HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-16, Page 2VA" TWO ,,.. ^ .. ,a.-..wy .. .... ;rl'p.t:l 4 � x: rn MEN "THEP PL,E'SL 1"R " Ev un AU b� if NOW OPEN t>'loel�lewdee is catl!hee•}'b,X tkt sat rvattit � � s3'�t� be(w�mi>zg crarge , d d xiyd to tlsa� =460. p ilia ulcer aDDett> on filly whose artist iii l sed •by .illtt+ul drams, wrltsa Mrs, Jotirsy. +tI ru¢tetmi►rer, oinkins glad Motbirr'&$ We are now "lady for business in Motltsign Maori *110 spite of all I tb► ��i(�I;tM I used, i1 til►r��a�l to sel?setione, who rt+tite up iu'ihe rxorn`ng mp'Yatttt►r+ ori developed 10Y, .lk o9ft as tirt:d as they trent to, bec3, can have s sora. I bad medical treatment for their old, ileac-ful undistur'ord, r•r- kto Repaip Word Qf All end twenty -fixe years, but only got' fit rtpg slrclai., -11411 #ry►aa tempgltlr r43tef. The Dalt) I out. s ltlalburn'e heart at:tl I�asrvtt 'il e. ter" W terrible, and for years I I r. ,1, N. Parl=e,. Red ir;ol�ic A comnetefnt mechanic on the job wailunable to leave the houses , f;1uk, lislitaa, ��.;�wlntes�:--•L orb I say[ to a uewopttW wtitersc item _terve tr r,.e fir V t at all times and repairs promptly a. account of a bad ulcer having kltrfo Fears li I�t;Ed' to tkqea wtsais and. I attended to at reasouable, rates. been eared by Zam-Buk• Althengb nerrrous, at Clines, that I would tie afraid I 0 , , I was skeptical, now, of anythirt<< to snow, Getting tt full night's alcrp i b t tried so m wzs out of the quit•stiou. Alter ue els RIIARAilTEEg MEASURE, QELIVINgO [fl#A,810LlNEL FROM WIN MIKE MEASURE PUMP 50c. a box at all dealers or marled direst We Buy end dell • Second Hand Cars , /years of suffering, I realised I was weight. is one of the first oto- lure, makes a de rghtful eSerl►escm0 graphs front the scene of the impend- beverage, in m mcelpt of prico ,s the T. Milburn 'a �.; � � You rwkSW on .the road to recovery. With ptir- lithia-water and belongs Ing championship battle, which is exert home, because nobody Can make to go ten rounds. Ilog ;o., Liable:. Toroatc, oast. • K. Give Us a Call cit, the amoral Fore was il scheduled a mistake by baring a goof kldmz dush- - e VA" TWO ,,.. ^ .. ,a.-..wy .. .... ;rl'p.t:l 4 � x: rn MEN "THEP PL,E'SL 1"R " Ev un AU b� if NOW OPEN t>'loel�lewdee is catl!hee•}'b,X tkt sat rvattit � � s3'�t� be(w�mi>zg crarge , d d xiyd to tlsa� =460. p ilia ulcer aDDett> on filly whose artist iii l sed •by .illtt+ul drams, wrltsa Mrs, Jotirsy. +tI ru¢tetmi►rer, oinkins glad Motbirr'&$ We are now "lady for business in Motltsign Maori *110 spite of all I tb► ��i(�I;tM I used, i1 til►r��a�l to sel?setione, who rt+tite up iu'ihe rxorn`ng mp'Yatttt►r+ ori developed 10Y, .lk o9ft as tirt:d as they trent to, bec3, can have s sora. I bad medical treatment for their old, ileac-ful undistur'ord, r•r- kto Repaip Word Qf All end twenty -fixe years, but only got' fit rtpg slrclai., -11411 #ry►aa tempgltlr r43tef. The Dalt) I out. s ltlalburn'e heart at:tl I�asrvtt 'il e. ter" W terrible, and for years I I r. ,1, N. Parl=e,. Red ir;ol�ic A comnetefnt mechanic on the job wailunable to leave the houses , f;1uk, lislitaa, ��.;�wlntes�:--•L orb I say[ to a uewopttW wtitersc item _terve tr r,.e fir V t at all times and repairs promptly a. account of a bad ulcer having kltrfo Fears li I�t;Ed' to tkqea wtsais and. I attended to at reasouable, rates. been eared by Zam-Buk• Althengb nerrrous, at Clines, that I would tie afraid I 0 , , I was skeptical, now, of anythirt<< to snow, Getting tt full night's alcrp i b t tried so m wzs out of the quit•stiou. Alter ue els cur ng fife-- ax .0 a�f rise sF�ond kwx o[ bfilburn'e I]�arl remedial in v*14--T decJded to give f Zam,Buk a trial. I applied the sod Nerve P41s I could tet„1 quite a 1 baltm beefy every day and to 300 change Doming over me. •1 usid four delight the sore soon showed some 09x" in all, and 1 feel,now as well as Improvement, Gradually the its- R4 kr I 4;d. ill motion was drawn out, the MAburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are d RIIARAilTEEg MEASURE, QELIVINgO [fl#A,810LlNEL FROM WIN MIKE MEASURE PUMP cur ng fife-- ax .0 a�f rise sF�ond kwx o[ bfilburn'e I]�arl remedial in v*14--T decJded to give f Zam,Buk a trial. I applied the sod Nerve P41s I could tet„1 quite a 1 baltm beefy every day and to 300 change Doming over me. •1 usid four delight the sore soon showed some 09x" in all, and 1 feel,now as well as Improvement, Gradually the its- R4 kr I 4;d. ill motion was drawn out, the MAburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are d bounded in perennials -the plants ' Dai` moan ended, and, after shirt, matherl." The Tahi. ;s are sold by medicine. dealers or by mail at 25 rents 50c. a box at all dealers or marled direst We Buy end dell • Second Hand Cars , /years of suffering, I realised I was weight. is one of the first oto- lure, makes a de rghtful eSerl►escm0 graphs front the scene of the impend- beverage, in m mcelpt of prico ,s the T. Milburn 'a �.; � � You rwkSW on .the road to recovery. With ptir- lithia-water and belongs Ing championship battle, which is exert home, because nobody Can make to go ten rounds. Ilog ;o., Liable:. Toroatc, oast. Free Air for Convenielice of Patrons Give Us a Call cit, the amoral Fore was il scheduled a mistake by baring a goof kldmz dush- - '0 ac ally completely healed, and, all-- ally though that was three ago, : lkerit beggetc confidence'; contldenee G. JJMc GEE years there bas'not been the slightest trace of the ulcer returninly' ,. , . - MEM GERMAN Ajg{ly .plilrlCElt tlEl.0 _ FOR MMVER.4DIKG AS U. S. besets enthusiasm, and enthusiasm conquers the world. . Z111,111 -BUIL is the best, remedy, also, LIEUTENANT.-•Thesdore Sollude, Victoria Street --3pimsite Victoria Park ley eczema, boils, pli vplea, blood- polsoning, piles, burns, scalds and `Co., at. las Theodore La Grade, fortner Ger- marl Army otlleer,nvho is said to have " " ' Co X GFcuts. All dealers, or lam -But entered this country masquerading as Toronto, 60c. box, 3 for 11.26. Lieutenant Arthur Kinkalde, of the Send for free booklet (or ask your No better Battery is in service. Ne better Bat U. S. Army. This photograph mf Schude was made in Chicago upon his druggist) about Gu-solvo for the sue- cessful treatment of goitre in your - is sold. No better Battery is made. There lire m Cbe Ooberfcb Marr which go on giving satisfaction yeararrival after year -but they never think of 1t 0BU bmmmwdrawn there in JAP custody of U. S. Ueputy MarshalfA. Schude is in Chi- awn home. This medicine is taken in- ternally; softens the goitre; gradually relepboae Call 71, lilt the spring weed catalogues arrive, cago to -answer charges of impersonal- dissolves it and caste It entirely dut and then they find that they should have prepared the ground In the tall Ing Lieut. Kinkaid ,and sof having $1,600 of that ufiioer's pay. of the system. You owe it to your- self and your friends to get rid of this THVRSDAY,' SEPT. 16t -h, 1020. —, before, and so they continue In the annual habit year after year. Chan- - ----- 3rhude, It is said, is ready to confess, but denies, howgv yr, that he ever was unsightly disease, Gu-Solvo Is sold in Goderich, Oat, by � SPINDRIFT ges can sometimes be satisfactorily equal to each Canadian family paying a German spy. -Hi is of German birth, J. A. CAMPBELL made in haste but some require much hought handling to be 3n average of $1.60 every working day but it Is said, cannot return to that Lite Monk nk Limited, 4:i Chemical Co., Lkmimi. Slogan: Sanitation for Goderich, and careful to for United States products and to Un- counts as he Is under sentence of Street, Toronto, dljl wive alb +tI X LII Aaq succewful. The main thing all "be Ited States workers. Certainly a death for an alleged murder. Chur►ges changes is to sure you are right, t+hango is nd,�d here. From Great Once In my rambles through the then go ahead. Britain we only Import 16 per cent of country I came across the site of an The annual habit, with yearly than- our goods. Why is it? The Canadian Cool judgment mixed with enthu-I old house. There was nothing left of Res, is in evide ee In many more dollar Is worth more in England, and slasm Is a good recipe for success. the house Itself but a few unlnlerest- ways than gardening today, and the Ivss in the States, and yet we persist .� tib ti2cw s' sfX� -tng bricks, and a pile of stones just sooner we get down to changing ter In buying in a market where our MLS%, s« a'� s - N6sible ,among Ittie weeds that hdd Frrown u where the foundation used to bc. There was, however, a short perennial worth and beauty, the bet- ter. It 'is necessaryto remember that .vork of preparation nit ds to be done � money shrinks before we purchase. It Is time Great Britain waked up to the;ix.. tact that is losing w3 a °oy `�; s' EST AND TAKE by have the she great aADOr- r�� $ �,� fx piece of picket fence along the. road, with patience people who tunities In Canada to the United .K and a little,gate which used to opsin into the dooryard. The fence and gate courage to look beyond the Immediate future to ideals which they must cher- 3Gites. . We want more British perio-KRsr< dicals and adver4.isenients circulated in �xs ATS FOR KIDNEYS were so well built in the long ago that 101 till they see them fulfilled In part Canada,. od we want a speedier meth- ! the passing of the years had -merely if not wholly. od of transportation of small goods weathered the white pine, and there one of the outstanding qualities of Inaugurated so that buyers in Canada was, as yet, no slgn of deterloratlon the Briton is iris deliberation and can avail themseiVes of British pro- p4 �laiteagLsa o! Balsa before breaifast fin either side of the gate stood a another Is his persistence. Possibly ducts as easily as they can of those [� �! yetis Baek herb or Bladder lilac bush, and from clumps of sweet he might be benefitted by a term in 'accelerate from across the border. Branch face'k��a��� � t� � � bothers you. inary and moss rose bushes, fragrant the, U. 5. A. to the making torics and branch stores from (treat ieaVes found their way betaveen the up of his mind to act, but nowhere Britain opened in the larger centres of pftzkets. An old orchard, covered with on earth can he acquire anything to Canada would be a welcome, and na *v 4 ffi� £ The- Amotriesn mea and women muds blossom obseured the view of the way- farer, and gave such a some oL bore- add to the quality o: his persistence, At the present time the United Stales beneficial change for the people here, and the Empire f �rs ` ` guard constantly against Kidney trouble, Iness and occu anev that It came as p s is having pressure brought upon it b p y generally. UERMOT \1cF.V'(Iti', F h �M.'t` s �� because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our Wood 16 filled with +eio Fill'Prlse to find that ttteth wan na dwRllinfi and That possibly many Canada to -Ioeabe branch factories here. and the U. S. A, is already awakening - WHEN BABY I CROSS 0 5 �v • s �' na ; acid which the kidneys strive to filter y t. they Years had elapsed since the plrket to the benefits which would accrue .� out, weaken from overwork, become y eliminative and gate had been closed for the last time. "to her manufReturers by falling in �lothera, when your baht is cross- ����t�� L �� "< ��. the result kidntrouble blender 7 " It gave me an Insight into the protect- p line. Why can't English, Scotch, and when he cries -a great deal and no n ��x Y dF s � < weakness and a general decline in health. tug and comfortlnw power of native to Irish mnnufaeturers have pressure amount of attegtlon or petting cheery i k,.:� «� w a ���; when your kidneys feel like lumps of Fee that orchard and that garden, still brought upon t:tent to expand. and. hien- snmething is the matter. It is �� .�:�. �� i��` � " ' lead; our back hurts oi�the urine is ; y henvtltnl, tfiou�n the hands that. had ileus keep the money in the Empire? not the nature trP little our, to be cloudy, full of sediment or"you -are planted sheen and tended them had loner Canada needs oepttal to develop her cross and peevish -the well child is a w �� is �. obliged to seek relief two or three times sign disc eared. Ther seemed to be ytandinxpguard neer tits mem- re uurres, and zvouhi like to have R^l- fish ra�ital, but there Is tial trouble- 1 happy child. ('sive him a (lore of Ba-d� K° ���£��:.' ��Fzr ', �' ' t during the night) if you suffer with nick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid orFrR Of the pulse of human life that some exchange sate w•hlelr treats F,n g w- by'; Own Tab,ie,ts and he will soon be zvv11 The Tablets �k s :ab a r �� szi4h $e� stomach or you have rheumatism when onrc thlUbbed there, and their beauty and constancy *eeme,t to shout aloud Ilsh money in Canada the same rzs (:anadlan is treated by it in t'hP l'. ,y again. are a mild but thorough laxative which regluale Z ;x c Zs ,; , the weather is bad, get from yyour ppbar- >opaaiet,abopt four ougVes 6alh- to careless owners of dwellings t0 Ire- g A, tlrmtinxr Om t'u1Ner�a Magazine g the bowels and"stomacl; banish con- x' ' y t ..i a. NN r ��"� of Jad table a tablespoonful in a glass of rove their surroundings b g�` P g' Y Alantin of Sept. lith •dmr 8 Canadian dollar i9 stipatlon and indigestion; break up colds and simple fecer9 and relieve 4;; 4 water Die breakfast Yor a few da b@f 3'e shrub+( and ter Ps, and taking carp of them, nqt alone for their own gratifi- a,intlponly from PN to t12 rents 'in the United States, and the American dollar the other minor Ills of little ,ones. DEMPSEY IN TRAINING AT BEN- and your saltee will hien act fin cation. but that those vitro by Is zzvu th from rRLOg b fP1,12 in Can Concerning them Firs. Oscar ,Bedard Ste. TOv HARBOR Folk BOUT WITH s � fain%ua suite is made from the aoid�' of &apw and lemon juice, combined with VIA, a have Many Y iplPnsure also. �1Rny pro- RdR," Sophie. Que., writes: -Baby's (hvn Tablets are an exeelient remedy for. BILLY ti1;1iE.-:1n excellent photo- the lythra, =d � �n.used for generations pie would c hanwe their gardens from hastily Despite the d,:preclatlon of our dol- constipation. They relieved nM little ;graph of Champion in lighting to gush and stimulate oto iridne clogged y°' sown collection. of annuals zhivh last but a short time to the old ashloned style of warden which a- las, we buy 73 per cent of our outside purght sAs from the United States, and 11 ha4`�n de tr t 1 t nne when nothing else w•nuid and i can strongly recommend them to all pose, made at his training camp at Benton Harbor, Michigan, where he i's, ttln into condition Por his match to agatralize tiro acids in the urine eo it no longer is a comes of irritation th OPP08ITS VICTORIA PARK rawIIS bounded in perennials -the plants d nrnns a e t to our pur chases from the United Statins are, matherl." The Tahi. ;s are sold by medicine. dealers or by mail at 25 rents gz g bladder disorders with Billy Miske, the Et. Paul lieav Yi � --farsalts is in ensive cannot in - 'Phis t t ..RINK NOT TM - - - - --- ' -- a box from The ir. Williams Medicine weight. is one of the first oto- lure, makes a de rghtful eSerl►escm0 graphs front the scene of the impend- beverage, in f 'a �.; � � You rwkSW Co., Brockville, Ont. lithia-water and belongs Ing championship battle, which is exert home, because nobody Can make to go ten rounds. Ilog � Nest! �N PORTLAND AND ATLXNTiC COAST scheduled a mistake by baring a goof kldmz dush- , � '0 Ham' 3 t i PEOPL G A R A G The Grand Trunk offers (lay and night through service between Montreal and Portland, leaving M>tntreal daily at 8.80 I '1'lte -^I X L11 is it strictly Canadian -made S•tor A, M. and 8.;30 P.'M.,'arrivinR Portland t Ae "WX40Wc313ELZ.A . > WIEL23 7T at 7.80 P.vi M. and y t ai , s Parlor -cafe Der service on day train, eleening cars Acetylene Welding OPP08ITS VICTORIA PARK rawIIS If a cement sidewalk rolls a mile into the country, how tat, can a board t ..RINK NOT TM ur Yard ■ S, �' T , 'a �.; � � You rwkSW for � Nest! �N a 4 r , � '0 E TATIOSERWO 84 ku r d iktua into las ,► a '1 I I '1'lte -^I X L11 is it strictly Canadian -made S•tor Battery, made by Canadian workmen. 4 The `dI X W is made in all sizes aild suitable till rA.•kcs vf esa.s. A year's guarantee with every "I X L" Batter J No better Battery is in service. Ne better Bat ' - is sold. No better Battery is made. There lire m ntlt nearly as good. 1 We have installed•it complete and up-to-date ins outfit, and can attend tea Bill customers tae r prcimptly and at moderate +cost. +,� t Yta eIQitltt, ht►ve load li4 t5n yod'lr ear: � 'Tilts days dl's ' " iia' shorttit, the,' loin de M k bitter >l� bitter light -is alwayq dljl wive alb +tI X LII Aaq Atttlloa wt your` Ford, car• t,�titta' all but it. 'lm$ I M:igiit, -lights. .111T•tltt tti►'t any t have I4 Ott YOU.. 'scenic i► « he,. i sill I, es t 1"i kilt' yl14 rti4 jw ° stilllid a ud ill %vaill r� L .' Wt: wliill sae pleas, to tills it dam' tit„eta. *Otell yOtt �01t sbout i,� 1,11 �Ata� thAt apt 4* MOLE,' on night train. No change betweed Mon• treal and Portfand. The comfortable AND ALL KiNDS OF route for Portland, the Islands of Casch 1 Bay, ScarboroOrchard. Beach, lftne ulk. B Creels. Repair al''1d Machin 1!r/ork Old Orcha,[Y1. Beilnebunir, Biddeford , Peel, etc. For -Illustrated `drsorlillive DONN BY literature, with list o1 hotels and all in formation, apply to any Grand Trnnk THE DOiY ENGINEERING ., Ltd. Agent, or C. E. Horning, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. WORKS AT *HE DOCK. QODERICH 'Phone 260 \(others can easily know when ztheir Farmers and others having broken eastinge can have same repaired 11dren are troubled with worms, and good as new on short notice, at moderate coat. hey lose no time in applying the best of remedles-,Mother Graves' R'orrrr ,r Exterminator. "o y' tef� If a cement sidewalk rolls a mile into the country, how tat, can a board walk? t ..RINK NOT TM BEFORE BR age � You rwkSW for � Nest! �N can NIL 'It yl►n`1tit+ti ” to was up tort- t►v is or W ku r d iktua into las ,► a 10; in wEe ��a wat+lt >tt 'Mrtwwia a+►!lfir It "llfrMrtire`li+lt �r r , .. _i ..� May o •, J IIL'Ja`I?Ay, Evil. Vii th. idM1l fu_'" ;i,. 0 . .4 _w ` 1 MATfinBARS � R TIRES and AXPS"1BS Of #ll PXUT•O- t, , +TD 4 ]i,A LS�bS 1 ' and COMMA 010. CC o1LS and GREASES �s .V i are ingtalling$an OK3t-3tLENE i E� , r ouGflt its the near Litnaa, A clewjavtrstton of tbis work, by an erpyer, will be giveu bare. WL&teb for 1a5er ana ma3a- ea eat fur the date. ' I Overland and 1 Mclsaug6lan for Sale Both of these cars are in first-class running ordet•. i Ut na rea3ve the carllaa from year Mitir wttn `►.cygau. wW�+treJuind tura w�r,t 16 .. r on soma of A•a rrIe Vi b 34U care. GT-NUINZ, FJ%D PARl'3, T. F. HOLLAN a- lilt Strest Garage i rte+ �✓ .r Po I MaCEWEN 1 Garase= Hamilton Street p o l l Special Sale �o *1 -4 OF no TIRES. Motor Car We bdve a large supply of r Service Tires on hand, all makes. IF it's a spark ors of Goodyear tube--oil--repairsof any kind -or if it's a new 1 car, come to us. We are equipped to Dunlop 'lutiply all your needs at fair prices. 6ne of the most im: Dominion portant factors in the efficient operation of your ('� car is correct lubrication. Royal Oak We have the three 1 grades of Imperial Polar- L sae, and the Imperial Goodrich Chart of Recommenda• d tions which specifies the correct grade for every show Maltese Cross make of car. Let us show you tth hpeocrhaart and explain _ theri$ht grade pf Irep r�. Standard Works every time. guy in Kelly -Springfield 5 -gallon "' Lots Guaranteed for 3500 to Coco miles. New Life For-, Old TH 'us .i PrHE final thousand or two thousand miles of service you get from your tires can - jA often fie made the cheapest of all by timer' attentYidin. The tiro which blows out or othest futile before it should is too common. Long, hard service and accidents o en cause inside breaks, which, if neglected, result ' in blowouts. In most cases the timely use of a Goodyear Reli#er would have saves- the tire for a thousand or more "extra miles. s -� With a Goodyear Reliner for a very small cost, you can' add three new layers of strong fabric to the insideof thetlre. This reinforces ands strengthens it,and prevents fabric breaks from becoming blowouts. This Reliner is easily applied with a little cement. Half an hour of your time is sufficient. If you prefer, yriur repairman will apply it for you for a small service charge. Any Goodyear Servict' Station and most tire repairmen can supply you. _ ,t>.