HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 5a a » t , * . '�4 ,w"`"...'"•'�' ,.Jas required up to Oct. tst, and by 11AN � ET To MR. K1 GAW period ,tri* yeol'6'.za iaillou, sail wAllp� CVav, let a turt4ier sum of #IQ ,,vouiti ` "` cttnlr cls :"llic+a taresadent, and now an ,. - ,- Y eta required, ""'�"" ° resident, 'sou have art an example courptiaaeawy [honer Tendered to flit. s ';'his was referred" to tail 4asnca and waae a record worthy of erilula, _ • f Megow ley hoard of girade oil notal 1 committee. tion. and which clearly indicates the Summit WGah�adsly \Iyht• sort. Sulk • A request from Mi Jas Buchanan cAaraoter,of 4Ao work you seek du per- *' for permit to make alterations and faimi, and Wo broad scope of your de- Kaxaltr Nal f ,t ll ttl(F „ Very general sreFret will be felt by additions to the Colborne House pro- sires, the acuate of last eek o a our m in tlivvsa s•(s4M�� party suss referred to the lit'tt eoinaRit- By yaur removal to the most west - the removal task week [euro our rntdat �e8. a !Y Province of our great iluutlniur►, - •► • ..- of Mfr. and Mrs. R. J. Megaw and fain- vpr ` `Lh8 F}rec'I)eparttiien't an2louuoed the fly, t;odcrfch will suffer an irretrievable ' who, ltft at Rile end of th8 1 • pltQ3yttkFttPfit or nit', Wm, Tilt -As Are ween for their future home in Van_ loss Your genial personality will bo store Ditto's ' 8 i1t.4D. to 6 p.#A.• Sattlriays 10 8.141. so sup only ifoo sk +r�tlef.- i,41trred to Are comrollttee. sorely missed by lite people wha have Ooder Cltuwer. Nlr, uegaw loos been active t9 let{ Cotr'o pyy asked ut ny sphertp lili0ing his residence constantly lulled upon you for encuur- +f the lit the soutli � n the � ageittent and help, to which you have 111 4i t Y of r i l..R here sad h1d tataUly arq, very highly a$r9cultgral byiudl�rlg to state seed a `of shat the always re odea in a large, and gen- red b t thin v cstceil RO 8 • spt� connection with utt and is il� people of fife fawn thiAk of them as emus way. In evn a THE ��l�l,�� t�T..Oluh, oThis leas rC.erred tri puplta vvarkt( citizens was expressed at a compil• business and social tutttt%*is is vtioi cafAt88.ary be nilySBd Indeed, but we wish Lar Fin�e, , ,t 'X't1-e Flnoce Committee repbt�tpd as gaw oil edner tyQeveni tv air. 5tt gaw un Wednesday evening, Sept, late your ��tvund self, for Mlrrr?. Mlegaw and tnlltm's . the ut[ier members df your family ieI Your eomm?ttee met Mr. Saunders "t Hetet Sunset by the guard of Trade, safe and pieaswit Journey westward, �'eiEa $3.10 of which he was president, and in • of the Ooderich Organ CoI�inipany and and that In ayourssociations now home, and come' o Pletares 1 x'2 inches Mfr. Rhaughnessy of the Naflonal Ship- addition 4p an address fere the Guard your new associations there may t �. of Tradif, addresses were also reed from the Masons and from North t to you ttli a satlsf)ing enjoyment and buildingfor building Company, and the matter of g Goo r Weather lsiddF4't�10lT trathat's fisc keynote payment on their respective arrears Methodist congregation. success that shall far exceed your pro In the con;truotion of this camera will be arranged some EImP next seventy or more men of the foists Sent anticipation, Trade a The oatriteof other the Thatsthe reason that any young- mo6th. and vicinity sat down to the dinner Board of Tnide and a host i other ad - 6 i Your committee has been in co)"- milers and friends in this County, Full assortment of Fall and Bunter Underwear for Women fter,oan make good pictures with during which Mrs. Hillier and Ur, white Mey deplore the loss of an hon- t , municatlon with the Goderich Manu- Buckley played beautifully, and to - ft from the -start. I-­e facturing Company with reference to wards the conclusion two s'oeal solos wis citizen, now compjoinlete must heartily in ..j • • • Think of the find for the settlement of their bonds loan, and were rendered by Mrs, A. G. McKay, vvlshing you complete happiness andMen and Childrem in a greater variety of weights and Stylesf ars krranging to meet air. Baech- continued success. ;children in pictures of playmate;, whose voice of magnMeenl strength 1 • . • _ I ler the early part of next month and S Boca on behalf of the Goderich than we have shown, it will be wisdom to secure your supply vportssn4 pets. There'eple$sure Igo into the whole matter, and was was ¢ delight autitu) all Board of Trade. in therm for you, too -and some The sum of $1,286.11 received from She uet presented with a bewledg. i L. pt. i5 h. 920. President. Louduet all a graceful. acknowledg• • • The Tor to General Trusts Cor ra- Goderich. Sept. 15th. 1920. '(lay wilco knt[okerbooltersand lair � qP mens of her favor in contributing so �'arly as repeat orders will be uncertain under present conditions 'ribbons go 1n the d}scard, Iucb tion as he town's share of interest much to the enjo)ment of the etening, This was followed by an addrggs s from the investment of the O. W. read by Min C. K. Saunders, on behalf Cn t pictures will be priceless. WWe - the presentation being made by Miss of Maitland Lodge, as follows : ' For Women For Children I c R. funds flea been placed In asae- Betty Pritchard, a Windsor. Worshipful Bro. R. J. Megaw•, Rllme d� the developing and printing. ; sial account in ,ttlfl- IJrilon Bank'at 4 Dr. Macklin, chairman of the civic I;c,derirh, Ont. per teat. The sum of 8980.04 has been committee of the Board f Trade, pre- Turnbtill'S perfect fitting Vests Other Brownies up to �t�36 { 9 Worshipful Sir, -On behalf of the Invested !n ¢ 8!.000 1934 Victory hoed, sided for the prowee°Ings following , t Iiddd+tsjrorn,$,ri:�iup (registered. The bond has been re- the dinner and spoke in high terms of deers and members of Maitland Turnbull s Natural Wool Vest$, 11 and Drawers all wool natural and calved and to now on deposit. the enterprising, upright character of Lodge, No. 33, ur l and A. Ml., we do- s s � sire to avail ourselves or this oppor- high nick, long sleeves, drawers to white ribbed, sizes o, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Q} We have examined the treasurer's the guest' of the evening and called match, r vat eat $2.50. Gam U$ti Drug store g g tunny of expressing, on behalf of the I;1price $i, IO $I.IS $11.20 51,25 $1.30 statement for the month of August as upon Mir. Alex. Saunders, representing Lodge, our sincere regret at your de- � , , , s The Peolar Store l audited and found correct, and we rei the manufacturing interests of tho parture from among us. A commend that it be filed. town; Mfr. C. L. Mfoore, on behalf of Turnbull's Cee Tee unshrinkable QI 3.5+ $1.55, $i•65 Next to Yillar's Settoh Stan, the Sgwre ' The appreciation of the brethlien for we have examined the atatemen't of the Board of 'Grade; Mir. M. G. Cam• the very active interest you have taken TUrnbull's %.ltiion natural Vests the Dominion Day Celebration Cont- eron, the oldest president of the Board all wool Combinations, Cream, high ,.�-..�....: in the lodge Aork since your Initia- and d1 awerS our big seller, sizes O I mtttea and recommend that a grant of of Trade, to make ¢few• remarks. tion was readily marked by your ad- nett{, tang sleeves, or V neck and short ' � ' ' ' M $314.04, Including 8150 advanced by the Mir. Saunders went back to the tancemrnt to the most exalted Dusf• 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, prices 5oc, 55c, 6,)c, _ town in July, be made and paid, to the time when the late Alr. S. A. Megaw ,,Jeeves, per garment f8 So see retary-treasure r of the committee, and his brother, the tloh it lay in their power to offer, that 65C, 70C 75c, 75c, SOC, 85C guest of file et'• of worshipful master, which you so , ! We recommend that a cheque for ening, came to town and showed Aow faithfully and conscientiously filled Turnbull's perfect fitting Cream Children's all wool cream combin- PASTQR S SECOND $20 be forwarded to the Union of Can- their influence soon came to be felt for a terns of two years. During that adian Municipalities as the town's and how' Mir. Megawly integrity, tour- ribbed Vest, high neck, long sleeves, ;tions, Turnbull's make, sizes o, I; 2, time the III^ standing of our lodgo 3 4 5 7 P � 35 45 55 `�� ������� proportionate share of expenses of In- age, patience, fear of Ood, and other was not only fully sustained but made or low neck., short sleeves, drawers t0 , , 6, , rices 2. , $2. , $2. , vests ation and defense in the matter qualities of head and heart carried match per garment $2.25 $2.65, $2 75, $2•h5, $3.00, $3.25 g cnvtabiP advancement in x11 the ideals of the application of the Bell Tele- .him °ver the hill of difficulty and , l? through g� p upon Which the craft way founded. �{{,�� phone Company to the Railway Com- ufi the Aloe of despond. and Your witiring -efforts and careful Dr. Dentou's Sleeping Suits for Children Sept. 2Gtiti missioners for pow er to increase rates. marked his entire career. Mfr. Saun- Turnbull's white Union Bloomers Y guidance were largely accountable for r We have considered the town tress- ders concluded by wishing Mr. Mfegaw the realization of a handsome tribute ' health, wealth and ha special per pair $2.5o i' Special Showing of Hosiery urer's resignation and remarks in Con- happiness, to Masonry In Goderich, which stands , nection therewith, and in the mean- Mir. C. L. Moore paid ibis tribute to prominently, a oomnlodious business at the time we recommend that your com- Mfr. Mega- by saying ".hat his word block and Temple on West street, and Exceptional value in hall Hosiery mittee be empowered to obtain a pro- 'was Just as good as his bond, and hie we. trust that, while you may visit per ledger and confer with Messrs. At bond w" gilt-edged. In losing hint many lodges In distantprovinces princes and for father and Son 7!LWomen, Men and. Children. Church M. Robertson and H. R. Long as to ob- the town was losing one of1he origin- States you may be assured that Ma•it- Women's Cashmere Heather Stockings laptist taining the necessary assistapee rei III heads of the largest industry in land Lodge will lung cherish the mem- , + quired to hav6 all the books brought Ooderieh who was always loyal to ory of a faithful brother and revered Mens Tllrnbull s natural wool in rich Dark Heather and Lovat Montreal up to date., as mentioned by the treas- his company and fair to all. We had master, who unstintingly gave his best Shirts and Drawers all sizes per gar- shades so much in demand for fall ( purer, failed to show our appreciation of Mir efforts towards the advancement of went 2.2 The Special Committee recommended Mleg•aw• as we might, and this was his nether Judge. $ 5 wear, special $I.50 a dale 11 a.m. Subject something we could stand more of in We sinceAl trust that your depart- that it be empowered to make arrange- ) D Men's extra'quality all wool En menta with M7 r. J. A. Fowler to com, Goderich-greater appreciation of one ure may be a well-earned retirement Penman's heavy ribbed Men's 9 y g� ft �j} ♦ plete the Honor Roll, and reported another's efforts for each other. Air from Caber to refreshment, and that at fish Heather Hose In light and dark R Filth or ;thou that the drafting of a fuel -yard bylaw Mfeganw was going to a beautiful city a not tau distant lipte your may reurn Shirts and Drawers, extra value, per shades, 917,eS IO, IOly and I1, special ,r was bNng attended to by the commit- and Mfr, Moore said he wished to ex- to enjoy with us the fruits of the garment $2.95 Christ tee , In conjunction with the town tend to trim, to Mrs. Megaw and to good work you 'have sip energetically per pair $I.25 solicitor. tHeir household, best wishes Jor fur- sown. + r Boys Union Shirts and Drawers, Boys' English Golf 1 -lose, fancy IThe Fire Committee recommended 13 re happiness and -a pleasant trip, We semi with you now onr PvPr: !� that a buildingMIr. M. G. Carnerun raised Mir. '*Ie- good wish for the hoalth, prosperity. Turnbull's make per garment from ;olored tops,- all sizes, special per air pet•mxt be granted to P f p , P g p p p 7miUh's Art Store ,to resh•tngle the gaW as being possessed of local pa- and safe return of yourself, Mfrs. Mir• 00 and $2.2 7 m. Subject triotism. Patriotism should begin at gaw and otth('rs nwinbers of your fam- $1.20 t0 $1.60 $ ,5 p• ) store with Nes w shall adopted. hump and this w•as the rase of Mfr ily. These reports were all adopted. • �t . ta. Mieaw, whose patriotism began by de- Happy to inert; sort to part; hapn) The New Birth The matter Elliottthe purchase of some ) wood Mr, R. Ehad for sale was 1,16n U, his home and devotion it, to meet again Just to Hand This Week New Coats New Dresses New Skirts. brought up. The council decided to his curumunity, but extended to na- F'ratern;+fly yours un behalfs of the r s make a purchase and gave the chair- tipnal and international" ',,rope. .�, Lodge. man of the public works committer president of the old Huard of Trade. iMAB, RAUNDERS, 3 p.m.—Rally Service authority to make the best purchase Mr. Gimeron expressed his appreria- \t•orshipful M astvr. possible. lion of the road ante Mr. anti w had Ji11tN +TR:AI'I'u N. Tl r * it ��. •• ��O►��� STORE Pl1Q4t0 gE) Councillor vtttrhell rnrntinned that a alway, hero road) t«+ xice, anti wish rd S«cr•,•lar}'. •Phone � N', L■L.I a1✓ 1 •' stretch of wooden fence at the ceme- hien and hi wife and family all t1u' iiorlorirh. nnfnrio, All seats flee tory, between tTrr' cemetery and Lee success they were omitted to. Septomd,er Fifteenth 4icLean properly. was practically rot- 'rhe following address was read h) Ninrhv n hundred and ten. This stretch ronnreted two Ur, (;. L. Parsons, vice pre,:ident f 'Then came the arw There's a Welcome for You ,r,irhe it««ru the : stretches of wire PPneP. The. cemetery, the Board of Trade rr,ngregatiun .,f N,-rth ntrr•eland parks committee twos givenH. J. Mlegeuty, Esq,, ad h)' Phe i' +s t,u•, Rrt 0yVW__ _. pow, r dist church, re ,;nderirh, nnte[•ir,. t ----- ----- - i to !rave a nevy wire fence put up. Mir. Moyer, as P-11wAs tion wa^ iiia friend - - 'rhe Cemetery and Parks CommittrMr.,l i)var r. \IepRw•,- 'rr,ulo hr -aid if it 'The '1'n MIP. R. J MIPga1t, THE TOWN COUNCIL was given p+nyer to act also in lievinr greatest a=sot of a e«nlnLlillil) c;oderir+h, Out. had a„i nu+.L the .,t;,+rent surr,•sy the park at the side pf the Sunset ho- nIfsy well be said to consist of the ni.it,c ova«rle,l. Rol«• +ter, rxueuiol}' , yh ;:w., tel, on Phe lake bank, p, strength of the cliaraeter of its r n- 1'+jar F'r•Iimy-w, rk, r. '1"hr nlrnlfo'rs rruli:rr c u illi ns m ilus I wn. ,+mJ dui r' u Derides to Purchase Wood and Have plowed u rev- p' 1 Fuel-liu•d Bylaw -Prepared-Nearly riled and town to grass, so as to et Pte coupler! with honest and well de.- M+ori :+dhrrChu of Ili is111 �Ir,',f Ihrre suer«' things ni the tap mwv Y Y g Mlrihodist Church tak,' this meati- ..f $20,000 'taxes Paid Since den. ! it in goad shape for next sununPr, this `''loped prinripios ruastanlly rxempli- tvhirh prorni..d wolf sir MlegFity ,o{> - a fled 1py' the ifidividuni citizen in Fill rwrr•ssintr iho,r smvere regret that pealed for the' •lipi-t-1 „f 111-0 a110 suggestion being made by Chairman 'Phe re alar meetin of t e town Mttchell. the affairs of dads life. The people the aehievr'nleut of yonr pinna neves- chat the R "+r f 4 'Trade be k,10 up, ! g .itates your r+vnotal frorn unr• lows) nir this community [ally appreciate as it tvas one .,f the flm'st th, 1199' council etas .held on Friday rceninra Councillor Moser hart a ronaplaint in xnd Phr fellowship of this can re. z_ ' {r last. The Mia •or and Councillor `;tor make of the condition of sewers on this in connection with )-our very ae- I g g liod,•rich ever {-srwsril •I had n0 were tin' absNntees, y ttve and honored rareer in this count^ tion' Idea 1 tool .o many g , d friends 1n , Victoria street which 11ucx1rd rellaren He had been told that the connection nd for Lhis reason the members nt It has always been apparent fo u� the '1'o,vn , f ,;oderirh " 'al'i Mr Me - The tax collector reported having the Goderich Board (if Trade -and oth- that you hold the splendid husinrsr+ g,,%\ in closing, and hr N.ps afraid hl paid the fawn treasurer since the 1st nL the turner of Victoria and Nelson er interested citizens, are assembled raculties vvtth which a kind i'ruvldenc porn of Septenitur 86,550; since 1st of Jan. streets ttas 6 -inches higher than the t would her ` U here on this occasion filled with an ten genPrroisiy r the se you as a After sing;« g "Por tG is a .l pity (X111 VCRife. ashy ru people to good thilate the Ire when s of nut ne and re nary, LL.1,'A; against $,10,475 for thq sewer at Hamilton strut, vv'hirh was ardent desire in do honor to their trust from c;od for the service of your ,;l F, Iluvv,” the Rath• ring �11•p«•rs- envoy life. Why rS)fsq the ;;ond this sot lift' cvben same poriod in l91P. He had $300 ou suPPosed to flow into it. G 8 you use acture 'hand palrl ghat afternoon, includingThis was referred to the public rnost able and respected President. fellow -111P11, The evideuces of your fl- ,,i Glasson that will dust fit yon, from P delity to this trust, coupled with your $200 arrears from Mr. C. C. Lee. works committee to consult th+ en- That you were born in the County high ideals .,f Ihnroughn+•ss and rfn- A man should try to bPrnmr wleA of Huron apd oducatPd and-trtined in A. L. COLE Eyesight Specialist This was referred to the finance Meer the first time he i4 in town. ci+nr>' are to be seen in our splendid with the vires of becoming more Just ' cvmmillPP. Qottn'clUlur VlosPr objected to the the schools of the Province nt Llntarlo The secretary of the U. C. 1. board practice .of applying for building per- "' as to appreciate the \slur and tin- plant and in many of the methods nr and fair as well as more successful.-- Optometrist West St., Goderich. Optician pnrtance of the best features of Cana- Norlti irw is lrnipdrnl activities I,i E. MM'. }love. asked for the payment over by the mils after the work wns done and which you wPrn abir 1u cnnribulr • - also Citizenship, and that so moth ni s, it'll valuable service as chairman Children it d T ®� ri ry .town of $1,:,00 of the year's levy which Council►t)r Mitchell suggested that a your life, so far, has been rharactrr- rUrtan of y the finance romnlltfPr, hfj.rsrrQlf+„•••,pQ••�••�pp��••Ykfp�.pC1•,��p izrad 1s surce�s, and marked with ,SIX �rL'��Llt�Lf� tiC� C( r7� [�N` �1� fey �i i�P progress, is a very pleasing tact whieh NVo would also exprrsc our hearty FOR FLETCHER S we now ra ay with a sineere sense of appreciation of your ready and concis- C A T 4 R l A mutual appreciation. Your work ami tent support of every mo%ernesit that LOOK ► efforts in this community during thir- s°iidht the at and moral tvrtl `Western University • ty vPars or more, of training and busi- befng of the curnon of . AVr would o nri9s fife have been arcnmpanird with a+aka sp,ria{ mention of the ^arge part i you Model Theatre a Londea. Ontario su maeh of real progress and success. •)"° 1+aur' taken in titer great struggin • PIANOS and the imprr p of your doings is sn for Temperance reform, int trhby will e gratefully Ives we f, by «i n- •i i . p inde113b1y stamped upon the industrial• PROGRAM •• r.P' New Course �n commercial and social ilio of radrrirh `t"hu;<P shadowed lives tcerr� hrigtrtrn- � aL v w `� that it can never be effaced or drstrn)- e'1 b) the, succrssfut fruitage oP your Foe Waek-kept. 27 to Oct. 2 ed. toil. As one of the originators of Indus- rhe faithful atndaner r.f yourself Monde and Tuesda Business Administration LADIES and GENTLEMEN: fetal development to tttise s section, as an "r1d hnnsehuld up yours.- «ortu•es (ity y ofReer at the Western Cnnada Plmsr 1111 `rbbath day has been a .limulus A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Through arrangements with The Bell Piano Mills Company constantly assoriata•d t" pr's°y °n+f an "nfarli«g inipfrntin" Registration Oct. 4th. Four year course $ > tr, )our pastors. C e$ Y p g with, and in a large mrasnrP, rrspun- MVe „ y. DOROTHY DALTON leading to B. A. Admission requirement. CiO., of Guelph, QM., Will art as their Agent for sible for its�devrlopmPbt and surreys, Join f wly is for and your and as a live and ublfe s I rctoernrd family l)' a sate journey to Goderich and surrounding territory, and will en- P p rites ria- IN Junior Matriculation. zrn ctrl active In sorfal servlre. amt ""'r nrvv home in tote Sun -set Pro- , deavof to serve you in a business manner if you are vinrr, and many years of happy anti Is Y y always willing to do Joie part in ap- Other Men's lVV><ves !a FOR [NPUFiMAT10N AND CALLNUAR wttlTE Q slating to promote the best interes 3'r"ab'dius sorticP there, and at last in the market for a Piano which is worthy of your f. an al,iding hrrr«e in tnr land whose also K. P. fL NEViLLE, Regi.,lrar of the community, your faithful eP- s„n «ever saris. ' hotTit? forts have been productive of the im Fit 11-ARVEY A: M OYER, OSBORNE COMEDY My system of felling cuts out any high com- graflip Board f Tea it o a member of Pastor 1tH•�•++�N'►�•�••,,•+�•..*•i' �+lilr/i.�•�iiN•••••�N+•���•q the Board of Trade you have long br« n Fi R Lr)Yt1, mIssioned salesmen, and many heavy expenses whi h an active worki•r, ever ready tX'Mo Baby Marie Osborne _- - - - add Mauch to the cost of most Pianos sold, and ads your Rer Steward part with ripe ense and Pt1rr- and Little Sambo gy. and with a true .,vnsP of fairness Mfr MiPgatt• In his reply said hr frit nothing to the quality whatevtr. Make it your busi- towards all its interests. During the he had done nothing to jnstlfy aij ness to have file call on you before you buy, by 111; �P exprespions and one of his pray IN dropping a line to my address. ur411 pleasures was to have been as. "Daddy No. Two” LET US SUPPLYYOU ,. printed appiirafinn en lip drafted This with all his- heare,yi, fie re - Belt Art Pianos are endorsed b musicians This wa's referred to the ore com- railed his history briefly --borer on a y mittee. bush farm only a few miles from the world over and take second place to nothing on Councillor Knight asl,ral what w•na Goderich; art 7 going to Clinton, where Welllf,e>tday and Thurmisity , the market. The are the first makers of going to be done in providing a r erea-town eo received a Lair education; at 14 or A Goldwyn Eminent Ituthorr Special school; 1 School Y flan room for the firemen at the town rnming to (}vdertch; apprenticed for y � We WRiT make it Werth whihD [� hall. This had been referred to the three years to (agiivie,and Hutcheson; s1 I' Player! ianos fire committee but no report had been putting In a short time In Mfobtrea) Dangerous Days to buy your School Shoes mode as yet, with the Ogiivies, spenfift a year to in Canada, and are also the oldest and largest maqu- An application from This to one of Goldwyn's Leading Mfr. A: J. Cooper Winnipeg and four In British Colum - to have a tree ro-nv)vrd was referred bia; It f(pertaN I bete. years with Ina thane of the Shoes shoes facturers of piani�$rn the British empire. to the usual parties. Words Milling Co.. atK! then coming ;tae The suggestion to fet the field M to Goderich Just to year's ago this fall CHRISM 9PEC14L (AIMEDY I Our aim is to supply our cul - Full value given -for- used pianos, organs or front of the nemptery to someone at A Now he had come to the age and po. .. small sum who would cultiva* it for oftfon where he could slittle down, but, `! phonograpllx if you dial WO ftyll�, as {have custom- Petticoats and Pants diners with Bluets that give a few years was trade bll 'llouncitlon realizing that a man Could not livfor e,rs for them. Knight and refefred to the cemetery alone and must lteep moving or Ifo �•---- i Natitfactiry vial. fact as and parka committee. Counettloo back, he Intended stili to ,ha active to As prices are rising, don't wait any longer, as Knight thought this wou)d be better some eluent. 'tie had olways tried t Friday aald Saturday l dhow you our gootle. I l Call give U terms and get Ur pods shipped at and cheaper- than sefidifla out town do to every man as Il f would expect A Reket Picture a g g % ll Phipl� men to but the Held. q that man r d. .o ttex ri the pi sttglood ALICE BRADY Boys ����� slice, which Wt`i! triean $50.40 an all Pianos shi conuofllor M°Rel steed ole uea- were fvevet'sea. tiiipextilndcd h[s ora PL (I a7il Vthftu h earl orders liked at the facto . tfon of the remove) of #Bene tries from will and bent w Rhea for, the success I�EPAIRING g y i the "lidapleis." th hotlpttat property. of every man eanneated with the W As this belong to the Hospital Board C. P. M, To the post4i and people of m �lumit" Yolin"far business, address the town Reit Doo kuVlotaitr, North street conRre+ga'tton he said he sLd .._M - Sylaws No% '!B Wd 0 antborizing had found In that church bome netbr- Exira ad" lealare for F*iaav and JONATHAN N E. H GILL the cOmttritotiOn of ttetWePe on McNn- Ing but what tended to build up moral Returiay , V R f< t[ e�y adw p` aid 69111 Acid C YhtY!`htr 1NA8,tt, And No. and sofriUJa1 charakit To the mem- RAITM CANADIAN P4nW.' w"ENtfi ��� � DU ���� Box 229 $eaforth, dint. 0 aettYlitwr,�Inpr alis apjiotattltt'nt of er bathe a the slneeMasons, tt said what he sae ��Hi111��F ` " HefsdBlPb(st► alt axdtetitll>r llrritto», were had learned singe he was initiated O OMO& years ago far ettoftMd his experts- KNUR POLLARD Aik•D LI'1'7'LF: RA1<111n Thi t(lutietl i&it adjnrliiol, tions and evorybnriy In that ortitaniza• clou'EDv , 1t; a g r {,. s ., ��c.;wet5us::s«:.;:uwa_•.r..�wcv:�,.�c:�..rsv,....