HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-11, Page 83ussiness Brightness Brings Success, i Hoar Mr Patterson , for Sale, ()linten: Mrs. Eliza :McAlister died • • •Mr. ,Patterson, Canada s orator, has The undersigned hes a number of on Monday morning at the 'ripe old .AL'AfITTE'D Mr ANY UNE the wit eharaeteristie or his country- choice Bole coehihe and Brown ienee ago of 73 .:sears and 11, montdis she /--)eCent • sr.RATFoiRp, oss 11... soh ool 'that offers advantages n o t lottht.1 asewhere in Cauada. Large stair of exi,ert isastruetions; increased attendance; up-to- aate ,business training; scores of students *aced in good ettyihe pesitions; students inattendanee from places in which are locat- *at other linsmess colleges. They want tlie 'hest. It nays in the end New term now -open. Enter as soon as 'possible, Write to - for our han dsome prospectus, W. J. Elliott. Principal evaeozmaavve,wwwrow.v.„_ :LOCAL DOINGS. MeoduzistseqxxaciAlaaaeff0.6.0.6.V The dreesmaker is never what she :seams. Clinton has voted le favor of a free ahiie Libral*Y- Use Dix Little Liver Pills and Dix Kidney Pills. Sold by 0. Lutz. The R. E. Piekard Co. openedtheir branch store in Hensall on Monday. The heavy rain fall oreauesday night etas very rnueh impared the sleighine- Broom manufacturers of the United States and Ca nada have agreed to ad, ,nolee prices 25 cents a dozen. Miss Norma Bolder entertained a Aumber of her most intimate friends 7,,ast evening, (Wed nesda y.) Rev. S. Salton, of Ceutralia, occupi- ed the pulpit of the Main street Metho- ilist chnrcla on Sunday evening last. There will be five new moons in the first three months of 1900; and four- teen new moons during the year. Show your patriotism by attending the Concert, in aid of the Red Cross 8ociety,'enilonday, evening, January " Ex-Ald- MePlailips leaves to -day ier Virginia. His marriage to a Southern belle is announced to take place on the lith inst." London Free Press. Workmen are busily engaged in the tr:-..ection of the new Power House. It will be much smaller in size ande only one story. lc will be rapidly pAshed to. a. finish. Patriotic Concert at Gidleys' Opera House, Monday evening, Jan. 22. A ...roweled hituse and the receipts should 4,i.nidence our loyalty to the Empire on this occasion. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, having returned -.from Sarnia. wishes to announce to • public that he will, in future. be -with his father to attend to all branch- es of Dentistry. • The sale of Turkish Scalp Food is _rapidly increasing. For restoring the -natl.-lied dolor of the hair and as an in- -,figorating hairdressing, it is the best on the market Give it a trial. Sold by 0. Lutz. 50e. 'a bottle; 6 for $2.50. man, a enevvelloes weinoryee-capact- oils, retentive and aceorate-his figures are beautifully elutete and becoMing. In his descriptivelecture, "Frew To reinter to Belfast via Salt Lake City," in idleY'e Opera House, Thered4> Jan. 18,. Reserved. seatS, 24c., ehild- een Lie. Plan itt Mr. Grieves. .T. W. Broderick's cheap gale of Boots :and Shoes has been a great success. We 'k.,a,ve placed a lot of shoes on the tables Is/hien we are selling at half price at the store next doorNorthof the Post friffiee, Exeter. • • S. W. BRODERICK. r• Constable Wm. Guadry brought groxic,„Stephenjames Doyle on a charge of theft of about $50 worth of grocer - lies from, Quarrie'sstere at Mount Car- mel. Yesterclayeat 4p. in. the prisoner ',el/elided guilty and was sent up for 1310. Goderich Star. Mr. W. A. Dunsmore, Butcher, of 'Downie, recently killed an enorinous hog for Mr. D. McKay. The animal when dressed weighed 701 pounds, was 7 feet, 11 inches in length and mea- sueed. 7 feet around the heart. Who ean beat this record breaker. liorrie for sale. These are splendtel had been ill for some tune and the end bu ds;LiO t1-1.0r(A1,hb]rell. %VOL'S ElOt iinexpect;ed, Tbe took JollIV'MOORE. Plaee WednesdaY1 the service being Agricultural Society meeting, conducted by Rev. Alex. Stewart of The annual meeting of the Stephen whoSe church the deceased was a mem- Arrgozwienulitivarlal,l bei." Mrs. McAlister did nob long sur- neeting vive'her husband, who passed from and sTY1w;ets1 el fidi(x-lai'd13Ynxe:(11i1VV41111;:t'idlhs- trel tetsednal Ye x)). t a fNtIM bhR life into that beyond in Alig1114' Patriotic Coacert Bilis are Out announcing a Patriotic read by the Seeretary, which showed St. Marys: On Dec. 251h, Mr, Sohn Coacert, in aid of the Red Cross the Society to be in good standing,, Pyre, was married to Miss Lizzie, Society, to take place in Gidieys' after which the following officers were daughter (ff Mr. John Wiles. The Opera House, On Monday, January elected for the current year, viz:- ceremony was performed by the Rev. 22nd.. A live Committee have charge President, Richard Coates; Vice -Pres., G. W. Henderson, in the presence of of the affair and a splendid program Jas. Ballentyne; 2nd Vice -Pres. John the immediate relatives of the con - is being prepared. The objeet is a Hanter; Directors, E. Christie, W. D. tracting parties. The bride was adorn - most worthy one, therefore every loyal Sanders, P. McTaggart, W. Hamden, ed in blue and old gold box , cloth citizen should show their patriotism W. Elliott, 3. H. Grieve, D. McInnis, trimmed with sky blue ribbon, cream by booming the affair to its fullest ex- T. Delbri4e, 11. Smith. satin and lace. The presents were tent. Let every Person attend. testanacent of Officers. both costly and numerous, showing i District Meeting. At the last regular Meatiug of the the high esteem n which the young The Biddulph annual Distriet meet- Sons of England, held Monday night, couple were held. ing of L. 0. L., was held in Centralia, the following officers were duly in- St. Marys: St James' church was on Tuesday. The District Master, stalled in their respective offices, by thronged on MOnday to witness One WM. Lewis, Of Orediton, occupied the District Deputy, Jackson, of Clintont of the prettiest sights which has been elvdr and after the routine of business vizi-Presidents R. N. Rowe; Pas- seen in this town, and withal a SO: - the following officers were elected, yiz: Pres., W. Sweet; ,Vice -Pres., 11, Din, vice of deep solemnity. This was the ---W. M. Win. Lewis; D. M. Jos. Kin- ney; Chap., Thos. Hartn011; See'y,- max•riage of Mr. Henry Abell, of To- nistin; liec.-Sec'y., H. Mills; Chap., W. Geo. Kemp; Treas., jos. Senior; Com; ionto, to Miss Lizzie Mitchell, of ,St. Turner;'Treas. F. Ryan; Lecturer, W. mittee-men, Chris. Dinney,Geo. Davis- Marys. The ceremony was performed Davis; D. of (3, F. Davis. The next N. D. Hurdon, W. Dearing, W. San; by the rector, Rev. W. S. Taylor, as - annual meeting will be held in Lucart ders, Thos. Heaman; L G., R. Crocker. sisted by the Rev. I. 11. BrOW1), of the first Tuesday in January 1901 0. G 11. Spackman. Tins tees T- Delaware. 1.`he bridesmaids were Miss This is the season of the year above ilartn011, B. N. Rowe il'ad H. SPack• Maggie Sin", of Grantor', and Miss all • otheits for squaring np. "Short man! Medical °racer, TA.Ahlos; And- Ethel ArMstrong, of St Marys. credit makes Ion fmem s „ . a laxim news; D. iturdoe, H. Spackman, W Mitchell: Rev. H. C. Landsky, who often Proven true and is worthy of g rfSweet; Caretaker, R. Crocker. After has heed eleven and a half years pastor general adoption as a frontispiece. the intevesting installation pereirtony of the Evangelical Lutheran Congre- ciao) is the oil that Ambers up the was over, the -mei -obeys, together with gations at Logan and Mitchell; was wheels of trade and ashe old fashion- a number of invited guests, repaired married at Port Huron, Michigan to ed style of "trucking" is fast dis- t.o Mr. A. Bagshaw's oyster Parlor, Miss Bertha Riebling, Wednesday, appearing and cash, or its equivalent, where oysters and other delicacies Dec. 27th, 1899. Rev. and. Mrs. Land - paid for almost every commodity, a were served. After ample justice had sky arrived here the next day and yearly round -up should be one of the been done to the Physical wants, Mr. were an hour later in their -home on fixed principles of everybody. This H. Spacknian opened a toast list to the7th con. in Logan, where the ladies would add greatly to the happiness which all responded most ably. On of the congregation gave their pastor andprosperity of both buyer and seller. the whole a most pleasant evening was and his wife a surprise party and -Brussels Post. spent. presented them with a fine parlor set, Farmers' Institute Meeting. Council Proceedings. a, dinner set and a wash stand. ' The neete- oSouth The Council met pursuant to statute Mitchell: A sad death occurred on annual rinf the The Paisley News says that a young -•setan holding a second-class certificate :aught all this year neat Port Elgin or 5175.00. A short time ago the zrustees gave him formal notice that :unless he wmild accept $150 per an- mam,and, in addition, all the duties ef caretaker and janitor, his services would not he required for the cotnine- One great advantage in using Dix Nerve itrid 13locel Pills is that they are easily broken down, are soft arid there- foredigestible. Many pills on the mar- ket are less properly maxanfactured, are hard, indigestible and. consequently more,or less useless. Test them by crushing one with the thumb or cut -141 with a knife. Dix Nerve and Blood Pills are sold. by C. Lutz. Price 25 and • cents it box. W. C. Ruston has prirchaSed the business of I. G. Jones. He Will pay the highest pieces for Clover Alsike end Timothy seeds, also for butter, eggs and other farm prodrice. Give, him a call a•nd be convinced. Jr. G. Jones has consented to remain' with 34ini till the 1st of March or later and he will be pleased to see any of his old enstomers. , , Boston Daily Globe. -What 'Ian Mc- 1-tren is in Scotch humor, Win. Patter - Canada's orator,' is in Irieh ,wit, 'Don't allies' this descriptive and life- like lecture or you will be sorry when he is gone, under auspices of Ladies' Aid Presbyterian church, Thursday, ..Tan.. 18, in. Gidley's Opera House. Re - Nerved seats 25c., Children 15c. Plan itt Mr. Grieve's. 'tE am glad there are a few honest people left. Two years, ago I sent a boy around the corner to buy a postal card. T have never seen. the boy to this day." "Yon don't call that boy 71:stmest: "Yes, sir! This morning ;received a postal with this On the back; “Dear Sir. --Here is yonr postal chird. 1 started in business with the penny von gave me, and have pros- pered. 'Thanke.- , Pried Apples Lost On Saturday last hetv,,een Exeter and 3.tount Corniel harrel of dried. anple,.% Any person returning same ea• giviog n form atiol Lb a t lead to their recovery will be suitably reward- ed. *W. IL LEVETT, Exeter. Ifigner fleets. Trade reports froin Leren are to the effect that the style of White' shoes is tee endergo a ridical eharge: that in place of the sensible low heel whieh that footgear has for it Ill/1311)er of years pa,st carried, we are to have 10 - introduced the style of the high heels, and that from this time forward no ian can he ccre6idered style who does not st end upon a heel f torn an inch and it goal tor to an inch and three -q tinkers heigb t,-- Bost on Her- o nueoh. 'Revelers' InetitTite was held ies at Town Ran, on Monday, Jannary the Huron Road, West, . Friday • last: O'clock. . sub- . Mrs. jateeS McMureaynWho was well the Town Halle on Saturday last. The 8th, at 11 and thek ands attendance, at the .afternoon scribed to the'. several dechiratiOns •.of known to our townspeople .ite a quiet 'session was rather slim, considering the Office, in: the presence Of the Clerk, viz: ,end kind Woman, became. 'despondent portance of such meethigS and the ' ' :inn.' -W. G. 'Bissett, Reeve; 'I. Armstrong, some, months ago,and at times was so general good that may bederived -by Evans, W. Levett 'and Se Muir, 16w -spirited that. her friends feared . ' • the fariners. Those meetings ore heldCouncillors. The mintites of the last that she might be tempted to cominit' , at a Seasonof the year -When farmers meeting of .the 1899 Council Were read, some rash act. .Early last week the . can most convenientlyattend them. confirmed and signed. : Armstrong -e symptonis grew worse, and the un - and,: there iS•no reason why nine farm, Muir; that Geo. '71. Bissett • be Clerk fortunate woman became • a raving ers out of every ten should not. tarn for 1900, ..salary. same as :last year: maniac., She was alinoSt unnienagee c:tut and derivethe benefit of thevar- •.' Carried. Arinstronge-Levett, • that able, but grew weaker day by day, .101(1 ious interesting topics discussed at - . . . W. S. Balkwill be Auditor for DOR. On Friday was released from all earth - these these meetings. The evening session; Carried. Evans -Muir, that. Thos. ly trouble. and a Gregory be the 'other 'Auditor for 1900. Blanhard: Carried. Muir-eEhans,' that •TheLaw. took very interesting event. however,' proVeda grand enceeee No. 1,,1900 be appoint a clerk as read ook place at the residence Mrs. lengthy program consisting Of addreSs- es, vocal and inetruthental rut:isle, red - a &St time, be now read a see:M(1f' and Win.•CroZier, of the '8th concession, third time and finally passed. Carried. .60 Wednesday Dec. 27th, the happy tations, ,etc. was rendered. ' • ArmstronseeeLevett that. By -jaw No eeeeeion being the marriage of her Presiyterian Concert and. Lecture. .BeLir Mr. Wm. Patterson, • Qanada's 2 19G0 t • t* , o app,orn Auditors, its read a eldest deue - chew. Minnie,' .t.O' Mr. Ed- City<7'• ' ImmenSe aggregations liave read. a second mural Fergus Harrah, : Of the village.of ecl by. the Rev.. T. E: Harrison. of moSt: popular orator his lecture d • first time,, be now '"FronalToron to to Belfast Via, Salt Lake third time and finally "passed; :Levett Kirkton. The Ceremony:was perform - Muir, that Thos Hazelwood J Mc- • • Laughlin and A. E. Tenant, together mediate friends. After. congratuda- greeted Mr. Patterson in Toronto, - • • i Granton, n the presence of a few on- , Montreal, London, Seaforth, Goderieli with the Reeve and Clerk, constitute and wherever announced. In Gidle's a, Board of Health for 1900. Carried. tions a sumptuous dinner was served and the young couple left for their Opera House, Thursday evening, Muir -Evans, that Dr. T. A. Amos, be 18th. Reserved seats 25c., children 15c. Medieal Health Officer for- 1900. Car- new home, bearing with them the best Plan of hall at Mr. J. H. Grieve's. wishes of their many friends. ried. A letter from the chairman of Goderich: inc new e x • witnessed y 11 Royal Templars of Temperance. the Sick Children's Hospital ?frust The District meeting of the Rn . T. of Board, was laid before the Coned, a couple of important legal changes. T's. will be held here. on Jan. 17th. In asking a donation and on motion ef The firm of Garrow & Proudtoot, m the morning the delegates will con- John Evans, seeonded by je mune a which has been in existence for a num- verse in the TemPerance Hall, at 10 grant of 'ten dollars was made. Carried. bet- of years, was dissolved. Mr. Muir--Levett, that the Clerk,'be, in- Proudfoot retiring. The firm bas ha.n- o'clock. A concert will be given in the evening at Gidley's Opera Hall. Doors structed to order six copies of the dled a number of important eases dur- open at 7.80. A silver collection. An 11Iunicipal World, for the use of Cowl- in its eontimiance, both parties be- en. Carried. krinstronge-Muir, that 'jug able men. Chas. Garrow, son of address will be delivered by S. J. A. the Clerk instruct the Treasurer to re- Hon. J. T. Garrow, and who has been Boyd, on the subject, "Our Boys and our Saloons." Music etc., will be fur- mit the annual payment to the Water- nished by outside and local talent. oils Engine Works CO., on fire en All are cordially invited. gine. 'arried. Armstrong--Levett, A, Fact. that Council adjourn to FridaY, Tan The importance of thoroug-hlyadver- uary the 12th, at 7.30 o'clock. Carried. tising. the goods they have to sell is be- GEORGE H. BISSETT,*Clerk. ing recognized by rnerchitetts and busi- nessmen more every year. .Afew years ago, it was only necessary to use the newspapers on great occasions, but to do business now, to keep in the swim, to make money, requires steady, per- sistent, catchy advertisements. An insertion onee a months will no longer clo. A 112.,12). must keep his name before the people or he will be forgotten. The memory is frequently very short, and when a name is dropped from the lo- cal paper, the business too is soon for- gotten. curing a Cold. To feed a cold and starve a fever is a dangerous maxim. At the first sign of a cold the patient ought to take a rapid hot bath in it warm vvell venti- lated room, then remain covered 111 bed, with hot water at, the feet, for several hours. Darken the windows, court sleep, and fast, save only from drinking warrn broth or gruel, until unpleasant symptoms subside. Nor should there be mental or physical exertion. Then all the vitality can .go to restoring circulation and throwing off that waste ma,terial which, retain- ed, is absolute poison. To eat in this condition is to add the proverbial straw to the camel's backe-Goecl Housekeeping. A Great SUccess. The "Family Herald. and Weekly Star," of Montreal, is meeting with un- precedented and. well deserved success this year. The publishers' effort to. make the t` Family Herald" the great- est family paper in existence has re- sidted in the addition of over twenty thousand new subscribers in Decem- ber, and the rush continues It is said -that never before had they such a large preeentage of renewals of old suloseriptions. We learn the publish- ers guarantee, the beautiful pictures, "Alma" and "Pussy Willows to all who subscribe during this month, but not later, as the supply is limited. They are beautiful pictures and alone well worth more than the price asked for the "Family Herald." Try This Secret Work on Us Now that an exchange has given the whole thing away there can he no harm in publishing the following secret work of the newspaper press association. The enter sign consists of three kicks on the sanctum door, which will be given with deliberation. You will then remove your hat and advance to the centre of the room. Place your right hand inside your pants pocket, thumb and finger tightly clasping a silver dollar: extend the arm zinc'. drop the dollar into the oritstretched palm of the editor, and 'at the same time say. " Send your paper to roe." The editor in reSpea se, will murmur, ‘‘Thank you," after which you will be seated and tell him all the news of yonr dis- trict. If it should happen that you are without a silver dollar, try a pallet' 0110. ceramewmmesesliguismosipammiram5,,, PERSONAL. 6 . M.Reek.,..1kNPIAUMLVAkk.111M.M.Vell.M.140.11/4. Mrs. Joseph Bawden is visiting ber sons in Ridgetown. Mr. los. Davis is confined to his home through illness. • Mr. Wm. Westcott, Seaforth, is vis‘ane iliends in town. Miss Kate McFaul has retuenedfroin • 'tine- friends in Seeforth < . Miss •Urquhart. -milliner, left Mon- day for her home. in Oshawa. Miss Vercla Levitt is spending a few, day S with friends in Centralia. Miss Lizzie Dow; of Mitchell, is the guest of her aunt _Mrs A. Dow. Miss Minnie Bawden, of London, is the gilest of Miss Polly Bawden. • Mr. Geo. Sutherland, of Hensall, spent Sunday with friends in town. J. G. Stanburye barrister, is attend- ing the Assizes at London this week. Mr. Rich. Yonne. who was so. ser. Young, iously ill a short time ago, is able to he around again. Miss Jennie MMr, who was visiting in Brucefield and Sea,forth, returned home -lest week. Miss Ella Frayne has returned home, after a pleasant visit with her grand- father, in London, Mrs. Richard John. of West London, is visiting her parc-c,s and friend near Exeter. -Free PreS4 Harry Browning, after spetuling the holidays at' bis home here, returned to Markham, on Monday. Miss Lilla, Rollins, of • Rochester, Mich., is home spending a few days under the parental roof. Mrs. T. Kent, of Bracebridge, is vis- iting relatives and friends in town, the guest of lirs. John Hawkshaw. Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw, Sr., of St. Marys, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. John Hawkshaw. Cha& Westaway, after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends:here, returned to Brantford on Sa,turday. Miss McKenney has returned to her home in Orangeville, closing the mil- linery season at E. J. Spackman's. Mr. Wm. Davidson left Monday evening for Marton where he will visit his parents for a short time. Mr. George Seldou, of ngersoll, is spending a few days with Mr.. George Sa,mwell. He has just rot paled 'from a trill to the Old Country, Trup EATPRATIC STATEMENT that the D. & L. Methol Plaster is doing great deal to alleviate neuralgia and rheum- atism is based upon facts, The D. & lie Plaster never fails to soothe and quickly cure. 7.lancifactured by the Do eie Ss.. Lawrence Clo., Ltd, The undersigned wishes to announch that he has opened up a blacksmite business in Davis' old stand, Main street where he will be prepared to do all kinds of General Jobbing & Blacksmithing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY A CALL SOLICITED. JAS RUSSELL. OMMON SENSE OMMANDS that you should call and inspect the lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS that we have placed in our store You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. Misty Vision HIGHEST PRICES PAID, Custom Sawing Done, THE SUTHERLAND-INNES Co (Late (3,ouM's :Mill) E. C. ICESSE'L, l'oremalfd, EXETER, ONT. EXETER LUIVIBER YARD. East side of Main street, opposite planing mill. -STOOK- We have in stock, dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in., 1-1 in., 14, in. and 2 in. Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on hand. A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Can and Examine. Jas, Willis, Proprietor. Comes with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly fitted gasses, .Spectacles are our specialty. When we fit them, in the office for some time, takes they give satisfaction. Mr. Proudfoot,s place, 'and the firm will henceforth be Gamow & Gamow. Mr. Prondfoot has formed a partne,r- ship with Mr. Hays, and tlie firm will be Proudfoot & Hays. Brucefield, The sad news Of the death of William McDonald, of our village, reached us on Thursday last. He, with his wife, left it few weeks ago for the home of his wife's parents, near London. The journey proved too much, as he lived but a short time afterwards. He has for a long time been ill with the fell disease. consump- tion. His parents and one brother are dead. He has still one brother in Manitoba. Gilbert McDonald, it station- master. Mr. McDonald was a clever young man; he taught school for a number of years, but he was obliged to neve it up on account of ill -health. Much sympathy is expressed for his young widow. , Clinton: -A quiet family wedding took place, on New Year's Day, at the home of Mrs. McBrien, when her youngest daughter, Miss Addie Blan- che, was married. to Arthur Louck, of Ottawa. Only the immediate friends of the fantily were present. The:bride was supported by her cousin, Miss ClaraScott, while her brother,Harvey, acted as groomsman, and Rev. 1. F. Parke performed the ceremony. The bride ha S resided at the Capital City for five years, and. therefore does not go back as a stranger. A large crowd gathered itt the station to show their good wishes. Mr. Lonck is a head book-keeperin the who/es:Ile tea house of Coehrane. Cassels & Co. Eyes examined free. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, .. AT . . . T. Fitton's Jewelry Store Mitchell: A serious mistake occurr- ed Thursday evening in Mitchell -Which Might have Caused fatal results., 'Mrs. Sohn Coppin, Jr., has been Suffering from rheumatism and has bad' the at- tendance of anurSe. Two bottles Were in use, one containing a Medicine and the other a Hide -lent; , By mistake :the. liniment was given instead of the medicine with • a serious' reenit, Mr. Coppin has recovered from the effects :of the accident. . • Brussels: Saturday afternoon, about 3 o'clock the spirit a Laura Lousia, beloved daughter of Thos. and Mrs. Dennison passed away to the un- seen world. Miss Dennison was a vic- tim to pulmonary affection and went clown under its tyrannical sway at an early age of 21 years, 8 mon ths, and 18 days.. She was not alarmed at the prospect although she hopefully look- ed forward to recovery until recently. Deceased was most highly esteemed by a large circle of friendg who deeply mourn her demise. Miss Dennison moved from • Melkillop to Brussels with her parents last year but although in failing health was not confined to bed only a short bine before passing away. Light your home with.. . The Light of all Lights, ACETYLENE GAS The Radiant Home Automatic Acetylene Gas Generator. The Radiant Home Automatic Acety- lene Gas Generator has numerous tes- timonials and each Machine is Guar- anteed. to give every satisfaction.- elartetfactured by MELVILLE & MORRISON, EXETER, ONT. • COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First -�1s s Rigs and Horses , Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive proppt at- tention. . rp - rrelephone erms Reasonable 1. Connection SOLE LEATHER We wish to impress on the minds of everybody that we don't sell sole leather, neither do we sell naea.t as tough as sole leather. OUR MEATS Are of the very best tluaIlty.,. Try our 'big brown Sirloin Roast. It is as toothsome and appetizing as tile famous peacock's roast of Kingly ,times. We know hew to fix it up ell nice tor the oven. Try us once, You'll try us twice; You'll find Our meats Are choice, and nice. . Jahn Manning, t11141.,0e.....Goa.ass.oa4ammo•••••• are easily modeled from. Priestley7S Black Wool Figured Fabrics because the firmness of the texture and exquisite weave yield ideal draping qualities., Combined with this is the originality of the designs in Black Wool Figures -in 1VIatalas.se effects, Armures, Pebble Cloths and Nfool Canvass Cloths. For the street, for calling or for the house, Fashion dictates from across the water as eminently cor- ed this season "Priestley" stamped On the selvedge. SoId by E PrieStleY S Black Wool Figured Fabrics 43 4 et's Loro 441.:40,