HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-09, Page 6A
.... - `04 4000" ATAX
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b ,Rem t
. •. r o a as . Ani Spigos for nip.1X?JCns
""�'het�k�i� �+„ '�� tx
f ,,� ;�. �ctri ,�'itx3l5� ae fol�'��i •(114.sia^ �� 1,Qa tiseizz�4. ,
Ninete-'�nth b
019 �'�w b 4�t •r �rf4 k �a�kr
:.: • ._ �y �'; sR _ ° : . ' '�irlt�t �� � 4l� , � i`�a it>F golfs p%a0is
atalttlod e)[ ""ty)leI it ii 11 A :t dl' lett°i3R. , .. ArEttl 1�U1.tEXZ0 d:W`A:y,*'t,ta . d zi4Pi�e ow 1{1xPt, �i` fpl' 45Q« il
..Will IXlil 8T0411 ONO, T.
S a.tlD .
t"•1L3p•TV-1i't_X141. (it my'privato V'sVior you call 'toil 'gni
Mrs. Arnot'ss Cr".•ed'+
alt: °
+ '•f:u;' olid 'tds•Ulatt,: ,glnnmilyt I am ;. $ti(�t�C
JJ'11%ldallr 4-11
4CR.4VNI"'tile �t"att%9P S3fDt fit tit '$tf"•'}" ,�Adr etC+ttBA'. tlk'3d !(1.: ci , 6,,.
liil;It t i!ei°,tlg,:.his py� x uttr n stun s,tr„i
c u a'rwrtttld rather hot dl) sat Pr: ff It -, to. 0o •* C �t ,; Na•
And 444 U'v at.�0 :�blt"J that 1�a• �r Have huobe ttl'r $4-1+"tlsl than Air. Grp. '
't,:t'Ittv.luo at�141es+( dill of !las ctralle, (y- t h kr4 r;
s>ottliriittt , it+„r, and hfl alrtvatly lova It ail. They take. �tt4 b a inviaima. t4- as i�hc :ots ti + a ;itv t�.I�
” *'i,ritd t4-'' nrts,vi-LbYt'it tltr rar't- rata) as welt h'll you here—that !s. it K.
yt u are wlulnat to stagy: Ge cin `oE,l9llitlal• et 4.snti;r lseelx 4pt.:. > 11 4-G t4ae trails 4-a
.i' "+ilhittr enorigll;' rtpli+•tt tttP )otet8 "t same t+t Ntaoy", halo Mrs. Art►st. eg11113 y'sa. �it�l' nit {04)t'tabras�. Cat�l'brnd sae tits novelt<y�
AYitli a 4-r+eklesy oath "`rtt+” w,,re,d that +luietiy: gull sitting ttuLvn, aha turtiOd "
!Ips h ttigVilod... a graver face tuvti;)rFi him.
"`iM1"hutas tinppt.nril?" asked tile old "I cannot ttiQd wofti8 In which to it'll
i ii excitedly.
)on lily %hansp. Qud tilt+ utterue-'s e't
b, , my dofeat."
yr Li tn�iilftrtlrri, izt tree tvorllroom
Y. y'on east, ISgl,rrt. t tlClteve • a
rills u' bull -dog. anal Avearing Ilhe a p ,,
kind of a a:liritJtiitn that Nutt ttgvg always told me the � ,���"�"'
virate. ' That'* the iu ,uu ,a;•1f. d ' ,
"r hut. Wild lotus's s will be. 'ifliTab' 'I wap truth about) o las ';• �1 + v i%.. Y . Q
r, "I havr, alit i wilt agaill. tie sl, ,, ..-a
a y�
b t. I $
+ lir, qo t ser CF addtd.'as he , + a 1 �:.> tw` t�F
1til.t lf• i . I q h e ! " [till yet it, seems 111,?.R.
} . » 1 r a r"halr, d spernCr }
the w ti ti sr*It Into, a w + :.,r , , y. 4 :.r .> :
the ouch a scEne �.
P1lo>ae ��i>ui 'h
+. rofauatl.ln •to laser f
„ ... ,,
s u�l'e
"C\'kelt %vt+tl, vuyll. nod Agr. ttCovv) It
"C' + + v vx w hr'ti t+i you:' fl+st he did describe It. brief-
4 .
After til* celowl,.. I %NIS !n hopi. » , - .t"NZIRAL 1.F«til:4irR MMS S Il+ VAS THA WORLD BOX TO CQl�F4111i 1�:1JlkIl23 FOR Al>EiiIQRI� x'ABI.Ef he
? t •„ ty and
graphically. no,
AlAL x C RT A1Y. Amer t- t.e3eui#8 aealinS the :tuiilt 7io tiEiEil�l) is Go 48 gout hrond Ghe
getalwtp in tittle, but Int afeerd you've la lir> «AL X QQD EIC i M a
tie •ru01:e of ills last tierce blow-. which "`
u .. rloau tiackslh,i. w dr1d by the Beliaau Wood to torial P:1s11d Committee. 'This Committee ij. sending ttblq,� box 4round, the world' deal Yn spy time, -and perhaps you Toronto, :lint,: ,
'•ti`u t;Ilid o! doubt en that snort:' vanquished his, opponent, lir. Grawtlt to collect Pntids for a muJCstle table! to be ereatrtd in Belleau �Yood Ceinotery {n 'France. NUss. Marie Covert, will, �
} teplietl the young man, with a bitty, erhmuttered— + Corti insider of Belleau Wood -most o! the American Legion, is thanlilair General ie Jeunce for his co-operation, (To be continued)
)`. IattlSh, "Brough i now�thlni, I Beret served hint right, can't help foillftt'
is very fail to sills. Anti et it ad+ glad you hit him so hard: but then--- �� It is estimated. that Cher. ire 4CQOG
' i; d, r?ry + ttld tt , t'4-+ In keppin' with the Cussedness "it is not eotitrary to fact, Good finite. In the first,, place,, one mu; t sultsi All such futilel efforts, of permanent residents of i xiib tion ty
ta+v rt i Leta be and unjust. 'Pilo sh t , >�►
iv 4-s + rallied? w should ±such uI rmy natur'." people in the f3ible, good ptopiP !q hive up, self-tighteoµsness--nal sett- ivhi'i+�t many aro sEr vain: tntrst b.e east ,during. rho two vLreeks of the Gtanad an Q y 3jN
t+s, hop ba 1, why A glimmer lit a rmtll4+ hovered aroun+. i
be fatr.pireit. If this w,,a to b -i 8he hhirtory, and to my ersunat know- I respect, mark ,•oil, bet there spiritual aside. Llsten to-01tr,i tt s own. words' National. R �.. +
s til rt1d4 If i vv'as fort -ordained to go Mrs. Arrifii flexible. Mouth, hilt ledge# too, hair's been left to do out*'self�oneiit, which is akin to lite feet- %earn of Me, for I wilt mleek and towf "4
'9 ung)' asked a u!rtl ' _ PORTLAND AND ATLANTIC GOAS1 ' ; q
to the devil. -vhy must an aggravating 1,,,, ? rageirrt�ly wrong things To err is Ing of some vulgar people who think! ly Au heart," l'e who would enter; t
lye n.•? i rsr "Is that all?" humatn;. and %%'e are all 4-y human, ttley IICV good enough to associate j upon the Chri.atilon lift must foes to The grand Trunk offors^day affil uIRl►t
s glhnpssu of heoven be given , )
, s v , •v I shollbi think that +vas ono titlt F+berti., with those who art) immelasgraltfy be- Christ as the true scientist oils at the througjt service between A><out><esLl and 4 .' j
„ its all cruel and w'rolig. Bill r { at aftr't all that [had felt orad professed.
,, v , ,,,r. Lint,
*13ut 1 don't feel that I am a Gitirist- yogd them, but whose superiority feet o! nature, ,docile, teachable, sag ortlpndF teavipg Montlpe ,t')ailp at B•stt
the �rset C inc, Ills ha%e tr,p,l,, b b, t
wA •'I eould as easily tacit an angel of acecp o r , ,
tight now as Airs. Arnot," 4-r replied in undisguised astonishment• two thipgs in.strapto honesty, find to
paetsing an 'tile threshatd; for r%'pn it),: "Novy du not Jump to hasty and false the best of our -Ability, Is the only vvtt}
Ills reckless mood til+ old man's .gals cunelusfons frunr my wards. Ido no) to be a Chrilitiah that I know of." "t4-
fit) race flail power to restrain• Hyl that your action was rlithl, In ".Is that ail?" muttered Air. Grow
"last err! mistaken, tstaliert," said a the Labstract It was decidedly wrong ther, rising for a moment from Ills
lento voice betake hhn. '•lou esu and'for your lanirti0e thtro is no cbalr In Illy deep l0erest inner words:
gene nio much m,uP ins. than o other excuse save that an old, bad he- She gave h114 -stn encauraping smile �
angel of light. i ailr human like your# bit asserted itself at a time when you andthen turned Lb Haldane again.
self, and your friend." i •lead lostsetivPontroh f am dealing "Mrs. ArWt," he said, , "1 knowthat
she It ;td approached the Open doos leniently with you, E:Kltert, because you are far %vises• In these matters than
through the dual! of Lite mild autumn It Is a trick of the adversary to tempt r, and yet I am bewitderetL, The Bible
to despair as well as ;<#a ovt`r+conll
4" +�vtAffig. and find'hrtrd hill w•ordfi. lie . 'rays we -mast be -converted: that, we
trttllhjT d at -her voice. 'but ventured lienee. At the s ,+,1 lue tlrtp.speak gin, lrtusst be born agAln.' JA seems to re- -
cerely. yell ary a.nd •stave"'been toi quire some great, mt•sterious change
no rtpty, f some tittle, In a morbid state of mind
I have eomo to sur+ you, E bertt that shall wholerenew our wholenature
ve "
you will not leame.
., Let lily slntple common-sense come to And it secured to me that I experlen- 1
••AIrII.+ Arnot:' tie said passionately, your aid ht this emergency. The vor) ced. that change. It would be Inrpo::-
"Y itgi not -vorti tiro tttYlittits' you talc ounill-U ns under w►ill hich you have, beet# gllrlo for me to, lipscribxe•, to you rn)
in iffy bcltrtlf and I might a* -welt tell + working at the 1111,111htrl}r� 3Ptt a ,can ;�rtioGlolia, Tiley were sincere and pro- - _ '+�►
tinuolis straits upon �:uar nervous found. They stirred the very. depths
you at Once, That it is in vaill.`
uvver, You were steadily approach- of my soul, and under .their Influence 1
"I do not ,regard what t t si for ynu �'
q as 't "gttishe v and I know it is #tat for ng a pohtt where mere hunlatl Ondur, It vvau_4_• y to worship God and to d#4.
vain," site replied, with calm, clear once would give.w•ay. Mark. i do not lilts will. fond I not a right tri b 1 Vfl
Pay that you nilght not have bean that tltP 'hour in vvhirh I first PetA
helped enuronger, and en-
!ler manner quieted him !sciruet'rttathld tdt+ ld t
, those glad. tiu•i11s of fat4lt and Ipye , _;,�: �_ ••,•-•• is ;�_ � """�� � >r,;:n;
butt after `a moment Ile, said— , duos e%'rryttiin+r; but inert human on. was the !iota of my cnn%ersiuuY'.' ,
Iwo do not know what has hap -
could not have endured it much "�•,,,t had a right to !tope it"
+ polled to -day, nor how I have been ►oniaer. It is often wiser to',hun ter. Bat ntnr', today, when evs+ry bad
foaihug for many days ppast•"
tail' tempttitons, If we can, than tc passion hos been i npermust Irl ill,.-
' t Telt meet tirnr. You could hot do thin G
s•• "'Your manner indirar csi haw heart, what rea..an nave t to tiore`t".
feel; and vast luny tell use rvltat 'Itas and It, laking int, account all the eir• "None at all, 'looping t4-, yourself
happ'e'ned 1Vy4u whtih. It you prefer oumgtancev, you could have tslmet)' slid u, your varying emotions."
that 'we should he alone, come whttt submitted to this Insult, which wa4 :'.Mrs. :Arnot, I am bewildered, I am
the cuimi stun r lr, •antlnt ed a d 'b3
iit•I�;dk� Solt! by alb
11114) Stored
file to my r. rrlagtl and in 'tic quiet n u -a t n all at seat, the isle as inteipretetl YX peratinx InJury, I should have by Dr. Barstow and Dr. Alark, seems lou itoo -whether you possessed the to require so much: anti what you say. � rltativridt to make a strcng forceful is rA uired is sintpiicit itself."
HOWY •CAM `iEi•L yman, Cif Coum% if you often give "If you will listen patiently, rghert.„.
r be`akyt;t'lu`ta)q4r
ialt!ntltls manner, Ynu I wilt glue you mY vie%vs, anti I think
�1 Ki�[N1 'A i ��� old beittle bettor than a NVIIA tti tp tire eorreet, far I endeavor to takeit (r iN weeks you had t!xereis- them %vilolly from the Bible. Titat
ed very great forbearance and sett- w'hieh bAod-"r'equirea Is simpWity it- �+
• contras—for one of )-our temperament .sell', and yet it Is very much; It Is In -
4 -Y .. remarkable spit.'control•--anil I restteel
Only Tablets with 'Sayer Cross you for It. We are as truly bound to h r
` are Aspirin--lVr7otheasl
be Just to owt•olves as toothersi.
Yopr action was certainly wrot t. atlii "P
$ I would bt• dooply itti soli an+l 'dficst t
i pointed It you coMitiued to,.givp, wti,'
t' " Itt !i ch etltt ii lIo of In, sliont'." but
memiSorhig yailit' -,outta, and all 11441 hew'
:AI has hill%penod st 11`wApfir st: tt4t1-ott�etfs•
For ti$L�'+SER•PING.. Ftnc
inn' plainly ut t y Q> 1 qro' ht alt ori- Fa' SAX1W0.. 1roC , oitutdb t eMf`' gr, peacberi ' peairs. plums . and
. in anulation-- finer than 01l Other
heltltht'ut-oondition 'of Mind and hoil,, b, �.
°ntvtW'Iil: O#ut ilk T@Su1t5 obtained, use Cantle you
I I tl}1Rk tolls e411tsse.-�"Y►3 ler and apotiYe Gal[4s,• tie 4ltkie�i
, suers � use^ -'finest , �F:
j(,;,” _" tnd "ki. itrtd illi 3"pti ve no h1'd iai'#n .ated Ca�cC� lt,Y� ��. t s: am�e s,� the old Ca"itivn r'tiFlt:
I' b +s f4t+" ttttolt tit ilittitat+M+j*. i " vices► coeAaaut 4akt , Po*1e "'Pine!" has man megnin to th� '�idilttc' 1�58r1 �>E1 ;� .
it you 401 t •ells b e18tt 11 r !inc poi in lido. € rowth!~r, "and lips
cakes. tiut 011113 s, abtlr! 4akext. + i tt until dig ate!` sem' ii
an -the , tabletai, "re#use them: t4; A; sv�dst away -r I) hit. lily bre r.."a t afitt ; snowy g�tenxi2g: c�Sta�S Of � p11Ir6 Gatlk! S>�lgr�`—a�' iv . �t y� tli� fruit'
' tint Asltldra Sgt all. macarootiliand nets. ou>Y b ttif lor' and
Thrro'it► tiutp ait+r,Alt lrini ttiat'x<tar it -vas mighty little lie took tot"^ lunoh,' elsej--Lande'. brings you cone
@L1- rctairis stat b�+ tit lag - I. a sr +1l1 rntn • tt1�e 'ottst� , . Is when they haL � Acker gilts eb>Xtte�-= o;' ;�dG�. stsj 3S �I1C3g atlract3ge E+xsp► kilo lx e
#het IIttYSt" :alts, t>itria--Al. esitcca--iantic $i1C1 11Qilug'
�..,� •u}t (ctfiet< ti►1A-,- ri':t eatoh a%t Uixlttg:. �m qu th itrated s'W . s[ea]m, And becl�use a niona!—becan;ae it's
Ala+a are atiilr geld Ct#totta; +•+Prli�itvlr .tic. ttrs.. Arnot."'ttttd H;1• becaust i's.FIN1y
I.otllw' _tom .tis t' f;ciantaintniiY: 'a4a Hilt.• riot. tn(t atlti every Laht>td 'dissolves tit once=-�t instantly delivery
It to tkir�ei,�oth'• . ,
Ilio attb titiite. tttp Dasa At all i had, been pOpl4�i.. ower without hesitation. O ,
.., :4apGtfit ytb1: �1t 4-i A nat * `plat 1 ��ns a Gh�hliatt�ltit cVhat�id math �t3 great $W@8�i�i1�� ".p � '
°3u c t►Mda lay adist l -d 3a ae,rtied: It sa:ms tt, the that �{ haft ttsid tett cou`g$ 1t goes falr'thm Of course it costs less. Of - K z � 3
,► iiCilttitr +Uollal►>..fAl1 ititlt ilrla doailh acid uxltbkitlfteeik of it (;ttrtst•` -
ti t"lc, *N* "t iii 1 , 3« CidlrbE111titt itt tNn',r 4, (�(i'(1�+Ft%fj �1an t fill �
Alt, «
14 tattle a tl+ l> plrin`" I ham 1�otl►iri t4''s5t^ sliiat life i �.
• tit Apt
• ; z v... �. r ". ..y, tom. x rtfl iris tflilr ntrisatlw • a+l brit iv�t!V .total '.' ' " P t3i� pltl A1lf� Ely 1
lbtlt.� �'�T'�T�3��>�tte fitiiil:It sticll Ott e1
attar tb6, anger of Zve� jc tag, tlithirh robes fruit e)f ft 04tural color anti
is Ve, and. aroma of stat ft or.
A In .13AXtX01. UtAiic i quimiy with the 6trttttn' — vaitict 'taflak the:. j
tiro. glib d 8taih y. rerjilii ►g need be ttdiutis.
In CAl�t? 4' [t�tA %N0 .time g rAnulaJrion &e s candy a. soft veXvat y aXusaitity "
Most of the highest .glade chocaiti�tes land fitter c:aindies. are made with
rt chorroiate s'edhms from
�.att~iti(C."�f1C''C7.t�'tC''tVCiOtlttt'.Ibf the �Se3 ,
R., ����.s,,.y� 'VSE ja t'aet k alt bevt:r s (hot or a old).every .s rtttc
t�u:Mr�ilrt �t% v'�CIM.II.ttdl�ltt p' tA� a++avF+aV" Otait�'L`fraeslciini� rest3ilyy the full �tCifCetetjt. of the piirextb Cane•Yb tteraCOtCb, loco
. .•
t,." .'feet and l�ltroni�� fi� ma►do alt ioftast. � .
vtws wash. blo � il(4 PMA efts r`br lILe1�41, dr+ yw �i�r fl► and iy g
rib iatl tvitti Balt v+,and
tnsari`s Of, meat, bear,
a4- ld� •t+� �� " C � rp3l�� KlersF1i,�i�sf' =r1��� r�`ata.l�im
tolls 'r l trlmmtltl• alis coal lrzs' sidf3 • tkttlkp�►f�focsitlidtoat� ����!��. �
n" back �ancot*on '00ted Ilnd . mt brittle:
Illoorner etas alder 0e0r&il* ltleattdt �caidr� �!1(grsrsttw" i 1eclliw�''1MiicY e# all
t. Nlwre.iJr■"rw
,r+'tr.�WRilr ri!li +.Y. I•„•I ii fill � loft., .. �, LL , . • e U With
tl .
the bad ttecarue
v `' till. "s. a xa 4-w. ' aa.. " -1
1tv, of, this }>ra04 site!
�hiie,'Uk :14i13s rtttii tlofas>f i`igPltt'��:, `
t t{►�r� •��Ili}t�di �tla�ittr.}'�II���1rltuty�yiail�r u+.t�ti�ty��, ;
'teyi'•Ft't�b idt'if tiiltti tl'f vieit4,llyli+jr'.�1IIg�`y �l#ii�V,i, -
#+Jk�4tr {Citi.i''t.('.S`�Ct+d"*..' tR*"it,Vl�.. "
r b,dttiAr l`ih'
+ r0ilt4 ' bk tirtlit rfc, : a a
0" Vilk
ttlWhla pNt`� too ed Wit" '
al'liilkr it y t:t{tt� tiell`j r • r .F
.F0`.M�., YJ{'�"� 'R:IJ� '/M �Tr'*,•,. ,111Wt + i '` ,b^, 'M i ,*�
itMol+ +
+ M
t:titztl cat ars liittia. gs. he's In t,e bud).^
"i fear I shaft shock 5 i. -g e4- t
but I am nut very much surprised R
Ian any longer," he said sadly,
"perhaps are not. and never
they Are too smolt to comprehend,, Or tb learn truth that existed long e4- l a, in. and Q 20 1?.bE., err. of I K ;or 1&pti1.
\Are must come to (mod in the spirit of 'fore he was born, and not disposed to at 7.80'P. bf. gnd•7.g0 A. X..•. Parlor -cage
it was a �� and erlal moat
and on, over. T,�en }ialdanr took his
n d t
">ur c n,rwp. Indeed 1 ihlnti it vs+ar
were. Qu:@ this is a question, that you
a little child; and then, as If we vieret thrust ibrvvttrtl #tome"miserable Iittlel;�4ar etarvice on day train, steel-CAra.
hat without a word.
ulie rtat, rat, In view of the cis itinil
t �
son Hover settle b)• consulting your
children, •Flo %ylll give to its a •natnrat2 ,system of his own- Nothing could be psi night train. I!Ta ab•µnge t�tween`Mon• _ •
"\ am y,t,; !cold?" ar,'rd \l4-•
Stan+'4-a• t+r'h,sps my nature Is abin
t'lrnwitter's, for 1 ain rather
„vvn feetiis ."
and healthful growth ill the lite that,' simpler, easier, oc more pleasing• tq`treal an$ Portiapd.. TJ�e, comfortable
His is the alm. I Christ Itlmself-than the action of Mary f0' Portland, the Islands of •Casch
t: env htr luusly,
t alta
t't Mr•
r ,IlOW can f settle Ito' %vas the
resembles own. ,This route
1 i knOry nor 4-114-4-.
Klatt that fellow wars punished: tan+.!
;oa13'rr ros oY+
P ties,
pips# thing that can be dont., and IIl as airs sat at His feet gall listened to Ba starttor� J3eocb,. Greek.
u to -night; t ex ,ect
o !
think it vias very nnturai for you to
By lsPtttlniq fully and ilnaliy in your
can do it: but huvv nesnv are trying' flim, hitt'many aro like iltartlta, and 4tt1. Rrcttard, Kennr4unk, I1tticlelortii
out K
lu d
punihlt hill, as you did. 10 tar from
mind whst relation you will sustain
to work out their salvation by some . are bustling about in His service in • Peel, oto, For illottntetl dosoriptive . Cie" 16
tto t' o
•'ski the name of %vo91,tr r,
t despairing of ynu, 1 am the more
t . Josus t.tirla d. He offers to be your
intricate Method of human device, and. t ways pleasing to. themselves: and. it_ )tIEefatpre, Lvithllst of hotels mind all in f
{ is hard for them to up their. formation, apply to s¢Y ({rand Teank
"lira. Arnot."
hopeful of you.
"Mrs Arnot P' exclaimer] the youth
ronlplete �lavlour !rout siu. Will you
t i tllrt'1 as sut�l v Doingthes('
stranger still, are very complaeent ow very gtv
or the 'mechanical astd abnormal re-! mvn way• rte had to give'up a great 114 pt, or G. Ta, Rorping, D. P. A.,
wA •'I eould as easily tacit an angel of acecp o r , ,
tight now as Airs. Arnot," 4-r replied in undisguised astonishment• two thipgs in.strapto honesty, find to
paetsing an 'tile threshatd; for r%'pn it),: "Novy du not Jump to hasty and false the best of our -Ability, Is the only vvtt}
Ills reckless mood til+ old man's .gals cunelusfons frunr my wards. Ido no) to be a Chrilitiah that I know of." "t4-
fit) race flail power to restrain• Hyl that your action was rlithl, In ".Is that ail?" muttered Air. Grow
"last err! mistaken, tstaliert," said a the Labstract It was decidedly wrong ther, rising for a moment from Ills
lento voice betake hhn. '•lou esu and'for your lanirti0e thtro is no cbalr In Illy deep l0erest inner words:
gene nio much m,uP ins. than o other excuse save that an old, bad he- She gave h114 -stn encauraping smile �
angel of light. i ailr human like your# bit asserted itself at a time when you andthen turned Lb Haldane again.
self, and your friend." i •lead lostsetivPontroh f am dealing "Mrs. ArWt," he said, , "1 knowthat
she It ;td approached the Open doos leniently with you, E:Kltert, because you are far %vises• In these matters than
through the dual! of Lite mild autumn It Is a trick of the adversary to tempt r, and yet I am bewitderetL, The Bible
to despair as well as ;<#a ovt`r+conll
4" +�vtAffig. and find'hrtrd hill w•ordfi. lie . 'rays we -mast be -converted: that, we
trttllhjT d at -her voice. 'but ventured lienee. At the s ,+,1 lue tlrtp.speak gin, lrtusst be born agAln.' JA seems to re- -
cerely. yell ary a.nd •stave"'been toi quire some great, mt•sterious change
no rtpty, f some tittle, In a morbid state of mind
I have eomo to sur+ you, E bertt that shall wholerenew our wholenature
ve "
you will not leame.
., Let lily slntple common-sense come to And it secured to me that I experlen- 1
••AIrII.+ Arnot:' tie said passionately, your aid ht this emergency. The vor) ced. that change. It would be Inrpo::-
"Y itgi not -vorti tiro tttYlittits' you talc ounill-U ns under w►ill hich you have, beet# gllrlo for me to, lipscribxe•, to you rn)
in iffy bcltrtlf and I might a* -welt tell + working at the 1111,111htrl}r� 3Ptt a ,can ;�rtioGlolia, Tiley were sincere and pro- - _ '+�►
tinuolis straits upon �:uar nervous found. They stirred the very. depths
you at Once, That it is in vaill.`
uvver, You were steadily approach- of my soul, and under .their Influence 1
"I do not ,regard what t t si for ynu �'
q as 't "gttishe v and I know it is #tat for ng a pohtt where mere hunlatl Ondur, It vvau_4_• y to worship God and to d#4.
vain," site replied, with calm, clear once would give.w•ay. Mark. i do not lilts will. fond I not a right tri b 1 Vfl
Pay that you nilght not have bean that tltP 'hour in vvhirh I first PetA
helped enuronger, and en-
!ler manner quieted him !sciruet'rttathld tdt+ ld t
, those glad. tiu•i11s of fat4lt and Ipye , _;,�: �_ ••,•-•• is ;�_ � """�� � >r,;:n;
butt after `a moment Ile, said— , duos e%'rryttiin+r; but inert human on. was the !iota of my cnn%ersiuuY'.' ,
Iwo do not know what has hap -
could not have endured it much "�•,,,t had a right to !tope it"
+ polled to -day, nor how I have been ►oniaer. It is often wiser to',hun ter. Bat ntnr', today, when evs+ry bad
foaihug for many days ppast•"
tail' tempttitons, If we can, than tc passion hos been i npermust Irl ill,.-
' t Telt meet tirnr. You could hot do thin G
s•• "'Your manner indirar csi haw heart, what rea..an nave t to tiore`t".
feel; and vast luny tell use rvltat 'Itas and It, laking int, account all the eir• "None at all, 'looping t4-, yourself
happ'e'ned 1Vy4u whtih. It you prefer oumgtancev, you could have tslmet)' slid u, your varying emotions."
that 'we should he alone, come whttt submitted to this Insult, which wa4 :'.Mrs. :Arnot, I am bewildered, I am
the cuimi stun r lr, •antlnt ed a d 'b3
iit•I�;dk� Solt! by alb
11114) Stored
file to my r. rrlagtl and in 'tic quiet n u -a t n all at seat, the isle as inteipretetl YX peratinx InJury, I should have by Dr. Barstow and Dr. Alark, seems lou itoo -whether you possessed the to require so much: anti what you say. � rltativridt to make a strcng forceful is rA uired is sintpiicit itself."
HOWY •CAM `iEi•L yman, Cif Coum% if you often give "If you will listen patiently, rghert.„.
r be`akyt;t'lu`ta)q4r
ialt!ntltls manner, Ynu I wilt glue you mY vie%vs, anti I think
�1 Ki�[N1 'A i ��� old beittle bettor than a NVIIA tti tp tire eorreet, far I endeavor to takeit (r iN weeks you had t!xereis- them %vilolly from the Bible. Titat
ed very great forbearance and sett- w'hieh bAod-"r'equirea Is simpWity it- �+
• contras—for one of )-our temperament .sell', and yet it Is very much; It Is In -
4 -Y .. remarkable spit.'control•--anil I restteel
Only Tablets with 'Sayer Cross you for It. We are as truly bound to h r
` are Aspirin--lVr7otheasl
be Just to owt•olves as toothersi.
Yopr action was certainly wrot t. atlii "P
$ I would bt• dooply itti soli an+l 'dficst t
i pointed It you coMitiued to,.givp, wti,'
t' " Itt !i ch etltt ii lIo of In, sliont'." but
memiSorhig yailit' -,outta, and all 11441 hew'
:AI has hill%penod st 11`wApfir st: tt4t1-ott�etfs•
For ti$L�'+SER•PING.. Ftnc
inn' plainly ut t y Q> 1 qro' ht alt ori- Fa' SAX1W0.. 1roC , oitutdb t eMf`' gr, peacberi ' peairs. plums . and
. in anulation-- finer than 01l Other
heltltht'ut-oondition 'of Mind and hoil,, b, �.
°ntvtW'Iil: O#ut ilk T@Su1t5 obtained, use Cantle you
I I tl}1Rk tolls e411tsse.-�"Y►3 ler and apotiYe Gal[4s,• tie 4ltkie�i
, suers � use^ -'finest , �F:
j(,;,” _" tnd "ki. itrtd illi 3"pti ve no h1'd iai'#n .ated Ca�cC� lt,Y� ��. t s: am�e s,� the old Ca"itivn r'tiFlt:
I' b +s f4t+" ttttolt tit ilittitat+M+j*. i " vices► coeAaaut 4akt , Po*1e "'Pine!" has man megnin to th� '�idilttc' 1�58r1 �>E1 ;� .
it you 401 t •ells b e18tt 11 r !inc poi in lido. € rowth!~r, "and lips
cakes. tiut 011113 s, abtlr! 4akext. + i tt until dig ate!` sem' ii
an -the , tabletai, "re#use them: t4; A; sv�dst away -r I) hit. lily bre r.."a t afitt ; snowy g�tenxi2g: c�Sta�S Of � p11Ir6 Gatlk! S>�lgr�`—a�' iv . �t y� tli� fruit'
' tint Asltldra Sgt all. macarootiliand nets. ou>Y b ttif lor' and
Thrro'it► tiutp ait+r,Alt lrini ttiat'x<tar it -vas mighty little lie took tot"^ lunoh,' elsej--Lande'. brings you cone
@L1- rctairis stat b�+ tit lag - I. a sr +1l1 rntn • tt1�e 'ottst� , . Is when they haL � Acker gilts eb>Xtte�-= o;' ;�dG�. stsj 3S �I1C3g atlract3ge E+xsp► kilo lx e
#het IIttYSt" :alts, t>itria--Al. esitcca--iantic $i1C1 11Qilug'
�..,� •u}t (ctfiet< ti►1A-,- ri':t eatoh a%t Uixlttg:. �m qu th itrated s'W . s[ea]m, And becl�use a niona!—becan;ae it's
Ala+a are atiilr geld Ct#totta; +•+Prli�itvlr .tic. ttrs.. Arnot."'ttttd H;1• becaust i's.FIN1y
I.otllw' _tom .tis t' f;ciantaintniiY: 'a4a Hilt.• riot. tn(t atlti every Laht>td 'dissolves tit once=-�t instantly delivery
It to tkir�ei,�oth'• . ,
Ilio attb titiite. tttp Dasa At all i had, been pOpl4�i.. ower without hesitation. O ,
.., :4apGtfit ytb1: �1t 4-i A nat * `plat 1 ��ns a Gh�hliatt�ltit cVhat�id math �t3 great $W@8�i�i1�� ".p � '
°3u c t►Mda lay adist l -d 3a ae,rtied: It sa:ms tt, the that �{ haft ttsid tett cou`g$ 1t goes falr'thm Of course it costs less. Of - K z � 3
,► iiCilttitr +Uollal►>..fAl1 ititlt ilrla doailh acid uxltbkitlfteeik of it (;ttrtst•` -
ti t"lc, *N* "t iii 1 , 3« CidlrbE111titt itt tNn',r 4, (�(i'(1�+Ft%fj �1an t fill �
Alt, «
14 tattle a tl+ l> plrin`" I ham 1�otl►iri t4''s5t^ sliiat life i �.
• tit Apt
• ; z v... �. r ". ..y, tom. x rtfl iris tflilr ntrisatlw • a+l brit iv�t!V .total '.' ' " P t3i� pltl A1lf� Ely 1
lbtlt.� �'�T'�T�3��>�tte fitiiil:It sticll Ott e1
attar tb6, anger of Zve� jc tag, tlithirh robes fruit e)f ft 04tural color anti
is Ve, and. aroma of stat ft or.
A In .13AXtX01. UtAiic i quimiy with the 6trttttn' — vaitict 'taflak the:. j
tiro. glib d 8taih y. rerjilii ►g need be ttdiutis.
In CAl�t? 4' [t�tA %N0 .time g rAnulaJrion &e s candy a. soft veXvat y aXusaitity "
Most of the highest .glade chocaiti�tes land fitter c:aindies. are made with
rt chorroiate s'edhms from
�.att~iti(C."�f1C''C7.t�'tC''tVCiOtlttt'.Ibf the �Se3 ,
R., ����.s,,.y� 'VSE ja t'aet k alt bevt:r s (hot or a old).every .s rtttc
t�u:Mr�ilrt �t% v'�CIM.II.ttdl�ltt p' tA� a++avF+aV" Otait�'L`fraeslciini� rest3ilyy the full �tCifCetetjt. of the piirextb Cane•Yb tteraCOtCb, loco
. .•
t,." .'feet and l�ltroni�� fi� ma►do alt ioftast. � .
vtws wash. blo � il(4 PMA efts r`br lILe1�41, dr+ yw �i�r fl► and iy g
rib iatl tvitti Balt v+,and
tnsari`s Of, meat, bear,
a4- ld� •t+� �� " C � rp3l�� KlersF1i,�i�sf' =r1��� r�`ata.l�im
tolls 'r l trlmmtltl• alis coal lrzs' sidf3 • tkttlkp�►f�focsitlidtoat� ����!��. �
n" back �ancot*on '00ted Ilnd . mt brittle:
Illoorner etas alder 0e0r&il* ltleattdt �caidr� �!1(grsrsttw" i 1eclliw�''1MiicY e# all
t. Nlwre.iJr■"rw
,r+'tr.�WRilr ri!li +.Y. I•„•I ii fill � loft., .. �, LL , . • e U With
tl .
the bad ttecarue
v `' till. "s. a xa 4-w. ' aa.. " -1
1tv, of, this }>ra04 site!
�hiie,'Uk :14i13s rtttii tlofas>f i`igPltt'��:, `
t t{►�r� •��Ili}t�di �tla�ittr.}'�II���1rltuty�yiail�r u+.t�ti�ty��, ;
'teyi'•Ft't�b idt'if tiiltti tl'f vieit4,llyli+jr'.�1IIg�`y �l#ii�V,i, -
#+Jk�4tr {Citi.i''t.('.S`�Ct+d"*..' tR*"it,Vl�.. "
r b,dttiAr l`ih'
+ r0ilt4 ' bk tirtlit rfc, : a a
0" Vilk
ttlWhla pNt`� too ed Wit" '
al'liilkr it y t:t{tt� tiell`j r • r .F
.F0`.M�., YJ{'�"� 'R:IJ� '/M �Tr'*,•,. ,111Wt + i '` ,b^, 'M i ,*�
itMol+ +
+ M