HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 2HE P. LE i 5` ()W OPEN EOP l i ' We are now ready for business in 'e of All Kinds Auto Remir Fork tR K : e a,I M , 1, 1 A competent [mechanic on the job at all times and repairs promptly attended to at reasonable rates. UARANTEED MEASURE, DELIKIRIA GASOLINEFROM OUR V19181: MEASURE PON? We Buy and Sell Second -Hand Cars Free Air for Colovellieece of Patrons Give Us a Call J. Go McGEE Victoria Street Opposite Victoria Park talc. Rockies books are somewhere east of tic Rockies nn Theirvvay to Vancouve 'but as Kipling would may, "That rel"beas GM TL another story. in the poem I rete T18lIR�DAY REt'T 2 rd 1920. red to he tells strangers to beware his countrymen %••hen his countrym become pop/te. He does not mean SPINDRIFT this that Srltishers are usually an 1 polite people, but he does mean th when they wish -to exert their gra stelaoc Sanitation for Gaderleh. est form of Will they Invariably sh Manners all fanilliarity and bluster, and beco Why would it not be a good thing for guard polite• uthe guard spri guard and the Physical the Department of Education to inaug into action, at the same time reinfo orate a course in politeness in connec, Ing each other, and providing the m tion wilb ilio public school? Lately 1 complete­ defence ef a ce -- gains t having hove heard parents deploring the fact that children learn to be unmannerly any ni nneers i f Youak e called Upon to represents al, arshool to such an extent that the electors at council meetings to rep parental discipline has to be too eon• senting the country at largo in of stantly ext,relsed to keep them within lairds In shore -good manners ahs proper bounds when they are at home. Ploys "It, of course, be boys, nn0 paY• DERNIOT Mct:VOY some girls will be tom boys, till they inan into men and women, but Rood Which For you. An 0 anannere must nereamarily De combiti-• ed with boys' every day life "N tha boys are to he %cora, while boys, and station or 1V�arlatt s not merely t•mbryo heodlumm. The name applies to girls. Even tomboy- Possibly you think neither nee iijis ms is rendered not oply, permis aibte, but Manning, if it never ell' nary to recover your health, but d smashes on ihr Good manners of tha conceal to yourself, the foci that y girl who Just rah't help it. Good hraI It is not what it might be. manners never delracird from the en- „fay he subject to headache, atom joyrnent of the fullest freedom of ICKI- triable an necasional pain in the timate- pl,•asnro, and if properly or nervousness. These are the taught never will, but on the rontrar!r plollls of existing Kali stones in y vvUl add In aueh vnJoyment. it is net ayalam, and they demand yore q necessary fur a "•,5 to be a sissy for action ,f yott are to r'iraln hien W mho\\ rend mann rc, but i1 i! health. nee+t�nn for hen to see Unit others Like thousand. of oth„r, all have rights .,a w, 11 •1. hun�elf, and to Canada have done give `lariatt's tie careful 11,11 he do, �tt't "kilt in oo citle one trial, Iron, tht,,w Kra thr+n. people testlm„nlal• which aro at it i. not only 11r jun,or� %%ho need) disposal will convince your %fiat 4Nturutlnn r+l, nK th ”' lin". We have latt,s can accomplish fur yo+u all heard the old uayunr that %'hen a, .Ret A hottle today and try' one Baan lost his temper he behaved ' lik• $V l,,,vti. much better yon feel a a bull In a ,ghina shu ," and some of leers than satistled continue as uty readers no,% f,•ei t?tat the sayins retrdc• might be rhanKe,t to it "rove puncher Nlarlatt's speciflr i; for sale a in a Krorery PInrr•." TIu'rP is nntrilgp ,druggist. throughout I:unada. If like having good screens, even if you dealer cannot supply you write art, only lonkinr for surresc in sellmit free booklet to J. NY >I,rrltttl aux shoe *tring• „r sevthes. There Is a Turonto. Canada, vrry fiord alloxans in nnr of KIMing's ti�tectal Agent in Goderich, Ont., poems to tt+,' livre!c strrur:t'h of poliie• A. Campbell, Druggist Tie". 1' cad't put my hand on its ay PEOPLE'$ GARAGE, 99WJ6L3E33]1W OppipalTK VICTORIA PARK w ,i. ,1 � A Thi r,011514 -re" at . E fault Dort -Motor i. not their tswit, first t#,e +3 i Gray ' Some 'td ca ii n 'e. sn d of there lctd.ey in.:e the � �✓- tlpxit weak it dneyi+. Ia others htlzerht: { Cars r segetltofsneaoles,acarietfi+,er,d'l+ ` atxl other &!UUVn ad iscasvf - � Dovu's K"Aney Pills rue rvfect.'.y - t' cut t I safe read V cited ve [Or kidnt y weals- ; � s } > esu to p . tt soften vii ry lj?�. F'rest-O�Clte �ta-rage Dat" 1 to rusk a ass Id rs do n p l:= but iv i n 0r)"U's" it ins r•,rv; lt3st i. Us6 ter t • ,y�� (►� rnh t ct LvatCfs= tit« t;�k Leries,: RA �A _i F +a�""� 1, lta, �-Dry a ,e 3UJe a t5cy linos � urk-0 4ant � i taste. Ce�C1s I11I B. Citri toer, D"ler., Oat., ,. f � writcs:_A.I "sive two boys. c= eleven, — f the otber n.}ae, and from ,he t'rrlo tLf v i were two ytars ad they r+et t!,e fret:. An �'Xpert from the Lt -Air i I tied everyih �; ! could get to help LiC,tiide Society W111 Niue a de- i them. At Icor; Il. re UP }idle t~et' cr; }mother in-laxY told Me to try lauuu a n2<,t1Sil�ll}t?Tt of 1 eeyy )?,Ili. My, � Ut will you be- 1 pyo Welding l vvve that wilt one bole T tss;v`v a d -ffereiace �etylene g 1 in . I am on the4 ise� box and 1i the don't wet the bed tiny, more.' ` liertqu cc boc. a box at all dealers or i tnaile<t d"inset on r v*1itp��_ f, p=a by The ! Monday Sept. 27th T. Milburn Ca-, Litcited. Toronto. Ont Ally persons . having broken RGS castitlgs or pieces of any kind of 1liEfry 1'OR'IIiAI`f aP' DUKE OF- :C4:lil�il�,iilL'I', iVllO�W11,L lil3f7' INDIA. brt�l;en metal, bring them in _A new and exo{usive portrait of the Duke of Connaught, uncle of lung and hale there made as wood as earg George and former Governor General of Canada. The Duke, who i visit } a"'r"" skis, nCtr. old, will visit India soon as the representative of the King• old, the place of the proposed visit o; the Prince of Wales, whloh has been ��� � , postponed. u pole slate is ubft w- 71a�air All Tires on sale at a big,reduction in price cobalt f3aa Fin' Coat W cattier. 1atbw% drink kat of worst ____ _ __ Willi Alakp q`rlp to the Moon. s m Mt immtat. . WORCESTER, Mass- S(I '10.-- detheaCOBALT, Sept. EO.ranc r coats e made their first appearance of the �..,�.._ pips and Greats��s' of all kinds r. prof. Robert H d Goodard of Clark year an the streets on Saturday. They "test sa University declares he will make a ,Were needed. A cold, bitter wind �?wmass" r- publle demonstration within a month was blowing, and In most blocks the 11BI acne, doe't get mates Special prices on oils bought in five gallon ors. of with a small working model of his steam made its tnfual appearance. It to 1(i6d yov atottoach with a Fxd=rnp __---- en teal fall day. VA" �ft tib iEi "" *Ad 6Mtate rocket, successive he claims by the prim- was a typical te** MUSTY treat. Kong ki wss D, tot of oon. sivt shames will travel F, No 7M ko0 1 Chevrolet Car for sale cheap In to itis moan. But he confesses beteg 'Wraneet Orissa Sack f3,eda• � a ttniXd, has's�ais at cramped for necessary money to cons- CONSTANTINO•PLE, Sept. 20:-- � i1 the bode ntinouis at- pieta the experiment. "The Smith- Cavalry forces of Gen. Wrangel, the WLBI ggmialatm thsaa to their nos- This Car 1S in OOd running order. utl onion Institute backed me for Ib,000,Blau sad sa}ivi The tonsuou of the Im- —_ - ma but that to practically exhausted an South driven back I the sReds on themy, �e0d, In q,� hour cal n odeia" be Bald. "And 1 really t- Oriekbov front, it was announced iipey 41 � tt ��re� } c- not know where a took for the great- ed'sklin$ Ord arts rc- or ohm to make a definite trip to the here Saturday. The Bolsheviks have � �* ao we oaa � idd- retreated beyond Takmak. the vital importance, of kaeI - - ak Moon."noysmom oil i more ()onstablas Slain and Wounded. Dtin lot, of w6te�'—tau can't drink do -vacation', Miners Back at Work. LIMERRICK, Ireland, Sept. 20.— firs rafts"; also Vt from any ppharmacist Holland na BAZLETON, Pa., Sept. 20,— Oen- A constabulary patrol was ambushed .abort lour ounces of Jed Ct e T. Pe. oral resumption of operations in the ;near Abbeytesle Sunday. Constable a "Wespoonful in 4 glaaa of water for a few • het anthracite coal fields, with the ex- a7m coition of thl, Schuylkill district, 1s I constable was killed and the chief lefors brealtfaur tlsornims predicted here by odletals of the Unit- constable and another constable were r 41sys and ug "its is from the _ ed Mine Workers. The tnaSoritc of i wounded. avid i1reP� and ietaota jnio0. camblaed _ , the "vacation" strikers, they declar- ldlas Amertea won the Gold Chat- with lithia, and has been used for goners, ed, have voted to return to work lease Cup by winning Tuesday's rase flaw to teem and ,stimulate clogged kid- p' pending efforts of the policy commit- ; at Detroit. She aRerat(e(1 11.48 miler[ sm., osier to neutralise the acids is L8TA1jISHED IS72 tee to re -open the wage net;otiatida- I on. hoar. Brite, t u e longer is a sourcewalk a seri talion, thus ending bladdea' wcalnteaa• • Jail salts is inexpensive:. eammot in- �re maces a dalt�btfut egwwewml BUSINESS TERMS oeR_n't THE GRAVES DECORATED Itihta�•watW drink which erer�oae should on'i $as now mad than to keep then' kid- � yl OT1i1NG is so disconcerting our tau,. clean and active. Try We, alto � /� u � N you A List of Those Whose Graves in Maitlapd Cemetery Were `Decor- keen up drill aria drinking,, D ag continual changes, We art, sled Sept. 12thbtk tawvbl" tuW baotmbe of side _ yin- _ - try to keep our relations with vtUD nick A List of Those lVhace Grapes In Afallasdof e ht`ge`vvho»e Decorated \1Nitland POpITLA\D A\D ATLANTIC ('.OA business men Ona stable basis, The fnlln%ing It -t gives the none The Grand Trunk off era day and night your through service between Montrea.1 and cemetery yverr dec•oraled by the various societies on the occasion n[ the d+ Portland, leaving Atuntreal dailyat 8.80 coralion day ra'rvice on Sunday, Sept. 12th • _-• not changing with every fluctua- i +Wer A. M. and 8.'20 1'.- .arriving Portland g�bp ^L ape- c. w. ! • ;` • ,'iiAMIL; OtN tion of the money market. Heber Powell at i.80 Y. !f. and 7.�0 A. ltf., Yarldr-Date Kral Arlhur Riley Harry Ervine Your Geo. Thompson T. A. Connon Cap(. G. AleNerin car service ou day train, between cars on night train. No change between Mon- i -Nlar- Lindsay Burrows -AM ' Ju -It leis Lhe Rravr. of the unidentified sailor, in the sailors' plot, which w'er'e conato lordportland,dthe slands ofoCasch dose. alms decurated by tilt' uthcl >otteties. Pay, scarboro Beach, ProutB Creek, OF H ���T�� nt It CANADIAN FORF-STERri Old Orebard, Kennebuak, Biddeford BANK dir- W. Pennington il. Fulford Peel, etc. For illustrated descriptive t.UDERIC1i BRANCH, Jos. Wilson Arthur Townsend (.has. Thomas literature, with list of hotels and all in A, J, MaKAY, VABAGER, 1 all D. Cameron kirth Stokes Thos. Lucas formation, apply to any Grand Trunk your Ans. Tait O, E. Munro Jac. Stewart Agent, or C. E. Horning, D. P. A., for Wm. HaacAe Jonathan Aliller deo• Pridlram Toronto, Out. Rh ' c 1 (sto• yea Thos. Sneyd A. Bernie Co., -- A. B. Henderson los. Wells R. Fulford �yart_ on the hand; is a distlrut'u C• Crabb 1i'. AleCreath Harry Walson has. A. Hurray Wm. Young sent that troubles tunny' ladies. (Hole J. Willis Jno• Precious lo%ay^s Cure Cure will remove lhr rias, Thomas D. Stoddart Thos. Burrow's os Th. Ginn blemishes vcit4tout pain. deo. f.Ieadcnning rias. Watson D. C. Strachan W. Ellis Acetylene Welding W Mahe J. C. Harlin Neil Campbell if people were Kicen n41 they pray Bruce Holmes Ano. Afclntyrc for the world would have to be cn- Rev. J. A. Anderson AND ALL KINDS OF 1n addition to these the f011ovving memb.,ra of Court t.odorich are in- larged. Work tarred in Colborne cemetery: Oil Sync ds Repair and Machine Rich. Gibbs W. Lashom W. Fisher Itarvey, Howell ODDFELLOWS � DONE BY Wm Babb Russell Oke Budge Halt THE pOTY ENGINEE'RtNG CO., Ltd. Mason Bel! P• McFarlane J. Yule " Thos. Brophey deo, Willie Geo. !hompson R. M. Smith Geo. Hlgginsou WORKS AT THE DOCK,RiODERIGH 'Phone Z80 Jno. Butler S• titration W. Thompson W. Wilson Gro, Carroll W. H. Harney Farmers and otters having broken castings can have •came repaired M. McDonald H. W. Bail Win. Aldous t11e sway fttm=But falie7it tai good ab new on short notice, at moderate Dai• F. Piatt J. Emmerton Jno. Roberts aurmong and irritmtton of rexanaa." judge Toms Geo, Henderson A. Murray wrlloe Mise A• Gallant. of tit- � Jno. Bruce H. !:lone A. Graham Reg. Blackstone Capt. Babb N]obofaM, P.E.I. "Igor a year R. Campbell H. Reid sasared with tble dlsew. and triad B. cid H, McKenzie IL McDonald A. Thompson III Thompson all kinds of remedies, but nothing 7. F• Bates A. C. Martin W. T. Kayys kelp" ma until I used Zam BnEL. Les. Currell Jas. Watson E• Campalone The continued use of this herbal EWEN Mr. Hyslop Wm. Leeme- Alex. Alex. Kirkbride Ano. Nairn taAtm pros ootm91eb1y cnrel me. Henry Robinson JMr.os Jefferson n Ayth is gh It to [tow two Tram at Mr. Kyte W, L. Horton Jos. i5tiadc since this core was sQaatAd, 1Aare • • i W. Mitchell Neil Campbell 1 Dr. Reg. Shannon h,w been no retml'n of the diaeasa,. w A%BirnieRdd Jas, Andrews J• Old yam -DUEL is eCtta117► ti«id for A. Thompson - rladworm, ' scalp soros, •pimple ; Garage-` ti amilton Street C -. ORANGEMEN balls, teething rash. T. Burrows fl,. Fharman nu&;' %tears, old 801abacassa", J. H. Elliott k. M. Todd T. Hall 6" tet% blood•{idaonlnt, 0114. lis _ McLean w, richbourne cots, burns, scalds sad brutsaa, All ' lolls-, epp�i Sale d. Rusk ►J 6A► c I. Miller 1, CresB8ie A. Wilfan SRR . R. Tiahbourne A. C. Martin R. Thompson dasher or 7Am-Bak t)e., 'Parmtc6 J. Reid J. Kilpatrick kis box, f for 'SERVICE A. !Nilson E. flapper K- itum n O OF J. wen4 T. Rutledge W. Rumball Wiley K. !V Young 1:, Henderson G w Geo, Burrows K. J .Elnalt W. Wilson Henry Doak T. Johnson A. Burk M. Donnelly R. Johnson Ai, Menrtein �► ;'Ne "I X L" is a strictly Canadian -]wade Storage w Ben R. FIllett A, Elliott D. llcBrien W. McCabe J, Brownlee d•' ES Battc'lrv, made by Canadian workmen. H. N. Johnston W. Hutton 1 TI The "I \ L" is made in all sizes and suitable for J• E- Wafllm R. Aiellwain , all snakes ()f cars. 1 ,r We have a large supply of A year's guarantee with every "I X I." Battery. Motor Car � k No better Battery is in service. Ne better Battery 1 _� ;`{ swvke Tires on hand, all makes. is sold. lea better Battery is made. There are many t not nearly as good. We have installed a complete and up-to-date re- charging outs. and -can attend to till customers' needs promptly and sit soder ate cost. :4tott should have good lights 'irir your car. The days are get- tilig shorter, the nights longer, and better light is always desir- able. Have an "I X L" Battery installed on your Ford car. It rusts all right, but it has poor 'lights. The best that any car rail have is at Your service— head, tail and dash ­easily in- s talled and at small cost. a ;mill plialstd to talk r twine yon. Let us„tel3 yaxt snt�re abq>at 311. See us any PEOPLE"S ARAGOE TSE �. j. 0. McGEE Vito, Vlotolrla ftr* Mti(s'Rarlat Stow" Vd AtfMICAN AdR:lta AUM tea suea...s..-• _ Games photographed at AnI ready for a practice plunge in the peol.l '4 d'1'ORaC� rmpic I �F it s a spark p uta'-- tube--oH—ftPairs Of any kind --or If its a new car, came to us. We are equaled to supplyall your needs at tau Prices. One of the most 1m; portant factors in the efficient operation of pour car is correct lubrication. Wis have the three Fades of Imperial Polar- tntiN and the Imperial Chart of Reontamenda- tions which speci5ta the rwrrect-grad* for .evilt'lr pima every time Buy in 5 -gallon Lots sales some I Goodyear Dunlop Dominion Royal Oak Goodrich Maltese Cross Standard Kelly -Springfield Gair#tnteed for 3500 to 7 Miles' r y r •R' tR K : e a,I M , 1, 1 A competent [mechanic on the job at all times and repairs promptly attended to at reasonable rates. UARANTEED MEASURE, DELIKIRIA GASOLINEFROM OUR V19181: MEASURE PON? We Buy and Sell Second -Hand Cars Free Air for Colovellieece of Patrons Give Us a Call J. Go McGEE Victoria Street Opposite Victoria Park talc. Rockies books are somewhere east of tic Rockies nn Theirvvay to Vancouve 'but as Kipling would may, "That rel"beas GM TL another story. in the poem I rete T18lIR�DAY REt'T 2 rd 1920. red to he tells strangers to beware his countrymen %••hen his countrym become pop/te. He does not mean SPINDRIFT this that Srltishers are usually an 1 polite people, but he does mean th when they wish -to exert their gra stelaoc Sanitation for Gaderleh. est form of Will they Invariably sh Manners all fanilliarity and bluster, and beco Why would it not be a good thing for guard polite• uthe guard spri guard and the Physical the Department of Education to inaug into action, at the same time reinfo orate a course in politeness in connec, Ing each other, and providing the m tion wilb ilio public school? Lately 1 complete­ defence ef a ce -- gains t having hove heard parents deploring the fact that children learn to be unmannerly any ni nneers i f Youak e called Upon to represents al, arshool to such an extent that the electors at council meetings to rep parental discipline has to be too eon• senting the country at largo in of stantly ext,relsed to keep them within lairds In shore -good manners ahs proper bounds when they are at home. Ploys "It, of course, be boys, nn0 paY• DERNIOT Mct:VOY some girls will be tom boys, till they inan into men and women, but Rood Which For you. An 0 anannere must nereamarily De combiti-• ed with boys' every day life "N tha boys are to he %cora, while boys, and station or 1V�arlatt s not merely t•mbryo heodlumm. The name applies to girls. Even tomboy- Possibly you think neither nee iijis ms is rendered not oply, permis aibte, but Manning, if it never ell' nary to recover your health, but d smashes on ihr Good manners of tha conceal to yourself, the foci that y girl who Just rah't help it. Good hraI It is not what it might be. manners never delracird from the en- „fay he subject to headache, atom joyrnent of the fullest freedom of ICKI- triable an necasional pain in the timate- pl,•asnro, and if properly or nervousness. These are the taught never will, but on the rontrar!r plollls of existing Kali stones in y vvUl add In aueh vnJoyment. it is net ayalam, and they demand yore q necessary fur a "•,5 to be a sissy for action ,f yott are to r'iraln hien W mho\\ rend mann rc, but i1 i! health. nee+t�nn for hen to see Unit others Like thousand. of oth„r, all have rights .,a w, 11 •1. hun�elf, and to Canada have done give `lariatt's tie careful 11,11 he do, �tt't "kilt in oo citle one trial, Iron, tht,,w Kra thr+n. people testlm„nlal• which aro at it i. not only 11r jun,or� %%ho need) disposal will convince your %fiat 4Nturutlnn r+l, nK th ”' lin". We have latt,s can accomplish fur yo+u all heard the old uayunr that %'hen a, .Ret A hottle today and try' one Baan lost his temper he behaved ' lik• $V l,,,vti. much better yon feel a a bull In a ,ghina shu ," and some of leers than satistled continue as uty readers no,% f,•ei t?tat the sayins retrdc• might be rhanKe,t to it "rove puncher Nlarlatt's speciflr i; for sale a in a Krorery PInrr•." TIu'rP is nntrilgp ,druggist. throughout I:unada. If like having good screens, even if you dealer cannot supply you write art, only lonkinr for surresc in sellmit free booklet to J. NY >I,rrltttl aux shoe *tring• „r sevthes. There Is a Turonto. Canada, vrry fiord alloxans in nnr of KIMing's ti�tectal Agent in Goderich, Ont., poems to tt+,' livre!c strrur:t'h of poliie• A. Campbell, Druggist Tie". 1' cad't put my hand on its ay PEOPLE'$ GARAGE, 99WJ6L3E33]1W OppipalTK VICTORIA PARK w ,i. ,1 � A Thi r,011514 -re" at . E fault Dort -Motor i. not their tswit, first t#,e +3 i Gray ' Some 'td ca ii n 'e. sn d of there lctd.ey in.:e the � �✓- tlpxit weak it dneyi+. Ia others htlzerht: { Cars r segetltofsneaoles,acarietfi+,er,d'l+ ` atxl other &!UUVn ad iscasvf - � Dovu's K"Aney Pills rue rvfect.'.y - t' cut t I safe read V cited ve [Or kidnt y weals- ; � s } > esu to p . tt soften vii ry lj?�. F'rest-O�Clte �ta-rage Dat" 1 to rusk a ass Id rs do n p l:= but iv i n 0r)"U's" it ins r•,rv; lt3st i. Us6 ter t • ,y�� (►� rnh t ct LvatCfs= tit« t;�k Leries,: RA �A _i F +a�""� 1, lta, �-Dry a ,e 3UJe a t5cy linos � urk-0 4ant � i taste. Ce�C1s I11I B. Citri toer, D"ler., Oat., ,. f � writcs:_A.I "sive two boys. c= eleven, — f the otber n.}ae, and from ,he t'rrlo tLf v i were two ytars ad they r+et t!,e fret:. An �'Xpert from the Lt -Air i I tied everyih �; ! could get to help LiC,tiide Society W111 Niue a de- i them. At Icor; Il. re UP }idle t~et' cr; }mother in-laxY told Me to try lauuu a n2<,t1Sil�ll}t?Tt of 1 eeyy )?,Ili. My, � Ut will you be- 1 pyo Welding l vvve that wilt one bole T tss;v`v a d -ffereiace �etylene g 1 in . I am on the4 ise� box and 1i the don't wet the bed tiny, more.' ` liertqu cc boc. a box at all dealers or i tnaile<t d"inset on r v*1itp��_ f, p=a by The ! Monday Sept. 27th T. Milburn Ca-, Litcited. Toronto. Ont Ally persons . having broken RGS castitlgs or pieces of any kind of 1liEfry 1'OR'IIiAI`f aP' DUKE OF- :C4:lil�il�,iilL'I', iVllO�W11,L lil3f7' INDIA. brt�l;en metal, bring them in _A new and exo{usive portrait of the Duke of Connaught, uncle of lung and hale there made as wood as earg George and former Governor General of Canada. The Duke, who i visit } a"'r"" skis, nCtr. old, will visit India soon as the representative of the King• old, the place of the proposed visit o; the Prince of Wales, whloh has been ��� � , postponed. u pole slate is ubft w- 71a�air All Tires on sale at a big,reduction in price cobalt f3aa Fin' Coat W cattier. 1atbw% drink kat of worst ____ _ __ Willi Alakp q`rlp to the Moon. s m Mt immtat. . WORCESTER, Mass- S(I '10.-- detheaCOBALT, Sept. EO.ranc r coats e made their first appearance of the �..,�.._ pips and Greats��s' of all kinds r. prof. Robert H d Goodard of Clark year an the streets on Saturday. They "test sa University declares he will make a ,Were needed. A cold, bitter wind �?wmass" r- publle demonstration within a month was blowing, and In most blocks the 11BI acne, doe't get mates Special prices on oils bought in five gallon ors. of with a small working model of his steam made its tnfual appearance. It to 1(i6d yov atottoach with a Fxd=rnp __---- en teal fall day. VA" �ft tib iEi "" *Ad 6Mtate rocket, successive he claims by the prim- was a typical te** MUSTY treat. Kong ki wss D, tot of oon. sivt shames will travel F, No 7M ko0 1 Chevrolet Car for sale cheap In to itis moan. But he confesses beteg 'Wraneet Orissa Sack f3,eda• � a ttniXd, has's�ais at cramped for necessary money to cons- CONSTANTINO•PLE, Sept. 20:-- � i1 the bode ntinouis at- pieta the experiment. "The Smith- Cavalry forces of Gen. Wrangel, the WLBI ggmialatm thsaa to their nos- This Car 1S in OOd running order. utl onion Institute backed me for Ib,000,Blau sad sa}ivi The tonsuou of the Im- —_ - ma but that to practically exhausted an South driven back I the sReds on themy, �e0d, In q,� hour cal n odeia" be Bald. "And 1 really t- Oriekbov front, it was announced iipey 41 � tt ��re� } c- not know where a took for the great- ed'sklin$ Ord arts rc- or ohm to make a definite trip to the here Saturday. The Bolsheviks have � �* ao we oaa � idd- retreated beyond Takmak. the vital importance, of kaeI - - ak Moon."noysmom oil i more ()onstablas Slain and Wounded. Dtin lot, of w6te�'—tau can't drink do -vacation', Miners Back at Work. LIMERRICK, Ireland, Sept. 20.— firs rafts"; also Vt from any ppharmacist Holland na BAZLETON, Pa., Sept. 20,— Oen- A constabulary patrol was ambushed .abort lour ounces of Jed Ct e T. Pe. oral resumption of operations in the ;near Abbeytesle Sunday. Constable a "Wespoonful in 4 glaaa of water for a few • het anthracite coal fields, with the ex- a7m coition of thl, Schuylkill district, 1s I constable was killed and the chief lefors brealtfaur tlsornims predicted here by odletals of the Unit- constable and another constable were r 41sys and ug "its is from the _ ed Mine Workers. The tnaSoritc of i wounded. avid i1reP� and ietaota jnio0. camblaed _ , the "vacation" strikers, they declar- ldlas Amertea won the Gold Chat- with lithia, and has been used for goners, ed, have voted to return to work lease Cup by winning Tuesday's rase flaw to teem and ,stimulate clogged kid- p' pending efforts of the policy commit- ; at Detroit. She aRerat(e(1 11.48 miler[ sm., osier to neutralise the acids is L8TA1jISHED IS72 tee to re -open the wage net;otiatida- I on. hoar. Brite, t u e longer is a sourcewalk a seri talion, thus ending bladdea' wcalnteaa• • Jail salts is inexpensive:. eammot in- �re maces a dalt�btfut egwwewml BUSINESS TERMS oeR_n't THE GRAVES DECORATED Itihta�•watW drink which erer�oae should on'i $as now mad than to keep then' kid- � yl OT1i1NG is so disconcerting our tau,. clean and active. Try We, alto � /� u � N you A List of Those Whose Graves in Maitlapd Cemetery Were `Decor- keen up drill aria drinking,, D ag continual changes, We art, sled Sept. 12thbtk tawvbl" tuW baotmbe of side _ yin- _ - try to keep our relations with vtUD nick A List of Those lVhace Grapes In Afallasdof e ht`ge`vvho»e Decorated \1Nitland POpITLA\D A\D ATLANTIC ('.OA business men Ona stable basis, The fnlln%ing It -t gives the none The Grand Trunk off era day and night your through service between Montrea.1 and cemetery yverr dec•oraled by the various societies on the occasion n[ the d+ Portland, leaving Atuntreal dailyat 8.80 coralion day ra'rvice on Sunday, Sept. 12th • _-• not changing with every fluctua- i +Wer A. M. and 8.'20 1'.- .arriving Portland g�bp ^L ape- c. w. ! • ;` • ,'iiAMIL; OtN tion of the money market. Heber Powell at i.80 Y. !f. and 7.�0 A. ltf., Yarldr-Date Kral Arlhur Riley Harry Ervine Your Geo. Thompson T. A. Connon Cap(. G. AleNerin car service ou day train, between cars on night train. No change between Mon- i -Nlar- Lindsay Burrows -AM ' Ju -It leis Lhe Rravr. of the unidentified sailor, in the sailors' plot, which w'er'e conato lordportland,dthe slands ofoCasch dose. alms decurated by tilt' uthcl >otteties. Pay, scarboro Beach, ProutB Creek, OF H ���T�� nt It CANADIAN FORF-STERri Old Orebard, Kennebuak, Biddeford BANK dir- W. Pennington il. Fulford Peel, etc. For illustrated descriptive t.UDERIC1i BRANCH, Jos. Wilson Arthur Townsend (.has. Thomas literature, with list of hotels and all in A, J, MaKAY, VABAGER, 1 all D. Cameron kirth Stokes Thos. Lucas formation, apply to any Grand Trunk your Ans. Tait O, E. Munro Jac. Stewart Agent, or C. E. Horning, D. P. A., for Wm. HaacAe Jonathan Aliller deo• Pridlram Toronto, Out. Rh ' c 1 (sto• yea Thos. Sneyd A. Bernie Co., -- A. B. Henderson los. Wells R. Fulford �yart_ on the hand; is a distlrut'u C• Crabb 1i'. AleCreath Harry Walson has. A. Hurray Wm. Young sent that troubles tunny' ladies. (Hole J. Willis Jno• Precious lo%ay^s Cure Cure will remove lhr rias, Thomas D. Stoddart Thos. Burrow's os Th. Ginn blemishes vcit4tout pain. deo. f.Ieadcnning rias. Watson D. C. Strachan W. Ellis Acetylene Welding W Mahe J. C. Harlin Neil Campbell if people were Kicen n41 they pray Bruce Holmes Ano. Afclntyrc for the world would have to be cn- Rev. J. A. Anderson AND ALL KINDS OF 1n addition to these the f011ovving memb.,ra of Court t.odorich are in- larged. Work tarred in Colborne cemetery: Oil Sync ds Repair and Machine Rich. Gibbs W. Lashom W. Fisher Itarvey, Howell ODDFELLOWS � DONE BY Wm Babb Russell Oke Budge Halt THE pOTY ENGINEE'RtNG CO., Ltd. Mason Bel! P• McFarlane J. Yule " Thos. Brophey deo, Willie Geo. !hompson R. M. Smith Geo. Hlgginsou WORKS AT THE DOCK,RiODERIGH 'Phone Z80 Jno. Butler S• titration W. Thompson W. Wilson Gro, Carroll W. H. Harney Farmers and otters having broken castings can have •came repaired M. McDonald H. W. Bail Win. Aldous t11e sway fttm=But falie7it tai good ab new on short notice, at moderate Dai• F. Piatt J. Emmerton Jno. Roberts aurmong and irritmtton of rexanaa." judge Toms Geo, Henderson A. Murray wrlloe Mise A• Gallant. of tit- � Jno. Bruce H. !:lone A. Graham Reg. Blackstone Capt. Babb N]obofaM, P.E.I. "Igor a year R. Campbell H. Reid sasared with tble dlsew. and triad B. cid H, McKenzie IL McDonald A. Thompson III Thompson all kinds of remedies, but nothing 7. F• Bates A. C. Martin W. T. Kayys kelp" ma until I used Zam BnEL. Les. Currell Jas. Watson E• Campalone The continued use of this herbal EWEN Mr. Hyslop Wm. Leeme- Alex. Alex. Kirkbride Ano. Nairn taAtm pros ootm91eb1y cnrel me. Henry Robinson JMr.os Jefferson n Ayth is gh It to [tow two Tram at Mr. Kyte W, L. Horton Jos. i5tiadc since this core was sQaatAd, 1Aare • • i W. Mitchell Neil Campbell 1 Dr. Reg. Shannon h,w been no retml'n of the diaeasa,. w A%BirnieRdd Jas, Andrews J• Old yam -DUEL is eCtta117► ti«id for A. Thompson - rladworm, ' scalp soros, •pimple ; Garage-` ti amilton Street C -. ORANGEMEN balls, teething rash. T. Burrows fl,. Fharman nu&;' %tears, old 801abacassa", J. H. Elliott k. M. Todd T. Hall 6" tet% blood•{idaonlnt, 0114. lis _ McLean w, richbourne cots, burns, scalds sad brutsaa, All ' lolls-, epp�i Sale d. Rusk ►J 6A► c I. Miller 1, CresB8ie A. Wilfan SRR . R. Tiahbourne A. C. Martin R. Thompson dasher or 7Am-Bak t)e., 'Parmtc6 J. Reid J. Kilpatrick kis box, f for 'SERVICE A. !Nilson E. flapper K- itum n O OF J. wen4 T. Rutledge W. Rumball Wiley K. !V Young 1:, Henderson G w Geo, Burrows K. J .Elnalt W. Wilson Henry Doak T. Johnson A. Burk M. Donnelly R. Johnson Ai, Menrtein �► ;'Ne "I X L" is a strictly Canadian -]wade Storage w Ben R. FIllett A, Elliott D. llcBrien W. McCabe J, Brownlee d•' ES Battc'lrv, made by Canadian workmen. H. N. Johnston W. Hutton 1 TI The "I \ L" is made in all sizes and suitable for J• E- Wafllm R. Aiellwain , all snakes ()f cars. 1 ,r We have a large supply of A year's guarantee with every "I X I." Battery. Motor Car � k No better Battery is in service. Ne better Battery 1 _� ;`{ swvke Tires on hand, all makes. is sold. lea better Battery is made. There are many t not nearly as good. We have installed a complete and up-to-date re- charging outs. and -can attend to till customers' needs promptly and sit soder ate cost. :4tott should have good lights 'irir your car. The days are get- tilig shorter, the nights longer, and better light is always desir- able. Have an "I X L" Battery installed on your Ford car. It rusts all right, but it has poor 'lights. The best that any car rail have is at Your service— head, tail and dash ­easily in- s talled and at small cost. a ;mill plialstd to talk r twine yon. Let us„tel3 yaxt snt�re abq>at 311. See us any PEOPLE"S ARAGOE TSE �. j. 0. McGEE Vito, Vlotolrla ftr* Mti(s'Rarlat Stow" Vd AtfMICAN AdR:lta AUM tea suea...s..-• _ Games photographed at AnI ready for a practice plunge in the peol.l '4 d'1'ORaC� rmpic I �F it s a spark p uta'-- tube--oH—ftPairs Of any kind --or If its a new car, came to us. We are equaled to supplyall your needs at tau Prices. One of the most 1m; portant factors in the efficient operation of pour car is correct lubrication. Wis have the three Fades of Imperial Polar- tntiN and the Imperial Chart of Reontamenda- tions which speci5ta the rwrrect-grad* for .evilt'lr pima every time Buy in 5 -gallon Lots sales some I Goodyear Dunlop Dominion Royal Oak Goodrich Maltese Cross Standard Kelly -Springfield Gair#tnteed for 3500 to 7 Miles'