HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-02, Page 8Vrtttci u awful id 1190(1111 a kVf* tri. Win
" Threshing maclkitlrs (fro ►cry 8fi9jkrts,' , » ,
F -: s = around ere n
h moved into tbelr 'lpAv'STORE-
Alicgs flaws L, a
n TOM 1'ark has mo, col from Stn If •+«
botkse frit t
j ,
AN +» t i RN
Ater. R. .'tf ,
Az CKestlie la en
!D dlp,lf a
T" +w
yr dal °s 4 •VVI ■���
Mrs. 3ic1l�t �co8h(ltm. .e of
- y
v c M 1 takes the d Mike. +,r,.r a.
It n
�rtfoly , or 11ait present and ,v9fi ',tell " » `r i' , f E
11"A . Attu -
o 'rV4 tb all t4ta iluthorixedbi'eadoto.
!. �tritlM- z d " s ." 47 A-
School r
text bwks and s i%Vge stock of +Pt? —4ed on .the first with A1r. r,
I'tolss fn tirotifar room and Miss Tlah-
acribblers, exorpl®e b.loks • �' " .
, pear, borne for the junior loom. epi.
ixlk,t,•�xatswst►,etq., including the
Ra BfowR has hard Aero Cushion tire/
p G4 .5
� Qtatttrto St;ndaaxd Lnottp•Leaf ,�¢ ¢ • U
Put On. 1110 cal". t,thiclt will rave any, CUS443i,.. � k. x
11�iita Ssiak at Mo., and refills b1Ow-outs or punctures. + A
i l dlrr C11WO 4t 10c. Hest value The Mitises 'l thel We, t?alsy Ryan, (
oa the 1trk11G !xi tfi~y. Janie Rother(t and Pearl McKenzie red
turned -to the,1r teaching duties tbis'
al ween,
The funeral of the late Airs. 3. Phlll '
Inth 'AM ' lips was largely attended last
V P :day, she havlog died in Toronto frogs, $i
9��i�l ,
a stroke. 1
Will prof e a lasting convenience 1 J. R. McNab returned home after
throughout the entire term. motoring to Romeo, Michigan, and oflt. 1
$2.50 up. , ' c'r Places. bringing Mrs, MrNab an 1 ' x
family back With him. 'Fad or three days, Wednesday, Thursday and
.. y , da+y, y
The post o@lve has been ettaltged • ,
Ifrom the old stand to tho/corncr . oA ] �f j
Aden's new block, which will be a rxd y � X ..,w ok, - the. same days .as the Goderich Fair. On these
very convenient and cheerful place. ���� Q�"�IE H��/ C s a� `fin „ �
Farmers have had a busy time this SOSIE d��iy5 n �le S`ha �t�e Saee� me�gi�+�' i p
last two or three weeks with harvoat Writl•h Slack hauldiSe made, for the FaH season•
and clover, and now It is getting at .14:,
q ground ready for fall wheal. Mfinls- e l
fern and teachers rttnl have their Holl- HOW IS THE TIME To BE of
days but there are to holidays for the ` "' " "" YOUR FALL GARMENTS@
farmer. It Is from sun rtse to sun net BIG HIGH CLASS gHQW
ZDE11U'll TOWNSHIP ,with lits". No wonder they want ty '
"fyla„ No. s leu%e the farm. FOR THE GODERICH FAIR r' "
gut Its third reading • r
d at•i ng finale, council
at qtr last (+HEPPAADTUN Nair Assod `kWinter Coats
rm+fang of lift council of Gnderleh Thr ditching marhllie is at work ouy Brown Dyer shows ,whose
tovvnsttip. This Is trite bylaw Ir,ylnA around Luys) this week, Motto is "Cleanliness u V
thy, tax rates for Bounty, townshlp arstt Supreme"
school purposes for tits year 1920 a" Marty tlat,wklni Ethel Graham end in the newest designs that can �` In any material that Is
fnEtonvs: Countv rate, 6 mills, county Andrew Bogie visited friends at fan- The officials of the Goderich Indus- ,
htfirwav rate, 1 5-10 mills; to„nship sardine on Sunday. trial and Agricultural Assuclatlon have be
bought. lal.; 2 5-10 mills: special sebooi rate M Mss Kilechtel arrivt+d Tuesday (welt_ secured the Brown & Dyer Shows as 1b U g . Wanted.
A "Ails: Public school rate as per re. Ing to commence her school duties on their big attraction this year,
X" Wednea+la) for the fall term. The Brown & Dyer Shot -vis ate well We are featuringNorthwa Evervo a 1,
ewtssecti by the trustees of, the differ- known to the people of Ontario and y gar. � to kun S what rd.
rrrt 8eCt10[Ili. Ir thNCf' Is any Cher rural 'ret'' tilt' plant Is shut du,vn fur Mack conte tmusuafiy high) recommended menu, and everyone knows that a wonderful range of
municipality In the County that hat: a of cefuent, with nut very good pry- l $ blOUSes
lower tax rate for township par sports of getting any very soon, for the quality and cleanliness of their Northway garment means the best we Carry, and this Sea5Qn our
P(taPY attractions. One of the outstanding
i1r111 (toderivh township we would like Antong those front here who intend features is the absence of the so-called material, a perfect fit and the cor- lines are more beautiful than
to hear from It. The municipal conn- taking in the Toronto exhibition are, dancing girl shows. This class of reef $t 1P. ever.
C" of Ooderl'ch township should bo Mrs. nllilb, John Tigert, Reuben Bogle, Show is absolute! y Be sore and see these
y prohibited with arments when at the Fair in Goode- the greatest blouse display
congratulated In thu3 trying to keep ,1. ti. Shnpson, Frank Hawkins, Ed. Ithis organization and the shows anQ t
rluw'n espea}fiture. Brown and Mfr, and Mrs• Bert Foster. attractions are of a class that can be rich next week. we have ever
The Alas men finished er shown,
The eternal stare shine out as soup pulling ,Marvin visited by the ,whole family without s.
as it is dark enough, --Carlyle. Iturnin's flax on Tuesday, and the seeing anything that would in any way You must see these wonder -
same evening the two rVehines loaded the least offend. fol creations.
A Toronto Telegram expert claims on a truck, passed throukh the village The big feature attraction is Dakota
Ont the socks a man wears Indicah•t+, en route for Goderich township, where Max Big Wild West Exhibition; this fF Dresses for Fail Wear
l� character. :<'Vital awful vh raeterrt they have some more to pull. the same show that was the feature tit of our 'y° Be sure and make arrangements o '°1
ung mon rnu ut,'c.— Sirs. Thurlow pnd her daughter, Mfrs. tont' Toronto Exhibition in 19f9 and • dd t insped" "
-- -�� Davis, of Winnipeg, left for Toronto was especially appreciated by tholare,b Ing shown on these days. 5 l p l
theFriday, „•here they ,will visit with Prince . Wales, when my of the ex- � our stock of fall Garments■
the lattrr's sister, Mrs. Oakley. Mrs- hlbition. There are plenty o[ excltit}g_
Davis „III go on to her home In Wln. Irnomlents while .the various rjders, Great care has
nipeg and Mvs. Thurlow •wltt stay with both male and female, do bronco bust- been -taken in select -
New Sirs. Oakley for some time. lug, fancy riding, rope spinning, lasoo- There are dozens of every line to
Ing, and Other remarkable feats of the ing the Fall dresses,
I t.EDlrpH Western plainsman, and we feel that we choose from. For those' who have not .`
N'eddlryl bells are ringing. Another big sensation is the Motor- been in this new Department '
1 feather fiats i.attra Lautrnslavrr la spending a drums where Margaret Gast "The Mlle have gathered t0-
a Mutate Girl," tins with dente at / gether a most wonderful collection of
,reek al ho tit we wish to extend a special Invita-
k Terrence Hunter left last week to each an+tj every performance 1lhtle dresses. They come in silk and wool p
& spend a month In the West, whirling around the big saugar track.
-Ntlss Ruth Shaw , left Tuesday for I`irtrr riders also glue wonderful ex• material. tion, and must say yon will have
which sound the all- y Itlbitluns 0; nerve and daring.
ht's school near Lluelph• a, unlqutnovel,>• is the Mon
tuarn note— Mi -4s iRrJitt Johnston spent last „•eek tiprrdway. iln this exhibition Is shown It is impossible to deseri6e the an agreeable surprise, for our
n „ith Mir. and Sirs. Jas. M1cWhinney. the hum,�nf Intrlligex of the 3lmiat g p ,
A;pd present the Mliss ,lean (autton I'Murnrd home rattily: here are seen monkeys guiding styles. /
Saturday after sr,rral wrrks' holidays autumabIles around a circular track. D®partment is bright and
smartest ideas for I Miss Olive Tichburue. of Roderlelit speeding against one another io a
early season wear. spent file ,week -end will, her sine- racy; else, her+• shown the monkey' You must be here to see thein for cheerful, and brimfull
Mrs. Horace Horton. loop the loop. ✓ / h
#} Rein. NVIlliants and sister, Miss Ina. fits big (Arcus Fide tihu,v is fust of / yourself. ` of merchandise that
01141 Miss Taylor, spent Aunday after- Interesting exhibitions suet, as glass
Moderate prices ark noun w'lth friends herr• blowers, knife throwing and many
tinct novelties of a unique ants els DU INC THE THREE DAYS. of THE is of the beat in
•+ ; Miss cadir and Master Lloyd Horten tinct character.
among the many at nr liegara Falls, Irft Por their hnntr `�
ut Gtturday, ha,ing spent t.,vo monthF Thr Barr Slstrrs cynear or tut, nit- FAI 'THIS STORE WILL BE FULL OF style, in finish �'
tractive Cl1aCRCteTis- ,with relatives here, man beings wrighinir nearly one thou- s+';
land pounds or Oesli• ThcK ,will be FASCIIIATING' FEATURES FOR FALL It. a 'CICS t)lt these hats. 1':41• Lawson Was the Ierst to thresh seen In a boxing contest. '� and in 11f.
around here. He threshed 20 acres of Other shows will include "The Vam- i A
tall wheat in the held on Friday. Ed pire" "Hu -Lar" Ltte man monkey.
Is oar or our prbsl,rt•out, young farm- "Athdet(e Shov, ••Craation" the chow `
All summer shapes 4 rr. beautiful. r i
tan sale at $l.00. The rides will include the big sen- Wed'oesday,Thur�d and Freda Vy as 8th, f /:uuld Hardly who for Asthma,— aativn 'The MM'hi This As tits ride y 9th and 10th
writes oar man ,who after rats n p'
J' 1 that is causing spore sensation in the '� � �
t Isu@rrhtg has round conspietr relict anussculent world titan anything that ARE THE FALL OPENING DATES ' i
M� M ihrougi, its. J. U, Kellogg's Asthma has been introduced In
t, Miss MacVicar I'll'
You hr knows ho„' nrrdlea Years, and will i
one has been his suffprfng. This match- rich, Other rides rthat s,vill also be on
less remedy gives sure help to all af- hand will be a Big Ell Ferris Wheel E
t Aingston Street ( flictr41 wtth asthma. Inhaled as smoke and a Giant Sea. Plane Swing• 444
or vapor Jt bring v the help so long ,.y ;w¢
i° needed. every dealer has It or can get It for you from his wholesaler. R.At'FIE1.D s
ii 7 he facts to connection with the case COO Of Mfr.%. Agnes Currie, of Bay@eld,
MO to pension was said to be vat from THE HOUSE OF RELI
860 to LifS, are contained in a letter ABILIT Y
8r from the board of pension commisA J
1 slonrrs, instead of being cut to $15
Le Ro STEEL"COthe allnvance from the Government �i>l1�tJ
was cut by $15, that is, from $48 to $93.
Commencing on September 1 her pent
h O slop will amount to fi60, liC,vrrty." The Sunday school will be Ing and Staff Captain Ritchie..
Kt Miry. Currie is a ',widow whose only at 10 a. m. and will continue at tht,t
hvo sons were killed in the late war, hour for the , twro following Sundayk Even with a deflated dollar some• peo- Welding �} LIlNIT6D "a Owing to the fact that she was appar- Service at Cpiborne f1' a. m.; Sab- plc can't buy g�nse. Acetylene g
SCf;{ � ently living rent free in her sister's bath school, 10 a. m.: preaching set- - " - ii
home her allowance was reduced to v400 At- Zion South at 3 p, m. Pastoiv'Q � /AND ALL k4uns Op
ilm. it appears, however, that she ren- subject, '°Uniqueness rot Christ" T, a GODERICH MAltkTS.
dered service in exchange for her lodg- Pastor, Rev. W. H. Campbell, B. Ii•, Repair and Machin' Vlror
F •
�• luga, so that In reality she did not got ,will preach a series of sermons on the, Outside Market Reports an padre >�. k
}' free sant. Neighbors brought the case above subject.wheat............. .................. Q 00 fo 9 25 DOHA !LY
belord thus O: W. V, Aa, pointing out 41vatlon Armij, meetings: Sundiy, Flour, Gov'mentstandard._-7 7,8 to s 00 THE DUTY ,L�11G`i�11iEER�NG �i %.
r{ - that the widow could'net support her- f1 a. m.. Hofiness• meeting; 3 p, t* Flaur,percwt., tamlly ......s 75 to 7 25 - t Ltd*
j' salt• as she yvas In frit health. Sunday school: 7 P. m„ Salvation Bir Per ton ..••• .............(i6 illi $0 a0 Oo WORKS AT THR MOCK f�OD�Rltiii 'phos• Qf30
Theo qfh. sono misunderstd that the meeting, conducted by Capt. and Mrs. Shorts, per ton 6S 00 tao 63 00 , •vetorans association believed that tfle Bo,vers: Tuesday. 8 b. m., Salvallon • • 75 to 85 Farmers and othetis having brokeu?castings can havesame repairedpetrefon booame, after tSvo reductlona, Ifteeting•, conduetbtt� by ColonellitivvA •••+a>i + •�l 2R Iw 1 25 good as new on short notice, at moderaonly 815. Publication of this apparZtnt, cw " tiQf ?e►i bl►k .,,•... ��. r�»til 7 , so 1 00 I
fi v ifrtu�ttice caused widespread attention. '�"- '" " r• �r-*--w r»,:*---' ltr;sklti.,t, s ,-...�..1;«',$i>by q0 00 _looloolo
I The cause, however, is Cxpiafaed by the j ilalrtxts~lit-•ljitrt .+.,,c,y,0 50 to u 60
li� UUIt !tension commissioners as follows : tRitI* ` '�"y, - -:i40 a 60 0 58
a You understand that ,ve cannot pay ! riol(ytr+dt. +t rw,» .sirs+,i ,�+�0 QO :b 20 OU
Pension on account of two deceased r'Iittilld„�iirii5e;e� 71011 00 to it 00
acts, but only on account of one, iDittkie,ttd 4ftokf *;y ole 00 to 10 00 TO the Do acid Girls of Goderich and'
llOw the Information happened to be Conquel+0p�lil$'ti finlyf.'1�vp•D gltjirtClb. . r,..,, ,13 to 7
DEPARTMENT spread broadcast flint her pension was bottl0 .tibt•t , oa t' u er a trdtlttte, i3 big, intra....... • 10 to Ott
reduced to $t5 per month 1 twnnot sect LOriger, b jfp surrOundling CoUhtr
-day trete ppttA ttew, b
for W' C C i v r i t ae .t 1 vo to 1 00 a Y>, a word �Itbottt
��y(� as no such Information ever loft !hitt tr►eat, rlsil °sllrel , Y tkhd •Btiu>xte yy.v+.. rr.+•. ....., X10 W 1] 00
+�4arQn�i {D, Saturday, office, nor was it ever the intentloti,tl: W. • ttC1 VjA toy. chi, `. r .3a p..�v.,.s•,. ..y.. 0•07'W 0 09 your
S+et r,",nth reduce the pension below $M. the r,;w..�riw,..r......•�-.:++�.�;....�w
G. W. V. A. wrote concerning the mat• � 1•wt1�l14tr
ter and- they Were distinctly throtwuiYd 0
` a • that the pension ,vas. not .reduced ta, # 1 t`]OIquipmeper month' glut by 413 par ilditidth <nt
This l:a the t . ���r,► ,: •' . _
daytept. t y at renal whteh tai PO
act is to remedy when it comes • into a � �' � �� ;(� .
tome. on September f, You wilt ire- G >• %� � You will 7106 forget, of eour8e, ,your pens and peneila
2&0"��� iiament etto aCt wen so atnlndecl t#ta a G�gr tiltV6160,"t sore lata, grammar sad arithmetic Boake, but there is
11.,w m meet that M the nkat trillion of ar•a another Item which must of be overlooked.
4i� •
<ntivind rent ince wntYfd ntrtttve
I4li Cil �#Ijif 1hMi1rl+Rptlftdt0 q
a rltde
' --, . t. or girl wants' tui go back tb
AID tiro•, .►lrtdrret �1 ' r ° ' aatfiitsri
boy eklhool with 1i pair w°kl
. what would bd• +t rrntttf to 1pbk• Ori�t',,'? shabby i3ht)ea 7 , Most of you have '6aiahed out"
li =4 j64it• Voer
t 4I aror trig riki,',I thsit,. vhetl`,Vriy trill[ , K> w Al r `. w o1 ones daring the Bummer holidays, and no matter
wlr a. -
G'tyrrte a radio rune v.tft*d a• , etv , s, L: lYY3mt1 are dr+3ese41; a Pair of aht►bby' SltOes will
fts& Soot,ae g hlift"I �tvillh d C e
+i�v �►', . , ,i� '� sr+s nails lftltid�' t►1S�ttr�tCl
Pet' ttrOb t
;i wttiCtt l 7
1e116ke W111,ba Lis.. ; v..n Ju paw the ran -ton
• , n
w► . , ` x►eltl'r!, »ftirt��' i;o �.. � �ilr�flklf 1il3rli i�+li +►ir1�1, ,. btlidr rats father that
w g' the but •ace to o for a ..
r- 10#k Pl g �rVr raft ii the .3ho
� witl�rt tlat►rrrluirw� a1+�ait .
rw, Alli :M w carr ,* on the t
""► CSIE� ��y Corrtelr, whe '
o bit i1Nll°tft Mil rut 004
top�► s,lt
PS'ri+1' `tt1;+riiYitt �laf'eflt et►ti - i` 111 well Hadar the ra h u p Fwd ae�lt t ..
So -
gt•; a: m,. ftle hold: tl nt �igM�k1►tt r in your � �o� � =lam ��Yti
W ift�it iMill!►.r► [ t Mk
'A .+►triceIrlAue •+► fMli ar€M t.�t Yo rrhbool gamew; ser
,r�,� � � lit •t�ac�
rk p tl$11 V♦eir(irt4A;� (Y+ , tatltl ftlWritlCektllllltirt�. _ • e �,
t• ' P• il, tlrelttinK. . ', 4 tt�1► + W« A" +iMtt tit ei alilh n erV flit kt tit
i iva4lr�tilllti owritllg 1 " lttttdit J ,
� be i�ItIMtt�tw
�M�'inii 411 �,h y . v ,
►rt)7� Chu i`v tNl!rt 1s
t� iAN
t Vt+AI'Jlil vgPt anti , Y011,jlfr
n"L 5
C00,0:... ewir�tang r�
tt�� � '�tiP td 7 �tet°,�
tlitd itis. tats trrt>4I>tkl'
t1V; 0
oto"errr, f!1
�. �.. Vie. �r�x: Int it�•� g
Oil.. ..... �t1�•_ a1Yttl�t't'it a a '. F .. � ,� � U
i�1tt the lt(s � �'�
tor, tin.• "1!hee's!►tfil. a�sr�"41111401111 Aw.
H, v
F.,. .r. -..... Y'.. t.. -