HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-1-11, Page 1YEAR. -607.
a -a
efore buying our Fall and Winter Stock we were
careful to select the best values in the 1 test up-to-date
goods. We are satisfied that our choice pleased our
customers. We have a few lines left which we have
decided to clear out at cost before stock taking. Kindly
glance over this list, it may interest you.
American Percales, 36 inches, Reg 12-ic,, to clear 8c. -English Prints, regular
• 12,1c' and 10c On our Baron,in Counter at 61c
EAR M?,i).'s all wool regular 60e. to clear at 40c.
Fleece -lined, regular 62-ieto clear at 45c.
HOSE Men's Socks, all wool, regular 2e. DOW 15c.
a 22
" 20c. now 12,1c.
's Fur Gauntlets, Australian Dog, regular $2.50, A snap at $1.75.
GOATSMen's Klondike Coats, special $1.25. Men' Klondike Overalls, special $1,00.
Men's Tethed. Kid Gloves, regular 85c.. to sell 50e.
litiTLES, They'are going at cost. Remember they are this season's styles.
Clearing out stock at low prices.
Second hand Stoves. A number still in stock—Will be
sold cheap to clear them out.
Wood or 'Coal At cut prices
Fully warranted X -cut saws, all kinds.
We have everything in the Hardware
Special prices
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farna or yillage property, at
lowest rates of interest.
DierrsoN & CAnc,nz00.,.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
Money to loan at from. 41,..5, to 5 per cent.
iristers,Solieitors, ate., Main St., Exeter
The undersign ed,has a few good farms for -
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
Sam well's Block Exeter
There strayed from the prerniSes of the un-
dersigned, two good two-year-old steers;
color, one all white, the other rea. Both
nitnals are marked on both ears by a . V.
ce being removed:, from the top of
ny person giving information
ereabouts will be suitably re-
QUIIiTON BrioS., Saintesbury.
.‘1Then'netorsigndac _s offering for sale or
nt hsmntaining one hum- rec farm, being Sioutrhesli-95 ounar.
,and.jin a good state of eultivation;,, 32
0,cregyfall plowing done and.0.11 acres tall
wheat sown. There ii on t1ie4,,prein5se5
good bank barn and other out buildings,
*sod orchard, two -gooi1 wells and other
• ,t.onveniences. , Th is is a goof) firm and will
'be sold or rented on reasonable terms. A p.
tily to , W. ITA TUNS,
Aar, O.
ta yoti tvant your Repairing well dpne
go to R. IIich's--"Watches (
aria Jewe1r37 a specialty.
Marriage Licenses issiied anci Weld
:Wags always on hand. '
,non's Block, Exefaaa
Sale Register.
FRIDAY, I AN. 12nr.—Household Furniture,
Implements and Horses. Sale at the Duf-
ferm House, Centralia, at one o'clock. ,
.n BROWN, Auct.
SATURDAY, JAN. 13TF1.--Live Stock, Bug-
gies, Cutters and Implements, the property
of Bissett and Armstrong, to take place at
the Central Hotel, Exeter, at 1.30o'cloclz.
Tonic GJIL Auet.
A good story and half frame house. well
situated on Huron street east. Apply to
, rlisS VOSPER, or
Telegraph °face, Exeter.
The Council of the County of Huron will
meet in the Council Chamber. in the town
of 6-oderich, on Tuesday, the 23rd inst., at
three o'clock p.m.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated Tan. EitIn 1100.
The skied -ling is getting badly used
up.—It is reported that Mr. J. " G.
Jones, of Exeter, has sold out his taisi-
ness there to Mr. W. C. Huston, of
the same place, and that he will re-
move here again shortly, having pur-
chased Mr. Couch's interest in the gen-
eral store. We welcome Mr. 3 -ones
and family to our miciPlagain.
Bid (111111111
Miss Atkinson, of Bay City, eldest
clan /lifer of Mr Alexander Atkinson
formerly of13idclulph, is visiting with
friends and relatives here, the guest of
lair. James ISA ac.—The Chosen Friends
of Clandeboye are to have an open in-
stallittion of officers on Ti id even-
ing, 2.3rd inst., when a lunch, COnSiSt-
ing Of hot coffee and sandwiches, Will
be served. At their last regnlar meet-
ing Mr. W. W. Reviagton was nomin-
ated as represeotative to the Grand
Connell to be held ia Toronto.
blensall:: Mr. 'A.rtlitirMAll' c . 'tor,
who recently very siiccessfully passed
his: cantata:at:ions its a. ,Publie School
teacher, laita seenred0. sclio01' near
Londesbore, and leIt. here this \\reek to
engage in his chi
0OLLINs a ST,ANBITRY, Baaristers, Con-
veyancers, Notaries, Exeter, Ont , R. H. Col-
lins and J. G. atanbury. B.A. (late with Mc-
Carthy, Osier & Co., Barristers, Toronto.
Mr. Wm. Patterson, of Toronto, lec-
tures in Gidleys' Opera House, Exeter,
Thursday, January 18th, on " From
Toronto to Belfast, via Salt Lake City.
Reserved seats 25c., Children 15cts.
Plan of Hall at Mr. Grieve".
Mr. Norman Hill, of St. Marys, is
visiting his sister, Mr.-. (Dr.) Rivers,
this week. --The choir of the Metho-
dist church attended thaaatea-meeting
in Eden Monday evaajtaka-Mrs. Sewor
of London, is visitm.,Tga sister, MIS.
I Gottfried Gaiser.--Mrt.V. L. Lewis,
was in Brinsley Monday on business.—
Rev. and .Its. Chas. Finkbeiner, of
Zurich, visited Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner
on 3Ionday.—Messrs. Wen ze/ and Fritz
have sold 0, number or Portland. cut-
ters this season.—Mr. and Mr.:.
Kunz, of Exeter, spent, Monday even-
ing With Mrs' I). Link.—Mi.U. Prou-
ty was nrthe•village last Jlionda,y. A
large number of Ins friends regret, that
he is not making as rapid progress as
was expected since his lecident,.--Mii.
Henry Eilber attended the annual
meeting of Hay Township Insurance
Co. at Zurich on Tuesday —Council
met in Town Hall last Monday. Jos,
Guinan and °has.' lirown were 4-
poin ted -Assessor and Treasurer respec-
tively tor 1900.
Mooresville: An interesting event
took place at the bride's home on
Wednesday evenilw, being the max-
riaae of Miss Ella Revington, of this
plime, to -air. .T. Wesley Hobbs, of St.
Ives. W -est Nissouri. The Rev. Mr.
Fair, of Luc0 n.performed the cere-
inony, Oaly the immediate hie:lids of
the families \vein present.
Win glat In: On Saturday AV, ,T.
Howson'a 'horse was killed. In cross-
ing a railwa y ti.ack one of its feet caught
in the rails. This excited the animal,
and when it had, freed i3 8(111 ra
away, On tut g corr;er below th e
ehair factory, it fell and was killed,
Mr. Howson's little boy WaS 3hrOW21
0212i and seriously lin rt, but we are glad
to hear is getting httlp.
St. Joseph
'Your correspondent 'was snowed un-
der last Nveek, but S t t inlay's thaw liber-
ated us. ---Mr. Geo. Campbell has pur-
chased several acres or bush from Mr.
Mero, of Drysdale, and has now got a
0-atiri- of men at -work cuttin g 11001 13)1(1
saw logs, --The 'Misses _\ 31550, who
have been. in Prat Huron for some
time'have. returned home. ---Mr. N.
Oontine was in the 001111 by Totvii on
bus i liess Thursclity.—During the se-
vere snow storm of last week M. jam
O'Brien was storm -stayed at Grand
Bend, Wlwre he had a 000 .1.0). 131:
clraVVIIIg GrilLy elle." —Mr. Geo. Qiinp-
bell, our gen merchant, has present-
ed each of his many customers Nvith
handsome ealander for 1900. G eorge
is a, thorough business nian and de-
servedly has a large patronage.— Rev.
C. Eicher preached a very interesting
atal inStructive sermon in the Metho-
dist church here on Sunday evening.—,
VVe have notv a daily Mail service here
which is found to be a great cony en-
ience.--The wife of Mr. .A. Overholt
presented him with a, young claughtea
recently.—Mrs. S. Overholt of 'Michi-
gan, who ha,s been -visiting, her sons
here, has returned hozne.---Several
from this neighborhood attended the
Hay Township Fire Insurance meet-
ing held in the village of Zurich on
Stephen Council
The Council convened at' the Town
Hall, Ceediton, on Jan..8th, at the hour
of 11 o'clock, a.m. The new Council
subscribed to the oath of ciffice. The
following afficers were cluly appointed.
Charles Brown, Treasursir ancl care-
taker; Joseph (.-1 ulna in Assessor: J oh n
Broke,nshire.and Henry Doyle, Audi-
tors. A nieeting of the Board of Health.
was held mat °agonized. The Board
of Health decided that, in future, no
medical or other attendance would be
paid. for by the Council when the rate-
payers 'were.able to pay the expenses.
Bylaw No. 1 and2, were duly passed im cl
assigned appointing officers. .The fol-
lowing orders were passec1:—Jacob
Schwartz, three culverts, $2; Hospital
of sick: children, charity, $5; David
Gillis, charity, $11.20; J. G. Young &
Sort, hardware, $1.53; John Barry,
gravel contract, $15.30; James Baxter,
statute labor. etc., $L25; Mrs. P. Cook,
charity, $5, James Baxter,- repairing
bridge, 50c; C. Louchner, tile, $1.68;
Gottleib Brown, tax collector, $90;
Joseph Lawson, covering two river
bridges, $59: M. Ziler, gravel, 40c., C.
Prouty,' lst quarter gratuity, $25. A.
Haist, tile, 00c. Council adjourned to
meet in Totan Hall on alarch 5th, at
1 o'clock p.m.
Snow! snow! where? all piled on the
north and south roads.—Last
dav night Mr. and Mrs. Bucklee en-
tertained a number of invited guests
who tipped the " light " fantastic till
the we' ma 'ours. One interesting fea-
t -tire of the evening was the step danc-
ing of their two grand children. Earl
and May AlcPeck. Earl is six and May
four years old. Everyone reports of
having a good titne.---Mv. Matthew
Doyle was on the sick list, but he is
recovering. -01.n. teachers, Messrs.
Hamilton and Scott are a.gain down to
their work and Josiah Ifainiiton has
returned to Lucian High school.—Log-
ging is all the go around. here.
During, Xmas. tveek there was
about twenty logging teamo. passed
through each day. --At the irmaual
school meeting of S.S. No. 5, McGilli-
vray, the section decided to build a
mew brick school :house at the back.
piirt of the grounds 'for the purpose of
not allowing the pupils to look out at
teams...They need not have thought
of that as it is a great deal easier for a
teacher to stop children looking out
than it is fot children to run twelve
or fifteen rods for a drink on a stormy
day. --Miss Nellie Pickering has gone
to Uncle Sana's domains, leaviug
lonely heart he-i.e.—Election did not
make 'nisch of a stir around here as it
was just to kick out four or five Cowl-
Usborne Council.
Mr. Wm. Patterson, of Torouto, lec-
tures in Gidleys' Opera House, Ea.eter,
Thursday, ,Tanuary '18th, Froin,
Toronto to Belfast, via Salt Lake City.
Reserved seats 25c,. Children 15e1.
Plan of Half at Mr. Grieves'.
Council met on 3 -unwary 8111, pur-
suant to statute and ,organized as fol-
lows:—Reeve, Wm. 1-1.. 111311)1 (1g0:
Councillors,, 'Joseph Hawkins. John
Muir! Richard Cann, Alfred Hunkin.
The following officers were appointed
at the sa,laries named, and thela ap-
pointments confirmed by Bylaw.
1'.. -Morley, Clerk, $100; Paul Coates,
T14111rer, $70; 'William, Miners, As-
sessor, $50: Thoincis Veal, Caretaker,
$5. The Collector WEIS not appointed.
The 13001i1 of Health is composed of
the Reeve, Clerk, Pant Madge for
3 years, .Sames Handforcl for 2 years,
Win. Hazelwood for 1 year, 11, K.
Hynclman, M.D., -Medical He.alth,
Officer, James (2. T)lfts, Sanitary In-
spector; the M. 0. to, receive $3.00
per dayand the other members of the
Board $1.50 per day tvhen on duty.,
,Auditors, Soshrta, Johns, William
Feneeviewers, ,T. Copeland,
A. Cole, P. Moir, R. Delbridge, R.
Doti pe and Jas. Earl. Poundkeepers,
0. Godbolt, j. Hazelwood, R. Kecicly,
C.sle Rook, Passmore, S. Campbell,
W. Gillillan and R. I/tinter. It was
decided to invite Mr. A. NV. Campbell,
Provincial Road Commissicater to lec-
ture in the Town Hall on the , hest,
Methods of road constructaon and
maintenance. A donation of $5 WAS
Made to the Hospital. for Sick Child-
ren, TOronto. A. few orders Were
granted and Council adjo1 irned. to meet
.13'oh. ,3rd.. at one o eloek.
a :MoitialY, Clerk,
Hay Council
The Council met on Jany. b. The fel-
lowing enbscribed to the ,Stattitory
aeClarAtions of office :ind nalificittiou;
—A. G. Ehnes, Reeve; Wm. Stelk,
R L1inlon 1, Win. B. 13attler, and Wm.
Consit, Conneillors. The fellowing
have been appointed officers' for the
1900: ,,lared HO'S, Sr., ()leak, salarY
$125.(30; Fred Kibler, Treasurer $90.00;
Ify. Lipphardt, -assessor $0.00. Chas,
Troyer, Collector $60.00; Mrs. Kein-
hart, ciu.etaker $20.0Q; David Spen-
cer, member of the boisad of health;
lar. Campbell Medical health oflicea;
Jas. 13witinnu Ind Ify. Zinanierma,ii,
sanitary inspectors. The following
communications were libid before the
ciouncii: Ross Robertson re 1-fospital
for sick children; Dr. Rice, re Consuru-
tive 83) 0! Latin in, and Josepli Wrigley,
Clerk of Dumfries, re cattle guards on
on railways. No natiou was taken on
either of the communications. The
following amouuts were ordered to be
paid:Fred Hess,Sv., registering births,
marriages and deaths $14.00;Do. post-
age $2,91; Do election expenses $6.00;
Robt. 13eII, limber $8.25; joei
Beachler, work on the side rode a5.00.
The following registrations haye been
received by the, division registrar of
of Hay for the last six niont,hs: Births
41 inales 28, females 13; tleittlis 18
males 12,fetnales; 6 Maraatges11. Coun-
cil will meet again on Monday the 5111.
day of afarch at 10 o'clock a. in.
FRED Hasa, Sr., Clerk.
Gnind Bend
Mr. Robt. Hamilton had the misfor-
tune to slipand fail on a sharp edged
5000 and hurt himself so as to lay him
up for a. few days.--afrs. Geo. Down
returned home Monday, after spending
the past two weeks at the home of her
parents, arr. and Mrs. Walker near
..Exeter.—Mr. Jno. 'Welsh is visiting
friends in Forest and...ail:so, Oraig.—Mr.
;Toe. Shareow bought the one hondiad
and fifty -acre foam of Mr. Wm. Ful -
tons for the sam of $6000, at the saute
time disposing of his own fifty, to Mr.
George Webb.—Mr. Delbert Mollard
returned home Wednesday, after
spending the past week visiting friends
in Belmont and L013 don.-1Vir. and Mrs.
W. B. Oliver spent the Xmas. hOlidays
at St. Marys.—Miss Lou Cunningham,
spent her holidays under the:parental
roof at Port Albert,.—Mr. T. Bice and
sister, Mrs. Neiland, or Paisley, are
here visiting their sister, Mrs. Smith.
—Miss Minnie Done, of Zurich, was the
guest of Miss Lillie Brenner a few days
last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred.. Fallis
returned to their home in East Jordan,
Mich., after spending three, weeks 'of
their honeymoon with friends here.—
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sherritt spent a
week visiting, friends in Waltoh, Tara
and .Stanley. - --Mr. t Patterson
recovering from a aiak, which he re-
ceived from a horse while feeding it.
—Messrs. R. Hamilton, P. Baker and
Rev. Carriere'are all aporthaa neaar cut-
ters. Of course they will be, soy to
see the snow go:—Mr. Harry Itssen-
berry has purchased another faathorse
from his brother, Edward, of Zurich.
D. HAY, Farquhar, C0111MiS$ioner and
Conveyancer, Money to loan a,t lowest rates
of interest.
The Thames Rord Presbyterian
chat.ch intend ixoldirig their anniver-
sary services and tea nex-t Sunday ancl
Monday. The pastor has secured good
speaking talent and the comMittee is
making active px.eparations, so a good
time is assuaed.--Mrs. William Parker,
of Motherwell, whose husband (lied
about a year ago, had her mind some-
what cheered up by spending a day or
two the lattea end of last week pleas-
antly at the home of Mr. itud Mrs. S.
Campbell. -Some of our citizens, Mr.
D. Park and wife, who have been re-
siding on the Boundary for several,
years, left last week to take -up their
abode in their own cottage in Cromata
ty.---Mr. William Gila -diner and wife,
former residents of this part, whohave
been aesicling in Southern Manitoba,
the last ten or eleven yenrs, are visit-
ing relatives on the Thames Roach --
Mi... Fred Hackney, after spending hiS
Xmas. holidays undo: the parental
reof, returned to Detinit last week to
resunae his stodies.—Mrs. David .M.
Hackney, of Blatt sh; t rd, returned liome.
this Week, after 31 003011)11 of about ii
week among her friends ancl relatives
Daarrat oz. MR. JOHN .MCLEAN.•--One
of the olde,ist-Lif not the oldest—of the
surviving paineers of the township csf
1-libbert, passed away from this scene,
hi the person of John MeLean, ou
Wednesday, Jato. 31d. . He reached
that remarkable great age of neitaly
03 years. He wits og 1 sumll, hardy
ph3 sique. itud 13 (3.19011 free from
pain and sickness during his life. until
within a, few nionthS ago, when a can-
cer broke out on his lip, \vhich, along
with the infirmities of old age carrie'd
him off. He wits, the last sarviying
013111001' of a, family of lo to biotbets
and two sisters. Ile was born in Isle
of .Tura, Argyleshire, Scotland, where
he remained until he WaS 39 vears of
11 go and then he emigrated to the town-
ship of Fullarton. Here he remained
untiPthe year 1856, when he removed
to Lot 8, Con. 13, ,Ilibbent, where he
lived ever since. In his younger days
he,worked itt the etrade of carpenter-
ing and was so.ithfd be a most profici-
ent mechanic, 1-1.e Was of ;t quiet; in-
offensive disposition, gooa and kin&
to tbe_poor. He Was ;in eibrnest, con-
sistent tneMbea 01 131. Baptist chntch.
He was' a life-long Liatrealin polities
and always took ,1l(1) .17(1 interest 10
the affairs of tho country to exercise
the franchise, whenever an opportun-
it.y to do SO preSen tea itSelc. 11e leaYeS
his aged and faithful Ian time of life
and a fataily of five sons and - thred
d:3 utglite1'S,t0 1110112.11 the loss ol'adevot-
ed husband and a, kind and .010011110-
3d' father, His retniti n s -were Imaied
in Roy's 1)701(3 ((3) .11 1(13(1 133 '1'
wilea at large norober (a' frienila 'and
aequitintrinces assembled. t() po their
last taibute of 1(p .1 foe the (departed
obe aila their th y for Ole
The people of this place have bee's'''.
titkita, acivantaaa of tint good sleast-
ing during the past week, but the tillaw
en Sunday has loft us 1113311 1(3(10 road&
It become our cluty this week to aecoa'_.
the death of airs. 3. Rice, who dieal
at h01 home in Altroait. Her rerxiitioa
weretaken stution oil Satina.
U1'omortv. The funeral wit i 11 ailar.
place on Stuitliat., wits well aft emied.-
-2'he logs have been rapidly contiala
Mg, into the sawmill the
week.--atr. 1Vhite and ditualliaaa
Grace, of klamitoa, alon„ are 11.3
the forinea's sister, ales. Ed. Th -s --
Mrs. illurclo(az aod clauglite.r, little
Miss .Alexa, of Tiensiall, accornpartia-a,
by bar brother, Jas. -Morris, of Detroit,
spent Friday with their oriole, Mr.
o Robert Nora is, of 1.3)l0./2 -
Ville, is -visiting his relatives in ar10
around the villa,ge.—Miss Feria
from 'near Saania, is spend Lu a feav
weeks here, with her brother, Williarix
paior to leaving for the Northwest -7,--
A 11101113(1 from here attended the
Farmers' institute ineeting- held in
Mitcthel/ on Thtirsclay.—Mr.
Patrick is sporting a, new 011t0e1-.-7
On We..dnesclay, 111 last week, the
residence of alr. Williani Fell was
tile scene of a pretty Nveddillg, When
his sister, 11:11553 janet, was united in
marriage to Mr. :P. -T. Ke1,s1;tke, a p13,'
900110 young fanner of tile 10th 1-0::-
oession. The "c 1113110111 was perfornma
by the Rev. J. Nethereott, the 910
041(105 of immediate relatives only.
After partaking, (11 ,1. bea utifal wedding
dinner, the evening was pleasantly
spent in social intercourse. Their
many friends join. in 'wishing them .at
.1ife of joy and. 'happiness.
Mrs. John Hicks, of Manitoba, is
visiting her many friends and relatives ,
here, the guest of her brother, 141r
RichardHandford.—Miss Grace aria
Lillian Salton, left on Wednesday last
for St. Catharines. where they will`
attend the Ladies' College for a short
term.—The Rev. S. Salton preached in
Main Street church, Exeter,' 011 Suia-
day evening last, the vacancy beiug
filled here by Mr. Albert Hooper, of
Exeter.—While Santa. Claus was going
his rounds on Christmas, the matri-
monial fever was also on the -wing ana
as 0 result we have two in oar burg
who \same in touch with it, Mr. Wm.
Baker, of Fairfield, who has chosen
for his partner, Mrs. Huxtable,
Allandale, Mich.: and Mr. Wm. Bag-
shaw-, our Public School teacher, who
after summing up the pros and cons
of a single life, resolved that it ' wonal
be as profitable to him to keep it ;wife,
and Bierefore chose foI1 bia helpmate,.
Miss ROSS, of Cannington. They are
DOW residing on the farm lately occoa
pied by Mr, W. C. Huston. We 111.511t
the happy couples a, pleasant' and pros -
p01000 journey through life.—Mr:
Richard Hill is making preparations
for the erection of a brick bank under
his barn the 001114/3g summer. This
will add much to the appearmice as?
well as the convenience of his place.—
Large quantities a wood, brick and
other shipping material is being haul-
ed through town lately and business
is brisk. --Mr. and_ Mrs. Oliver left for
Whitechurch last week, where they
will reside. for some tbne.---Mr. A. Hep-
burn -xi has secured a position in London.
—The annual meeting of the Biddulph
District L. 0.La was held ileac, on
Tuesday. anda
--as well attended. The
meetiug WaS very interesting and
the old officers were reinstalled.—The
annnalmeetang of the Centralia Cream-
ery and 13ntter AssOciation will be
held on Satmalay.--Mr. Humison,
Parkhill, was the guest of A. Nevin on
Mitchell: When returning from
visit to friends in Logan the other
evenhig. Ma. and, Mis. L Hord haa
quite au adventure.. Their horse too'
a notion to kick, and then ran away.,
The occupants of the cutter were
thrown out OU to the snow; but Mi..
Hord held 013 to one line, which laad
the effect of turning the maddenaa
brute is Ito the fence corner.
Clinton; On Saturday 311orning
death clahned another of the ode, u
residents of Clinton ...h) the person or
Mr. William Taylor who departed this
life in his eightieth year. The deceas-
ed was a native ,or Hnsthwait, York.
shire, England, where he passed the
greater part of his life. Mrs. Taylor
survives her husband together with
their seven sons,and one damp:liter.
BUrnts ,
FITToN.--.40,Exoter, on Dec. 28111, the
wife of Saxon Fitton, of a son. -
DicaaExs.—In USbOVIle, on Dec. 29131,
the wife of Ricliard Dickens, of a
daughter, '
Wiacacriaa.---031 Lake Road, Dec. 31st,
the wife of Joseph 'Wildfong, of a
P:aToN—Donaia.N---At.the residence of,
' the bride's parents, 7111 con., '
livray, oil Wednesday. Dec. 29t1), by
tl-te Ilea. 3. Coutts. Mr. Albert Pat-
on to Lixura daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. laanielDoinao.u. '
It.VIVLING S—MaLtor) —At Crediton-,
on Dec. 253 11, 1)y Rata' T-IuSsar,
Mr. Sam. PaWlings, or Stephen, to
Mary 13e11 McLeod, of Jflsa Craig.
S'WEITZER. --SAW YEn S. the resi-
dence of the taide's parents, by the
}lay. aVa ddell, Ni'. "Wh itefi
Sweitzer, of Blanshiard, to alis-: Min -
the Sawyer, of 'Wootiliam. '
11017TI.EV.----Seova ----By tho..13,ev. Peter
Scott, 1411. Matt,htny ktoirtiey, oP `
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the bride's parents, ma ;V:‘, ednesdaa.
Jatillary 1,0tb. tioo.
tO Mi', Eliza; danglitia. of AIL 'Jona
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