HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-18, Page 111. THIRTEENTH YEAR. -607. EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY 18, 1900. C. T -T. SANDERS, EDITOR. LI BISHOP 86 SON vrARE NO ADVANCE is in hardware, but it does not necessarily follow that there is not to be one. In fact we hztve just received ews of very heavy advance in a short time. IN HAR W RE 1Cnown as Builders' Ilardwfu'e, this hist year lits been an exceptional one owing to the rapid flay:times in all lines. We conse.quently bought very heavily and as a result find ourselves very 11111Ch oVerStOCke.d. if yin' intend to ITILD A HOUSE Or a barn this coming season, we will be very pleas - to give you prices on, ill the hardware you will re- quire, and we can convince you can build build about as CHEAP AS EVER WE ARE CLEARING OUT. • X -CUT SAWS AXES STOVES COW CHAINS. LOWER THAN EVER H. BISHOP SONGEI)vifs. BIG SPECIALS —FOR_ WEEK. To be seen to be appreciated. PRINTS Complete stock of American Percales 36 inch wide, regailar 124.ccle.m,ing at Sc. English Washitble, 1.0c.; now qc. HOSE Men's all,Wool half hose, regular 20c. to sell at 121e; a Men's guaranteed all -Wool Hose,, regular 25c: to sell. ib 16e SPECIAL PRICES —FOR— BUTTER, EGGS, DRIED APPLES, AND ALL FARM PRODUCE. ISIIOP 81...SON 01',IBY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for in. vestment upon farm or yillage property, at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON &- CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS PU,R BALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for ealb cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SrACKMAN. Sarnwell's Block Exeter 161 STRAY CATTLE. --- There strayed. from the premiscs of the un - dersigned, two good two steers; uolor, one all -white, the other red. Both animals are marked on bothers by a T. shaped piece being removed:, frorri,the top. of each ear. Any person giving information as to their -Aliereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. ITINToN Bn0 Saintesbury FARM FOR.SALE OR RENT. The undersigned is offering for ;file or rent his farm, being Lot 14, South Boundary, Hay, containing one hundred acres -95 clear- ed and in a good ,state of cultivation,. 52 acres fall plowing done and S acres fall wheat sown. There is on the premises a good bank barn and other out buildings, good orchard, two good wells and other conveniences. This is a good farm, and will , be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Ap- ply to W.n. RARRIS, , Han PO. R.IIICI(S REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well done, go to R. HICKS—Watches, Clocks and jewelry a specialty. KARRIA.GE LICENSE MatrriAge Lieeti$es iSstied 'tncl Vedd1ng Rings always On hand. Eamon's Block, Ex-eter. Stanley. AG RICCI UrCRAL SOCTETY. --The an- nual meeting of the Stanley Branch Agricultural Society was hold at the River Hotel, on Wednesday, Jan. fOth. The Auditors' report was adopted. The following officers were appointed for the year 19O0—Robert Snowden, President; Richard Penhale, 1st Vice; David MeNaughton, 2nd Vice,ii• Di- reetOrs—B, A. Higgins, 'Varna; 1)011 - aid Galbraith, Albert Anderson, Gode- rich township; John Woods, Hall Rutledge, Porter's Hill; Chas. Don - 1111200, Joseph Wild, C.ieorge Bates; Stanley township; Jas. Donaldson, sr., Bayfield; Reuben (3rahatn, Binicefield; H. W. Erwin, Bayfleld, Secretary, Frank A. Edwards, Tr'eastmer, Bay- field. The receipts of the Society for the year, wine $581.66„; the expenditt $518.50, leaving- a 0011111 balance on haaid. • SOC101D ;Mr. Samuel Stanlake has reeovered froni his recent, illness. ---Miss LIMA Ha,rris visited. at S. 0. Prouty's a couple of days last week.—Isalic Bi 1- 11 P0, Mr. j elm Penhale'S hired man, 'had his foot badly out one day last 3ve.ek—Mr. James Box, of Stephen, is getting very feeble.-:-Mv. Fred Cri.een had a horse die one day last week. It is supposed to •be forty years old. - 1 ridging from the anion ot of teams 00 the road§ they are making good 1.1Se Of the Slighing.--Aliss Marie Stanlake nas had a very bad fehm on her finger, hot it is f.tetting' lietter.—The Sarepta band paid (lain:Lebo:ye a visit One day reeentiy,--The new tea eller haS toiterod httr fint,i(?.8 at the Sodom Pulilic school fttld i giVing great satis-. faction. --There seems to be a great stir among the Indians and the white traarip thict 11, ''VS thorn. were ander OM influence of liquor. They were chasing each ()tiler lip and dt)W11 I,he road With itNeS aboilt three o'clock in the ittorning. It was report- ed that one .Of the Exeter .officiais turned all of the Indians out of' the bottse on Senday. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from 4,/,.. to 5 per cent, ELLIOT ..4z GLADMAN, Barristers.Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter Sale Register. FRIDAY, JAN 1 2TH. —Householci. Furniture, Inaplerner ts and Horses. Sale at the Ditf- ferm House, Centralia, at one o'clock. DROWN, Anat. 5ATI3RDAY, ,TAN. 13TIL—Live Stock-, Bug- gies.Cutterf, and Implements, the property of Bissett and Armstrong, to take place at the Central Hotel, Exeter, at 1.30o'clOok. •Somi GILL, Aunt. 1101.1SE AND LOT FOR SALE A good story and, half frame house. well situated on Huron street east. Apply to Miss VOSPER, or S SANDERS, Telegraph. office, Exeter. BARLI..lY AND FIGS FOR SALE. The undersigned ha,s a limited quantity of new Beardless Barley for sale: also a num- ber of sows supposed to he with pig for sale. rirolin May, Exeter, P.O., London Road mEETING OF HUR0.1,..1 COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 23rd inst., at three o'clock W. LANE., Clerk. Dated Ian. 8111, 1900. SEALED TENDERS. Sealed tenders will be received until Mon- day evening, Jan. 22nd, by the Centralia Creamery Co., for 200 cords of soft and hard wood, in lots of from5 to 50 cords, to be de- livered at factory, Centralia, end arso for buttermilk from Same factory. Kindly ad- dress n.11 correspondence to 0. EAGGI'XII,See'y.. R. HICKS. Pres., Centralia, Centralia. Winchelsea (Too late for last week.) Franklin and Leslie Robinson have gmie to London to take a course in the Business Colleg,e.—Wedding bells are ringing and if reports are true we, ttre to lose one, of our fair ones in the near attire. ilibbert DIED —This week it becomes our sad duty to record the death of Janet, be- loved. wife of Mr. Robert Johnston. who passed ;13Vity on Saturdfly at the 'Itge frE hSyeat.s. Mrs. .Tohnston was one of the early settlers of this place and was respected by a large cirele of friends who mourn her demise. She leaves beside he.jhushand, a grown-up huffily, who have the deepest, sympa- thy extended to them 10 this their time of bereztvement find sorrow. The funeral took place on Mond:ty to the Knox church cemetery zuid was tot- leiwed by a large concourSe of 9011'022- in1lfriends. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to statute in the, Town Hall, 31cGilliyray,. jan. Sth. Counte,illoits incribed to the required f(natas of qualification and declaration. of office, Ro belt 'Elu tch bison, Reeve; Philip 14. libualing, Marshal Miller, A. 11. Rodgins and John McGregor, Court- cill.(frs. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. 34 ler—Hodgi n s, that this (rtm,sal hereby endorse the aetion of e meeting. held in Fraser's hall. Galt, idappointing a committee to have ef- flieent cattle guards constructed by railway cot apitilids and request that they'llfrit.teed at. once .to have such guards itiaintstinech—Cariied. Tiara - i t7.0 that; Gilbert (3 vi e ve be, and, be is hereby' ;tppointed, Assessor for t,he intesent year, 11 11 salary.. of $65 witli $20 infit led for' all extra, work, in- cluding traiancY Ifst, statute labor 011- ( '1 and :I.ttending Qom tt of si on , •- -Car ried 'Hard ing --MeGI:tegott, that John Ferguson is lierebY ppOhlted a member of the Board of Health to ,serve for the entaL- ing three -,vears.--(3arried. Hodgins, that, accounts, amounting in all to $81.98, be paid,—.Carried, 1.10d- g1ns—Miller, that this ('0(11)01) 1111100111 20 12 .''i in the Town Hall, on the see.: ottd 'Monday in February at one o'clock p, —Carrietd. Wm. FICA SEV, Clerk. "rn Dashwood The fine, mild weather is enjoyed by all.—Rev. A. W. Saner is conducting a series of revival meetings in the Evangelical chttrch here. We hope much good may be theresult.--Messrs. Will T7,emala and Geo. Snider attend- ed church on the 14th concession last Sunday afternoon.— The Village truss tees accepted the applications of Mr. Peter McIsaac and Mr. Simpson Ire- land as police constables for the YR- lage. We believe they made a very wise choice.—The 'beginning of the week being soft, the flax mill shut down, allowing a lot of men and boys their freedom which they apparently enjoyed, jad,ging front the laughter that took place on the corner Tuesday afternoon.—Large loads' of wood can he seen -daily passing through the vill- age enroute for the front.—Such difference in the weather now and this time last year. We prefer this kind. —Miss Sophia Stephan is at present in O yery precarious cOndition and hopes of her recover"), seem doubtful, she beingsill with that dreaded disease von - t= stimption.—Mr..Phillips, who at one thue lived on the Goshen line, but now a resident 01 McG•illivray, was in the village Tuesday. Though „getting feeble he still posesses great vitality for a mati of his. years.—Mr.&mud Hawkins. of Shipka, has been engag- ed as blacksmith by Mr. Henry Guen- ther of this place,—Mrs. Henry Elhers, who has been confined to the house for the past while through illness, is able to be out around. again. -111r. Tay- lor, of Brewster, has been passing through the village daily this week with large loads of tile purchased, we believe, in some of the Orediton tile yards. Industry is bonml to earn its reward ancl this labor will doubtless P113' for itself many tittles over. —Mr. John Smith, of the village still con- tinues in poor health. ( 10 late for last week.) The storm last week blocaded the concessions, but we believe they are open again.—Mr. Thos. Snell left On Tuesday for Bryanston, where he is engaged as teacher in the Public School at a good salary. Thos. will be much missed here, where he is well an(1 favorably known.—Miss Brooks, of Exeter, who was at one time em- ployed by Mr. John Hall as milliner. renewed acqualptanc,es in the village during the (past week.—The officers for the Evangelical S. School, were. elected Sandy and resulted as follows; Pres. J. Kellerm' ann; Vice -Pres. G. Ostreicher; Treas.. J. K. Goetz; Seco D. Weber, Libarians, Arthur Goetz and Enianuel Kellerman n. The sever- al classes and teaohers were placed on Sunday and we trust the results will be satisfactory and that the 5011001 may be prosporous during the yea At the annual business meeting of tile Evangelical church here, Mr. Elhers was elected trustee 101' the next three years. --During the, storm on Monday night Mr. Adam Birks 'Windmill got hi motion and before it was stopped made itself into quite a wreck. --MT. Bon Wiiikenweder, accompanied`13 his family, is visiting under thelifuain- tal roof.—The Misses Martha.. "21c1 Sarah Shroeder renewed acquaintances here during the past week..—Rev. M. L,. Wing, of Berlin, conducted the sermons in commotion with the Lord's Supper in the Evangelical church here on Sunday. OTITTUARV.--This week we 1;000rd the death of little Garnet Birk, which sad event oceurred Dec. 31st, being ill only a, few days. Garn et, the Only child of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Birk, seemed full of hope and promise, but alas the hand unforseen by mortal eyes reaches in and the bright star of the home is taken away forever. This instance re- minds us that, tithe is short. Thu's, passed away a sweet, child at the early age of 10 in on tits 20 days. The sorrow- ing parents and friends have sym- pathy from the entire commuility hi this their se -Vere loss, Wellington Secord, Wakeman, killed at Belleville. St. JOsepla Sleighilig is good here now and farm- erS and 101.11111ell are making good use of it by drawing wood and saw 3) r. C. 11e La ffineer has got a gang Of 01ei1 at \vork patting the 1001 on ale maintnotit I 11 ek.---Dzi pt.110 Granville and wile are visiting friends in and ;troutid the ge.--Mr. and Mrs. Mack, of McGilliVlay, are visiting their d a 1 g h ter, Mrs. G. Co it p bell . r. John 1 fyrock, of COX a 1,1, "N. D., is ng In-, brothers here. Mr. Hyrock 1, coat - hitting business with pleasime, having sold to the firm of Sawyer & Massey - of Hamilton, the sole Oarmdian right of a patent bagging and weighing a t, tacit went for threshing tnaohines.- 311.. j. Brice and sister, Mrs. Neiland, Of Paisley, were the guests of their sister, Mrs. I). Wilson, last week.— We have this week to chronicle the death of a little child. of 'Mr, John I3ark's. The remains Were interred. in the ILO. eemetery at Drysdale on Fri- day zifternoon.—Say, what makes A. Milick look so pleasant this week? Why, didn't -you hear? No, what? Why its a boy bmin on Monday morn- ing. --mi'. D. Wilson, our enterprising stockman, has purchased from Mr. 'F. Oudmore. oi Usborne, a thoroughbred short -horn 1 J11... Davi.' is tdways be end to have the best and the best is always the cheapest in the end. *CB.— P osperity corners January thaw is 0 er and Winter." is settieg 111 once more with , all appear - ;woe' of good Retzu t, of tewnline, gave a ':social hop" on Tharsday night last. Everyone went heine 1.\''it,l) a Smile On their face.—A number in this; vietinity are on the sick list. We wish thein a speedy re- covery..—Reports ;ire ;ffloat that a conple of our enthusiastic young men Seem to he Very anxiOnS to make an early start in inn tterS Matti in on i al.• A very pleaSatit evening- was spent. last .Wednesda y night at Mr. Jno, Schram's residence, the occasion ing the annual Ban Social Of the .Bap- tist :church.' The evening was not very suitable, the Sleighing being. very thin and besides ram threatened, yet a large number terned . out. A 'pro- gramme Wa9 made out by Mr. 11. j. Hamilton which consisted of recita- tions and dialogues by, pupils Of S. S.; songs and. solos by Parkhill Quartette; Miss Thompson, Miss 'Kilbourne, and !Labia and Almond Mathews, all of ..which were highly appreciated. In- strtimentals were furnished by Miss Fraser, Messrs. Schram and DiekSon. Mr. G. G. Jones, without being given a hearing to an amendment,WaS clapp- ed to the chair. He took it and gave out the first part of the programme.. Then sapper .waa announced which, Was a .seene of .jolity 111211 tnirth. (3-1Oines Were played 101':1time then: the second part of programine was given, Mr. and :qrs. Schram and. fanii13,- showed great hospitality to their guests. " • Centralia E..Pyni left Saturday for 1.011- d011,where she will spend the winter with her .'Sister. Mrs. W. F. Bnller. Her sister,. -Miss Mary Py111, hits re- thrned hothe for a few months.—Miss Nprtna Bobier aucl brother, of Exeter, Visited . friends here last week. --The Rev. Mr. Pierce f tddressed the Epworth Leagne .zind ladies of the church . on 'Indian missionary work in British Col- umbia, in the basement of the church on Monday evening. .A large n flintier were in attendance and the very in- teresting discourse was tench_ appreci- ated. --Mr. Thomas Ward returned from Muskoka last week and will leave for Strathroy to,clay (Thursdfty.)--The sale of chattles of Um late John Hicks took place at the 1)tifferin House on Friday. Everything sold lively.— Wed- ding bells were ringing in town Wed- nesday-. . OREA.MERY 31.E,FauNG.---1'he share- holders ancl patrons of the Centralia Butter and Creamery Association held their annual ineeting on Saturday ftf- temoon, there being a large number in attendance. The report of the hnsi- ness done during the year was itead, which showed tbe standing of the as- sociation to be good and to the entire satisfaction of the patrmiS and share- holders. ,In fact so thoroughly satis- fied were they thitt all the officers and director§ were unanitnonsly re-eleeted for the current year. .A. hearty vdte of thanks were tendered the officers. LECTURE AND CoNottiPar. —The lec- ture mid concert held here in the But- ter Co"- Hall, under the auspices of the *Oentralizt L.O.L., on Wednesday even- ing was a grand sticeess. T110 Weather was all that could be desired ancl the attendance wf tSrge. A t S.15 Rv e. S. Salton took the chair mid opened the meeting- with a ShOrt, Witty ;tud cheer - fill 'address, followed hy a, solo frenn ;M.r. Hill, of Oreclitoo. The Rev. F. G. Worster, of Toronto, Canadzes orator, was then called Mimi and with the wit,. characteristic of his country, a marvel- lous .nielnory, capacious, retentive and' ;motivate, his figures Were beautifully chaste and becoming in his diseriptive and thri 11i g lecture. I relz d latighter and its tears." The strong •f the s e. k • tl.11( W111s01110 ) p a el cat- ried the atidience, Who listened with keen and intense: interest to the thril- desexiption' of Ireland, its race, education and scenery from its earliest foundation up to the'present age. The program on the whole was It rare treat, e.onsisting of music 1)), the Sanitslany Qiimitette 01111) 1111(1 the ex- cellent.sin ging by several of (Irediton's best talent,:inetuding Miss B. Beaver, Miss Hill, Miss Lewls,Mr. Hill, mr. Holtzman and others. The instiannen 2 - al s given by MeSsits. Davis. Davis and Coursey and Miss M. Hodgins were heartily appla100.(1. Never 'before has swill it corictirt bee.n given in our toWn and the Committee deserve eredit for britTing the affair to such a, 11111102" 611 1St,1,k;. Cry fcie Stlifra. The' [ndependent Order of Foresters will give a eoneert in the Town hall, Staffa, on Friday evening, 19th inst. They have engaged Mr. Bengough and something uncommon is in store, for the people. deltatt, which took pl,tee Wed tieschuy night, Resolved, thatcity life if m'eferable to country life," 'which w;(,, very interesting, find ended with tn.() poll ts for the city and three for the yellti try. Another debate will be held on Feb. 7th. "R,esolved. that Wellington was a better general than Napoleon." The capta are two pedetgogues.—Miss Alice \Vow's, of Elimville, who has been visiting at, AVin. Fells, retina -led to her home Saturday.—31r. Webb is on the sick list. lii many friends hope lie will soon be around agaill.---:MrS. (Dr.) 4f.fhiSon, 0ccoinpanied by Miss. Edmi, is away attending the funeral of: her mother, Mrs. 0ittnpbell.---31r. William Dawes had a, successful „wood. bee On Friday, and .the CV( riing tho .yottth and. beauty of the snrrounding Country .gathered 'and spent the night in danc- ing and other aniusenients.-s.Mrs. Seffery is Visiting4'.fi'lends in, Seaforth• Staart; of Carling -ford, was the guest Of 3(i'. 1111(1 M.'S: P.' •Mcl`..Taughtion last Week. ---Miss Kate ()tames is spend- ing a few 'days with her Mint, 'Miss Oliver. in the yillitge.,-Rev. :Netli- erceitt, delivered a very interesting se.)f-• nami to the young ladies on Sunday' evening last.—sMasters Frank find Ld- cli Oliver, of •StratXerd, are Visiting' their friellds in and 'tiro und thevillage. —A sleigh load of our young people took Mis and .31rs. S. Miller by- Surprise on 31enday evening.. They all spent .a„ pleasant tirne and returned to their various homes as the small hoars. erept en, delighted with the hospital- ity of 311. and,Mrs.. - 13i(1(111101' • BRII.L1ANT -WEDDING.-,On Wednes- day afternoon Of last week UpWards of seYeaty-fiVe ea -tests presented them - Selves at theresidence of Mr. Jon- athan C'ooper, the event being the marriage of his elAst clanghter„ Eliza Ann, to Mr. George Knox, Of. Exeter,. this being the fourth celebration of:the kind that has taken place in. Mr. Coo- per's"family, within a yeai.. The placi- td residenee Was imatitiftilly, decorated for the Occasion, ..brightening all the; solemn Scene and adding to the jeyOns effeet of lovely* bridal' Costa/nes and happy, expectant faces: The ceremcmy Was performed by the Rev. Brownlee, rector Of Grantenchurch, at -1.1)0110 4.30 in the afternoon The bride WaS attired in a cream coStutheof whip-cOrd, trim- med -with rihbonand lace, carrying a beautiful boqUet of white carnations and hooked 'charming, The duties of the, bridesmaid. were 'dispensed -with. • . Whilelittle Dolly Cooper, .sister of the bride, acted:as maid .01, honor, The Wedding marela .was. played: by Mrs. Fox, of. Lucan. After the ceremony had been perfo1 med. and the bride kily kissed and congratulated, the..atfen- tient of the guests was attracted by the table in the next reomgroaning under the hospitality of mine. host. 'Several relief parties were organiZed with the. result .that the meaning was ' transfer- red from the former to the latter.. Af- ter the eatables had:been disposed Of In the most approved .fashion the younger element of the circle began. to initiztte themselves into the mazy in.- tricacies of a social hop; while the old - 01 head2. settled themselves dowp to discuss polities. religion or. literature aS inclined to suit their tastes. The. pmSents formed 1. 'magnificent array, cemprising articles of 'use and. tkalue to 0 great number.. The happy 'Couple will iake their future home hi Exeter. . They haVe the best, wishes of the community at large: and may their life been e .6f happiness and prosperity is the wish of your ciairespondent. CASTOR IA. iti '0311 Miss Mary Urquhart, who has been suffering from a severe attack of ap- pendicitis, is improying.-31iss -Martha Tufts entertained a number of friends at a. quitting bee on Friday afternoon last. --Mrs. A. Brethour is improving nicely.--Miss.L. Smith, of. St. Marys, wits.the guest of Airs. Robert Fletcher on Sunday. --Mr. C. Johns, of Dim- yille, spent Sunday hero, the guest of Re.v. John 11(11!. ---31152 Clump, Atwood who has been spending it 32ee11 with Miss Edith 13n11, returned home So tint - day. -.—Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, of liatniotas Man., are spending a, few weeks with the former's father. 31r. A. Kirk.. --Mr. and „Airs. Thomas Waghorn spent a few days here last week. -----Miss Nellie Sweitzer, of Blanshard, is spending a week \vith her sister, 'Mrs. Thztelter, Teeswitter.-31iss Phoebe Tufts spent. Sattirday and, Sunday under the pa- rental reef. '-31iss Cola, Prier, or Exe- ter, is spending' a few elaya here with her. cousin, Miss Lily Ball. --Mr. P. Diamond, of St. Marys, spent Sunday With Mr, Moore, 4,11 line. --13.. E. Daw- son has secured 11 situation as engineer in the woollen mill, it. Marys.—Mrs. P. Bair, who has been residing in the village for a number of years, has moved unto the 3vdline. of 131anshard, to tho house of Robert, Fletcher. AG11011:LT1.113,A1. SOT CIEY Ar. The annual meeting, of the .131anshard Agricultural Society- was held in the hall here on Wednesday afternoon of last Week. The Secretary -Treasurer and And 120's reportS \yeti) read and,. adopted, \yhielt shows the Society to be in a progressive condition. The debt on the hall and grounds is being r'ecItioed every year, $1.00 of the puine,,,- pa 1 and $30 ilitierest 20:19 paid Om past year, whieli leaves tht.t. debt agfunSt the gPottlidS yet $4.00. Th foitowing offieers were appointed for this yeart-,-- President, Wm. Hzoison; 'N. lee Presa Athos Doupo; Dimictots: \V. It. Carr, V.S., 1.)avid 13ogers, Saintail joint Votheringliam, Ito), Gowans, Ifitzlewood, Sohn So_wyelt, i.00rgo Bentley, A. SCOtt; See.-TrVtlt,t, 1.itlhnt 13,pa tty. A. tree fell on George 'ATMs, of Stan cerville, bile, Farquhar D. HAY, Fittrqular C9ntrnissioner Cor,vertialer, Alortoy t:9 loan at lo west rat ",':'l\: EISA Tly SF.1 lit, /1111- versary services and tea, lield in the • Th e r?( -i 'Presbyterian Church Sltuday and i\londay wIts a decid- ed, so oeQss io Overy sense,. or the term. \reallier \vas mild and pleasAnt and the roads good, conseri,tently 111. ChIlrell was \veil f0lle,(1 on ea.cla occasion. Itev. 3h.. A riders( in, oi Codericla, preached nicel 100. l. SO)11101)s ott Sabha th InO, ling ;11.c1 evening to very huge e(tngregations. Ells v, ell tionieht- ottt diSCOL1rac.,S it a Yts 1)ee11 impressive, and effective if' exteinpoi.e. 00 _11 ondao- evelling af- ter au (.,xeellent ten, Nvl (Y1 100(1 Soule time spent, 1 leasati013- 111(01a1 c011eotirSe, all 1 ePail'ed to the eh arch. above where the 11-11011- 1111 part was ministered to kty tile Re vds.„ Messrs. 1\l'art,in, Bro \vn and n,i.) Lok. of Ex et er, a nil An derson, of G oderich, 3Y1.1(4 excelled tlienisavos ill the, poilit- e.d., iimnorons 11 oi appropriate • ad- dresses delivered. The choir of tile imeli did the singing,- and their 11111S - it! WaS vety inuch itppreciated. Tho 1» 000('(l', -we 1011', 0. amottnted to over 8100. but, we, did not get tlie exifet, Mr. and 'Mx's. Charles Gillard, of Th/Wnie. were visiting the last -week at the boine of 111r. TOWG1'9, the latter's father. INtary 0111111- 01', passed through 1101-0 tile beginning of this week 00 her way up to Tvzokers smith .where she intends spending a„ few clays with friends.-31rs. (3ilfillien and Mrs.' 1,,Nrisemati passed. through here Tuesdity morning on their 1Way to atteud the Leaders' 3lissi- m11)1 3' meeting at Hensall. They. yvere delegates from the society of the Iiirkton Presbyterian cluti.cia.--Wed- nesda 37 of last week., Cedric, the eldest child of 311'. Jzimes T. Scott died with that dreaded disease, diphtliez izt , after an illness of abont one 3veel,-.. and was bmied at the Exeter cemetery. As at result a this outbreak of diphtheria, School No. 5, Hibbert, is closed. --The 'Gardiner Bros. are daily drawing,- out big loads of elm logs to the Exeter saw niill. Mr. Robert Gardiner drew out to the Exeter flint one day last week in one load 1125 ft, of elm in one log with Mr. Thomas Cameron's teatu. This is a bi,g load considering the e013- dition of the roads. Crediton COLLINS & STANBURY, Barristers, Con- y eyancers, Notaries, Exeter. Out , R. B. Col- lins and T. G. Stan bury, B.A. (late with Me- Garthy, Osier 84-, Co., Barristers, Toronto. On Friday night last Mr. Wm. 'Red- den gave an oyster supper to about twenty-five of his intimate friends° There, was tin abundance of oysters and all report, a good time.—Mrs. C. liable's of Cavalier, N. D., a former resident of 0111' village, is here visiting friends and acquaintances.—Mr.' Cook, of Hensall, WaS in the village Tuesday; assisting- Messrs. H. & Sweitzer 'in trying to start an electric, light plant. —Mr. !Tarry Dishman held a sale of his hou$e)aoldfurniture, etc., and farm- ing implements, on Tuesday. Auc- tioneer (4111. of Exeter, wielded the hammer.— Word has been received from North Dakota, that Mr. John Roeder, zi former resident of our vill- age. has died of typhoid fever. The sorrowing relatives in this ;vicinity have the sympathy of the community. —Death came again in ottr midst a week ;Igo Stmday and carried away Eva Brown, beloved wife of George Brown. at the ripe age of 77 years, 2 months. Mrs. 13rOW/1 has been an valid for years, but, nevertheless was able to be around. About a week before her death she became ill Ivith Pneu- monia, which carried her away on the 7th inst. She leaves to mourn her loSs a 'husband, five sons and three claug,h- tors, besides a large number of friends and 1101111801 1111002. She was interred in the German cemetery on the 10111 inst., the Rev. Litt officiating. The sorrowing ones have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereave- ment—Dr. T. A. Amos, of Exeter, was in the village Tuesday.—The T. 0. F. concert whieh took place in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening, was a grand success Mr. Henry Either M. P. P.. acted as chairman. 'The Rev, Arch Deacon Davis, of London. gave • a very interesting lecture on "Fores- try" ---it's ainis and benefits." Solos were given by Miss Beer, of Exeter, Edmund Witertill and ?Ir,. (Dr.) Rivers. Our Orediton Quartette gave o latIghable Quartette, entitled. the "Family Doctor," Ezra makes a first- class doctor and we would advise him to hang out his shingle.—Mr. C. Beav- er has decided to build a brick block, west of A. Hill's Hotel, this coming summer. No doubt prepa thins 'for building will be conmieneed 'in it l'ew inonths, BIRTHS. Baso 310'. Exeter. on Dec, 91h, the wife of S. 13itske11.111e, of ' a 9011. 1106.1.1./TIT.-0 31.CI 0 011. Stephen, on Jan. Oth, the wife. of S. T, lirogarth, of A son. RowOLT EFE. —In Ushorne. on :ran. Ofilt, the wife of David Rowcliffe, of a, daughter. ki,3.1t.E.—In Cromartv on .Tan. 15th, the wife of '10 ph Sp1 are. of a. son. 0 r.„3.yxx.---11) MoGillivray, on .1 01 15, the wife of 'I'llomas (ilayin, of a, SOD. mA.RRIA,GEs, 13noWN.— BOY the i'esidence of the bride's ('0 .))(0', Centralia, on :January 711), by the )ev, Salton, Percy 1312, '.011. son of Alt. H. Brown, 'Whichelsea., to Miss Olina insArifs. ----- MeNkni„.- Ansa Craig, oil Szni„ 110, Angelina, it). fro)t (ltillhter 'Mr. and Mrs. 1-t000lNs,-- 1n EXeter. on January 14th, Charlotte. wife or Mr. George liodgios, aged if; years. I;