HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-11, Page 4THE President stou c't th°- Vree Slat(' Washington Letter.
exeter Abucfratz,
Chas. Sanders, Editor and Prop
• TEE YEan 1000 whieh has been !pi:d-
el:timed a holy -year by the Pope opens
fat one part of the world in a most un-
holy manner. In. SOUIll AiTiCa the
-ambitious greed of Kruger and, Sleyn
Itas changed the hue of the dark con-
ainent to the lurid tint of blood, The
unrest which the war has caused le ex
6ending all over the world and even
he most pious can hardly compose
their minds to pray. Stock markets
:are unsettled, food stuffs are up' and
down, while the fortunes of two head-
apheres are shaken with uncertainty.
Meanwhile France barks at England.
.'nnd watches Germany, while Russia
keeps halown counsel and dreams (if
reports are correct) the ambitious
nightmare of Peter the Great. Had
Ale Pope been a prophet he might have
proclaimed the, new century the year
,af great unrest. In our own land we
see Greenway step out and Hugh John
It.tcdonald take his place. We see the
'provincial government of Prince Ed-
ward Island beaten, and that of British
Columbia hardly save itself by the aid
of a swift railway train, and finally we
observe the rapid decline of our OW11
!Liberal government in the Dominion.
No doubt the prompt sending of two
contingents has done mach to stop the
danger to Sir 'Wilfred's -reign in Ottawa
and the other English provinces, but
'before this step it was previously close
so Green way's experience. Meantime
South Africa keeps our eyes off home
matters. Toronto, in electing E. A.
Macdonald as Mayor, has taken an
unexpected. step. We hope that the
fears of many thoughtful men may
not be realized, but we Shall see.
Our boys in South Africa have had
their first experience. in genuine war
arid have Come 'oat Wen Sterner work
is before thern and: While we know they
will do well we are More than ever anx-
ious for the "victorious safety. May
, the God. of battles; soon bring our brave
army from all parts of the Empire
home as victorsto receive the 'plau-
dits and honors, which their gallant
amia,61: deserves.
has 1SSued oproelaination declaring
that every white man, irtespeetive of
er, and is liable to he compelled to Populattfeeling in regard to the lloer
nationalitY, l$ to be considerWashington, Jan. 1900,
ed a burgh -
fight for the defence of the cottleV. War IS Papldly veering around. in this
it is understood that the date for
lolding, the Ontario by-election in East
-Middlesex has been fixed for 'Wednes-
day, Jan. 81st. The nominations take
place on the previous Wednesday,
fan. 2113.1.
A case involving $2.70 worth of sto-
len goods occtipied the attention of a
three lawerSt twelve :jurors and
eleven witnesses for one 'day at the
Simeoe county .Sessions recently held
at Barrie. The accused. was acquitted.
The expenses of the case amounted to
coutitry. Despite misleading state -
meads to the contriu.y continually pub-
REertbhrtot OFFICE VBES,---1110 report liehed in Canada and •Great Britain
of the inspector of Registry Offices public sentiment here heretofore has
has just been issued ter the year 1898, always been on the side of the Boers,
and from it the following particulars both because they constituted a so -
are gathered concerning the Huron called republic and because of the dis-
office. The total minaber of instru- proportionate size Of the combatants.
meats registered Was ,41,735, and the But this feeling has been somewhat
fees received for the same were $4,101.- like that of a man who sees his brother
55. Of this number 1,139 were deeds, engaged in a fight which he does not.
1,001 were mortgages, 1,010 were mort- approve. 1 -le would not be sorry if
gages discharged; 5 leases; and 139 the brother got pretty well punched
Were willsh$375.96 were fees earned, to teach hhn not to be so hasty the,
hut not paid. The gross amount re- next time, but he ‘vould also feel much
ceved for 1898 were $5,34L25, being disposed to take off his coat and go in,
about $500 less than in 1897. The net if there seemed to be any danger of
account received by the Registrar, as the brother getting the worst of it,
his share of the fees, was $2,398%5 be- During our war with Spain, Canada
ing $1000 less than in 1896. The ag- seemed to feel about the same ,ay.
gregate amount of the mortgages re- It considered that we were altogether
gistered was $1,339,173, or an average •too cocky and wanted us pumshed,but
of $1,332 each. not defeated.
As lone. as England is merely fight -
Still In The Woods. ing the Boers, shewill
wll meet with lots
• of opposition in this country, but as
Toronto, Jan. 9.—A petition against S0011 as any European power attempts
the return of Hon. John Dryden as to Chip in, the world will be astonished
member of the Ontario Legislature by the depth of pro -English sentiment
for South Ontario was filed with the that will develop in • this country,
local registrar at Whitby yesterday Blood is a good deal thicker than wa-
afternoon. The petitioners are Jere- ter, and most Americans realize that
miah Long, merchant, Whitby town; the preservation of their own race as,
John Moore, physician, 'Whitby town- cendency depends on the ultimate vic-
ship, and Henry Moen, farmer, Whit- tory of England.
by township. The close relationship between this
country and England was shown at
The-, Mildmay Gazette reports the
‘nisit.of 'a- .fniend to H. Cargill,
This,frientl Makes an entry every tittle
he is shaved, the date and.name of the.
harbor. He -has never had a razor in
his band, and hiS book shows taat he
has been shaved 13,700 tiineS, and his
barber bill must he about. $1400. - Sup-
posing that on an average it takes :a
quarter of an hourfor a shave:, about
one year of. his life has been spent in
:getting shaved.
Serious Fire at Blyth.
White House,: when the entire British
the recen: New Year's reception at, the
enibasSy, was present. The Right Hon,
Blyth, Jan. 9.—This mornine• about
orable Lord Parniceforte, . of. Preston,
six .o'clock the MoSt serious °fire in
Bly th's history occinTed. The ;• fire (-1. (1' B. t &.M.&., d9zin. of the dlPlothat
started in Mr:- Stothers' bakery, Which tic corps; was atactinapanied by Lady
Paunceforte and their four daughter's;
Was totally ,consumed, together with
Mr. Gerald A. LoWther, first secretary;
.T. ' Gt. Moses'. hardware and tinware,
gro_ Captain: Charles L. Ottley, - RN.: annt
T. W. Scott's boots; shoes and Mrs. Ottley; Lieutenant Colonel A. IL
ceriestHeffrou Bro'S.' butcher shop and
Lee, B.A., Military Attache, and Mrs.
the Bank of 'Hamilton. : Amount of in-
suranne not ke.tioWn at present. Loss L6e, his Amell'ieiin bride; Mr. N. E.
will be heavy
Eliot, 0.13., second secretary: Mr. W.
• -
; . • G. Max Miller, second Secretary; Mr.
of Robert Broinley and Me. Arther E. 0.
Mr. A. W. Campbell, the Ontario
Good_ Roads Instractor, has concluded,
from returns received, that the people
of Ontario are pretty generally tired
of the statute labor system. Condem-
nation of the system have come in
from 140 different returns. malty
towns and townships are going to vote
-upon the question, including the;
Orillia, Nelson, Dawn, Rarna,
Brant Tuckersmith, Kapelltt, Alber-
marle, Turnbury, Edwarsburg and.
Smith Norwich.. The following have
abolished the statute labor system en-
tirely: North _Managhan, Saltfieet,
Toronto Gore, Sarnia, North Grimsby,
Bimbrook and Barton. The following
ismnicipaliticshave already committed
• themselves: Monk, Clintion, Stamford,
Ettpheinia, East Zorra, Reach C-Iord on,
Young and. Ancaster.
St. Marys: Elder E. K. Evans,
Humphreys ()Went' honorary attaches.
Grand Rapids, Mich., and MiSs Lizzie
The geed 'feeling between the two
erric,e of St. Marys, were muted in
marriage Monday Jan. 1st, by Elder countries was also emphasized by the
pleasure that was:eXpreSsed at the fact
' h'
Frederiek Gregory, at the latter's re -
that Mr. Eliot, of the embassy, had re-
sidence. A ntunber of friends and re,
cently been made a knight; of the or-
thelativesof the bride grthered to witness
der of the fighting saints, St. Michael
iriapressive ceremony. The pre-.
and -St. George. Mr. .Eliot'S manage -
were costly and useful, showing
ment of the Samoan • diffinialty, when
the high esteem in which the bride
he represented'England As Commission-
was- held. TueSda,y evening, Dec. 26th,
er to those islands last winter.. was
the Sunday school presented Mi se Grine.
with a handsome butter knife and such as to win tea . hiM the warmest
official comment-It:than of ethe United
sugar shell as a small token of respect.
' .
Suitable remarks' were made by sever- States government,and to•Make him
po,pular throutthout the country. l, Miss Grise making a very 'feeling,
A good manyteanadiaris tirrit np at
reply: .A.mid the well'
withes of many
friende,the newly Married couple left Washington from time.to time.. The
latest arrival. is Mr. Edward McKen-
for Grandoo,the eVening train, New Year's -bay.
zie, of Montreal. who was somewhat
:Rapids:. Where they intend
amuSed when asked what Canada
to take up their residence. ' '
thought of, the alleged. Fenian mvas-
Clinton: Last Saturday evening in. ion. of that aorintry. ' "It iS - all news_
Toronto, David Cantelon,
' better Paper talk," he said,. - "and Canadians
known: as "Huron's Apple King," had are: losing no sleep 071 4060110 Of it.
a very close ball He has a gang of We know tient what souree; it el:oat-1-
st:me eighteen men repacking apples ales,. zinci are web -satisfied:, with. the
in a large storage house on the Esplan- knowledge that the.fiery warriors who
ade, fronting the ba-,eand close to theare going todevour Canada blood raw
railway tracks. All nadtquit work ex, are wind jaminerS of: the ,.e,,ighteen-
cept hiniself ancl another, one Of. the Carat variety, and that their talk of.
Cooks. Cook. was locking the door - as 'ore isequit. . 4.. few : tot_heaciect indit
Md. Cantelon Walked a:way,ith
Iv-- a -;-"itintils, who have deluded' theinselves
hertyy-fitr Coat: oil and. his ,hands: in 'the into thinking that they tierce' a ,grieV-
POckets... This,:auciously he Walked ance: against the complications of
straight over OM ,dock, and landed a Gre...at Britain by the invasion of the
diStance. of six or Seven feet down onto Do:nil-don, 'and hence the incentive of
the lee. Cook heard. the: cry f i help
-°-' the raid: Bot they will take it Pitt in
and Was soon to .6e rescue. '.The ice t„ n_ . ,
was just heavy enough to save Mr. . Another interestine., visitor to the
Cantelon from breaking through, and capital cithing.ole.pit7,3t, weeks w.as fur.
a most sadtdeath With Mr. Cooks as- -.). .
a Labity, - of .Manche-ster, ;Eughtnd,
sistance - was - tires averted,- Da-Ve.s who talkedentertainingly of the. Beer
Many friends in .Huron Will be Lunch was'.
"The end of 'the Win' Will tin -
pleased to learn of his fortunate es- donbtedly see -England suprenie all the.
cape, . , way frmai the Cape to the Zantbesi,"
Seaforth: A very sudden death oc. he said: ' "The Boers had eVery ad-
. .
curred in Seaforth, on Saturday even- vantage .in "nen, Munitions edad --post-
ing of hist .week. On that afternoon tion at the outset, and they have: 'won
Mrs: Win.' Chapman; of the .2nd.' con- a -few battles. But. BritaintS Stat power
cession ,of TuckerSniiiih, L. R. 5.. with will enable -her to win in the end:.- - Al-
lier son and datighter, birs.. Sinclair, though the 00 yy may not tire a '',..ttingls
drove to town ; to d6 some shopPingt shot during the war, victory will •' be
While'in the .grocery store of' My. A. due to .1 t, not only because it will Mahe
G. Ault., and while pitting at the coon- possible the transport of unlimited
ter; She suddenly became faint, and. filt troops and Munitions, but because it
Mrs Sinclair, who Was Standing .by her will prevent any 'European nation frofp
side, did every' thing ,possible to °lye taking, 'parte no matter how much:they
her, reliefaand Mr.' Ault' sent for Dr. . Wish to de so." . . ._
Scott, who came Promptly to her aid. t in S. Consul AlMar F. Dickson,. has
It Was not hensiderded. Safe to take her: -iaiported ' to the : State' Deportahent
home, and. She Was removed to the ne,. here that a coMpany has been formed
sident Of Mr.-: WM. Copp, Gederiell at GaspbeBasin, .Quebec, to carry - Mr
street:, and . Mr. Chapman and other the. oil tiering 'business .:there. ,The
'memnbers Of the family were sent for : consul does'not expect much fronn t ie
Everything possible Was done for her, venture, as he says thalr33.yeells have
bat she nevem rallied, and Passed peace- been sunk in the last :ten years ' and
fully aWay, about - eleven o'clock that that in only.dne has oil been found,
night. - Hearadisease Was the cause of and in that One it has been exhansted.
death. ' ' , He concludes: "I have conversed with
wh°" SluIP.PInk Idttlio- IlarkeI Opened
Hat a DeoHno §0.11
Foil owed --Iiaotilitions.
Chicago, Jan 9 --There was a de-
cline in wheat here yesterday, with a
lot of liquidation, causing, is substan-
tial break. The closing quotations
were: Tan., 641/4c.; May, (37%e to
677/8e; July, 683o.
Liverpool, Jan, 9. ---Wheat futures
were dull yesterday, closing 1,,gd 10
i4d lower ,than on Saturday.
visieLt; SUPPLY.
The European visiblo supply
wheat is 61,240,000 "bushels.
'Pim visible supply of wheat in the
United States and Canada, together
with amount afloat to Europe, 15
78,532,000 bus)Iels, an increase of
1,000 bushels for the week. A year
ago the total was 55,198,000 bush-
els, or 23,384,000 bushels less than
at the present time.
Following were the closing prices
at important wheat cent res yes t er-
day 1 '
• Cash. Jan, May. July.
Chicago .. 0 6414 0 07% 0 0814
Nev,• York ... ..,. 0 73% 0 73%
Milwaukee ....0 051/2 ...
St. Louis, ...,0 681,14 0 Of..) 0 70 0 071/2
Toledo .... 08% .... 72% 0 71%
Detroit, red -0 091/2 0'72% 0 724
Detroit, white.° 604.
Duluth, No, 1
Northern ....0 641', .... 0 60%
Duluth, No. 1 '
hard , ..0 65%
Minneapolis ...0 as% .... 05Y1
Liverpool, Jan. 9. -- Yesterdays
close; Wheat --Futures quiet; March,
5s 106; May, 5s 97,,,sti.
•roltoeiro S'f. LAWRENCE 'MARKET.
Grain -
Wheat, white, hush .. 69 to $0 001:11
" red, bush, 0 60
" fife, bush 0 68
goose, himb. 0 71 0 71%
Barley, bush.. 0 45 ..,,
huSh. ..........,0 60
Oats, bush. . . ... 0 e120,12
Rye, hush, ...... 0 521/2
Buckwheat. bush, 0 50
Beans, bush 1 15
Seeds -
Red clover, per bush 4 25: to It5 20
Alslite, choice to fancy.. 650 7 00
Als•Ike, good No. 25 00 6 00
White clover, per hush. 7 00 8 00
Hay and Straw -
Hay, per ton .... . . .$10 00 to $1'2 50
Hay, mixed, per Lon 8 00 •0 00
Straw, sheaf, per ton7 50 9 00
Straw, loose, per ton4 00 5 00
•Druiry Produce -
Butter, lb. rolls 20 to $0 25
Eggs, new -laid, 0 30 0 10
1 20
The following statistics relating to,
the Mutnai Fire Instranc CoMpanies
of this county is taken from the Gov-
ernMent report of 1898, and the Y re-
late to the bnsiness done by these coin-
, panies•for the year ending December
31st, 1898: .1‘ilcKillop.-Policies in:force,
2,017; new and renewals, 453; amount
at risk, $2,911,575; valuci of -premium
notes, $30,005; assessments leVied,
$1,117; cash received on fixed. pay-
Ments, $2,520; losses during year;
$9,780; expenses of management, $912.
Usborne and Hibbeit.—Policies
k'orce 2 206. new and. reneWals 798.
amount, at risk, $3,020,035; value on
premium notes, $92,1:17; .assessinen to
levied, $8,1,94; losses during Year, $8,-
950; expenses of management, $720.-
Eity.---Polietes in force, 1,751; new and
renewals, 501; amount at risk, $2,8585-
445; value of premium notes, $105,359;
assessments levied, $8,074e cash receiv-
ed on fixed paymentS, $501; losses dur-
ing $3,744; expenses of manage-
ment, $785. West ,,-Valvanosb...-..Poli-
dies in force, 2,083; new and renewals,
1,080; anvil:int at risk. $3,655,393; value
Of premien) notes, $136,858; assess-
ments levied, $1713; losses (luring
year, $2,151; expenses -of inanagemeiit,
$1,0a7, fintvielt.---Polichts force,
4824; neW and renewalS, 902; a tu00111
at risk', $4,1.13,585; asseSsmenin levied,
':$877; cash received on fixed payments,
$7,135; losses during year, l0,957; ex-
' oenseS of management, $1,735.
Ohl dren ON Cola
, 4
several oil experts during the past five
. Robert Kitchell of Deserontri; brake-. years, --and-they inform me' that the
rtian,:fell between the carS at Brighton sand and gravel here are not suited to
e .
mad i
was killed.- . ; ' oil, .and that the dip 'of the rock s al-
chickQns, per pair ,$0 40 to 30 SD
Turkeys, per lb 0 1.0 0 12
Ducks, per pair ..• 01io 1 00
Geese, per 10........ 0 07 0 09
Fruit and Vegetables -
Apples, per tbi 30 to $e so
I'otatoes, per bag .. 0 50 0 60
Montreal, Jan. 9.--Eticeipts of live
stock at the East End Abattoir yes-
terday merning- were: 500 head of
cattle, 20 ,calves, 200 sheep,' 200
la -nibs. The deinahd. , was slow and
prices unchangecl. Cattle, choice
sold at from 41At to 41,.I.c per pound;
good sold a L from Slic Lo ar per
pound; 'lower grade froni 2c to 3c
'Ci' -pound; calves were sold from $3
to $5 emit,. Sheep brought from fittf,c
ro Sytc per pound; lambs were sold
Mr. Lewis Blair, second son of Hontogether wrong. This, they say, should
A.. G. Blair, died suddenly at his lath- be about 50 feet to the mile. and it is
er's residence, in Ottawa. about 1,000 feet to the mile in most
put down
where wells have been p
vouch' for the efficacy of that peerless to 'Wig vicinity." -`
cough remedy, Pyny-Pectoral. It Representative Sbaeldeford, of Mis_
25e. of souri, has introduced into Cone'ress a,
cures a cold very quickly.
druggists. Manufactured by the pro-.
prietors of Peary Davis' Pain -Killer.
A SUDDEN Cwitn often means snd-
den illness. Pain -Killer is all that is
needed to wear it off. Unequalled for
cramps and diarrhoea. Avoid substi-
tutes, there is but one Pain -Killer,
Perry Davis'. 250. and 50c.
The physicians of Montreal are puz-
zled over the case of Eva Rock, an
d lit been t t has
asleep for nitcien ,tyl-r, and in spitt of ietan eprasented, and by next. S Lanai er
fr 0 La 81/, to 43/4e. Per Pound. .Elogs
brought from dc 41/4c poi' pound.
...East Buffalo,' 9. ---The general
position of the market . during the
best hours of yesterday was steady.,
with 175 :loads- total sale, ..and: a fair
attendance of buyers. :Desirable
grade's of butcher cattle sold. firm,
and good export cattle steo.dy. ,The
coarse . common cattle were' quite
draggy all day. Stockers, being in
light supply and good .deMand, sold
a, quarter higher., The Supply "of
'calves was fair,,'300-head, and the de2
'mand good. Prices' 'ruled steady .
the basis Of lost .Monday.
Sheep and Lambs,e-.-Tlici trade was'
in good position :Yesterday, With 77
loads sale, 'including ,. one load of
Canada lainhs fresh - The- bulk.
of the sales Were at $6.30 to .$6,35;
with a sufficient number at 86.40 .te
estahl ish that qnotatioa for extra.
The hulk of the ge.neral, offerings
were 'sold on • orders'. The offerings
-Were well cleaned up, and the 'close
was steady.
Suilrnary of the Number and Their Lia-
bilities in Canada Last Year.
Torchito Jan. 9. -- According. to
R. G. un & Co., the Canadian busi-
ness , falures for 18C/9 were little
a 1
um and o
tan iti 1898, owing to the
cs of a heavy banking fait=
e in iron mining and man-
ufacture ea Ty in the year, but the
increase is . nailer than the Dahill -
ties resulting rem either disaster,
and the numbe of failures is Small-
er than in any revious year, The
following- sta,temekt shows the fig-
ures of :the commeyal failures for
the year just, epd 1, and aggregate
figures for other ye rs:
rrOV 1 nee S. No. - sscts. Ltribliitles.
Ontario ..... .. • 167 $ 901,201 $2,5013,500
bill placing on the ,free list al wood Quebec ..... ... 44., 4, 01,459 t' see "04
pulp suitable, for or adapted. ,,to the no lab colt:labia. 05 Jr,‘,7s 1 060,200
manufacture of printing paper, and all rfintlarsse,„,°t1,a ' '':', 241, 26:Y:1583°,1 l''?,1,..:.101-15
printing, wiper suitable for or adapted Now nrunso,•:elt.. 02 35'8, 1 ' b ,a,e,
to the printing of newspapers, period- Pr. Edward. Is. • '4 12,5 20,444
icals or hooks. Wood pulp is eXten- . --- ------ ---
Total, 'Ise° ... ,1287 $7,674,67 $10,658,67,5
sively m:tnufti,e,tured in Canada.
Information as to the riches of Cape Yeil ::::128(0)0 10,574 52)) 1.94:15'721';:,"Po:t!
Nome, in Alaska, continues 10 come m• " 1890 ... .2118 12,650,827 7160,683
The latest irrival from that part of the ;', 11880°45 .' :: 2'1188ri)501 111-3:55108:021F-; 15,812:'215°
world is K. M. Jackson, Who says that
eighteen-yeal -01 grr , who ; s the spot is jllS as 1 Ch 11 golit as 1
all 'Hutt medical' knowledge suggests there will be $25,000 petonle 11 NvOrk-
cannob be awakoned. ' A tliere. He thinks that the resources
Chas. H. Cole cornier Pposident of of ibe locality h(tDC SC111YC0i' heen
the Globe Nationa.i Besten, scratched over, ;toil that there are 00 -
charged -with. rffisapproprititing funds told Millions yet to be taken from
of that institiitiOn, 011101(1 in New' -ilother Earth.
Yoi•k from Los Angeles. Cala 111 charge
of the -United States Marshal. Bad
was fixed at $50,000, which was 'fur-
nished end the prisotier was' releqsed
CAUTION.--J3ewii1e of substitutes
for Pain-Killer.There is nothing
"just as good." Unequalled for cuts.
Sprains and bruises, -Internally for all
bowel hisot eters. A.vold Substitittes,
there is but ode Pain-Ehdler, Perey
Davis'. 25c. and Soc.
; The unusually mild weather experi-
enced in Manitoba this season has en-
abled elevator buildmg , to co t itt;
thro.tgli tile winter sio for witholit in-
terruption. Nets, buildings are lione Vin fan -
finishing at ()rat, dell and ,Milliota, staid ,•Il?,tibt
tions, recently opened en the Great
Northwest Central Road.
• A -white 'man pained Wattwas takeri
„from the pace, station at 'Newport
News, Va., antl lynchecl by a mob.
Ilrnestj. Lehman, the first to, put
into exeCution in Chi6Apso the depart -
10t011 stere idea, died enaSaturday,,,
worth at least, $10,000,000 -
infants and Children,
Mr. Hain Stnelc
MO ltreal,, Jan' . . Geo e
Nam., of the advertising de,partm
of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 'ad..'
ci den tally slipped while emerging
from 0 bath tub at his residence on
Sunday itiorni.ig, arid broke a conple
of rib:4, Mr. Iliam Will be confined to
bed for II few weeks in emisequence,
-Referring to the mishap, George said:
-it is not as had' a sinash as the
Ville Marie Eank. , 1 am in plaster;
tAified,.,itever felt so stuck up in my
Pagalt ,Plac.a `,14.0 t. A 'IsN On
-itex h!).! ' 'ett•
What is
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic 'substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use -by 31illions •of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhma and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures' Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and. Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Castor's is an excellent medicine for
children, is4others have repeatedly told inc
Of 111 good effect upon their children."
DR. G, C. 010000, Lowell, Mass.
"Castaria Is so, well adapted to el -althea
that 1 recommend it as superior to any pm.
scription known to me."
H, A. A.RCLIER, M. D. Brockletyn, It
IMPEREMELM170;:Egtilt,teitar4frtItIv ' • '"
7.71 7"11/W"I'W72
t7t1 ,r,a • 1...a.-tn 7$ea Tij
•A Radical Change in Marketing Methods .3
as Applied to Sewing Machine&
Ail original plan, under whieb you can obtain #
cat;len. terms =/'. better vaitue in the. purchase or
Kie world famous 7,Vhire'-'' $3eritio- Machine than
evnr before offered.
7,x,hite. for our elegant H -T catalogue and detailed partieularxt How
4) we can ssate you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine
.0 and the easy 'Gans of payment we can offer, either direct from
4 faetery or thr;;X•glour iegals.r authorized agents- Tiii3 iS att oppor-
tunity you cannot chord Le pasta 04 know the ,,Whate, yeti know
its winaufacttirers. Therefore, a detailed description of the machine and
its construction is unnecessary.. If you have an old machine to exchange
we can offer most liberal terms. -Write to -day. Address in full.
liVrIrif SIVI/NG MACHINE' COMPANY, (Dep't A.) CitvtiaDi, MO.
For sale by S. :ART
. •
Let Loose the Dogs of War.
Let loose the dogs of war,
Is now Old Britain's cry.
While all her sons si and ready
To conquer, or to die.
Through all her vast colonial lands
The 614-'y is echoed far,
And answering echoes bear it back,
"Let loose the dogs of war."
Springing to arms with lightning- speed
From all parts of the world,
Her sons eome nobly to her aid,
To see her flag unfurled.
The roll of drums, the tramp of men,
In unison they beat,
And gathering, thousand onward move
In victory -not defeat.
ReVerses may cause just altirdit
Sad lessons dearly bought,
But British bull -dog courage
Will set them all at nought.
For liberty and freedoin die
The Soldier and the Tar,
And death reaps a rich harvest when
"Let looee the dogs of war."
Let other nations smile and sneer
When changed is Britain's luck,
She'll show them in the end win,
Through purely British pluck.
Then white winged Peace will loose
her bonds,
And shine like morning, star,
When chained and kennelled ()nee
The deadly dogs of war.
Then Canada, dear Canada
Some of thy sons will see,
The land they love, where iloais the
They've borne to victory.
—IV. D. ifillolo;), Exeter.
11 aseal ty, t Port Hope.
Messrs. Andrew Derby and James
E. Birrell were struck by a train on a
crossing while driving near Mesboro';
and both Were instantly hided,
Port, tiope, :Tan. 9—Last night
about 1.0 o'clock fire was discovered
at the postollice here. Some . one
actually put coal oil in the letter box ,
at the door, and their by some means
set the letters afire,. The letters werci
an, ts on all destroyed, but not much further
,_. „
,17, „,,mar4e, \011,5 chine. Detectives are
\"..'orlth,',' on the cae.e.
thin blood, weak lungs and z
euess. You have them in
ho eather as well as in cold.
thPITA' summer as in winter.
It is ore looking and pleas-
ant tasti
011,ancq, • all druggists,
4.41444,4444Gootto 44,,044.0..41.04,8
. Seven cases of typhoid fever have,
broken mittin the crowd of the -Monte- ,
zuniat, noW at ;Halifax, chartered to
carry the second eontingent to South
ttr neat
Several months ago I began to rise
English Stock Food for calves ansi
found it so beneficial that I have con-
tinued its use ever since. Lately I have
fed it to small pigs that were not do.
ing well. They began at once to thrive
and are now doing remarkably well.
I freely recommend English Stock
Food to stock raisers. I consider it an
excellent article and well worth the
money. Sold by C. Lutz. Price 50
cents per bag.
Township of Usborne.
I ill
VA' ci"
4 ttliOLISANDS Or 'YOUNG MEN are. )
/4 troubled with nervoiisness, despoil -fa
a, deney, exhanstlen, loss of 1111111500', IP ,;,:•,..4...,,d.---,
!1,':'1, aching backs mid kidneys painfel urine. -t1
,ifticion, bashfulness, sedimeta'in urine, losses VD
tl::, at night, impotency, headaches,,..varleeceld,
111 p11091415, ulcers, bone pains, --The 011111111 '.19
(tof evil habits in youth 01 1111411 excesses. :Ii13
.•.;, tr.itir Vitalized Treatment cures the worst 4;
.,,, a-Amsstons St Var1eoce30 Lcy
the vigor aud jaielarity ,ex.::..d prott,lace4
''''Itit7'.;;°.111;:etel-Irr1. le.:°i):41-Yt:41.rte2 and 70 !C:04; ICA ,, t _ .,
:A'S.! t.',,To matter hew chronie, yihittit.otio, our Vital- T.!
' ieed Treatitient.„ 300 bper., i ,vi c ray!, Is W
no detention from busimas.. ,/ ,111 1 i. i1
- •:, Octr Dollar Treektme t win
"L:kCil. You. .
pi lood &S a
xual Dtsases
t)cured forever.. No return of the disease.
0 retooLlitf; aretioroyal. ,ozRz.spoi,04.7. ,, tom,ii.iiig- a:As:la:to:,
0 Traalstraerat will Cure Viaiii. We,
i. 1:4W1"zei.traenattcidCetuirerea'.11.clis' - nmE 'MI 1 A T1
- • eases of melt and women for mit umlaut
Examination Intl Consallation Fred. Writ hr (Wootton
tilt for Mao TrWmant"
,, , Obtroit,