HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-02, Page 5_ _W .., uA - 404 *a We will make it worth while$School SP The rznhirio ilydro Information \«-I .. .- .. .. .... .. ... ,}/y�•,� �yp, ,{ �]`n♦.� �y��y�yy [gyp '.. >'1^5'F1'I�I '•ettaln$k k",K. MA ` .r ZZ dent, and .1 M. ha«nn, Rt r.alh;irin,«Il php, ,'M,^}}}lly-1(17r ,Y.1. a« met* r.'lar). _14-hiti,m "a« rlrganirrd, to carry (mi, qvxtr. and Ates. 4;. Tweedy am ,wcudins O cert' vs#tit Wends in-'Tetra�nto acrd DlEorvv 'i eto � . �. • ...,�. �c �` �rrl>;,ll&ahs. .. .. =1 , Mr. Robert yoltlw flag att. Ills suests y. of the gathering which followed and at prestot ills" WO brothers front Vain• of vvhilch 1,1.4;ol. .1. 7.. Fraser, of liur ind r nfr-d of h>,1r4) ,lerlro d,•vrluf couver and 0WAgo resptrOlvely. go \ Miss t!llver,ho l�hu .bald chw*e0f, sgth s the baby t, chteks at ttl* red Farms 11 harper h,1,ly ou f men from til, Nrlr,o• returned tIq h49M.0 at Toronto on part« of flap 1'n.vin.,• \re I'dlnml%a rhAh ries( Iran-poriall,,n r.n•il�.•r node•• NAV sent out by Iti, artium -, 1'­\«-orl.alu,n has tak••n nalrer nt r Mr. Gy At. •Cox. .tX'otli $At kstkr. � �h'�hh•■ s4r �✓ buyer fup.Gaeitln -> te v'x_Yt;5Qgn�Al al,-' ; in li-tt,rrs of those who wprp unahb• hr, ivu wthis Frldy i' a 1 sit t0ra enine, was that .in effort 1411,1111,1 b, 1 ,1f rountie«- rhlldrrn re ativ «' ere. v - 1 ea a * - iltar'ate+,t►1tnst . ,_. Missies diose and Ethel Nrttxrtel 1.0% 'on I Monday yon ,th'eir returatr1. . ' x• ct after spending a fortnlb�.t�, visit 1a11tth'. ' relatives,in town, 14" '. I-0 1 lir. anti' Mrs. CdrsoA, it0ANlDPicllt o J. No" 411��"1�t $ 11ftor by Mr. apd Afro, Taylor, oit. Go—Ole, , were visitors to town duripg the weeli. i cotwng by trlotox;; ,• }pss Ullie 110N,06,xiutrae.ila~xrxtalnF 1 at TorontA_1.4eneral Host lal lis vlsitigg 1. SM jest ` her parents, Mr. aed AVM das. JliclCeev Britannia RQgd. Mr, and Airs. ink+eltM rC&Utelo" of, _ /� aod-tlYer- London, arespending a lfow •days Ap .$wrplied Take town with Mr, and Mss. 111%41. •J'ohnstoq11 come and other nelativ+es, . ODAK i31r. and Mrs. A. 1t. rG and l- have left on a motoringring to tow• to CaCall -^--^ fornia. They are aerompanied by :Misr 8.� Y. P. U, MeetingElsie Staneomha.- P.M.P'm. Air. Cliff McCartney of Detroit, is in Lawn this wreak. the of his VVith YOU. y brother- irf taw and sister, Alr, and ter, A Welcome for Mrs. R, J_ Iteaward. I all Your speedometer tells youhQw far Mr. Arthur Hord, of ottawa, arrived on Monday on a visit to h4¢ parents. All seeps free you went --a Kodak tells ym where Rev, and Mrs. Ford. His boys have been here Tor some time. I Mr. .Urs. J. A. Fox two you went and what you sraw. The and and daughters, Aliss Alma and Mrs. Neun, returned to Toronto on Saturday after _ Johnson, of Cloderich, the weddings to pleasure of the trip can. mrever fade visiting Urs. E. Fraser, South St. I f►1rs- Berta Luker has returned to take place this month. Kodak her horse in Toronto after, spending a Mr, and Mrs. W. H• McLean, of De - trait, spent a few days in uoderioh with clean-cut pictures to re- week w-Uh her sister, Mrs. R. li. John- this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs• fah a laggard stun„ anis other relatives in town. Hector McFadyen. Mr, McLean is a - memory, Airs, Hugh Henderson, of Napanee. native of this town, being the eldest accompanied by Icer daughter, Mrs. son of the late Thus. McLean, of (lode - Better take along a generotrsI of film. p Y m. Yeonsans and two children, of Belle- 'airs. rich and Lucknow• We have a complete assorMWnt, 4uto ra hits g p ville, is v"$siting Strongh, East St ere Post: The comf, tablil =and cion-aut ra hic, and it ,is ally e t under Q$ p k p lir. V,'H. Peardon, of Windsor, wtrs Flora horse of S. C. and Ain+. Willson, Flora of street, $russets, has ,been sold to Rob t proper conditions. rorJc �itdi is week and placed ,an order ng rnatetlil till, God,- ert McKinnon, of Grey township. with humor say• the Wilson folk may re - Kodaks from $11.. 11 rich Planing MIES, Ltd., for shipment to Wimdsor. move to Goderich to embark in busi- Mr. Wilson's would ne- alp ness. going Mrrss Strang left ThprQday on het cer3c1tate the appointment of a neve Di- return- to Uxbridge and Miss Grace vision Court Clerk and Urs. Wilson's Campbell's Drug Store 4D•.aw returns on Friday to Orange- ville to resumes their duties in thq place In Melville church would not be easily filled. We have not heard what tllig'b Srihools at these points. Mr. Wilson proposes doing with bis The Penslar Store Mr. A'of Palmerston, form - grocery and restaurant here, x x xoungson, e71y of Goderidh,,vvas in town on Mon- M;3s hithel Burton, Goderich, was vis - Next to Millar's Scotch Store, the Square, clay on business in connection with lting at the home of Airs. Alex. Hunter the IXL battery which h, is manufset- I and calling on old friends. It Is 19 vii Many friends were Pleased to wri+ZRP Years since she left here when %be •him• was better kgown '•Toofsle•' Burtorn _ -- — Stratford are visiting Mrs_ Baas, PEOPLE WE' KNOW g Amros D. Cox left Wednesday for to She has developed Into a tlne yomtg woman, thanks to Co. Retiretary M, " .Sir+utugh, (fast Street. tiaratoga Rpt•ings, New York, attend Die 111wo'Hundred and Fifty Thousand and S1rs. Elliott, who took a deep InT 1\;liss ;1,n,bel Matheson returned to Mr. and Mrs. Win. 11. Cox, of tlap!4 Club Convention of the New York Lifts teresi io her and took her into their A.:dty, South Dakota, are visiting 111.3,- h,er 'school in Toronto. Alary J. Cox, St. Patric�'s St. Inr-uranre Cn., of which h, is a mem- her• I home for a number of years and then secured her a place with the family of Mrs. ♦Galt Clark returned on Monday , from 'her visit in the West. '• •and Airs. John T. Newell an•d I l Miss Alarjorie Andrevvs, after spend- Mr. Saunders, of the county town. This was her first visit back to town. ,ifa,atgifter, Lillian, were visitors to !1r•_ iL•7Touzel was up from Lon, their old home town Inst week- hin Ing ♦'month with her aunts, the Afire during the week on a visit to s •see Driver, Brure St., has gont, to Tor- There is no poisonous in.eredient In .rrupttlar.r. Afrs, Jas. Carrie and child returned' unl-o to visit before resuming her dut- Holloway's Corn Cure, And they can bo oa Saturday from a month's visit a` Ur. and •Mrs. H. C. Dunlop made 4 ,Yrs ,Carrie's old home in Paris. ies as art supervisor of the Cobalt tnTrb'lir srhuols. used without danger of injury. of a few days in Toronto thi:� visit Ur eand Ur, W. 1f Cox, of iiap iai; wek. Mr, nd rs.'Robt. Inkster and three aAl A Corrector of Pulmonary Troubles. dli.ty, South Dakota, are visiting Air.. 9da_ J. ii. Alc�ee made a trip to , a-hildren, of Blind River, ant., aecom- —Many testimonials could be present- CC ,islet, Miss (luxe St. Patrick St.. I week, bringing' flack a Win11tw pan'detl'b} Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Greer ed showing the great etlleacy of Dr our. nev. cur with him. Sdr. Middleton, of Landon, who had til Tno'laneii 'to Guderieh Monday last and were -guests at'thr home of Alis" Sas. Thomas' Eelectric (til In curing diaor- of therespiratory' but afar-m.t the ..least four weeks at Airs. .1, Alis,; Fahel Nairn returned to Crap Rtrons:h's, left for home this morning.- " r viii, uesday to resume her duties a>; - �, 1n'k+�trrr, 'Elgin 'Ave. _ '.the the te the hest testimonial ls''C�p,•rlrnee and xpvrienve nil' Is reeoirimended to all vvhn r• Mr. and Ales. Jas, 1;rven%vac returnedPT,r ! 73'I•;v'1'la Standard: All,. and i<h•s. 1V'm. Johnston,sr i , Jrihn inn• ♦noon❑ the, engagement of g ag Yrvnn these disorders \villi the c r , r 'el,• ..' n , fl, nn a Iwo vv k. ni al, trill � si ,�., I il• AI Virnr returned to Wel- t t f resp t'hrjir de�' hters, Laura, of Vancouver. r i t t a r • w' r c rtir n > ti t til v i11 tlnl relief. It rand thi. week to resume her work ii> I frietro.ls in Ur.aptun, Terra Cotta add R. G., to -Mr. 'Arthur Doble, of Nanalmo, will allay intlamniation in the bran- nehooi h;n liar, I Torunto• B. G.: and Margaret, of Toronto, to 11r' ehtad tube,; as no other preparatkw Mrs. Ohiivh and son, Georgo,, of 1lr. .anil ;lips• W. Y'. Hayden are dq Oliver Al. Johnson, son of Mr. oliver can - 3.I I ,1.11-}.,1, r ,l• +l,,i i��4 i'ii sail ,'�k�,3�11'i'i';'il't I,+i'� •t.� �� �'� �'1 I) a' �•6't'�i'i'i 't'� THE, FAM,OUS BROWN BYER SHOWS r WILL ' !WM U" T,HE, -BIG Am. 'SEM-E.NT -FEATURE :gT .. The !G.r..eat P10. I k;plch EXI III I 1100' r Sept '-9=I TWENTY HIGH-CLASS, CLIAN9 CLASSY, UP-TO-DATE SHOWS Four Eig Riding Devices, including the Ever -Popular Ride THE WHIP, also the GIANT SEA PLANE SWING (the ifiirst time on any Fair Ground), the* Big $10,000 Merry -Go -Round and Big Eli Ferris Wheel, 20CAR LOADS SOF JOY 20 W vu C0 MAX.M:"" DAKOTA MAX WILD WEST A -Clea♦(,Thoroughly Modern Amusement Enterprise, of- fering the Most Select List of Attractions ever assembled FEATURES GALORE . D11'T . FOIGET ,THE DATES, WEDNESQAY, THURSDAtY, FRIDAY, SEPT. Sth, 91h, y Oth AND COME TO GODERICH FALL FAIR, THE, BIGGEST AND BEST EVER r • i kerrlalt. lflavlMi F *I.-. $14,111t, tar 6 P.M.. Sril;tll *yr 10 p.,la. PW" SOP RWY 16Paeiiis'THlu" SCIOTCH STORE' a ,r ON a r"XHIBITION DAYS rr. Wednesday, Thursday and Ft,lday, Sept. 8-9-10 A GRAND til1OWINO OF FALL AND WINTER It STYLES 'Weai IN �- ng Appare FOR WOMEN, MISSES and CHILDREN SPECIALLY FEATURING GARMENTS AT 'PnPULAR PRICES Women's and Misses' Goats Women's and Misses' Serge The new Coats are most attractive. and Silk Dresses many have fur collars, others have large cape collars, kimona acid fitted The Serge and Silk Dresses for Fall sleeves, mostly belted effects in silver- and Winter are most becoming, made tones, velours, duvetines, and the fea- tip iu the newest styles that are not tumd, materials. Priced from $25.00 up extreme for town wear, iu a great var- iety of styles. Priced from $15.00 up. -Tie New furs - The Newest in Separate Skirts The 1F'tars on exhibition are the nic- est we have ever shown, and are ex- Never has tfie choice of the pra.tical trefnely moderate in price. ' Separate Skirt been better than this l?<eautifgl sets for women, misses season. The accordion and box-pleat- aud chit ren in Hodson Seal, Austral- ed being the favorites with plaids, and ian Opossum, Sable, Wolf,lRed Fox, tweeds In second place. (Badger, Thibet. Women's accordion -pleated Skirts in navy serge, $10.00 and 15,00. Be sure to see our Furs before buy- NA'omen's plaid and tweed Skirts, ing eh.estnheire. from $8.50 to $14.50. QNen faality fall Silk Gloves The New fall Sweater The new Silk Gloves for Fall are The new Fall Sweaters and Pull -w- ;now in -stock. Queen quality, with ors are most attractive iu their beauti- gauntlet cuff, very smart for dressy ful colorings, iu many new styles, wear, in navy, white, l Q rey, sand, at some having the new pleated frills - $2,410 and X2.25 per pair. They are priced from $7,50 to $17.50. Our New Ready-to-wear Depaptment which occupies an entire floor %vill greatly add to the pleasure of slloppitig at tfie ,Seot-ch Store.. Make our store your headquarters while visiting the Fxhibition. MEET YOUR FRIF,NDS IN OUR REST ROOM YOU FILL FIND US AT OUR USUAI, STAND AT THE EYHI13ITION THE LEADiN MAIL. AND 'PHONE ORDER STORE -I&Csfris 1•attelras McCall's Quarterly rhene 4 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'ph S6 r I Model Theatre PROGRAM For Week;.—Gepi oo 010 iopt. 11 Monday ad- Tuesday A PARAMOUNT PJCTURE Wallace Redd TN 'Love Burglar" also New 2 -reel Harold Doyd Comedy This 19 one of his newest, not an old picture re -issued. Wednesday and Thursday A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Doxot'ay Gish IN "peppy Polly„ also Charlie Chaplin 1N ``The Fawn Shop' ` Friday and Saturday A SELZNICK PICTURE Elsie Janis "'the Imp" Fatty drbuckle IN Fatty at the Beach LET US SUPPLY YOU School!' We will make it worth while$School Ont. Itydro Information 11immoriallon nra,1e to «uppl> throughout the Priv. The rznhirio ilydro Information \«-I vine, areorat•• mfurmation n•gardt¢x rumahallon ha« been organize,) with 1,1 - hydro -.•Ii -uric nriunripal Kemires and Gol. J 7,. Frastir_4 f liurford, a« presl.' tran-portatmn, end a« a re«ult the lea) dent, and .1 M. ha«nn, Rt r.alh;irin,«Il I.ario Hydro l:leetrrr Information As- a« met* r.'lar). _14-hiti,m "a« rlrganirrd, to carry (mi, The f,rsl olep taken for the forma_ Iln« ohjerl Don of the aboo,e A.ruciation wa. a U the Initial priw"edings and In tbt letter sent out by Alr .1 J. Uorri«nn •vent v,ho•11 the \««oc•oatinn prr,pa..er �4ecrelary of Hie It. F. ii. .1« a rootultr to do, full ree..guilron i- ai%,n to tdrr of the gathering which followed and prin,iple that the puhli,• nvvnarrsbils of vvhilch 1,1.4;ol. .1. 7.. Fraser, of liur ind r nfr-d of h>,1r4) ,lerlro d,•vrluf ford and Ur. J. M. EI«on of 3t. f-at71, o own( 1« •• U0111shed ins the pnivinvial "r Ino;.* N'rrp asked to set a« trnipor•:u•> I aJrmW-Ira Lion 0", that III,- mara- chalrnuan and secretary respeetivel%, it nuns of tri -operation «huulrl be «uuct►1 "11"1to set the npinlon4 of ,, I "ilhin pro.lorial fimlt., v�llh the art harper h,1,ly ou f men from til, Nrlr,o• lienal %�%t,or for it,.. rle„•lopnu•ul r•f part« of flap 1'n.vin.,• \re I'dlnml%a rhAh ries( Iran-poriall,,n r.n•il�.•r node•• NAV sent out by Iti, artium -, 1'­\«-orl.alu,n has tak••n nalrer nt rrharc .otvising that :r meeting \%oul,l a•^R, ern. �I Toronto ° b,- held In Toronto ,1n Augu«t 1�tii The Inananinus opinion eTt.re«wed h. iho«e who altenrb-rl 1111- K-ith,ring .ural \« , -vena i•b Ih.'r,• 1« ,,.r Irr,par. peau 11,.li . I,1a1- `ohdher" #;r:4%-' in li-tt,rrs of those who wprp unahb• hr, Worm 1: -at, rnianat•rr It hy« . 1\ _I Ih,live+ enine, was that .in effort 1411,1111,1 b, 1 ,1f rountie«- rhlldrrn LET US SUPPLY YOU School!' We will make it worth while$School to buy your School Shoes I OP11 L Onoi . 00 r here. i r Shoos � supply our sus- Our aim is to su I for Comers with Boots that Rive satisfactory wear. Let us I for show you our goods. Boys I REPAIRING Girls HERN' S BOOT SHOP ol ■