HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-23, Page 1,� -
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" a mulrtbera of th0 Hamilton mot. Them be abdatd40t)
`� p OP (:ltlA arriYed to town on Saturdlty trip to liadeClCh Iday, ()q;hR
$lIat tau a
>K+tA}Rellow TcrOr;t ouE .noon, Pas motor oyoles. 'the nteotlug Of the oxaouliYa Of h I
y 0 r.
It . ,' t�-� �tj ice' .Ik ' •, The, t?<Irltlbet qt VflvlOriA 1St. choir were on an endurance last trip, and ford ItOar t e SRrfili
%% 111- ..tit ^*.F.�
t, �, ," At. . Ia11i a .� R4• i{t field 41 marshmstilow had motored t0 e d ° held an
�` Trade \va•l o b
a n and Friday ening n`4a com
and GI?41t• lrtvndif
Raapet I�OIItt FAI11I last Qaday al$ht. Aro\\Tt to ,Gaderlt{h h arrallga
...�f 11 t`d1rt 4ttir1t11R' 11'C{Itt 1R ti a 3uII a tRtat end I
Asia �f •R l►IItM 4 ,Theytlleft here flleutS t rinses
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3o Y to , Play latvrJalatb an •thele rett rn, 400 is ano, AweteatttttA�ct �� bethat
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, t Qpaa. 4k,' } Ci t 'lckib Aub ,ta 1 �tkad Niagara V,alfs. v made by way olN ivcathar Ir •Ilan. r vwT tart ° tl ' v
. � e ,: _#" ' ' �' + . ilfltls �ttlYlttll ObOter. to Q, k�: E lifty,' et;jFeot l,> Rte iti,Pr `),}1
a BAIL• a,
�drt t(a 1ltpplX�' tip ;7t. t4t•' $1%,44" .Ithd Si 1'ttrtlt r itORaR1t1n from" Gets Important Post i nualbR�r tlf 11►1ta13ta [rf�a# tk cl s
">lott�s .ilIi'Q . flerrt wriC7e t111i'pro�� 4,{�� ,11r8, }1: H,• Etat idaoa, These The Star fa Pleased City and puitla bet\voen these aJJd
a J hr note thea (tudarfrh, gvtvO or thrive
7tplr bath ai'•utfttl . teCitlly 4eknow- POlntment of sir, Arthur R, Ford, son the Onh, o ornthre ever expected,et�o
° dORtltlQti9 ar(s Ve t
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l� D Pt d 4 sim
1. 0 at►r? ladgMt by fRi@ GAmW flee In charge. of our tOtvitamau.•ttvv. J, E. Ford, to with the Oaaty.
"� '*"'t''a�'�trdtb'• �*anN Another Reepid,flfre{tker the Position Of managing editor of The briofa
tk '" Q' �p �111149- ?>t, London Free Press, and Iva extend tb
", Y ,U`• 3amuek r�rvQta, Kpj;a 8t, is The Free .Press cougritulallona on se- Nur-, Dcawned MO1oilti9
�a�Ira�a.s� M,K
another rreord' breaktf in pa tato grow. curing 8o good a nlan a �d lu Mr. Ford Alas Margaret IiogarlR, member of""""' Op+EICi— ,,� BIng this Beason. Six tubera suppik�d on securing a urs r r�y a well
..,.,......aa�� Y 1 ACtt�Avhich will known Fort William family.
Y a�aalaa• _ , ADA, by him to ¢ho Star on Monday real offer hini • seupe for his ability as a and employed ss nurse at Stn
weighed f% pounds, all Smooth and newspaper Paan, , \Ir. Ford a&q 3 1: halter
ti - �N,Q�e �r �•`a er sound. h,iSpitai, Was drowned in three inches
�oolCOmb Ills new dutfrz. Oc ber-l.t, tit water In a ditch beside the roars AAs
A Good Record at London II Alen's Frfdliy night when an automobile iia iti'
R.L'�,;j , - --L IN � 6iI . - --- . k blretln9 ou Mtnday erturncd. M(-- Junes, ) ,: , ` l
Mrs. Uurea, of Goifiorne TOtvnshlP. An invitatlot�ta eiteIIded to roon, and aaolhor aurael,
took fourth hl section 3; awrepstakrs oapeotaU,y goon{) wee; to hoar ati ad• hilutrd, \
71A. I -, L 'IBA�WAN FED Ir prA h drl
(' r. t e vor, were tllt-
class in the twtter-rnaking vofupetltion dress to be glen Byutdttyttt the fdaaonfo 7V lowabover.axfltvet tro[n
at the «' tarn ihilr. Her percentage Tom le, at 4a6 ulobe Of Jtondn). Sept. $tet ltas ret tAk '14 I s
* _ WANTED: =Men with t ird-class certi• NOTICE TO CREDITORS. vvas 98.35 and the highest tads 98.61, $tniLp, one of thodOpareiteultal Bads to a niece of AIfRs I. ag-
n Rcate wa--B which shows how{ cigse the eampeti- of lldarsball Field et r Jnr.
x )�i "ttlla Poaltton as watcnntan
s Li■ at once. {pply Box 121, Goderlch p. O, 1N THE ESTATE OF !DAM SCOTT DE- F ane t1
- A pIR
salt us to i
`= '
11 1. a
TorQ;j` Oq , rr
RthifltOlI "
G1040p 1ch-Arrlv4
0066 rich -Leave
Toil (I Arrive
Hamilton -Leave
ZZ ., , ,. c
1! RYE, EAR, r
At Bedford Hot(-
0esdaY, NOV. 17th,
,dkv, Nov. 181h, ai
1-�. I ` L scu l'T.
Tcwuher of Band
V rctnriA St next n,
lir ganist St. nPor
Piano, Pipe Organ
• Five-pii
For terms ,apply G
Licentiate London
land, Organist An
North St. Methodig
Publis Dre11toad o
CEASED, flan ryas. •'The True Success of Ldle c'Casiceew�o by gh' n'' qh trnlan. Frr�iti{Itamf'ut`lm4�scc account
�° WANTED, -Young man to act as as, NOTICE Is here Ivan m t all arsons one in a b) orb
1Y sis>;ant wetghmnn Must "Dd elttiCis having ctattna agalynsti the caste o� Adam G• C. L Field Day t� y, and doing with hip nal• it has been FO.anad that the aCt>b- )
and accurate to addition and subtraction. Scott late of th2. Townlbip of Hultett, In Tho annual sports of thu Colleglats business. Gard 11111111111g. Mr, Chan. K, dent urnurred when Air. 1fcAaa at I
&L 1y,y !n ecaon t GOt1ERICH P.i.E\FATOA the bounty or uron,-yooman, deceased JnstItute wtitt be held next Friday, Saunders has consented to a00 as chair• tempted {o a\vtrrve unto a lateral road
e!•�l•r�.�ir..,`... ., k T,r1Al+)S1T CO, who died On or about the 24th d qI man. Tell otgere t0 some. Uomo and In ardor •� i';,'°
• * June, t949, are requtt•e( to delver t �Joho Oct. ist, at the agricultural gr0uads, br{n to avnkl crashing fntq a bar- `
DOMESTIC WANTED,-YOunlr girl allow Fingland ane Atlttlilam Patterson, the axe.) beginning at 9 a, M. The students are x Your trtoncie with you. Mr, Smith Meade at the a
JlJ 17 to
assist with two children and cutOPS or the said estatq, or W Brydone practising for these events slid some Is a GOdetich young man veno has made upon tvhfrh hr pPCUaCh to N bridge•
do light housework, Fine dome for right solicitor, On or befora, the 39th d o hail • coma soddenly,
4I , 0uranae Co. of Canada girl. Opportunity to attend nlggt aehae>) 6eptembor, R14o, s Cull ptatement their keen comPe-Utlun is expected. The QOOd in the great \teatetn Metropolis, `Ilsx FtuKarlh was a
Ir desired. State salary expected to Bos claims together with Public are invited to be G. C i, .Erin tt�enl ' Young woman or
i A y,, 67t, STAR. particulars thereof present at rdt°b ltMlely y years of ei6c•, and had almost k
and the nature of the aecurtties, 1f any those sporty, to which no admission Tire eltFctluns tit lhr'LltrrarY Society vOr"Pleted tier hospital training
WANTED. -Two reamers. 8choo► girls dje°t. by them, all du verloe4 by aRl fir la charged- of the Colla• INtr
1. ros g Institute for the fall !heel Plan) to Mort in Spring
r preferred. Apply at STAR OFFICE. AND TAKE NOTICE filet atter the said =-`=_--== -_ :_ z .__ - trrrtt were hold un Thursday, ,;rptem-
us and Progressive last mentiohed data A dlspatih from Sarnia, dated Sept
WANTED AT ONCE. -A com competent Site sold executors AYJC3r10N SALES her ttith, tivith the following results: 17th, randy. 9'he Lake Huron 9t, 1
D girl wltl proceed to distribute the estate of the Honorary +';, for general house work. Apply to said deceased amongst the persons entit_ CLEARINO AUCTION SA E OF FARM y plesldent, F.rnral Lrr; pre- Corporation wfl!' art5nitt t0 take over
�,• �_ - - c Ann M MRS. R. J. ACHE ON, Nelson Street. led Thereto having re .etch only t such v STOCK. sidont, toss F:rnma V1'all,rre; iAt vice
x, $105,71I,WO.00 claims as They allali %ave received due president. Eric heir land on the Indian Reserve south
' I� p..l GAL r 0.OV ANTED. -Large quantities of cord notice and to accoadan0 therewith. Mit_ ALBERT GOOD 1t'lixnn: 2nd vice Of the rill•. which they will use for the
- aVUViwY wood required, all kinds. State whit Dated at Clintn this 71h day of Septerri• will sell at hla premisys on the Dlvlslor. president, %its% Martin Lie; seeretary. IA large ytrr! amriter, which is to be Othe
MA en you have to offer and price laid down it bar, A, D„ 1999, Linewill, Bmunlll is uu Gharirs Nairn; treasurer, Jamey tiar-
- - 416, S�,wt1LW Goderlch, Give f nest r rove; planist, Miss Jirnn Cha ytruetrd there, In About ti0 days, it
2111 4 Particulars. Boa R. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 44th, 1020, Chapman, edl- vv v
,�l'ud,.Life Will prove asafe. vestment. Con- Solicitor for the said i"Cutr. commencing at 1.30 o'clock, the following: tors. Lionel Macklin, `figs Evelyn a. nnnnunrrd Ntlrr a conference Der
ANTED. -Two laeLes of reanement.t Ono geheru Goldthor P, Y hvren the vBic/els of the
I 1.11l i a your age, W purpose mare, t years old, P Atiss Ilurulhy Dancey; and the corporation
,,... re resent large old estailli$ ed Naw VOTERS LIST NOTICE i gener,'al purppose mare, 7 ears old; 1 press Secretaries, .\ilAs [loruth Mar- 5arnla reserve band of Indians
YorY Ouse for this place (aoderich). drving mare, 8 years old, quiet for wom. %hall. Alex. Hume; counr othy--Wil_ at Cllr rnuneit house on the reserve,
: t� D Permanent position, Yielding good income VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. an to drive;f Percheron colt, 1 year 014: The ul}jrlels detlnitrlY stair that ttYb
EI, R. LONG District Agent Experience unnecessary, Pleasant out. 1 DuhhGnr cow, 8 years old, due January 11°in Weir, 11°rlrarrt Reyerafl, Ruth
', r side work, all or spare tune. Apply tc MUNICIPALITY TOWNSHfP OF ASHFIELD, 1st; f Durnam cow• T Years old due April Martin. Roland Walker. ntonry- fur the INnd will be paid over
"" '�' Box 10, ,STAR OFFICE, COUNTY OF HURDIV, tet; 1 Dyrftaat row, 8 years old, due in Inside of the 60 days, The Ip&& OtfZoO
��_- November; t DIIPham cow, 7
STORES AND OFFICES. FEMALE HELY NOTICE Is hgrebs given that I have due April 5N; 1 Durhatp row, T ye re pjdd The Stratford Auto Hike' at Ottawa has consented to the exten-
I+C Fort BALE OA TO LPT REQUIRED. 475 t $too per month tranamttted or delivered t the due March 15th; 1 brindle cow, i year Latest word, t time Of writing,
Ston of time for the payment OI the
Y y you during spare time Ontario old, dna Februar �'' money, and the council of the Indian»
easily es, Red b mentioned In Section o of the Ontario Y 10th; 1 Jersey cow, due 1.35 HOUSE FOH SALE.-GorSd Douse on by subtnitttng samples of Personal Oreet. Voters' Lists Act the cgplea re red by March ttth; f cos, /yearn ofd, due anon has vnlyd in favor of the
1 5,24 p,m. Gloucester Terrace for sale cheap, Ing Cards to people venom you meet. Tre• Bald aeetloae to be 8o tr}nsmlttyW or de• 1 g°od HOratora pull, 4 years old; one fat! AUCTION SAL y4 rlhr of the aR1rIN(a Who attended extension.
'� p•m•' APP1Y t0 owner, w, ]. MAIR. mandous demand this year. W Site. for livered of the list, mala uraua t to sold coxa; 1 caw milking. 4 Years old; 4 half- tended the
1l� 8.30•p.m. { terms and samples free. CAIILEAN TM) Act of all persona appaaring b� ti►e Iasi ars, rising It seers old; 3 steers, rising g ALI.TIGN BALE OF FAR11, 1'ARM BTUCIf, rnnfrre•oe-e stated that the operations
,' 8.10 PUBLISHING U , 329 Spading Ave. revised assessment trot of the sad Mtmicl• years atd; 1 Steer, rising 1 year; 2 heifers IMPLEMENTS, ETC. nn rho constcuetlun n7 the plant would
p'm•' ILVERBARN FRAM. FOR G$. -g8 acres pallia t be . entitled to vote ,ln The said t year old; 4 slpring calves; 1 young sow be begun early In the sprinfr, and h
4.00 p.m. S good a WORtdlNG HOUSEKEEPER WANTED.- Alun cl Y at Elections for Members of 1 D1ga, Chunks, 12 O=- MR. DERMOT xicEVO\ the
* ,± 9.65 p.m. 1 Goderich, On aril on 6 •2 mties from family of two for morninga on to pislr y due time of sa e; 1b preyrnt owners will be allowed . to
od, county road Iy the Legislative AssembI and at Munlcl al fordawn ewes, 1 o en buggy, will sell by public auction, on Ilia premia- J
Two-storey dvret ousd; very com- Apply to J. ADES FOWLER, Elections; and that tits RB14 list wan lips p ggY, i top buggx hrtrvPst their (Pup+ this felt t
live at home A 1 TERMS. -Six months, credit will pe al- ea ou The oor-
foMable, well bttgE, oQ'"'repair, 8 rooms Albert Street. posted up at my once ill the Township or lowed on approved Joer notes, A dtsa Tt E+DAY• OCT. 5th porvi, their
employ frolic J,f)(jp ter car -
11 ,$11.+It2} 2.20 p.m. bath and Wt press water system Ashgotd, on the 18th day of September, count for cash at the rate or sig rommenring at fY,3u o'clock p. m. PolIPlr.4,000
, and hot water beating. Good barn 48x50 ANTED. -A working housekeeper, to 1020 acid remains theca for lnspectlonf Per annum. Per rent
, " .. 7.35 P.M. feet, metat 91401 8nd _root, concrete star • • 90 to Toronto in Septeneber. Sgta0 And 1 hereby call upon all voters to trtk ALBERT GOOD,Hl" farm On the Baynetd Road, 6 1 1
blas below, Orivtli sed, hen house t1, and imtnodlate proceedin t have an errors Pr Proprietor. THOS• (1GNDR1'• B miles south Of rl°derirh, 5 t_4 m11rA from 4ddlll"net Inrnlg un paKt• A)
perk". 8'48 p m I frame barn and 9hedg Thls Is g rPROam good wages, Apply to MRS, R y __o_ Aucuone. Properh' known a i fror
12.65 genulnP Tho DFOOT, Afanesetugg Park, Goderlch, or om(sslone corrertod acrortling t laver Wan Farm being lot ,,iu. 21, C elude. if Dr"'plc were
r g, P•nt• opportunity for'gettlnI a good term Witt 'Pbo�e M. Unted tit Lucknow' this l8th day Of Reps A U5ilY1RTHATRIX S,1LE BY A(7iT_�' rich Farmlownbring
and cantprllfnUl]jr' Eli' ser far, Ute , Ktv"n all they prey
r a r `' 8 40
.60 A•m.. a take frontage. APPY t0 owner. DER, _ tamed', 10211, Ly uF RESIDENCE, HOI�y • more or Ica(, most tit which Is in ea tr irld t\ nrrht have t -r he rR.
�,' 7.16 p.m, MOT MCEVOY, R. R. No. 2, Goderlch, Ont WANTED.-RbPRESERTATIt'E WANTED C. F;, aief)f)N:1C,H, t NITI'kl and EFFECT, EHOLL) FI It goad iarced.
6 l ,li}. 7.10 For Goderlch •na Huron County tq Clerk Of Ashfield. cultivable eondltion. There Is about i 1.4
p m 1 • C. S -III GLES represent "The Old Reliable FOnthUl Nur_ acres of hush, nroxtly radar. Th- build
t , r ;!� i1.45 p,m, 1 B Brtougmir to the Estate of the late EUI- Inge Orrch,d 7 scare ego Include T a dwrl. tYflOL yl',�rd'Ep
series." Big money is to be made selling rabOth Kerr, to be held un the pranu.11s ting house, veli concrete o lower Awrx
•'"�-v'.Adq;a wonq 4UCTION SAL' [ y, 10.0011 lhy. %,wool wanted. HI hrsl
Y a11t1 qt -L ,- ..,,? Nursery stock during Ills reconstruction - _ .._ __ -•,,- . - In the \'Iliago of Nile, oh comprising kltahon, '(lining roum. pantyy� ei
Dve s e A fpiendld opportunity for Po AUCTION BALE OF FJ1RM�STOCK, 111• SATURDAY, SEPT.25th and furnace r•uunt. The upper ytoroly 0t va h pr1re P;+lot. 1. J.I:e111PFR, Wart)-
s `McGAW STATION live salesman. Highest commissions PLEAIENTB, OMEN, ETP;, (commencing at 1.30 o'rkxk sharp) Izedrsteelnttl %tion. r efe r dims, beside huil%e. tlarnlll,tn Street
°; W a paid. pp pp re vain
,. handsome free equipment, large tine of Tho pruperty consist of a romfortable bath room nn4 separate W. C.. riot wets}
I, -,"11" Call C. A. ROBERTSON Trutt and ornamental sack to offer. STONE tfR. ]OS. M. MUe:F01(Ir KPEI:U4l. OPTICAL OFFER
a ,, ?_ ' ' AND WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. will sell by Public auction at rut t0, Pon 7-ra,m dwolling, buelt about Ilvr years treating Aysterit with rads tors it, bed ,
_e ,,,. or TORN TREBLE ago. Everything Is ur splrnald shape. r"+'m and null upatnlrs, and UIuInR room HIKh grade qI I ! will •
Y� fb 11C Ophthalrote c•e.'Mon 4, Pastern (I Ision, Cutinu•w• tow with a ooh lar f
Th® ; ;
'Phone 47
00 field a
Throat Hos-
eteohone 267.
from Wed-
el to Thurst •
r• I
and Plano. I
I Church I
Instruction. f
Patrick St. I
AI. - B
tlusle. Eng It
Ilrector or 8
C a
ns In con -
3', Toronto q
X11 ,ehtered 9
ii 14 with a
resldt}ncb, g
if `r nY);
w •
' I 11 Atal)s, \pater front an artesian well
1n2 Pert dare ran by pumped to barn or
I ,
'. , I
- I , )
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, � � � , �
,,ry w:,
'° o
Itwo bedrown suito
bedsteads, mattreasiA and springa, hlgr
know❑ end paints-
takfnK eperlall,t• Nr HuFrhxun. '
i ,
;, s
bureau, washstands, /mass r•upboard. kit,
rhea ruphuards, falling Teat table ardin.
lore stands, 1
garirA . •-
Maln harn is 48x511 feet, ,011r•rete stable
, ,
chairs, klteheP•nrl(cttalable,n�t,°11ges. rot -king
, •
1 Yea" bid; 1 steer, 1
old; 1 calf, 0 weeks old;
far rattle, rumlrtnd1Ou+ rout reliar under
t +
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'r {ay, 1 ,i y f a .- ., - ..dry _., - �tl.M.•. K'w•,Mns•„wTa
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,. 11 F -9m., C ... Iff'' 9_
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G��� W OnoW, 444K, TOW�c. �4���
M 'fir •� 4 fA+7� •� d7frV t
$ �k �� .42, 1.W Ht ad.
„' ' ! ._ 4 ��7{F1 1. �... •*eve + a
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81"UsIld Aft
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, 11`:. n 4W {ife'!'e @� Waltuttrlwel> •,Cat ..
" a mulrtbera of th0 Hamilton mot. Them be abdatd40t)
`� p OP (:ltlA arriYed to town on Saturdlty trip to liadeClCh Iday, ()q;hR
$lIat tau a
>K+tA}Rellow TcrOr;t ouE .noon, Pas motor oyoles. 'the nteotlug Of the oxaouliYa Of h I
y 0 r.
It . ,' t�-� �tj ice' .Ik ' •, The, t?<Irltlbet qt VflvlOriA 1St. choir were on an endurance last trip, and ford ItOar t e SRrfili
%% 111- ..tit ^*.F.�
t, �, ," At. . Ia11i a .� R4• i{t field 41 marshmstilow had motored t0 e d ° held an
�` Trade \va•l o b
a n and Friday ening n`4a com
and GI?41t• lrtvndif
Raapet I�OIItt FAI11I last Qaday al$ht. Aro\\Tt to ,Gaderlt{h h arrallga
...�f 11 t`d1rt 4ttir1t11R' 11'C{Itt 1R ti a 3uII a tRtat end I
Asia �f •R l►IItM 4 ,Theytlleft here flleutS t rinses
11 1�, 11 , int. _ "
3o Y to , Play latvrJalatb an •thele rett rn, 400 is ano, AweteatttttA�ct �� bethat
oto ,
\v 1
h t\ a
Rt to
f b 4�
, t Qpaa. 4k,' } Ci t 'lckib Aub ,ta 1 �tkad Niagara V,alfs. v made by way olN ivcathar Ir •Ilan. r vwT tart ° tl ' v
. � e ,: _#" ' ' �' + . ilfltls �ttlYlttll ObOter. to Q, k�: E lifty,' et;jFeot l,> Rte iti,Pr `),}1
a BAIL• a,
�drt t(a 1ltpplX�' tip ;7t. t4t•' $1%,44" .Ithd Si 1'ttrtlt r itORaR1t1n from" Gets Important Post i nualbR�r tlf 11►1ta13ta [rf�a# tk cl s
">lott�s .ilIi'Q . flerrt wriC7e t111i'pro�� 4,{�� ,11r8, }1: H,• Etat idaoa, These The Star fa Pleased City and puitla bet\voen these aJJd
a J hr note thea (tudarfrh, gvtvO or thrive
7tplr bath ai'•utfttl . teCitlly 4eknow- POlntment of sir, Arthur R, Ford, son the Onh, o ornthre ever expected,et�o
° dORtltlQti9 ar(s Ve t
a .. /
l� D Pt d 4 sim
1. 0 at►r? ladgMt by fRi@ GAmW flee In charge. of our tOtvitamau.•ttvv. J, E. Ford, to with the Oaaty.
"� '*"'t''a�'�trdtb'• �*anN Another Reepid,flfre{tker the Position Of managing editor of The briofa
tk '" Q' �p �111149- ?>t, London Free Press, and Iva extend tb
", Y ,U`• 3amuek r�rvQta, Kpj;a 8t, is The Free .Press cougritulallona on se- Nur-, Dcawned MO1oilti9
�a�Ira�a.s� M,K
another rreord' breaktf in pa tato grow. curing 8o good a nlan a �d lu Mr. Ford Alas Margaret IiogarlR, member of""""' Op+EICi— ,,� BIng this Beason. Six tubera suppik�d on securing a urs r r�y a well
..,.,......aa�� Y 1 ACtt�Avhich will known Fort William family.
Y a�aalaa• _ , ADA, by him to ¢ho Star on Monday real offer hini • seupe for his ability as a and employed ss nurse at Stn
weighed f% pounds, all Smooth and newspaper Paan, , \Ir. Ford a&q 3 1: halter
ti - �N,Q�e �r �•`a er sound. h,iSpitai, Was drowned in three inches
�oolCOmb Ills new dutfrz. Oc ber-l.t, tit water In a ditch beside the roars AAs
A Good Record at London II Alen's Frfdliy night when an automobile iia iti'
R.L'�,;j , - --L IN � 6iI . - --- . k blretln9 ou Mtnday erturncd. M(-- Junes, ) ,: , ` l
Mrs. Uurea, of Goifiorne TOtvnshlP. An invitatlot�ta eiteIIded to roon, and aaolhor aurael,
took fourth hl section 3; awrepstakrs oapeotaU,y goon{) wee; to hoar ati ad• hilutrd, \
71A. I -, L 'IBA�WAN FED Ir prA h drl
(' r. t e vor, were tllt-
class in the twtter-rnaking vofupetltion dress to be glen Byutdttyttt the fdaaonfo 7V lowabover.axfltvet tro[n
at the «' tarn ihilr. Her percentage Tom le, at 4a6 ulobe Of Jtondn). Sept. $tet ltas ret tAk '14 I s
* _ WANTED: =Men with t ird-class certi• NOTICE TO CREDITORS. vvas 98.35 and the highest tads 98.61, $tniLp, one of thodOpareiteultal Bads to a niece of AIfRs I. ag-
n Rcate wa--B which shows how{ cigse the eampeti- of lldarsball Field et r Jnr.
x )�i "ttlla Poaltton as watcnntan
s Li■ at once. {pply Box 121, Goderlch p. O, 1N THE ESTATE OF !DAM SCOTT DE- F ane t1
- A pIR
salt us to i
`= '
11 1. a
TorQ;j` Oq , rr
RthifltOlI "
G1040p 1ch-Arrlv4
0066 rich -Leave
Toil (I Arrive
Hamilton -Leave
ZZ ., , ,. c
1! RYE, EAR, r
At Bedford Hot(-
0esdaY, NOV. 17th,
,dkv, Nov. 181h, ai
1-�. I ` L scu l'T.
Tcwuher of Band
V rctnriA St next n,
lir ganist St. nPor
Piano, Pipe Organ
• Five-pii
For terms ,apply G
Licentiate London
land, Organist An
North St. Methodig
Publis Dre11toad o
CEASED, flan ryas. •'The True Success of Ldle c'Casiceew�o by gh' n'' qh trnlan. Frr�iti{Itamf'ut`lm4�scc account
�° WANTED, -Young man to act as as, NOTICE Is here Ivan m t all arsons one in a b) orb
1Y sis>;ant wetghmnn Must "Dd elttiCis having ctattna agalynsti the caste o� Adam G• C. L Field Day t� y, and doing with hip nal• it has been FO.anad that the aCt>b- )
and accurate to addition and subtraction. Scott late of th2. Townlbip of Hultett, In Tho annual sports of thu Colleglats business. Gard 11111111111g. Mr, Chan. K, dent urnurred when Air. 1fcAaa at I
&L 1y,y !n ecaon t GOt1ERICH P.i.E\FATOA the bounty or uron,-yooman, deceased JnstItute wtitt be held next Friday, Saunders has consented to a00 as chair• tempted {o a\vtrrve unto a lateral road
e!•�l•r�.�ir..,`... ., k T,r1Al+)S1T CO, who died On or about the 24th d qI man. Tell otgere t0 some. Uomo and In ardor •� i';,'°
• * June, t949, are requtt•e( to delver t �Joho Oct. ist, at the agricultural gr0uads, br{n to avnkl crashing fntq a bar- `
DOMESTIC WANTED,-YOunlr girl allow Fingland ane Atlttlilam Patterson, the axe.) beginning at 9 a, M. The students are x Your trtoncie with you. Mr, Smith Meade at the a
JlJ 17 to
assist with two children and cutOPS or the said estatq, or W Brydone practising for these events slid some Is a GOdetich young man veno has made upon tvhfrh hr pPCUaCh to N bridge•
do light housework, Fine dome for right solicitor, On or befora, the 39th d o hail • coma soddenly,
4I , 0uranae Co. of Canada girl. Opportunity to attend nlggt aehae>) 6eptembor, R14o, s Cull ptatement their keen comPe-Utlun is expected. The QOOd in the great \teatetn Metropolis, `Ilsx FtuKarlh was a
Ir desired. State salary expected to Bos claims together with Public are invited to be G. C i, .Erin tt�enl ' Young woman or
i A y,, 67t, STAR. particulars thereof present at rdt°b ltMlely y years of ei6c•, and had almost k
and the nature of the aecurtties, 1f any those sporty, to which no admission Tire eltFctluns tit lhr'LltrrarY Society vOr"Pleted tier hospital training
WANTED. -Two reamers. 8choo► girls dje°t. by them, all du verloe4 by aRl fir la charged- of the Colla• INtr
1. ros g Institute for the fall !heel Plan) to Mort in Spring
r preferred. Apply at STAR OFFICE. AND TAKE NOTICE filet atter the said =-`=_--== -_ :_ z .__ - trrrtt were hold un Thursday, ,;rptem-
us and Progressive last mentiohed data A dlspatih from Sarnia, dated Sept
WANTED AT ONCE. -A com competent Site sold executors AYJC3r10N SALES her ttith, tivith the following results: 17th, randy. 9'he Lake Huron 9t, 1
D girl wltl proceed to distribute the estate of the Honorary +';, for general house work. Apply to said deceased amongst the persons entit_ CLEARINO AUCTION SA E OF FARM y plesldent, F.rnral Lrr; pre- Corporation wfl!' art5nitt t0 take over
�,• �_ - - c Ann M MRS. R. J. ACHE ON, Nelson Street. led Thereto having re .etch only t such v STOCK. sidont, toss F:rnma V1'all,rre; iAt vice
x, $105,71I,WO.00 claims as They allali %ave received due president. Eric heir land on the Indian Reserve south
' I� p..l GAL r 0.OV ANTED. -Large quantities of cord notice and to accoadan0 therewith. Mit_ ALBERT GOOD 1t'lixnn: 2nd vice Of the rill•. which they will use for the
- aVUViwY wood required, all kinds. State whit Dated at Clintn this 71h day of Septerri• will sell at hla premisys on the Dlvlslor. president, %its% Martin Lie; seeretary. IA large ytrr! amriter, which is to be Othe
MA en you have to offer and price laid down it bar, A, D„ 1999, Linewill, Bmunlll is uu Gharirs Nairn; treasurer, Jamey tiar-
- - 416, S�,wt1LW Goderlch, Give f nest r rove; planist, Miss Jirnn Cha ytruetrd there, In About ti0 days, it
2111 4 Particulars. Boa R. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 44th, 1020, Chapman, edl- vv v
,�l'ud,.Life Will prove asafe. vestment. Con- Solicitor for the said i"Cutr. commencing at 1.30 o'clock, the following: tors. Lionel Macklin, `figs Evelyn a. nnnnunrrd Ntlrr a conference Der
ANTED. -Two laeLes of reanement.t Ono geheru Goldthor P, Y hvren the vBic/els of the
I 1.11l i a your age, W purpose mare, t years old, P Atiss Ilurulhy Dancey; and the corporation
,,... re resent large old estailli$ ed Naw VOTERS LIST NOTICE i gener,'al purppose mare, 7 ears old; 1 press Secretaries, .\ilAs [loruth Mar- 5arnla reserve band of Indians
YorY Ouse for this place (aoderich). drving mare, 8 years old, quiet for wom. %hall. Alex. Hume; counr othy--Wil_ at Cllr rnuneit house on the reserve,
: t� D Permanent position, Yielding good income VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. an to drive;f Percheron colt, 1 year 014: The ul}jrlels detlnitrlY stair that ttYb
EI, R. LONG District Agent Experience unnecessary, Pleasant out. 1 DuhhGnr cow, 8 years old, due January 11°in Weir, 11°rlrarrt Reyerafl, Ruth
', r side work, all or spare tune. Apply tc MUNICIPALITY TOWNSHfP OF ASHFIELD, 1st; f Durnam cow• T Years old due April Martin. Roland Walker. ntonry- fur the INnd will be paid over
"" '�' Box 10, ,STAR OFFICE, COUNTY OF HURDIV, tet; 1 Dyrftaat row, 8 years old, due in Inside of the 60 days, The Ip&& OtfZoO
��_- November; t DIIPham cow, 7
STORES AND OFFICES. FEMALE HELY NOTICE Is hgrebs given that I have due April 5N; 1 Durhatp row, T ye re pjdd The Stratford Auto Hike' at Ottawa has consented to the exten-
I+C Fort BALE OA TO LPT REQUIRED. 475 t $too per month tranamttted or delivered t the due March 15th; 1 brindle cow, i year Latest word, t time Of writing,
Ston of time for the payment OI the
Y y you during spare time Ontario old, dna Februar �'' money, and the council of the Indian»
easily es, Red b mentioned In Section o of the Ontario Y 10th; 1 Jersey cow, due 1.35 HOUSE FOH SALE.-GorSd Douse on by subtnitttng samples of Personal Oreet. Voters' Lists Act the cgplea re red by March ttth; f cos, /yearn ofd, due anon has vnlyd in favor of the
1 5,24 p,m. Gloucester Terrace for sale cheap, Ing Cards to people venom you meet. Tre• Bald aeetloae to be 8o tr}nsmlttyW or de• 1 g°od HOratora pull, 4 years old; one fat! AUCTION SAL y4 rlhr of the aR1rIN(a Who attended extension.
'� p•m•' APP1Y t0 owner, w, ]. MAIR. mandous demand this year. W Site. for livered of the list, mala uraua t to sold coxa; 1 caw milking. 4 Years old; 4 half- tended the
1l� 8.30•p.m. { terms and samples free. CAIILEAN TM) Act of all persona appaaring b� ti►e Iasi ars, rising It seers old; 3 steers, rising g ALI.TIGN BALE OF FAR11, 1'ARM BTUCIf, rnnfrre•oe-e stated that the operations
,' 8.10 PUBLISHING U , 329 Spading Ave. revised assessment trot of the sad Mtmicl• years atd; 1 Steer, rising 1 year; 2 heifers IMPLEMENTS, ETC. nn rho constcuetlun n7 the plant would
p'm•' ILVERBARN FRAM. FOR G$. -g8 acres pallia t be . entitled to vote ,ln The said t year old; 4 slpring calves; 1 young sow be begun early In the sprinfr, and h
4.00 p.m. S good a WORtdlNG HOUSEKEEPER WANTED.- Alun cl Y at Elections for Members of 1 D1ga, Chunks, 12 O=- MR. DERMOT xicEVO\ the
* ,± 9.65 p.m. 1 Goderich, On aril on 6 •2 mties from family of two for morninga on to pislr y due time of sa e; 1b preyrnt owners will be allowed . to
od, county road Iy the Legislative AssembI and at Munlcl al fordawn ewes, 1 o en buggy, will sell by public auction, on Ilia premia- J
Two-storey dvret ousd; very com- Apply to J. ADES FOWLER, Elections; and that tits RB14 list wan lips p ggY, i top buggx hrtrvPst their (Pup+ this felt t
live at home A 1 TERMS. -Six months, credit will pe al- ea ou The oor-
foMable, well bttgE, oQ'"'repair, 8 rooms Albert Street. posted up at my once ill the Township or lowed on approved Joer notes, A dtsa Tt E+DAY• OCT. 5th porvi, their
employ frolic J,f)(jp ter car -
11 ,$11.+It2} 2.20 p.m. bath and Wt press water system Ashgotd, on the 18th day of September, count for cash at the rate or sig rommenring at fY,3u o'clock p. m. PolIPlr.4,000
, and hot water beating. Good barn 48x50 ANTED. -A working housekeeper, to 1020 acid remains theca for lnspectlonf Per annum. Per rent
, " .. 7.35 P.M. feet, metat 91401 8nd _root, concrete star • • 90 to Toronto in Septeneber. Sgta0 And 1 hereby call upon all voters to trtk ALBERT GOOD,Hl" farm On the Baynetd Road, 6 1 1
blas below, Orivtli sed, hen house t1, and imtnodlate proceedin t have an errors Pr Proprietor. THOS• (1GNDR1'• B miles south Of rl°derirh, 5 t_4 m11rA from 4ddlll"net Inrnlg un paKt• A)
perk". 8'48 p m I frame barn and 9hedg Thls Is g rPROam good wages, Apply to MRS, R y __o_ Aucuone. Properh' known a i fror
12.65 genulnP Tho DFOOT, Afanesetugg Park, Goderlch, or om(sslone corrertod acrortling t laver Wan Farm being lot ,,iu. 21, C elude. if Dr"'plc were
r g, P•nt• opportunity for'gettlnI a good term Witt 'Pbo�e M. Unted tit Lucknow' this l8th day Of Reps A U5ilY1RTHATRIX S,1LE BY A(7iT_�' rich Farmlownbring
and cantprllfnUl]jr' Eli' ser far, Ute , Ktv"n all they prey
r a r `' 8 40
.60 A•m.. a take frontage. APPY t0 owner. DER, _ tamed', 10211, Ly uF RESIDENCE, HOI�y • more or Ica(, most tit which Is in ea tr irld t\ nrrht have t -r he rR.
�,' 7.16 p.m, MOT MCEVOY, R. R. No. 2, Goderlch, Ont WANTED.-RbPRESERTATIt'E WANTED C. F;, aief)f)N:1C,H, t NITI'kl and EFFECT, EHOLL) FI It goad iarced.
6 l ,li}. 7.10 For Goderlch •na Huron County tq Clerk Of Ashfield. cultivable eondltion. There Is about i 1.4
p m 1 • C. S -III GLES represent "The Old Reliable FOnthUl Nur_ acres of hush, nroxtly radar. Th- build
t , r ;!� i1.45 p,m, 1 B Brtougmir to the Estate of the late EUI- Inge Orrch,d 7 scare ego Include T a dwrl. tYflOL yl',�rd'Ep
series." Big money is to be made selling rabOth Kerr, to be held un the pranu.11s ting house, veli concrete o lower Awrx
•'"�-v'.Adq;a wonq 4UCTION SAL' [ y, 10.0011 lhy. %,wool wanted. HI hrsl
Y a11t1 qt -L ,- ..,,? Nursery stock during Ills reconstruction - _ .._ __ -•,,- . - In the \'Iliago of Nile, oh comprising kltahon, '(lining roum. pantyy� ei
Dve s e A fpiendld opportunity for Po AUCTION BALE OF FJ1RM�STOCK, 111• SATURDAY, SEPT.25th and furnace r•uunt. The upper ytoroly 0t va h pr1re P;+lot. 1. J.I:e111PFR, Wart)-
s `McGAW STATION live salesman. Highest commissions PLEAIENTB, OMEN, ETP;, (commencing at 1.30 o'rkxk sharp) Izedrsteelnttl %tion. r efe r dims, beside huil%e. tlarnlll,tn Street
°; W a paid. pp pp re vain
,. handsome free equipment, large tine of Tho pruperty consist of a romfortable bath room nn4 separate W. C.. riot wets}
I, -,"11" Call C. A. ROBERTSON Trutt and ornamental sack to offer. STONE tfR. ]OS. M. MUe:F01(Ir KPEI:U4l. OPTICAL OFFER
a ,, ?_ ' ' AND WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. will sell by Public auction at rut t0, Pon 7-ra,m dwolling, buelt about Ilvr years treating Aysterit with rads tors it, bed ,
_e ,,,. or TORN TREBLE ago. Everything Is ur splrnald shape. r"+'m and null upatnlrs, and UIuInR room HIKh grade qI I ! will •
Y� fb 11C Ophthalrote c•e.'Mon 4, Pastern (I Ision, Cutinu•w• tow with a ooh lar f
Th® ; ;
'Phone 47
00 field a
Throat Hos-
eteohone 267.
from Wed-
el to Thurst •
r• I
and Plano. I
I Church I
Instruction. f
Patrick St. I
AI. - B
tlusle. Eng It
Ilrector or 8
C a
ns In con -
3', Toronto q
X11 ,ehtered 9
ii 14 with a
resldt}ncb, g
if `r nY);
garden, a good roomy
stable driving Shed and 1) , house
rhe furniture
' I 11 Atal)s, \pater front an artesian well
1n2 Pert dare ran by pumped to barn or
"1 %poetarh•A anti
rY•' KlayAr'M, with b«,t tint spherical
mmencing at 1 o'clock sharp
1 -draft
and efqlPrly ronylsts of:
wood and coal s11111R, Wuud stye, real
Oil stye burners
presxure tank' tit house. A septi,• tank
with Pru Ply 12111 IMT110w drain takes
IPnAes for only Kja,A F:yes Pxamined
free by our veli
'° o
mare, 9
horse, 7 I age Old fgpucln8
spare old,genereld dr
Itwo bedrown suito
bedsteads, mattreasiA and springa, hlgr
°r" "f t1. o�raFP.
No reA.-I-Ve,
know❑ end paints-
takfnK eperlall,t• Nr HuFrhxun. '
Apply to
1 vlu mare
Pott, 1 purpose roll,
I Year old driving cult; t cow, 7 years old
bureau, washstands, /mass r•upboard. kit,
rhea ruphuards, falling Teat table ardin.
lore stands, 1
garirA . •-
Maln harn is 48x511 feet, ,011r•rete stable
eel>' nphr+hl ••rpm far IG lila' Jewellery
store, Torunt„ \\':• ;ghtr'
CO. +at
t be In calf; 5 2•year_old
steers; I heifer,
chairs, klteheP•nrl(cttalable,n�t,°11ges. rot -king
live stalls rue horses, r steel •Atan,•hlunx
>'pU nu.pnry
un Ptery4hlnR in
East Street.
1 Yea" bid; 1 steer, 1
old; 1 calf, 0 weeks old;
(irtt plc
far rattle, rumlrtnd1Ou+ rout reliar under
ihr n
There doll ptical ouch
t Massey-Harrl
fertilizer and drill; 1 Massey_Harrls
clothes lampsitrgtollgtcyeth,
Bnrtg wSod \t'alln and roof of bn n are
)'x anis, Thur.otat', FMday and
lay, lJct.,baf
tivator; 4-sectfon iron harrows; 1 No. 21
Fleury low;
Parpp«h, oil cloth, Duwrr stand, tubs enc•
wrin er, 11 ght tYg
Y gal anOr•d step ray-
rural d �� Barn NO. t!, I tures
u Till, 8th un.l 9th,
l.unlr( Part),
p t art of sleighs; 1 nutter; t
new rubber tiro buggy; i
ggon and box, some
wood WhePlbarr,iW, °lid other
on�Y. 3nxu) rt., Aldod with 1 Inch lumber
on heavy
5.1(!'1'!1' 5 •\H7 STORh,
I FOR SA Parlor Suit, silk
cart; 2 seta of
single harness; 1 set double harness;
Terms on the Property, which
y frame, and rrwfrd with easy
Ralvantsed corrugated
i nPhOlstering. W. J. POWELL, Net.
I Son Street.
btIRRY Jerk; 1 net rack; 2 good strtng� or
beds; s quantity of gaud
will be
sold, subJert to a rearrve bid, will be N
Por root, of the
,rteef sNerttitg, Irri
1) "menl shed hfc5o fPPt ruilrretn wall*
oats, and othet
articles. All the Implements
purehase money, to a
Paid on the day Pit the
fell coveredQroor. (:harken
°use 2°x2°0
TH11H51)AY, Sept.
HONEY" FOR •SALE. -Pure buckwheat
�i honey 40 cents per pound. if taker.
are it, splen-
did rnndltlon. Nedrly everything was
bought new this year, and everything
sale. The balance
to be Pald within 3n days. without Infer.
est, On the household.
feet, Provincial pattern
ren10 Shed 1.x24. fret, she0ted'and roofed
wlttt matrhorl hlmberjjg,
Olh-Auction 9al•t
of farm stark, Impl,•ments. ate, At Int
In 6O-pounei cans, cans supplied free. A,
be surd wlthou[ reserve, as lire farm 1,
rash. rurnitura, Ptc•
rubbrrmd tat lum er, ronf rovarrd wltb
Qi• r'hncPsslun I. \\'ryt Wawano8h,
R, No, t, She , •.801(1.
TERMverAll sums of
MRS. ANNA J. GIi.AHApI. T,( t'NDitY,
TERMS.-tu Per cent rngF nun(t. balance
In 30 days, or a pnrtlon 1iuh'rhaeP ante
rnnunenr'1riK at 1 "'Pluck W. ,1 HAAt-
illpON, F�rnpr)elur. 'Fero~
White Sewing —7—
rash: over that amount Satmnnths' irredli
— - -____ - ._
nilly remain on rnor a e. Furtherprice
will bo given on furnlshllg aPProcrd
)OUlt notes. A discount
ticularA at time of sale
At sarne tlm•' slid
FRIDAY, rMt ist \lhrtiun
F. R. Thompson, British Ex-
oft 1 per rent
amount allowed tar cagh on credit
I)IS,e -R acres tit
Standingburkwheo Advrrld xtul{x of
glia of
hnusr•hnid fnrnllur'•. lit .lunge T10 ref
change Hotej, Arent.
will call by
corn and it uantnY u grant, also all
the term stark, Implomenls, Ptc„ consist_
I to rosldence. v Y
t V lnrrnt •rtreel. ct)m-
Full supply of
Proprietor. Auctioneer
public auction at Lot 44, Con.
1, Tows' hlP Of West Wawanosh, oil
Ir�g of :
shire Reldirw
tnrnclRR al I :w n'Clura. \II>t5 F., dla
l�)Sil, Prnprietreaa.
-- �—_ _
THl'RRDAt', SEPT. 30th
rnmmenrinir at 1 wrlork rile
it Years. rising
Cows. -.An Shorthorn gratfP, 1 t2 carts
TII . 1)I'N_
DRY, AnrNnu• rr,
HOI:SES ! Houns !
D• m follow_
tr'HurAas,-t harse 5 vasa
old, 1 f Years Old 1 2 years old, at 0 l
nPltar 2 years did due November t,
TIiF:5f1.\1, rN;T. 5th-.Aurhon ,tale of
farts farm
®■■D■■■■mmlkm■mm®!■®®■■ pony. 0 d, t aged and f yearling s0oell, 4 Alar k anti im0"Inerits, at
horse t from Yount Palvea Sltverbarh Farrnfl , lot 2A, conveaslul) 1,
ISI ALL KINDS F'OR SALE AT VERY REASON• CalliO.-1 row 8 years old, farrow; 1 stun, above cows, These aro all good OOder•leh T arm l
m We have to dispose Of at the m ABLE PRICES, blark row, 8 years Old, due. May 2nd; t PIR,-/ grgdP (:h«slrr white 14 AowB, } p• c°mmencln$ It
IN row, 5 years aid, duo m April; 1 row, dU♦ ba row), il months C old. f2:30 O'clitn•k, DEF01OT McRVOXI II
m %�Otn� arm at time or sale; 4 steers. 4 P prirtor. THOS 'GU.'YDRY, Aurtlorgde •.
L m if you Intend buying a home. It will be Years ottl; r 100 Derrell hock hens
® to ,Your Interest r Bee me, as I msY hove Ytrare, 1 year old; 2 calveB; 2 heifers, 2 rolls, n pullets, rock, pItF4DAi',
■ lust what you are lookinIIIg Por. No thou- yearn Old. ITh eMeata.-Itallsc ,Pad drill with Of farm stark j2th-Auotlon site
A half million feet of all kind's ® &i t rho wyou the ore t hod Por ImMam buirt MagxeY Harrtd bender, t t0ru�er attarrunent, end O mplernpnts, it lot
Bale. A larRP list to choose from, r'1q walron, .f buggy, I democrat wagon, 1 IDeer n Rrasx pied^pox Qij, ern. 2, W,•A
® of second hand Lumber, also a and are me. P J VAN, plau�h, i scunler, I set Iron harrow•, f barrow; 1 Deering prinaN{yuirtnllcunlyaalt Waf"altuAh, rnnlmen
r 5 X B. C. R Tann nR mIH, l set I s scales, 1 root 1 RIRBPI 3-8 0 4`11011 steel roller; heavy oProPriolod TIFf1y, i�1Vp)(y IIGAuc
C Cedar f quantity of Doors, Windows, ■ R0a1 E*late earl Ia9dranPe Pulper, f Bet slelghA, f seed drill 9 rete drag narrow, 3 AectlOnl; 1 •dJuatabta �loA- (lgornr.
■-_-_--___- BlnRle harness, 1 sot double ilarnOBa, Boy HarrU narrow 4 aeetlOnat i 1NlsAey
® WatnBaOtin�, Lath anti Baric ■------- _ hOraO rake, 1 cream separate, f wood itarrl+ n -ft _nit mower. w►tb 4 Pathe
ani` q board, at very reasonable 1.prices. ■ cooking slave, a number of Wena I Sugar knives; 1 M°sspy Itarrtq•'6. ft. UlndPr, Wttn Fly
i kettlo, fork, chain, and other ancclea slekl" and (plain knlv�s; I t'erit walking
■ OOme and 88e U8. ■ TERMA,-114 monthB credit on rurnlahln plow, I Bub-Aoll y OKE.- In Godenrn twnxhlp nn vnwday.
lr 3 X � C. Cedar s The Mercantile Salvage CAREY approved Joint notes, a dl(rount at th� gl w wltn Plow t dvuplP furrow tNDN�Pr f9uf tM. Joseph klirl netgved
® O• F. ratte of 0 Per cont. allow'rd off for rash on ear tit pnttPotatadlitprieel tri Nate. I Aon or Mr. and Mrs. luchanl Oko, aKN1 4
� Co.�• ■ credit amuuntA. 1 Years altrl• 2 months.
■Ihr IN THOS. OI;NDRY, MURVY• I arrl% settlfler• 1 road Qraf. 4 --.- �_
VVED THIS WEEK IN hfat Farr \V. J. HAMILTON, renee post Bala an RP r.: 1 aR Bd all. 2
House to Rent on East street. Aurtloneer. Proprietor, fetrrP atrrtr•hOIO 1 hey And Atgre rutting IN MP,e10111AM
t q®■■■I~�■nR■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■ F°rbale,TwoHooaeaoh Regent AUCTION SALE OF' VA1.UABhE HOUSE_ cox. I r ,2e livor. i ,' 2 Atael whePlbar. BAIE4 In Memory
or her nom« InATo� `
box, I root pulpae, f Para Rheller, I grain
RiteeL. One storyto HOLD FI RNITI'By. vers, who tell asIPN
• e t..::■■■ttttt■!!■Ir!■m■!■■■■■■I!!®®® each eine, 11)00 Powe; 2 wood wheelbarrow, ! Rrind ant,,. Re pt. filth, 1919. also liar +nn, gtts-
ch Pl tnidg Mill ■ BrOne, I Planet hAnd se•r1 Arill and cotta_ BPI1, who fell In artinn at cambrf,
Oe, NOTICE MiRB F.. MrINTOBH Yater; , set YranrP, yP
For Sale, Two HoIIeee on OElord will Aetl b Platmrm e•aled. 4,oa IbR : I ri 27th. 19tit
m street, one and a halt 8 DO,vIP'. Y PuAltr au it. c JVd I. Bet bit., 2 n A4`elws I,•ornb with AcooP . Away
LIMtTI±D. 11
■ ■ each. t+�yr 1900 late reAldPn4`e, Al. Vincent 8t., !4n lbs., 2 IAwn mowers, t A r 4%111 hoot
ftndrrlrh• on (now) with barrel, , P U ek POm� N'P rennoe .av and w.• ,,ay
■ APP11081lons for the position of M For bale, One and •a halt story FRIDAY. OCT. 1st Kna Bar B((,ra Thal ill are dyad t4Pv are Ju.t low
Box IS m Police Sergeant and Night Watch- ® hOnee. corner CSIDbtfa toad ry 1 ro�mencing at 1.311 O'clock pump: 21Mp_Ilrs. AulphatP tit Iran :d n . In 'With a r•nrel v .mor ayt
P. m. held fila rap 1 Inch glaxed tile• 4 A Inch nand, and a wave of Wa u'Y
® man of the Town of GOdeHoh, said kr ck (wsinair, 1 rune rnurA Iwai• 1jle:Pd Silo
3 r In rlM,w, ray niter0� Tl,,•
ad• 19 Gloucester Terrace, 61000, ,h 1 rocking chair, 1 platform making ` P ti Howe wAlOW1 ,1 ini„ nn unknowcp
® dressed t0 LltO undersigned, Will Chart•, I PaAP1, 25 .r 11A, rBAInR, bar., h,rlc •AhnvPls and land.
•�,1•a•. ® be received lip to 8o'clock p. m. 11 YardB WOO) Carpet, s Otnil MS.- Wn num«ruo+ In mentlnn Ind tart U+ 4r,•arotnR. how well, fair
�}��}ry r�t��1 aa�aa��eepp1 yard* bedroom carpet iwootl a yards TY,IIMN. All suras of
O!1!lJ �''reMl!lN�eNa1l1'11�'I� m On ■ _ _ tag carpet, 7 Yards hell ), curtain
I hall rash, nvPr 'list sm"u"t 7t Fill-' till lindpr , rn.Ul r\ndr•«'f• mu.t h+ .InrP thea IingPr theca; i
••aeaee IygfiRl4, ® THURSDAY SEPT ti06h 19 m m tanlP• I washsMnd (cherry), curtain pnleB will he I you, nn Pon wmor In !
e ''+r,
® ' ,
® For further partlonlatR
0 ■®®■�!■at■■■■®■lilt■■!®6t11B�iB■
2 Dairs curtains, 7 feather t11owR, 1 m p
and 1 sung. I tont AtOOI,
Irlvrn nh rurw.htrrR &,,I,, r,,,
joint nnW• A Al+cancra lir I per rrna
)ur the aid Irma .try and thrwgl lid Irotu rn;
apply to
® c
window blinds
and Arree. 2 waAlttubB and f warn
Iwringer, t nnur barrel,
straight °n,.%o,l fou , A•h ••n I ,Pdtl
lir them fannR nn xn dPar
I In Ihr lour of thrri as the Invr lit here;
l `�
• i
• '�
Ch, 9peotai Com., Goderfeb.
Ig L. L. KNOX,
■ Town Cle k Ge>d
1 rotlingg pp
d gin,
IAheA and IABAwara. 4 sllvPr rake d1AFlsaw
R p
t Bllvor butter d1An, hen box, Barden
utrnAlis, bonke. kitchen dtenAllR
DERM(rr Nr•F:tnA r,hy
T fir v
•PrnpPIP lir lurtinnr.e.
of them .Jill as Ihr RmnP. t say,
InaY err liar d«lido they are u.'
J away,
) ATHEh, rtrpT11E11, v1yTEns. RRI)THER4 ,
, A .
r •.
,r ,
L"' "'' k 4�i r' ,
Pit, .
r erioh, a ■ - _.___. ■ {punts, 2 net IronA, 42 yards ca oil v
11 carpet p4petK, p. _
�l114■al®is®®ala!■■®■®■® ■■ — m raxketA, Crockery, t (Ill stovN I sewlnir
! -• FOR SALE ti1ll1 marhlnP (Now Reymond,. 1 partor table%
� V{Fla Pleton," 2 -,tor I 2 rlotbeB bare, patlA, wlndnw RrrPenA, {
$ t■■■!■!tfi■■■■� ■■■D■ra11111t r Y rick, fol- kitchen chair, and mlmerorrR Articles. „r
9t 1a� ■ :1" modern w(tn fir ►acP, 7 ■ TCR3I. MrINn. HARVEST
,� ® �� � �/ ['�� ■ ® ronms. larger IOt, Altlleted On the MISS E. MrINTOBfi. THOS. ,1 `V DR Y,
' ;v a 7G Proprietress. A urtlnnpe
! ■ south Aide Of Plotoa Street. This -- -. _
m h One of the ttlORt modern Al'CTtON AAI,F,. - EXp N'S �S 110
�' el % `� Taxa, for 1920 are due and m homes In town. Immediate pas- JOSEPH C. GIIIFIIN i,
pf' i1 ` pay. m 9rsslOn. wtR sell by pubUe auction on flip I
11 • m able as my tylace Torre Hall. i� on Naptrr AirPPS, on PrpmlRe+,
■ 11 2 -story red brick house, full �I'Test bale �21 s tirll� ��
tri TWO PERCENT. DISCOITNT ® y ■ RArt,pt, OY, O(:T 4nd >_ • '-g�� e
G ■ ■ modern. 7 1•ooms, full baaefnPtit. (commencing at I o'clock, 11net 11Iit�1 ready IIDO t�. �OI6
', �� ����� a If paid on Or before October 1st, N ■ South side of Eatit Street. A fully modern rpd nrtrk houxe On vaD. L_{
■ ChertlA[t$r no' discount. After m ■ ler street. lot frontage over texp feel >Rll &n�sdvaaroe to teed? ym ' ' �� FjM!'
, ^�•� December 16th to the Slat TWO ■ flit -story, frame house with 7 , boated b not water -yRtPm and nrepl&ee
1 PER, CENT. WI:.L $E ADDED m ■ rooms, full Blot with orchard, I■N Convent �iuem0nt under whelp houseA�r 1=T -"v t &>1<IC. We a�eIF
U10 above date for the season. !� 1 nnpltid Taxes. 4u situated On the west side Of Cam- 3 epartmentR, laundry tub*, %tone well help ttrw
■ eron St. With a little retnodrl- n8P%eetab1, or Iron lrforrP amp. Also ce Itt1s f
i After •trtfl, rat, 1421 FIVF. PER ■ ■F ling thlo elln be made,, desirable m A number of fruit -bearing A rP will be I
lilt real dance of this season. IA1 ANT' will be added, M 11 Prnprriy and Will be sold cheap ■ � offered for sale the same day. i
■ All Taltre to sttleare meet IId apt ■ AIBo ea wOld. an Ayrshire woll- roil r PIS THE
® A'P ON(YE. pal8 -" Ing 2 yearn Old. and • wPil-bred driving i j td
N colt, rlsing 2 years old. Two ae•.,hd bane
�"t g. 0 t0 I 2:00. INV 1 i1ENT t 't:CESTIOtift ■ bu Ries In ohd rppur. A No. I RPvru tF`'e�
<` 0 Orrflere a harborettrit of inglli must le Stn China On OF �O* J/�Ca_r
Rl bare them hood 0! s1ofl�! the `lttetaPir Bonds bqutlht. and sold. TEAMA OF ?RALE OF' itoi -10 pity i�/j
■ pel�Tittlay Cor n'On-empttftttj" ■ eent. on day or Asip. nalanre to DP or
rsemlIgnt 1,- � PrgviII Of ODtarlo Ronda, due ranged the day of ealp on Other ertirie• PAID-UP ��•�
Co.,•1)< i'as ■ WW.0�p$Etr,, aWA fA. too, pride 41100, to Yield = under 410 ra%h. over that amount tom tar+ . $15,OOCLOO�
® GoderiCh. 9.15.20 G , 11 u tbN" credo even b0 ,cast, A #dg v Ihr �p !'s•�•I� s
' Uollecfor rOUht or a pet rent tar rash on rr«111, $
t■■■■■■■■■■■■■•R)■■ala!■■■■ J W CRAIII;IF, ■ Amount* GODRRiCH BRANCH, U. Williams, Manager. t
■ fR THOR. ('I'tURt. J03 r r;nlrFIV,
' , rttilaa■Arr vaBl4l®f/aB®■!IR■,ill �Iil: AuetlanPar PrnprlptOr I ai