HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-18, Page 4THp Operter tivocort, cbAs. H, Sanders, Editor and•Peop THURSDAY JANUARY 18, '00 .NOTE AND COMMENT. TWO qt-laillit ixi1;51E'S. Up hi. Elgin a municipal officer was elected •despite the fact thet he was going through the NVOrld Mider the Paine ot 111. T. Barnes, and n tho county of Waterloo a candidate WaS elected who signed his appeal to the public ''U. B. Dahm,"--Coderich Sig- nal. Owing to the elle:et:lel:10ton- restate of the local fall fairs in Perth during the past, ae effort has been made to arrange matters, in order to hese at least one fair in the county worthy of interest. With thie object in view del- egates from North and South Perth held a convention in the Council cham- ber, St. Marys, Thursday. The matter., was dietmesed at -some length and a re- solution sees passed. advising the union of the two societies, and the holding of the fair in Steatford and St. Marys al- ternately for the ensuing four years. *** Chief Celine Warden Tinsley estim- ates the dumber of deer killed last season in the province at 6,000, an in- crease of cibout 1,000 over last year. Notwithstanding the huge number killed this year, Mr. Tinsley thinks that the deer are holding their own, and at the present rate will not all be killed off. The number of hentere reporting was 6,500, but there were probably a thousand or so more in the back country who did not report. The express companies carried about 2,000 carcasses to oil -lions cities and towns. One of the sixteen wagons built ny the Bain Wagon Co. for use with the secoud Canadian contingent is set up and on exhibition at factory in Wood- stock. The wagons are- very strong and have a carrying capacity of 4,590 pounds. They are painted •tvi th water- proof paint and are not valet iehed, ac- coedirig to the specifications of the de- partment of militia. Many extras have also been ordered by the depart- ment such as wheels, clouble and single - trees, reaches, poles, etc. The wagons will be shipped tbis week. A physician pronounces against what he calls a fallacy of bathing. " Nothing," he says " eau be "put in the water that Will be absorbed by the skin. Salt, toilet waters and. 'the like. used in the bath water act only on the surface of the skin, producing, in some eases a healthful friction, and in others imparting an agreeable temporary per- fume. The saline property of sea -wa- ter has little to ad with the tonic of sea -bathing, although there seems to exist a notion that the system in some -way absorbs the salt with healthful effect. It is the open air. the loose ' dress and the invigorating:. buffeting with the -waves that constitute • the benefit of ocean bathing,." * * se Hewn: sTesER. . Mr. Joe 131and, of Embro, lost one of his fat steers a month ago. The -where- abouts of the missing animal was a mystery, and Mr. Bland badgiven tep forlost. -Mr. Bland has a vacant house on his farm, and a few days ago BIcKeller, tenant of Mr. Blan s adjoining farm, di-scovered the missing beast in the cellar of the house, where he had been for the past 28 clays with- out food or water. The steer entered the cellar through an outside dome:, ed it it supposed that the door swung sLe and imprisoned the steer. Strange. to say. the animal did not get verythin in flesh, although geunt. It looks about as well now as the rest of the cattle. Our Soldier. Boys For Africa. Canada has kept will posted in the movements' ef the fit st contingent to South Africa by the excellent cable news seevice•of the "Family Herald tnd Weekly Star," of Montreal, It will be interesting to know that the - "Family Herald" have completed zu- rangements to have another special correspondent to rennet the doings of , the second contingent. The wee: news service of the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" is superior to any paper on the American continent, and seems to be appreciated as it is said twenty-five thousand new subscribers ha,ve been added. during the past two mon th s. A vent'sodoi Call. mon t reel, .3 to. 12e -"W W, Ogil the w'ell-kitoWn miller, dropped dield at noon to -day while on his Way hoine after* attending a meeting of the board of direetors of: the limak of Mentreel, of which he wee a member, Lord Strathcona's Offer. ot t. wz1 , ."1 an • 12. -Lord. t ra t heon it has nettle an (Afore° thethupevitri goy- ormliont, through Canada, to °guile and maintain two moulited. squadrons of 400 men iu South Africa. All he wants, the government here to do te to give him the machinery of the militia department to eriroll the mem who Nvilt be selected in the west. Girl in Trance. Montreal, Qae., Jan. 15,. -Eva Roel, the French-Canadian sleeping girl, bas been awalt-e for a few minut' es during which time she asked for a drink of cidee, but is again in a trance. The doctors say she cannot live this time, She fell asleep on Christmas eve. Last year she fell asleep at about the ectme time and slept for 28 days. Used His Revolver. Forest, Out., Jan. 1L -On Tuesday night John Governlock, I3oeanquet, about a mile from town, while driving home, was ordered by some person at 13tabs' corner, near his home, to stop. pointing the revolver at him. Govern - lock, seeing the pistol, gave his horse a sharp stroke of the whip and start- ed On. The highwayman fired at him, the ball glazing the outward earner of his eye, and passed though the top of the buggy. Thereds no elee to the party. Grovernlock had been out buy- ing horses, and it is supposed to be some one who thought he would have eonsidm•able money with him. Election Protests. St. Thomas, Jam 16. -Protests ag- ainst the return of C. A. Brower, M. P.P., East Elgin, and G.: F. MeDiar- mid, M.P.P., West Elgin, will be filed before D. McLaws, registrar, St. Tho- mas. to -morrow (Wethiesday).1 'Winnipeg, Man., Jan:113L-Yesterday being the last clay for protesting the Provinciel elections, petitions were filed by the Liberals against Garland, in Portage he 'Prairie; Hespeler, of Bosenfelt; Rogers, in Manitouo Colin H. Campbell, in Morris: J. H, in Morden, and Riley, in Rockwood. The Ccmseevatives filed petitions ag- ainst four Liberal members -elect, viz.: -0. J. 'Vickie, Birtle; C'. A. Young, in Deloraine; Sas. McKenzie, in Lake- side, and Martin Jerome in Carillon Manitoba's New Cabinet. 'Winnipeg, Mnn., .Tan. 1.0. --The new Cabiuet Was sworn in this morning„ and is made up Os followse-Hon. H. J. Macdonald, Peesident *Executive. Council, Attorney -General, Municipal Commissioner, Railway Commissioner and Minister of Education. John Andrew Davi(leen-Provincial Treasurer, I],linister of Agriculture and Immigration, and Peoviucial Land Coninussioner. ' David Henry MeFadden-Minister of Public AVorks and Provincial Secre- tary. Collie 11. Campbell. 'Jellies Johnston and R. P. Roblin, Ministers without portfolio. The dote of the by-electioes will be fixed later. Human Ostrif,th. New Yolk, Jan. 16.esjohn Scisel, :the Men who is enotorious for being able .to' • snedlow -pine.' nails, •tacks, ' brass chains and other hardware, 'has just Undergone an operation at St. john's Hospital. Brooklyn, and the • following ertieles were removed frein hie...etc:in.-t- ech: Two horseshoe 2 2e-ineb units. 128 00(011100 pins, 0 hairpins,. 2 la tehkeys, It •ring witha stone inthe setting and: 3 clactins-.;•1 brase end 2 nickel. When Sesel recovered from Hui athiestbetier he asked what had been fished•thit. .He eays he quit the nueseitut businesS, Dec. 16 'last 'and,. that -up to that date he never, had .trohlile.. This time, however,- the :tied- cles got tangled up in a bali. and the chains held them.. a • • :One of the physicians said that from what he had learned there. must . be a lai•ge member ofpinsseattered theough Sitsel's intestines, and declared it was the Most i•emarkable ease he had ever heard Of. • Canadians all Through. Toronto, San. 16. -The regulations passed byethe Ontario government for the enforcement of the manufacturing clause in regard to pulpwood have re - .a eeived the assent „ of the lieutenant - governor. It is provided that every license or permit to cut sproce or other soft wood, not being pine, suitable for manufacturing pulp or paper. 00 the ungranted lands of the crown or to cut such timber reserved to the crown on lands leased or othet•wise disposed of by the crown, which shall "" contain the provision that ell such timber mit under such license or per- mit shall be manufactured in Canada. The manufactering, condition is not, however, to apply to loge, timber or wood cut and 10 nse in Canada for fuel, building or other 'purpeees for which logs; timber or es -nod `in. the nnmannfactierecl state are or may be used, The east half of the township of Aweres, in the Algoma district con- taining 18A• square miles, ie exeMpted from the regulatious. The °vetting of wood seitable for pulp 00 paper into cordwood or other lengths is held to be bet Manttfaettwing within the meaning of the provision. Nii01ation of or re- fusal to observe the menufactueing condition is made ptiniShable by sue - pension of the license or permit to cut. This" is not to be reissued, neither shall a new license or permit be issued mdess and until eo directed by the gov- ernment, and then ' only liven sieIi terrilS and conditions' as the govern- ment may impose. The commiseioner of crown hinds and hie agents are given ample powers to take the neces- sary steps to prevent a breneh of the ienoll Aimee. The regulations must be epproved legieie Live ene oent before the go itito force-, Tuckersinith Agricultural Society Blyth Banker Sent to Jail, MARKET REPQRTS. Toronto, Jan. l--talicf Juseice Ara l'ecki" Oi wa*ev Priees-Cables Lower mom' ou 5aturd.av made an order Coal - mitt ing Charles E. Teener, a Private banker of Blyth, to the jai f Inuib- tOO count)°, for refusing to answer questions 00 tin examinatiou as to his tinaneial position and the disposal of rt t in p so pelt y. Mr. Archibald Walker dropped dead it his residence near Herat, The new glass faetersi at Kingeville s ta rted opera flocs Friday, using natural gas. The annual nicotine' of the members of the Tuckersmith Beench Agrieul- tural Society was held in the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth, on "Wednesday last. There was a fair attenchtne6. The finatmiel statement shows the society to be in a very favorable posi- tion. There is cash in the treasury to the amount of $330, while the entire liabilities only amount- to $1,200, and the e.aluable property which the So- ciety OWT1S Goderieh street is worth considerably more than this: With the aid which has been so genevouely voted by the municipalities of Seaforth, Tuckersmith and McKillop, the Society will be able to erect, the new hell dur- ing the corning season and with a smart pushon the part of the dire°. tors, backed up as they should be by the people, a good show ean be made next fall, and the Society may he placed in a better and prosperous posi- tion than it bus -been inter y'ears. • The folloseing officers and directors; were elected: W. G, Broculfoot, Tucker. smith, president; D. D. Wilson, Sea - forth, , vice-president:, direetors-Geo. Siliscind M. Broderick, Seaforth; Jos, Evans and William McIntosh, James F. McMichael and 3 0110 Staples, Thillett; John T, Diekeon and George Dale, Tucket•surith. The fol- lowing honorary directors, to svork with end aid the regular. board, were also appointed: John Ellis and John Weir, Sea forth; Alexander Gardieee and .Tolin G. Grieve, MeKillop; Thos. McMdlu> and W111. Ryan, Fitillett. 0. E. Cresswell and Robert Charters, Tuekeremith. Thomae E. Hays was re-tippointed Seexotary-treasuret, and J. 0. Rose and A. YOting, auditors, Tlie- will of the late Me. John He Park of 11a mitten disposes of an estate valued at $90,000. Ails Peter McEachten of Eat Cale. don was probably fatally crushed by a threshing engine falling oil him. Mr. John Govenlook, of Bose nquet, was fired at by a highwayman, the bullet just grazing his eye. British Coluinbia's offer of a cone. pany of mounted secmts for ,South Africa has been accepted. Three children of Mr. Thomas Brown of Baysville were drowned while sleet- ing on the Lake cif Bays. Manitoba Liberals have peotested ii sx scats n the eecent Provincial elections, while the Conserv/dives pece test four. Indian Agents reptile that the red - men in ninny sections of the North- west are not aware that a war is in progress in South Africa, • Edward J. Fisher of Brantford, a delegate attending the Masons' Con- vention at Rochester, committed sui- cide by jumping Genesee Falls. The Minister of Militia is strongly in favor of accepting Lord Strathcona's offer to raise, maintain and send to Africa 400 Canadian mounted rifles. Mr. William Campbell of Chatham, County Court Clerk, was killed by falling from a C. P. R. train at Milton. Mr. William Smith, G. T. R. agent at Cookstown for fourteen years, drop- ped dead Thursday evening from apo - WE CLAIM that TILE D.'. & I.. iliEN- THOL PLASTER will Cure lumbago, backache, : sciatica; or •nenralgie pains quicker than ;any etherremedy.. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. At Woodstock a laborer . maned CoOpmewas injured by the .caving . Of a sewer in which he was working, and died from his injuries. . The Maniteba,i.iIi-Ti oduce..& Company,s. buildings n Al unnyeg were burned. The less ie'estunatec .at $78 000 Covered by $61,000 ineueanee. Fourteen • people----avoMen, children and eripplesse-were. taken one in an al- Othet uneoneeiciee State from- a. fire in Lang &.Cte.'s departmental store; Ot- tawa. . •• -Nothinatioris to -fill .the,•VaCencY in - the Legislatnee caused by the death of; Me...T. D. Hodeens Of East Middlesex will he held on Jan. 24, and polling on Jan.:31,-. • ' • D..& L. EMIJLTION 01: Coo Sove mat Om will build you will. make yon fat and healthy. • Especielly bene- fidial•tO those who are "all ruiodoWn." Manufactured by the Davis -mute Co " Ltd. Mr:Year*. ',Pedley, Super:dieter:AC:tit of Iuiriiigratiun, estimates,thet pearly 14,000 settlers from the United eStetes have become residents of Canada dur- ing the last season. Toronto, London.and Hamilton cap!. italists have organized a cimipany with $200,000 :capital to elect a corn, starch factory at either Kingston 'or Prescott. Theticketeof leave: ersteni for (-nee victs .recently :introduced by Hon. David:Mills is working Well, and. it . is proposed te extend its operation e tp ehe:Central Prison, . • Leader Kimball, 'found guilty Ofhav- ing -dynamite in•his possession fo au unlawful nurpese ancl shown to be all associate of burglars, was •.sentenced by . Chief Justice Nleredith to 'seven years in the Penitentiary. • . . • Prxet Pernikenee, and Miser. PIES often have bad effects upon the eniall bov who over.indulges in then.,Pain- as a luieseboldniedicince for all suh illsie ,unequalled.. 'AVoid suhsti- tutes. there is but One Perry Davis'.25e. and 506. • A very sudden death overtook.. Mr. Giddens, a well-known 'resident of London, shortly before :noon' Men - day.. Deceased was witlkiog on Riot- mond.street, cind turned the. corner of York street, at the Tecumseh House. Just as he was passing. the side en- trance "he was seen to etegger.' Be grasped the irourailing„ _Nit • was 0 0-. able to support hinaself,' and sank to the sidewalk.. Assistance was, quielely. at hand, and it seas, supposed he had be.en seized with a fit. Be •opened his eyes epee and looked :mound, but never spoke.' Dr. Teasdititl was called, and arrived two or three mihueeS after de- ceased bird fallen, but When he. eterob. ed. the side of the unfortunate men he was :theady dead. Heart 'failure -Was gigen as•the, cause of death, Deceased. wee 0, man somewhatpassed middle bot Wee apparently ingood health. witted Counie is .1 weaning 'not to he lightly- treated Pyity-Pec, toraLetiree With absolute certainty, all recent coughs and: Colds; Take it he time. Maeufaetared by the •propriee Ors of Perry Deeds' hildreri Cry for ORIA. ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. Testimonial of John Hunter, Township of Usbonie. ;i41(1. ExPort 1)entalid vorY -..rtia Quotation. Chicago, Jan. 3.6 ----Continued liqui- dation, of the eouginterest, through eoeunissiou houses, was the featute of the wheat market here yesterday, and the market declined and showed but little inclinatiou to react Clos- ing- quotations were: ,Jan. May 66yto and July 673/se 67V.i,c, Liverpool, Jan, 16.-1Vhcat futures were weaker .'esterdity, closing 130' lower than on Saturday, •Liverpool, Jete. 10. ---. Yesterday's close; Spot ‘vheat dull, red .wiqer, 5s ltintli Nor., sPring, 5s 11d; fu- tures dull, March and May 3,s 81/2,d. YISIISLE SUPPLY. The visible supply of wheat M the United State S and Canada, together with tla.i amount afloat to Europe, is 78,213,000 bushels, a decrease of 319,000 bushels for the week. A year ago the total was 54,733,000 bush- els, or 93,478,000 bushels less than am tieing English Stock I'ood for calves and young stock and am highly pleased with ite effects. lt keeps the digestive organs in 0 heathy conditiOn and tht growth and unpeovereent of the stools is well reaTked. I consider it 0 mos1 excellent food and feel coe- fidene that it pays well to use it. I would highly recommend ite use to stook vaisers. IllarnIfitetuted by C. Lutz, druggist, EXeter. Price 50 cents P'' beg. at the pt.esent, tiiiie. tiftcrix I.AURENCE 31A111.TE1. Groin- . .11:0 69 to 0 . . . 0)31) • . 041 045 50 . .02') 03114 0 , 0 50 .113 1 110 1v5l6), bush . " red, hush .. fife, buitl.. goose, eeee. . 'Bede)-, • leas. bush. Oats, bush......... Rye, hush_ • , etickwhe:, t, bush. ... Beans, ........ Red clover, per hush_ _ .$4 75 to .330 Atsike, choice to fancy.. 0 50 '7 00 Alslice, good No. 2.. .. ,. 5 00 0 00 White doves, pot I1ili, .. 7 00 8 00 Timothy seed, per bush. ..i 00 '1 35 Iltiy Lind Struw-:. Hay, per ton ..„ .$1000 tO $11 50 Hay, mixed, per tofl . 11 00 Straw, sheaf, per ton 7 50 .... Straw, loose, per tun. 4 00 5 00 Dairy Produce - Rutter. 15„ rolls ..........$0 20 to $0 25 Eggs, new laid 0 30 0 35 Poultry - Chickens, per. pair 50 to $0 ee Tereees, per 0 10 0 1214 Ducks, per pair .. ...... 0 75 1 00 Geese, per lb. .......... 0 07 0 00 Fruit nod l'egetubles- Apples. per. bbl. $1.50 to $3 00 FotatOes, per ling .. 0 45 0 50 • 3IuNTREAL LIVE. sToCli. Montreal, .Jan. 1 6. -The receipts at the East End Abattoir ' yesterday morning were 500 head of cattle, 25, calves, 1,50 sheep, 150 'lambs. The demand was good and prices well maintained. Cattle, choice sold at from 41/2c to Se per pound; good sold at from 4c to 41,1c per pound; lower grade froin 21,f:.c to 31/2c per pound. Calves were sold at from $2 to $8 each. Sheep brought from 21.f.c to 3c per pound. Lambe were sold at from 4c to 41/2e per pound. Hogs brought from ec to 4.1•1se pee pound. EAST 1113EFALO CATTLE 31ARKET. East Buffalo, Jan. 16. -- The mar- ket opene.d rather dull yesterday, with a total sale for the day of -.180 loads. Fat cattle and ,export cattic Werp dull and 15c .to 25e lo-wer,,, but Stockers and feeders being in good demand ,light simply sold strong and higher, by about 0 quarter, Fat cows Were ,hard to sell, anti ruled 25c to 30c 'lower on the best grades, and 'ver' hard to sell on the common., kinds. Feeders were in go0d demand' and higher. The bull trade was steady, under fail. demand. Calves in fair supply, moderate demand, lower. The cicse on all desirable grades and heavy cattltt was dull. Ir- regular and tower, with several loads unsold. Sheep and lanibs.--The• ofteriugs were quite liberal, 108 loads. The 'general trade was fairl;,, :Active at the decline of 10c to 15c from Slit i.n-days fl,t,p.ire. The' bulk of the sales of choice lambs 140re at $6.15, "with a number of sales at $6.20. Lambs, choice to extra, w (motable, $6.1.0 to $6.20; good to choice, .$5.75 to $6.10; fair to , counnOn, $4.50 to $5.00. Sheep, choice to extra, $4.75 to 54.90; good " to choice, $4.50 , Lo 54.75; conunon to good, $3,00 to 54.00. .There' were four 100(15 of Canada' lambs on sale., and the basis -.w)is $5.80 to $5.85. 1Velhurs. 54.65 to $4,90; :c..tea, rib -ars $4„75 $5.25; heavy ewes shceP, $4.23 to $4.50. The olTerings wore pretty \volt clean- ed up and steady at, the close. 31ooa.ger of Th.. Journal Arro,.toci. Montreal 3,10.3(3 011 7fac- c00nolcl and manger of The journal, the D'rench-Canadian organ, was :trrested esssterday afternoon 00 0 charge of criminal libel preferred against hint by Itecorder Poirier. The Journal accused the recorder of liar- tiali ty nt the revision of t,he voters' lists. Mr. Macdonald was admitted Jana,' wcatkim: chtoo. Pekin , Jan . 1 6 .--.1 sign i Pico nt sign of the part Japan hopes to play in the Suture • in (.11.int.t. is that the Ja- panese Government, has definitely' of- fered to establish ,a military at:tide/11y at Pekin, to educate Chinese under Japauet..ki, officers, lit is believed China is ,favorably dispeE.;ed towards the proposition. Strike of Traltma..o 1 breWietled. Minot, N.D., 300. 16.-A strike of some proportions is.; threatened by erain operatives Of the Great North- ern. This applies to freight men only, but it is thought that, unless an amicable adjustment of differences is brought about, a general tie-up will result. 'Cius1&d by Thr.“410ou ,Erin, , Ont., Jan. .1.6. -Peter Mc- Eacherii of 5th tine, East Oeleseeeveae probably fatally eel:stied by a thresh- ing engine falling., on him. Tie Was engaged in loading the engine on a sleigh, -when it fell on hini, fractur- ing the 1.1050 of tlw skull and oneleg' - t•ottalloott ',Toro: to, jan. O. ---- • :Pone more families are infected 'i.vi!th 111 Eseue County. The me)ority . of the old cases have 1)ticovne convales, cent, All ale cases are in Roch- es tor 'Tow :Ishii,. Mr. k'sillertotk it( signs. In India the flesh of the elephant is T"'''" 'Jan- ..1•E'' Yt's1-"I'dad" and in Egypt the' eatuel ate eateu t(-CC r t'h•r"' dish, while in Arabia the lierse ' • - t'ne -`•`11. (.1in <Icesel, 401)1.1,favorite 0,iee al, 150 (011.1 Of. Mart;.11, len l , , 11 What is Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups'. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee thirty years' use by Millions of' Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation antl Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach aml Dowels of Int...tilts and Children,, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. Castoria. "().teitortu is an excellent tnedicint for children. 5lothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." DR. 0. C. 050000, Lowell; lif ass. Castoria, .",Castorla is so well atlapted to childrect that 1 reconitnend it as superior to any pm- seriptiott known to Inc.'' 0. A. Aacuna,11. 11. Brooklyn, THE FAC-SkMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THC:CCNTAUR COMPANY, TY MURRAY 'STRCCT, NCW YORK CITY, •eter-efelt.e,let -tete," egliefeagetto 16w11"1"7:ii.tki\ :R7dicaI Change in Marketing. Method': An original plan under which you can obtain as Applied to Sewing Machines, ., A NtIVDEPARItitt i easier terms and better value in the purchase of - -"di,..e. .' the world famous "White" Sewing Machine than ever before offered. NlIrrit1. fte- our elereut ILT catalogue and detailed particulars, How # we can Aiwa yeti money in the perchase of a high-grade sewirigepa....hine le and the easy terms of payment we can offer, either direct from. 4 factory o==throug our regular authorized agents. This is au oppor- tunity yon cannot alTeed. to paSS. You know the ,White,” you know its manufacturers. Therefore, a detailed description of the mac= its.construcuon is unnecessary. If you have an old machine to -exchange vire can otteramost liberal terms. Write to,•clay. Address in full, ,,. 'Willi SEWING MACHINL COMPANY, (Dept A.) Clevelant Oblo. 'WholliblielkliA1111101,46116111110%46111)11,1011,41,11111111101‘ For sale by S. MARTIN Exeter. Fullerton: While-N-1rue Fischezwas visiting at A. Apel's, his little son, Elton, and Mr. Apers son were play- ing with•the straw cutter, little. Elton had the end of his middle finger of his right hand cut Off with theknives. 'Varna: A very peettY wedding took Place Wedneeday everting zit the eeei- dence of the bride's father. Me. James Johns, when his daughter, Amia, ,was united ik the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Harpy Hutchison, of Goderich township. The Rev. Me. Jennings:, of Hayfield; tied the nuptial knot good and fast. The bride was the recipient of a number of useful and. valuable presents. The "happy eonple left the same evening for their home on the Has -field line. Ilensall: We have this week to chronicle the death of Mrs: William AVhitesides, which occurred at her home here on Sunday merning, Jan. 7th, after a painful illness of over one year, during, which time het, ease was SO serious as to require conetant medi- cal attendance and nursing, and in connection with the latter, great credit is due her daughter, Violet, for the faithful manner in which she waited upon her mother almost, day and night. • She.leaves toanourn her loss, - her husband, 5 sons and 3 daughters. Hay: The curtund meeting of the Hay Branch Ag,eicultural Society was he-xeF1 de ni IN$72e4001'leositilni;0 Afterpreis-i their property and paying all the priz- es. the society have a surplus of over $50 With Whith to start the yeer. The following officers were elected; Pres., Earnest Gies; first Vice-Pres.,1H. Lip pert; t2onrcsl, eW. B -P. 1B' e Socsti eldl J. Pfabeeer, J. Decker. W. • Blackwell F. Troyer, W. Coleman, E. ‘Villert, B. Phfile; auditors, J. A. IVillittens and S. Hardy; D. S. Faust was're-eleeted sec- re.taiy-treasurer. • , Blake: INIr. John Mere, who has conducted a very successful. black- smithing business in this village for many years, having disposed of his business and property, is ebout to re- moi.e' to the neighboring' Village" of Hensall. Mr. Nero has been brought into the closest intimecy with the people of this village and vicinity dur- ing his' long bleSiness career here, ADO his honest, straightforward busi- ness methods, coupled with his genial, ' careful:Ind obliging disposition, eecur- ed him not only business snceess, but tly, confidence, respect and. esteem of O very wide CirCie of friends ancl patrons, and the regret et his de- parture from our midet is universe]. dente and Children, , It on ,a7ef-a,‘, v7774tIst. EMULSION corasitreirPTION and IltiStrASES, SPETT'aiNC, or 8100D. COVG111, LOSS OF APPETITE. DIEBILITY, tIte ben,fl t* efads natklo tire mast tunutreit. By the aid of The 0, Sr L. Emulsion, I have gotten rid of a hacking cough which had troubled me for over a year, and have gained consider- ably in weight. T. H. WINGHAM, C.E., MoatreaL 50u. and $1 per nettle DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, IVIONTREAL. Constance: The eldest son of Edtra rt Dexter, here, is seriously ill. witk Very Salad hopes or recovery; IL 03. pears,that in some manner les hoot rubbed and made a slight abrasion el the skin of the heel, which caused lit, tie or no anxiety ,it first, as nothing eerions was anticipated, but it devel- oped into a case of blood poisoning, and at the time of writing his condi, tion is very low indeed. St. Marys: A very eerems accident happened on Saturday to Robt. Good- erbed, a laborme who worke on the farm of ...Tames Elliot, about three, Itnhialets, Ms 1)•1.1Gtilocci'cflete -ivillicelt(wl s)vasi :feeldti n'Pg'ePt€;;11‘..e'9 through a cuttiugebox, when,, hie left hand hesome manner came in contact with one of the knives and -was taken offjust below the elbow. St. Marys: While iinhitehing his driving horse in front of the 'hotel barn the other morning. Mr. J. NV, Cathcart, proprietor of the Garnet House, St. Marys, eustained serious in- juries. One holdback strap remained • nnbuckled '11nd the horse became feightsned wl:en the cutter moved forward, with it. Mr. Cathcart at- tempted TiO reetrain the animal from, enteringthe stable by catching hold of one of the shafts, and was throw° with great force against the edge of the door frame .striking on his face. His nose wag broken. ChUdren'Cry for ASTOR IA. thTllOt. P1AS OWITIVICZNOTOI. We guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 2.5C. tin boxes and $1.00 yard rolls. The latter allows yea to cut the Plaster any she. Every fautliy obovid have ono reedy for En erner. gency. DAV13 & tAWRENCE ilkliTED. tberntAt Beware of itnuAtion1 t• Open '• Age CU I)ene D1011