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111E EX rIT It A D VO °ATP'
'TB.11.1.ISDA.)r,:TANI.:Jall,Y 11, 1900.
Timely Dairy No tee,
YeSil1dm milk calves grain as
,loon as they will eat it. The fat
forming habit gained in their flest
three months will stiole to them.
Fall calyee come in at a lime when
,they can be disposed o.f at a profit, for
"meat is ueually higher than in the
Pring, when there is a swifts Of
calves. The sale of these may buy
'almost the whole of the feed for the
strews for the winter.
The character of the food influences
;the yield of butter from any GOV/.
Succulent food increasethe flow of
milk, although it does not increase
the percentage of water in it. While
the t ow of milk is of as folly a good
quiLlIty as at other times.
•Cows which die at calving time are
-venially of a flush pasture. It is a good
plan, in the warm summer months,
to avoid milk fever by shutting up tho
vows -in tho barn for two or three
'Weeks before parturition, and feeding
-teaene nothing but dry hay and oats.
It is peediaps too much to expect all
',farmers to keep thoroughbred cOwei
-Tor they could not afford the cost, but
there are often, excellent cows among
'licitly graded stock, which, if care -
'fully selected, will prove all that one
could ask. The great secret is in
knowing and culling oat those which
tare unprofitable.
Just the Thing That's Wan ted .-A pill
eleat acts upon'the stoina,ch and yet is so
eompounderi that certain ingredients of it
preserve their power to act upon the iu-
testinee metals, so as to clear them of ex-
eereta, the retention of which menet but
'be hurtful, was long looked for by the
:medical profession. It was found in Par -
melee's -Vegetable Pins, which are the
ereselt of much expert study, and are
:scientifically prepared as a laxative and
-an alterative iu one.
Fat Contents of Mills.
-A. sudden change of feed, whether
la character or amount, is very likely
to -orodaice a temporary change in the
quality of the milk.. not directly, but
eie a result of the effect of the feed
upon the physical condition or health
eif the cow. As soon, however, as the
sow becomes accustomed to the
•siliange of feed, the milk returns to
ltsemormal condition. In other words,
• -the feed has no appreciable, direct
•;effect upon the per cent. of fat in the
.enille. This is governed by the inher-
ent temperement or quality of the
cow hereelf.
Good appetite, good digestion, refresh
ing sleep follow the use 0-1 Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills. 60 doses 26 cents.
Reiter Late Than Too Early.
In determining at what age a heifer
should be bred her size and maturity
must be considered. Solite heifers
-may better be bred to come fresh at p
tWO years than others at thirty d
months. Too early breeding stunts h
the growth, while if allowed to go
too long, a heifer is usually more difil-
-cult to get with calf. Generally a
Jersey can be bred earlier than a
"heifer of almost any other breed. But
all things considered, it is better to
breed a little late than too early.
Prulxued, Planetnated and Preserytni ftt
pithy Parit4Taphe for the Perusal at
Practical PeaPic — Parbanal.
end Profitable.
Lord Salisbury presided at a meet-
ing of the Natimmi Defence Commit-
tee on Friday afternoon.
elilloecker, the Vienna composer, is
slides -leg fern's a paralytic stroke. Ills
condition is critical.
A bust of Doss Croker, of New
York, is to be placed in Dublin Coun-
cil Olin:tuber, because be saved 'the
Parnell estate.
Judge Sanborne in the United States
Cirettit Court has tiled an order dis-
charging the receivers of the North-
ern Pacific Railroad Company.
The report of the Provincial Board
of Health for November, shows the
total nunaber of deaths to be 1,474,
as against 1,940 In the preceding
The total catch of -seals by Cana-
diau sealing vessels during the past
season was 85,844, as compared
with a total for the preceding year
of 28,552.
Heideleaeh, Icklehelmer & Co. has
shipped $1,000,000 gold by steamer
from New York to Europe. This
makes the total shipment for a week
Deputy Chief Edward F. Croker;
nephew of Richard Croker, has been
promoted to bo chief of the Nev
York city fire department, at a sal-
ary of $6,000.
Complaints come from the New
Zealand Goyernrnent that large quam-
titles of frozen meat and produce are
awaiting shipment to South Africa,
but no ships can be got.
Mrs. Annie Lee of Stony Creek has
had a, fit of hiccoughs for nearly two
weeks, andlocalphysicians have been
unable to stop it. A specia;ist in
New York has been sent for'
The halibut fishine-''steamer New
England arrived at Vancouver, B.C.,
on Friday from the north with.1.40,-
000 pounds of halibut. Five carloads
of the fish were shipped to Boston.
The stockholders of the Lackawan-
na Iron and Steel Company, in spe-
cial session at Scranton, Pa., on
Friday, voted in favor of increasing
the capital stock from $3,750,000 to
The Doyen of the diplomatic corps
at Pekin has telegraphed to the sen-
ior counsel at Sbangliai that the de-
cision reached In the matter of the
extension of the foreign eettlernent
has been ratified.
The twenty-seventh annual meeting
of the Commercial Travelers' Associa-
tion was held in St. George's Hall,
Toronto, on Thursday. There were
about 200 present, and the annual re-
port was adopted.
A London cable says that the Eng-
lish metropolis has decided to adopt
the underground electric street car
system. The County Council has taken
steps to appropriate about $15,000,-
000 to instal the system.
James G-resharn. of Brooklyn will
xperiment with a boat built on the
orkseiew principle, by which he ex-
ects to cross the Atlantic in three
a,ys. Some capitalists are backing
im for a trial of the principle.
Prince Pratchak, War Minister at
lam, has just presented to the Czar
f Ruesia four cats of the rare Laos
reed, two of which Hes Majesty
as reserved for himself, placing two
the Moscow zoological garden.
Maliedvices from Honolulu give
dditional details of the bubonic
lague, which has appeared there,and
dicate that the conditions aro not
cry alarming. Five deaths have oc-
urred, one native and four Chinese.
A passenger who arrived from Nou-
ea, New Caledonia, where the plague
raging, on board the steamer Aus-
alinn, has been quarantined and
ght others have been placed under
urveillance at Melbourne, Australia.
iThere is nothing equal to Mother
efereves' Worm Exterminator for destroy-
ing worms. No article of its kind has
given such satisfaction.
To Preserro Old. Letters.
i 'Here is a etniene method of saving
old letters. A youthful bride has
been trying to bring herself to burn-
ing up her love letters. They had
acemnulated daring the years of her
engagement to sach an extent that to
save them all was out of the question,
ad to burn them was out of the ques-
tion, too. Instead, she has torn them,
painstakingly, into small bits and
changed them into an embroidered
covered pillow. It's a suggestive
idea, and might be utilized inpreserv-
ing all sorts of old letters and manu-
Cnre for Fever and Aeue.--.Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pille are con -mounded- for
liZS8 in any climate, and they will befriend
to preserve their powers in- any latitude,
In fever and ague they act upon the
elecrettone and ne-utiralize the poison which
lias found its :Way into the blood: They
assorted the ineperities which fled entrance
tenth the system through drinking water,
et food and if used, as a preventive fevers
are avoidedk •
Demand. Neat Nursemaids.
Mothers should insist upon their
nureemaide being scrupulously clean
.in their person, and neat and tidy in
their appearance at all times, and par-
tionlerly should they see to it that
• their t tiger bails are never too long,
and are perfectly clean, as in the lee
;eyelet of their accidentally scratch- .e
;lug their charges serious results, of co
which blood poisoning is not the 83
least might it/Isere,
The Hernandez revolution can be
said to be ended. Hernandez is flee-
ing with 200 men to the Colombian
boundary. The Venezuelan Govern-
ment troops, and the Minister of
War, Gen. Pulido, aro back at Cara-
Almost 3,000,000 persons aro re-
ceiving famine relief in India. The
Government is spending, nearly two
lakhs of rupees daily. It is estim-
ated that the cost of the relief to
the end of March will be three erores
of rupees.
Eraetus Wiman's assigned estate
has been turned into available funds,
arid the sum realized was $3,830.
After deducting fees and expenses
$6,658 is left to be divided amotig
63 creditors, whose claims aggregate
more than $913,000.
The Indian. Congress has declared
Its dissatisfaction with iehe curren-
cy measures of the Government, al-
leging that these have the effect of
depreciating the value Of the sav-
ings of the masses, virtually eu-
ha,ncing rents and indebtedness arid
injuriously affecting manufacturers.
A record will this year be made by
the port oe Toronto, 'alien for the
first time in its 'isietory the eustorne
duties collected will exceed five mil-
lion dollars. With one day's collee-
ns to be added, the total for the
ar amounts to $5,06,5,434, Duties
Boated for December, 1899, were
87,999, as coinpared with $293,-
7 of last year.
My nerveuetiess herr left me entirely as
restilt of taking 'Miller's CoMpound Don
DIvInionr,f Tinw,
it is probable that ,tinam WftS first
divided into the year by observation,
the movements of the sun among
e other heasenly bodies; that the
evolution of the moon about the
earth decided the length of the 12 102101.,
end tho rising and setting of the van
.rked the dura7ion of the day.
back for 50 tenth, Itilller's
'Me and Plaster.
Are undoubtedly THD
Testimoniais freie 4 ebeiniSte 10 Models 12
diplomas, The most weolesotne of beverages,
sze,eniemencleci by Physielime, Por thee, every,
Sworn CS 11110 , ,.
ID. apmrotivalionlez ,,,,,,. f01081rtadiaio, bi'.:),-). tlE)eLmIStttet°T. Qff euros
County of Wentworth, 01.111Pi,,,Nee,Ye. (W4N,VVI:t
TO WIT : ' ' ' ''• ' 1
iimins,of Dundee, Oet.
WILDIA.MS,of t he Town
of Deoelas, in the County
of Wentworth, shoe.
maker, do solemnly de-
, (Aare and swear that the
statement I bave made
this day is true WO e0i,
Boot and Shoe elimufac-
, turer. Age eil yeere
I have been troubled
with kidney acci-bisdder
diseasi for five e ear's
f. o 1, 0i'Stoe'
.,0\ tee, giving up hope of re.
Y August 15111 a Salt-
kple of Death -le lelenCY.
Beans was ,1 fi at 110,
•• • , phiee of hu'tnes. 1 took
tbeee. The burnfng, seething. fieneadoe Which
Was so painful When I made water lit.gitu to bo
.relived, elthougli I bad suirered in that, .vrey'.
for a year, and the 'pain In my bitek-that I Could
at times scarcely, tern over In led, beright
feresbexes. of the Kidney Beans from the Dun-
das Drug Companyiancl now feel :that 1 m
curd -no no plies wilea I urinate.,
I cheerfully recommeneEleetthe Kidney Dealt
to all sufferers of kidney and bladder disease
which prevails ameng. men. t my age. 'Your
remedy Is a sure, legume. and greet ewe..
Dettlared before me at the Teem of Demirel,
In the County of Wentworth, ties eth day
of Nov., A D. 1509. A. M. 'WARDELL.
Eiectine Ithinee Deems for ss.lo at all ,dre
gists, llc. mr box, If your druggiat bat net
them in stink, teke no othsr.• Send einet air
eee. per,bee, or five.boxes one dollar.
Kee/flee 'IN inter Stitt mane',
My method of lreepine a few winter
Squashes is somewhat different from
that generally roe ominended, and
succeeds so Well that,1 giY0, it
• for the benefit of any who inay wish
to follow it. On ti appproaoh of
winter, before there is danger of freez-
ing, the squashes are placed in a cup-
board in the sitting room, the door
'being left ajar throug,la the day, and
closed at night in very cold weather.
It will be seen that the temperature
of the room is considerably higher
than is generally recommended, often
reaching 70 degrees. The Hubbard
scruash has been kept in this Way till
May entirely sound, and might have
been kept a month or tais. longer if
desirable. On the approach of sum-
mer they lose their fine grateful taste,
and are no longer fit for epicures.
The nipple a la Mode.
Three is notan inch of crinoline
used in the new skirts ; there is not
an ounce of starch put in the petti-
coat, but everything around the foot
must ripple and billow and curl and
swirl until one feels as if one were
following in the wake of a steamship
when going behind the fashionably
dressed women I '
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pine.
fe- Ittizo Donal tons. ,
g)tt, The Methodists of England intend
to gather $50,000,000 before the end of
V tho eentuey. Since January $3,750,-
•1 000 has been donated.
The. Deem° Compan
'(Ltiat tett)
186 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.
To enre 5 cold in three YU W'S t138 Eleetins
PueurnoBroneho Tablets. • ALL Druggiatte or be
elm. a bus.
Five years ago John Burkitt of
Binghamton, N. Y ., was stricken
dumb as the result of an accident.
While piling bark on Thursday he
tripped and fell over a stick of tim-
ber, and began to swear violently.
The sound of his own voice awed him,
but he now talks continually, fear-
ing he will again become mute if he
doesn't keep in practice.
Donald Burke, a G -rand Trunk sec-
tion man of Bothwell, was struck by
a train near Chatham on Thursday
and killed. He leaves a wife and
Thomas Ries ofIslington, while
digging in the cellar of his father's
house, undermined a large quantity
of frozen earth, which fell upon mu
and broke his leg in three places.
The Cheyenne flyer on the Uniot
Pacific Railroad crashed into the
Boulder Valley train at Brighton,
Col., on Friday. Bagg,ageman Wm.
Rundleman was killed, and eleven
persons injured. ,
Alex. Sullivan of Williamstown was
drowned in the Cornwall Canal on
Tuesday night. It is believed he was
crossing lock 18, on his' way home
from Itle.ssena, when he fell into the
water in the dark.
Percy Burrows, it 11 -year-old boy
who resides at Hamilton, was
eerow-ned in the bay while trying to
re,seue his brother, Willie Burrows
The police recovered the body a. few
hours later in 12 feet, of water, .
CRIME AND ezterieeeeLs.
The Queen's Hotel, Arthur, kept
by Charles IlefTernan, was robbed on
Wednesday night of $400. A' man
who stayed at ;the place over night
Is suspected of the robbery.
James O'Brien, the U. S. soldier
who was assaulted and robbed of
$120 at Hamilton on Christmas day,
and who had Harry Richards a,nd
John Taafe arrested for the offence,
has disappeared. It is supposed he
has been settled with.
Lewis E. G-oldsmith, assistant
cashier of the Port Jervis National
Brink, Port Jervis, N.Y., who is al-
leged to have robbed that institu-
tion of $54,000, and also to have
falsified the bank books, has sur-
rendered himself to U.S. Marshal
Henkel in New York.
John Cavanagh, charged with the
murder of his mother at London,
Ont., on the night of Dec. 3, came
before the Police Magistrate on Fri-
day 'morning, and was remanded un-
til Tuesday. Cavanagh took a deep
interest in the proceedings and ap-
peared to be very nervous.
William Waldorf Astor has sub-
scribed £1,000 to the Buckingham-
shire fund to equip the county's con-
tingent of yeomanry.
Toronto city council has resolved
to pay the premiums upon insurdnce
policies on the lives of the Toronto
members of the second contingent.
The Russian Czar on Friday re-
ceived In audience .Count de Mont-
ferroult, the new French naval at-
tache at St. Petersburg. His Majesty
was much interested In thr latest
issue of the French fleet ycer book
of the Minister of Marine, it copy
of which the count presented on be-
leself of the chief. e
The Russian Government officials,
United States naval officers and re-
presentatives of the Carnegie Steel
Company, at the Indian 1-Iead prov-
ing grounds, on Thursday witnessed
the test of an eight -inch Krupp
plate, e. part of the armor intended
for the Russian battleship Iletvisch,
now building at the Cramps' ship-
yard. The test was entirely satis-
naives:sap nuetnareses.
It Is estimated by Toronto offi-
cials of. the Grand Trunk that on the
middle division 250,000 more tons of
freight were handled this year than
Vouch for the Statement of A.
Bond, of io Leslie Street,
Had to Work Ton Hours a Day-Suffere
ed With. Backache. Severely—
Dodd.'s Ifildney rine Made a
New Man of Him.
London, Ont., Jan. 1 -The broom --
makers of this city are as industrious
and make as much money as the aver-
age broom -maker in this country. But
the way the business has been going
of receut years necessitates that the
men work very hard. Competition is
rife iit broom manufacturing as in
raost lines to -day.
A. Bong, of 10 Leslie Street, Lon-
don West, broke down under the
strain. He was working the regula-
tion ten hours a day, but a broom -
maker has to work very fast and very
steady. Bong's back gave out. He
continued to work at his trade how-
ever, though it was continual misery.
Only those who have suffered with
backacke know how disabling and
, painful the trouble is. It is wonder-
ful how every movement of the body
geeros to jar on tho 'back'. It is as
' if the back were the central point
from which all the muscles radiated.
The reason of this is that backaehe
is not backache at all literally. Back-
ache is kidney ache and every move-
ment of the body shelres the disorder-
ed kidneys to a greater or less extent
and keeps them in a constant state of
irritation. To cure backache you
must use Dodd's Kidney Pills, as Mr.
Bong found out. He writes:
"I have been troubled with a very
severe pain in my bacle and I conclud-
ed to take some Dodd's Kidney Pills.
I have done so and I find they have
cared me. I have to work ten hones a
day at broom -making and now I am a
new man. I highly recommend them
to any one for backache. I do not feel
the pain any more or has it since re-
; A passenger rate war has ,beeni in-
augurated between Boston and Cali-
fornia points, and general passenger
agents Will Meet in Boston next -reteels
,Iri ren effort to have it stoppcid, Lines
out of Ilostoe aro mioteng 850.50 for
the trip to Cle I fornie.
,r,an, DEAD.
E: B. Sniallefe, ecii tor of the North-
western, :eine-reline, and Secretary of
the eTati onal .Sound Money League,
dieei suddenly at, St. Paul, Minnelast
The Itiontrea: nansical world has
met eerith a greet loss in the death of
Prof, Donithique Dieelm rale, who was
found dead on Thursday .morning in
his studio,
"I remain, yours truly,
"A. Bong."
Still Another Tie umph-Me. Thomas S.
Bullen, Sunderland, writes: "For four-
teen, years I was afflicted with Piles; and
frequently I was unable to walk or sit,
and four years ago I was cured by using
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. I have also
been subject to Quinsy for over forty
years, but Eclectric Oil cured it, and it
was a permanent cure in both cases, as
neither the Piles nor Quinsy haveetioubled
me since."
Dresslne. for the Hair,
A nice dressing'. for tho hair is made
by dissolving half an ounce of the
beet white wax in seven ounces of al-
mond oil. When nearly cold add 12
drops of essence of almonds or 20
drops of lemoii, or, in fact, any per-
fume that you fancy. To arrest the
falling of the hair and to promote new
growth mix two wine glasses of deod-
orized paraffin with three parts Of Fs
glass of rum. Rub this into the Scalp.
A little sweet olive oil rubbled into
the hair of a person whose scalp has
little natural oil is an excellent occa-
sional treatnient. Ono should ill:ever
allow the hair to got too dry, for the
hair becomes brittle, breaks at the
end and losses all of it gloss.
I can eat well, and my digestion is good
Miller's Compelled. Iron Pille dirt it.
Trying On New Shoo8„
. .
One, wonld hardly believe there aro
special •tinies and, seasons for trying
on new shoos; but it is ,sp. Larger
shoes aro required in 'snininer thau in
winter, and it is always best to try
them on in the latter part of the day.
The feet ' aro then, at,1:116 maxima/au
size. Activity naturally enlarges or
‘eatileee them swell.; ,,much standing
'tends to enlarge .the feet. New :shoes
eliould be tried, On over moderately
thick steckings then yeti.Can, pat' on
a thinner pair to ease your, feet if' the
shoots Seem to be toetight,
Warne Powders for sallow 'akin
old or eoung.
f4 -c-42,? idae
4VI/ Itri047bei
0.4.4i, 10-
etez ett
- TOEVEetNeetet who eau 541,0114 LieWoY.Ptizzlo 0E'aces--rnarit,
thea end let 1171 to ati-eco Woo it 1 exq 4iyie sitintlolvd
PPal or Tliaw 8tioli Pin :Creek in d. send le Ton.cont packitges of Jim
perislieble P'Eftnue to sell for if yen can. W11011 51,1 returns piney
und 0,5Riyo you Free elmice ot' ri heavily Mated (Main 'Bracelet with
•,^ Look Mid li a'• Or Solid Oola 0011 Uelober 11rtlet:1y" Itteg.
nterpret riezzlo end we meta eiiliont iitelley or 'price. Write today. Yoo. riek notinnw
e, ea we pay tlio'daty and .
ntrtiii;oeuoAit111,ru%rrruinee seat iii4ilyi.4.1.1,jaililtiii,iiptil.e.i:Iiiirirk;7poTegoir,?a,1 Tat tre retin.nalne.
ncaty,aLt, 3 felt.
flow et Whole Clnos Easaly Earned
"Now, you remember, don't you,
children," said the teacher of the In.
taut class of a Hyde Park Sunday
school, "that I told you last Sunday
that each of you who learned a verse
from the Bible aud refitted It today
would receive a large blue cruel. Let
me see how many of you have learned
a verse."
There were 25 or 30 boys and girls
from 4 to 8 years of age ranged about
her in a circle. For a moment there
was no response to her question. Then
a brightslooking girl timidly raised a
little hand. ;
"Ah! Julia has learned a verse," the
teacher said. "I am sorry that no more
hands are raised. I hadhoped that
ever so many of you would get blue
cards today, but I suppose your mam-
mas and papas hare been very busy,
ancl some of you, I f1111 afraid, forgot.
Well, Julia, let us hear you recite a
" 'Walls in the light,'" the little girl
repeated. -
Then a boy who eat near Julia put
up a hand.
"Oh," exclaimed the teacher, "Char-
lie has a verse too. That was very
good, Julia. Now, let us hear Charlie's
"'Walk in the light,'" responded
"Well," said the teacher, "you learn-
ed the same verse, didn't you? It's a
very good verge too. 'Walk In the
ligbt.' I hope we may all do so. Now,
is there any one else who has learned
a verse? Why, I see five, six, seven,
eight hands raised. I am proud of you,
children. We will hear from Arthar
" 'Walk in the light,'" said Arthur.
The teacher looked rather bard at
Arthur aud said:
"Gladys next. What is 'your verse'?"
" ;Walk in the light.'" Gladys an-
"Now, Gertrude, you have a splendid
verse, I know," said the teacher.
"Speak op loudly, so that all the .ehil-
dren may bear."
"'Walk in the light,'" shouted Ger-
By that time all but a few of the chil-
dren who had 'not been heard from were
holding up their hands. The teacher
looked at a boy wase name she had
forgotten and asked:
"What Verse have you learned?"
"'Walk in the light,' " replied the
whole crowd In chorus, each little one
apparently fearing that there vvonIcl
not be another chance to win a blue
erred and presenting strong evidence of
the fact that the Hyde Park youngster
knows an opening when be sees one. -
Chicago Times -Herald.
Eye to Business.
"What ,did that young lawyer de
when you tried to discourage his at.
tentions by telling him your father was
in financial difficulties?"
"He Immediately went to papa end
offered to put him through voluntary
bankruptcy for a fee of $500." -Ch1-
eago Poet.
Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine
to remove t1l kinds of corns ansi warts,
and only costs the small sum of twenty.
five cents.
A. Temporary 'neon rie-11 fence.
Irate Citizen --"What in thunder
did you nail that firnall-pox placard
o8 my house for? It's only measles'
the kids have.' ; '
Health Ofileer-s-"Well, you see, it
was the only one I happened to have
left, I'll come around in a week or
two when eie get some more printed
aud fix it."
Ills Part In Tt.
"1 hardly think,'' said the lawyer,
"that, you can get, a separation from
your wife on,account of her making
a practice of throwing things at the
"But," said the men with the hag-
gard look and tho black .eye, "every
time she throws at, the dog she hits
Ina 1"
You need not cough all night stud die
trirb your friends ; 1 here is no oceaAton for
yeti run iting, the risk of contracting in-
flammation of the 1 untt‘i or C01181I 1111)11011,
while you can get Bicltiti'i; Auti-Clom
sumptive SYiUP Tilil medicine cures
000 01'1. C0l1i11, inflammation of tlie lunttg
and all Li; tont and ell ton ble;A, It, pro -
000101 a free and e133t cotraitii ortuilon,wliich
immediately 1011(003 1111! throat and 1111150
from vi,8cid phlegm. 1"
Nor Root for Crrsi al ce
An entire new ' glass coverieg has,
been ordered for the ;rode of the crys-
tal' Palacio in Loudon. The total
glass area to be L.covered is about 15
Milleret 'Worrn Powdori anake the/
ehildren healthy,
oneen'. ice ehett.
The stores of ice at Windsor, Os -
borne and Balmoral castles aro very
large. At Wendscr there is storage
roma for about 500 tons. There the
supply is obtained from tlie lake be-
neath the north terrace, from Free: -
more and Virginia water. Ice is not
only lavishly uselt in th.e royal kit-
chen, but also for xedacing the tem-
perature of lier majesty's apartrnenta
in hot weather. Then it is packed in
pretty wooden buckets and stood irt
tlio fireplaces.
Health for - the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Ai tiquit y of WI
Windmills, though now becoming
popular for ,pninpin.g water, were
known in En- elm so fax 1 acis as 1105.
Not Iloom in ale Churches.
An English authority has estimated
that if all the inhabitants of the
Britisli isles should decide to attend
.church on a given Sunday 25,000,000
wonld be erowded out for lack of seat-
ing room.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury,
as mercury will sureiT destroy the sense oei
smell and completely erange ihe whole system
Wilen entering it through the Intia0US surfaees.
Such artieldS should never be tome except on
prescriptions rorn reipable ae the
damage they will do is ten fold to the good yen
can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufaetured by F. J. Cheuea St Co.,
Toledo, O., COT1 ta NS no mercury, and IS taken
internal.y, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous sin -fares of the system. In buy I 1g
Catarrh Cure be sure vim get the genuine. itia
taken internally, eturmarie in Toledo, Ohio, by
F. J. Cheney 11 Co. Testimcntials free.
itiii'Sold b. prree 75e. per bottle.
narsinn. Favorable to Matrimony,.
Aniong professional women, hospital
nurses, it is said, head the list oft
marrying women.
Miller's Wotan Powders the medicine
for children.
A Lady Who Cured bier Husband oft
the Liqtsor Habit Writes a
Pathetic Letter.
She writes: "1 brie
for a long thine been
thinking of trying
the Samaria Preserip-
tion treatment on
my husban1 for hit/
drinhlug habits, but
I was uerairi he
wouli discoeer that
I was giving hint
medicine, and the
thought unnerveit
me. I heelta tea for
nearly a week, but
--see.ele es one day when he
came home very
much Intoxicated end his week's salary
nearly all spent, I threw off all fear met
determined to make an effort to save otur
home from the ruin I saw coming, at al&
hazards. I sent for your Samaria Prescrip-
tion and put It In his coffee as directed
next morning, and watched and prayee
for the result. At noon I gave him more
and nlso at supper. He never suspected it
thing, and I then boldly kept right on
giving it regulnrly. as I had discovered
something that set every nerve In my body,
tingling NVith hope and happiness, and I
could see a bright future spread out before
me -a peaceful, happy home, a ehere in the
good things of life, an attentive, loving
husband, comforts, and everything else
dear to a es-omit/es heart, for my husband
had told me that whiskey was vile ether
end he was taking it dislike to it. It was
only too true, for before I had elven him
the full course he had stopped drinking
altogetber, but 1 kept givine the medicine
till It wris gone, end then sent for anotheir
lot to have on hend If he ehould 'relapseete
he had done from his promises before. He
never has. and 7 ern writing you this letter
to tell yen bow thankfill I am. I honestly
believe It will cure the worst eases."
A pamphlet in pin In, senled envelope
sent free, giving teetimeninis and fell In-
formation, with directions how to take op
administer Snmerle Preserintion.(e Corms '
snondenee consirlered , en credit, confide/De
Del. A flares,' Tile Snmsrin RereeeY Co.,
23 Jordan -street. nvento, Ont.
The flt-At'lade.for Catalf -
COCKS U L0 W CO., T;1Z A i' 0 411)
IIMPORTIRR Or 0100E111K% L.S. Extrunii NAS STEELE ge BRISTOL oit4clo Tem
• L.S. 11. Coffees
write us. hipromrop,r, jl. Spices.
Union StatiOn Arcade, Toronto.
Trth AriesseauTEIes PREF, war-
n I ritniea perfect timakeeeer, to
11mM anti Gems for distributing A deer-
,t1sIng,efatter. Won't re04 yeti a cent. Sena
address for particulars. SNtrrn Bao, LONDON,
T. N. U. ' 253
'STOP PED•lelleE. Perwateene,
,IY Cured, en, ereetee eteatsr
•NCliyE metre -men, 1'03111 0111,•0
for all Nervons Disensess ITtra,
Dpileptys Spas= and St. 'Vitae Danee, No
„, FFLo 00 Nervoesee.,s after tilt .rlars mac.
T reat 1 ' and 52 . bottle, sent,
theoueh ()Li:MIA ;tin Agen Mom to Fit pteieu et,
they paying. ;wet eherges onl 0 ellen ee.celeed,
,Send M A reeiste P111 al slpbk,io.
We nisei me Ice
tft.eel nee; .5' lairs,
Grain G ri
11i1n anti ',treed
P means ,I1e0.L
Sind for New Cst,-
, 1 gas;