HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 7k,
*> y'tdl Hdp,AX, ilt,1"I', a
T 0*9*114ftl SrAft
gf,1l R r 1 1. u in real �t>ralt. 11tM>r ;RN
14 klr"ult 01 Alk ttltitail
Il'�IF tihTr ri poy did g
Ly Dtittgtil �"
the �'Ira�k out O
FOf ;. aia`'t R e, h0 of k
?stF t%Dt , 3tga1'0 Teti
_. - re a tlatawil Each
�,r Imo" °" `
lled by both elturc�
T��Q ' ` \ .4 rtV Y. L t* r t 1tttY Ott) tai 1 1012. 1ASY®bit *otw
{, ry, .1 `� `?t�ult aril m*pl
,z IiM;k tfUlll ` ; 3++i ♦ u . _11t1!vl'4 1iEctolre, Qled.,. a •�9 ,
ri'ttlttrrted at 13te. *a ca'
9 l lllgl tiRA Aatvk 'dcolotr in Yeol ountestf
AGO R'- TH>Clt3DAY. perartes cover olery
CHID 1rlr. William J. Packard
IiltexoeUcd dips Csr strrfRd. „ tY Pr�ltldent 4pesehanel ipt France Mill thnrg, w other wool, sill
,Ray, Ont.. pyrite, , 13ci14 a tit ppb r Of reolgq ,p!ltc4 Owing Cir thefts: linen, Dolton or latixed �aodt
Sleeping cars on night trains, and par- oppqrtties �u`it" base ° brilliant The nFt ilroHta` of-4he cobadtlgn Buy 11 Mond Ryes, n,
ee care on principal da jrait15 untttert o teal�rtigg,;4c .beuefietal Locomotive Co, were 27�#,66�, other hind--ttuwp perfect to
P to derived irwnN the �pfo� .+ase A, timber probe wi uess ,rilnu1Q not ttulta are gtrarnatexd even i
Full ir.',rwation , from 40 a Grane o Fowler's uxtraot of W11d StraMf' �1?l�iA , wrhy he'` was given 111'" you have never dyed beforq
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C.• 1•+ iiarning lrJ timlis. druggist has "Diamond Dye
NbLrii; Pa,,aCnger A$ellt, 'Nronto, •�".sding in Engltutd in early fall after The CouAell° Of tilt League of Na- Celtor "rV -10 rich colon
•,� A very wet, ogmmer brought. plant' of u:• tions will 4ieet ill Paris on ,Septem-
F. F. L.tt1�lliil NCX'i1k SOX$ - to the rdodtor'R office, dirt got little, if ger 14, N
Town Pas n any. relief thet`e ft,4►n dysentery and The \Yugo -Slav �artiament has roti- l
se get' ? 7tkalr Aerate Tonto:
' , severe C41sea of diarrhoea I am glad fled the. Treaty F4 Peace with lain- tHon, David G:srtttichael assume �ltgAe $ to be able to say that I nevrr had tq ca`i gariu. command of Siwcoe barratry tt,,t
-- on a doctor, for either oopi Juipt, as I Toronto'? lF�e Commissioners do rWien.
used trey the snooty of '`Dr 1 en1,:r' Ci+le� to llan*OF Ito more tag days ` New rates for natural Bas hav
" $il Teri
#&A t �U 31St whio4,:Ih;tdlwce4aeedhefonQea,b4- kin this, year. been announced by the SkrD�a l:a
for War trip( overseas. I. can also Ny . Cat�adlanre0at aeC+quntant i held, in- i bee Ltd.
s C* 1 that many othgre C{n te,64t�y likewise' ,augurat,,meAtog o;;'their new society The printers' strike in manehesle
When yar are troublod with diarrhoea, 14 Toronto. and Liverpool, England, In provision
dysentery, colic, cram n in tete Kamcnef",'slay9 Lloyd George has ally settled.
' A not Closed; tale floor to negotiations Hon. Mr. Drury has had his firs
a 'stomach, cholera morbus, summer coin. " with the Iloviet.
6TRATMR!R , Ql+i?. plaint or any fluxes or 1 encounter lea Premier with "reguli►
oosed9 of the lltiss. mertoa attained a speed of tion seventeen."
Pbie reading C4brmerele,l School of bowels do not delay in getting a battle 73.4* utiles An hour in motor -boat I Montreal Trades and Labor Coun
Western Ontarfo, lYe he�ie coca- of Dr. FgpJer'e E trialit ot,Detrolt. all will form a co -o
xtraot of Wild Straw- Perallve asbocla
petent, experienced instructors. We berry and see how quiclay you will be Nlheteen Montreal ladies have en- tion to buy coal.
give thorough courses in Commer terod`the women's gglf championships ( Pontmastor-General Blondin ha
-relieved, at Hamilton.
sial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- � started for Madrid, [0 attend the In
and vie assist graduates you can always rely on it in time of Hobert Baird was beaten In the ternatlonal postal convention.
to positions. ,�y aced as it has stood the test of time Ontario tennis championship tourney The engagement of the widower
on Wednesday. Lady Essex and the Duke • of Con
Write now for our lree-catelogue, having been on the market for the peat A consumers meeting in Toronto naught is about to be announced.
78 yeirs• charged combine restricts output of bliss Nina Cameron of Ayr, atjel
D. A. IIcLA HLAIV' There are man spurious "straw- fruit containers, forty-three years as
Principal. 1 , s dun The Baltimore International Base- teacher, was presented pwith lca setoa
bury' Preparations
sold we would ask ball League team won its twenty-Arst turn and 41,200.
you be afire and see that our name, consecutive victory. Pieces Of as Old rickety wagon it
9 _ U, T. Milburn, Co., Limited, Toronto, The feasibility of using motor the only clue the police have to the
Out., appy on the wrapper. Price en
buses in Toronto was discussed at a bomb outrage on Wall Street, N
Fy �� � s 7 w 50 �ratepayers' meeting. York, when 36
tn. persons were killer
Cleveland gate n few points in the wd 300 were injured.
����q* N�' American Bneew.il League by beat- MONDAY.
i snrartl NEWS TOPICS OF ! Ing Philadelphia 14 to 0. Premier Meighen is leaving for s
st 1GOR1fOrt.• At Thieves ransacked the home of
Charles Duchene, Sandwich, atter tour of Quebec,
YOtue Or Uy. mMii !OC per Bottle. The Trades Union Congress al
�-�- chlorotorming the inmates. g
Bog HN 1110 Eyal hie write bas Windsor is ended.
N1u1t0 a Re edhe Mexican Government has on
>+ n,3 y Co,Ce» Cllita�. lmpol'tant Events Which Haw dared 37 ships, mostly oil tankers, The International Baseball League
.�,�...� Occurred During the Week. from the Prince Rupert Dry Docks ae"on closed Sunday,
Co, The Leafs made a clean sweep of
CANADA BUSINE=SS COLLEGE 21e B"I Wor"Va BAPP lnsa tow Thieves stole from a contractor's the series at ♦kion,
storehouse at Brockville 120 sticks of Hon. Robert Beaven, former B. C.
STRATFORD tallyt>' + Pint �>� dynamite, 90 detonators and ,1100 Premier, is dead, aged 84.
Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Salesman- Randy and Attractive Shape tar feet of fuse. A now trade route between Canada
ship, Telegraphy, Piano, -Voice, and the tlaodere of Our Paper -- A Thirteen Thorold residents were and India Is announced.
all business subjects. Open all sum- gond Hoar's ERJOYmenl. arrested and lodged in Welland Jail Two Mimice boys were drowned
mer. Private classes when preferred as the result of the riots over David canoeing near Huntsville.
and to help students catch classes TUESDAY. McNeil last month. Ogles won the T.A.B.A. senior
when entering between terms. Spec- Sterling declined to $3.45 % in The Ontario Municipal Electric title, beating' Hill crests 8 to 4.
ial summer course for tea :hers. New York. Association, meeting in Hamilton, Charles Northcote, New Toronto,
Tuition Twelve Dollars per month, The Welland Canadian Club has adopted a resolution favoring the was fatally hurt cleaning kis rifle.
6 months, 070, (including books)• been revived. Government's taking over of teles- Miss Bickle beat Miss Best in the
Special rates for half day students The Prince of Wales while at Pan- Phones. Ontario Tennis championship Anal.
and students wishing only one or two Ama will go on a tarpan fishing trip, FRIDAY. Toronto preachers digcues in their
subjects. Supports for appeals against I1[lllerand 1s beta 4 pulpits the IAmbelb pronouncement,
Night School work and Correspou- freight rates Increases are developing the Presidency g urged to a sept nurse, is drowned when an auto over-
denee courses a specialty. rapidly. y of France. turns.. ,✓/
Typewriters to rent or sell.Montreal is having difficulty ob The wholesale price of sugar has,.--"J'ohn IL -Bell, Oakmount road, To -
L. HEWITT, President. twining eadicient men di its police dropped ;1 per hundredweight'
ronto, died while talking to hie
force. Brooklyn leads the National Base- doctor.
The Brooklyn team leads the Na- ball League race by six full games. Assassin of farmer near Soo If
tional League pennant race by five
full games.
TheEmpire Chamberof Com-
merce will discuss an all_ red com-
mercial air fleet.
Four M.P.P.'s were interested in
timber license which U.F.O. Govern-
ment cancelled.
Belgium has notified France of her
acceptance of the Franco-Belgian
military agreement.
Two steamers reached St, John,
N.B., with more than 11,000 tons of
raw sugar from Cuba.
George Francis William Henry
Denison, third Earl of Londeabor-
ough, died on Monday.
Baron Murray of Eubank died sud-
denly on Monday at Walkerburn,
Scotland, his country home.
"Ted" Yeomans, of Belleville, was
struck by a motor car While riding
his bicycle. He was seriously Injured
about the head.
A Chinese delegation which is to
discuss the opening of frade and con-
sular relations with Soviet Russia,
Plane for opening the new Union
Station in Toronto are now be con-
Sir John Eaton opened the War
Service Memorial Club for veterans
in Toronto,
Inland Revenue officials claim To-
ronto merchants are evading tax
provisions. -
An inquest into the death of Gen.
Sir Wm. Babde showed he died from
natural causes.
The corn borer is causing alarm
among farmers of Elgin and Middle-
sex counties.
Three C.P.O.S. liners, aggregating
76,000 tons, are to be added to the
fleet next year.
"Pop" Gees, veteran harness
driver, was seriously injured at Syra-
cuse on Thursday.
The Cabinet has not yet decided
the application of the Backus pulp
limit application.
No trace has yet been found of
Dougal Moore, alleged slayer of Soo
farmer to East . Korah.
caught, together with two girl com
The health of President Deschane
Of France has grown better since hr
resigned office.
Factions in the Republican partl
In Illinois are hurting Its chances it
the elections,
St. Simon's defeated Ottawa by I
to 3 in the first of the Inter -city la
erose games.
Caillaux has asked permission tr
go to Brussels, yrhere he purpose[
organizing a bank.
An unscrupulous motorist left hit
victim in a dying condition on the
Highway, near Toronto.
Toll -gate, collecting tolls for acv•
enty years, on the Aylmer road, near
Ottawa, has been taken over by the
Quebec Government.
Missing Toronto girl was found In
woods with man who kidnapped her,
The man is a shell-shocked veteran.
The girl was unharmed,
has arrived at Moscow. Cook, chtthe mining C A STO R I A
to the position of Deputy Minister d division, reports the
Ce Canadian coal
J. C. Saunders has been promoted
,.Ituati,3n as not alarming.
Finance, In succession to T. C. Bo- It is reported that a new trade
T S W ARTS agreement between France and Sw1t- For Infants and Children
Tills, C.M.G., who has been super- ierland has been completed. � annuatea- p In Use For Over 30Years
�1 c� ttT a Giuseppe Bfago, aged 18, unem- The Baltimore Internalional Base -
t s 1 M erymu ball League team needs one more Always bears ��-
7 ployed, bought a ticket in the Italian ,fame to win the pennant. the q.�irsutOef
Hack Stable S National Lottery with his last halt- Maj. -Gen. Seely, who commanded Signature of ,
dollar and won the capital prise the Canad$tn cavalry corps in France
worth penin 0. during the war, visited some of his
Montreal $twwat The opening of regi»tratlon for the former officers here.
Just off the Square �r liquor referendum on Oct• 27 at Win- —
nipeg indicated little interest in the SATURDAY.
~�~ prohibition question, or most of the Tie Australian budget shows a Rheumatism
'Busses Meet all Trains and voters are already registered. Surplus of 12,000,000.
Passenger Boats WEDNESDAY. There was quite a fall of snow at
Pamagaml on Thursday. Now is the time
Passengers coiled for in any The New York Kitties lead the s
Brooklyn leads the National Bas♦
part of the town for all American League, Will League by seven games. • t0 set titiA Of it I
trains at Q. T. R. or C. P. R. Y A train held tip the fire department A time -bomb was exploded at the Nature is pulling for you—
Depota. In Toronto for ten minutes. The warm weather's here!! --
The Leafs beat Buffalo in both Stock Exchange, Genoa, Friday,
Prompt Service and The Leafs, with Shea pitching, This is your chance—
(? kaaiea of a double-header. beat the Akron baseball teasa, 10 grasp it --take
Careful Attendance. firmer Czar Ferdinand of Bul- to 4
—•e1 _ traria is living at Mergenthelm. s
Toronto school children have $OUB Africa has a trade feelo- i�3:1ip 1�lOA •
Our Livery and flask bervlce ' 1364,994 In Penny Savings Bank. for Canada, says a commerce del♦ Rhoumatio
will be found up -to -dal! A farmer states dairies cut prices The New York Kiltles were beaten Capsules
In every respect, on milk when they are over -stocked, ct Chicago for the second consecutive Got it not of Irom "em 60
,16-sft� The Weetern Fair attendance at lime. easiest wq1
London broke all records for a Tues- Michael Bassowell-known Italian Bold by reliable drvgrisb for •
Your Patroeares4ollclte4 ; day, ,
Court interpreter, of Toronto, passed
T. �+ A campaign ham been launched to t dollar. Ani our agent or wple-
SWARTS ` raise ;1,000,000 for Labrador min- Four masked bandits as for a fres yin 1. Temple -
, tar! perpetrated a may, Icy �g St W., Toronto. 82
Phone 1107 Montreal Street IIg hold-up on Don Bridge. To. Local Agent, iL C. DUNLOP.
t Overseas delegates to Empire 0
Lshembers of Commerce Congress
--- "" -- ` The Toronto Board of Education
r favors establishment of "opportunityF q• q+,
0101A USED SAGE a school." f �, h'
Dr. E. A. Smith, Minister of Lands tri �``k yc�+,`r,
ei tnd Mines in New Brunswick, has
IFA 10 DARKEK1, AIR dt^The U. S. Department Is preparing "t a4t rt
�ta for defining the boundaries of
l t'"
—.. ,. Arm eu la.
�IIO mixed Snlphtar alvitii it - to Thomas Grey, a well digger, of 111a- N.' \ 7
villa, was Instantly killed on a farm
Reswe (WWj tlt09#1 near that village. g
Youthttsiltlal. The Paris II`lgaro says the resign- nt �,•,
!tion of President Dlechanel Is only a .1
Question of days.
Common garden cage brewed into a St. Simon's and Ottawa will play r `
heavy tea villi sulplur added, will turn s home -and -home series to decide the \ w
it ,
!tray, streaked and ailed hair beautifully tacroese championship of Eastern
dark and luxuriant. Just a few applica- Canada. fi
tions will rove a revelation if r hair a > ,rr." ' '<
P �yzorun corse Elliott. a farmer- was that
to fading, streaked or gray. Nixing the «'
Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, x + x
,though, is troublesome. An easier wa is ( a
Jo a b0 cent bottle tit Wyetb's lige
ge6 Tee
and Sul pbur Compound at andrug store
all ready for u"- This is tKe Did time w
yedpe improved by the addition of other t i
i edienta. 0 g'
tit a 1
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not t, a r'
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth-
, 10 ...
full appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth'& S
sad Sulfihur Compotislli, no one tax tell,
bwalale t does it so naturally, so evenly. r Y'rh • n ,�
Yost just dampen a spongy or soft brush'
•ritb it and draw this tltr6kh your hair,
takin one small strand at a time; b r,
nlitn i�gg all gray bails have disa�•peared,
1, iffier another application, or two, BEAUTIFUL 1%11F'B Pt101.11 4' IiVING IR1911 LCtiADPR-Mra \furial
�tellYir hair beoo+rxs beatttifnlly dark,%facSweney, heautltnl \vf�e of TPrbn06 %Jacsweney. I,grd Mayor (if letrk,
serf! and lorcnriaitt, Who Is slowly starving hlinsetf 10 death In Drixton Prison, London, as a
r'1is lrrrparaiicn istea $eltlth�fsl�taileimartyr's prdtest a*alnrt•\if,st ho cnneiders Orltaiwa injd%ilee. In Ireland.
tad is notitii ¢�Te, s tarts, MacS\vrntry IA holding their baby ifanra. She is iri Lnnrinn at the
PratfrstiM is�I1l�, Beene of the Impending tragedy, and daily vlalts her dying husband,
I►...___:_. The NaSomI Smoke"
5631 the most
for the honey
did fishing, lonely scenery. easy port= A
ages, good opportunities for the ansa, `t �iu
Young mP❑ whit have o \\c
g my 1 t or�tcm
• ,
1 hotogrttpher-wild life abounds,
three weeks` vacation can not , spend
, 2,000 feet abo\e the levet of the %ear
4 To represent the
their holidays to better advartago
then on a cruising and camping trip iu
Must healthy district in eastern Can
ado All the requisites for the camp-
1f `
God's out-of-doors. A territory that
er ma> be had at reasuilable prices at
is full of attractions for a trip of this
the liighlaud Inn" gen,�rul store al
rbe greatest demand for Nursery 8loek?`
kind is Algonquin Park, 285 miles wen'
Algonquin Park Station, includinK pro•
14 years• "
of Montreal. f i8 miles \vest of ,,,fay.,,
i \ isiuns and fishing tackle, lents, con-
Rrilfsk and European !Markets a=aiia
and 200 miles north of Turonto. Splen-
oes, evoking uteusils rented at reason-
oueo for Canadian Frult
able rafts Ask any Orand Trunk Ag-
, !1n ,1lustrated desrrlpti\e publiea-
! tl„n telling
Laripext list or mint a Orttstaeatal,
you all shout It, or rsppty
Stuek. Seed Potatoes, etc,, Drawn
to C.h' Hurning, District Passenger)
In Canada
Toronto, Out.
New Health Can he Oblahied by Eu-
A oI. ,111 Qure medic•Ine fur a child
rfching the Blood Supply
troohl, d \%Ah worms s \luthrr
When a gu•1 in her b�,•ns b.�cl m� s
Itrti M-,rm Exterminator.
pee\ L.h, 1ia6 o and ,lull, w h, n n i •1'i-
1 I- ' 't ,D holding a good hand,
(Established. 1897
Ing .vt,ms to int -,r, -t her ind dant e.
but ;n 1 la\,ng a poor hand \\ell.
do not 1,^rcpt to r appetite you mal h.
certain that -ho need, mor-, good
blood than her ..yQtrin is pru\ided
with. Before long tier prtl;hl ,beaks
frequent headavhrs an -I brrmathirsssr
and heart palpitation will eoutirut that,
Noir tD null. inti. \len) nl,-t tLi'y U- ttl�
result of it uw'n git•;hnod o\p;ign
can promptly
ptl thw r;th, diens of
anaemia and the \\i -e iwiihlo• d-
nut wail for the trouble to levelup
further, but at once ,five her (IRLIght-,
Leach's Pickling Spices, regular loo package, this
er a murte \.Ith 11" W11hams' Mink
week for
Pills, w-hieh retie\% the blood supply
3 25c -
and li anaemia before It has ob—
tained a a bald (n Ih�•-\-I,•m i
Out of Owir exprri,nre ur
nulth4r•y kn,A\ that .Ina nun is the
the road to \\n111t til.. •1'r.•d l
611e ,IiPt'en are �.iut c.„1,l r.'.1 i.il,,,.t
Fresh Fruit and V y
makr.s in the dr\elotinent of \\nn,anl I
health. N:vwry twiinlacln•, rvrry Iia: p
of the season, always on sale
for breath that fnllo\\� lhr .Ilchl, �I
e\ertin h}Iho anaemi,• ci•I, r\rr�
pain •hs, �uffvrs s In h r hal k and 11rnt".
are reprnarhe� If h,no
Choice Teas and Coffee
pial not talcenl
trite bPst steps to gi\e your weak air
ne\v blood, and the only :nrr wap ani
do so) is thrnuull lhr .1.,, „f lir \\ it i
Corn Hales 2 for 25c this
Ila 111;1 Plnk !'1114.
� week.
Nr\\, rich, rod Iq,u .I iv ,11r11.1 I int' (
OW„,t. t, I- i
pills. l- r� n ,1,:. r
b'runr till-
ilial •I��u,i
spring; 90r11 hrallh, an lurryv-r d al)
petite, new energy, high ai,ir•it. ;In 1
prrfecl womanly �ircolirlon•nl r;i\
For all our Pan1i1 n
y' Y Groceries g to
your daughter, Itr. \\•111;:1111.' l'inl+
Pills, and take th^m \otirvelr and n, t
n\v promptly their influence i.
i nbetterhealth.
You can fret these pills thnroµtt urri'
dealer in rnedirine or h,N mail po-Inn!,'•
at 50 cents a hox nr ,I\ poxes fur $2.5e
Phone tBQ type, t' , r^ nit fit• q> r 0
front Tho Ur \Villiam” \IPdlrim. t;
Brockville, Clnt•