HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-30, Page 5a �F'F4t'�u7rbfd�1 FX+{•'d•f {�r1�M,FR .�:#�Ka .., t -.. lV •' M 00000M 'STAR alar," owrs tel, �, t Jeut.!•. TM ,.. Mr. '11,° tr; Fair` haus �all*cllas>'ll the , .. _ ,, !g, a. ,. t .ask F:Wer• flall Fair r"�lil(d�tlay+ of tails ' I � ,y '\ip 'tit bt(I�cl ft# +C�IRa�©l�}�; p• �+ tAba4!!N" tt t@!f tib B ttllti of t: ] NeHM in Tons, i . -' Two ' onapl • "no"ft tle11 ' 7.-,TIw laxRat Mr. John Burns. a hltihly mspeeted ttrefewoomplaintt)nt ell tygN?t4 t4►tigall e* t6 4totrrd qtr TrlEdo t r*'al ttnit�iwtit re&idr)It qt ttativtr. poised aaWgy per, and acatctwl r say ` wi)Ic l 116ayti1t l�li'!I'11Rtit 4iti Mpere lFr+ WtaNfra► peace iuiPy and= Suddeal`Y on SatgrdayR x marc trouble, at(ovag ve l+ t 04 t Aortiliero, $2.6.1 " Sept, tatil. N!.t > misery. IQs. a lanrthttrn, i2.60�, i\tr. R,Qift. ilfcll�:ecn, protlter A 111'aA. S'',l". •-, � °, ltot'Rh p..0, ilu". J' i�. Dlafr, Pdet1 tray be cltlazled'ulxlt tc N4, 1'v}Slt44L, $tt.g23(t, of lits son atlttP,aodLOu 9e,trec gtlyr res tertattl, 6leediag, and �sla,tx C'Rf ta► «al t$Iteee t[+t. wW4tt I y Ba- a=ternat or i1(t1141040*+M 0+t , 73i�c. age fis years. but no matter under wh'to1F the F.x,\lltden J. N. (;alnpbcil ot. Blk�tl ' come, the cause can eafel . l yelrix Np' ! • tioc, was ete.Otttd a `ttff!}trict vice rest nt W co t* tion, and the C sa � bo �+4I0la tl�tiM7 (4r) stere JIM Wu11"4; of the- Ontario Hydro Radial I.Asslaclam � removed ore f`ip, g O,W„ }1.1131,' tion flit the, aAnual ntt'etillg In HR(P IJP t . You esti ixx t t9 { No. 4 07., HIMi1it11 � ; o relieved, a lith. - Do not allow s reed. ! Nta p tlr, Most"s, BprO V seta native Of 1 hf t Rejected larA , � vay constipated. If your bowels to beAodli9• Atli& lttalN tJerrl t2ate t {1� keit Township, You are in flip eta- Preatl�t sitq..eat)- Plamo to Luadeaboro ml Tuekda-y morn- fortunate positron of not hagm A talo. 3 Yellgvl, $1.66, nominal. lq of last week after a long and p 1 1 free and natural movemel} n ,. 4 eve 14 Oai$i4r$e Q�litl� teeeoNl,s to tri &Z4[i tui illness, $ o we would sdviee you t4 tl1BC i�� M. Oatalle). Iris -Liver Pills, They v M lt�uiate No. 3 white, see to 73c. Mr, Hugh SPaektpan, who iids eon - the flow of bile to act properGly 4lit thA tRte4we whetat Ar.o.b. S1Ylpalag ftlf*by, ducted a hardwafe business '111 Exeter 1 liver, thus removing the aRneEtpatign Aceer4ing to Fedskta). for mgnv years, ties sold Oul to Reeve and all its allied ailments. TUoye 111" . No. 2 winter, per_(aar lot, $z,$0 t(t B. \1'a F. Beaverb, who takes pas'es- small -and epsY to take, and,danot. �3.yo• Sion at onee. weaken or icBPD. -99' No. 2` &pang, per car lot. $2.21 t4 re o $2,36 ►ir. and Mrs. EJiJah Jor eclebrated 1 Price 25c, a vial at all dealers br 3rellyp.tacco"Isis to Freights O•ta�if, the fiftleth Eta Jversary ofAlheir wed- 4.: mailed direct on receipt of� prale by'I'ha No. 3 nominal, ding at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ed, Kestle, of Irshorne, on We& � 1 Limited Toron o Ont... ilarlea (A • t �cospta� to Freights Octal ai nesday of last wee k, USTEOPA1i1 Uattlnj $1 16 tQ $1.20, .- specialist In women's : c tdrons \tr• \\wh• 11' Parsons, PormPrly of _ x SS .4. ,. DD s coin 4l #Iae$twAewt ,[AceeTd(as to Frei;►p R, GEORGE HEIlnen's ,1 OB111dretlt, OaUtiie). i Exeter, where tie used ha wu4 IllON diseases. Acute, chronic and nervous disc Na 2, aominaL blacksmithing, brother of Ratt,soll Pates TRANSPORT OFFICERS W40 RESCUED CREW OF U. S. SVII4,4rHiNE orders partial dearness, eye, ear, Dose Bye (Accortit�s to Frelzbbe Qataitle) SOns,'Exeter, died In Va1COUVer Sept. ,S -5'R: Left to right Chief Engineer W. S. Oraee and Captain B. G. Swill - and throat. Adenoids rem(►Ved witileut ' No. 3. ;1.76, nominal. 11th, aged g, yQats&and too ntonth4, sun of the transport General (ioethals photographed uu board their \essei un the knife. Consultation °tree. Qrnee` and Maultoba Flour. The \stn Kant baseball team, o aa_ Its arrival in New York. after aiding,in the rescue of tho crew of the re side , Oce N elsor i and ills Andrews Streets GoyernmgAt standard,- $15,40 Tt►+ dl i ab10d submarine $-5 off the Delaware Ca. 4L.8, Mr. (,race directed the work tit back of Temperance Bail. Norte Street. , 1 un to winnln the ohne hours 9 to t2 a, m;, t to 6 V. M. ron5o, - todo pito w`1 g North \4'elling- th rescue by boring Itvkes Into the hull or the d6abled tindt •sea boat and Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Outarle, Flour (Prompt Shipment). l v siorlatiun 1 hsnoili n- t` I&enings by appointment. ship• won the Clat•ke trogjty, donated y Kg�i' lhm kortioa Of the i,ull, re;rutrtl: the Int rtnuned cruty. Government standard. nO.mInal. lir b vW. A. Clarke 5d,,.P. afttl. tilts _ tuts ,.Ragt1, :ontcea l,. aaosnina4 -ilr . Sate. Ing t v u a and around t J en n • ou a1d1'Dg sliver medals. _ LEGAL CHID bags, lorontu; $10.30 to $1e,40 bulli p Ind as usual, int- that follow in its train, and they are CHARLES GARROW, Barrister, Solicitor, seaboard. Mr. ami Mrs. John A. Carter, of Lon- Ing a hearty' breakfast and dinner. lu +urrrssful al\va>s, Etc. Cotner NurtL street and Square, Meed •(Car Lots. Delivered 3ioatteal dotty POrmkrl y' ,of ,(;llntwt, alunounre. the afternoon he went to his roues 3r).; Goderich, Ont Freights, Bags Include). ADVERTISE ISN, TIRE Iti'1':►!t Ont, f the engageutenl of their Only daught- suddenly expired. He had been a re- E Bran, Per ton, $64.50. er, Rebecea Jlary. to Mr. Jolla Sperteer the comprunitX for wan CHAS. SEAGEh Sho ih per ton, $69.60. siaiiwl of y t)oo feed nol r, per bag, $3.60 t& also or Londun, ih„ marriage taunts iy-t,Prs, having lived un the London Bn.rister, Solicitor, Notary Public $3.76. _-� place the last of Snntembe;•, Roast about a toile -touth tit' Eaetrr. and Lonveyanver Farmers' Uarlcet The ICinrat'diue Fall Fair this year Mrs. \\'nt. \'lay, of Exeter, t, a daught- OMce: Court house, Godericli. Fall wheat -No., 3, nominal. vyns a recr,rddtlO Fal in �'t'• TL1 C. HAYS + 'Phone 88. Spring wheat -No. 2 nominal. • Point of at- - 111 Gooses wheat_,NV . i, nominal aPce. •ihe fltlr weather, nu doubt. Barrister, Sollctlor, NotarryY Public Etc.. Basle \ altrng and feed, nominal, �ar' Ouritling', in a large measure,' for the All iuottivrs call put away anxiety Office Hanultun St., sterting Bank BIOck Oates -Nominal. enlarged receipts front all sour,•,.,,I t`egarding their Isuftering children Godericb Buckwheat -Nominal. w'hirh amounted to over $800. when they' use mother l;r'a\es \Norm ileal Estate. Loan3, Insurance itYe.-According to sample, nominaL Exterminator to give relief. It, er- Peas-According to sample. nominal, A very pretty wedding took plare O4 Yeets are sure and lasting. r('°aOP'EYANCING AND NOTARY Hay -Timothy and mixed and clover, Sept. tth, at ihe First Methodist GUS t _ nominal. t•hurch, fur* Vancquver, when iiia ' GEORGE v E aREEnd Not, Baublid, Con- Straw -Bundled and loose, nominal. hey W q q Crux united in niarrtagv Hope for the Chronic Dcspeptir.- vevuuelna and Notary Pubilc - x Miss Laura Johnston, Blyth, Sud \1r. Through leek of consideration yr till, PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN S COOKE, CATTLE MARKETS Arthur Ihihle. onl> son of lits; J 7• hody's needs many persons aliuvv dis tic. Etc�rtstets, Solicitors, Notaries rub• -r- ,-- Doble, vP Vancpuver. orders of the digestive apparatus to umce-On 09, Square, 2nd noor trpm ' TORONTO LIVE gTOC4c. Fg-mondyille and the whole stir. e�ttyire until they bectnne chronic, 111- Hatmlton street;, Ooderlcn. ` TORONTO, Sept. 27. -Receipts of live` 11 Hamilton days and nights wikth suffering Private rands to loan as lowest ratbs, stock'of ill kinds at the Union Yard& rounding district are the poo er in th0 { To these a course of Parmetee's VPge- W. PROUDFooT, K. C., up to to o'clock last night ran around loss of one of her noblest cUizeni In table Pills iA tecomtnended az H. cure J. L. KILLORAN, H. J. D. COOKE. 284 cars, consisting of 4,762 cattle, 764 the death of NIr. John Cameron, at thq and speedy way to regain health, Rest of ta f Hillery TQC calves, 1,797 hogs and 7,200 sheep and early age of 4- years, on Monday, Sept. p a p t per Packet at all DrtuBgists, AUCTiONEERING lambs,These rlls are specially cum ound�d 1v1NN[ir>a6t ATTLE !n lo-th. Mr, Cameron was born in Mc- ARKETS. hill„ p to cv(ra at dyspepsia and the many 1111 Grocers, Ilwa Gei►erai Stores tTt101fAS GCNDR]'. I WINNIPEG, -Sept. 27. -(Dom. Live e how'nshi M 1�4. 1 / =Branch.) were compar• The 'home of, lits \\'. H. Wilford, Live Stock and General erichneer, atively light, consisting only of 616 'Salford, was the scene of a very HanUltou street, GOderich, cattle, 15 ho pt et - gales made everywhere and all eftotRa g$ and 200 $heed• Ly' w'eddin'g' at high ouch on' \1'Pdnes- , Trading on the cattle market was made t0 glue you satisfaction. exceedingly Quiet. A few common to day, sept. 1 :th, when his Beeoriri Farmers' sale notes discounted. a medium butchers changed hands a.1 daughler, Mildred, became the bride steady prices with nothing doing in of Mr. Grant Hooper, Sun of W. and INSURANCE any other class or grade of cattle. Mrs, Adolptiills Hooper, of Exeter. MeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE The sheep and lambs market wai CO. qul'et, with biddi..g steady with Fri. A gull -If but pretty wedding took ora and Isolated Town Property Insured. day's close. place at the honle of Mr. and Mrs. Y tie or property insured up to January, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK rey, Centralia, on Saturday', Sept, r410, 3,048,975.00. CHICAGO, Sept. 27. -Cattle, receipts P -tit, at o'clock, when \tics Nettle OFF ERS -James Conoll� President, 2,000, compared with a week age, good Sellultz, daughter of Mr. Ciias. Srhulta, a tiod"fell ; Jas. Evans, ice-Presldent, and choice ateers steady to 60c lower • , ,. Beechwood ; T. L Hays, Sec.-Treas.,' Sea, others 1 to $1.50 lower; good bulls and of Ltstow'el, was united in marriaua• RoJD veal eaves steady. to Mr. Miltnli Jacobs, sun uP J1 r. amt DIRECTORS -D. F. etct;regor, S@efottr ; Hogs receipts '1,000; •light steady, Mrs. Jryhn Jacobs, of Stephen, d i. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; \Vni. Wrin, Con- others 10C to 25c higher than Friday's Steplien. stance ; George McCartney, Tuekersmith : average; top, $17.66; bulk, $16.76 to \nowt holue wadding took plaee' at f ' Join Ferris, Harlock a John Bennewise,, the home of Mr, and NIrs. Thtys, 8roadhagan ; Malcolm McL•'wan, Brucenetd.,` $17.50; pigs slow, 25c to 50c lower. Sheep, ,fecelpts, 4,000, mostly direct, AiENTS-T. N. tiro, auaerlch ; Sandy t, Duna id, of Luchnow'• at neon On Leitch, Clinton ; Writ. ciesiley, SearsrW ; compared with week ago, fat native 1'hurFda\', firpt. Fill, w'llen their E. Hinchley, Searorth. lambs, $1 to $'t,50 lower; fat westernP ,laugher r,\liss Etta Belles \\Rs united Policy Holders can pay their assessments Sac to 75c lower; fAt yearlings and n at R. H. Cutt's Store, Godprich, A. Jr. Mor- sheep 60c to $1 lower; feeding classes in niarriage to Mr. Brown R. Mallough, rub'sClothing' ytore, duntbny-or 3. H. weak to 26c lower. son or Mr. and Mrs. D. \hillnnali, of Reed's. Baydeld. LurknOw. %� Edict Against Jeyes. NOTARY P1'BLIC, ETC. - _ \ pretl>,ole very ' w.•dilin>;' vv a, ni- VIENNA, Se � `" �•- t. 27. -The last ses- D niie,l at the I;urlph Rai,tist rluuv•li �Z7.A. BAILkE. sion of the Hungarian Parliamenj, by plarsonage, rot \\b•ihnhut,+y ;afternoon. Qe VV a vote of 57 to 7, adopted measures e ,t. tit. by' the NOTARY PUBLIC l pastor, General Cmiveyancing done which will restrict Jews from enter- Fliud, when Good COmpanlee Represented Ing all higher educational institu- I ly daur;litrr of \Ir. and \irs. Phone No. )res, anderich, Ont. tions, excepting in very small num- Itubin,Ou, I;uelpli, was uuitt'd in lint•- bers. riagr to Mr. (;ok%ell Broelt, soil of Mr,. The measure is the result of. the E. A. Brock, Of Wing'h;int. rIP N Or. DCVah s French Pills efforts of the anti-Semites, who Ur ,john Stephen .irrunte, who pais- / A reliable Regulating Pill for Women. were rerled by Minister of Education sed away at hi; home In \\'ingh;irn on $5 a box. Sold at all Drug Stores, of 'ell 111 ly event ( t mailed to any address on receipt of pg, Sept. lith, was in I price. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Cath- his',.lh year and had resided in _Wing- t : a armee, Antwrlo. Strike Leaders Annoyed. 11. for ninny yeiars and lip to a >ti•w• / ("� PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN WINNIPEG, Sept. 27;-R. A. Bray, )'curs lg,, hal an rxlern,ive dvnlal � }5f�� the first of the local strike leaders prarlire. tie had herr) in feehle healti, iestores ; In and s "grey; ler Nerve to be released from Jail, made his f,.r ,atm,time and was slrirkrn with i / Ton Brain increases 'i:loy matter:" a first public speech Sunda to theK. Tonic -will build you tips $3 a�box, or P D y paralysis n Tew' day, litter to him � '•w(' -0(1 two for $5, at drug atores, or y mall Labor men. He delivered a message death. on receipt of price. 'enc scobell Drug from the other leaders in jail to the Al 12 n'rinck noon on \Vednesday', - r.W 'See ? There isn't 7ven a tiny Co., St. Catharines. ontnrlo. _ _ effect that they would sooner stay in Sept. 1',tli, sit tin home of the bride's - - custody than be released by the o®- parents, tli,• inarriage took Place Of bit of Lantic left at the bottom I cials of,the Trades and Labor Council Janet Estella. ,erOnd daughter of Mr. of the cup t Every crystal ills- f Brophu, V�O�& or get out s. M to get credit for Tom and Mev. Arthur Steinhoff, Blytli, toMoore or P. M. Draper. Mr. (;eO. D, Lrifh, son of \ir. and \Tt•:+. SOlVCd immediatel --SO OFAnotoer part of the message said (worgr Leith, ai..O Of Blyth, Rey, Geo, ;' y e o the i prisoned leaders believed Telford, M. A., B..D., conducting the, � v COURSE it takes less!" ' GODERICH themselves to have,been somewhat eeroniung. �h•. and Mrs. Ghas. Black, "Fine" A overlooked, In that the %corkers were Of t;odrricla, weer &VIOng the out tit ry" Lantic_ Fine Sugar brings i either afraid or unable to fight b tovyn guests. - ' t The Leading means of a strike on their behalf. Y concentrated sweetness t0 a� Funeral Directors While a resolution was received at MR•- Rdtal. Mept. Il died at Lak '' l.giii,e. :\Iha., Sept. 1H'h, Jr) Ola oath ell beverages (hot or cold) andand public meeting it w$s not put to N r Embalmers year. 11e was horn and raised on the• the meeting, the chafrY:an holding {rase line, Hullett, after his marriage. 2. T' that this was not the proper place resided for twenty ynnrs 10 Sfanieyi bCCt1L1Se il•S Orders carefully attended to for a motion of that kind. at all hours -night or dsy. spent ten years at Watforu and ten - 9 Y Mast Drink Wine or Beer. years ago moved West. He \vac all .01 work an hour before the Grim Reap- GENEV Sept. 27. -The inhabl- pr's visit. He rontraetod a chill whirls -s---- -^--- tants of tJA village of Martlgny face caused a hemort•halre, resulting in hi- f the prospect of being able to drink death in M minutes. 4 MODEL only wine and beef for some time, On Sunday, Sept. I.'tlt. Mr. M'nes. Rol- , as a result of the town waterworks lies. Exeter, passed a%.. 'ay suddenly at Boot and Shoe Repair being washed away on Saturday by the homy Of Ills sun -in-law, :\Ir. Will. 'the flood which swept through the May, aged a2 years. The deceased had buyLantie in oriAj l ptaeki:► ea.2&31hC4VrjM 9e„�1®} Charmhnieux valley, caused by the ena,muyed good health for oar se, ad- 10,208e10011). bA l bursting of a glacier pocket. Ned in years and nn :