The Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 4V 0 VA" SrAR Tnmsmy, QuT. mo, jpwl, Spy Appk*-_0Wr;vy Vaujitoue, Fdftb F*Owr,J*"Jipf. XWfordl, $tanjoy_ 01�_ WAW 0 lr4WW ler. XsT* F4*1r, RAWWAi, .4 1' WWle 31,_C*,%n. AyOt �it�C'Re"11 Y rObterWit? y va awAtsti, 0 BL"40M WQTt4Y A)Owler. N_Wkimg eveoCOAPETITIONI$, Doymax4y2e, P9- 11olkille vrowug—madel Rutledge. the sectwity, tue comWbatpusy 0 P ; ,Here is a partial list of our SillyBargi4ius for September, the likes of the iadustry? which we have not offered for many a day H*jdW 000UP--tition—lCeirb Gant -you faviar? Billet Der, Xftar olax�, Orme.' JaUlte. Bl013i M4M&ly ,c); cr Navy Mw ;)caches Silk. #040 Par#0�_t:xlox lk" See - 36 ine1ft wive, regular 12.75 at 009_;Xf­1, *11001 Sectfooq� No. 8, Sebwl Per yard.................... ,............. SeclJou Xta. 2- The 0 $1.98 Uit, Spoorls werc keenly, coatested A and the, r*boa winners, so far " -we 0 Satin Charm( asr, in Black. Navy and Dresses, prices now range $15, $20, $25 and acc*ed 64vir i4mes, are as ff�uows 'Special RedtictiOn Palo in Ladies' Silk P, rinting Brown only. 40 inchop wide, regular $30 1 a" I FMY-Ta.rdi dash. boys under 10 rga" help you Aolke at per Us." 'GeQ- f-urre% CAaYlOP Robertson. Bring your film to us for developing and Hugh Blake, bou*las Graham, Jas. Me- SbAtItUDS Silk& heavy weight and Suiting Serges_ Cluettya defined. &YOttmatic NXIhod. printing a "Natural yiiow wiae, rwise to a egular $1.-50 at Pe Fi#Td doAN girls under 10 yt�airs in butildi3ig assts Wmme. ........... r 98CJe%velL I.: Hardy, Hazel Our "Investtaest Barom- yaw ........ Black Navy Blue, 54 inch, a _F 11 W,M Gwil, Jessie Mccan British Setges, fine boamoy yarn. eten " show the tkad of Eaw SHU, 34 inches if I Fifty Yard dash, boys to to it years the factors W - One Day Service .�i4e, in Rose, Black- regular UPWiQJ $5.00 for the vard... $3.95Currie,ue "I — CopenhAgeo Blue, Oyster White Worthy Fowler, Bruce market 6paditions. Ana W c=iig;ri4EUIPh Jewell. "kal discussim 9t secuti- and Alice Blue at per y".' $2.010 ip 0 Fifty -yard a I ........... rd dash, girls 10 to 12 years Ow Tirately iara�_"_tioa 0 ap 1 Broadcloth �utdngs --Gladys Treble, Grace Gilders, Muriel and sunm9tionc Is Wash Satins, extra hosory, best quality, I Rutledge, SylXla Segue, Mary Me Whin At* for Alouhw yard Mae, in Ivory, White and 54 4whes wide. finest all wool French ney. Mary Redmond, Films to Fit all Cameras Pink, regular $3.00 at per yard....... $2.50 BrQadeloths- for on" or fall Coats, in FiltY-Yard dash, boys over 12 years-- M"t1dy CIS" Black, Navy, Nigger, special per Calvin Rutledge, Benson Chisholm, Addrane Depot.Ci Robot Hetherington, Geo. Cumie, Bruce Winter' yard ...... $7900 Curip'Ingfiatir, Worthy Fowler. ,Women's r"all and Uri 1�m - -PiftY-yard dash, girls over 12 year" 0 0 Coats Grace Jewell, Gladys Treble, MurieJ MXNT 0 Cossard Corsets Rutledge, Myra Gamble and Ruby Carr �-I C, DUNLOP Phm.'B. I"L MX%' - ',IT !M144 ia.�ilvertones, TweWs. Velours, etc. Many (tied for fourth place), Hazel Brindley, A4=86- Te -W-1 55.A E.—dLagg" 0 are linid th&ughont witht farmers' satin or silk, We carry styles suitable for any figure in Jean Parrish, 85 Bay Street, Toronto this famous Corset. They lace in front, Wheelbarrow race—Calvin Rutledge The Rexall Store somim half lipod, prices range $15, $20. $25, $2-S0,$$Price and Rab t. Hetherington, Ist; Orville - $35 and $0 upwardis , -100, $3-50, $4.00 and $5.00 and Ellake and CUfford Aflia, 2nd; Geo. BRIEF TOWN TOPICS L0Zi,9=====0=0=====0=0====0=0=J Currie and Calvin McIntyre, 3rd; Bruce 0 Cunningham and Worthy Fowler, 4th; Learn to dance. Blackstone -Buckley -------- Jas. Chisholm and Kenneth Morpish. dancing class open every Monday ev- 5th. erring 9 to, it. WO. ACHESON & SON Teachers' race—loliss Piurikedt, Mls* The Girls' Guild of St. George's The New Fall Overcoats Lizzie Adams, Miss Holmes, Miss Lan- church held an enjoyable corn roast I sing• at the beach on Tuesday evening. C and Suitings, Trustees' race—Wm, Medd, Jno. Far- rich, Chas. Robertson. Anticipation is greater than realiza. Boys' three-legged race—Orville tion. Get one of Pridbam the Tailor'sl Bamockburn Twchi&ds Blake and Clifford Allin, 1st; Ralph suits and You will have both, and save SGROOL FAIRS the prize list were as follows Collection of Weed Seed Rat. Jewell and Harold Good, 2nd; Calvin $10-00 to 015.00 by walking Uround the Hair -line blues, black, sand, browns IRutledge and Robt. Hetherington, 3rdl Successful Events Held *1 Porter's Hill GRAM ledge, Alex. Young. Amelia!uty1wain corner, North Sr.' L Sheaf—Worthy Fowler, Har Clayton Robertson, Kenneth Allin and Wilbert Groves, 4th, As an extra added feature tats Sheaf—*Or Thelma L4awlor. Indigo Serges, 1pheviots, Scotch Tweeds and and Carlow the Past week Vey McPhee. Collection of Insects—Beulah Fisher, Calvin McIntyre and Geo. Currie 5th' days and Saturdays, the Model Theatre Oats, Grain—Hurve,Girls' three-legged race—)Muriel Rut- will Ishow, commencing Oct. Ist and Irish Serges .S -McPhee. D. McClure, Laura Mugford, Gladyledge and Edna Young, Ist; Grace Jew- 2nd, British Canadian Pathe news. All All from the best mills. The rural school fair Is getting to Whe"t, Sheaf — Wilmer Hardy, IT-ble, Kenneth Alliri. ell and Winnie Vanstone, 2nd; the best news in pictures from Canada be quite a feature In the school life of Franklin Miteben. Collection of Tree Seeds Murray Ella and Great Britain. The fit and style will be correct. the country districts, and It should Barley, Sheaf—Pere McBride- Ke -1911211, Robert Echlin, Robertson and Minerva McPhee, 3rdi Prove a very valuable stimulus to the Barley, Grain—Perty McBride, Reg- Collection of [.eaves—.Gladys Blake. Ruby Carr and Myra Gamble, 4th. It is In Demand --So greatjs the de- prove Allin. Sylvia Relay race—U. S. S. No. I (R. Heth- l, F. He MARTIN, the Tailor Youn,6 People of the country to induce Field Peas --Fordyce Clark, Cepha Smith seguss, Roy Rutledge, mabeA erington. G. Currie and C. Rutledge). iand for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil them to take an interest in excelling Maskell, Calvin McIntyre. Collection of Woods..—Clayton Rob- 1st; S. S. No. 8 (Gladys Treble, Ken- that a large factory is kept Continual. neth Allin and Worthy Fowler), 2nd: ly busy making and ))ottling it To to what they can produce In the way Corn.- COMPton's Early—Lawrence ertson, Muriel Rutledge, Alex Young, Q Q of agricultural products, a S. S. 0. 1 (ri. Breckow C- Allin and be in demand shows Popular appreci home bak- nyder, Benson Horton, Oliver Allin, � DRAWING, ART AND WRITING. Orville Blake), 3rd; S. a- ing, live stock, etc, and such other Roy Rutledge. !� No. 2, 4th; ti,, of this Preparation which ds MUP of Huron—Leola Snyder, Aaron S. S. No. 3, 5th. subjects as nature study, drawing:Corn. Golden :.Bantam — Murray Fisher, Evelyn Horton, Ha at the head of the Proplietary corn- Hernighan, Franklin Horton, Aileen Hazel Brindley. Stilt race—In this race, as there waE. BOIL it is desery ng of the lead. tants took to cover the distance. Geo, -what-could -6e seen at -many John Tabb,, Benson Horton. = School -of Cori�meree m 779almer Daw- Lawlor, Lottie Lawlor, Gordon Jewell gary to judge by the time the conte Freeman, Ariaold* Aniff. in the mar - most of the exhibits were quite the h,t, and it is generally admitted that writlnW,-_afiCuaf-trb=ng, -etc. --in fac, Map Of North America—Thelma Only one pair of stilts, it was neees Pounds as the leading oil 1. of the more pretentious fairs. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Map of Europe—Elsie Lawlor, For- Currie was 1st, 16 seconds; and ther The Smith's Hill school fair struck Potatoes, Green Mountain—Ralph dYcle Clark, Harold Breckow, Elma were three tied In 22 seconds,CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO bad weather. There were showers to Jewell, Arthur ,Haskell, Franklin Calvin Cal- FlIck, Willie Treble Jam"_ Horton. Writing (Third Class) "The Last vin Rutledge; Bruce Cunninghamffers the following courses the morning and it looked even an it Young, Laura Mugford. McIntyre, RobL Hetherington and 9 ngham wok the fair might have to be postponed. Potsittlps, Irish Cobbler --Jessie Sic, ROAe Of Summer"—Beason Chisholm 27 second§. However it cleared tip in good time, Carib, Clive Allin, Robert Echlin, Ken, Thelma Lawlor. Mabel Smith, Olive EX-PuPlls' race—Julia Young, Ella but the day was cold and not favorabli D'Vtb Morris, Clayton Robertson. Horton, Clayton Robertson Robertson, Gladys Treble and Amelia len s Trolls e to a large crowd. In spite of this a US Business, Steno Secretarial, Civil M4DgeI&--AarOn 'F'Nber, Elgin Rut_ Writing. -Dandelions" _* Florence Hetherington tied for third. good crowd gathered, and if •h had ledge, Bert Freeman, John Redmond. Royle, Dorothy Walters, Ward Jewell,Young men's raft—Harold Walters, been a really fine day there surely John McGraw. Jean Welters, Emma Freeman. Wm. Medd, Lloyd Young, Tait Clark. Service, Teacher Training Course would have been a record attendance. One Marigel—Ainron at Low Prices The exhibits -1114her, John Writing, ­Nutional Anthem (1st On Saturday afternoon last School and arranges Special Courses for students. in air departments were McGraw, Benson ('111,0101m, Harvey Class) — Aridrew Schultz, Mildred On Nos. 1,, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10, of very fine The sho)N was held In the MvPhee, nest Wvtt. Kenneth kurrish, James Parrish. Goderich Township United in holding old hotel building, and the outdoor Turnlpw—lt. s. HetI:,rI11g1oj1. Grace Writing, - a ova' fair at Porter's Hill. The clay Good materials, in plain The following advantages events in the field ri�par by. My Native LaWl" Gliders, Thomas Class)—Bettlah Fisher', Merl (4th W a perfect One and the event was shades and patterns. All a The directors of the -fair were Gladys One TurnIp­n14)n1a e Horton, 9egu&S, U. Har%o�N Baxter 4 livrton, Grace TAltira Mugford, Muriel Rutledge, Ken. quite a holiday Occasion, a large gath- sizes. With 5 pockets.a Ifighly Qualified Teaching Staff I Gliders, Kelth Gardner, neth Allin. ering Of Parents and friends of the S. S.'No. 1; Kelth,10-ardner, S. S. No. 21 11(lets—NN."'Zirt Forull'-mi, scholars assembling, including quite a Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Duriena Water C0101 -S of Landscape--EIRIe S. Verna Rutledge, q. s. ff�jzpl Hill. Idliliall, Fulford, Cbristena Lawlor, Fordy(.6 Clark, Gladys Seguss, number of People from Goderieh. The $3.75 Credential Typewriting Tests S. No. 4; Grace Bogle, S. S. No, 5,, Robert sou, in charge of fair consisted Positions Guaranteed FVPIYII Hortnn, LAUM Mugford, Jean Parrish. Pomm Via Maakell, S S. No. 6; NVortitly Carrots--I)onn:1 Gladys Crayon Drawing df [). A. I;tjrljrw, J. R. Middleton Men's Tweed Trousers, Fowler, S. S. Ao. 8: and Thomas Hor- 119 of Flowers—Glaflyg It and Cin, S. K No. 9. Blake, (;race .1eivell, Muriel RutIc4ige, Treble, Laura I WhItely, and the direetor-.3 were assured patterns, plain Frarih-111) Allin. Mugford, John Red. 10 the school Parade (Irst honolsns— mond, Alette Dickson, Allin Jean AldoiN, S. SNo. 1; Orval rval Rod- Wder. Rov Ken- Peacil Drawing of -Berry Box Kers, No. 2: D. .1k, Colo,_S, finished with five Vocational Tpainind School v"ent W "' S- 'q Nn.1, second to S 11rtqV Merle llnr. —Haz- StIrline S. IR I 1-f) No. 8 and third to _9� S. No. 2. The 1,177,1' Hardy, ttm, H()Y Rutledge, el Hill, Elate Lawlor, Beulah Fisher, No. 3: a representative from S. S. No, Pockets, 100PS for belts patriotic 41rWing afl(j pt•r,4se, and e 14a Lottie Uwlor, Percy McBride. Brock tirr, S. S_ No. 6: Ethel Stirl- and cuff buttons. Sizes for this district, triarchIng vNert, %er)' Prettily doncl Don,tily Waltvrq, Douglas INsay—Alex. Young, Muriel Rut_ Ing, S. S. No. 8; and Flossie LindsaN, by Government i-Ppointmeut, and under -1 McWhin-1 ledge, Gladys Treble. S. S. N11. to. S. B. Stothers. Agricul- -n do- hey, Mliry Xlf)rrix. t I Representative for For the parade a shield has been F`eag8n, lXthe lAiwlor, 1-44)( 34 tO 42. $5.75 inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re- establishment Department, rialed by the Colborne town MANUAL TRAINING. Huron, was i�nuncll, which ship's -%, assisted by N. G McKay, the Ag-ricul- For terms, etc., write Nvill beoorne the pros Rammer Handle—Reggie Schultz il oe,rty of thplawhool winning I turas Representative from Bruce Court- neat it throo ('oeh-c-i-PI—Iferle Horton. Kenneth Stanley Uhler, Fordyce ('lark, Ken -1 It, Blue Serges and ty. Mr. Keith RevP11 acted as judge times. This Is the first Prize, and see. All Ill. G"W", rlogie. Thotu.iq Horton. ilietb A11111, Douglas Feagan. grey patterned Tweed. Stothert pal. and and third are n anil T1. tiortf)II Milking Stool—Aaron Of PouftrY, and Mesdames Serviceable, dressy and B. F. WARD, B.A., N. Accts., Princi �,, Kenneth A]. I Fisher, Ken- and McKay of indoor departments. There..werp t%vo contestants Ila, Etbel Tabb, Reta I nPth Allin, Calvin Rutledge, Harvey In the schnot parade �Si. S, No. 3 was In the Fisher. Benson M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal. 011bile 9pefiking competition, Alurjel 11101111111. 1 Baxter. awarded first prize, S. S. No. 6 SeCODd remarkable values. All fiutledg�'"d Fordyce Clark, and both Pair of Barred R(wks--Kenneth At- Handmade Boa—Aaron Fisher, For. and S. S. No. 10 third. The fancy drill Sizes. At $6.95 Cave splendid addresses, both in mat- tin 'Phone 198, Chuton ter and delive'ry. - ST1111- Wzlltf�r, Clifford Allin, Cort- dYce Clark. and physical exercises and singing by • Miqs Rutledge was land Kerr. Merle Horton- Rope Splicing ---George D. Curry. the various schools was very enjoy- evPP0311Y good, belng heard 'clearly at Pair of Barred Rocks, from eggs Wire Splicing ' -Wilbert Thom, able on the part of the spectators and STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME a 49asidgjale distance. FQrdZcc 1UPPLIOd 111 1014 --Kenneth Allin, Beu- Ge4ge D. Curry, Franklin Mitchell, each school received hearty applause dark was not �jo ;?7 Zisily heard Ikkh Fisher, flarvey M bee, Clitrord Roy Rutledge, Lawrence Snyder. Mr. was on hand with his but had a large "InOUT11 of good matter Vanstone. Harvey Z Bird nouge­Kelmer Dawson, camera and took group photos of the Riven In good form. Miss Rulledgot t1air of White Legbornq­Atanley Chicken COOP—John Tabb. various schools. M. ROBINS am SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist took for her suh)ect "The Flag" and Obler. Kenneth Allin, Fred Bi set, Roy DOMESTIC SCIENCE. In the Public speaking contest, on Ap Fordyce Clark "The Selecting of Seed RlltledgQ. School Luncb—Hazel Brindley, Slur- the f4tybJect, "Kindness to Animal-," 6 second to Fordyce Clark, 'Floaher, Marle Fi.�Ijpr. Lainphrey, .9. S. No. 1; Stewart Oke, IE'dg,e and there were three conte4tants. Olive IINIInnIIInIIIntIG Corn." First prize vvent to Muriel RutA Pair of Rhode INI"Id Reds—Beulah let Rutledge, Lottle Lawlor, Grace Another Gliders, Bessie McCabe. S. 4 No. I; and Orville Rodgers, S. S X� .r keen eontest Lvas the hiterti- Pair of Barred from home Apple Pie­--Jess.rie McVa�n, Amelia No. 2, and they wore awarded flrF;t, frig contest (urrharnessIng, unhitching: flook—Fordyce CZtrh-. Harvey McPhee, Mellvmla, Muriel Rutledge, Gladys harnessing and hitching, driving, ete., Kenneth Allin. (Continued on page 6) Including baekinc through a gate; Treble, Grace GlIders, B& LGIRV-7141,1010 4'tc) - TlIP contestants in the or- 111VP STNRIK. Layer Cake—Mary McWhirinry, • Solocad" NOW der of merit were as follows: Keith Spring Coit, Agricultirral — John Mabel Smith, Mildred Vanstone, Leola CAd" Making. flardiner, Edgar Blake, Orville BlakA, Tabb, Aaron Fisher, Alex. Young. Snyder, Jean Walter. Sweet cider to unfermented apple Willie McCann. Clifford Allin, Spring ('alf, Beef—Wilbert Thom, Home"de Candy — Edna Yonng. ;Uioe and hard cider to fermented • BUY -Long -Term Parrish, Wilbert Thom, �lno Fordyce Clark, Lawrence Snyder, Ethel Tabb, Gladys Blake. apple juice. To get the Juice the ap- Messrs. Dave Andrewt; and Ed Law- Spring Limb, 1,0119 Wool—Fordyce Bread, White --G. Jewell. pies are either crushed or ground in 9011 Judged, the 'bitching contest; Clark, Kenneth Allin, Arthur Malar r -Vufl1nP-- Muriel cider Mill and the Juice expressed the writing. pte.! ,%flFtq Mr. Royle 1; Revs Rutledge, DorisDl , ?,fe_ Spring TATah. Short %*o1--johl; Hill, Leola Snyder, Donna MN'lure, from the pulp. Kenzie and Mrs, Thos. stothprs thi, In, TRbh, Ethel Tabb, Elgin Rntic*e, Ethel Tabb. The fermentation Of apple Juice, or Securities NOW side departments, and Mr, 9tolhers and NATURE STL-Dy. BINICults--NOIlle Morris, Jessie M,(, any other fruit juice, is brought MI" Anore*s the other elapses, Collection of W Cann, Dorothy Robertoon, Gladys abont by the development in It of IbC Whiners In the various classes in QAlvin Rutledge. ePd*__`GIftdy8 Blake, Blake, Cepha Maskell. yeast. Yeast cells are microscopic Investors who demand SCCUrity first USUal[y haVe to 04ktmeal Cookies--Flgle Lawlor Plants invisible to the naked eye and be content with 10w rates of ------ (2nd no name). Ethel Tabb, Grace are always present on the surface of interest. Jewell. Gladyq Blake. trult. When the fruit In crushed to Prfwerved Fruit — Gladys 1111'rel)1e, get the 311tce many of these cells get High interest rates usually IMPly risk. Edith Fisher, Hazel Hill, Gladys Into the Juice, and if these are not Blake, Ruby Kerr. destroyed they will Induce ferment- But just now, money Is " tight." SEWING. ation. B,lacks Darning on Stocking nlee (;Iftlerg, Of COn"QueutlY, in thO Trianufactare To move the grain crop, the Banks are calling _-4' 1 ing Cladys Treble, Myrtle W*et cider we must dextro the Tahh. the, ye, cello that y are present and pre- loans from manufacturers and Merchants. vent others from getting in. The our - Crochet Work—EMe Lawlor, Grace eat way A( doing this Is to pasteurize Money usually avallab,'-z for investment purposes Gliders, Hazel Brindley, Thelma is los. Law- the MOO Immediately after it is ob- required to " Carry on " business. Ta dori tained troy* titre fruit A44 store away ing Hemstitched, Handkerchief— Mabel In W611-oseated containers, In the ease Interest rates therefore are high, and bond prices Smith. Dorothy'Robertson, Lottie Law- of cider the P"teurtutlon Process tor, Theling Lawlor. arejaw. Dressed DON—Mariel Rutledge, Mar- means ho&Ulag Me Jul" to 170 de- garerow F. for ten minutes and then t Allin, Alene Dickson,DickponMargaret Wittig Into C"tairift that have been VICTORY BONDS are among the best long-term ���acts Mitchell, Florence 8egus& scalded and can be UghUy oarked. Securities available. Handmade Apron—Thelma Lawlor, (3&re gkould bg taken got to let the We recommend those failing Dorothy Robertson, Donna HeCture, temperature get aborta 170 dogret" IT, due in 1933, 1937 and 1934. Florence Regugx, Hazel Brindley. during putautleatfor, bor the kh&rao. Plain Hemukln*�Petrl Wilson, MUr- 't t• of tht jUlee Will 4" ihjdr*d. The let Rutledge, Jew -ate McCann, Lottie jules Is bon stbrood AVV, Oki a 10,W the ye TAWIOr, M. Gamble. tsomperataft to silbw7ft t4 , clear. Dominion Of Canada 5%% Bonds I Woollen Cloth, shorting tear darned ahra 4104t Is pnodu"t by aHawfus Victoary Bonds Free from Dominion In. --CePM Maskell. Grace Gilderg, Mar. tke..ftJsWW4 '01* to f46"t Due Price T"4 es ret AIII& 1101 the 4"k. "A fW1114ftiatidii 16 *t%rally yield Elabroldlerhlt--Gladys Treble. Grace Jaducild " tb* astivid" at &0 10"tqg 1W of tells tut 4* lata tho Jaks from t1#_ Dec., 1927., ...... 4.14% Gliders, Novt1 Im . ....... and interetit .... ........ FLOW70a GlUtftft Of tris 114blea. At. hov1WV** Nov 1 arod irthomt ............. Asters—Male XAVIOr, Dorothy Rob- their at* varIM11 Made of yftg bft." 96 V2 am inter,=_.. - I loin . ...... M ww interest....-.............. .......... @rtsoorrl Roy Xft", MYrOe F-61ildrd, and *140 I!LAZ Nictid ev"" liftwo to PW im I - `Men's Smaant Furnishings Lucy lkwy. be 68 tk4b it WWa So I& I . Vk'=Y Bondit Skob�ct to the U"l ln=M TSM Wo &W ftwd�w an -0A Phu W40 arsilMr'sA � 84"Vo #I do 49weet 1�jax­Elsjlel OU44M Wdrg t1&1ft of tX6 etdCj. IM 9, *T- momftd NOV 1"4 . ............. .... ... 97 young. or. It to a fevd plan to t"ft*1 t160 MW Interen Notoo, 1134 ..... ... JAll TIES and TOS 1`01NM, OHre Hill, %0 t$Ms*tkU*% 41M40 br 111,%t WLII,�, 13 sr►trraart.............•,............i 70 SOX Orace ►J*W4�T%)WO JAWW. t1ko,36104 A" 06% 40dug'' Rooq%ld ftoo nooe 041011-01 ak got y"" to t4 lraw Juko %* ba" Mataklou, 39afty to, =41. as 6iftia" ft*u its 494611, *r t1kis St" row *iu bu- ts* tk* "T" 'f &MMM . "44k that im *441 %amm I . T" ust f* U6� 1010INTUAL MANI&H Christ" lmowftbilK Ito lca AU"* ft"fta, botkb Is"" so It tketwb m,�_fta. 1). satla Lito lkeii4ims rub". 144 Was i4ask Q. A. 041*te, inetilk. at, ­ ' - 0 OAST t.ore 9 Too#. "Iftb Oftuss, Ir"64ulI. saa wat". RONTO "UnAS.. CKmak' *CIL To • 4 A44m 4tows AVpIet—Wilaer Hardy, D6r. 0111"Mewww" 2 I"t7all yrs, mom" . A '7'♦7 4' ow— 'Ago", 7 i1 S if V 0 VA" SrAR Tnmsmy, QuT. mo, jpwl, Spy Appk*-_0Wr;vy Vaujitoue, Fdftb F*Owr,J*"Jipf. XWfordl, $tanjoy_ 01�_ WAW 0 lr4WW ler. XsT* F4*1r, RAWWAi, .4 1' WWle 31,_C*,%n. AyOt �it�C'Re"11 Y rObterWit? y va awAtsti, 0 BL"40M WQTt4Y A)Owler. N_Wkimg eveoCOAPETITIONI$, Doymax4y2e, P9- 11olkille vrowug—madel Rutledge. the sectwity, tue comWbatpusy 0 P ; ,Here is a partial list of our SillyBargi4ius for September, the likes of the iadustry? which we have not offered for many a day H*jdW 000UP--tition—lCeirb Gant -you faviar? Billet Der, Xftar olax�, Orme.' JaUlte. Bl013i M4M&ly ,c); cr Navy Mw ;)caches Silk. #040 Par#0�_t:xlox lk" See - 36 ine1ft wive, regular 12.75 at 009_;Xf­1, *11001 Sectfooq� No. 8, Sebwl Per yard.................... ,............. SeclJou Xta. 2- The 0 $1.98 Uit, Spoorls werc keenly, coatested A and the, r*boa winners, so far " -we 0 Satin Charm( asr, in Black. Navy and Dresses, prices now range $15, $20, $25 and acc*ed 64vir i4mes, are as ff�uows 'Special RedtictiOn Palo in Ladies' Silk P, rinting Brown only. 40 inchop wide, regular $30 1 a" I FMY-Ta.rdi dash. boys under 10 rga" help you Aolke at per Us." 'GeQ- f-urre% CAaYlOP Robertson. Bring your film to us for developing and Hugh Blake, bou*las Graham, Jas. Me- SbAtItUDS Silk& heavy weight and Suiting Serges_ Cluettya defined. &YOttmatic NXIhod. printing a "Natural yiiow wiae, rwise to a egular $1.-50 at Pe Fi#Td doAN girls under 10 yt�airs in butildi3ig assts Wmme. ........... r 98CJe%velL I.: Hardy, Hazel Our "Investtaest Barom- yaw ........ Black Navy Blue, 54 inch, a _F 11 W,M Gwil, Jessie Mccan British Setges, fine boamoy yarn. eten " show the tkad of Eaw SHU, 34 inches if I Fifty Yard dash, boys to to it years the factors W - One Day Service .�i4e, in Rose, Black- regular UPWiQJ $5.00 for the vard... $3.95Currie,ue "I — CopenhAgeo Blue, Oyster White Worthy Fowler, Bruce market 6paditions. Ana W c=iig;ri4EUIPh Jewell. "kal discussim 9t secuti- and Alice Blue at per y".' $2.010 ip 0 Fifty -yard a I ........... rd dash, girls 10 to 12 years Ow Tirately iara�_"_tioa 0 ap 1 Broadcloth �utdngs --Gladys Treble, Grace Gilders, Muriel and sunm9tionc Is Wash Satins, extra hosory, best quality, I Rutledge, SylXla Segue, Mary Me Whin At* for Alouhw yard Mae, in Ivory, White and 54 4whes wide. finest all wool French ney. Mary Redmond, Films to Fit all Cameras Pink, regular $3.00 at per yard....... $2.50 BrQadeloths- for on" or fall Coats, in FiltY-Yard dash, boys over 12 years-- M"t1dy CIS" Black, Navy, Nigger, special per Calvin Rutledge, Benson Chisholm, Addrane Depot.Ci Robot Hetherington, Geo. Cumie, Bruce Winter' yard ...... $7900 Curip'Ingfiatir, Worthy Fowler. ,Women's r"all and Uri 1�m - -PiftY-yard dash, girls over 12 year" 0 0 Coats Grace Jewell, Gladys Treble, MurieJ MXNT 0 Cossard Corsets Rutledge, Myra Gamble and Ruby Carr �-I C, DUNLOP Phm.'B. I"L MX%' - ',IT !M144 ia.�ilvertones, TweWs. Velours, etc. Many (tied for fourth place), Hazel Brindley, A4=86- Te -W-1 55.A E.—dLagg" 0 are linid th&ughont witht farmers' satin or silk, We carry styles suitable for any figure in Jean Parrish, 85 Bay Street, Toronto this famous Corset. They lace in front, Wheelbarrow race—Calvin Rutledge The Rexall Store somim half lipod, prices range $15, $20. $25, $2-S0,$$Price and Rab t. Hetherington, Ist; Orville - $35 and $0 upwardis , -100, $3-50, $4.00 and $5.00 and Ellake and CUfford Aflia, 2nd; Geo. BRIEF TOWN TOPICS L0Zi,9=====0=0=====0=0====0=0=J Currie and Calvin McIntyre, 3rd; Bruce 0 Cunningham and Worthy Fowler, 4th; Learn to dance. Blackstone -Buckley -------- Jas. Chisholm and Kenneth Morpish. dancing class open every Monday ev- 5th. erring 9 to, it. WO. ACHESON & SON Teachers' race—loliss Piurikedt, Mls* The Girls' Guild of St. George's The New Fall Overcoats Lizzie Adams, Miss Holmes, Miss Lan- church held an enjoyable corn roast I sing• at the beach on Tuesday evening. C and Suitings, Trustees' race—Wm, Medd, Jno. Far- rich, Chas. Robertson. Anticipation is greater than realiza. Boys' three-legged race—Orville tion. Get one of Pridbam the Tailor'sl Bamockburn Twchi&ds Blake and Clifford Allin, 1st; Ralph suits and You will have both, and save SGROOL FAIRS the prize list were as follows Collection of Weed Seed Rat. Jewell and Harold Good, 2nd; Calvin $10-00 to 015.00 by walking Uround the Hair -line blues, black, sand, browns IRutledge and Robt. Hetherington, 3rdl Successful Events Held *1 Porter's Hill GRAM ledge, Alex. Young. Amelia!uty1wain corner, North Sr.' L Sheaf—Worthy Fowler, Har Clayton Robertson, Kenneth Allin and Wilbert Groves, 4th, As an extra added feature tats Sheaf—*Or Thelma L4awlor. Indigo Serges, 1pheviots, Scotch Tweeds and and Carlow the Past week Vey McPhee. Collection of Insects—Beulah Fisher, Calvin McIntyre and Geo. Currie 5th' days and Saturdays, the Model Theatre Oats, Grain—Hurve,Girls' three-legged race—)Muriel Rut- will Ishow, commencing Oct. Ist and Irish Serges .S -McPhee. D. McClure, Laura Mugford, Gladyledge and Edna Young, Ist; Grace Jew- 2nd, British Canadian Pathe news. All All from the best mills. The rural school fair Is getting to Whe"t, Sheaf — Wilmer Hardy, IT-ble, Kenneth Alliri. ell and Winnie Vanstone, 2nd; the best news in pictures from Canada be quite a feature In the school life of Franklin Miteben. Collection of Tree Seeds Murray Ella and Great Britain. The fit and style will be correct. the country districts, and It should Barley, Sheaf—Pere McBride- Ke -1911211, Robert Echlin, Robertson and Minerva McPhee, 3rdi Prove a very valuable stimulus to the Barley, Grain—Perty McBride, Reg- Collection of [.eaves—.Gladys Blake. Ruby Carr and Myra Gamble, 4th. It is In Demand --So greatjs the de- prove Allin. Sylvia Relay race—U. S. S. No. I (R. Heth- l, F. He MARTIN, the Tailor Youn,6 People of the country to induce Field Peas --Fordyce Clark, Cepha Smith seguss, Roy Rutledge, mabeA erington. G. Currie and C. Rutledge). iand for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil them to take an interest in excelling Maskell, Calvin McIntyre. Collection of Woods..—Clayton Rob- 1st; S. S. No. 8 (Gladys Treble, Ken- that a large factory is kept Continual. neth Allin and Worthy Fowler), 2nd: ly busy making and ))ottling it To to what they can produce In the way Corn.- COMPton's Early—Lawrence ertson, Muriel Rutledge, Alex Young, Q Q of agricultural products, a S. S. 0. 1 (ri. Breckow C- Allin and be in demand shows Popular appreci home bak- nyder, Benson Horton, Oliver Allin, � DRAWING, ART AND WRITING. Orville Blake), 3rd; S. a- ing, live stock, etc, and such other Roy Rutledge. !� No. 2, 4th; ti,, of this Preparation which ds MUP of Huron—Leola Snyder, Aaron S. S. No. 3, 5th. subjects as nature study, drawing:Corn. Golden :.Bantam — Murray Fisher, Evelyn Horton, Ha at the head of the Proplietary corn- Hernighan, Franklin Horton, Aileen Hazel Brindley. Stilt race—In this race, as there waE. BOIL it is desery ng of the lead. tants took to cover the distance. Geo, -what-could -6e seen at -many John Tabb,, Benson Horton. = School -of Cori�meree m 779almer Daw- Lawlor, Lottie Lawlor, Gordon Jewell gary to judge by the time the conte Freeman, Ariaold* Aniff. in the mar - most of the exhibits were quite the h,t, and it is generally admitted that writlnW,-_afiCuaf-trb=ng, -etc. --in fac, Map Of North America—Thelma Only one pair of stilts, it was neees Pounds as the leading oil 1. of the more pretentious fairs. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Map of Europe—Elsie Lawlor, For- Currie was 1st, 16 seconds; and ther The Smith's Hill school fair struck Potatoes, Green Mountain—Ralph dYcle Clark, Harold Breckow, Elma were three tied In 22 seconds,CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO bad weather. There were showers to Jewell, Arthur ,Haskell, Franklin Calvin Cal- FlIck, Willie Treble Jam"_ Horton. Writing (Third Class) "The Last vin Rutledge; Bruce Cunninghamffers the following courses the morning and it looked even an it Young, Laura Mugford. McIntyre, RobL Hetherington and 9 ngham wok the fair might have to be postponed. Potsittlps, Irish Cobbler --Jessie Sic, ROAe Of Summer"—Beason Chisholm 27 second§. However it cleared tip in good time, Carib, Clive Allin, Robert Echlin, Ken, Thelma Lawlor. Mabel Smith, Olive EX-PuPlls' race—Julia Young, Ella but the day was cold and not favorabli D'Vtb Morris, Clayton Robertson. Horton, Clayton Robertson Robertson, Gladys Treble and Amelia len s Trolls e to a large crowd. In spite of this a US Business, Steno Secretarial, Civil M4DgeI&--AarOn 'F'Nber, Elgin Rut_ Writing. -Dandelions" _* Florence Hetherington tied for third. good crowd gathered, and if •h had ledge, Bert Freeman, John Redmond. Royle, Dorothy Walters, Ward Jewell,Young men's raft—Harold Walters, been a really fine day there surely John McGraw. Jean Welters, Emma Freeman. Wm. Medd, Lloyd Young, Tait Clark. Service, Teacher Training Course would have been a record attendance. One Marigel—Ainron at Low Prices The exhibits -1114her, John Writing, ­Nutional Anthem (1st On Saturday afternoon last School and arranges Special Courses for students. in air departments were McGraw, Benson ('111,0101m, Harvey Class) — Aridrew Schultz, Mildred On Nos. 1,, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10, of very fine The sho)N was held In the MvPhee, nest Wvtt. Kenneth kurrish, James Parrish. Goderich Township United in holding old hotel building, and the outdoor Turnlpw—lt. s. HetI:,rI11g1oj1. Grace Writing, - a ova' fair at Porter's Hill. The clay Good materials, in plain The following advantages events in the field ri�par by. My Native LaWl" Gliders, Thomas Class)—Bettlah Fisher', Merl (4th W a perfect One and the event was shades and patterns. All a The directors of the -fair were Gladys One TurnIp­n14)n1a e Horton, 9egu&S, U. Har%o�N Baxter 4 livrton, Grace TAltira Mugford, Muriel Rutledge, Ken. quite a holiday Occasion, a large gath- sizes. With 5 pockets.a Ifighly Qualified Teaching Staff I Gliders, Kelth Gardner, neth Allin. ering Of Parents and friends of the S. S.'No. 1; Kelth,10-ardner, S. S. No. 21 11(lets—NN."'Zirt Forull'-mi, scholars assembling, including quite a Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Duriena Water C0101 -S of Landscape--EIRIe S. Verna Rutledge, q. s. ff�jzpl Hill. Idliliall, Fulford, Cbristena Lawlor, Fordy(.6 Clark, Gladys Seguss, number of People from Goderieh. The $3.75 Credential Typewriting Tests S. No. 4; Grace Bogle, S. S. No, 5,, Robert sou, in charge of fair consisted Positions Guaranteed FVPIYII Hortnn, LAUM Mugford, Jean Parrish. Pomm Via Maakell, S S. No. 6; NVortitly Carrots--I)onn:1 Gladys Crayon Drawing df [). A. I;tjrljrw, J. R. Middleton Men's Tweed Trousers, Fowler, S. S. Ao. 8: and Thomas Hor- 119 of Flowers—Glaflyg It and Cin, S. K No. 9. Blake, (;race .1eivell, Muriel RutIc4ige, Treble, Laura I WhItely, and the direetor-.3 were assured patterns, plain Frarih-111) Allin. Mugford, John Red. 10 the school Parade (Irst honolsns— mond, Alette Dickson, Allin Jean AldoiN, S. SNo. 1; Orval rval Rod- Wder. Rov Ken- Peacil Drawing of -Berry Box Kers, No. 2: D. .1k, Colo,_S, finished with five Vocational Tpainind School v"ent W "' S- 'q Nn.1, second to S 11rtqV Merle llnr. —Haz- StIrline S. IR I 1-f) No. 8 and third to _9� S. No. 2. The 1,177,1' Hardy, ttm, H()Y Rutledge, el Hill, Elate Lawlor, Beulah Fisher, No. 3: a representative from S. S. No, Pockets, 100PS for belts patriotic 41rWing afl(j pt•r,4se, and e 14a Lottie Uwlor, Percy McBride. Brock tirr, S. S_ No. 6: Ethel Stirl- and cuff buttons. Sizes for this district, triarchIng vNert, %er)' Prettily doncl Don,tily Waltvrq, Douglas INsay—Alex. Young, Muriel Rut_ Ing, S. S. No. 8; and Flossie LindsaN, by Government i-Ppointmeut, and under -1 McWhin-1 ledge, Gladys Treble. S. S. N11. to. S. B. Stothers. Agricul- -n do- hey, Mliry Xlf)rrix. t I Representative for For the parade a shield has been F`eag8n, lXthe lAiwlor, 1-44)( 34 tO 42. $5.75 inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re- establishment Department, rialed by the Colborne town MANUAL TRAINING. Huron, was i�nuncll, which ship's -%, assisted by N. G McKay, the Ag-ricul- For terms, etc., write Nvill beoorne the pros Rammer Handle—Reggie Schultz il oe,rty of thplawhool winning I turas Representative from Bruce Court- neat it throo ('oeh-c-i-PI—Iferle Horton. Kenneth Stanley Uhler, Fordyce ('lark, Ken -1 It, Blue Serges and ty. Mr. Keith RevP11 acted as judge times. This Is the first Prize, and see. All Ill. G"W", rlogie. Thotu.iq Horton. ilietb A11111, Douglas Feagan. grey patterned Tweed. Stothert pal. and and third are n anil T1. tiortf)II Milking Stool—Aaron Of PouftrY, and Mesdames Serviceable, dressy and B. F. WARD, B.A., N. Accts., Princi �,, Kenneth A]. I Fisher, Ken- and McKay of indoor departments. There..werp t%vo contestants Ila, Etbel Tabb, Reta I nPth Allin, Calvin Rutledge, Harvey In the schnot parade �Si. S, No. 3 was In the Fisher. Benson M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal. 011bile 9pefiking competition, Alurjel 11101111111. 1 Baxter. awarded first prize, S. S. No. 6 SeCODd remarkable values. All fiutledg�'"d Fordyce Clark, and both Pair of Barred R(wks--Kenneth At- Handmade Boa—Aaron Fisher, For. and S. S. No. 10 third. The fancy drill Sizes. At $6.95 Cave splendid addresses, both in mat- tin 'Phone 198, Chuton ter and delive'ry. - ST1111- Wzlltf�r, Clifford Allin, Cort- dYce Clark. and physical exercises and singing by • Miqs Rutledge was land Kerr. Merle Horton- Rope Splicing ---George D. Curry. the various schools was very enjoy- evPP0311Y good, belng heard 'clearly at Pair of Barred Rocks, from eggs Wire Splicing ' -Wilbert Thom, able on the part of the spectators and STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME a 49asidgjale distance. FQrdZcc 1UPPLIOd 111 1014 --Kenneth Allin, Beu- Ge4ge D. Curry, Franklin Mitchell, each school received hearty applause dark was not �jo ;?7 Zisily heard Ikkh Fisher, flarvey M bee, Clitrord Roy Rutledge, Lawrence Snyder. Mr. was on hand with his but had a large "InOUT11 of good matter Vanstone. Harvey Z Bird nouge­Kelmer Dawson, camera and took group photos of the Riven In good form. Miss Rulledgot t1air of White Legbornq­Atanley Chicken COOP—John Tabb. various schools. M. ROBINS am SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist took for her suh)ect "The Flag" and Obler. Kenneth Allin, Fred Bi set, Roy DOMESTIC SCIENCE. In the Public speaking contest, on Ap Fordyce Clark "The Selecting of Seed RlltledgQ. School Luncb—Hazel Brindley, Slur- the f4tybJect, "Kindness to Animal-," 6 second to Fordyce Clark, 'Floaher, Marle Fi.�Ijpr. Lainphrey, .9. S. No. 1; Stewart Oke, IE'dg,e and there were three conte4tants. Olive IINIInnIIInIIIntIG Corn." First prize vvent to Muriel RutA Pair of Rhode INI"Id Reds—Beulah let Rutledge, Lottle Lawlor, Grace Another Gliders, Bessie McCabe. S. 4 No. I; and Orville Rodgers, S. S X� .r keen eontest Lvas the hiterti- Pair of Barred from home Apple Pie­--Jess.rie McVa�n, Amelia No. 2, and they wore awarded flrF;t, frig contest (urrharnessIng, unhitching: flook—Fordyce CZtrh-. Harvey McPhee, Mellvmla, Muriel Rutledge, Gladys harnessing and hitching, driving, ete., Kenneth Allin. (Continued on page 6) Including baekinc through a gate; Treble, Grace GlIders, B& LGIRV-7141,1010 4'tc) - TlIP contestants in the or- 111VP STNRIK. Layer Cake—Mary McWhirinry, • Solocad" NOW der of merit were as follows: Keith Spring Coit, Agricultirral — John Mabel Smith, Mildred Vanstone, Leola CAd" Making. flardiner, Edgar Blake, Orville BlakA, Tabb, Aaron Fisher, Alex. Young. Snyder, Jean Walter. Sweet cider to unfermented apple Willie McCann. Clifford Allin, Spring ('alf, Beef—Wilbert Thom, Home"de Candy — Edna Yonng. ;Uioe and hard cider to fermented • BUY -Long -Term Parrish, Wilbert Thom, �lno Fordyce Clark, Lawrence Snyder, Ethel Tabb, Gladys Blake. apple juice. To get the Juice the ap- Messrs. Dave Andrewt; and Ed Law- Spring Limb, 1,0119 Wool—Fordyce Bread, White --G. Jewell. pies are either crushed or ground in 9011 Judged, the 'bitching contest; Clark, Kenneth Allin, Arthur Malar r -Vufl1nP-- Muriel cider Mill and the Juice expressed the writing. pte.! ,%flFtq Mr. Royle 1; Revs Rutledge, DorisDl , ?,fe_ Spring TATah. Short %*o1--johl; Hill, Leola Snyder, Donna MN'lure, from the pulp. Kenzie and Mrs, Thos. stothprs thi, In, TRbh, Ethel Tabb, Elgin Rntic*e, Ethel Tabb. The fermentation Of apple Juice, or Securities NOW side departments, and Mr, 9tolhers and NATURE STL-Dy. BINICults--NOIlle Morris, Jessie M,(, any other fruit juice, is brought MI" Anore*s the other elapses, Collection of W Cann, Dorothy Robertoon, Gladys abont by the development in It of IbC Whiners In the various classes in QAlvin Rutledge. ePd*__`GIftdy8 Blake, Blake, Cepha Maskell. yeast. Yeast cells are microscopic Investors who demand SCCUrity first USUal[y haVe to 04ktmeal Cookies--Flgle Lawlor Plants invisible to the naked eye and be content with 10w rates of ------ (2nd no name). Ethel Tabb, Grace are always present on the surface of interest. Jewell. Gladyq Blake. trult. When the fruit In crushed to Prfwerved Fruit — Gladys 1111'rel)1e, get the 311tce many of these cells get High interest rates usually IMPly risk. Edith Fisher, Hazel Hill, Gladys Into the Juice, and if these are not Blake, Ruby Kerr. destroyed they will Induce ferment- But just now, money Is " tight." SEWING. ation. B,lacks Darning on Stocking nlee (;Iftlerg, Of COn"QueutlY, in thO Trianufactare To move the grain crop, the Banks are calling _-4' 1 ing Cladys Treble, Myrtle W*et cider we must dextro the Tahh. the, ye, cello that y are present and pre- loans from manufacturers and Merchants. vent others from getting in. The our - Crochet Work—EMe Lawlor, Grace eat way A( doing this Is to pasteurize Money usually avallab,'-z for investment purposes Gliders, Hazel Brindley, Thelma is los. Law- the MOO Immediately after it is ob- required to " Carry on " business. Ta dori tained troy* titre fruit A44 store away ing Hemstitched, Handkerchief— Mabel In W611-oseated containers, In the ease Interest rates therefore are high, and bond prices Smith. Dorothy'Robertson, Lottie Law- of cider the P"teurtutlon Process tor, Theling Lawlor. arejaw. Dressed DON—Mariel Rutledge, Mar- means ho&Ulag Me Jul" to 170 de- garerow F. for ten minutes and then t Allin, Alene Dickson,DickponMargaret Wittig Into C"tairift that have been VICTORY BONDS are among the best long-term ���acts Mitchell, Florence 8egus& scalded and can be UghUy oarked. Securities available. Handmade Apron—Thelma Lawlor, (3&re gkould bg taken got to let the We recommend those failing Dorothy Robertson, Donna HeCture, temperature get aborta 170 dogret" IT, due in 1933, 1937 and 1934. Florence Regugx, Hazel Brindley. during putautleatfor, bor the kh&rao. Plain Hemukln*�Petrl Wilson, MUr- 't t• of tht jUlee Will 4" ihjdr*d. The let Rutledge, Jew -ate McCann, Lottie jules Is bon stbrood AVV, Oki a 10,W the ye TAWIOr, M. Gamble. tsomperataft to silbw7ft t4 , clear. Dominion Of Canada 5%% Bonds I Woollen Cloth, shorting tear darned ahra 4104t Is pnodu"t by aHawfus Victoary Bonds Free from Dominion In. --CePM Maskell. Grace Gilderg, Mar. tke..ftJsWW4 '01* to f46"t Due Price T"4 es ret AIII& 1101 the 4"k. "A fW1114ftiatidii 16 *t%rally yield Elabroldlerhlt--Gladys Treble. Grace Jaducild " tb* astivid" at &0 10"tqg 1W of tells tut 4* lata tho Jaks from t1#_ Dec., 1927., ...... 4.14% Gliders, Novt1 Im . ....... and interetit .... ........ FLOW70a GlUtftft Of tris 114blea. At. hov1WV** Nov 1 arod irthomt ............. Asters—Male XAVIOr, Dorothy Rob- their at* varIM11 Made of yftg bft." 96 V2 am inter,=_.. - I loin . ...... M ww interest....-.............. .......... @rtsoorrl Roy Xft", MYrOe F-61ildrd, and *140 I!LAZ Nictid ev"" liftwo to PW im I - `Men's Smaant Furnishings Lucy lkwy. be 68 tk4b it WWa So I& I . Vk'=Y Bondit Skob�ct to the U"l ln=M TSM Wo &W ftwd�w an -0A Phu W40 arsilMr'sA � 84"Vo #I do 49weet 1�jax­Elsjlel OU44M Wdrg t1&1ft of tX6 etdCj. IM 9, *T- momftd NOV 1"4 . ............. .... ... 97 young. or. It to a fevd plan to t"ft*1 t160 MW Interen Notoo, 1134 ..... ... JAll TIES and TOS 1`01NM, OHre Hill, %0 t$Ms*tkU*% 41M40 br 111,%t WLII,�, 13 sr►trraart.............•,............i 70 SOX Orace ►J*W4�T%)WO JAWW. t1ko,36104 A" 06% 40dug'' Rooq%ld ftoo nooe 041011-01 ak got y"" to t4 lraw Juko %* ba" Mataklou, 39afty to, =41. as 6iftia" ft*u its 494611, *r t1kis St" row *iu bu- ts* tk* "T" 'f &MMM . "44k that im *441 %amm I . T" ust f* U6� 1010INTUAL MANI&H Christ" lmowftbilK Ito lca AU"* ft"fta, botkb Is"" so It tketwb m,�_fta. 1). satla Lito lkeii4ims rub". 144 Was i4ask Q. A. 041*te, inetilk. at, ­ ' - 0 OAST t.ore 9 Too#. "Iftb Oftuss, Ir"64ulI. saa wat". RONTO "UnAS.. CKmak' *CIL To • 4 A44m 4tows AVpIet—Wilaer Hardy, D6r. 0111"Mewww" 2 I"t7all yrs, mom" . A '7'♦7 4' ow— 'Ago",