HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-02, Page 7m�a�yy j x 1 .test 4 A.. + , x.• • _ •'� �+ 7 • .. - .. .. STOW soft Who DoT*kR6.11tt,I: l� e_ r impr, tot m 41 . "]ler.► .itrtEsttt ' ` unexcelled di.tt4W ^JAZ 40htl04w , coxutnott data e;(µte � �wr'1�R>inplsigta c t �� F during the 1roG su $l, , lan►: cars t1R 3ltgltt tt'af.`ls'aud par•+ mrRCX. m4ntlts, .and ` there is no t. r ears wt ptjst�lval daY truirta, doubt tris[ opoy the who �( be SAY44 i€ riv : �. k�ai all. it +,, r,i l l rifJrtliafi(rtl fC¢ltl atld 4'ratld 'el# the rMt t; 0 oT tura trou�tle x �`°• •1•r,,ttk 'fink,•[ «'Setas, a)Y 4;. E. llul;�ling. ' �' , +�' f � ek� e,�� r , - s 'ri ,r ' f, =f t Passegg'er Agent. Toronto. it begins w,lift: d. it Profuse the stomach li(rcames iar:Satcd, vc ofte>tt *t t °""•r' F. F. L&WXtFN(:1; f( at)�S �eetau;pabjcd'ty vomitii g and guy q u Pa.arugel' died 11eligt Agents-Udtlit, matter t.xcretedfrom the atomach 4' ,l?hnryl+ izns a ly3o s a , PP�t once. 't'hv child «. �} j 9 n d Fa! Tecrn'��8t - , � � �4- . � OR the first s' o,% o � ' � � • 'Ur. howler s, bxtrruat p€ Wil(j SttutuberY { " n ,� 3 CENTRAL should bd adut jriat4za d, and thus qu e i s z onset the vomiting, purging rind duo- 1 ;t ±' rhoea. � - 1 ! Mre� Norritart ATynacht, Iudlaiq ''taint {t + .. STR'/f,Ttooli "(1 T. West, N.S., wrhes-t "When -my' little boy was fivo years old he was taken ' t" Ter lead tgB Cop4tyoiratat Sebgal of ti noVery siert' With summer campiaiaL, tai t �,. ' SIR' ° western' OntariQ� PPe. haus m. accompanied by. vomiting: 3e i petent, experienced lustruptors. We sick for five'da and pften 1 did no Fnight,1 1y,1 the thorthan card T e C(rhp-dr• think he wou)tt live aver And 13 S .t3 11: Pll Al uk ' trtlir '1:1 t., li�l.kl : f3 >l+ ;lYl hl ' !i. Ll. AN"" tial. Shorthand and tilegraphvde- not I gave 'him did any good, A RIT('r11E11. 1fP110V iRE'L't' THE tf#Li .-°.>huto s tetra ith Gild man th0 stat parttnenta and we assigt graduates friend advised me to i p t• i tfbe Dr, Fowler's I') pocsitions. ,p Extract of Wild StrawbCiry, I there., ; stop of rise 4levett(nd f3a rltall T,.agt \\itv was killed b\- a pitelted bail. fore ,gave it -a .trial and one bottle I OUR \'rite now fqr .par fr2e d#kta}ogee. believed him. I will gladly? aacommend t �t't►°°P's r .) ' °' r► tl D. A.- A1rLACifLAl1, It tQ my friends." Sir G fi tare -ttas' ticen ° r Principal. Dr. Powter's Ext.raot has o e0 9b. Frbster and Ho S. I':.. Secre r i n pppOtnted • AsSi6lAnt r t • . , t,y 'it,, + { } Hon. p been n the Tolntie are to speak inn East Elgin. to Y,eo[ the U. S. Navy. to Bac. market ,for the past 75 Beed Franklin D. Ro evert. : P years[ so why llttik Prac1$cers demand 3.2b'� dies. invent with new artd untried remre- eight -"Ion can for the conricg 9ATiJHDAX. a '� 3 4 aper winter ✓ i ' I:MtIi ►SeNkeae a Toronto gf•oeets will•drop the price button Manufactured onl?. ' �h► ;.. y by The T. Mil- Cat rli 1�IFaies, js in the throes or of suK>ir to 23e per potted. x rt \ , H , limited, Toronto, Out. Price a munielPal'Wrike. Cemetery worktrs Over thirty holdlers of the Victoria r ';` " x r ; '• + h •' �r^ or 50 cents. are aftPei d Cools Paraded in Toronto to -ditty. T�;, •"i :'1 t; ,;l t ''a, ` ,ci c e ,stmt irNfirin, ted, The, attapllance at -the Ontario An Intorim rt poft on Ontario's eat A tit It g';t , It '01R,i a A ted, & Fi1ti1'k College this year will resoure" wes optimistic in it '} �• " IifaeMtufpg(i ?' tart • • u1t NNFr`�fj{//VICS establish" a#°cord. 'PL wh t stone. �ja; NEVAw Y Ttte 'a lntb u a seals grocers of Toroftto Y QWP l ',rAt all "� OF ttk q .kid kaseball team and the propoFe a general tax qt the point of y _; t , • + T Ix ;+._►` Rye > It* � a Ys l r$S.4 r Otlalek •, ''oke riven in their Iulc i ltruductioa. t tt gu games. rhe Sin Fein nation l.. Lea a in many -Town(; in , ., • tide; :s a ` s a irnPOFtant Events Wh1gb Have FiVO at•tued burglars tied tip t''e Ireland have s:'zed o t ''` t• #«. �k 6g .;,, '. xi. .' a atrol of local CANADA Bt I ,ES5 66d'E' GE Occurred During the Week. occupants of a Sarnia house u:id gn<:rnntents. �' " t t t• 4 apt r ;j! lAJ! took all the •valuables. Sir Auckland Goold" stated that - S%1iAIFD1;l) ('render Lloyd George refutted to Canada his real o Tile stns World's Happenings Cngt-es. g opportunity to Shorthand, Booklteeping, Salerltnan• y ppeni accord ex -King Constantine of Greif, help t:tankind. !hill. Telegrapity,�I'i&no, `{'uiee, and fully Uomfttled and Put Leto an Interview at. -Lucerne, Tit( L'r.,ittd Statds steamer Wars- r all huntuess BublegN6: Upe}t all euro• Handy anU Attractive shape to Tw,°nty-flue thousand otaihrS will . xawa lyras' left Antwerp with rttunt- t fuer. ]rivets classes when preferred the [leaders of start September 17 on the Presiden- tions for Polugd. iUnr Paper — 1f , and to berg stttdenta catch classes list @rimpatget In the United States. tio[fd Hour's I.njoymeuL Cint'firinati were pasted from Nest when entering beoweeu terms. Spec- Vir-toria Cross holders -are arriving glue when New York beat thetp In t i sal enmmer coarse for tea hers. TUESDAY. in Toronto for the Canadian: Natlor•al seventeen Innings. €L Tuition Twelve Dollars per month, lloyv found the body of an infant Exhibition acrd weeics etttettainniert, j Western Ontario line the biggest G uronthi. $70. Mitcluding books). in a Dos car at Hamilton. 4ui�ri,. "Pre-lident of lite Irish Re -;'flax crop in Its hiptory. Special rates for halt da'ystudents pubtlr'.' has cabled Ns sympaih;<a to, Two boys arrested in Toronto say , The 'Papulation of Hamilton; ac- asd s[a,iepts \viabips only one ortwo their p:,reutt. taught [heat to steal. he wif:• of Lord Mayor Muc9wene cotding to it a assessment de ~ girt- "xk x�h 1r t^ .., T+r!q-.,vww«„n^ ,,. ;.,,... .s•: •,. � �,� t suhjects. A t.,:. s uteeting of electrical work- U\cl i� to the co::ti-uec? [vise in two; tune°'; 1s nearly 17 700. ?2zl ,'i: �c ••e.. ...., .' ; Yikht School work and Correspon• ,. r1 , els u.<,pted fru e act price o; too, u.•s :hr F.I,_€ haE I,' A h i �' x \ �tirn r denc.' c.nut•ses a specialty. r g 1 e.-s_s ywarded the• •(.c • , t t hdrod end' fifty Chrtstigns � °y ?, Ya t•t.n., r t, ,.1 .esti bl:shmEnt at I3a.t.i.ir I hive Lcen lolled b' a Bedouin heed x t �w c�ta a` xwy o`a t (w'' h►f\a+•, v''* d 2 , ,'l+i r i Typewriters to root or aril. un r:ltea r. L' ra.w k r i L. HEWITT, President, Lloyd Roberts, nephew of Lloyd T}ic• t 0 lcllee fro,w cfertrralent, George, fs studying labor condiifvns SA=hka:chewan (Fovrr:::her., s Price VT;0u SftO, daughter of 1(148 ) QAC C k o in Canada, rretimtnpry crop cetimate pruv;t:cs Alb(,ty will a.rcq}mlian him tend thh search,-rs }lave given up any Ito pe for an tivet•rge wheat yield of 14.3 gtiR n trS hie; trip to Brazil. busneh;'Tier c -Ire. SALEM WANTED D of finding wrECk viciit,,s in. Lake � I Toronto be: 1 Jersey City and lost t• sulretlor• Gil Alfrec: Smtihers, chairman c to Sl•rac rsc. Baltimore and Akron To represent the Ponzi, the finapelal wizard wants the boat-': of diuectors of the Gear.,) clic] not t :ay [encase of, rain. k r 1 t� ia,i r P ' Trunk itatlway, is a the question of [lis solvency to be de- Paticr.t A cic•putation jo . 1hA Dominion t B1E FUNTIIItt NURSERIES termtrec by a jai pital New York. ( i.sked that wheat and J�veafi-c i 'rt Oto REt1A y. J R { Scl;ncider ane: —A sailor wi:r picked tip by the• li,fp- 11i•ir finish[ r.ttes be levelled. r Prudhomnte, Canauiau buxers, \sere suing crew of :;.,bre lr li n•?, 1 it ;Lp ; hP (,r)\•°-rr:sten. rh[p Voyager was i rjhe in'1•;tlr.l deninud for Xursery Stock victor.<,us at Antoci un suited coact o1' ]Uva Scolia. He Luti kit:' ur.::kla to fir;,' r,ny bodies from the in years. p adrift ur a dory Jor fo r da s. 1 British and European ilart.ets again The U. S, track and field [earn lin- P y I,'or:nril>rcd FI -T Superior City after' it i fished far in the Iead in the c -vents FRIDAY. ;%,^-c:•ry se:,::lt, uncn for Cant►dtan Fruit which closed at Antwerp lionclay, J. B. Hughts of Waterioo is Svrcdcn f::Nhccl fl-:st, second and Lrrr-w-t IW of rr tit .4 Ornampnlal, The Tot -onto kaseball Leath beat ddad. [resit in t.rc Fentathio-i at Antwc-rp. 1.,,r ti , Re, twice in 'Toronto oil :tion- Vfhcicsale gruce:s in 1orrrto think ('oi �'c \ root of Mc: Iec:_7 qualiflcc, I' _ t Seed iolatoes, etc., groin da ahs t•: 0.e 400-lir;re vvt14la. {:.iJ' in Canada Y gained in the pennant rano, there will be e cut. In Sugar prices. ,1 Nie Auckland Geddes will visit Sir Auckland Geddes has arriret: Li. C. R.fnURRflta[D11U,""" ft Canada after he has addressed r the in Toanio to open the Exhibition, '•t'f'"'r'•''% (hlur.trcc.l) :.nu 1). F,dgar i%nI'm FOR P\RTiCULARS American Bar Association at St. Sit- Thor-tas Lipton hints that (A: t,. -its) gn:aiGed far ri,,: fi al of i i.o Fcepn.l Go ver • i , i,l,,i.:, io it i 1pAt3Shi(i�l$� Louis. Canada should try for America's Cul,. :h antic :al op,n l:o:f cl.:...tpionship r:.11 ,: r..: .,:.r in J:::;- I r �uaa r Edward Parnell of Winnipeg was Coal,rices tea at C't:wv, i, nary. 1 j t , � seauraW.O'O. rwae..•w..,a.e.e STME & WELL4NGTON electedi Y ries shortly fo:- Galt w,:: \;',1: A. : nlc;r (haus- I I president of the Board of loving an increase in U. N. tlefghr MONDAY. pidpsh'tr, tt ;:lint :'r .la to the final i tEstabli ked 1n37 T -ode in succeSSion til. H. M. Agnea, rates. fl'••h, brcr, (r. \i,r.itol,t s.i l to be TOR01liTO, ONT. resigned. A. P. Donovan, ex-M.P.P., may bei 5 tt U. , �rWNigoPAPi R. t t: i,<:ui.ig. A 1�opostcl to bi-jr,� Jewish —Ouija, rrpresepting the L.S.S.A., a cartgidate in Leeds for the Federal 'Fi••' 1 ib(r' 1 I i s t i 1 f a e,I ; ac r. e._ d big aoa the Emerson Cup, emblematic Houa ., nie.ain4 i.t I3rockvillc. i o; the international 1'L -toot dinghy The American Railway Brothhoodt A Icon::;o wheat buyer c-.pccts iLc Pilus can be cured chance Ger lP• will help to fight Boisheyisul in . , •• CoIIBtip$tiQn %11T8d The German Food Controller has Ontario. Deice o1' 3,, ,. to c.ccl:re, , arrived in Landon to consult with the The Islar(I of ?i.;lir. r, s •vivited by By nsti tianodor wSCwed hiEDEJL Suppositories gsickly give relief to those w]e Repaesentatiwes of 'Western On- an eartl,q',take eat ly Saturday. r *offer from Piles or Hemorrhoids. They are prolvalbe4 Brllish Controller on methods of tarso n;unic•ipr.t;ties meet to conciuo I-larnilton turned out en mase on by ieadiug Physicians all over the world, feeding; German miners. the gas situation. '�- Boy containing one doses, i1.7S The radical Joergensen, who repro- Godericli Sunday to honor dead soidicre. Sovewty Nve popple out o[ One kot its first cheque of Another drop in the price of sugar hundred can be cured by Gbriatlan l/ your Druggist caanal supply you, write direct te— sentod Denmark in the Third Inter- interest on the sale of the Ontario I is predicted by wholesale grocers, Bariettce V•LIF.0 URI r. t ft. natienale at Moscow, has been ex- W(-st S11orc Electric Railway equip• Lack or funds brought an escaped great pow Of the Mind over the Port Hope, Ontarlo. eluded from his country. _ ment, i prisoner from Hon. Dr. Reid, Minister of Rail- Butvwgisp to surrender. Digestive ' lltt•ectum J. paced the fastest mile Apparatus and the ire ways and Cangls, promised construe- of the year at Poughkeepsie. He did —""�`- quenroy of, Nervousness as a cause of tion of a new pipe line from Lake a halt in one miTiute and the little in ��� Conattpetton. --- - ----•.--.-- .-- Erie to eucpply the waterworks of 2.01%., When theao methods lad] ❑, ,•c, nom Russia res uc,ng o, c.:: + AAAAA AA Welland towns. The National Dental Association of _ e Hacking's Kidney. and Liver Pills :n zoronto, i'C TES BEAlffIRES1;VEDNESDAY. the U. S. has defeated #proposal to �i%t�iitrnti'�'�Sri't are recommended. They ate purely The• Swim four, wtil(h beat Argo- oSE The Albanians are reported to have add brandy i nd whisky to file phare 1` m vegetable and do not Gripe or ip„ nauts on fis.(irrday, noir the OI) rheic invaded Serbia• macopeja. ritate; many petig►le have found theta championship, AND DARKENS FAIN Ayton o[ Regina,professional, Lady Melvin -Jones passed away at dlpinled NQS is --the ti111C excellent for Headache, Dizxlness, The Baso against n roan who aot(1 her hams 1n 4wipedo. the 36 holes of medal play in the to get tint of its Bad breath, Coated Tongue. Low of patti,t r.rec:icine to ln(;tuts wi,s r..s- Bush Noes er ed out two tea to open Solt championship at Ottawa ] AppetitiN Indigestion, Got on the missed LI Lorrdon, Ont. p � 6 Nature is pulling for you-- a with a score of 147. t, --•---- posts in Northern Manitoba. The warm weather's here-- Stomach, and many Other evils that t' i:test Barry regained the s orid'd r Sterling exchange la quoted In The Belgium Government, owing are.drte bD Constipation. pro. sr,tiltpg title by beating Alfred Don't BUGMY1 It I�itaT$e21s to the pr•csient situation, will author- This iS your chance-- pation. p 80 Naturltll NevyYYork as low >ls 63.68tfa. Where there Is Extreme Nervous, F91ton, holder, in Ausir•ulla, y [.hut eta Dr. William 'K, Ellis, Toronto, is Ize the transport of munitions grasp it—take nese and ytaa re •\ati tun down" and Gen. Wcygaad hail been promoted body an Tei. dead, due to a stroke followin swim.' through Belgium to Poland. g b tine French Ooveinihent to Crund Railwaymen have launched a cam- A A. Powers, president of the Tempielonts "tire would be just as well y U.F.O. Co-operative Society. CriUcize°I! i�heum�l#io (o sake t)tilcer rt the Legion ut llonar. paign against the O.B.U. at London. Hackin 's 11,e German Retc hattt� h_a Leu You can turn gray, faded hair beau - William Butters of Coblingwwood the Drurrelgb Government for not fight- g Heart and Nerve Remed I capsules a1�25 with tdre'Ne 1'il'Is. This y stlmnlonrd to mart on weptruibei ) tlltrity dark and lustrous almost over QQ was killed b an auto in Kitchener. Ing freighFrat increase application, p coin• tillqht If you'll •■7�y y B g y y DinatbII goes well lr consider the political altuatlon. Y get n fi0-crnt bottle of SiVoreadors'wore killed by an in- y beating erre Cit 11 fe 9 Get it out Of your system the together and re• The Toronto baseball tewm beat "ire Sane And Sulphur Compound" 'Bus' a ' in Toronto, whUe Akron was defeat- easiest wa I stores the good health Of at Any drug store h(lllions of bottles of �rr furtated bull at $arcelbna Tuesday. 1 e lour Syracuse in three straight gat.iaa, this old fitmouar a Tea Recite, lm. ��� x�/e ' � ,Pack Dempsey has arranged t � Baltimore 12 to 3, lire Leafs Sold b reliable din younger dsaps• The Heart acion be and now lead the 1nlernatfonctl proved by the adriit�ir of other in redi- meet exrpentipr In a bout at New drew almost on even terms with the]- dollar.y Ask our age or ratite X66 norm► ilii► Nerves ta1fR nil League. g league leaders. us for a ftet sem le. Temple. new L/re, Power and Vigt�ir a the Franelseqq Villa hue Bald fare\vol; eats, are gold annually, says a well- aCk^ Yark. Gurdon Woodbury, former] mean- p "human ttsaohine" 'beCdlges !u]7 of ;!o h!B tullo'tvere. The former h"e"ft the°hafrlrsoFuat tinily avid aevs oit that eng O t b 1 e s Fhe Government Commission has y• Y ton's, 142 King S W., Tolonta. � dark + " fixed the basic wage In Australia at be�_oS •til} -New Ham�rt}jrlpe Lv:jollr-, Local Atrent, If. C. DUNLOP. "pop" and vitality, rAvisrd ilia tern to avoid yotlt,cit. He one e.in tell it has been applied. Monttrreli<t sttHNt 630 per week` If YOU are tired of sickness said Intends to farm, Those whose haib'es tannin Just Ott & Square The affairs of the Spanish River koros lost the prover, Abtlkt and R gra or Ability The lirattry of s [:lefts Mktrt.- 'rh, beleh,ing fudr,l ha.0 a aurprlse awaiting �tlilOn Lumbo! Co. occupied the kltpber Nerve BYrroe t0 do your dally work them, li11 use atter ono or two a tiea- 'BuaseslYltea�>EniCtrainsand' probe oft tropolit and your Nerves are all Shattered ''on,lithln „f the liver r,•gnllifig tirr�tionl the pray hair vanishes and your The Metropolitan Church parsori- latlisieldlfllplliittts jusR gve tltetle two Remedies a trial con(iilfl,n „t Ikl• hi -id \ II.,,r11, reit folks ketump luxuriantly dark and beau• r alae. r wag a was robbed while he and we will vel Ii\1•r r:nivl•K rntpnritlpa int' •41,: bl,,,,n [slut. Passeggtq•�,r+,�;�'6ol•lglggtyr pastor oval abroad. � Dola'ftt y tSttatl¢>ytti8 ,spit th,•�,• .h„cs tlr�'mR•Ir.. ,n hl,• t,etye�cisl retrnittt. (lo fp err Thio in the u e of youth. Grayhalred, v Part of tho torten for all your dealer � > QQ A Mennonite bishop 1n SaskatChe• �jg '+ „n Ih1 +k,n Yarn, I \, Ke•, unattral•tire fnika aren't wanted nround, traina at`(i.?1C`r [ly. or C. P. R. wun-•was sent to jail for failure to tadity acrd ee7t tbt Haeitfng'a. and do '1,i ,II fill, to ac1ltrK upuq ih.• I,}er „cl no get l,uxx wills 1}'ycth's bauo and rai• pinta• observe shoot laws. : not take any other kind, for if you ,� n Ihp bl,,, rt, sntl r pfPar, lt••ntthl pphur Com bund tea} htt and you'll be de- i Many municipitl coIInclls have de- i�do ebd ]n be fooled right at the kkir, \♦iii f,,I1„w Intelligent uwp „f Iola lYght,(f with your digs, harlsomp hair PrO1�1 � �(�l {►�CO and cided to fight the application •for id's rm wW trot got the ramulte 4 ti m„l,pw I. igent+x wile \\yr and your youthful epp•sranoe witJrtn a Careful Attendance. creased telepKoge rates. that we R'ne-Antee, Haioidrts'e LtmtfAr ft div , , weriato this � ed, Listowel, i � [ t pike•• yualtty tit few dove. Turkish women have asked Remgl ifle”' pill,+ 1.311 UK(' them with the cer- *Thi” pri,peration in a toilet redasaito Pasba for permission to form a w0- Hacking's Remedies are sol in Goder- taUrty tl,.,t the pry'ee•1 will h" !nowt trrn4 and is n(,t intended for the cure, mitigs. ti Our Livery and Hfck Service men's death army to flight the Greek$. Jrh by H. (:. Dual lllyinu. tion or prevention of disease. "W$61Wt, 11040 -dads T1iie Tdirohto baseball teats defeat•. a lit wtZ'6rtlf'>jt':tr-aLop"t, ei Reading on Tutlyd'ar by' 7 to 6, e s*til♦„ while Buffalo were taking a 4 to 19- Vour / tam,- from Baltimore. QatMtfM>6l1L5olicited jGt Frank Wright et Buffalo bot alt y r T�� x �s United States and Canadian competl- e 'SW40 f? I Q tire In the singles championship at ►+ l�d✓ �"" P oas 1.07the International Trapshaoting Asso- ciation. The London (Eric.) Daily Mali • � s �L � t►� a. h says that Brighton's Brat woman•• i pQ i�iXast(�i1s� rSIi110kC magistrate has tried her Brat case 001 y i drunkennepr, dycharging the mala i`° r prisouPT 1 The Montreal Gazette has announf#•j G ed th, ..Iqe of tilt subscription rats y fo 61'- 1.,- year and single copl'es tot) i v DNEY five pr,, ^. on account of the lncrt ed r'rtar r -t pnblit!nttlifr. t air. ab:Inpri; held a celebration ofILLS 't Stral cord. t. x V' v o 0 flrear Britain 'Won the boxing (to* ti the o,� phy all the Olympic games. ��11a t ARjtIllAll,'l�'Sl t�'"ali` *r0'0%N "ii' " 11U"i Oftrry tit ftfCrfi`ttT li.(iT+ f 4< Tei'° my thousand bottles of tiquott TLECRAtt t FROM l� LACli .w i.- llteJi1�1 Ill"' , • 141mis�1 Hasp rernki co 'reFe seised at Prince Rupert. ) °Inanding all Ainerlean naval forees trop"arl '-wifrra. rerolved inufrortion5 for the mone�i f (lt+orse Vernot, the Ca adlin to prpt ^,f pt�,r' tgdrtn f'o ba0fipr. d 'fit !ries[ 1 n the .irrnurprf rrulwr Pitta ! � R -a '' eKlgttttef, was beatelgat A p. ur urgit i1i ' i � d at Owe on tit' �poaity t•,r rurttfter Atnr•rieso pavali` t, { tj i • A A tio'thom y 1r; divert 11to t#utsj` • orilir,e'p�lyta s yhrL•+%tkktitl SEX r4ni�r13#]Attu t4 ata'jP"fall "qtr,; �lrll yea tea U2bztdt�AA ff b n. Tite Orangeville lacrosse intertne04 p, is also authoPized to pont coli an' O MIditionat ships n,,vv in F tart, p tbo ``- ^-" '1 tetrttatW ✓ , r e' °. atg:3Atr beat tat, Mars`s to 10. fi' ritis at i)am-is nr:►y roquI . Q ' 1 t