HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-30, Page 47
.�. ; ..«� a .>, QV►� ;°� _' ' : , ,.
SRI! that your pupilla out it this competition; and also artaggtl.
It is 'worth thousands of dollars,
taUit+able prograwma fol
fact no limit can be placed on
There are prominent peoplo all ov
now it# DW -With This, Trow
Canada who gladly tell you how th
ex Boge— theles, easily and d a
expense --people who Heyer dream
it was gall stones rulning their healt
Zona A!>t M
and keeping them "Bill.. Perhaps yo
We will present one thousand gold plated and enamel Kedsaln, ,
hardly know whether you have the
suitably inscribed, as
your system or not. 11#0 yo
sometimes a pain in your stomach
P R 1 Z E S
Bide. Many cases notice beadach
or Som
fiiore serious
serious have
more allhe"nervousness.
all the" syf-ilptom
You will be taking q good step t
for !assays on Fire Prevention topics, to be competed for by the
wards health and happiness by ge
boys and girls of Ontario in the 3rd and 4th Forms.
ting a bottle of Specific
nor sale at all druggists throughou
e°' Azlnenera U a sAOmmo>t
Canada. If your dealer,"cannot suppl
you write for free booklet to J. W
Nfarlatt and Co., Toronto, Ontario.
High Rchool, CoNage and University Students are eligible to
Svc -Tial Agent in IGodcrtela, Oat., as
compete for nine grand prizes.
A. Csm4eli, Druggist .
Ma. MoConnell was elected moderator
have as Iateiligont idea of the bony
•pullets Having Tuberculosis Are
anatomy of the horse Isom the knee
Cmmon in Ontarim
The Rayal Proclamation shou—read by a pupil in every
General Assembly, reported attendance
school Room,
Vbi Dlaeaw Chronic Bather Than
bones: one large•calmn bone extend-
Acme — Symptoms Described --
Text Books and full particulars free on application :
The Birds Should Be Killed OR
In the fore limb, and from the hook
and Destwyed,
(Contrtbuutod b ntariootDe 0.`�rnt of
affillatloa with
UBPIRCULOSIS in chickens
The Ontario Fire Marshal's Office,
Is very common lin Ontario.
There to not a county in the
GEORGE F. LEWIS. Sao. -Tress.
Province from which we
A small somewhat triangular-shaped
have not received for examination
hens either dead of, or suffering
many. Chas. Garrow for plaintiff. R.
from, this disease, Almost Invariably
a letter accompanies such birds atat-
nation it had the satisfactlon of know-
S. Hays solicitor for plaintiff, J. M.
er ,the knee Joint, and 'gradually de-
Ing that )1r. Fletcher was still to re -
Bo-A for defendant. Judgment enter-
Ing that deaths are occurring In the
Actlona Were All Settled by Convent-
,.,1 In terms of consent minutes.
flock at Irregular intervals, the birds
Actions for Alimony, Damages
and Seduellon
Somerville vs Somerville, an action
for alimony, Df. G. Cameron for plain-
usually gettingthin and lame before
duty' of saying his farewell words to
tiff. Ohas. Garrow for defendant.
death: The following U a sample let -
A short sitting of the Supreme Court
ills Lordship directed that judgment
ter received:
of Ontario was held on Monday by the
he entered in accordance with consent
"Jan. 12, 1920.
Hon. Mr. Justice Latchford, court op-
cuing at 2 o'clock.
minutes signed by counsel for plain-
"Dear Sir.—Will you kindly inves-
Cook Bros. Milting Co. vs. the L. H.
tiff and defendant, dismissing this ac-
tion without costs.
tigate this fowl and let me know
what is the matter and how to treat
Shepherd Grain, Bean and Milling Co..
a rnotlon for iudgment and assessment
them. Out of 160 birds I have lately
that over dozen.
of damages, the action bring for dam-
ages and the price of a quantity of
a some of them
went lame on the start, some in right
beans. J. L. Killoran for pnotitr; the
defendant not present and not repro,
Baby's Own Tablets
foot and some In lett, and some lust
moped around without being lame.
I have
rented. Hits Lordship directed that
udgment he entered for the plaintiff
are an excellent
medicine for little ones. They are a
sold all my old hens and have
now 120 pullets and thirty last year's
for dant andco
and costs.
mild but thorough laxative whlohAweet•
pullets. They. started this In early
Belcher vs. The ctt Shipbuild-
ens the stomach end regulates the bow.
els, lbws bringing roller In cases of
fall. Thanking you in advance,
tttg Coe id notion for damages e. tc plata-
tiff's rrsid and furniture. C. Gar-
stlpatiou, indigestion, colic, colds and
Yours respectfully,
row for plaintiff. :1f. 0.en Cameron for
defendant- Judgment entered, in ac.-
simple foverd, Concerning them !firs.
L. ,l• Chlaswon, Paquetville, N. B.,
. . . . "
Examination of this pullet showed
cordan" with consent minutes, for
writes :-"I have found Baby's Own
Tablets excellent for my-youog baby to
it to have been suffering from ad-
vaned tuberculosis. The liven,
Overholt vs Station, an action for
the case of ehnstivation and colic and it
glves me great pleasure to recommend
spleen acrd intestines were all badly
tubercular. The immediate cause of
seduction. 'N, G. Cameron for plain-
Ilff. Qharles Gorrmv Dor defendant.
them to other mothers." The Tablets
death had been the rupture of a large
His Lordship directed. that Judgment
are sold by medicine dealers.or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The -Dr. Wilitams'
blood vessel In the liver due to the
development of tubercles.
be entered in accordance with cement
minutes, signed by counsel for the
Medicine Co„ Brookville, Out.
Tuberculosis results in consider -
plaintiff and defendant, dismissing thin
action without costs
Merit begets confidence; confidence
beg is enthusiasm,
able financial losses to the poultry -
man, due to decrease in egg produe-
Smith vs Smith, an action for all-
and enthusiasm
eorttluers the world.
tion and heavy mortality in the flocks
where It is present.
-- ------------.- • ---_ �._ _M
The disease Is, chronic rather than
osaifio (bony) union between the
bones 1s permanent. Hence a horse
acute. -That is, it does not cause
death suddenly, but takes time to
p��rZ s
�TgrS a ,
usually causing the bird to
gradually lose nosh Turn pale
around head, become listless, mopy;
have 14 although all visible symp-
toms may have disappeared.
and frequently lame, while egg -lay -
Ing Is reduced to a minimum.
Pular Soap
To be sure, however, that such a
condition of birds in a flock is due
horse over seven years old never has
splints," This arises from the fact
to tuberculosis It Is necessary to hold
3 cakes for 25c. A good, white laundry soap
a post-mortem examination on one of
them. The bird should be killed and
September 1 -4th. The morning session,
which opened at 10 a.
opened up. If tuberculosis is present,
the liver and spleen will be spotted
Cream of Barley
with white or cream -colored spots
varying In size from
30C package for 25c
a small pin head
to a pea or bean, and in number from
a few to thousands. These are the so-
This was followed by the reading of
the minutes by the sc^retary, Miss H.
called tubercles, each one a mass of
r •
r 4 -String Broom, 59c
dead tissue that has been killed by
the action or the poison secreted by
tuberculosis bacteria which have
developed there. These tubercles are
r Sweet Potatoes
frequently found on the intestines
and In the lungs and bones
as well as
in the liver and spleen. A microscopic
examination of a portion of one of
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
these tubercles will show large num-
bets of tubercle bacteria
across the posterior •surface of the
These tubercle bacteria are the
Choice Teas and Coffees
cause of the disease. They are so
small as to be altogether invisible
meeting, after which some time was
spent in busine'h
without the use of a high power
to th esusprenso Ifgataent (which
microscope. They are not the same
"""""� ""�"""""��������,■
variety as those which cause tuber-
the visits made by the Presbyterial re-
culosis In human beings.
;aelmantint;lau»a -splints eldom
Daus"�i`) `peri&
--:Birds suffering from the disease
give large numbers or the
In their droppsnge. Other blyde in
birds in
the flock scratching around and feed -
1rr0 Car. Montwat it. and iquare
Ing with such birds pick up the bac-
teria with their reed and grit and so
get infected. The bacteria are ab-
sorbed Into the system with the food
and gat circulated in the blood and
lymph streams until they get located
In the tissues, more particularly the
�� in on the Ground flo or
which usually gradually disappears.
liver and spleen, where they raisony
This " and secrete their poison.
This nota on the tissue Immediately
In other cases lameLess Is ,well mark-
around tOem, causing It to die and
horse lame from splint will usually
turn white and thus become a char-
stand and walk sound, but it asked
acterletle tubercle.
lameness, the head dropping decided-
When this disease Is found in a
Subscriptions to The (loderich Star paid
flock It is advisable to kill off all the
before November let, 1940, will be reeeiv.
often noticed before there Is any vis-
birds. Then those birds which on
examination do not show evidence or
ad at the old rate. After that date the
the disease may be used es food,
new rate of $4,00 A year will be in effect.
down grade, and the Intensity of the
Those that show the disease should
be destroyed by burning or by bury -
lameness usually increases as exer-
Ing deeply in quicklime.
usually reveal the seat of the trouble.
The entire premises In which the
By pressing between:-dhe thumb and
birds IIANS been kept alould then be
the large and small bones from the
disc fected cleaned and thoroughly
disinfected by the
knee downwards, the seat can be lo-
application or a
dtsinfe'tant wash or spray, as quick-
to get any arrears paid up and your paper
seat of the trouble is pressed. And, tf
lime, nenoleum. cresol, etc. The runs
should be well covered with quick -
paid in advanee before the new rate be-
lime and then ploughed In .deeply.
comes operative.
usual seat of splint is on the inner
Even after such treatment it would
surface of the fore carmen, or it may
be preferable to establish new runs
Is usually one to three Inches below !
On fresh ground and then re-stock
the knee, but may, be either higher
from that are kltowh to be
TO ^IiEN SUgCR111t=
affected, but when it is the seat is
usually on the outer surface. S
Anyone suipecting the disease in a
0 tlpeofal rata of $1.50 to the e6a of the
present only during the inflammatory
Rack and wishing to hate the case
y`eax 1921 is of Bred if paid befo'rs Novem,
determined. should send s suspceted
bird, either a11we or dead, express
bar let, 1910. To United States addr!eftaos
flammatory actlon ceases and lame-
prowd, to the Baetedoloftioal De -
ON extra for postage in every t ase.
llar`tment, 0. A. C., Guelph, when an
010=lnation and report will be made
uated that it irritates the
at ones. An Illustrated bulletin deal -
ligament or InvolVoo the joint, Hone
Ing wltb this d4eruie may be hpd on
lnftmmation as promptly an possibl
apl►licauou to tate Doosi•tmr,nt of
--Prof. D. H.
i1=ti4, 0. re, College.
J`btles. 0. A, Colls►ge, puelph.
sound and after a rest of a 'Wariab
is t1111Y equipptxl for Ir11 elllttgl a of W&k trued
duration 'When taken out to dri
siraasle erltb AstAfsa Is use only
Qi1141=� ill 90Mi loll at the right pt W.
again, may show the characterls
i'ttpresslon that seems to convey tvlirtt
symptoms noted.
Is endured from an attack of this trou-
The patient should be given p
ble. The relief from Dr. J. D. Kel-
should: be showered with cold brat
il WA Anthtna 11 medy fa beyond me*.
Zhel Cbdert14h ° Star v
tort. �Wherti all, teas suffering there
Ciatitea comfort and fist. Breathing
that U necessary. In other caafi
lrtbnMen born** and the bronchial
Meows ors , West st, V.lral fir + tt rkr<Aii, illf_IL i
lU 'A' OfYtpletelY OfAred. This un.
itquttlled rentedy is worth many times
of mercury and cantharides mile”
iia price to all who use it,
With one os. vasreline, and applied Ii
. m, . a"
.�. ; ..«� a .>, QV►� ;°� _' ' : , ,.
h F
now it# DW -With This, Trow
�tcati►e> :AleeiJarA A1`IeSter'y eutsl.
l-Araual lCagtere>sre or
]gels# a! Rayteld Sept. 114!4.
Zona A!>t M
' Tho PresbyThe
tery Of
of IluFon held its
P tribef meeting an the Anglican
h, $orbs Ilescribed pad �
ehWell, 13ay1Ield, on Tuesday, the 14th,
u �iges'ed.
at 10 a. m. It hails. slagralar pre -em -
lntence, not only In Its. p1ac4 of meeting
u (Omtrll>etad t. 041arto 11e t
but in its welcome by the Rector and
tm4 Toroac
one of his church wardens, a lady.
e°' Azlnenera U a sAOmmo>t
The following were present Dir.
]toss, moderator. Drs. Fletcher anti
s Complaint In Young A.osses .
.Aijken j Messrs. Macf,,^ae, Hogg, Ric-
and oeea tolaally seen ill, horses
Lean, McDermid, Mclnto,sh, MrCoq-
of trlfx sgs' It, L rarely noticed
neil, Foote, Telford, and the clerk, min
t In the hated liptb+i,
istcra : and Messrs. Wallace, Mitchell
Sparrow, Uemmell, W. A. and F. T.
y is order to undgptatnd. fluid apprfl-
Turnbull. elders.
elate the troui►ls it fs necessary to
Ma. MoConnell was elected moderator
have as Iateiligont idea of the bony
of Presbytery for the ensuing six
anatomy of the horse Isom the knee
months. CommAlessrs. Telford, Ross and Dr.
Aitken, CommJslanera to the last
to the fetlock. This part is 1ip"y
General Assembly, reported attendance
called the cannon, it eonslatg of three
on its meetings and impressions there -
bones: one large•calmn bone extend-
Arrangements ttwgre made for the
ins the whole distfutce, from the knee
Pre -consideration of the remits from
In the fore limb, and from the hook
the assembly. It is not often that the
In the hind limb to their respective
presbytery is called upon at one meet -
fetlock Joints. This bone has a broad
lug to receive two resignations. The
and somewhat flat posterior surface.
first to be received was that of DIN
'Fletcher, Whosle congregations were
To each edge of th4s surface U at,
represented by a large delegation.
tacked (by ligamentous attachment)
whose members expressed the regret,
A small somewhat triangular-shaped
of the people, and while the Presby-
bone, of Considerable alga above.
tory too regretfully accepted the resig-
where It artieulatel� With the bones
nation it had the satisfactlon of know-
er ,the knee Joint, and 'gradually de-
Ing that )1r. Fletcher was still to re -
creases In site as it extends down-
rnaln as a member in full standing.
wards, becoming quite . small, and
and it at once gave him the unique
terminating in a small somewhat
duty' of saying his farewell words to
Pea -shaped nodule,,xx little more than
his people, and on the same day, Oct.
two-thirds down the large bone.
31st. as Interim moderator, of declar-
These nodules can he readily felt, one
Ing the pulpit vacant. Representatives
on ea ph aide at t6r* posterior aspect
from Klippen and Hill Green were also
of the large bone, n; fe'W inches above
present In connection with Dr. Ait•
the fetlock.
ken's resignation, and expressed so
splint eonglr;ig 1n a bony union
row at the thought of his departure
between the large mind amall,boues.
Henceforth that charge will consist of
Inflammation is,aet up, usually by
three congregations, Kippers, Hill-
concussion during travelling, cape-
and Blake, Varna at least tem-
on hard roads. As a result of
this Inflammation an exudate U
while ly being attached to Bleld, el, l
white Mr. Macfarlane, of Bayfield, will
thrown out, and the ligamentous ate
be the interim moderator of the va•
cant charge._
tachment is destroyed. The exudate
Is, of course, soft t first, but soon
was nominated for the
become converted into bone and
editorial '.hair G .the new church
weekly and Rev. Goo. Little o[ Guelph.
unites the large and emall bohea by
bony union. An enlargement of
.tor the managership of the Presby -
greater or less slie' can usually be
terian i Publications Company. The
committee on re -arrangement reported
seen, which, in most cases, gradu-
ally disappears, by absorption until
progress. The Presbytery accepted
the increased allocation for the Budget
nothing can b� noticed, and In many
and the program icor ithe Forward
cases cannot detected even by
Movement continuation.
manipulation; at the same time the
The Presbytery will meet again on
osaifio (bony) union between the
bones 1s permanent. Hence a horse
Tuesday, December 14th, 1920, at it
that once has a splint will always
a. m.
have 14 although all visible symp-
toms may have disappeared.
The semiiannual conference of the
We often Lica' people say that "A
Huron Presbyterial Women's Mission-
ary Society was held in the Presby -
horse over seven years old never has
splints," This arises from the fact
terian church, Bayfield, on Tuesdays
that the visible enlargement has us-
September 1 -4th. The morning session,
which opened at 10 a.
Ually. disappeared, but the union or
the- Crones remalnlh.,'This absorption
in., was con-
ducted 'by •the Brucefield Auxiliary
does not always o0cur. It is nottun-
This was followed by the reading of
the minutes by the sc^retary, Miss H.
common to observe well marked"
eplints•in horses olnay age. In some
I. Graham, and the tre; surer's report
by Mrs. J. C. Greig, of Seaforth., A
2 o
cases the splint 'Ih double that IN,
an enlargement 14 a� tteable on each
very Interesting report of the General
Council meeting, in Calgary, was
side of the limb. .111 aucit cases there
by Mrs. R. D. McDonald. of Stratford
Is usually a bony deposit extending
Mrs. C. Monteith, of Kippen, also read
across the posterior •surface of the
a helpful report of the provincial
large bone, front;;" one splint to the
other. 'This often"tausea an Irritation
meeting, after which some time was
spent in busine'h
to th esusprenso Ifgataent (which
and discussion
Mrs. F. H. Larkin gave an account of
passes dowu.thid +krtace) and causes
the visits made by the Presbyterial re-
;aelmantint;lau»a -splints eldom
Daus"�i`) `peri&
•oresentatives to the various auxiliar-
Cltiat t tet' tape.
nese. (
The closing -prayer wog offered by
t3Ymptoll(ts.�-In„_ltlany_ cases no
Mrs. James Cowan, of Seaforth.
lameness causes]. The first intima-
The Clinton Auxiliary conducted the
tion of the preseboe of spltnt is the
appeaftneq of the - ehlargement, '
which usually gradually disappears.
In other cases lameLess Is ,well mark-
ed,,a,nd is usually characteristic. A
horse lame from splint will usually
stand and walk sound, but it asked
to Jog or trot will show well marked
lameness, the head dropping decided-
ly When the toot of the sound leg
touches the ground. The lameness is
often noticed before there Is any vis-
ible enlargement. The lameness is
more marked when the horse trots
down grade, and the Intensity of the
lameness usually increases as exer-
cise is continued. Manipulation will
usually reveal the seat of the trouble.
By pressing between:-dhe thumb and
finger the line of attachment between
the large and small bones from the
knee downwards, the seat can be lo-
cated by the horse flinching when the
seat of the trouble is pressed. And, tf
severe pressure be applied he will
often rear on his hind legs. The
usual seat of splint is on the inner
surface of the fore carmen, or it may
be on the outer surface, or both, and
Is usually one to three Inches below !
the knee, but may, be either higher
or lower. The hind limb iy seldom
affected, but when it is the seat is
usually on the outer surface. S
Treatment.—laameness In usually
present only during the inflammatory
stage. When the exudate becomes
ossiIIed (converted into bone) the In-
flammatory actlon ceases and lame-
ness disappears; except the enlarge-,
meat be of suf shut also,or so sit-
uated that it irritates the
ligament or InvolVoo the joint, Hone
treatment should til directed to alla
lnftmmation as promptly an possibl
Splint lameness Usually appears vs
suddenly. A horse may to perfect
sound and after a rest of a 'Wariab
duration 'When taken out to dri
again, may show the characterls
symptoms noted.
The patient should be given p
fest rest, and the neat of the sp
should: be showered with cold brat
frequently, or pounded ice kept to
for a few days. This will often be ani
that U necessary. In other caafi
lameness U more, persistent, and it
nesxesarY to apply a blister. A bilste�
trade of one drain each of biniodIM
of mercury and cantharides mile”
With one os. vasreline, and applied Ii
the orIlinary way` will usually efYec
a ours. In some cases it Is uses sas k
to blister the second time (in abou'
a month).' In tare eases an operation
by a vetet1pul oat 11 Aoosssary.
When lamiaj�uib >t is not shown it
seldom %nlildoit" ntswstwstry to treaty
npliat, as the, ehlftexiiriiiit usually.;
gradually dtsalfpeat•it rrlthout treat-.
A"d, V.1, O, A. Col
A HoWkbald Medicine.--ney that',
are acquainted with the sterling pro-,
perties of Dr. Thomak' F.eleetric Oil in
thel treatment of many ailments weuld i
not be without it in the house. it is
truly a hotfaNfold medicine and as it
eftectNo in dealing with many or-
dinary e4mpiaints It Is cheaper than a
doctor. So keep It at hand, as the gall
for It may come most unexpectedly.
Sugar is just as tweet If . not Fo
char.--0maha Worid-ilerald.
Children Cry
/FOR .
111+lp•.��tll ;
-4 London. Ostlllcio
t 1.
•• •t•'' New Course to
° A
m' inistraff
Business Ad
Registration Oct. 4th. Foto year Cs W -M
leading to B. A. Admission if:gtli +
Junior Matriculation.
K. P. R. NEVI LLE. Regi ara>
li+*��1gU•�!! il+o� UU®pltU��U U®i7
School of Comme-rcc,"
Offers the following courses
Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil
Service, Teacher Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students,
The following advantages
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual Business System of Bookkeeping }
Credential Typewriting Tests
Positions Guaranteed
Vocational Training School
for this district, by Government appointment, and Undttr
inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re establist'eut Department.
For terms, etc., write
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principals
M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice-P'cigtr�i & & J -
'Phone 198, Clinton
ernoon session which commenced at
•'clock. Rev. A. :McFarlane, of Bay -
d, in a fevv well-ehosen word:` con-
ed the greetings of the Huron
es'bytery. Mrs. Harkness, of w'rox-
r, who was for a number of year!
ssionary in Corea, gave an earnest
d inspiring address. An interesting
Lure of the occasion was the pre-
tatibn to the president, Mrs. Jarnes
miltun, of Goderich, of an "in Mein -
ani" certificate in meur„ry of her
ter, the late Dr. Dlariun oliver, of
ia. The address wvas read by the
hon president, llrs. 1,. fl. ark in,
pageant by the NIcGilitvray \fission
'nd of Iloderich wwl ai8o, ,
eciated. The progran*, 610"
Pee tuinute address orfen
e \Iissiun Bands followed,. '
ing up by Mrs. L. T; .Dii
,n Band secretary. ' Pig
're contributed by `-41
'I Mrs. McKay, of Ciodeit'. `
An excellent lunch *ki ,.�.
e Haylield ladie�i 3* � .
A resolution expressing .'tht3•,:
the Presbyterial, at the rein.,
s, NN'. E. McArthur, •of $Ipp
fronto was Passed.L~;s
1'he neu meeting W,III be` 13 1 b
derich. _