HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-16, Page 5C
n, .•A
� MOST �•p; UptEatlit csey etrr�ltrlgese:at�� a+:vcttt tt� .._mz ,. -..—•— ��,-�-�,,, ,. i
faraaal�.�, llitL` •rtttrkk €tlon¢eatkttft anu�,t I?R > '"'"""•"�" .
Alrnlfln� t lflerA>. lkni�iteer ,pt giwa a AAlftereut vvat I1 ro G w k• ,0,, 1',. 0. b.. t. 0. 0• Jr. latter. „
AarIt ulLtt#re� Guest cif Oom0l of �ft'tt>det ' ` rural 1,. 0. �. IVitit to Gutigt la, �1eit2rtrti "'�
slttd" lr :tof►r�l t<Ns 1h.uraelay. lctgti steliaaols iitb as to i dalcalra tine . <.�...., _. __ __ - .. �Q•.
• yoaug people for rural tire, F4111.Gretlfre+t extelucli 1 alit •■ , tear
in conflectiiliZ_ ►V111t tt� vl8.tt of Lhe gratloat of the right goal miuM ho Be- For Wipe tAk* t� pe� at lodge of tit,q lam"• ' J ^� �* � ����'�• `R Pte'
Vico. 4Iillti� wholely, minlster - (,,t•, •• carred. B Iltt appointtu _tlt of prastdtut CRU141alk Order Ot l arestexa tins made 010vta
Circv..Aman to the positions of cotnu,isP / ! r
.!9t'.e.�llre to 'tote Uflt�t�io li4lvertt- a pt•ecttce of hglcicif�k tela annual dpeora•
a,e nl far Aaatalifa tv�is mt8de, sat that
tf+cYfj iq ti4ttie> folk last 'keep dvr� the ilo megIlL ntttlie Sic strestpsi, Ittteill silt tial[ dwy. when the haves of all dopat• .r
forini+•I I�AR pliiR pt ileo tlodcrlch Infjatar', & ted Members of 040 carder to the mad 4-
r 14 o, o crit accuhtd of Ill fai'm1. t land cemetery were visite4 and a lion. tko , a am, to 6; P.m., Saturdays tQ P.0k. Plsas4 Sfio Ear iifwP�fll vs
Rrlal: �stlir, a �4ttllttlt�,i}t�try blfittluet' ill i�.reaL Bt':tain, and afterttprds 40 � s 1'4 Itetutl:
rv;* Aeuder d 111m at Hotel Stinsict on - quilt of flowers d@t�tted oiu each with P
,. Tilitrsf$a'yt eventpB. Atte>ut fifty tepre�ll'Nozv ty ?arid Sweden. to coxlie to can- enitl<lttd ceremony and appropriate set-
segtat[ve'farmers of We vteuttY andreda tuft take up agriculture. These
eltitietil 4t G(iderieti • reraA pleaigpt. li A ARI)St tis,:• well looked' after by the vlces. This year the day was made a
l3pye prperiL tveu, tltcy Qrrivpi, and)general fraternal ttoelety decoration
♦?lidsini tnuslA. tvtif3 d Qeotirsetl ltlt the MPA aSStat;iince gl'ep them. The day the local branches of the Great; y(� (�`1 �(STORE
�r {t3Xttt!>J(t5tgttc ltie-kiey Qriylfe urs dlaring lntlnk rauke ►fault a hand picked. Wat ters, t , floe 0enadtsn ander of�� ��, ����1
N064 luitrtfeea �1Rd, tttr Milt justiea had Foresters, joining
udnonews and oho
then.'too., tritttk lines for hy'dru rreC- UraaR@m@n 101a1ng til one service, and,
taceu d e to tha gUttgptugtis viap.Q,cirtelty +t►. jlo built so" that farmers
! Atte chairtnixu, Mr. 'R. J. Meg'aw, presi- in flirt eoricerdslOn litho o. that to able now that it is started, we hope to see
Pew, ,$3.10. dent of the OQard of Trado, briefly and ` such an event made an cannot one.
to enjoy A ftttrtlr share oar the runvcn-
very pleaaingly and tlttit!>Sly, iplroduc. ' Sunday last was a beaettiful day. The
Pictufree 1J x 2} inches lenses of urban citezeus;'
ed the guest of the e4ea(ng. rats the previous nikbt had laid the
81UPW=ft—•that's to Jt8 . bte Kori. Mr. Daherty, in beirlmning lits JA ceucl�diu,9 Ills .address, the Hun dust very ntcaly sad each society had a
ya \fr._DC)herty dIP>Ctlaaetl the Guveru-
frsthe eonstrgetdoo-of [Atte camera,,. address, expresti.0 his very great ,vent's attltttde O ttattbo elr Govern -
good turnout of its metuheta. Besides FIRST SHOWING OF THE NEW "FURS
That's the ir@Aseonthatwny yeas Pleasure in visiting tioderich and aa- the members of the societies to the pro -
13• sistl developmeirt, assuring hitt he _r�rs that
mg in the opening at N,e tali and the'HOcernment was a strori std cession. a very large number of towns -
star can make coca pictures with also his appreciation of the hupor con- !t it was mottle, walrsrd or drove out to the our showing of Popular Priced Furs is roach better this
it from the stArt. ferred on hitt in the banquet tendered er of public ownership anti that it was cemetery, and there must easily have
favOra le to as rapid a development of"
him. been a thousand persons gathered In
Think of the fun for to Te Illlnister then spoke of the int- electricity as conditions justified, but the cemetery. season than ever and are now being shown in our greatly en-
ohildren in pictures of playmates, portent place that county and town that it, duty was to see that every in- For the procession each society
chords and agricultural fairs ought to occupy In terest was duly safeguarded and that assembled on one of the atteets radia- •
pets. Where's pleasure the financial burden was kp rt down larged showroom we herewith mention just a few models taken
arousing Interest in the production of 1 tinct t m the t, the, the , . V. A. t
in them for you, too—and eesme w a fair ectal fres the electricity. Ha on North street, the Q. O, F. on cltij
better live stock and farm ci produce, wanted to Impress from our large stock.
day whet#lotigkpt"pookera,lup hair tre,a lila hearers with borne street, the I. O, U, F. on West
dl The large fairs of provincial or na- the thouhht that hydra -radial devel, street and the G. O. L. F. Montrealst
ribbons ,go tit" tbe,l4l aard,. such rtionai catlbre, while doing a great opment was a separate thing from hyi
piottlies wW be prlceless. We .work, were reaching the large ed- street, and as the band of the 88rd
deo-electrical pruduotloa; one was for Regi
I era but It remWned for the local lairs Regiment proceeded round the Bn the A 1
$q the detceloptng and pri7ltitl$. the citizens as Ontario in general and the various i gas tell !n line, to the Women's Handsome Hudson Women's Smart Australian
to create Fnterest in every farmer up the other was for more local needs. order named, forming and down the concessions, encoura� Ran Imposing pro -
The �-•"-
011ur$rowtii Xpto$a�.3b g millal Interests must be cofxsIder- cession n g
Koda,ksfilvm'$rr.zl roil Ing him to produce and bring out for ed In their rotation to the Interests,o( uet of flowers. On the way flout ue t'the 01=1
Seal Scar Opossum Star
exhibition the few products on the the q
general cilJzrn. "1'hr Province was band played several marobog. Arrived
e - excellency of whioli he prided him- paying out large stmt" monthly to in the cemetery, the assemblage jSatl,•
Campbells Prug Store self. meet 'the east of the Ghi aw'•, ' Avery smart model `n one of the
It was not by what a few outs and- pIt s l,riftal ( of a an open spam fate +nnet� pard 7 y inches long, pockets Atid bElt,
The Penslsr Store
in breeders of live .tock could Ap,•u_ development and it was its duty fo of the cemetery, ant the service best wearing Furs with OCICetS lined
duce that our stock -raisin industry in know fully regarding that expends- opened. line crepe de chine, price y,125.c�o + pockets, Nut to Yillar"a ttosiCh store, thaSquaro g t tare. Rev. R. C. Mcnermid, pastor of Knox crepe de chine, price $75 00
Ontario should by judged, but rather The speaker was listened to with church, presided. and led to the open.
by the classes of animals going for- 1wrapt attentiv+n throughout and he ing prayer, after whirl[ the hand and a Handsome Sable Set �+ p
ward from all our farms to the stock-1-wasMisses' Attractive Badger Set
,cards in he ,laulrhtrre+d for beef and greeted with a will merited round few singers from ta0h of the sooietits
of applause. led in the hymn, •'boat lie the Tie That '
'j pork. It was to be tics pleasing duty At the conclusion of the address the Binds," which was joined In by the
Sz NOTICE! to preside at the parade of prl .ani- chairman expressed 1118 pleasure over whole gathering. 'the scripture lesson. Women's Handsome Brown Sdble
mals at the Canadian National exhlbl- the speakers reference to hydro -Flee- for which the 7th chapter of the book of This is a raost attractive and
tion in Toronto on the followingday, tri -cal development, wi,ech was in a set, rap a animal Scarf, melon shaped
and, without doubt, it would bet the p Revelations was rector o was read by g splendid wearing Fur for a young lady,
large measure in aerord ,w•(th the Rev, 8 S. Hardy, reefer of Bt. George's bluff, trimmed crepe de ebine, price extra smart, animal Stole and large
The subjects to be preached even n Arnet anywhere in Canada,. yc m lrtvs of the /;oderioh Board sof Tt;ad - oerch. Then came the singing of
even r correct and yet, to his mend. Mr. J. P. Hume, principal of the Col- "Jesus Lover of Illy 60111" as a duet by Sg0.00 a set Muff, lined silk poplin, price �5 each
from on Sunday Next a more correct estimate of our in- legiate, and chairman of the Hydro Messrs. Beecher and McDonald, the
dustry would be found at the various Commission or the Board f Tra(e, hymu "Nearer My God to Thee" by �1 /1 �1
stock yards throughout Canada. It was to then called un by the Q halrman everybody, followed by the address by Red Fox Sets White ThiNI .Sets Natural Wolf Sets GreV4 Sets
Sept. 19th there that the saw the great need of Go say a few words re arding til,, ycraft, the singing of the
the concession lines, havinga qow g Rev. Mr. Re g g
question of uniform rate for hydro- hymn, "U God, Our Help in Ages Past,"
at the sense of the value of well bred stock, electrieih'1 \It^. ,Hume briefly refer- and the benediction, pronounced by Novelty All Wool Plaid Skirtings Handsome Models�in New Coats
rliminating the .crab sire. Thu speak. red to the fact that the waters nt Nla- Y•
rr rSgretted to have to refer to tha Rev. Mr. Hard
Kara, the Trent System anti the St" CID opening hes address, Mr. Reyeratt
small ex?,iblt ow that
stock at the but
%voce are not more imagined a stranger visiting the town
Extremely S[Ilatt are the Coats
Baptist Church fair here. He knew that Nle great but waters s4, 1o�ral waters and g g °i1 �XCeedin ly smart are these hand- Y
County of Huron stood high in PAlled from man)" parts g such a large number of g that arrived this week, The Come In
stock, as seen at the stock g good of our prorfnrp and that thev are a People going to the one place. His §om.e All Wool Plaids in a great var- y
yards, and provincial heritage to he administere,t natural question would be, "what is Davetvne and Velour 1n the newest
Montreal Street it was a great disappointment to him for the eelual benefit of all citizees, going on Y What is the meaning of it lets- of subdued colorings, they Come
that it w•as not in evidence at the and to the fart that it would be better all ?" 58 )inches wide in Skirt lengths of I t� New York styles showing the cape
11 a.m. Subject (loderieh fair. "You have a magnitl- for sur prnvince to have many smaller In the first place this assemblage
1 cent at•tendatrep and you have good at. urban rpntres well spread over our yards and no two alike, priced $11.50 collar effect, priced at $,50.00 to $6o oo
tractions for pleasure seekers and now country rather than t4 have a taw ov_ meant that we honored the dead. Prob•
"'This Body of Fragile I nope when I rums again to Goderrch er-grown ably very few of those in the gathering length Viyella flannels
citi's wfierr congestion were without some mound is that cents
I will be rejoiced 'by finding the de- makes conditions ;1lovuitable Por the tery which contained the mortal remail s
Clay'[ forts remedied." proper brinOn>z up of families. He of some one near and dear. It might be
• •
andThe discussion of our national debt apppallwl to lion. Mr. Doherty to se- a parent, whose part in the early his. Special Showing of Children's vlyella Flannels guaranteed un -
1, the means of paying it aft was carr for the Gndo lch Board of Trade dory of the country one revered; it shrinkable are two well known t� need
next taken up. Mr. Doherty showed the privilrgw of presenting its views might be a chCld whose spelt flikhi• W
that Our annual national clebt charges regarding uniform Hydro rates to the the bright world above gave us an Coats any comment. We are showing a new
7 p.m. Subject required a payment of $5o a year for ctsmnlfssinn appnintrd by the Otn"rrna investment In that realm ; or it might range of light groutids with colored
every man, Wonsan and child now in nlpnt at ihpir last (I 11Yn a invern-i est i_ be a friend.
it �ciend in Need" "ter country. but he w•as optimiatle gate the feasibility or a "core Just and In the second place et meant that we We have not overlooked the little stripes, most suitable fol ,lien's shirts,
t enough a know that we weer well equitable rate for hv,lro rleclriefty, believed in God, In immortality. We plisses this season and are showiw a pyjamas and ladies' and children's
able to bene et, but there must be co- The Hon. Mr. Doherty in reply as- believe that God, who breathed into
operation between urban and rural cit cured it, Beard nr i,ra, that tory man's nostrils the breath of life and lot of smart designs for school and wear, 31 inches wide $1,95 per yard.
Bible School 9.55 a. m. tizens. F7vrq•y one must put his shoul- would be arim"en rnr opportunity ey made him a living spirit, bad prepared dress wear to fit children from 4 years White Viyella, 31 inches wl�ic $2. ,
der to the wheel. Labor and capita] 41+rrsled, w.c'N '5
must comp togetfirr• A new concep- applauded, ' (lvvingo711e ,, yA, r. i� it Fmi•ly a (afore state o[ existenoe for our
8 p.m. B. Y. P. U. Meetin spirits and that ourapirit wouldoneday to 14 years, priced from $6 to $21 50 per yard.
Uun of eitlzpnship must decelnp, in I ham'insr to tics ;t second address at the rejoin those who had gone on store.
wb"ll the Idea of service to the state fair s, -rounds, fhcr� w Rev, Mr. Reyeraft closed with an s'
and to one's fello%v man must be th,1I , thrr nddresce. ,,, ax no time for appeal to all to find their place in some Our Mail and Thone'Order Dept. Always at Your Service We Pay Shi��;ng Charges on all Orders
predominant thought. the very pleasant congrpgation of those who were Drying
A11 spata free • dose the foundation or
industry in I ihrp�snn,rinr��of rthrcltaiti, n;tl (.gnthrmith
I;,lnada roust ever he aRrfrn usr andI do their share to Upholding the work
There's a Welcome for You _ for which the ministers of the Gospel McCall's Patterns Nemo Corsets Kayser Gloves
Wit, li,pildation of the national debt There are GWo sides to every quos were acting merely as the leaders.
must be wrrste(i chiefly torn) the top I tion—your side and fhr wrong side, At the conclusion of the servioe the
_— members of the valrious societies dis-
persed various sgrave of the come-
'Phone 56 �
and on each grave of a departed
brother way laid one of the bouquets
which had brought
� STORE 'Phone 5ti
.been out, and atter
their honoring thememory of their
\1rs. M. R. 'MacLean and children,
Saturday, Sept .18th. Sale starts at 3I
departed brethren, the members of the
Billie and Donald Grant, of Cleveland,
p” rn.. In aid of veterans' cut in new
various societies again fell in behlnrl
are vMting In town.
the band and marched back to town.
\i(n-a Pearl Knox, of Toronfo, Is
spending her nn at the parental'Model
v1'ednesday to attend the W, -scorn fair.
Fremlo,n front lsllnna. .1•Ihrpl, 1�
,ores Nraled tlttlpkl..—IL
\,fr. and \Irs. Hcncard C. W.Wer, and
one 'f t11p moot distressing troubl,•s,
1 a p, r.I.tont sore that refuses to healt
ehlldren, of Tillsonburg, are spending
811(141"11 n, ,t, athu•ka and prolonce,f In
tr.) Dr "Phomas' F.rh•clrit
ant) \luir are visiting
twosweeks' cationWalton.with relatives
its ;Isorrilw. F'reyl,entiy ninny thl,I
011 in
tun• ,Ir,•.Uu,u It %.111 •,top
a at
are tri"J, but nothing sepals to glm,,
carry .rwa) the proud flesh, draw
\lrs. H. W. Ball and Mrs. R. Black
tanirolt,b f hlyll+ugh,,Bruc
h„p,• of relic}, Or. ,1 D. hellogg,,A
Pos and Prepare ., clean tvny for
are visiting in London this work.
I IMr.aAlbe
ll.govd ,s lh� 4•ure 114.1 n
Ili„ nem. skin. It 14 the recognized
Mrs, i;, %I. Elliott spent a few days
Curry a.nd. fpr son, Frank, were visit- I
trieolh,•rp r'ntnlrl.Ips I mn i If you have
I healr+r among Otis and myriads of pea
t le can eprllfy
in London during the past week.
'ors tyd'town the past week, guests Oto sol fall to ithout
of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston, \Vat- I get lit-onee a parkake of
• that It healed where
other ofe baled utterly.
_\lrfi. Jahr Huckstep is visiting her
niece, Mrs. James Pearson, in Toronto.
rrlon street, and other relatives here. (chi. unif,,r•n11y sure-4ol prepar.4tl•,n.
, in their return trip home they had a 1 Th, h, t uilntr 1 0.11)
Mrs. \lnrdock -i visited her
%toff with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn H. Jahn- ,In iN n„t i„
critivize my nelghhol• lel him ,x-
Leek , of
Mrs. [.rrkie, of London, this
i an
stun, tit Rhoppardton. J1R1ple �
V r1
N1r\f � \1 i f
The G. NN', V, A. Ladies' Auxiliary _ - --
horse this week after spending a fro
an rs. a u p n, o sMahoma
City, are visiting Mr. and \urs. B. (
t%ill have a "alp, of home-made baking
in Mr. UtrNabertson's store, West t,t..
\1rs. M. R. 'MacLean and children,
Saturday, Sept .18th. Sale starts at 3I
Billie and Donald Grant, of Cleveland,
p” rn.. In aid of veterans' cut in new
are vMting In town.
\i(n-a Pearl Knox, of Toronfo, Is
spending her nn at the parental'Model
hnnu• on Waterloo
erloo �lreet.
\laggie Hunter, noted univeranl ac-
trp ,;, left Tuesday for Walkervilie at-
trr a prolonged visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. .iohn A. Goy, fit
For Week—sept. 20 to Sept. 213
rags,• ;err gnpats al the hemp of their
annL, Mrs. Sinclair, Britannia road.
.1.1 r. and \Ira. Chas. Leckie and Mr.
Monday and Tuesday
Lerkir•. �r., Mrs. Caroll and Miss F-
Broplwy motored � to London yester-
\Ir ,end \Ips. Wm. llenley, Light•[
house street, have rpturnM home of-
ler „pending two weeks with frienAs
in Toronto.
i ,•
"Putting t Over
\lits ivy Elliott, of lawn, arrived
horse this week after spending a fro
da)s In i,,ndod. 'ire m.as aerornpan-
IV( IV h4r mere, Florence montt. _
\frs. 1:4 Word and little daughter, "Bumping into Broadway” 1= • _ - -- --
F,,11th, •+nd firs. Ifamlllun and utile
daughter, E.elyn, return -,d last Frl-
,lay from a ten day -a' %1•+it in Toronto. We]n"y and Thursday LET US ��ppLY YOU
F;xrirr T1mrs7 Sirs..I. F: .fordan and
etlildren, who have been mislting the A GOLDWYN PICTURE
parents, ly and Mrs. J... TOM MOORS
\1urrn, Ipft rpppntly for rallfurnia to •r
Join Mr. Jordan. r r
Wo aril pleased to announce that IN
"Teel" Prldlsam, sonfteep or Lho tlufoal Llfa nr Mr and Mrs We SchoolI
We will make it worth whileIsUpIh00I
\b'. C. Pridhnm, lint arrn,rrd a position
In the head oalso t0 buy your School Shoes
Aaauranor Company, In Waterloo, Ont,
Congratulations. Frlv.ard CAPITOL COMEDY C c here.
Mr. and Mrs. John i-mentPurvtq, Ff c+ir BILLY PARSONSShoosShoes t
nnnounre the engngvarpnf M their II Our aim i• to supply Yttr Cuf-
laughter. Christina Taylor, to Alfred 1
rleorge Hovey. of Detrolt, son of MrIN
V Hovey, Stratford. The marriaRp o t1 • ►Omer{ with Boots that give
take' place early in October Matching Billy"I
111aa Ethel Hantfy, of fhe1 for satisfactory wear. Let iia for
proof- I
,ending staff of the ir,•ee Preftir, Lan- ,
fon, areompanied Iy Mr. Arthur Friday and Saturday ithow you our goat,
VS vnhan, also of the Forrest City, and
if victor B611, of Walkerton, Were A SEUNiCK PICTURE Gipis
+tenors during fair week.OWEN MOORE Boyst. 4
ir andd \fra. tea. A 11. f;htttonREPAIRINGaN , Col-
rornp Tp., anrovnce the engagement IN
If thpir only daugt,tpr, Jean Flltabeth, 1'
n Mr H. Roy Mason, of Tn�oato, only " l
ion of Mrs J. -sale Sfason, of Seaforth, "Sooner or Later
a I-ept m:frto take plops the latter AIS HERN' BOOT SHOP f 1
>art at til Leckie,
ontrftfi Leckie, non tet Sir. and Sire. SUPREME COMEDY
rhos. Leekte, and Ernest Nferrpath, of se pl�q'R Mums a
Phe Gfar ataft, motored [n I.nnrinn _