HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-16, Page 4V1
t C 1"atar 4 P
S44 L?+t'lRr,, frul'4tiB�
�� �wµ,. Y. ITP. .... .4-T.'•. .,f, .i I
LE 0 s I - , D ; b- q I Ideal,, �C�NfX�R'em, pad Rch"'Ai [•r 2
pf�#st. ,�0ray� 1tfF.t�„teil?....3 3 t
VA -Lu, 1E fix. , DefN01, , 1 vestors
e.st t1t,Artnpll, Svin L
ftilm) .... .... , .. k. •......N
Best time, r�
n our l styles
showin in almost everV
�eltat�r�, v+�x� ��la �i�litiif #wl� 't<likr va2.f. �. ys�t �a!�a, '
. i a Si ttti a�ieci * v4 lta blartel!Rties. oil 4 -cc arboto
T material,
days for 1Ght* ftars bot$ nukinta per
and trimmed, new fa;lt 4•aiors, splendid >>;tyl, tiate4irtlt #» lecj tail fell a syr.
u actlr as �tArtC of ih:ia rix �f �
.r� war values. Coats can a $25, . and The ninnerp P est floe tetnatrc arsd ,ret .: .
ill I g $ $� d variRitf .cl'RSP s Were As foliatve:� , me -41W in bgndutgUT
ate' your IAdepen(tsmt
Blaukets, • .
• Towels �>lts. wwtcdrte.thet:►rtre�at�
. It4p;D1�T.>~$S. dttwn of the investmept
Ftae pDTpBt all wq,31 whititi Blankets with IOQ, dozen Trish i tick `f'pwelw, heihr V W, withh hoer 10,41 by' her rngrket tnrintoyou? Our
1 Y SMO -.'Peru. dreelli. Murray DtclTou&stU. � Mctatltiy Review
blue borders and' whipped, or finished siogly,- bleaGbed union, size 36 a 24 111. These were; Iosl tai ittf ---Lein. Grein, Murrayug
1prge double bed size, British uJake, old made for tear oYoxnmept muo arty now MCDOu0111
time quality at per pair � � away under t c market vainea g q RIA9le horse. 'ware or
very sp@cigh...i The Ike
...................... • special pale fi fo ....................... lst« 4t Uaxi etst.*Ja>t. •. Brown, elAiztSA In ,
^ o 'n, r. 8lcking- � � �
Flannelettes Dresses ,flares or geldings.• -A. Battles. ! will help you in Your in -
1000 yards. ° Laity. drlvar •-J:ts. W. Brown vestment pr s.
28 and 86 rashes wide best Showing many new and exclusive styles in 8ulter-broken colt, foaled in. 1.=, .tour ".Itt Hamm,
41191ity white Flannelette soft and beautiful Silk, Jersey, Serge and Voile Dresoes; values lett anal exliibited'by' btiy under 15 eters" show by means of
tvake, extra value' at per yard 4Sc and 50e. are exeeptiosally good and equal to our pre war years' Of age--WnL Green, Murray Ate. authentic statistics the
Sheetmgs offerings prices range;2o, $2S, i3e and $35 IlonSaII' ulrvudordowntvudtend.
CARRIAGE. envy of bank c[eariaas, ex -
Dress or Suiting SergesYearling, filly or gelding JA& Fea. >Po!is� im1 . commodity
60 Wit hi*vy bleached j9heeting 741cSam m paces, etc.
Brood mare, with foal by her sld,a--= . It' contains practical in- li
80 inch heavy bleached at Ne, $1.0 and 38 inehas wide English all pure woo] Serges Jas. Feagan formation; shows methods
$1.35 very even and soft weave, splendid finish and F°al of 19-90._1as. >+eagtn, of analyzing investments;
- 40 lush best quality lain unbleached vas investment su
9 Y p ,good weight in nat*ys, ,greens, browns. regular GENERAL PURPOSE. ��• gCes•• ,
Sheeting or Factory Cotton worth 70c at per $3.25. Send for sampl@s at per or o copy of thlr •�O Matched team, mares or geldings, in
yard 4&. yard ........................................ barness �
---1st prize by Bank of Mont. Ask J
seal ---Jos. COPely, ROM Johnston Monthly )ieview
John T. Thompson. ' Addmy Dept G .
SON Tau.; mares s, geldings, i harness GUHMSANSON&I-T F. Edwards, Jasper Brindley.HEAVY DRAFT, IMPORT14D OR INVESTMENT 8ANKE1
■ CANADLUX BRED. 1theAbe» Toronto stock Eehuse
s® �j Team, mares or geldings, In harness $5 Day Street, TOlOtltO
r -18
t prize by W.Proudfoot, Esq.,
-A. E. Fisher, .lir. Brown (of rown
Dyer $hone). Hamburgs, black, cock -S. J. McKay
+GOD RIC�I INDUSTRIAL FAIR tho HiptoralJrome, the Wild West Best
individual animal in classes 4, flit, 2nd and 3rd.
3h ow, the-Missiug Link, the Sheep 5 and 6 --prise by_ Goderich Signal -,T H•amburgs, black, hen -S. J. McKay
with six feet, and the rest. and a visit Jos. Copely.
to the Palmist, the pleasure and ex- Judge -Jas. Archibald. fat, 2nd and '3rd.
citement seekers had thrills a -plenty. Langshans, hen -J. S. Howrie.
he I912Q Exhibition Was a Record Breaker A second Glass Blowing tent and the CATTLE. Leghorns, brown, :?Ingle comb, cock
.,Luughing Show were among the ape- -J. S. Howrie.
Ja Gage Receipts.yOpened by Hon. ciai concessions apart from the Brown SHORTHORN (PUREBRED). Leghorns, brown, single comb, hen
Manning Doherty and Dyer shows, Many applications Bull' 2 years old and upward-Robf. -J• S. Howrie.
for concessions had to be turned down Glen' Leghorns, brown, rose comb, cock -
on uctiount.-of lack of space, and Cow, in calf or giving milk-Robt. J. S. Howrie.
i --- wme found room up town. There Glen, 1st and 2nd. Leghorns, brown, rose comb, I�en-
THE MIDWAY WAwas nothing of the vulgar or unseem- Heifer, 1 year old-Robt. Glen, let J. S. Howrie.
S A BIG FEATURE ly about any of the midway shows, and 2nd. \finorcas, black, cock -Johnston &
and we are sure the public would Hoffer calf, under 6 months -.-prizes Beacom.
The 'Godeplob Industrial Exhibition etsicW from vigorous stock Insure welcome the Brown and -Dyer people by Chas. Black-Robt. Glen, 1st and Minorcas, black, ben -Johnston &
for 1920 was a T+�cord-breaker In point good winter egg yields." back again another year. 2nd. Beacom.
of attendap04, le fine weather and Mr. Jas. MaeVicer's display of wick- The formal opening of the fair took Herd, consisting of 1 bull and 4 fe- Orpington$, buff, cock --Thos. Bowl -
the attractions of the midway no doubt er trays, made by himself wail beauti- Place on Thursday afternoon, by the males -1st prize by Bank of Montreal er.
mpoounting, In large measure for the ful and many line ones were sold dur- Hon. Manning Doherty. The .Minister -Robt. Glen. Orpingtons, buff, hen -Thos. Bowler.
bit; gste. The races, also were a good Ing the fair. was Introduced by His Worship Mayor firpingtons, black, cook -\V. I. Wigle, who extended a welcome POLLED A�1GUS OR ABERDEEN
attm4;tion on the -second and third day, A number of merchants had good Irr.
aijd,; -Bough mentioned last, no doubt, displays of the lines they handle. the guest of the day on behalf of the (PUREBRED), Orpinds, black, hen -W. I. k--hW.
Life Opportunity of seeing and heatIAS George Richardson, a new addition fair directors, on behalf of the Board Fisher, in calf n giving milk -A. E. Polands, any variety, cock -.\V.
Hap, Dfanning Doherty, the Provincial this year to the list of merchants of Trade and on behalf of the town ElHeif 1st and 2nd. Sheardown.
Wt nfolAr of Agriculture, was not the making displays, had seine line speei- council. A county, Buell as Huron, Heifer, over 1 year and under 2- Polande, any variety, hen -W. Shear-
IcAst 'of the attractions for the second mens of Masan and Mach pianos and which stood first In cattle, horses, A. P Fisher, int and 2nd. G down•
rt1Ry of the show, Starr Victrolas. The Western Canada Poultry and agricultural products. Helfer calf, under 1 year -A, E. Plymouth Rocks, barred, cock -
Tike tvfsddA1 61 putting the fair so Flour Mills had a displati advertising might well claim the attention of thg Fisher, 1st and 2nd. Thos. Bowler, W. 1. Miller 2nd and 3rd.
Purity Flour, and distributed a valu- M'in'ster of Agriculture of tho, best Bull calf, under 1 year -A. E. Plymouth Rocks, hen -Thos, Bowl -
early was questioned in same, city, Province of Ontario, and His WorshipFisher. er, 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
dally among the farming community, able cook book from the booth. asked that he would Herd, con»luting eP 1 bull and 4 Pe Plymouth Rocks, dg coek-
ehietl on account of the fanners us- Across the entire end of the north give Nse attention Pl partridge,
wing was the combined exhibit 'of W, and money that this natural Industry males -A E. Fisher.
Johnston &Beacom.
trolly Hing pretty busy a this time of det+cfVetj, Plymouth Rocks, hen -Johnston &
yvltr. However, the harvest was over, Walker And D. Millar and Son; eonsleG f Hon. \[r. Doherty said, in opening, Con, giving E C or calf-Robt. Beacom.E. Plymsouth Rockls, white, cock -W.
threshings were not on, and, as It hap- Ing of ladies' coats, window hangings. ••air. President, ladies and
ported, It %vaB too dry for fall plow- rugs and furniture. This teas one of In the first lace allow me gentlemen,
Glcn, S. Andrews. H. Doak, W. 1. Miller.
Ing, Ro that there was not so much of the beauty spots in the main huff"(111 , my uric deep appreciation of the iron- Heifer, -1 years old -S. Andreas Plymouth Rocks, white, hen -W. H•
a drawback In having the fair early asJas.Jas. Thomsnn's'booth was -lip ed „r done me in invirtln p year old-Robt. Glen, S. Doak 1st and 3rd, W. T. Miller, 2nd.
soilsr feared. And the weather %was I bys iSrtntzman pianos. Victor \ �ctrulas your. fair and in bhe welcome You have A Heifer coif, under 1 ear -W. Rhode Island Reds, rose' comb, cock
about all that could he wished for, and Brunswick Phonographs. (extended me no%v• y G. -Albert Oke.
though the fair only missed by one I C, Ler slsmved Cleveland bicycles, It was a great 1IcNu11, Root. Glen, R. S. Winter. Rhode Island Reds, hen-Thos.�Botwl-
"Time Savin electric, washers. made pleasure for me to fie. able to accept." Two-year-old steer -S. Andrews.
day. a very heavy rainstorm. ,which g" Gontinuin NIr D y er, 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
dologred everythinif Saturday morn- by the Beatty lii'os„ the Daisy churn. had fou gopportunQtiest t0sa� si Il Goad reYearling steer-�6Robt. Glens., S. And- Gusyex Red, co honk -Those• Boo`' ire.
in{e Fiappy 04ts, h4 Perfection
rt, Sherwin \the l rich but had heard of dt since infancy Steer calf -R. S. Winter, er.
l,a,. , !lansq goads, PrMectlon ail heaters, the
it Is the directors are rejoicing In because it teas the first home of his Best milking caw, an breed -prizes ,punish, hen -J. S. Howrie.
rocord gate receipts of some $21•,50, Hlach Foundry Co,'s heaters, etc. mother. g y Wyandottes, silver laced, cock -J. S.
'whirls is about *1000 ahead of last Ford Sedans, Coupes and Touring g by Sterling Hank -R. S. Winter. Howrie.
Care were on exhibition by P, .I, fisc_ As of A riaulture, \[r• Do- Wyandottes, silver laced, hen -J. S.
`�ttr, and a serpins of some hundreds Push also -,.I B rnAkes of auto her' said he took a deep interest Pn FAT CATTLE (ANY BREED). I[owric
Theti0ff311i1• tires. dee agricultural fairs, and, in fact, a Fat heifer -prizes by Bank of Ham- Wyanduttes, tvilite, cock -W, I. Mil-
tiv exhibits tgeg on the whole not deeper interest in the mdiler fairs ilton-S. Andrews. ler.
heuVy. Thrty! was a great sho%%Ing 0' J• Harper occupied his- usual than in those in larger centres. The. Fat steed -prizes by Bank of Ham- Wyandottes, 'white, hen -W. 1. . il-
of Apples, somewhere in flip nelghbor- kpace shut%•ing cleetTleal fixtures, heat- purpose oP the»e fairs was to earner`- Ilton -S, Andrews. ler••
hood of 900 plates being BtlowiL Other ars, Kribs electric washers, Perfection aRe yours ran to raise better stock.
(XI Heaters, Quebec hea•tcrs, rte., and g � h'at cow -S. Andrews• Wyandottes, Partridge, cock -W.
fruits also were good. drape» were plumbing goods. The young men did not care to take Judge -H. R. Snell. Sheardo%vn.
tQ%v, fisc time of ttuldlnR the fair being Fred Hunt with plumbing And heat- their stock to the large fairs at t1Pst. Sf1EEP PURE BRED) Wyandottes, partridge, hen -W.
too early f(sr many to have ripened. � -Mr. Doherty said he ho
'There was a fair showing of flowers In goods. and the East street Garage soon have the o Ped he might Leicesters Sheardown.
occupied the central ratan a, the lat- Pportunity of a heart Bantams, light Brahman, cock -W.
but wA have Been much larger displays ter showing the t to heart talk with the people of Gode- Ram, 2 shears and over -A. E. Fisher. S)seardown.
other years. Some very tall corn was PoP:slar Gray bort rich over some of the problems which Shearling ram-Robt. Glenn•
sht im, roots were good. The display ear, the Red Bird and Massey bicycles, were agitatin Ulla Ram lamb -Robe. Clean, 1st and 2nd. Bantams, light Brahmas, hen -W.
of ladies' work was not so largo as on tires' auto supplies, pts+. g people today, and SheArdown.
Tho interna plie Bible Students had In the meantime joined with all in Ewe, 2 shears and over, which raised Bantams, Cochins, any 'variety, cock
some former oceasions, but some a booth upstairs B for prnnaganda s ark.' odthanks for
the harvest
," he had- a lamb in 1920--Robt. Glenn. -W. H. Doak, W.' Sheardown.
beautiful spec[menk in Lha way of Shearling ewe -Root. Glenn, 1st and Bantams, Cochins, any tTarlety, hen -
to Work anlil needle work were to The fico stock showing 'vas light vest hdd bean a failure, the farmers' 2nd.
In quantity. Ewe lamb-Robt, Glenn, 1st and 2nd. W. Sheardown, W. H. Doak.
by sten. Art was light. Home made government would have been blamed Bantams, any other variety, cock-
cooklntt also was tight The Warren's Institute served splen- for It.' Thought there was some un- Oxfordshire Downs Harold Kaitting, 1st and 2nd.
The A+rhtDft of the Dominion Expert - did meats on the grounds and also rest, there was no better country on Ram, 2 shears and over -H. J. Tre- Bantams; any other variety, hen -
mental Farm wa a good interesting sold lee cream cones, etc., and the top of the earth to lives in and raise a wartha.
and educational feature of the show, G. W. V. A., Messrs. Munro and Me- family in than the Dominion. Let us Ram Is'mb-H. J. Trewnrbha, int and Harold Kaitting, fat and 2nd.
Models of train cert turkey or Don Lean, and the Blackstones had refresh- all Join to make it biggerDunks, Pekin, drake --Geo. Baxter, E.
coop, device for holding green feed, meat booths. for the future. -
and better 2nd, and R. Snowden.
field ho The Brown Dyocr shows and the Hon. air• Doherty s Evve, 2 shears and over, which rais- Ducks, Pekin, duck -E. and R. Snow-
ppar, Chicken shed. fattening various riding devices, Rimes of skUl the eco M tY Poke again !n ed a lamb in f920 -H. J. Trewartha, den, Geo. Baxter,
creta, sheep feeding trough. poriaDle g ist and 2nd. Ducks, any other variety, duck -J.
colony house, :cheep fegd Park, seat And chance enc[ refreshment booths Kelly the ventriloquist and enter. Shearling ewe -if. J. Trewartha. S. Howrie.
feeder' for horses. ete., were displayed; aedompanying them did a good busl- tanner gave some amusing perform- E%ve lamb -H. J. TreM1vertha, 1st and Geese, Toulouse, gander -James A}_
oho samples of srraln, ate.; and a doss and the midway %wag, as already anodes in front of the
number of suggestion stated, one of Circ attractions of the there was HI le
stand. any 2nd. ton.
ggestlon for profitable' fair. The Aides included the Nvhip. !the band, and g, music D Any Breed of Purebred Sheep not on Geese, Toulouse, goose -Jas. :11ton.
terming shown on cards• such as, the Ferris Wheel. the Seaplane and in PHrformancea In throw- Geese, any other variety,
Each farm might nrotltaDly keep 100 g the larlat and in high Jumping on List Named and R. Snowden. gander --E.
bens," "A scrub buil is a mortgage on the bierrygain" end, and bed theeen I horseback by members of the Wild Ram, 2 shears and over -H. J. Tre- Geese, Any other varlet
your herd," ':Every farm should grow these, the games of chance and the ' West Shote !n connection >Wlth the %vartha, y, goose -R. 1
Cock -
Its owro supply of fruits," "Farm effl- gho%vs, including ills Snowden.
g glass Dtowers, Brown & Dyer Shows. Biondi the the Ewe, 2 shears and over, which rais- Turkeys any other variety, cock-
aleppy:•dept!nds on the type and quali lady rthe mind
And therpee tverBOPbprailled'races arri ed a lamb in 5920-H. J. Trewartha• E. and R. Snowden.
ty, bt hl►rse po%ver," "Phe horse is a fur °ptical illusion (Thelma), lite mon- Thursday and FriFat Sheep T°['keys. any other variety, hen -E.
h6me-MAde self repairing, reproducing key speed maniacs, the baa), t t1 Moa- i Thurresults of the Friday fo afternoons. he Best fat sheep, ewe or wether-Robt. and R. Snowden.
ptYVvi!f 'phtnt. is the tractor?" "April • taeles in Brown and D lis Creation, Glenn, Mrs. J. C. Stewart.
Judge- Geo. W. Sturdy. Spring Birds
ThOlmday Anconas, any other variety, cockerel
11�1 1111 I�lift llfNlt IWO11 rs' trot or pace PiGS -Harold Kaitting.
+, IFlo, (Yearly, Creditou)...... 1 2 1 2 Improved Berkshire Anconas, any other variety, Pullet -
Jim Hall (McNall, Nile) ...... 2 1 2 2 James Alton took all prizes in this Harold Kaitting.
Mhe MbK1nnle (h[oDougal, class. Andaluslans, cockerel -J. S. Howrie.
Bayfield.... .... ..........3 8 3 4 Temworlhs Andaluslans, pullet -J. S. Howrie.
Logan Boy (Bannerman, Lo- e. Boar, littered in 1920 -Jae. Afton brahmap, light, co'ekprel-Thos.
...4 S 4 3 Sow, littered in 1920 --Jas. Alton. Baivler•
s Toney G.' (Culbert, Lucknow)5 5 dr Improved Yorkshire - ° Brahmas, light, pullet -Thos. Bowl-
trot or pace Boar, over ! er, int. 2nd and 3rd.
• Opera Girl (Sheldon, Kin- by, James Altoti year old -John Sower- Campinas, any carroty, cockerel -W.
eardine) ... I. Miller, let and 2nd.
Elsie Gam 3 3 ! i f Boar, littered In f920 -John Sower- Campines, any variety, pullet -W. I.
,... (Macrae. by. Miller, fst and 2nd.
Hru3s°ls)" 2 1 2 6 2 Saw. i year old ' and over, having Game, any other variety, oockerel-
Nile Bok blioNAH, Nfle)-A 2 4 2 3 littered to f920--Jalne Alton. Johnston & Beacom, W. Sheardown.
Tramp Fast ,(Gray, xu- SOw, littered in f920-aames Alton, Game, an other varlet
...6 4 3 3 4 1st gad 2nd. Sheardown.
Gme,y Y pullet --W,
Attracts Gentry tinfoils), . . `(Hart- (trades
i poll, W{nghant),.,... ..4 9 5 4 3 jia y Int , spangled, cockerel -S. J.
Repeater (AfaDfjugall. Bay_ Sow, f year old and over, having lit- McKay i8t and 2nd, W. Sheardown.
held)..., tared In '940 �Iohn Sotvvrby. Harnburgs, spangled, pullet -S. J-
A Best time. 2.6%. $ 6 6 5 dr Sow. tittered in IOW -John Sower- RfaKaY let and 3rd, W. Sheardown 2nd. i
Y, by, !lit and 2nd. Homburgs, black. cockerels J. Mc -
&wont Day Pen of s bacon pigs. barrowfji bt KAY, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. t
y� (taws, lacy grade or of one bre Hambur s 1,, pullet -S. (Te btc- 1
' In lite second heti' tri cite 2.14, one the h{n from de to 200 ed. FY, fs g , black,
o of the rains on Trampfmt broA short- Pounds, priz- t, 2nd and 3rd.
P a *s es by Union Bank --James Alton. Langshans, cockerel -J. S. Howrie.
ty afar the heat started. The home Judge -Stephen Andrews. , brown rose comb, cock.
k�pt on, however, tvltb you Gra Leghorns ;
f� f3tillding film \Villi nae rein and the Irl/11�79tY erel-R. C. Postlettnvaite. !st and 2nd.
Complete [Ire of %alis. He lln1sh0d the race Ina third Sln le Birds Leghorns, brown pullet-lI• C. Poli- 1
plate. but the crowd was looking for a telethwatte, !et and 2nd, m
An acoWnt every-rrtlriute. Ten horses ,Andalustans, took -J. S. Hotvrie: Legume, x iia, %:doll eothb, 'book -
a° • • , were elAered' to the *.% so that two Andalustans, hes-L S. Howrie. erel-••Harold Kaitting.
.1 � S �� + Mg ae� rl" Ivo" MA& Of IL Brahmas, IlSht, eoak-W. I. er- Lpghoras, WhIte. Pullet -Harold t
' Brahmas ll>rtht, hen --Thos. Bow er, 'Kaitting.
i Ut O% or Dace. W. 1. Miller. Mlnotoas, black, cockerel -Johnston
,JAll TIES and t04LOX
Geo. �i, (.. yau
Chari- Canaplaes. any Variety, "Cook -W. I. 41 Beacom.,
Echo, ........... .i i ! titiller• MIna'reas, black, Pullet-4ohnston •
Tories Salt), C1 t ta. Wtettell)..d t; a Campinas, 4,any variety. hen --W. T, Beacom.
' L. B/t* (CUbri tl(thafn. Okilde- Miller, OMiirgtons. bw1><, Cockerel--'lttos,1
•• r.s�ra,.�.,, 1►olte)..4� .....A ......., ....ls i Wrkfft*, any variety, each-- i. S. Bowler.
Adris Maelt tf�lAyntlllr iAllCltflorvlti u si! tlowrle. Otpingtons, buf7t; Pullet-4hos. Botvt
Ifsl3 Hal, ttllc. `ttt`h tely, ftde. (inlet. aril Variety, tog- FobfAtofl er, ..
Be W. Sheerdo'rvn 0*11 Hong, 'black, cockerel -•W. I.
+ A
r T... ,....1 ...... ........lit S 4 (1'+tmi�le« a y Vwtrletlr, Ili $hese. Miller•tl9ft it`ot an11 Diltae. dowllA JahnAtbn Be '0rpihlttoas black, Dullet• W, I. �wtil-
i:.. >t !sant. ter.
Nile dy C14r11, tile). ....
Ktt;Rilsl , Mortar, Swirl' 11013, 4' 2 ;i 11kniburSA. spangled eock--'W. x'01"(114 any variety, eockeral--w
'The Meri $ t' r e Wilkt „ U411n, x ruseetil & a eatHatwtti, R. a p4stlith%mlte. Sheardown.
ti ; ekieir, {tttrl2auitdll, BeliriaM)Ci ;l i llambut�a, M>angted.. hea�1;, P8;1, f*lalfdA, sty variety. Pullet vv,
9at+'y `�14"ilkr . '101 tee, Cit Ich)a t9 telAttftvA110, S. J. i�ty!6 T W. Sh tr• She >i'tfth.;r"
Best time, p3t;#C. down. ISlgfttaoth Mleeks, barred, eaekge1-
^' A.
.1 a
i Developing
Bring your film to its for developing and'
r ,
{, printing
♦ q
One Day Service
Films to Fit all Cameras
H• C. DUNLOP,Phm-B.,
The Rexall Store
The New Fall Overcoats
and, Suitings
Bannockburn Tweeds
Hair -line blues, black, sand, browns
Indigo Serges, Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds and
Irish Serges
All from the best mills.
The fit and style will be correct.
F. H. MARTIN, the Tailor
Thos. Bowler, W. I. Miller 2nd and
It is not the position so much that,
makes us happy, but the disposition
Plymouth Rocks, barred. pullet -
Thos. Bowler, ist and 'lad, W. I. Miller
Plymouth Rocks, partridge, pullet-
John»ton & Beacom.
Plymouth Rocks, partridge, cockerel
To represent the
-Johnston & Beacom.
Plymouth Rocks, %white, cockerel-
-W. H. Doak, W. I. Miller.
Plymouth Rocks, white, pullet -W
H. Doak 1st and 3rd, W. I. :biller.
flee greatest demand for Nursery Stock
Rhode Island Reds, rose comb, cock-
in years.
Brillsh and European Markets again•
Rhode Island Reds, pullet -Thos.
oven for Canadian Fruit
Bowler 7st, d 3rd.
Spanish cockerel -J• S. \Iowrie.
Izargest list or rrurt & Ornamental,
Spanish pullet -J. S. Howrie•
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown
Wyandottes, silver laced, cockerel-
J. S. Howrie.
In Canada
Wyandottes, silver laced, pullet -J.
S. Howrie.
Wyandottes, white. cockerel—NN'. I.
Wyandottes, white, pullet -NN'. I.
Ii ler.
(Established 187
Wyandottes, partridge, cockerel -W.
Wyandottes, partridge, pullet -W. —9"r—
Bantams, light Brahmas, Cooke rel -
W. ams,Sheardown. Mens .Tr�u�ers
Bantams, light Brahman, pull et-\\',
Bantams, Cochins, cockrrpi-\\'. H.
Doak, W. Sheardown. $� LOW Prices
Bantams, GOchins, pullet -\V. Nhrar-
down, W. Il.'f)oRk. t
Bantams, any other variety, cocker-
el --Harold Rattling, 1st and 2nd. Good materials, in plain
Bantams, any other variety, puilrt- I shades and patterns. All
Harold Kaitting, flit and 2nd.
Ducks, Pekin, drake-Aieo, Baxter, F. sizes. Witb S pockets.
and R. Snowden. $3.75
Ducks, Pekin, duck -E. and R. finow-
den, Geo. Baxter.
Ducks, any other variety, duck -J. :'Ten's Tweed Trousers,
S, HowrGeese,
assured patterns, lain
Copse, Toulouse, gaoler -Jas. Alton. 1? r P
(Mese, Toulouse, goose -Jas. Alton. colols, finished with five
Geese, any other variety, gander -E. pockets, loops for belts
and R. Snowden.
Geese, any other variety, goose -E and cuff buttons. 'Sizes
and R. Snowden.
Turkeys, any other variety, cockerel ; 34 to 42, $5.x`5
-E• and R. Snowden.
(Continued on page 7) I Blue Serges and neat
It's turnover we are interested in- I grey patterned Tweed.
not (hangover -or leftover. Serviceable, dressy anti
— _ remarkable values. All I
HAY FEVER sizes. At $6.95
Conquered by the World's Only Two- i
bottle Remedy, Don't suger a minute
onger. Send Eo -day $4- 32 day treaty M s ROBINS.ment. Trial size 25c, and guaranteed.
W. K. BUCKLEY, Mfg, Chemist, 11
97 Dundas St. E.. Toronto.
some ............ •-----------
School of
Offers the following courses:
Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil
Service, Teacher Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
The following advantages :
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual Business System of Bookkeepiag
Credential Typewriting Tests
Positions Guaranteed
Vocational Training, -
for this district, by Government appointment, and under
inspection by soldiers' Civil Re. establishment Department.
For terms, etc,, write
B. F. WARD, B.A., AcrrttlT, hitlttiptt[
M. AA STOIVCs, Cwt. S , stm Vice•Pifiuipal.
D t bis �'y EN'W",' Aft Thk;
MIntilt ` 1st
it-""-_� •.
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