HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 8g! r. y 4" low 'Tile so , Stas. W. FAM Titus wraielKtt?! +►r3' tilt the 'liV a � otetctrry 'attll lFailt iRatr SI � ,. r tt Q'ower +K tSle t t► A d at o ie ' .ltiaaw�,g tk!e l�. ttite+t'jeatn ir+rat-- Slepwirt o � Ir u � LIN �� • I'e'e�ree The 6omo niers Interesting addreaisep `!�414a •sHpdtllYy IrteetfPB of til8 .tiAaiB to-orne Store In It arftiriSt# Of 91049 hal have been ,given in 0oder1ch the past rich ROard at Trade 'swan held Qu 'Toe*,■n•i�rr�n��.,�,r,.,.nwro�.,.�+.+.-�••w-� ■ •I�Ih at �># 'wook end by Mr. Fred W. l:- Story, of day evttgo t %ith a tltiit aifttenff?tgl�e. the $4a Vl dro MlWou, On may °A :v#Qltttlptt iorN�arat� by thaK' from 7.' at b °, tuothadlat chtfreb and Qn $2000 ear-; od tr the �dettr doa�. 'rp>p 13 SWe and trouble wia�tittr � • r hlch trier- nOR as etspgrs- . Cal is Victoria street chuM4. ttttft 1.tt wi9tl roxerehta lYq a farm K to oar Department is now In sh T s ��� I P! rt►a a or B,ra13, a card of •f'�„ids nivv schtliftis of bo Dior, fitreet :Methodllit the salaries of their empl t eo,, 1P& 1m WIt1t9 ttlltl eaerQ. Sutt- the ai't rnoo he spoke to 'tlie StttidaX ctttlni,a aro aired to fill v t� �0�� PASTS fat l.a�tfn lea . employeeo,, Ap- our wan lin, every line. r church and Knox chterch. fihpp .Aft pj(tentiy Jrterchants ate require til ab» ti skets, 18t and ,' Monday evening he gave another talk talg 1hes13 to rms and 1111 thCrp at4t�t re. B$10 fps" trayfi, Ceatt'0!; w i ! fa North street atethodlat chifret►, U- . 8ardlcss of whether the egeploytfep tri- lustrated with tlaaern slides. Has come Is taxable or not. 4wd in Isrant, x1M Sunday addresses dealt cblefiy% with ford some merchants have been fined CUSIIons, selrfS a 6. 1 s the work !n the Argentine and his for coq,-complhlace. The reagli tloll t � ` y� wintep Coats atlerman s Ideal Monday talk more with Bolivia, D1r. calls for "an extension of time for mak- Story is a most Interesting speaker. Ing such returns until all merchants *• Fountain Pens but the most outstanding feature at have been property notified of the re - his addresses Is the genuine love o1 qulrements. it TQ all qualities, f i.. 5efi f111i(ttG sift and Com• this work which is so apparent In all Another natter which wap under+ \ \r frVu].�j 1111e a- �' r.<that h@ #tap to say. di"usblon Wats the motor Allo trotU . SingerSup-plies /fie vomiadltt; O a mtRiRt'yof i'aboUt The SarPPedro :Mission wait founded' Strattotd as"`apt, 3st,vli1:'tt0 re- � ��• twenty-Ilve years ago by bl . membered this wa$ Planned earlier Ill - {. moiler �j to sa` iadl- John LJntont' or at least the 1u to the r the season and last week the Stratford r t ""'lidiwl find. • $2-W up. effort was made about that time. bir. Board of Trade phoned to Goderich to ' Stets priced gar- } ' Linton qnd Rev. W. B. Sallans leaving know It Oct. 1s1 would be suitable for Canada Jan. tat, 1888. Atter a long the visit, to which an affirmative an, in(tiflt$ prospecting trip on mule back throtlgf► swer was given. The Idea of the trap • 1 Bolivia, in coutpany with Mr. Ru u1 is to promote friendly intercourse Garrett In 1899; air. Linton decided to with the towns between Stratford and AA A !� Every establish the mission headquarters a1 Ooderich, and motorists from the in- �i,C� +���� (�Qi I j� L Coat is J _ San Pedro of Jujuy, the most northern tervening places are expected te+ join Y V NOBLE t!1!)!$ sCa$o11's make � ' province of the Argentine Republic In the hike. Cars are to leave Strat- airHbiah Stook It was atter their first furlough that ford about 10 a. m. and should thus • the mission was founded in 1903 by get here about noon, A luncheon will and the style is Mr. and airs. Linton. be arranged by the Goderich Board of J "^"�'�"��' ••++� Trade for the convenience of the correct. It has been estimated that there are par- -'-`s �' —T - - __ .. - . _ _ about 20,000 or 30,000 Indians In the par- ty. It is expected that Hon, Peter Smith and Hon. F. C. Bi and all wishing to learn the "noble COLBORNE T01VNbH1P Chfrigun°o tribe alone, and that them figs will ac- art of shooting" will have an excellent are Shaul 300 distinct tribes of lndlani company the Party and, following the 1,fr. Writ. Collinson, of Colborne town• opportunity under very capable In-- f Ship, has sold his farm, tot 11, 3rd con. glone, besid+t<i Argentines, Bolivians luncheon, addresses will be given. At structory. It Is also Intended to hav", f( 1,-0-, to Mr- Richard Jewell, possession ate, and, 1.hoa Mr, Story told of the the close of the Board of Trade meet- a miniature range during the winter l dii#iance the San Pedro mission Is Ing on Tuesday a committee met to Our stock of W be given Oct. tat. Mr. Collinson will, months, and all are looking forward have a reale of his effects -shortly. away from any other rvangellcal ef- ramplete arrangements for the recrp� with keen antics tion to some y' tion of the party. good fart, he pointed out there was no indoor contests this winter. Those ; Fd Freedom from Asthma --Asthma !s danger of overlapping In that country, The appointment of a president to wishing to Join should hand in their n /�A In fact they would he crit till out Mr. ale pro- nsupos at once to any of the pssoela- 01 nib ono of the most dlstrrssing troubles • y too glad Saw's term, which MMM'�'MMM1Y{{{iii wsudden In Its attacks and prolonged �n • of some one to overlap with. To leave Deely belongs to the duties of the exe- Mon Officers so that sufficient rifles and , its agonies. frequently many thing! civilization and this work among a cutive, was by that committee refer- ammunition can be secured from Ut- ar•• tried, but nothing seems to give' down trodden, III terate people, re- red to file whole board for an expres- taws. A special meeting will be held ' Q ' - h•,Pe of relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- `quire4 a great devotion to the work slon of opinion. Among the names In the U. W. V. A. rooms Friday, Ue- in Serge an 'ilk r thou Remedy Is the one help which i and a strong faith. The San Pedro suggested were those of. C. L. Moore tuber ist, and all Interested are re- ran be depended upon. It you hava((hlission, hl4p�vvever, has beetl conductel and Mr. Wurtele. The executive will gt%sted to attend, Mem'beratil will has been admired t l triad other remedies without success, along faith Jines from the first. No make the appointment. not be granted to anybody under ifI i Apparently the Idea brought out by years of •age. The association will ap- by, everyone that do not fall to get at ones a package of salaries are guaranteed, no debts 'con- g - , tills uniformly successful preparation. traeted and no solicitation of funds la His Worship the Mayor in 'his Inaug- preciate any interest shown by citizens • nude. And the miraculous nature of ural addresses for the past couple of who are unable to become active mem- ' AA'' G-ol Judgment mixed wfth enthu- conversion is always kept In mind, so years- that the management of the bers. _I has seen it. Our o �ua.m la a good recipe to i-uccess. that the first need o[ the Indians, a cemetery should be placed in the Windsoe Favorable to Municipal Ftiteh' Dresses are bought with great care new life, Is put first, after that comes hands of a commission instead of A yard but Conditions Different It's turnover we are Interested In- the education and uplift as a result of committee of the council so as to In. 11 from the leading m�j� ❑��t hangover ---or leftovbr. Christ In them. sure greater continuity of 'plaq. is From Goderich makers of dresses. Any "���"' -�-•� Mr. Story gave a very illuminating gaining favor, and there is a move. In addition to the letters from the • kr account of the effect of the grace of ment on foot looking to Just tjils plan. centres with reference to the operation style you require can be procured here God on the heart and life of the South In informal discussion of cemetery af- Of a municiPa}1 fuel yard which were I . iAimertrlan ladians` causing them to fairs, the closing up of many of the Published lb the Star a few weeks ago, give up their drunkenness and revelry toot Paths through the cometery, sO 'the town olerk has since received one and fighting as to make ualbroken stretches of from Windsgr. The other letters were Everyone knows what our e n8 and lead sober Chine Is grass, and -reduce the labor of keeping all opposed to the municipal fuel Newollfflinery lives, and in listening to him one la walks free from weeds; and the rare yard Idea, beard on their ekberienee. 11 struck by the Inestimable value of the of the cemetery as a whole instead of The totter from Windsor is very fav- -work that is of f accomplished here leaving the upkeep of lots to the in- orable, but po�bts out that conditions Blouses by this band of faithful workers, The work In the Argentine led to dlvidual; were again suggested. there are dlfferent from ours, •The eS The C,odertoh fair was under discus tetter is as [ottbws the establishment of the work In Bo,, Sion to a considerable extent, Some L, L. Knox, Esq., are like, only this season they are better than ever. If it i 4 livia, On account of so many Indiana s a from Bolivia going to work in they H1Ouglit the attraction features, in- Town Clerk. Goderich. p sugar cane harvest in the Argentine, eluding horse racing, should be. elim- Dear Sir, -In reply to Your letter of Blouse, we have it. and Mr. Linton'sMeslre to follow them Inated, and the fair madq purely agri- the 23rd ult-, I 'beg to state that we t back to their homes and check up the cultural but others claimed this would have been operating a municipal coal } or Autumn and results, not bring out a crowd. The Small- yard for the dot ,two years and found Huron's Best Ready -to -Wear Department ' nese of the prizeaS for stork and the it a very ttreat lasing- to the; citizens Contrary to the usual method of length of time it Is necessary for a It has never been the intention of the D Winter of 1920 conducting a missionary lecture, there farmer t° keep his stock at the fair city to compete with dealers in fuel t was no collection, Mr. Story taking file and ted and groomed, were mentioned and our fuel ha§ been kept for an em- vlew that the enlisting of the Sym, as drawbacks to a large shoving ergency and only sold when a supply pathy of the People In the work and Soma -even Advocated a one day show could not be obtained in the regular Colborne Surely never were Hats of their compassion ror the pour peo- fin the other hand it w•as w'ay• The coal purchased by the cit ale unreached by avange.lical Christ, pointed out was premium coal and sold at co9t J* H. ' SO lOVCIy as this Season. lanity Is Ghr Important thing. The craw it trick amusement to draw a Co Il d, that a purely Agricultural fair price --••'Phe pries did not differ much gift of money Is the least that one can from coal soldiby dealers. Our situs, The House of Reliability do. The would not pay; that even for the prayers of the people and farmers a horse race was A tion is differenlr. from yours, In that `"' the enlistment of those In filo work irl greater we have up to the ���® .e They show the latest con- the motioned trenches who cannot et fen tion than the purely agricultural Present time been ®�® � l 8 featbres of the show, The abolition supplied wlih largo quantities of bat. captions in Millinery art, exemption papers from their Master of so many small fairs And the hold, ural Ana and, Owing to the supply are what Mr. Story aims at, and we Ing of one worth -while exhibition i being uncertain, it was found neces- [rot 1;ure, he aroused a very consider- the county vvas suggested. Thr lip sary to provide some other tact. Methodist church will hold their an- introduced by Mr. Bert ;Wlenielly. The week for New York, where he will able Interest in the work as the result cuaslCo seemed t close with the ver- RespecMully yours nual hot supper on Thanksgiving pastor will preach at both services. take You are cordially invited of his visit to Goderich. niglyt, Watch for. further particularspost-graduate work at Union y The dict that it was quite a problem to M. A. DICKINSON. Knox church:, Divine worship next Theological Seminary and Columbia t0 inspect OUT StOCk, present missionary force In this know what to do. Windsor, Sept. 10th, 1920, Victoria St. Methodist church: Sub- Silbbath morning and evening conduct- University. He holds a travelling Il mission consists of h r. and Mrs. Lint A report on several Industrial con- — ject, It a. m., "Progress While We ed by Rev. A. McFarlane, B, D., of Bay- scholarsfii'p Prom Queen's Universit,/ ton, Mr. and Mrs, Easdale, Miss Con- Berns which are negotiating with the AMONG TW CM-RCIM Wait." 7 p. m., "Unfortunate Hair field Subjects of sermons, it a, m., and has been awarded a fellowship a1 stance Coomber, Miss Mary E. Lagar► Idea of locating here was given. These Cut." Rally Day service in the Sunday "We should see Jesus;" 7 p, m., Union TheologlcaC College. Mr. Roobt and Mr. and iFit 'F. W. E. Story (at have been lnvgstigated and are looked The meetinF[ pf the deanery of Hur- • School at 3 p, m. "Ohrist receiving sinners;' Sunday is a son-in-IAw' of Rev, Jas. FL Ford. IQc ^�I��M present home on furlough), pro- °n w1t1 be held In Wingham on Tues4 North Street Methgdiet services next school, teen age and adult brblP clas- rla7 V i upon as concerns with good speot9. �+Y I Sunday: Classes and Men's Club at ses at 3 o'clock. Children Cry The Ladies' Aid of Victoria St. 10. The club topic will be; "How may A clergy mission will be 'Held in St. BLY1'H FAIR Kingston Street ' d Pursuing Her Studies in Brantford �- - we cultivate High Ideals?" -and will be George's church on Wednesday and CfQ�ft fLETCHER S Miss Kata Lyttle lett on Monday '-"- — Thursdav next. The :inglican clergy Fine Weather, Large Crowds and Eine � S To C R ' A last week for Brantford to take the of Huroq •he south of Bruce and part Exhibits -Good Speeding Events Position Of soprano soloist, in the THE GODERiCH MARKETS. of Perth will be here. The Rev. Profs a — Alexander Presbyterian church, of McIntyrb, D. D., of Wycliffe College. The Blyth Agricultural Society car- 1 which Mr. C. W. Taylor, formerly or- Outside Market Reports on page 3. will eorlduct the mission. Similar tainly had splendid weather for Its Banlat of Knox church here, Is the Wheat ..................... -......,..9 30 to 2 40 missions are being held in Brantford annual tall Pair on Tuesday and "Wed- . organist; and she will continue tier Hydra Flour,(iov'mentstandard...7 76 to 8 00 rrw•en Sound, London and Chatham. nesday of this week, and thero was a Sure ocean studies with Mr. Taylor In Flour, family ......8 76 to 7 23 large attendanco. though not the Pqu:,l )r Brantford, hiss Lyttle has een a ' Bran per on ., of last year, The BARGAINS valued member of Knox churo� choir ,per ton ..................118 00 to b6 00 PEOPLE WE KNOW gate receipts were Shorts, per ton ...............83 00 to 8s 00 x3392• for same years and was always`w:lling The h Oats ...... ........................... 80 to 70 - here WAS a good showing of horses, to help with her talept at any time in � � Of Summer Betels Mr. Archy and Miss Lily Ferguson and cattle, and the inside departrrp is Barley ..................••-••.......1 20 to 1 26 are visiting in Georgetown, n c any of the social or church gatherings mikes a1I-„ , household Buokwheol;. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 75 to 1 g6 w•erP very well filled, There was a ' IN rj11lR Ef® Mr. John Reid, of Sarnia, is back in great amount of lad�os fancy worif here. She is much missed in musical I3ay...............................20 O0 to 26 00 and social circles in 00:18rich. The taSl1 S m01`e dlffir3u1t, Batter r ib -Dai file -Ofd town again for a visit. and needle work, of excellent quality, Star Joins with a host of fr!crids ... .••.•••••0 88 to 0 80 We are la to large and Buy an Eggs, per dozen .............. 0 68 to 0 b8 glad to report that Mr. Joe 8 number of very creditable ` admirers of her 'vocal talon, In wishing KOO$ ..............................20 00 to 00 h o a been II! for some time Pictures, and fruit, roots, vegetables; •E<hy, -he ha be r her continued and increased sucress e, ere e.. o 1� abl • to be out again. Pte., made a good showing. We have 0,EPART9,,F1T In her musPeal cat'eer. Q is a Y: Cattle, butch chola 10 00 t 100 E s�trie Washln Cattie,butehersordinary 09 00 to 10 00 Rev. Mr. Moyer is attending a theo- °space this week for the prize s not the NeDonald-McKay a Balogna-Bu11a, perlb.......... a to 7 logical conference this week in Tor- fist but expect to publish It next. week. achene 8churl bambs, per lb ....... ....0 10 to 011 onto, which is being held in Victoria The results of the speed events were A quiet home wedding took pines at Potatoeb• new, per bag .... 1 00 to 1 00 College, as follows ; high noon on Wednesday, Sept, 22ne1, des ............... 10 00 to 12 uo \firs (race Bown left Thursday Nile Boy, JaeNail................ f f 1 WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 2nd at t resfdcnc at Cab and stirs. Liao We have three . mak6 Shim. ' ........................... 007. to 0 os Fire -for -e I I McKay, Britannia rdau, whet] theamrning •for Detroit, after spendin and sizes at d summer I n town. She @ Tramp -fast, Grey, , ,, ,, , , , , , , , , 2 2 2 daughter, klazabettl. �¢oaices the bride r different was ac. ;McKinney,`McDouxall..3 3 3 Of Thr. David Bro'tvll companted b MWJOnald, sou W pi-ir�es Y atlas C. MacKenzie. a the lets John S MaD'onald, M P. P. "a Three Minute Class The ceremony w4is er •• E TITLES air• and Mrs, Ben Smith, of Chicago, Repeateq. MCDOn ll.... 1 1 4 2 2 i performed by Rev, T� T MOVING PICTURE are spending their vacation in town Jim Hal, Brown . , , ..3 2 3 f i Magic Baking Powder, 16 et tin 35e R L Dlvl�ermad, 'pastor of Knox •. ,. - and are guests at the former's moth- Barney Wilkes, McOvo,..,2 a 1 3 3 church. The happy couple stood be- Tilt Toon pow. er's, Mrs. A. Smith, South St. Reno. Mc, ail..,, 4 4 2 dr t i tVveep pillars, done an white and ser. i�� � �� �" ltuvtN(I PICTURE TITLE WRITER Miss M. Edwards returned to Chi. �y ontegi...... Mrs. Wilson' mounted with bouquets of white as- with criminality are unoxcelied at�pprenanL oago on Saturda ttt'ine;- second, p +� ,w Old Dutch Cieanaer, 11c lets' and behind them stood a largo CALL AND SEL+' ' Coll to odelndtruntionr !n afOVINO PIC- y last atter apt3nd)ng l�ttl9, tf, Bell; third, i� WEM T�JltN TITLE writing with your griRinat• a few weeks with her Sister, Mrs. (Dr,) Mrs. E. Bentley, ' tern. The bride looked very smart itf and make your own future. Oar heries Hellemann and family. Miss Edwards The Wlttgham band gave A Good and winsome in a tailored auft of �� 1�N Letter lasiru ono on title lettering will Is a musical +i r' French bluP� velours, is, s'sail.• artuygt u cart soh 'i'EN •1]OLLARB Previooe graduate of the Illinois Training program' Wednesday after- @ }unliSht Laundryocp • 10A goad lane, with - owlea>ieofl•ttseleRSchool for Nurses,taking a specialtlaon.v hat to match, and silo eacrled a boo- dui evstem, Oar deeoritrtNe p orifice rb- course !n massage snot surgery. lar; the evening concert the Red- ! quel of Opheila roseaw, The Wedding Jf3ardtng till• pMfe ou, tea poa•ii►1 idea aria 4�l y march was played by Mr. Buckley, > oystelA of action mana� !roe to RPV. W J. Scott, B. D., left this at3StaauOnuprt Company gave food nit jar pn rr. aeAt. 11[0- O PICTURE AS. 3•Y organist of St. George's church, and he NATER AND U01t MVISSIO ltUi IAxI SO w f 4, 67 Queen Street oll F291 8rond Dundented Milk 30c also played during the dinner which want, Torehlo. fN 1. i • ; ., +,, •A ! followed the ceremony. The bride "' vvas unattended and only the imme- !'"' .A;h�1f ■Al 1� diate families were YVI11 i for . present, to adds- 35� tion ta.k few lnitmafjti friends of the ' bridg who assisted in serving,se the din- A NEW $01P1NE11T Of a INew °' ner,tilos4•'4cllonald, sister of ttie. Bon -Ami Soap, 2 far - - groom-, and Mr, afki Mrs. Ilan. c-1 ods �� DaOAK of Riptey;�and Mr. John R, file- I oods Donald and Miss F t'khces McDonald, of F""'lFancy Work Yellow sugar, ib• atltllfls. For t �f Kincardine, were fhb out of town 20a hb 11011116YMOOD Mr, and Joss` 111 � At the new pikes Victory are arriving at this` store Bail ?. • ' Hit`s, Wbonald are taking a motor tri � to Landon, � Eluatii11i1 jlrt t Scudo aro unquestionably ° yr and they Hamilton, Niagara Falls fry , the premier aseourity odor- are representative of the and PofnES east, tint! after Oct. 6th, t01Ya>< ( very best 112 k they Will be at home on the t �'�{�Shpillo w ed to -day. Canadistn footwear taint. It. R. No. 4, Broom's Cam, Dt, ltit*t s, Tow - Is production, Yff Is a ve Ripley. The bride al Li NON-TAXABL>C LiIC bC3t • ST QUALITY Ur�I,ITY, t'y the b�r ynupg lady to Gode- , �jy jag r iltt'1 at N ad Walla Nt. ,yl4ag U1 p a, 6 1 �i r�' r the ntWCSt, t;ria} �R1�`�l., • t richt and the best Wvitihes of hosts of friends attend her fora Of life tr'Olttlti><, �%yg, tt11 at N " flu p the IoWegt til tial at 01 " tt11 p a 1 NSC are the distinguishing a Gakrich Rife Assoelalle �Thw W * .om I� � twit IIA pa. rnlml$ A meeting1NT it "N iiia pa. at bur $hof and we of the above association b>ie>rs findtrwal;1litlr� wanld Suggest was held in the G• W. V, A. rooms on lltt y t+ 'rAXAISLIC ou give Us a call and tet us show you 'I* 0 aye Sept. ttst, when the r9liow- aNMbfrfil (til`ir.�a/t it" at 11 nail kAI ML rl INS 3.27 p a. l�l1t wb � Tito Iflg oi$rlt, 0V ke atiasen: Melssralf. Ben Es c w ill we ciai= ,e'ffltipsl"d, t�ltgitaJtl; R. iNaellAmirhd A. ��� 1111 at M '• R!1 ps. Sturdy, iii I)«; M034l • n \ ... [ r; eautiwa 1� �`� Mtlnihi off'orings yield- atairberab t o s eblltlliiltttr; 1. I1t itehalvi, iieayrlreas. f [ aa1i11111 +iota lrlili rlrltflrf of Reasonable Prices P ' . a�r�ttt, tfinrit are atnticlpatcd in con. r��� log uW 7 per cent tllrntaott 'With l�llri a+tStrCaatfon, and very �� rll/ea• !r to $uu�,y, kt+trd tttt+Cl`k1t le manlftrft, fteht't19 tlalva5' aolod A is ad 80 s TN i , t'Cf itt71C(t r01die1 „ .. Tilsit not rl�, v � aI'Isn3nitlrt ' i1pen'1011 -'tavv 1 ,but }} I' N:AI�RIS� � toMore � dtfae mem- Od '�� �� , 1><ar>t !► rI fewltktll,tl>Gtrur it extended `llttlii�a tdg � � �' �• AVC Store to soon),' men. Arrangements aro un. >Ishlollitr Maul *y i11t�1t rtf�jarlliilg tlra+Elalli >o :.. 1�°. REL: sir der way to term a clone of instruction - , of u � a w� , per. • C � �! Y ,_ `+�1.'n—.... ..., iY+r+cr:ur-.:v.-u. .... •w. -w......,.:., . , i t.i ,