit1i1........ - ....$2;500,000.
llost Fund. ..-.. ...............1,6')5,000
Head office Montreal.
F. NVOLF,E.R.S7rAN TIT.O.iNTA:1; Bsq.,
GE,'.F.11.1,.1.. 1.1/1.A.N.A.Cr--",.R.
Money .advanced to good Farm:P.n..: en) own notes wit.1) one or more eodurseis
a t-.7,4,per 0001, per a. n ri tun . , '
—EXE!Er'. Bit ANC; li—
Open over/. taweni day from 10 a.m . to 3
min saita,:d/t3,„ .1 0 a•ai. 1,, 1 p,,,,,, •
, . , , ..
A general baii.ling b u si 'less tran s -acted.
CIIRREN'T RATES allowed for money on
bat''''it aecelirt. 8'''i'-'08 nank 55.r3'
D LC 1{fibN AS:. Caisr.txri, N, D. flurnbov , r
Solicitors. , Manager.
. ., :
INIontreal .Tan.T-aelgre
_ ' • . .. ,• , ,
'Hall gave. his (11.1.sion -,i Ls tt..1 da,
niorning in 't/ic application for 1.,..til
in the 'Citse of James' Baxter and the
mossrs..' FeiloweE,.. The e,„,. L a„(1) t_
ed bail as follows: ' ' '
1P6r, .T.'••-tailL's Baxter, in the condi:inc.()
cases -t,-of..barboring' and '.conspiracy,
.$1.5;000,,H4Pe.'rsonal .1. --ad security in the
, stint ' Ofi'iS, 7. -,500 each 1) Y.
and IZObeTrt- Ili Could. Daniel 'Pord
ltsr. cop,p,or Miniair Deal.
..Vanc°11ver,,,' 1111, ,..1?,',1- .-1-6,•----. I.,,.t,. i_slir_e-__
ported , that One .01 - tele Oigg•,-s1- ..4 1.,"
isp,, 10018 on recorcl in Bi•ttish Co-
i . & ( `. - . ...
luitibia• has been itiario in the t T'alISICT%
. ' .• - ' . •
of the IVIute 1-Torse coPPer clainis to
t•lle ' R°t11 5,1c,thilds . s•Yndicate,, ,i-,
0.0°,000. The deal was put thr°11gn
, by 3fanager Bowla,,r • of the British-
•' • t d'ca-to vvItich Ovvits the
1.-Ja 1101 a r' R°s8lfaacl*
. • 7
6 . ' 0.) ., ,
. ee ra
ny u. - ,
,,•6'eis , , , 4.
,.1% ..
it A rxiicx. ctigE FOR .
4) '‘• .
afx T T,'`C",-!
ill Very valuable 'Reinea../ .i.n ail
', . •
: affections of the ,
' ' 1 '
' 4,0
. (,,
04.).1 1 a
The Fainilti Birohcr.Shop
' ' ''
... _.
Di'le (.1 00r '.\ °Tt a ° t Er-Piel-c•ara's St'ItC"
, 1.v-„.../.1.t.0",ii-•):,,,,-,•rtenr.,'ws vvIts achnit lied to
l'14.11) Large But°t/rea ,25e.
bail .in the- sum of $0,000 pex•sonal, .
..,, ... ., .
•,1.2 o00 by I' red I,. Fellowes, $1,500
'-' ' -
by Geo. A. Thompson and ix,1„000 by
Dr. 'Arthur 18, Ives, ' .
1: arriates to% coot:trio,
10 101)10 ran 16 — In 1S91 the
total ninnber of ltlarrillge.ti solemniz-
'' lg
(ft DAVIS it LAI,VRENCR CO.,,;.Inlits,1 tr9
r., Prop's. of Perry Davis Paid.willer
. v.e.o59*.ev.e.peise,........,,,,e43E*.ei,...,
, .
• .
Ernes , ,r . .ie om Ls , Iv as at nut ec
- t L I' 11- ' .‘ • - 1. ' t 1
to bail, in 1.' e Slein of $:2,50(/ person-
al security nini $1,t'50 each by PIngli
A. Gourlav iincl Fred L. Felicia:as,
' -
ed in 0,, ,..v,,,s.. sl.(5),..,293, a, in_
crease °X ,ititi. o‘cl 1,- • / -
Mort/ AletliodiStS. niarried 'than any
other deut)rnlItatien• There ' were
82 MethOdist inamagts, 6,- 00
1 3 ' ' . ' ' • it
. . .
' 'RA S
. . . . . , ,
The Aryvoct,aTs Ulit) 1,)e eito)bed with
the ibllowincr ' the Orices
NOW iti
Sh op
the Hale to get -vour whe(
Dropsy Tool: 11 i or 5)10
• ' •
14'espeler, Ont., 16. -- l',Tenno
Bresh,yterittn, 4,002' Anglicans, 4,657
Roman Catholic, aild 1.,908 Ilafitists.
• . ,
pa iers and
, et' opposite, ' '
s ,
cleaned to sto. re away. for the ivitte
..... . ..., -
-741ro TEIE VEAF.--k• lien ,latly,
t..bier Oral eOzifatib4);,13DLe, f l'11t1S0 1 ts1.1/)11Cil!s INA'0114:Sitii8c iit01,
Ear bruiris, has sept ',1,000 to his •Pa.,
Stithte, so that deaf people urialile to
•prociupe .the Liar Thantrs,• have
tliezn free, Apj.dv to Department
..A..,$ N,.;The Institute,' “Longcott,”
CitintiersbtlI'V, London,- 1,V„ Exiglitnet
, ... •
Hallman,. Warden of 'the (c.nity of
Wate.!-1,0o, and ojitieoftsthe 1111(Dpst . frir.c.,).'
g:1 es'1151 agl len Ill •I ) um ra,a
TowiishiP, died it his •residence,", /tear
lt, 'l 11 ' ' ' 5 il ci. ,. at 1 "i0 nt
"cvl c' nil t 1 al '''' 11' '
froM dropsy of , the heart. 'Deceased
1,1?*•81;,_ erituced ptiblic life Os. a school.
d ft , ..,,,,, r is Pc • h id i
€4(.45'it,Till'e'cidni:tiel nalimcilci-patii( "postioelys alt,up to
that -be held when. he (lied. In poli-
Fin-* of 1809.
. Se. Nv 1:•01...ic .ra.,1.1,. ..1. -7. -The fire loss
In the L nittcl States cind Canada, ,for
the last -s-iiiit is estimated at the vast
- 1 f . '1.1(1 779 000 •wilieh is '9M
tt)ta o •,-- ' , ' , , , - '
.i.ngri3ase' 'cif. ' 51•17,'.1(n)9°,..:,°:,6°°0'no° \Worn 10'8,7r
,tnd of , more, t, 1.., ...--,...
1807, been,,r,few years in
1 ich the total was exceeded.
117'1 , r
A. ON'Oc )IE al,idoMiail and Elni),t. 1 -;ti i$11" 5075
. •t: r ' , 0 b.e Sat. edition i
" Familvilerald.., . ,, 75
' " " London Vme Press .1 75
" " .4dYertiscr•1 5
. ToreintO"Stin... , , . J. '80
If " In01.1 trea I 'NV itIle.5s. 1(30
or inn It epairs •
., -I'Vlr ,IIT'illlte li,ii'l i:ePtliring a- sPecia-it
ro a 1.s /vino /es, '
1,Ve llaVe a ' I., it0t/ii. Of 'ke,yB ill 1.1
Il.or Se Clippers
0,1,0041(.1 0-00(1 'tie
,. • 1
thoioa.d.oroiimen. ,
evet-y yoar 1110 never euffer ,
disappoint -blest, Clitireubsti..
totes brit/4,108s, not paybg crOl/t.
t Per's to pay a little more tor
tantriv'sSincres. vivo contSperpaner
ev,erywhere, iind always Worth it.'
Alitays theIlen•t:' iDO.O..Seeied'An oual free,, ,
- i.'l'''
tics r,' Hallman was a Reformer,
and it was.- the intention to nominate
i,i.,,-,. 0,..g.the '3.ii)e,rtil candlelit:to of the
ne.x.,t provincial,' and possibly poinin_
:ion,' election. The county sustains e,
great, 10M5' 111 iliS death.
. • . •
ted c.c.- .1o,,, , -... y,
Kingston, ' 0111,, , Jail:, , 16, -- A
young mart named TiTank. S. 1)angere
fiel,(.1, le Lc of this city, 'eras instantly
killed al. 4\' liiltirn, N. Y., by falling
•,1,,,v,,, an elevator ;in:q-----------------------------------0
AD °CATE itIld Mliii. and Enipit e I 25
" ," EV. ,'-',,lail&I, 3 2A-5
" ' ' G-10 .ie . . . • . . . • , . . . . 1- 25
" " ev'g ocliti61). 3 25
.. '• London ll'iTe Press 100
, '':
. .
Awl, p,na,ii,,,.,,,,t-t8 as
:1',N'or:N•11111'; Rts'INcired I-P-ir; .
, . ..
...,. ' ' •
s Ba y1-11, II II
. . . .
, ,. • .
- , . •
this. summer? Then add a
litii0 ; . , , , ,
iti'hiiMilk three tinieS 'a day..
, .
, , . r
let themother Itake the
Emusion. 101, Ind S,Olt all liI;g3ts
_ - ,...i...h..,--,th,ii.t.,*
Association of Foreiitry Nom
. .
. 0 1,taWa, Jan, 1.6-; — A ideating to
f(';r111.' a' Canadian Assoc.iation of tier-
e3ters '.515.6 310151 in t.,he oinee of mi.
''`iew ' • hiLl DI -minion lili)itor of
1()'ests' 'Y°t'el'(1.'t.3' all''''"();('''• 1.11cii
0,,,,S0L.a. 1011 V 1 1.0/ 4 a, Or/ /' le sal, le
1117,.a:t1.e1\n:Cijeali2,4f, r,S' °I'Irl-'
'(311(f 1or0nto:'arr aniMiher
OtlerS attended the inceliity
'1ElPtl,.\\ tIS itf poTap
, •
Ptut aDluM• Vul uf 1..)3c1rinK‘ .0.1" i•-)I121)ar./
ern 'emit) StiimOid fittI.Ino,os st..iij, , ',isielod
luulm.11108tu /C(1 0'> 305'. olf3treitt SD tmPt r
,• i .,, st:A.atio osoo ttt oddom,
'' Pa'''Y°1(1 P II r 1 . t)
DO \ .4 a , . . . .. ..- .,--,
. ;•)x•,, ',.r0.11)IT'1'9,:,;, ni.
;/ittq5133)0011 115(1100)1.
" " Loticlon No vs.... , 200
" " Tcjvii."1 h;) ---\\ ,()1.1..(ri ' ' ' 3. eth2,
i'l r...,,, s. . . , 1 4o
13- .y. s0ciill A-1'"1-11genie-ilt ''.1.110 • "Ii- tall
, t , .., ti ..., ..,.. , . t..... 4. iv . d,nt r
‘ ' ' ' 1 ' \CPIs of C • n Id' 1 e ' ' 4. s
. . , . • „. - . , i . •
%1I11ll 1OtI'i(-1 "srIt 2)'1. .'
4e'"4)11..1.;- 11%•t'eiatilPrtnheN.viWtlol, il1d.1a'1nt':'' d 1A1,
x1ro1se1 mg pric01 11 Is gis.1t
PrOdlieti011 i$1(0.
Cotten neat Oempetz
. ' .18 snooegsfo.1.17 used monthlYby-oti
10,000,1,ed nes. Safe, effectual.'Ladies a
°Usi ,drilVsb for Clatkt..'is-Ce, Lien 7t, tilt .
l'il°1itidtdaitloan.%34:1°Ii,u'r:.e•Alt9sa ii'' rilete'll'Ne34 DI Ssittr
, at, Ivo. 2,10 egrees stronger,$3.ner box., 1
1. or 2 mulled on 1 -,,,,col If of riev R.-11/1 t -oil-
. stata Is 1 lir, ,00k ) , 4 IV 0.
r'rs' NYs'6l.l:•'
N Oi I 01,5 N?10113 ig set
f,atz, Drnggisi.. .