HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-30, Page 7N*
■1 a
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:I"'!<Aii tF flrly
tIt,41tNk"M1t7lr.n bIIIIl;S1 ti.;.ia4e1. rqort P~_
` the Qie>,ia $apply mco. quoted CP *AA of 0w p . P. FJ, shyi�ll be givui.
■ rv. RA04 �� i 1, 'It a xlaatl'Ii., o(AtkX.t ,' 1Yi!(l;'iy; A�tll• NR7\ isfiAp,Rai°y haat ik r
plaililr. It a Ir"r-Astlneltion is the
� t� t� t?e oxhide t>r.�m , �.�, - ,- �►� w
gal ll0 is Are>twY 1ni etpe} tiop, it should to Ngrll) St 2de�htl�alkt tatixtt� l±• °1`!I � . a
let. , ten tittLaA►t do coati al pliazft, w ich
i?a�toi'b naortaitl. theme ovili lla3 "`txalx• .
wrongs regplate t?ia $vvr of cillo;lnt}IiC ads for 010rr tat " 13vcniltg, lttu l rii-Thief of Time
? + r
. - verSal 0"Pel." > - T a.
glovett tligv
coxtitiiig"tc the awQunt of wates,pnlnped+ 01
Rev. A. L. 0, Clarke, of Loodol), es
t& letter tkom the Town Pouncil re- former rector of St. Geer 's choly lt. �i(
shiest that 111 street light ba placed at
dellyered oiio of the leading; addresses �1ir ' • " -' "` ' � ^ "'
the corner of -Walnut and Gyp'rfisa of ti
t the meeting Huron deanfield
atlreetse corner of Elaun and ant Sulfda
ip �11asllam an Tuesday. 9 Sl+tlfe talars : N' Il.>�1. to 5I.ni,+ Siatalydays 1Q pati. Plea�tl S6�1P E�irly if Ptitltuble
'J'}eo alts atreeca. Rad at thTho enRlueWr was -
atrRQted to report on this Appilestfou, Services at Colborne Evangelical INS
#alto onwhe cost 9f placing a streets lightchurch nerl $unday alt $1 a• w. Sun- October 3r
t=-- on ktcu ahau. street at the earner of day school at 14 a, ill, Serb ice 'at Zion
t Wells' survey, and also oa the cost of (Goderich townshlp)at 730.. The t* thll SCOTOA
tnovingatreet light on Goboarg street to pastor ies Preach the thud sermon of '1 1 .Itop of the Q,P,R. steps, this series au The 3ieeAness of Gtlrlst, E
An appHcattQu f•, the National Knott church- Divitic worship next
No. p Shipbuilding 4pomparayy.. apglyiag fok 60 5apbath moraing arch' evening conduct* BA$Ist
Price, �,.�Q h p•+ 4l�luourportgx, for tGea rock atkq@t cd by the minitett In �� the morR[ng
plant, was read, and was ref for
to the the annual " hoof Day weld. for Nwataresal Strrat Beaut*f the Hom-e
for the
Pictures 1g x 31 inches Ontario Hydro Commission for pexuUsa• the Sunday ;:chaos will be held. Sub-
p ion. leets of sertlions, t1 a. m., ..Our Alm;" The paStAP; IIweY..l. McAuley.,
Qf;sIPt.ICITY—that's the keynote A letter from the Ontario Department 7, p, m., .•A, Noblp Quest." Adult Blble,
in the construction of this camera, of Lobor with reference to boiler regia. Glass as, usual at 3 o'clock. win preach
That's the reason Haat as ed to tton certificate was send, and ttefern A vary successful and i splrasional o Winter
y Young ed to the engineer to 611 In the asses• "Wssion to clergy" was �h6d at St. Ii,m, subject Fall-
star can make cod pictures with if
it from the start,. p AA application for electric servlcejfor Qeorge's church on Wednesday and
an ofecuie stove, from a householder, Thursday of this week conducted by tt • e,
'chink of the turf• for the ltev. Professor Motntyre,\D, D., of Wy- The Method of His The Winter season Is at Band with its round of social
was received. The engineer wets
children in pictures of playmates, I authorised to purchase a 14 H V A cliffs College- There are some !8 or s
sports and Vets, so Pert era in attendance from Haran success events the Season when ou want your home surroundings
P p There's pleasure traustormer, and in 'the meantime the and Perth and from the southern par- f
hi them for application was laid on the table. ---' pleasant and beautiful, wU]Cc can be done at little expense, W1t1i
you, too—sad some tion of Bruce County.
A number of applications for electric p '
day when knickerbockersthediscard, pair Rev' S. S. Hardy, rector of St. Geor- 7 fll, Subject
ribbons tight service were granted. Tho en•
go la the discard, snch giving
church, re the addition of a few ands of Chintz or Cretonne or anew pair
Rineer was asked to report) on one, and g P ached harvest thanks•
Pictures will be priceless. We an application fora water service wag giving sermons at Blyth on Sunday. st ►, �y
do the developing and printing, granted. In his absemce Rev, Canon Hill preach- Giving -God a Chance
A resolution was adopted that the ed to St. George's churgh on Sunday of Curtains or a new Rug.
Other Brownies rap to $2[,36 public be advised to apply to the Com- morning and Ven. Archdeacon Jones.
mission for power before installing elec. Bateman in the evening. The Arch- 3 m. --•Bible School
h'odaks ron� [[.2[ u p'
! P deacon assisted v. the service in the Handsome English Chintzes, Special Showing of Curtain
lute using apparatus or before waxing a
r house, and that the dealers be request- morning and Rev. (;anon Hill in the '—"'
Campbells Dru StOr@ ed to co-operate, so the people will not evening,
go to expense and then find that electric During the service in North street Theresa a Weleprne for You • ,7� eefi Satil l d Net
The Penslar Store current is nota available. Methodist church last Sunday evening `I _
Next to liillar's Scotch Store, the Letters front the Hydro Commission a heavy shower of rain fell as the `
Square with reference to the cost of lamps well-known hymn, "Showers of Bles- These Chintzes come iu a variety Ofat-
Surplus Stock Sale. of
Boots and -hoe's
at Horn's Boot Shop
Cornrnencing (Friday, October y st, and will
continue until Saturday, Oct. 16th
To make room for Fall and XVinter Goods we
are putting on a
With every pair of Boots, included in this sale
' at $7,50 or over, and with every two pair under
�fre�0 ^ 1 $7.50 included in this sale we will give
• r;
f A Brand New Dollar Bill
This is a great opportunity to et Special Foot
�• r g PP Y g P
wear Values. Our stock is marked much below
present market values, and in this sale you
save an extra Dollar Bill.
We can itemize ' only a partial list of the splendid values
we have to offer
Come and See for Yourself
18 pair of women's fine kid, Goodyear welt at.................I...$10.00
1F pair women's kid, wide fitting last,
Cuban heel, at ........................... 9.50
9 pr. women's fine calf, low heel Bal, at 8.00
17 pr. women's fine black kid, white welt,
low heel .................................... 8.00
15 pr, women's brown calf Bal., military
6 pr. women's Pat. Bals, brown kid tops, AO
Louis heel ................................. 15.00
6 pr, wom(1.•, I -,k Bals., Louis heel ...... $+15.00 14 pair women's Patent Colonials, Louis
8 pr. wornt, . • ; I,)wn calf Bala., buck top, heels ....................................... 7.50
Lou1,� I;eci ............................... 13.00 10 pr. women's kid Pumps, Louia heel ... H.bO
15 pr. vvower < black calf Bals, low heel 7.00 17 pr. men's brown calf Bluchers, rubber
7 pr. w:uncr - tIun \'fetal Bals., at...... 6.50 sole and heel, plain toe •. ....•. 7,50
9 pr. women , kl(I Oxfords, military heel 4.50 13 pr. men's Dongo)a Bal;., plain toe,
9 pr, women s Fat. Oxfords, military heel 5.00 Goodyear welt sole ...................... H,00
13 pair w(nrlet: ; brown calf, Goodyear 18 pr. men's brown calf Bale., Goodyear
welt Oxfl rl�. military heel............ 10.00 welt soles, English last ............... 15.00
15 pr. women = hlaek kid Oxfords, mili- 16 pr. men's brown calf Bals, Goodyear
tary heel 7.50 welt soles, wide toe ..................... 15.00
15 pr, womer, chocolate Oxfords, mili- 30 pr. men's black Elk Bluchers, heavy.. 7.00
tary heel .. ......................... 7.50 13 pr. misses' Pat, Bale., white tops ...... 4.50
13 pr. women G kid Oxfords, turn soles, 9 pr. misses' Dongols one strap slipper.... 2.50
low heel........ .............. ........ 6.75 12 pr. misses' Patent Oxfords............... 4.50
17 pair boys' heavy, tan, grain Bluchers .......... $6.60
15 pair boys' kip Binehers ........................... 5.00
10 pair youth's kip Bhachera ........................ 4.50
18 pair boys' fine gun metal ....................... 5.00
Smaller lots Shown on Our Tables
D6" h't Miss This great Sale
Hern's Boot Store
Next the Teierl►iloltle office, Geckle N*rtlt Side of the Sinuous
policies made a strong appeal to th
young electors. The first meeting u
this new c uncfl will be held in
month from this meeting. The Skil
of the electors was evidenced by th
fact that only three ballots were in
correctly marked.
Larvae of the Big May Beetle
or "June 6ug."
Wireworma Oome Ftem the Click
Beetle—Rotation of Crops Bear
Remedies for These Insect Peals
---Cider ltlakdng.
(Contributed by Ontario Department
Agrtcultum Toronto.)
H1TB grubs are the larvate
of the targe dark brown
May beetles, or "June
Bugs;' as they are com-
monly called, which are familiar to
everyone. The grubs breed for the
most part lit old pastures where the
sod has not been lbroken up for eome
years. When fully grown they are
thick, fat creatwes, white in color
with. the body puTtially curled tap and
the last segments of a darker hue
from the food :dhowing througgi the
skin. They feed on the roots of th(
grass, and Ad'nen this has beer
ploughed up tbey attack whatever
plant may be grown. Three years arc
spent nmdergrownd, Hien the fbeetlet,
appear, often in great swarms, In th(
early xcmmer and devour the tender
foliage of treed and shrubs. After
buzzing abotit in the early ;venins
they selfle down to feed and when
daylight conies they hide away under
ground where -aw soil Is locvsse ane
under grass or mbbish Obout fence:
and buildings.
The grubs, being utndargroun(
feeders, are very difficult to control
A great vaxietw• of experiments have
1,een made wifh chemicals of man)
sorts, btm none has proved successful
The on-ly method of control Is thi
adoption of a 'system of rotation o
co-ops. No field should be left in grass
for• more than Three years. An ol(
pasture, edhen broken up, •is otter
found to be full of these grubs ane
They WM attadk the roots of an:
plants that are sown In plaee,ef they
ordinary good which has been remov
ed. Corn and potatoes will suffer se
v clover m acted b
ep'e hurt a e n3 least aft
them and may be ✓seeded down wit)
rye. After• the seeond year any crol
will usuaUT be safe. Deep ploaEhlnl
In October before the weather be
tomes cold will expose the grubs an(
destroy mamT. Vfga and poultry
crows and otrher birds and Iakunk,
greedily devour them- Where an orf
field is late it would be well 'tai oon
tine thein w1th hurdles to a smal
portion at a time, and when that h
cleared move them (n4oa ft"fh'teed
Ing ground.
Wireworms art the larvae of 0110
beetles, iso called from their curloul
habit of springing up to the air wltl
a "click" when laid upon their backs
The beetles are long ansa narraw
rounded above, with very isbort' legs
and usually dull gray or black ti
color.- The grubs are long and round
with a very hard skin, from which
they got their name of Wireworms
and yellow or whitish in color. Thei
life history is very similar to that o
the White Grubs, as they thrive it
old pastures and take two or three
years to mature. They feed upon thi
rooter of an planus that may b(
grown where they are, and are espe
cially injurious to corn and potatoes
In the latter of which they often bur
row great holes. As in the cane of thi
White Grubs, no treatment of th,
moll with poisons of any kind has
been found effective. There is a prey
%lent idea that Balt will kill them
but this is an entire mistake. Th(
only remedy to a abort rotation o'
crops, as In the caae of White Grubs
Ploughing in August and eros&
ploughing in September -+viii destroy
Sree%Aitinumbore, Clean cultivation
leavfflj� no weedo or other shelter foe
the boeties, in benee corners and eine.
where Is also of Importance.
Break up the old pastures to the
advice all farmers should follow.-.
Dr. 0. J. S. Bethune, O. A. College,
The Fngllsh language la ealled Ih
"mother tongue" becauw father .neve
gels a chance to use it.
Make, ilio Apology
(Clinton News -Record)
We make no apology for this ac
vanee. it is a legitimate one, hull
Justified b the etrcumntances, and I
is one which is being made by pearl
every weekly paper In the Proviner
This new rate iroem Into effect the be
ginning of October.
Withw2t )tteeyteet Af Persons
(Seafartb PxDogitor);
on ilud kner �iS(1oo ,f<dt, We but
e eggs sales as o ewe
t beautiful rich colorings fol order cur-
a tains and furniture covering, 40 inches terns and small designs, suitable for all
t wide. $i.75 per yd, rooms, white and ecru. 45 •inches.
e From 65c per yd. e
Special Value in Velours,
�,5r00 per .yard New Net and Scrim Curtains y
Extra quality Imported Velours, Exceptionally smart are the new
rich finish, In colors of tan, green, rose Scrim and Net Curtains for fall, in a
and french blue. 50 inches wide. variety of new designs. From $5.50'
$5,00 per y3, to $1o.00.
0 r"
New Linoleums
Just received several new designs in Linoleums in block patterns 4 yards t(,
, r
wi4c, $1.50 per yard.
Also two patterns Nairus Scotch Linoleums, 4 yards wiee, $2.00 square yd.
Large stock of Canadian Floor Oil in all patterns, suitable for all rooms
:amd also for squares under stoves and heaters. 95c per sq yd.
Some Smart New Dresses Just Received
Women's all -wool French Serge, Other smart Misses' Serve Dresses)
Eton cOffect, tricolette vest and collar, Eton effect, braided and embroidered,
accordion pleated skirt. Special accordion pleated skirt, a most attrac-
$37.50• tive dress. Special, $2S,0et.
McCall Patterns Nemo Corsets Kayser Glove
Our Mail and Order Department always at your service. We prepay all charges and all
orders shipped in time for Rural Delivery,
'Phone 56 MI LLA
crilttl,vl thrice ,1t `I'In• F;spnaltnr ��lli
r ?1 lmt+'a,l ul' rfL`10 ,(� hrreturure.
Aly .ub,erilill,.n aur heturr the I,t
f iwl4wr \clll h,• al the .'Id price,
i.i0, but after that date 1110 price Will
ucarlahtg he $2, without re {sect ,II
Priec is $1
Wingham Tim,•s�
Hnmmmb,-r Unit after ,Ile 1st „f Or -
ober, tA20, 11„' rice+ Is .2 In (;31%rada
nd >27)0 nl the Uliitl•d Slalp..
lavreaHe 1'nasoidabie
(Brig's„IH PoHtI
The manaw ruent. of The Pot has
ecu slaking carseat endeavor- by ail
t,t,mnadlle means in acrid increasing
iFor Week—Oat. 41th to 9th
Monday and Tuesday
r "Bill Henry”
"His Royal Shyness"
Wednesday and Thursday
60LOWYN 1101rt:TI'RI:
`Water, Water, Every-
d IN
"Behind the Screen,.
Friday and Saturday
A Select Picture
"Youthful Folly„
open 8etarday at 7--911art 7.30
ill.• rah. „f .uh.rrll�ll �n. Th, til"r• A— 1. •n \\Ii 1'. K•t i,.•r rear In a;ana,l.t and
r W \1111 1- 11114\, 1,1.11,1,' ll:,\\:'l, r .i ll,I <•t:.0 1 i Uw t tl lfi•i1 '�t,l tl'.a A"'tilmonrllw
„n (I,•t ,l„ r 1-1• i!1','0, \\ III run, tut„ til, 1-1 „f 1 wtolwr. PubllMhrrH or .t
vff,w . Thi- rill,• \\III h, .Irwtl\ „h-ue\\wl,a{,et' \vlu, wish t0 re-
„'nt',I u.1.11 :,t\ent have no aiternatne than
\\(110i.1n1 \,I\,1u,,' („ r,u„ {11,• prior• of thrll• papers.
li,nnwlh,r Ulat .Ift,•r 11w 1•1 „f ,Ir-'
tiger, WM, t1w 111\ inc,, 1+ WY ,n Prrlinenl Query
ads .old 4y.:;0 In ll,+ 1'n1t, ! molal,-. uncus HrGlrmerl
it I .1
n,tllIrl ,• i
K (I wl 1(Il
tt ut Ur1nt
No tlternall, e h, r., if ,•,irl $2(X) in a furenowl, peck.
Myth Lin t,ud In,: .triwlwrrles, \\h,tt .huuld a rvpy
ulllratated in ld4 -+Are ,.f :,f Ilf!\-1\\,I 14e4ur4 of a Food tfmo
The slarld,lyd, th, pro... "f Hnb., r1p- I \\+'• kly n, \\-paper .+'!1 far 2
Siam �
Through arrangements with The Bell Piano
Co., of Guelph, Ont • i will act as their Agent for
Goderich and surrounding territory, and will en-
deavor to serve you in a business manner if you are
in the market for a Plano which is ,worthy of your
My system of selling cuts out any high com-
missioned salesmen, and many heavy expenses which
add much to the cost of most Pianos sold, and adds f-
nothing to the quality whatever. Make It your busi-
ness to have me call on you before you buy, by
dropping a line to my address.
Bell Art Pianos are endorsed by musicians
the world over and take second place to nothing on
the market. They are the first makers of
Player -Pianos r
in Canada, and are also the oldest and largest manu-
facturers of pianos in the British Empire.
- Full value given for used pianos, organs or
phonographs if you deal with me, as I have custom- C�
ers for them.
�Z7) As prices are rising, don't waft any longer, as
i can give you terms and get your goods shipped at
once, which will mean $50.00 on all Pianos shipped
through early orders placed at the factory
Yours for business, address
Box 229 Seaforth Ont.
C'�.I t''rl (�ti f.?11 ��:�1 t:"1 tr.'s; l.'Jlft.l, (�`7�na� 111 Cl f . f.`' _: � [L�!1'�'�� rj^�7�y_��;•'� Gaa(i:J,
were read, and it was passed that 26,
sing," -as being sung. When the
40 and 60 -watt lamps be sold at 45 cents
line, -Let some drops now fall on me,"
each until further notice.
A refund of lawn service where the
was being rendered the rain began
droppf g Into the choir loft and also
house had been vacated in May, was
on the platform directly behind th,,
Appli� ution for Power llefore Wiring
pastor. Significant, wasn't it?
or Installin, Al,paratus Its Advised
on Account or Sluortage
G iR�
The North Street Epworth League
held an Interesting meeting on Toes
The regular meeting of the Water and
Light Commission of the Town of Gode-
The congregation of Victoria St.
day evening, under tile, auspices of the
ef•t4mrsihip department, at which a
,trich was held on Thursday, Sept. 23rd,
at 8 o'clockby
churelt were favored with a bass solo
Mr. Hugh G. Wilson on Sunday ev-
neve council for the town of Goderich
ent. p'L°'' all the members puss-
was duly effected: lfayordss, Mtse
The secretary reported that no reply
The Mission Band and Men's Club
l+'lorence Mooney; reeve, Mr. Howard
Robertson; deputy reeve, Miss Maud
had been received from the C#nadian
will meet at 10. The monthly 'Fellow-
Hoavell; councillors, Misses Helen Grif-
Express Co. with reference to account
ship meeting will be held it the same
filth- Marjory Aitken, Beatrice Ander-
rendered for breaking street lamp post.
son, Jessie Nord and Messrs. A. M.
The matter was referred to the solicitor
Baptist church, Moulmal St.: The
Robertson, Walter Hern and Edgar
for advice.
I pastor will preahh at both services.
Sheflherd. The addresses of the var-
A communication from the General
Morning, 11 a. rut., subject, "The
sous candidates to the electors In
Supply Co., with reference to installing
Method of His 5ueoess_" Evening, 7
Which they outlined their platforms
a chlorinating plant, was read, and the. -p, m., subject "Giving God a Obance."I were well received and their advanced
Surplus Stock Sale. of
Boots and -hoe's
at Horn's Boot Shop
Cornrnencing (Friday, October y st, and will
continue until Saturday, Oct. 16th
To make room for Fall and XVinter Goods we
are putting on a
With every pair of Boots, included in this sale
' at $7,50 or over, and with every two pair under
�fre�0 ^ 1 $7.50 included in this sale we will give
• r;
f A Brand New Dollar Bill
This is a great opportunity to et Special Foot
�• r g PP Y g P
wear Values. Our stock is marked much below
present market values, and in this sale you
save an extra Dollar Bill.
We can itemize ' only a partial list of the splendid values
we have to offer
Come and See for Yourself
18 pair of women's fine kid, Goodyear welt at.................I...$10.00
1F pair women's kid, wide fitting last,
Cuban heel, at ........................... 9.50
9 pr. women's fine calf, low heel Bal, at 8.00
17 pr. women's fine black kid, white welt,
low heel .................................... 8.00
15 pr, women's brown calf Bal., military
6 pr. women's Pat. Bals, brown kid tops, AO
Louis heel ................................. 15.00
6 pr, wom(1.•, I -,k Bals., Louis heel ...... $+15.00 14 pair women's Patent Colonials, Louis
8 pr. wornt, . • ; I,)wn calf Bala., buck top, heels ....................................... 7.50
Lou1,� I;eci ............................... 13.00 10 pr. women's kid Pumps, Louia heel ... H.bO
15 pr. vvower < black calf Bals, low heel 7.00 17 pr. men's brown calf Bluchers, rubber
7 pr. w:uncr - tIun \'fetal Bals., at...... 6.50 sole and heel, plain toe •. ....•. 7,50
9 pr. women , kl(I Oxfords, military heel 4.50 13 pr. men's Dongo)a Bal;., plain toe,
9 pr, women s Fat. Oxfords, military heel 5.00 Goodyear welt sole ...................... H,00
13 pair w(nrlet: ; brown calf, Goodyear 18 pr. men's brown calf Bale., Goodyear
welt Oxfl rl�. military heel............ 10.00 welt soles, English last ............... 15.00
15 pr. women = hlaek kid Oxfords, mili- 16 pr. men's brown calf Bals, Goodyear
tary heel 7.50 welt soles, wide toe ..................... 15.00
15 pr, womer, chocolate Oxfords, mili- 30 pr. men's black Elk Bluchers, heavy.. 7.00
tary heel .. ......................... 7.50 13 pr. misses' Pat, Bale., white tops ...... 4.50
13 pr. women G kid Oxfords, turn soles, 9 pr. misses' Dongols one strap slipper.... 2.50
low heel........ .............. ........ 6.75 12 pr. misses' Patent Oxfords............... 4.50
17 pair boys' heavy, tan, grain Bluchers .......... $6.60
15 pair boys' kip Binehers ........................... 5.00
10 pair youth's kip Bhachera ........................ 4.50
18 pair boys' fine gun metal ....................... 5.00
Smaller lots Shown on Our Tables
D6" h't Miss This great Sale
Hern's Boot Store
Next the Teierl►iloltle office, Geckle N*rtlt Side of the Sinuous
policies made a strong appeal to th
young electors. The first meeting u
this new c uncfl will be held in
month from this meeting. The Skil
of the electors was evidenced by th
fact that only three ballots were in
correctly marked.
Larvae of the Big May Beetle
or "June 6ug."
Wireworma Oome Ftem the Click
Beetle—Rotation of Crops Bear
Remedies for These Insect Peals
---Cider ltlakdng.
(Contributed by Ontario Department
Agrtcultum Toronto.)
H1TB grubs are the larvate
of the targe dark brown
May beetles, or "June
Bugs;' as they are com-
monly called, which are familiar to
everyone. The grubs breed for the
most part lit old pastures where the
sod has not been lbroken up for eome
years. When fully grown they are
thick, fat creatwes, white in color
with. the body puTtially curled tap and
the last segments of a darker hue
from the food :dhowing througgi the
skin. They feed on the roots of th(
grass, and Ad'nen this has beer
ploughed up tbey attack whatever
plant may be grown. Three years arc
spent nmdergrownd, Hien the fbeetlet,
appear, often in great swarms, In th(
early xcmmer and devour the tender
foliage of treed and shrubs. After
buzzing abotit in the early ;venins
they selfle down to feed and when
daylight conies they hide away under
ground where -aw soil Is locvsse ane
under grass or mbbish Obout fence:
and buildings.
The grubs, being utndargroun(
feeders, are very difficult to control
A great vaxietw• of experiments have
1,een made wifh chemicals of man)
sorts, btm none has proved successful
The on-ly method of control Is thi
adoption of a 'system of rotation o
co-ops. No field should be left in grass
for• more than Three years. An ol(
pasture, edhen broken up, •is otter
found to be full of these grubs ane
They WM attadk the roots of an:
plants that are sown In plaee,ef they
ordinary good which has been remov
ed. Corn and potatoes will suffer se
v clover m acted b
ep'e hurt a e n3 least aft
them and may be ✓seeded down wit)
rye. After• the seeond year any crol
will usuaUT be safe. Deep ploaEhlnl
In October before the weather be
tomes cold will expose the grubs an(
destroy mamT. Vfga and poultry
crows and otrher birds and Iakunk,
greedily devour them- Where an orf
field is late it would be well 'tai oon
tine thein w1th hurdles to a smal
portion at a time, and when that h
cleared move them (n4oa ft"fh'teed
Ing ground.
Wireworms art the larvae of 0110
beetles, iso called from their curloul
habit of springing up to the air wltl
a "click" when laid upon their backs
The beetles are long ansa narraw
rounded above, with very isbort' legs
and usually dull gray or black ti
color.- The grubs are long and round
with a very hard skin, from which
they got their name of Wireworms
and yellow or whitish in color. Thei
life history is very similar to that o
the White Grubs, as they thrive it
old pastures and take two or three
years to mature. They feed upon thi
rooter of an planus that may b(
grown where they are, and are espe
cially injurious to corn and potatoes
In the latter of which they often bur
row great holes. As in the cane of thi
White Grubs, no treatment of th,
moll with poisons of any kind has
been found effective. There is a prey
%lent idea that Balt will kill them
but this is an entire mistake. Th(
only remedy to a abort rotation o'
crops, as In the caae of White Grubs
Ploughing in August and eros&
ploughing in September -+viii destroy
Sree%Aitinumbore, Clean cultivation
leavfflj� no weedo or other shelter foe
the boeties, in benee corners and eine.
where Is also of Importance.
Break up the old pastures to the
advice all farmers should follow.-.
Dr. 0. J. S. Bethune, O. A. College,
The Fngllsh language la ealled Ih
"mother tongue" becauw father .neve
gels a chance to use it.
Make, ilio Apology
(Clinton News -Record)
We make no apology for this ac
vanee. it is a legitimate one, hull
Justified b the etrcumntances, and I
is one which is being made by pearl
every weekly paper In the Proviner
This new rate iroem Into effect the be
ginning of October.
Withw2t )tteeyteet Af Persons
(Seafartb PxDogitor);
on ilud kner �iS(1oo ,f<dt, We but
e eggs sales as o ewe
t beautiful rich colorings fol order cur-
a tains and furniture covering, 40 inches terns and small designs, suitable for all
t wide. $i.75 per yd, rooms, white and ecru. 45 •inches.
e From 65c per yd. e
Special Value in Velours,
�,5r00 per .yard New Net and Scrim Curtains y
Extra quality Imported Velours, Exceptionally smart are the new
rich finish, In colors of tan, green, rose Scrim and Net Curtains for fall, in a
and french blue. 50 inches wide. variety of new designs. From $5.50'
$5,00 per y3, to $1o.00.
0 r"
New Linoleums
Just received several new designs in Linoleums in block patterns 4 yards t(,
, r
wi4c, $1.50 per yard.
Also two patterns Nairus Scotch Linoleums, 4 yards wiee, $2.00 square yd.
Large stock of Canadian Floor Oil in all patterns, suitable for all rooms
:amd also for squares under stoves and heaters. 95c per sq yd.
Some Smart New Dresses Just Received
Women's all -wool French Serge, Other smart Misses' Serve Dresses)
Eton cOffect, tricolette vest and collar, Eton effect, braided and embroidered,
accordion pleated skirt. Special accordion pleated skirt, a most attrac-
$37.50• tive dress. Special, $2S,0et.
McCall Patterns Nemo Corsets Kayser Glove
Our Mail and Order Department always at your service. We prepay all charges and all
orders shipped in time for Rural Delivery,
'Phone 56 MI LLA
crilttl,vl thrice ,1t `I'In• F;spnaltnr ��lli
r ?1 lmt+'a,l ul' rfL`10 ,(� hrreturure.
Aly .ub,erilill,.n aur heturr the I,t
f iwl4wr \clll h,• al the .'Id price,
i.i0, but after that date 1110 price Will
ucarlahtg he $2, without re {sect ,II
Priec is $1
Wingham Tim,•s�
Hnmmmb,-r Unit after ,Ile 1st „f Or -
ober, tA20, 11„' rice+ Is .2 In (;31%rada
nd >27)0 nl the Uliitl•d Slalp..
lavreaHe 1'nasoidabie
(Brig's„IH PoHtI
The manaw ruent. of The Pot has
ecu slaking carseat endeavor- by ail
t,t,mnadlle means in acrid increasing
iFor Week—Oat. 41th to 9th
Monday and Tuesday
r "Bill Henry”
"His Royal Shyness"
Wednesday and Thursday
60LOWYN 1101rt:TI'RI:
`Water, Water, Every-
d IN
"Behind the Screen,.
Friday and Saturday
A Select Picture
"Youthful Folly„
open 8etarday at 7--911art 7.30
ill.• rah. „f .uh.rrll�ll �n. Th, til"r• A— 1. •n \\Ii 1'. K•t i,.•r rear In a;ana,l.t and
r W \1111 1- 11114\, 1,1.11,1,' ll:,\\:'l, r .i ll,I <•t:.0 1 i Uw t tl lfi•i1 '�t,l tl'.a A"'tilmonrllw
„n (I,•t ,l„ r 1-1• i!1','0, \\ III run, tut„ til, 1-1 „f 1 wtolwr. PubllMhrrH or .t
vff,w . Thi- rill,• \\III h, .Irwtl\ „h-ue\\wl,a{,et' \vlu, wish t0 re-
„'nt',I u.1.11 :,t\ent have no aiternatne than
\\(110i.1n1 \,I\,1u,,' („ r,u„ {11,• prior• of thrll• papers.
li,nnwlh,r Ulat .Ift,•r 11w 1•1 „f ,Ir-'
tiger, WM, t1w 111\ inc,, 1+ WY ,n Prrlinenl Query
ads .old 4y.:;0 In ll,+ 1'n1t, ! molal,-. uncus HrGlrmerl
it I .1
n,tllIrl ,• i
K (I wl 1(Il
tt ut Ur1nt
No tlternall, e h, r., if ,•,irl $2(X) in a furenowl, peck.
Myth Lin t,ud In,: .triwlwrrles, \\h,tt .huuld a rvpy
ulllratated in ld4 -+Are ,.f :,f Ilf!\-1\\,I 14e4ur4 of a Food tfmo
The slarld,lyd, th, pro... "f Hnb., r1p- I \\+'• kly n, \\-paper .+'!1 far 2
Siam �
Through arrangements with The Bell Piano
Co., of Guelph, Ont • i will act as their Agent for
Goderich and surrounding territory, and will en-
deavor to serve you in a business manner if you are
in the market for a Plano which is ,worthy of your
My system of selling cuts out any high com-
missioned salesmen, and many heavy expenses which
add much to the cost of most Pianos sold, and adds f-
nothing to the quality whatever. Make It your busi-
ness to have me call on you before you buy, by
dropping a line to my address.
Bell Art Pianos are endorsed by musicians
the world over and take second place to nothing on
the market. They are the first makers of
Player -Pianos r
in Canada, and are also the oldest and largest manu-
facturers of pianos in the British Empire.
- Full value given for used pianos, organs or
phonographs if you deal with me, as I have custom- C�
ers for them.
�Z7) As prices are rising, don't waft any longer, as
i can give you terms and get your goods shipped at
once, which will mean $50.00 on all Pianos shipped
through early orders placed at the factory
Yours for business, address
Box 229 Seaforth Ont.
C'�.I t''rl (�ti f.?11 ��:�1 t:"1 tr.'s; l.'Jlft.l, (�`7�na� 111 Cl f . f.`' _: � [L�!1'�'�� rj^�7�y_��;•'� Gaa(i:J,
, r
wi4c, $1.50 per yard.
Also two patterns Nairus Scotch Linoleums, 4 yards wiee, $2.00 square yd.
Large stock of Canadian Floor Oil in all patterns, suitable for all rooms
:amd also for squares under stoves and heaters. 95c per sq yd.
Some Smart New Dresses Just Received
Women's all -wool French Serge, Other smart Misses' Serve Dresses)
Eton cOffect, tricolette vest and collar, Eton effect, braided and embroidered,
accordion pleated skirt. Special accordion pleated skirt, a most attrac-
$37.50• tive dress. Special, $2S,0et.
McCall Patterns Nemo Corsets Kayser Glove
Our Mail and Order Department always at your service. We prepay all charges and all
orders shipped in time for Rural Delivery,
'Phone 56 MI LLA
crilttl,vl thrice ,1t `I'In• F;spnaltnr ��lli
r ?1 lmt+'a,l ul' rfL`10 ,(� hrreturure.
Aly .ub,erilill,.n aur heturr the I,t
f iwl4wr \clll h,• al the .'Id price,
i.i0, but after that date 1110 price Will
ucarlahtg he $2, without re {sect ,II
Priec is $1
Wingham Tim,•s�
Hnmmmb,-r Unit after ,Ile 1st „f Or -
ober, tA20, 11„' rice+ Is .2 In (;31%rada
nd >27)0 nl the Uliitl•d Slalp..
lavreaHe 1'nasoidabie
(Brig's„IH PoHtI
The manaw ruent. of The Pot has
ecu slaking carseat endeavor- by ail
t,t,mnadlle means in acrid increasing
iFor Week—Oat. 41th to 9th
Monday and Tuesday
r "Bill Henry”
"His Royal Shyness"
Wednesday and Thursday
60LOWYN 1101rt:TI'RI:
`Water, Water, Every-
d IN
"Behind the Screen,.
Friday and Saturday
A Select Picture
"Youthful Folly„
open 8etarday at 7--911art 7.30
ill.• rah. „f .uh.rrll�ll �n. Th, til"r• A— 1. •n \\Ii 1'. K•t i,.•r rear In a;ana,l.t and
r W \1111 1- 11114\, 1,1.11,1,' ll:,\\:'l, r .i ll,I <•t:.0 1 i Uw t tl lfi•i1 '�t,l tl'.a A"'tilmonrllw
„n (I,•t ,l„ r 1-1• i!1','0, \\ III run, tut„ til, 1-1 „f 1 wtolwr. PubllMhrrH or .t
vff,w . Thi- rill,• \\III h, .Irwtl\ „h-ue\\wl,a{,et' \vlu, wish t0 re-
„'nt',I u.1.11 :,t\ent have no aiternatne than
\\(110i.1n1 \,I\,1u,,' („ r,u„ {11,• prior• of thrll• papers.
li,nnwlh,r Ulat .Ift,•r 11w 1•1 „f ,Ir-'
tiger, WM, t1w 111\ inc,, 1+ WY ,n Prrlinenl Query
ads .old 4y.:;0 In ll,+ 1'n1t, ! molal,-. uncus HrGlrmerl
it I .1
n,tllIrl ,• i
K (I wl 1(Il
tt ut Ur1nt
No tlternall, e h, r., if ,•,irl $2(X) in a furenowl, peck.
Myth Lin t,ud In,: .triwlwrrles, \\h,tt .huuld a rvpy
ulllratated in ld4 -+Are ,.f :,f Ilf!\-1\\,I 14e4ur4 of a Food tfmo
The slarld,lyd, th, pro... "f Hnb., r1p- I \\+'• kly n, \\-paper .+'!1 far 2
Siam �
Through arrangements with The Bell Piano
Co., of Guelph, Ont • i will act as their Agent for
Goderich and surrounding territory, and will en-
deavor to serve you in a business manner if you are
in the market for a Plano which is ,worthy of your
My system of selling cuts out any high com-
missioned salesmen, and many heavy expenses which
add much to the cost of most Pianos sold, and adds f-
nothing to the quality whatever. Make It your busi-
ness to have me call on you before you buy, by
dropping a line to my address.
Bell Art Pianos are endorsed by musicians
the world over and take second place to nothing on
the market. They are the first makers of
Player -Pianos r
in Canada, and are also the oldest and largest manu-
facturers of pianos in the British Empire.
- Full value given for used pianos, organs or
phonographs if you deal with me, as I have custom- C�
ers for them.
�Z7) As prices are rising, don't waft any longer, as
i can give you terms and get your goods shipped at
once, which will mean $50.00 on all Pianos shipped
through early orders placed at the factory
Yours for business, address
Box 229 Seaforth Ont.
C'�.I t''rl (�ti f.?11 ��:�1 t:"1 tr.'s; l.'Jlft.l, (�`7�na� 111 Cl f . f.`' _: � [L�!1'�'�� rj^�7�y_��;•'� Gaa(i:J,
C'�.I t''rl (�ti f.?11 ��:�1 t:"1 tr.'s; l.'Jlft.l, (�`7�na� 111 Cl f . f.`' _: � [L�!1'�'�� rj^�7�y_��;•'� Gaa(i:J,