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The Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 3
7. -N '1 8 R . _ .,,.. . . ..:-"%:era .. ....-.- .m.:.iinlr. '.-�__^..�' ; � ss""'•' ..� a -„- ,.-.. + y .._jt'y M.�t7� .,.� ♦amp4 - o ...LI{i,.�,,,+a,. 1fi•„yS ,b. hM1+'.?"*b.�r+Mt >:.,.s._: -v..:.._ .c.,� a -am^, �..:.r.. a»:'a-: �.,_v ,. :. _ '�'• .. .. .. r ,.. a* Ymw sovok soxam FARM 81.1'11�0 AT FAI ou �fir► Hints tot Farmers' Wives Witiz They S4auid be`NunKd #t Lmt VW titrt4ie a% ei tltioa is as Dain Exhibits. 'i norifry IlrJultticstrlw. Four Monthil. i4taeLtre liver, -With y of bile, Y :TORONTO. Sept M -^rhe latest glia+ 4= di t, and most, fteQil�l4 � � tation* on the Beard of Trades ate as � to attend, with trgeMlrttY, tO Flavor Ila Butter of First Import- follow*: A Sudden Change of Diet Not 0mod sature'st4k. igaaltN.a Wheat taw stere ,'Pt- Wtltewa! Soca.._ 3ltutness Aires a Btr•on t for the Young Colt--weyw HIM The One aim of those ftgRt No, 1 aRrt4vrin, $2,70. '4onstiWim should tie= to Its,", tt#r,lsAlRt Poi;at••-Row to Lyre and Pack ip No, Y ttprtttertt'. 2 7i. Qradwt113 r.-• Quievall ti[iuta all ere r!>ga= Motioa of j l# bgaQ11l':Q Ili Coudition for Showing. No. 3 northern. $:72. fiatiowng ants Handllns. d+Y+ m other wtJtdr, k rW t No. 4 Wheat. 42.67• �L Qpen and Yom won't be a (CelntriDutrd by Ontario Department of >Kaalteha Oita Alla tatprs 4t Wtatlaal!KM i+4�e Woatributed b Ontario Departaleot as }� loll: �r In Milburn': Lars► River 1'ttts ytla A`riculture. Toronto l No, s CM.. see. �� � �� Asirloulturs. Torobte.) No. i C,W•. 71c. Mill&rttt,just,Use reWAdyfor tbtrpurpose. O show or not to show," DFx�tra No. 1 teed. Tic. taps "�° a HE age at which foals should They tRO atnail Sall til�sar to talcs, and `� N i 1 lead, Tic. be weakod is to a great de - there is none of 1110 �n�ti7it;, we4tltening that le the question many No. 2 feed, ..c. and sickening tvhio' hcrioni to tba aid' a woman thinks over as p�telan Barter As story Vi- YfUNO i �� � ��e Sme governed by circum- fashionedpurptives.} the time draws near for No. 3 C•W•.,il.li. staneea. Under ordinary Mr. Jae. f3, Harris Bolt 934 H#tifas, Re 4 C.W...1209. N `S., writes -.-I tau 1 ttufFtmed the holdt>}g o[ the annual tall fair. Rejected. St. with condlt�ans it i* well to allow the & s There are some who Auld not Feed. $1. with eonmtigation I could 'tint get Aaedeaa QeY1 tTeaea, Teeetatisri mare to nurse her foal for tout anything to cure me, and hardly any- mfas the event, and make entries in Kmart Sh pmentq. NIr. Milison, of Auburn. months or longer. It, when the foal thing would give rue even Oek2porNry maws' classes; while others are rather Na ! rellow, $2, nominal. Mr. G. 11. tioNvard, vvho has been se is this age, the mare is required to Tiiliet. One day my uncle induced me to t Miibtlrstis Iayje uv,'t fills, lad timid about exhibiting, eaeecfally 1[ Qatwsle data o e tits, a iia astrts Counlant on lite stag of the h x,la do regular work, both will do better ry branch of the Bank of l:otnmertte, hese ,even brought' me a Trial. t tt'iied them thoy are doing it fag the first time. No 3 whits, 70c to 76c, been promoted to the pusitiun of ns- it the foal be weaned. On the other ��. without much faith, but I Bolla found Lot us take the exhibiting of but- patart. wheat IF. -h- SbASPdta iretaih, si.,lant accountant of the New fork hand, it ttie mare be in fair condi- 'they were doing me ,5004, atm atter ter. Sometimes a woman gots home Aeeeritas to Fecigkta►. branch. using the second vial �1 was reitaied of Ifo. a winter, per car tot, $11-10 to tion, not required for regular work, using trouble,' from the fair feeling rather hurt be• $7,4e• Mr. Cult.ell Brock, son of sirs. E. A and still yielding a reasonable quan- Price 25c. a vial at all dtitdera or cause some neighbor toot more and pw tAQominal. a avetsat■ oatelM) Brock, of 1N'Ntgharn, Rvaa married at nig led direct on receipt of pties by The higher prizes than she did. She �7a >s nominal. tlueiph :+epi. Sth, to NIibN Myrtle flub- illy of milk, the foal will do bettor n. Milburn Con receipt TOwi c b"d. Oat. Isa+eles (Aeserttlas to Freight* oatOW► inson, only daughter of lir. and :firs if not weaned for a month or two t h b Iter was good 20 .1 36 9'1 , Robinmrn Guelph. The cert'' !on or and the dam having no labor a 1< r, 1' f -- OSTEOPAili 11 R. GEORGE HEILEMANN. Osteopath, speclalast l0 women'u and chlldren'e di+nixed. Acute, chronic and nervouA dis- timers. AttrUat, des[fteas, eyeo ear, nose ares throat. Adenoids reinoved without the knife. Consultation tree. Omce and re+t,tenaQ. Nelson pad rot, Andrew's Stre4is ` beck or TernVeMCe Hilt, Not•th Strae2: Ocoee hours 0 to t2 a. m., t to a P. M. V,114ays, Thursdays and Saturdays. gvenings by appott uttent. LEGAL CARDS GARROW, Barrister, Sollcttor, CHARLES Etc. Corner NortL street and Square, G•,terlch, Ont. CHAS• SEAGER Barrister, solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Of6cd : Court House, Goderleh. -- Ll C. HAYS Phone 88• aarrtster, Solicitor Notary Public lac oiHce Hamilton 9t., sterling Bank Btoctr Goderich Real Estate, Loans, Insurance ,t ONVEYANCING AND NOTARY oFoRGF. E dREENSLAbE. SWIM. GoD- veval,cing and Notary Public - I'D FQOT: KILLORAN dt COOKE, PRO narrlsters, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- lic, Etc. u[nce-On stir square. fad door from Hamilton street Godertca. Private runas to loan at lowest rates. W. PROUDFOOT K. C., I. L: KILLORAh, H. J. D. COOKE. A'UCTIONEERING T110.UAS GUNDHY. 1 Live Stock and General Auctioneer, Hamilton street, Goderich. Sales made everywhere and all aiforta made to give Soil Biti9facuon. Warmers' sale notes discounted. tNSURIINCE A,(cYILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1NSVMANC.B 1�1 Co. Jsrm and isolated Town Property Insured. value or propbrty insured up to January, tw) $3,048,975.00. ZiPFICERS-James c011011 Presideut, Vice-Pradtdent, uoderich ; Jas. Evans, Aeechwood ; T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Se*- tarth. SearortC. ; DIRECTORS -D. r. McGregor, ,. o. Grieve, Winthrop ; vvm. Wrtn, Con • stance ; George McCartuey, Tuckersmlth ; John Pert -is, Hadock ; ohn Bennewise, droadhafian : Malcolm McEwam BrucelleM... AGENTS -a. Ytr. l+oo, Goderich : SattdY Leitch, Clinton : Win. ehesuey, Sesterth ; E. flinchley, Seatorth. Policy Holders can pav their assessments dt R. H. Cntt's Store, Goderich, A. J. MGr- J. V. rio's CI'ttbing Store, Gilriton, or Reiwi, Haydeld. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. 'WM. BAILIE. ii NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done Good Companies Represented Phone No. 298, Goderich, Ont. DeVan's French Pills A reliable Regulating Pill for Women. 35 a box. Sold at all Drug Stores, of mailed to any address on receipt of pric Drug Co„ 9t. Cath - arises Oaiarts.eII PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN Restores Vim and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; Increases "gray matte;;" a Tonic-witl build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5. at•drhg stores, or by mail on recelPt of, rice. Tie 9cobetl Drat= bo.. SL Csitl idled. Oatorib'. FBropocu Bros. GOOERICH The Leading Funeral Direcwrs and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours -night or day. Total • • • • • • • Duck wneat-Nominal. Alexander G. MacDermott of the Stan- MODEL The flavor of the butter to a very Boot and Shoe Repair dard Bank, Chatham. Depot Important point to consider, It corner of Hamilton and A very pretty wedding was solem- Newgate Streets should be clean and sweet without Footwear Repairs nized at the home r,f Nir. and Nir,. Wednc•s- Good WA aria Reasasahla Price. te'llut ot--.sax. kAA4,� ,An objeettoaible•Aavor,:iia-intattpr, Guarmte,M John AlcCool, Wingham, on day of fast week, when ttlei^ only lu S. W and & Son l ow"kilj�Lit:'v►oult3 pre*6i t 6160rddely= TORONTO LIVE) sTocK. I daughter, Margaret Luella, w•aq united 9 -ads, and possibly ble In the dam, we should ewer - Ing a full score. Some defects In TORowro, sept. 30. -Receipts for the Week at the uu-1, Stock Yards were in marriage to lir. (leo. W. t(ehanfrr, Re\. Mr. Armstrung ' If you flavor are more serious than others, suffer 7,Itnmins, ont,., L " r< from . but many of these could be avoided tc ; officiating. tr • by taking a little more cared RHEt7MATISM , A very pretty wedding wassolem- law . 'The care In the stable and in the t6a ji�si' nized in Rt. James' church, Seaforth, 11 t separator room is just as important Ftecalpts, 960; dull 900; .1 tower; is t YaiMrttlOiii�itr !i thought Lha er u . but the other must have been con- - -trig, il, to . . Buckwheat (Aeewrding to IPtretskta tomo monY was performed by Ru\ • g to perform, will not suffer. sidefed better by the one who was Outside)• No, Z. nominal. Hind. ci The ordinary process of weaning, acting an judge. By, tkeeerltlaS to Fre(sktw otat�ie► Another of the old at Djrots Wingham crossed the great Ulvida Ott which conatsts In separating mare 171ere aretimes when i Judge hal No, x..1.76, nominal. no is Tuesday, Sept. 14th, when Ur. Johu and foal, and allowing no further in- to mark very closely to Placa the i5, lBlear• Stephen Jerome passed away at his r tetcourse for Several weeks, or until *lace. Government standard, $13.24, weer Toronto, cidence at the clpe old age of tit Years, the mare has ceased to secrete milk, p.. .: Score cards are not used at all of crop, oestarte Frev t:woart skb,ao.t►• 7 monthis and ii da+s. He is sur\'ivcd [aniily and the tool to look for It. is in our our Lairs, nor do all judges use the Government_ standard, notalual, in to by his widow and grown up lite residents of White - same BCOee card, but the one proposed Jute bags, Montreal; nominal, iota base, Toronto; $10.x0 to $10.60 bulk, one of oldest vicinity passed away on Men- called for. by the National Dalry Council reads seaboard, chores. da) ' of last week in the person of Ntr. It is probably unnecessary to state as follows, as regards point: Domeep��sit�er:s2r'i.aeil�ii�joaheai Alexander t<ennedy, for many years a that the colt should be taught to eat awarded age of resident. She had reached tileto chopped or rolled os, bran, stn„ Flavor ................. 5 Bran, per ton, $62. shorts, per ton, 161, 94 years and death was due to the In- before the '#roes" of weanLng cow - Texture . .............. 15 Good teed flour, per bag. $3.76, flrniities of age. menoes, otherwise he will surely ■uf- Ineorporatton of moisture. 10 Farmers, market. -Sunny Brae," the lionie of lirand fer and grow thin. Experience has Color . ................ 10 Yait who,No. e, nominal. Ire'll firs• Jas, hbx, Brussels, was the scene taught all breeder: and , feeders of Salting ............ . ... 10 wheat- No. •2, nominal. of a very pretty wedding Sept. Sth. at stock that sudden of violent change Packing . .............. 10 Hoose wheat- No. 2, nominal. Barley -Halting and feed, notnlaaL hiss. noun, when their daughter. Nellie of diet or usage with any class of 100 lists-Notninat. McLean, %vas united in marriage to stock it' dangerous, and often expen- Total • • • • • • • Duck wneat-Nominal. Alexander G. MacDermott of the Stan- sive. When this to the came with The flavor of the butter to a very Rye -According to sample. norma" Peas-wccording to aample, nominal. dard Bank, Chatham. adult animals, it is reasonable to tu- In the Important point to consider, It - y A very pretty wedding was solem- D Oct it to be more marked Fiance, in order to avoid dan- should be clean and sweet without • ' CATTLE MARKETS nized at the home r,f Nir. and Nir,. Wednc•s- young. ger of digestive dlaeasea In the young, te'llut ot--.sax. kAA4,� ,An objeettoaible•Aavor,:iia-intattpr, John AlcCool, Wingham, on day of fast week, when ttlei^ only d trouble with the mammary digestive trou- l ow"kilj�Lit:'v►oult3 pre*6i t 6160rddely= TORONTO LIVE) sTocK. I daughter, Margaret Luella, w•aq united 9 -ads, and possibly ble In the dam, we should ewer - Ing a full score. Some defects In TORowro, sept. 30. -Receipts for the Week at the uu-1, Stock Yards were in marriage to lir. (leo. W. t(ehanfrr, Re\. Mr. Armstrung also, rise good judgement, and be satisfied flavor are more serious than others, 17a cars, 2,,51 cattle, 271 calved, 1,010 7,Itnmins, ont,., L to take considerable trouble when but many of these could be avoided hogs and a,usa snoep and lambs, officiating. weaning tho colt. by taking a little more cared BUFP•ALO LIVE wroese. A very pretty wedding wassolem- In moat cases the mammary ap 'The care In the stable and in the EAST BUFFALO, Sept. 2o.-catu� nized in Rt. James' church, Seaforth, Daretus le sills Quite Stilus, and a separator room is just as important Ftecalpts, 960; dull 900; .1 tower; is on Thursday morning of test \week, considerable quantity of milk to be- an the churning or the holding of the Calves-Kacerpts, to $20. +viten Visa Elizabeth Gertrude, daught Ing secreted when the owner decided butter afterwards. Hoge-Recelpu, 1,3oo; 160 to 26c er of air. and Nies. Conrad F:ckart that it la time to "wean the colt." If a judge should find two lots of higber; heavy, 413.50 Lo 419; mixed and to $I%: and Nfr. Charles Louis Br'all, of Re- The colt, In addition to the grass and butter with the same total score he yorkers, ria; light do., $16.50 iib W $,CLu; roughs, 113 to troll, we united In marriage. The B rain that it has been consuming, has would give the higher place to the pigs, 11y.26 ataga, jo ru ill. ceremony was performed by Rev. shun far been accustomed CO milk lot with the better flavor. Sheep ane uambs-Reeeipte, 1,400• Lu 4i6, pearlinga, $6 Father (loetz, P. P. also. In tact, milk has been Ms The texture of the butter is an- steady. Lamos, $6 to 310' wethers, $,.uo to is; ow", a lir. Joseph Wnbller, w'itlely known p principal diet, and, It suddenly de- other point that is taken into con- to •" tnixeu en"P. 47 to 47.50. in seafurth district, died on Saturday prlved of It he cannot avoid fretting, nideratioa. Butter Should have good body and waxy. ° CHIC.4,Go LIFE STOC c. eNeniag, Sept, lith, at his home in He had been in good health and failing in condition. Then again, ---firm butter that looked CH Ce4_:O, Sept. JJ•-q'attle-Receipts London. It in the secretion of milk td the mare You have cut 2,000s compared with a week ago, , a during the day and about o'clock will not cease all at once, and, unless good and remained firm on the plate, good to beat beer steers, 26c to 40c higher; others steady to 2oc higher; in- the afternoon started to hang a screen the glands be relieved of it, main- but you have also seen just the oppe- but between kinds, duti, irre,;olar, good door. Half an hour later he was mitis will be the result. Instead of to this butter that had a greasy the drops of moisture and choice veal calves, 25, Lo hoc high- and boils steady, stockers found hying in the btackvard dead. The deceased 60 milking the mare by hand, and, of apbearance. large and milky, and It beeq%e, soft er; otbers and feeders ateady to 25. hia.ter. was years of age. Nlisa Annie Ross away on v` eourept Makin$ no use o it, as Is Colt the when lett in the plate for a short Hobe -Receipts 2,ou0; twi.- at mostly passed usually dobe, the should get �Qg to tile. higher luau Sat,.,oay's aver- Sunday morning at her horse In Clin• benefit. Our Idea of the proper time. The judge comes across just as age; closing weak on neav; mixed and packing grades; top early. og.h; practical ton after an illness .,f eight mon Chs or method Of NeaIIing Is as roil Oiva: great contrasts when going through top • $17.90; bu1151 1 131 1 t 4utchere. so She was born in 1tanley town- to S17.6o: lit wet: i s. 122s to ship nn the 2nd roneesion fi5 years When It to decided that the colt shall be weaned, he should be placed in a the exhibits and acorea accord- 17.90; bulk, pa.:Ktt,Q so+,a, 416 to III ago, being a daughter of the late Don- comfortable box stall, by himself, or ingly. $Is.36; pigs, mostly 26, lower; bulk de- kinds, 116 to 416.76, old HnNa, and reaifi d in the G,w'nshi p with other colts that are being wean- To secure good texture It is neces- alrabte Sheep-Receipta, 3,0uo, as compared UP to 11 years ago. When afh•r the ed. There should be no mangers or sary to make use of suitable temper- with a week ago. wtatern lambs and death of her brother, Daniel Russ, she boxes into which he can rear or jump, atures and to work the butter In the right way. COOL the cream lmmedl- common to medium natives, mostly steady; good and choice native lambs named !n Cllntbn. and probably injure himself, and th0 atelp after separating and churn it at and 26c to 76c higher; fat yearlings aha lir. t'`'in. Faliott, of th,- Wonannnn door and walls should be so high a temperature that brie the g wethers steady to 26c lower; feeders, steady to strong; rat and breeding brick -Yard, received weird on Turs,iNy, a that he clingot jump gr tjlem or get 'T butter in nice firm granules in 20 to ewes, 26c to hoc lower. Elh,, 1',lii, that his brother, Nir. Gent his fore ee over. he dam should ft 30 minutes. (Too high temperature --"' F:Iliutt, had been ArrlriPtltNll+' Nhol at he clad, in a stall, or bettor, It can - means Bort butter and greater lose In - his home in Fault Rlr, Marie. Ont., venlent, kept In a box stall, not aeces the buttermilk). League Gets Down to Work. and" ha,l passed away shortly after sartly far removed from her foal. In The temperature of the wash water PARIS, Sept. 20. -The Council of the accident. The deceased gentleman fact, the writer bps made a practice should be such that It will not make the League of Nations has requested Premiere to furnish the spent ilia early life near Winghain hesng n son of Nir. ,Limes Elliott, form. of having the stalls adjoining, so that the dam and foal can see and the butter too hard or too soft for working. Work the butter by press- the allied conditions upon which mandates have ,'rip of the Wingham brick yar,t He h gp other, bad oaq�ot "T e - and v`N` in his 4+th year, tither, pVhethef? or not the mare M Ing It carefully and evenly. A sliding been granted the various powers for work, she should be or cutting motion will tend to make the exact boundaries established for required the butter greasy. Overworking should also be avoided. Butter is mandatory territories. - `_ f RE YOU RUN - DOWN P taken i� colla stall, or better, to the colt lead Co th dala's stall, and worked to make It compact and to distribute the salt and moisture even- DISTRICT GLEANINGS - •- n DO YOU �QCta Ambitl0il Lack Ambition allowQd to remain for 16 to 20 min - utes three times dally for i %&t or ly. When butter is cut the surface NNurd was received Lisl week of the on er. Leading the colt to the dam's .1.11 him should bW close and the drops of death in Edmonton. :Nltri., lit 11 r. ,l,ttin If i, in tp a good systeT of givint lessons iia moisture should be clear and very Me.Winils. a f(irllirr Ncell-kno\\n rest- one not Road health, life ie his deaf In ning for inure mtallies nut what It litiould he. We do not usefulness. baring the second week, The color of the butter should be dint of Wingham• elaini Vital TablM,% will bring a dead twice dally will be sufficient to ltvave work and bright. If the butter is not Nir. and Nirs. 1N'. C. Ri%ers, Exeter.- person to life, but vwe do claim that it them together, and atter this ailc2 worked enough the color will be un- announce the engagement of their yon take them for a time you will be dais radualljr ■her nin list y• g g even, although this is not noticeable dallghter, Elizabeth Irene, to Mr. .John a differerrt person, You will Ilse and length of the vwt Ato the mammal at the time of working. L. R,nliletivo, .,f Zurich, Rte nrarriaKe en,j,,,v life as you are not doing now: becomes practically Inactive. In this If the butter is too soft, the salt in tak,' pl,lre earn' in uetober. Kin- Th,�y are a \wonderful tonic. You will he surprised at Get 11 wa ettch gradually becomes Ice, s Y g should be mixed through it, and the Nir•. Nlexander WwDairnu,l, or yourself. a tom to be separated from. t. A butter placed where it will come to a los,. Novell kno\+n in l.rirknow, having from your druggist- Prft•e 50r a box other. The change of diet for the colt proper firmneas before working. By resided a few mile, ra,t before moving „r G for W.50 at all drug stores, or by is gradual, and he receives the bene- dotng this it will Score higher for to Finless, die,. al Isis home un Fri- *nail from The Scobell Drug d:u, :fon- fit of the milk that otherwise would both feature and color than it would til++'. Sept. 10th, aged 7O treat. Sold in t: xlerich at (:amVbell's Itr,ur ,tore. be wasted. It also lar`ely obviates tf worked to the Balt state. The salt Mr. U. 1'rquh,+rt one of Hensall'• danger of mamtultis In the mare, and g In the batter should be evenly distri- oldest and most rt-twetdd hnsifi.•« FAIR DAMS the the glands gradually become Inactive. buted and thoroughly dissolved. It men, hem , 1.1 I ,- Krairt elevalor and In the ineantime the col; should be Is better to have the butter salted oat meal mill 1„ Nir. r;eo. T. Nlickl,• F,,1i,ncinw arc the date,; announced allowed about all the well -saved elov- very lightly than to have 1t over- of Ridg,'I(ANn. .ill i•• r, i ring from, for fall fairs in this district, floderlrh is er, hay and chopped or rolled oats, salted. The popular butter at the limsiness. Illy earliest of the list e will conaumo. A satisnctor that hf y present time has mild clean flavor, The annual rxhihlil ll under the au Zrlr22-23 and palatable mixture is made by close body and light LiaittnB ptIlrrn Nrrirllnrtl ........ ............ ..Sept. ytyrfurlh`'' 23-2.1 putting s little cut bay and the ra- The finish or packing should also �,,,•i, ty, held at Hru-s,•I� „n 'i'll-dav ................ pt. Lurkno\\'Sept 2:1-2i tion of oats In a pall In the evening, be considered. In fact, the judge will ams N\'rdnesd,i� of I,1•I \", k \cess a .................... Haytlrld29-30 pouring come belling water on it, notice the appearance of the exhibit Kooti success and h1,1 \,rt' Pourable ................... ..sept. HIyUi.;nnrt 1 crwering with a rubber sheet and before he has had time to draw out v(Gillier ................ •• .tr.pt WinghamM Oct. 1 allowing it to stand until morning, alug of butter on his trier. Let the D (in w'edn,'a,lay afb'rno„n, sept Ath .............. ..v•pL Dungannon ort. 7-N then preparing another feed for the prints be well made - solid, even, , +r,rY pn•tly \\r•ddin¢ t.,uk play,• a1 ............... evening. Thla, with a ration of whole with clear-cut corners and the papers iii, ioo-ite of \rr amd Mr- lea\ul s:.tr- C1 hil d r e n C Crp uata, with a carrot or two at noon, In to the Rniount of whole wrapped neatly. ter, Fast \\ a\cano.h. %% hen their addition Butter tubs and boxes require a rJaii titer, NT,irv;ir, l .1 . her:iniv thf, wife FOR FLETCHER'S hay he will r,•qulre, usually given lining of parchment paper, and crocks of Nir C U. Lork<+„nd, of Sirilr„rd. /w C A T 4 R ! q excellent resulln. Of course, thin re - lime trnuhtp- should be In good condition, free I'h,• rrr,•rnon) ,++ ptrfnrn,rd h, lir\, ouires sontte turd and from cracks or breaks In the glazing. The top of a large package should - be smoothly finished and coveredd'6°. t g� neatly with parchment paper.r• f d, �• Butter for exhibition should be • k 1. ,� �, o made two days or more before the > F I c 4 j - fair to gtvt3 It time to become Bet. It x°' } tfi ;train 2� should be kept In a clean cool place lis star f 2 {ixb rl �rvA fiv, a� yea\� i at rs.y , on the farm, and be to the brought ii fair In the best possible condition. Butter made and rared for In this way will score higher than 1t would" w it made the morning of the fair, as is Sometimes the care. ' nix• , � • Do not feel dfsrouraged I1 you dor�•s.,,. F l JI `'r^ not secure the prizes that you hoped to win. Try again, remembering the little rhyme which gays, ti+•, "Good, better, beet, never let it rest, Till your good In better, and your v better, beet. -Miss Bette Millar, O. A. College. Guelph. � So KEMP EXPERT WATCHMAKERMob, �x its., NUM led 's "J �e aPl,t„ .«s, v P ✓'��"�'0' ru y t.„yaks j .. ,y�a ,. .s M titterts Pr•*tplM ssserteere Y ; .« 5 � `• r,W • , 4 ;y � s!'1 w. "'Will'ah or eIM4 we seri Its Mo" at" las WIT,� °'� , e(ierlC** WAUMMU . .... sE011I TAJ11, MME1.R 0% 11%9Pi UTION TOUR IW N%V4L 1'OAL ilgNtek, K1TKA, \1.Af liA.-f�rrattiry ,rt the Simms alll4l eb'tr�:'ileidre t VAvy, Jaapphttn Di+it•"q to mor.11r• and jumper, i.8keq an inVcctt.,.T boor of the na+al c-41 mtfle8 At `Zitkp 113+kA R � Obtain an • a.;:.r . . Interest in a SuccessfulB.usieners,s We are offering at $100 per shim 87o Cum%,"tiva Pntferred Stock rf (ga © f•omnlon Stock bonus) of a company which is Cine of the largest nw4acturw3 of c onfecticirwy. chocolate products and ice cream in CamdL This rapid gr'owtll of this Nniram both in Catlada and abrmd, is indicated by the fact that sales in 1920 were 14 times greater than those in the y k 1914. Write for our cifaAar fully dewrl'b► ing this invwtsiwv- r DOMM t0,N' -S�t�turs WISPOSIATIONJEJUNUTM "ISA04OP1111MI TCM0i'4T6,rK.MA IST. W. ' ' 1e1110"W"N i. detraMumme Net 40MIr1O1/. When Mrs In not coilvenlent lho kiiTI Always Servicesble,-Most pills lose will do very well without the prepay- their properties with age. Not so atton or food noted. When praette- with par-(uoletje .mYI:Kti,%Pic Pills. The able, the,additlou of cow's milk gives , pill mash N Nu copn ourd that their excellent results, but this to often not strength'itiid efMb110n1NLv Is pro wrv- easily obtainable. ing and the pill+ can be carried any - After the cult has ceased looklug \+there.+\ittinut fear of losing their po- for his dain, he should be alluwed to tenet' Thi+ is a quality that revv pills take darty tulerelse In a yard or pad. P`Rscse`- 'pills lost: their, Power- dock:, and his feet should be trimmed but not so with Parmelee',;. They at least monthly. Usually under these will itraintain their freelitiei.s and po- conditions, the wear to not equal to teney for a lung time. the growth, and It not attended to. Tho attitude or the 11rlUM Govera- the feet will become abnormal in also ment appears♦ to be to fat almost any - and shape, which may permanently I body land In Ireland, but as to that Injure him. Hence they should be , Man nix. m trimed to the natural sloe and �� shape, as conditions demand. -Prot, MW toRX.& J. H, Reed, v.d., O. A. College, toVaFee lissr91 VMS Guelph. nsera the ADVERTISE IN THE STAR ar Three Milhon New Customers fix- ` )r+'►� For Cana a Grain ' y --Produce --Manufactures .•.+-4a�^'tti>a9•„'plye,"� sw�w'a- ;110-;110-14so, 00114lr Secured by the West India Trade Agreement and Canadian Ships. By willingness and ability to pro- vide ships, Canada this year has drawn the West Indies closer to ' herself and to the Empire. She can makepreferential trade agree- ments with other peoples under the British Flag, without arousing i international compLcations. ••-Cr ,., , :.71 f yw � it rt .s ttt,SY`rt. Canadapommoes men with brains who will make three preferential trade agreements. But to make good thele trade agreements we - must have Canadian Shapes. �a The [Navy Leacue of Canada Electric W i rio n We speciahze in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give you an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones Motors Dynamos Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment •f the best;Electric Irons and Tenters made in Gonads ROBTe TA res - t ELECTRICIAN, WEST i-S'rRW fta•a 22 or 1441 ., ,: .. �., ,,_erww� '�.. ..�_ ,�-,... .,m�..�dr. .,.....m .. .,..,.+,•, 41���e:,,•t:u,al^:�Iai91�,:.:.:: �... ....,-u.d,v. a.,. �, xaL'.,¢. ...,.a^Y1,uaVfiuYW{,5.,,. aiYiC. ate. ,A.,..,,,..... ,. uaz.�,.9.a -... .'.._r. •..-. �..., ..., 'u..1�.'-�i.y.ra.� Y J i