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The Goderich Star, 1920-09-16, Page 8
—_ r=.7191lipw 11111111�_ , A. I I - , , I , 1-ib.rAzinesEcTripooL T. , I 1111 , 7 . . I'll .1 �, I . ... 11 I -,7- ------i-t-PiIW. T ., .- I ,�i , . I - . I I t - r, I 0 . / I. — I I I . 1--t . .1 . _. .-__1 � i-__ , " I . - � . . . '.1 I I „,,yam, �!'� !!� �::'!:I:I,.�l.,.1.1"I:"0:1!1 I . .1 I— " . . " , +11 -.-1-11 "I'll, 11 , ,I I , 11 tl I , "I'll pt I . . . I . I QX �"W 1. I I r . , " - V P,-_� poio;�1!i. . 1. . it, , � I .1.14 � 1 1!1 ...... "I'll - , ! 11 -1 I — , I I I . I I I " � � . .1 , , �,__ 04, I It le " 1� I I GOP '' . I I , ' I �_ . � �.. � " V, e W-O.W. I . I 1. , KRK�Jlf ToW.NS"Tr I TO ,0(* $t!W,Xt*F , - , � . k I '. I '. As ,, .1, I I'll, - � I . , , � ,111", I .. 'Flo third Supdot), in Sl,ptvJ1t4eV 43A I — . 11101 11 10 Mel I . __y".____ ! — , :, ,, I I" 1. 10-111 , . " , , ! ip I 11 1:41 it � ,:=q,q been 61,1; wsgde by the (Jencral 440C � 4 recent mpe4o; or. 11).0 0411,bb, . . I In ', P lily Of We Presbyterka ocIllill M CT6 4 w(Aly J:je.V'.5P3PJ;,rf; .11, if = =_ I I IRA -Ax. 0 sm" I I 0 , . mh ;10 In Huron ,a � " " , .. '01.1;1111 I , - - 1W I 'BOOKS WI .ii. day. An address on lbe work anti Perth 4CO=tles, . the Vr0c,5V;y of-,�Q . ' " $I4, W* X I 111 11111 1I � ." . , , - -- - --- -- -, ' �: ` , , . .rep_ .. -11 I � � , �, ) offering In tile Interests of the work usly 4e. I . * - I "is wavoy of likat #0 ......... Clilrolm I 1.1 I r,i*.,,, � , I , 0,01:11 - : I , I 111.::, . ' � St ,,, I rate. The f)*, � b - !stat C"6111114. $1.11 &W 412.111111 churdi by .Mrs. (ROv.) Hamilton Aq sidered And it was unanirnow" -_ I I I T he , of alae Sudety will be. given at C'nion Increase., in "subscriptioll rates INPENS , 'vilil be received, aided to adopt the $2 ,arne, 6J 1 . I . I �W- fy" no fm Kinfoott ......... *W, - , — � 11 �k � , 'ham Nt the August meeting of the Conn: 114hers have been L .1 - 0. " try Women,* club Mrs. , ,iotas(: to thl"5 step /� � I �. I - i, ,:, A � no $14V of it"is ............... Ch"bors Jas. Bell gave ,by Afttlrn ne"C085111y. Ito Price of 0 "�,"""*A" , _ — --- �� I . I 1. , , I ., , an Interesting talk oil 'Hativalf." Mrs. newsprint has ii�erek&�jl &&914 and' dousle ,!Oths 1AUR stock o , .0 * 11 " ''I,# I The lt",O" I .......................... Conrad Andrews gave a reading and Nirs. Bell during t.if- three -fold I , f , 4-10404 - se . ' I . Norriet *0 the fillfor. i song, and several matters of business 0 P391 four years and Is still 111i i .1 'm 10 -is complete for yor'.144-Kc- I ....... ....... Norris ,iverr discussed. The next lileeting on the Increase, and the cost of vvery� in White' axi ecru, suit. U -T_ 4, . - You Will find a good Rejection of %%ill be held at tile florne of Mr.. Jas. thing that goes Into the figake'up Ota V ttft VV ature, Rva.4y.to' dear in our Wonderfifift. ;,i Johnston, Huron Ro4d, SwPt. 23rd. at nowapaper . department, on t' h I I I -1 I .... �- ^( . Popular Reprints 14.30 it. off h" JDVreliksed considerably We for trays, centres, a second floor. We, can sh � , 1. � I ,�. :... .I ... I, 11 OA our shelves at more than The Increase of Many other, . . thing you 0 ow you %1q,; I:' I 4 , 0 'L r DUNGAN 11DE48 of burs.lifiess. Tile IncreasW price ve9ulre in Read t NIF-ar Coats, Dresses, Skiiiii'lli 7�' NON * ,o- Tye $1.00 each Ill,"PecOr I'll,,, paid our school a visit 18 a 811lat'l RK" to the Individual sub- cushi,01115, scarfs, CIC. 81ouse$9 W901 , I lies a I r 11" ,, da, ' 'r '011 Tuesday'. scriber, not Quite a cent a weeki but ind Wouse Dresses, in a wonde I ' ' "' � " ,0w, Arld Aeow shipment of Mr. Allen Is still making surae fill- this Alff6reikote, while Insignificant to In rfo IVAU I - Eusllsh-) Two $killing Novels PrOVVInt-1118 to Ill& If(,%% house. the IndIv4dual, In the aggregate will fOr You to choose fro I op ' I ,. I I Quite a few frolon the %illage are at- make the difference I . I mmomowmiiiiiimwmmmp.00mpa.ponne� - .11 . .. .. . ,, I I ..`1li."� . I - � I . which wi#re wiling at 'lat' - to us of enabling . - - il lending the Western fair thtiv 1',',�r,eekf." us to Pay our Way and avoid a heavy ' Coats I - 4 " 50t; Wit Quite a few attended thanksgiving annual loss. .. n * St'I'ViCes ,it Port Albert last Sunday ev. Ion mentioning the Ju, Singer supplies Dria Busin V1 hours 8: 30 3. 111 - to 6.30 piling. c o print It Is worth __V I I p. in., 8 turday 9:30 p. in. Plums are eery pientirul (,round DOt4ug that the prices ()tie sometimes Northway Coats I , �, . herr. re. around so . I -.-. �%auj tht.u, tIij PC es mentioned in news Items in the - are well known in - _ We hgve in, 0049^ , bushel. Ver) re at 'r daily Papers are the prim of such . , _� rich and the coqut:ry . , I , I ,Nlrn. if,))- lJourri.s. (it Stratford, is paper in 17011:1 and car lots, such as tho I this section as gar- I about a wonderfI41 I " ,. apt'n(hog a 1�vf`fk ill her parvats', %Jr. daily papers Ube. .1 1--_ - ments that give real , Ot . 'r A)lva's. The Paper the Of p e 0 p I e westing lity"'I'LlY newspaper - 4 use comes In The appl, tr,-t-. aiNuirld here are very all ( sheets and Life allits refuse to supply service and carry the Dresses bought in our . hea',%il) loaded %%fill a splendid sample MISS SUSIE NOBLE I I I correct style. These I Ready to Wear ,,De-' I ' - ,if 4ppli..'. 1.1 Iluffle more than Into -tun lots ata time, and I 113#011tish Block . � . are the garments We partment. We Want . 11! Mr. [{fill Mrs. Douglas vvturne the Prie" Of such Paper is substantial- are featuring in Fall r , last Frida) after sperplilljw thele hof{- 0 1 I- IY higher than the paper which forms - Coats. Our range everyone before buying 'Ja)?' at St. John's, near Lonolon. the dallies, supply. " 0%0%0" n!-'�-- N "' 111111"Pstand Mr. The new rate will . - - ..... � - - -_ - --- � .. has b. -en grea,tly � their Dress for this - Irill"PERARV sou % Norman Truloa- come into effitil't in Goderich on :Novy OBITUARY ii I admired b season to inspect th - � bvtorilling out �111(1 "10"nK.-to ember 14t next and all subscriptions women Toronto s so e ell ef"I I V,' 11;(4). 4�illl,-Jjul. of t1l, 7ff, � fling. Pa I I . I � , y , liue which we, have 11 F:VV'rY In-eparation is to.ing be at yean, , f, who have purchased hill "I I'll-ned from Toronto fair, N%111 ill Oil and after that date will DYK!".-After 0'r III health, -, Io, --sil,t] ,I nuiubw or rt-1,11tim ..here III" fail I'mr to ti, held (oil made Jilt tile $2 rate (to t,IIjtp1i Atates addresses Nies- Margaret Dyke, , , . 9 I'll,- 0"t. 7-8ttf�v daughter of the . I . their Fall cpas in I / atheree togethqr for trael, this Y the meantime the Geo. W. I)yke - Mr. [lull .\it's I', A Coo,l,7r —r,,Ilrll,.,, 11 Ill III),. 1,11,11w S var. Postage extra).- in late Jas. Torrance and wilt! of the late . your inspection. 11 S.iturtlay frons Toiri!ollo. \%hrry 10"ir '"A"'( "'"111111 flnislied lip fts 0 Ill rate Of $t.50 %vIll be a , Passed away on .Mon- .. . Our department. F I ,.The ' . newest styles 'I'l-y tooh in III,. rail, ,,),I \1•ilj rulting 1,1,41 \',Pl,k and has some good I sUbscriPtJons paid ecePttld on (lay at tile residence of her son -In-law, 'I ' Even ✓if you are not �� st s �. Ifing -,nols. I 1-11-. " ., , ., before NON,. Ist, -Mr. (Slas. WtY. The deceased waii shown in r4any qg4rj, -, Ito A It-\% .if our r,lruI..I,n ars t,\111,4 I.) Toles or Innitupr to j,�Arn to (ioderich. or $2 for papers going to United Stater born In Goderich to,wnshlp and had I intending to buy a � I . Mr. I R"`4-" %%VrIt to Clinton ,in Wed- addresses. We need scarcely add that hied In this vicinity all her life. She I I Coat for this season ties of si'jk' and 'Wool "I', -11 Ket IlIvir fall \\Ileat N%u IIII.. \,"', Itl 114"""'IN to' "'lend the funeral of his it will he our efuleavur to m 1.4 survJved by LWo sons, Albin, In Al- 'O. . . I aft. -I' tilt- gaud rail) \%e got Q.AturdaN aunt, . .Nlrm. A. Russ died \ery sus}_ . maintain berta, and Geo. L., in, ,gas . -1 . materials. Yoltt xijust I around � to ., I . . I enh The Star at a high standard, and we and by her daughter, Mp, ' . �_ come and . see these garments to I night, willell \Nlitl much needed I . katphe%v,In .� we would like you here. There will hr A '1,age Miss Jean rely _ loot), Oj I . see the new . I light art Disher has been Rerlousl), "Pon the consideration of our town: also by one brof,her, Mr. '.. - I stillila here, it being tit) dry, Ill at (Aluton, NN-hepp she was jollu . I appreciate them. It I. going friends and subser T 'utierich township. The styles. They are . Mrs set'4101, bill last reports are that I I funeral took will be a pleasure for I Mrs. Jesse Gray art(] her sister, I'D lbers In helping us orraneP. .in o soffit she V 1�- 0 meet the greatly increased costs of PhcP On Wednesdav al- always on display in Will. Mile Of SPirInKfield, Xhas., are 'what better. ternoon to Maitland eplue.te.ry ' - ! A14 Its to se garments at all ti� this week1;1I � the. ser / Ready To Wear filling their broithers.and Pestling machines are still keeping Publiratdoill, We believe there ar(l, Flees being elinducted by .lits. Dyke,l# our Imes. t sister III Xxeter and Komoka, arid illool I "any "' front this COrnel'. There Is a very few %N416 would be without tile,, Pall -be I He" it G -McbPruild, and ,Life I Departmeut. ' friends in and around Landono not I (I anomer machine in accust0lu@d home paper for Paarers' being * a 'pe r Ing Messrs. Reid Tor, az�allt g";�, n`pIg1n.1')n,grII0"(4')d. ferenve of less than a cent a Nveek. rance. John Torrance, jr , Jas. Mc_ Stratford. We whoh thein ,I 1) I e 11, tilt, dif- \ 1, VINIt among old friends. '['tit' Women's in,,titutp I,, making I Gluskey and Chas. I)oty. ' . - Children's Coats ' Middies A man is sometimes given lip III, ill# arrangements %NIN, Mr. Allen tit have a A Pertinent' Query Mvl`JUNALD:-Thp dearth took place in all sizes and many qualities. Y()tl A sp.-cial Navy Blue Wool Ifid,dy In Goderich on Saturday, Sept..,Ilth Op. neatly trituiu2d ij all sizes, from $5 50 rest rooni Anti luneh counter in the (Simeoc Reformer Margaret, beloved daughter of Mr, �ond ' for tljt� children, -50- doctors, when he can't pay his bills. will like the Liew Styles iu Fall C )ats I - - =� new bl-ock On fall- day, If a %mail girl can, without tiring Nlrf?. Johll�NlevrDojnalid Cambridge street. I . to $7 I .%Jr. D. H. Rosy, S", of Port Huron, %,Isl,t- herself, earn $2 in a forenoon, picking after a 11 goring In; illness, Besides I pit his brOth'". Principal Ross last stram,q)erripti, h liar . what sbOuld a copy Of f4ither and mot(lep, she leaves to I ';atlIrdaY anti will spend a work at fiftY-two Issues of a good town week- mourn her 10as six sisters and a Sweater Coats I I etheir Old home In Northern Ashfield. ly new-sPaper sell for? brother, .Mrs. Emes. Serges I I .. J. Crawford, Of St,TlWrnaa ; . a"Ornpanled by Mr. ]"ereast Unavoidable .Mrs- 1. M. McDodald, of pI find .Mrs, .Jarvis Anderson Mrs. ort Huron; A wonderful range of W,).)l S!rg-,3, Just'c-)mpleted a new wall case for - Loill on on Mot Motared to ;Brussels post) McGovern of (At&Nva, Mrq.'NVhIt- our hueg of Sweater Coats and Pull- i New m�lhnexy 131 ty. Miss Jessi`c and MisA Armile, of I Gaberdines and Tricotioes for fall ford. IdAY it) rFIP4:t Mrs. Craw- The, management of Tit(, Post has Ooderleh, and John. of Dell oil, all and is 01 overs. Ttley can be easily inspected , will) has been out west visiting been making earnest endeavors b r wear, New dloths for coats, skirti aad and one can at a glance find' the styli I returning home, reasonable means y all Whom were Pre"erit At tile funeral ex- dresses. We -have every, quality to - the to avoid increasing Mrs. McDonald, of subscription The Increase eTh .t Of Port Hu;o'n, . I dltb ,v'ho, and color of Coat wanted. Be con. I of *;I� * on RC00unt of Illness. vvas -_ choose from, Be sure and see these vinced by inspecting these Hues your- 1, -fll be unavoidable. howevpIl able to be . un h1odK;,3 I Miss Marion Tigert left here on and on fletaher 1st, 1920, .till come in- were here. The Pall-bearem lines for your fall garments. I M( ....... Nif"'I'l.attend tit, Normal sch of to ref" I. T his the three brothers-in-law at ,4" rule will be strictly deceased. 1, ,Nl. Of the i , t,,. 'r. obsierved, t . self. and Prior to her depart- A. L. %oi,hIft%' McDonald, J. Emes ,And — r - 1, I of %V;'11�4. made the irselplent of ,I Father . . And Thos. Lacey. Rev. I I I McRae sang the RpqL,Iem M - — " rp she was le members of Christ arter N%,hich ass ,I I ,it, ,I --- fo church, Port Albert, and the and Buffalo, at present. . the remains were Interi-pot - � address: following in It- ('. QPmetpry, Colborne, I � . . Winker of 1910 MIslA Marbill Tigerf. Rev. W. B. Hawkins, wife and chij- la ne. . , , ers of dren, spent Labor Dav with Mr. Hafvk- funeral Of - the . JH40�b�l''1te; , , in's sister, Mrs. W. O. Gray. late `kdam Thompson, _NcooDvar Marlon--N%,i,. ill#, melob 'sCo' Christ ehuP,-h* (I whoso .4tiolden I F I Mr. and X C call' Wal; referred to) in our last is .1, I conte way ill S111INN , n of family, of s�rat�or A. . Surely never were Hats OUP aPPI'velatiot ur�;(Jav arternoor , The House of Relialfility �, I . Pork Albert wish In rR A C. Sylvester and ,4ne took Place ()if Tit I -lie servievs voll d, !pent the week- or ia.,4t ,v,�pk - I ; . . I .� have rendered us in end in their summer cottage. to 'Maltland cemetery and . I I I the P,110. sad would ,,,k %\a" a %ory I-Rege one Indicatin' I , -pas6n., %,oil to aveept Mlss,Jessie Logan, of Niagara Falls, ps1t.pul I g the UUMC120130—M 00000C IN so lovely as this 4 - n w 'Al"Pson was I an !- G013cm ime f4waS4. We reirret that the time pleasant lleli . r. Thompson svgs r,q, mRrIv - - PBe , ...... ill's club bag ii� a sluAll token of love returned to her home t Iii0i Mr. ',rt I , and estpern. after a 8 n I• .\I I I Iloilo I tit's come when visit with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. years a . t I'll, .- "011 have to be parted H. Ball. member of the town ' fill floral tribilb's %vere received, In- - - I ... . 11 partillont, fin fire of sh,ters ,,and t--- ", They show the latest con- .•- whir I e p- I eluding surae frofn two brothers. s K- M. I were the dp�Peased's • cuusin, Roy m,_ .ou evo-o"I 11 ho, had the posl. Chticago,ol Mr. and Mr. ' -at J"'m '-I-\ S "lot as'Ol"ates, but wish School re -opened On We(Inesday of tion ,if IIrs1 Mrs. Thonw,�on having sited t. Smith, of 'Port Arthur: Mrs. I I ion "pee's's 111 v"Ir future rtil- last week, although many of t lieutenant and Or Huran . or Jos. Lix j s\vt,pn1 that brin' s w LOdAw, No. 62, I. I). 0. len por(l, of S,ault ,,t(�. John Wiggins, .John Ba , ', cept' s ill Millinery art. the town \PaVS after their marriage In that city. , Diaries (In L; Mrt% � I I I (lips, "'ll" "'lull' all Opportunity arlst, audclitYachools remained closed until 1`11'emen and j)(IdIfel l".. And both the �klp. 1,11(lulp�,on is survivol h%. his wid- .\',--. 11. Baker, of tov,in; and Angus ,N101.7; 1�'Ppll (;Pai-gie. Mr. Hawkins and _ll�j 9 , T! gs N-01, back Into our midst, a after Labor Day. ]Bliss Ot will sue- the IOWs turned out to ow 'Anti tvvu - risun. Of "Out ."On accompanied , , .1 N t funt,ral 'erl h Bay Mou-th, and J tll(� body to Godes ." hearty %%elrorue ss he extended if) (jeed MISS Hartwell. In bodies. The decease(i mail serviPt, C'"I'll Chester, In the �'(r))Iriln . Morrison. of if;h I : rich, and Mr. W. Il. baker came fron, ?, You. The latter, having %N'R'-' a member of I�nox running out ,or Toronto, teago. Mrs. I'a • I Port Colborne, and You are cordially invited Surnoll (in taught here for the last thre-3 years, has gregation, but t -hp church Pon- and Mrs, G. MoManus; also by his wnd Mrs. Baker had been witt, their others here fog behalf of ill(, congrega- taken a school in Port Stanley. Mcf),ern-thl, het ,,lisent Rev. . mother, Mrs. Rohl, Thompson,, by one , sister during her last I tile funeral from (oit of town were . lion' Pastor. Rev R, (: to inspect our -stock. � 1. Air. Rpy- brothl,P. ,A,,,, ,)\. two s,sti.1, ll,,I(l illness. She, Mr. and .Mrs AUKLIS .Nit",4ween ) �. I MRS. I'll6UGHERTY. .4, .Mrs. been a sufferer for ill( past fouril.rton, Mrs, , , ( f ],IV- I '.I . I craft conducted hhe f'�nprai, v - . � R('vii, of lifneardine:, Mr-. 4 LEEBURN . Miss Lvttle ��mrfg ti 1 spr let"', Thorna,s, ,at pri�s' years and he.r,PativnVP anti Christian I t, . NIRS- NA'. F. POSTER. beautiful sol,). unt, "'It in Toronto, Rod I LIM Hov ,\Jp,.;\vf,en. Kiacardine; I . The third Sunday In Of Mr. Thonlpson,s QNIr Snell, Wt pr"ent in Aukralla. fortitutio, were very marked. She Wa-4ShIPIVy. of Tiverion. and M rs, 1, I . (Intended for last weelc) heen set aside by September has ' favorite songs. ,anti T h , ,s,,, e a COnAi.stent member - I i 1,11P General A,sem- Mr"" 1) Who were present at the ' Of lVfr. bearers Played fur her. Thr pall- . fuser- .thP Prpstly- a' Johns' of Detroit, IF' the guest Of b`ly Of tile Presbyterian c W. ,, vvere NVm. Talt Oeo. Rpacom I at r, oil( teriRn church and a stq,v1(,v %a, . . ., church as lives. .11 (.4 V s rosun,I 1f 1,,,,;if tu"'ll \VVPV the deleas- In till inlantill' vomPlaints that Miss Mac"Vicar Mr. nd Mrs. Dave Martin at present, ((:n Sunday \ , lip,(, i __�_ It ,, I p I I I . I ) I . ; ,_-P","`"-*" ... *'"— r I I . 1-1- — . , 7 7' ,l ,?", 01- 101W lrf- , !1, , e ", - ,.il vi�o !il' � I JIM 2 V A I I f I , - I I I I . I I , I rl, M. S. lay. An address on the work eLvan, C. A. ReffolkiNving: plc r. J. I evening in I'lliffalo at ,,", are . 11 Mr. Victor Green, of Detroit, 11; renew. of the Society WIR he given at Lee- R- "'allis. MRny' : -\Ir,s. Henry Hitemann, ,pastor. (), I , result Of the depredations of � I and T. � Wm- PAUOTJ I Young. (;fI'I(-agoItI" home, 239 NN'est 1),elaNen a\v,, tj\ " v", , IP King'StOn Street Ing old friendships in the village at hurt' of I on.____ vOrY beRuti-, ullie:oro, \11, :`]onlay the ro�futl, ms in the stoinach a4nd intestineft . �; 0 I present. An Offering in the Interests of the ''Illilillill'illllll11111111�1,111111111 ____�_I aKl:,:,,oM,r, and .Mrs. Ir,lporge l,olia_ w('rol "S Worm Powders will be found � lurch by ,\ Ps. tRev.) It, -_ (, .. - - . and Mrs. Herb GoIlday, brouglit ill Goderich for interment .'vlj[IPI , I'll, - ,h.' 1) rm"llt in all effective rpint-dy. '11"ey ,attack the � . 1�. 0 Mrs. Nelson, of this place,ois work \-,-Ill. be received, . " ------ I— ,�.\!� )i And Mr. And ,Mrs. \N,11), "I'altiloild Cemetery, the funeral falling rause of thpse visiting -_ , ( i Place from troubles and by expel- 1-414 among her children to Blyth, 'HEPPARDTON the resid,pnep of Mr. and ling the %Norms from the ===_ ;_ the ' . "I'll, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 .. - E v I)etrolt: Messrs' Iles, ,Nil", Win. H. Baker, corner Welling, Toronto I I 11111al G(;l,laday being brother ton and Quph,e r "'Cirlibnog Of the system, % TH. And tl�f4rt '� an orderly organs Ingunt - ' . I streeLs, on I 11 All those front ,,around firre \%-If " a t- ' I ",'u'," -�,',r,,)'ll no 0116lay a neiihmv Of Afternoon. Monday with,out whieh tile' child ' f � � tended the Canadian . r . 1, ,� n's. cannot main- . I Northern exhibi- 'I'll P services w0ry con- fain it, strength or thrive. These ! ,l t�on in Toronto report having a dusted by nol%. IL G. AlcDerruhl pastor Powderst .4 ; I I me good ffvd rfi Qf I 11-,� *K!,�,�'The third hreak in flip i 41f Knox church,qmean health (_ q 0 . and tlu� pall-hPaPPI'S' ment. cwt mprove- _ I I late John Morrison since �Stanley Hayden underwent a Severe V1 U ,"thrisi,noils flay ul�purrpd On Thursday, . ____� , . 1, ,. �%, SPECIALS OPt'Pation for Ills eyes At' the London t- 9th, at BuJ7�flo, \,�-11,u ', �����������������������������"��'- - . .I, Ila N,, Haskins ns I .Mrs. :,%. ,,. J hospital. Latest reports A Sure Relief for Woman's Disorders -10 Days' Treatment Free 4. " I � say lie Is Rhoda Movirlson) pa,gspof doing Nvell' The heht of summer Iowa)" Cllr previous deaths being thost, IL � I 11 I - "'Itlich occured s of al - lelp, On locally and is'ab.,;Orb(,.d 9 " - ;);is 11)"iy, And Mrs. Baldwin, a Into the suffering ti sue. 'I'llp dead waste matt" ..; . � Orange IAIV is a certain relief for all Tliqordpr r Jv(JrIIPIJ. I t is IN OUR Mrs. Will. (Ira)Mm returned to her makes all household" "-O:[h I . I `\, it ri -'s B I - applied " 11,011110 here on %turday, Sept. ,ill,. tasks more difficult. short tillip later. n ill(- congested region is expellpt, giving immediate` r t� ' ff" hI lcAving her daughter` -In-law in - fair Nfr,,;. flawkinq was n1n)(11fitiff, mental and physievi I - h Way to recovery. Buy an burn in GiifloriPll but had lived In t ,,, _. ri'llilf; th(, blood V�88pls and I . I ,,, _ ,,, _ N. _ � f". Annhorsary sprviet-s %%I,ll he heloil ,,it RUrrH1,1 sinell her "I arriagO 11 years .1 n(IrvP,,, are t0npd And strength- f, � i*'',iUo-thodist��Ohurch�-,aelt�.-StIlTd.ay at t4ro, He'illos her bl,reaveol fill,;band 11 sed; ,and 1,11P cirrulation is Pon- 0, - I 1� It O'clock in tit(, morning ,lull 7 in t Elict.ic Washl site 14�;'V(�s one son, Arthur, an1d thred ,,, '. 4111 dored to normal. I AS this treoJ14 I I : j t T 4�_ ng I , ment . . I 411 GR06ERV 0 , , evening. ',"Peel'Al singing 1ofif that o __ '—=M-- , -� it; haRrId on strictly scl(�ll - I rasion' 0- ,"r� ,11 I - I , �1 1 ' " I tills priori les, anti alts 01) I'll, ., I Eddie itN-11 I machine GODERICH MARkM. . . . , ., " ,Q is sufferfiik'with a f . .Actual lo4'fIti(lT1 Of the dfiy,ase. !t THIS � W * " on � 011 big In to get 0 We have . ` I cannot help but do good in ail 4- I . E V, K th� three makes OUWA- Market Reports Ott page 3. troji-bles, inolud- I - I M, I I [)one taken k1ger a'. forms, of feniflo' -H . � , � I I fit'theingtirst joint. It t and sizes, at different Wheat ........... ;... thin ,laAnd Painful men,tru- i - i, ., I I Is unfortunate HIM fie should be la)d . ................. I 00 to 2 . . lip At a time vv. en III,,, help Is q Flour, Gov'ment standard...7 7 75 to 8 a . 4tion.-lelleorhopa, falling (If it,(,, 1�1 't , 0 mu �ll 2r, , .-T.I.- - I . "I I-eqUIred at his b ". prices Flour, per cwt., family 0( - ) I � Woulb, ete. Price $2.00 ppr box , , 11 I , Bran, ..................55...... 6 75 to 7 25 " trent ient o , 'Virts. Upshal left on the r" P. R. g The "Thor" 00 to 56 00 whIch '-4 slIffitiPlit for ono: ' " . . I ' urday. (;opts at- Shorts, per ton ......... will he sent Frev . A PrI,e Trial Ireatmeni, ennugll for fo,daygl , . . ith for ,her 4p ...... 63 00 to 85 00 in any sun'(�rfng w(imAn who will worth 75r., I J� I �,E West, $he A,ai�. . In tip I Tile "Trojan" Oats ....... ........ . sand mr, her addri , . � �,Lj', Gold 804P 1 i" �10'M;Ujb3i'by h#J, p), *,*,,*,*,,**,* ..... 75 to s5 I I ,qs. .1 rjey up Oqe 3 stamps Arrd' Address, , .1 . brother. PirtInk, NvJIO intefus to bri _.:. . _h , I I , R. .................. 1 20 to 1 2,1 -Nins. Y�ynrA W. LAIJil, NVIAsor, on 1. P1 , . 00 69 and The -Irlbs-to ffck'v�i.. it � ) ? 11119 sister. Mrs. Bliff,linnan, hump %v I ... ........ 1 75 to 1 95 `'ULD BY NEADI.Ni; J)RU(',(,r.';T.q EVERYNN-I . . ith Hay new.,, ....... _�20 00 to 20 00 . her ja,tt 1. . 11 ■ him, as site intends to make t�, lFnr � With tier slater and brother here -Dairy ......... 0 58 to 0 — =_- _____ ,,� 1, I � witilo thee. h 04,0 Lamps, frog a Eggs, per dozen ............... 0 58 to 0 - -ttil 11:�� - — - -_-- u , I , - .1 - I ! I i . . I -0 �1-1 1-i - P li�l (Intended for la Hogs .... p .......................... ) 00 to 20 � CALL AND THEM .r - . i, S nle hl ,,808, ` 1.00 r , s, at .. always on Ii I� . . I � , � 0 st weii ,;i I I 'i, . hand I Cattle. butchera choice... 10 00 to I I �, ,,, , �, '� I 0 Q I , j . ,; Marvin Durnin and JimmLeBrown alit, __ � Cattle. btitchersordinary 09 0o to 0 0 To the Boys and Gir I ' 1; hauling ftaX to Goderleb. I Bologna. Bull,,, per.1b .......... 1S Of - ' e Vile and -' . , " ]Eddie Willis had a successful ! , r # .. — , forU soop Sortna Lambst, perIII........ .0 10 to oilsurroundingCo "';"t !'- ' �'F� 1-1 � ,,.,, .2 fop 190 I ralsll� WATER AND LINT COMMISS1 un i", . .$ 1. �� � Z. last Friday, getting his barn u ' . ON I Potatoes, new, per bush ... **i 00 to I Do , . % ;a ; op, I . . I " . shape, 0 In goM 40DERICH I Rides ............... ............ 10 00 to 12 00 11 r , .. � I : tat ; � i itiiiiiiin . your 4 ..: ".. I . I .tax - ' Among ttm rfr ot men. . Isbe I ev .... . ....................... 0 07 to 0 09 -I ,''�1. , I Toronto rialto tv - __ —C 1, I� , � , .1 11 I , I '' - I . � . - tIoned last week,wete Mr. and Mrs. � 1� " . 111111.11 ' - " 4,. . $01tionerallam"-,-,-.� . F,,Iakes,,,2�,�,,,fop,:,25o,�"L I 4, z�%VIIl]§Ur6* '-rd - ,PnJ_ 1 �� II ,. r a. Of tadd, . tuff*4 his 0choolqu' t �Al.�, ,e L , hunk M188 Iffar lir��*R, land 'J#her I �11' 'L��; 4' , * trien I I t .9 I � el ni .1, I I *'�' � I " "" as WE ., I � � I �� - 0 , AIT FRAMVictort L ... �. � �I � 81"Broubd Jea I � Isi f6reduste"'In a PORTR' y Bonds , YOU will not forge I .. t � I ,I I k 14 - 0 edukling . , Of course, . . � lltth��T&!bljh$ YOU" pens and pencils .'I . q I a Kempton as t6 - . � ", . Toa, I " t, "I taillight two years in Shop acher.. Site . scribble.rB, grammar and arithmetic books, f I , . , . .1 . , . . 'L . 66 �� 691, '. I. was A i. I �.,� .-1, 011rd.11011'.iftilid Gilt, ilia Carcikslian Willifivi but there 4 � I I -1.1 gi �, 11 �.. � �', �� s Victory another item which must not be overlooked. V711ilt 1 A .1 , -, .; 64Y 4ord6u, ' " ' . Oval Fraillitt At the new price -boy or girl vilants to go back to 8011001, wi th a .r �4us,Saa it, fitted with Call. Bondq arle unquestionably pall Qf,414-wato * b ,kot ourlonarch 0 obld Rebobil 01tu.'rT shabby Shoes'? Most bf Mt. liff,vo "fliffshed.otiV., I � , : I � ra , is I : 11 I I .. _,". __ I I , I I I villotting his woth'er 414,fatgr in e. vex Glass, toady to hang, iron the pl%mier security offer- old onds during the ,3uMmer holitit," V6.ur � I . " � I -�p I -� _--� rll* Arid trfC%A4jjJ4� olik" OW i dy � ed to -day. how nicely yau are dressed, , . 'and nod 11.11' '. I 10 ARAM4 well *,the-lai", , I . * I . . 0 M#ter �i�10 , I I I � . �.v � btillyfic 1!il. ',,' a P0,117 Of shabbyl P6 ;vni - � �� 1� I . . � �, 4 I ol , 1.11, I I � .� �2.50 up NON-TAXABLE ' give YOU an untidy appearance. Q-5 L I � LL L I To 1"004 , I nee. I I - I I . I I Aftl ettv will hod at W2 at 4 a tartat. yielding "? Ad. " 0 . I "Im , � . I I 11 I 4 tfmod�fg oc I I ! hut on, dun- These Sq.50 ,frgrues are the I Just 111189 the word alohg to I :."'.1', 1. , . I , , 11 I I L I - .. . I � .1 11 " , " . I It I , I L . I I'— I . L ItuMI, , I I - 0 at I. 11 1.16 PAL mother or f4ther tilt 11 . �14 , I I " 19111111t, -1920.,, A b wap- very . I Yi proeinber ., It olliftl "rVb40#44eeh#VChg stifinO 63 the 081,13ITAsSer from 111111 at I I. .. Ito P4. the boqt PlAce tO go for A, good new � � � _� , 2 . kids to d06t,c!1ka door 1. W pair is the 11 1, ,, � � � 0411 diyo, WS you 115 for, And in 10 Sh I I .. I I ... 11. Borne ca,", !mor©; , &180 telling INS at W " 6.10 P.C. on the Corner," ,where We can give you go6d &il I 00*4lbe r If 4. n d. Cvft�. pe r ,I 101 at k " 4. 1 I WRI be served from oto 9 6TO '. "I � . , '100�,, #tter � M I _. ,:, I ,!, �1'1 , , moplo thAt"�hfl couldfi,690tho � I 6.4 P.C. Leather School Shoes that will stand UP 4d w i .1 I "I � � I � I I .151 ... 14 I 0" Which & flPleniild progrianif M11 boill-xen- I TAXAbLIC well under the 1*0110 (nF;n,.ge . 04r �: L — I'll I I I I � I "I d6 - The program ,�'jil conivex. al"II hove. We have. You Are bound to gl,V,6 QYA �,;, - , , I ,: ' I I � : ` �L � i � ��:�,�, ; I 0 1JR4 at !" 104 Intifew. y1tolding L2, 0�0- in Your sellool games, � _;,��: - ,� ��:� 11 I . ''I I Jfddr0s!W8 by the Ho'llf. A. *. Vil bitoluft plenty tit C606% lass sind can fit , at very row! prices. , .. .. � 1. I � ��:�'', I I .1 . A., of Auburn, &bd other . I**. B. Out P101111106" bO raoft jklictitottka,lly 11111111111 it a 11 . 4. U4 *.*. 41 , . . L " L L. . �� . Uw out&- bilin till - I I . . 1� LIMITED won 11 " tlousWbe vlooma; ," f, 4i'awk. &*a at 4r L We Wish You every sticeegs in YoUr ' . 'L t� ,. eb . , � t . " " Qtkaftttt I a, to HrinmyourpfL-� ,�,� .. � � , �1*41411 by ,. " . �_ .111. � , - ' :- 1. 1. Ift. - ;kri TM64rtln, elft of , , �" , , of a brach Z. .. . I ' ''. '' '" 11 -, " It 3 in a " bo"Itton'liffeed, I . Inh UD M 7 Opt dent;. . I " � � L . 11 I AWIM I 1� I I � I 4.1e, , , ,. 1p�, � )1;1�1 V. $010, b$ NI" I Yours very ter , 11 11 I.r I L 1, 11 I 11 . i I her, -, I ' 1 �. 0 Municipid bffeTjhgg yield. studies. . r,5116vad - 4 , , ' , - I , I ltlbl%ull of 100166tft,1111 . I �.fl �.. 1� � ' fii%'� ftfif #rt Store ,; , f I L'� . , ... 1�t., N , tv 11 -�' .h . I I -_ I �111 , - , " , T; flo HARRISO I I 1 . V �, I "I Oi,k : 6M R" 'L11110* 4"A , . whildf6A Is . , � � k�, L : , . , L Allilk, Ill t INSOVA I I I 3 ,. . . I ", . I I , . TOO axtit'fkti. ftbiwile . " . . I . ! ., I I , i, . 1111ill 111111 falt he - I : 1111101111illi . � '� . StOre- ,�� I ,. 11 8 : I , - , I . I L I— Skt*14*#AJJl � , . ��, I I ,11� "d *40 W. AEC. Wilt" ,� . ,I ." N, , "t , � C'AS*rOR I A - - mi*o ill 0 1 &W . LL OMAN, " . I,, , , 11 11, 1, , , , I I I 11 1, 1-Ij It ,� , I j, I I 1 . .. 11 , i.11,., ---,—I 11 11 I I a I L I . iiiiiiwR I 11 11 11 rr - ,, _ 6L , , �" � - I � I - I � ' -1 I - - ` ,. . , ; t '_� i . , *L' , . -- --- � - ot"�,,'-, _.-AAk_ I 1 14 " - 1� L T � �. �±4_�_ "e!A_.. . A ill suit 11 as 1.1 0 Torino-- Arrive - I . � Hlim0ton—Leave,. � . Godeiich-Arrive wl . I'll, -0;::4�i k '4L 4R 1, L. . W I F. J. & F 0 " I . "L D ICYR, EAR, 14 , (', j�rt it-- ud .""'h57wfrerrooSt., �. At Bedford Hot ,nesday, NOV. l7th /1, 'aily, Nov. 18th, al ------ I A I'rL. I. SCVL,r,. ) Toucher of Band V10ii1riASt TWYt',, -_ � . C IIARILFS BUC91 Organfqt St. nes Piano. Pipe Organ . . , Five -pi. For terms ,apply I, —D. 11. WES] Licentiate London land, Organist .,*a North St. i1e;I10dis . . --.--- A ler m01M% I I boatrs. Iro ternIS I "$ St. CghU do0t.I - owerich. K11 N "'o" ; - � Sat 01 " ,' r. - . .,; — I t, ,, . rr,rjl " .�,,U-. , ,,, I � . I .� , ""� t-" , , '. I'll, , I i - , , I Dolt alist I., , 1, 1�, I , . I . I , � I I . I I I . , , .. � I , I � , I " L I , . . � I � , � .; t , . - . - I . . L" ,., I I I - ` I - . t�t "I � ",�g - _', , — , � I , 'L `1)� . I � I t_�. . J, ��.,'� " - �. , . % . . .— I 1. - 11, ,�, �fp, . . .L ;i�.� 11 � -.;. , . .;. .;. 1. � I 14 I � I I , , I - o"t, ,,.' '. �� 11 �� .,OLI 1 '4� 1� "L 1, ll. '" . 11 , 14 ,,, " �� , "�', it I .` 11 � " 1 � I �' I "I � 1. • 1� I I.. , I I Jq w, L� I 1-1 . �t I _.- I , - , .. , I , .", . . T 1- 9, � . A ill suit 11 as 1.1 0 Torino-- Arrive - I . � Hlim0ton—Leave,. � . Godeiich-Arrive wl . I'll, -0;::4�i k '4L 4R 1, L. . W I F. J. & F 0 " I . "L D ICYR, EAR, 14 , (', j�rt it-- ud .""'h57wfrerrooSt., �. At Bedford Hot ,nesday, NOV. l7th /1, 'aily, Nov. 18th, al ------ I A I'rL. I. SCVL,r,. ) Toucher of Band V10ii1riASt TWYt',, -_ � . C IIARILFS BUC91 Organfqt St. nes Piano. Pipe Organ . . , Five -pi. For terms ,apply I, —D. 11. WES] Licentiate London land, Organist .,*a North St. i1e;I10dis . . --.--- A ler m01M% I I boatrs. Iro ternIS I "$ St. CghU do0t.I - owerich. K11 N "'o" I � I ! , — � Sat 01 " ,' 1, �J1�,, - 1, ,�1,1' t, ,, . rr,rjl " .�,,U-. It , i: I .� , ""� t-" will closiI 11_w 1 . . il I I � I � I 41 " L � I Dolt alist I., , 1, 1�, I ,