HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-02, Page 401
Congoleilm Rugs W` imon s brews
to wear
Oast equality in selected paderu'*« R;sly
_*ixe 2 x 2 yards. Regular in. Doebffeta, Ger�rgejttet,,
+S.00 for..'..,,__ ' :.,. Foulards, TiTicotinetl, °Sctrae verb istte
.: arrivals and now all on suamfui;rr ilar-
British Linoleum Squares gain lsalle clear at firoilu 'j,, ty, So per:
' cent. Mader yvultie, �
Extra quality, select pattet'us,
suitable for dinto rooms, half, 0s
kitchens, etc., special price. '
3 x 3',, yard's $14.50 i6 button length, extra beav,v, pul=e
3 x 4 ,yards $16.50 silk, black, white; pink, sky, „
and grey. Speeial..._°_..,...,,...._.„.. ;��,,���
Jute Brussels Rugs Silk Huse ,
Seamless, reversible, neat pat-
terns. Ladies' Silk Hose in all the best
2 x 3 yards $12 for. $9.75 colors and white g, .9%, 1o, a4l uur
3 x 3V2 yards $22 for $19.00 $2.5o and $i3.(x-) quality at
3 x 4 yards $25. ,for $20.00 per ;$„else(
r � J
" - Calttplste� hie , of _
Owing to the breaking of lamps on
fence. Howevel
gave a elft
a Ali #11 6 "
the Harbor Hill. it was decided to offer
Froperty�Owncr A oceol, But Can't
Continued from page !)
a $10 reward Or Information that
would lead to the cbnvletibn 'ot any
Do as He Will With His Own
--- ---
person or persons for breaking electric
` Yr+YYYYrW,+r+YrriwWYrr
for trial on charges of Incest and•crlM-
light globes or glasses, and that cards
The question of the ownership of the
inal assault, his victim being his own
to this effect be posted up.
trees on the public streets of a muni-
nine-year-old daughter. The term Of
The request of the Fall Fair Board
.apality ties been raised: Probably
imprisonment Is to be passed iD King,
for light and water for the show wag
many suppose, not unnaturally, that
stab Penitentiary, In Paas(ng $all:+
these are the property of the munlei-
tense, His Honor commented on the
The Flax Co.
pality, Since It the municipal council
enormity ofthe offence and the 1le*1
This week some eight teams and a
which gives Its permission for the re-
queney in his county of similar
motor have been busy drawing In flax
Ynoval of such trees, but such a con-
rimes: He was determined stamp
to the Goderich Flax Mill and about
elusion would be Incorrect.
fit oub No trial was necessary,, the
belf of the crop off the 1150 acres sown
Sutton 2, sub -section 4 Of The On=
prisoner pleading guilty.
to flax In this neighborhood this year
Carlo Tree Planting Act R. S. O. Chap,
243) says :
The Cleveland_ Biking Party
batt been brpughy )a it_ timl glf writ,-
Ever S growing tree, shrub or sap-
About fifty boys .of the Cleveland Y,
Ing, being stacked near the mill. The
barn on the Warner farm is being fit -
ling whatsoever, planted or left stand-
M. C. A. were In town last week, arrly-
ted up as a mill, and machines for
Ing on either side of any highway, fbr
Ing on Thursday afternoon about 4:30.
threshing out the seed,and fore clean -
the purposes of shade or ornament
The hiking party took the boat at
ingj It have been installed In the barn.
•shall be deemed to bV. the property of
Cleveland, on Monday morning for Pori
An%electric motor has been installed
the owner of the land adjacent to the
Stanley,. Here they. took the trolley to'to
operate the machinery and the hy-
bighway and nearest to such tree,
Lend and camped Monday night at
f dro wires from the town system have
shrub or sapling."
Sprin ank Park. They left London
l'begn extended down Eldon street to
But don't get- the notion from that.
Tuesday morning and arrived here!
the mill. Further machinery Is yet to
that you can cut down the trees In
Thursday afternoon as already men-
be put In, Including a fan to draw off
front of your property or do what
Honed. While here they. camped at
the dust. A neat office has been fitted
you like with them.
the exhibition grounds. The men in
up at the rear of the barn, and Mr.
Section 574 'sub sec. 2 of the Muni-
charge of the party were Carl list; L.
Foy, a flax expert, has come, from Ot-
v1pal Aet) gives municipal eounelts the
Hawks, Jas. Bethune and Leroy Rad-
tawa to take the position of manager.
power to pass bylaws for causing any
way. After leaving here they were to
No dodbd another year will Ysee a
tree, shrub or sapling, growing or
walk to Owen Sound and thence to
much larger acreage sown to flax than
planted on any public place, square.
Hamilton, returning to Cleveland by
this season and, with the further per -
highway, street, lane, alley or other
boat from Buffalo,
fectirlg of the flax puller, the harvest-
communicalb-11 uud.'r Its control, to be
G. W. V. A. Notes
ing will be a rapid operation.
removed. If and "hon such removal IM
rho aHarriston; Mr. and teras
Phomass Irwin, Paisley. The pallbear-
deemed necessary for any purpose of
The G. W. V. A. respectfully request
Bear Hunting In Goderich
public Impro%ot rent, but any owner o1
all returned men. Irrespective of
Sure. Ask J. tl.' McGee. Yes, a real
adjoining property shall he entitled to
whether they are members of the as.
live bear was seen on the street in
len days' notice of the intention of the
sortation or not, to turn out on Sun-
Goderich on Monday evening by J. G.
council to remove such tree, shrub of
day. Septen►ber 12th, for the purpose
McGee of the People's garage. He was
sapling, and shall be entitled to be re'
of parading to Maitland cemetery t4
driving In his car itlong the bank past
cornpensed for his trouble in planting
pay respect to Ahose who have passed
Dr, Taylor's when the bear crossed
and protgcting the dame. No owner of
away since returning from overseas,
the road, and J. ti, left his car and gyve
adjoining property, nor any pathmas•
Sept. 12th is to be a special "17►ecora-
chase. The bear made off down thr
Or or other publie officer, nor any
tion Day," the odrlfellows, Foresters
bank and J. U, followed, and some -
other person, shall remove or cert
and 11rangemen aiso taking part
where near the foot of the hill captur-
dtncn or injure such tree, shrub on
uniforms if possi,trle, but come
ed the animal after an exclting chase.
�aphng, on pretenee of Improving he
anyhow. Meet at G. W. V. A. rooms
Several times the bear faced round as
public place, square, highway, street,
at 1.30 p. in. sharp. The committee in
if to question Mr. McGec's right to in-
road, lane alley or other c'ornmunlca-
eh}Yrge of arrangements for he rifle
Bulge In this new summer sport of
tion or otherwise, without the express
oiub Is Ben Shepherd, Fred Sturly and
bear hunting but usually decided ort
permission of the municipal council
J. Murray.
flight again directly. Mr, McGer,
tlsvlhg the control of thQ public place;
Decoration Day
I brought his trophy up town and lodg-
squapo, highway, street, road, lane•
ed it fn his garage. This was between
alley or other communication.
Preparations fur decoration day,
1 8 and 10 o'clock. The next morning
And see Ion B 'of The ontarlo Tree
Sunday, Sept. 12th, are proceeding, and
Mr, Bear had disappeared, apparently
Nlaptlog Apt x•ivei AVffhy fllUWQJpAlit',
it Is expected there will be fully 500
finding some unsuspected means of
" to peso bylaws, regulating thd,
persons In the procession to the ceme-
1114 J} 0C,ss 4n will form on the
escape, possibly under some doors at
1 -the back of the Previous to
pan fid} t free; upon She public, hfgh-+
&b8t trie. of
hes the had been
square 01010e1c, order
capture- animal at
g understand the Mvn ' of Gode-
the Jute -ftp boing th� bgf�, t!`e Vi•1S,nar�g�gt
b dtellows
AIna p�6�V�rday. He was a baby
land 1Q
t1 TiQf ii bylatt' regulating the matted
while you own the treed
Cho orestera, the and the
L. O, L. It is expected visitors of all
hada c rh&ffi 01tarhed �
be r
i longed to, the skipper o� the Steamer
of rot+• f
In leant of you$ property you aro not
the various orders will be resent
Glenlyon which was In port, and must
at liberty, to cut t Ctu Town _without
from Clinton, Seaforth, Hensall, Bruee-
fleld, Blyth, etc., and it Is likely the
[have escaped from the boat. At, time
of w•rtting he was still at large, so far
prrmisnioil from 1Iljic OWn couneU ,
;on. He was a• carpenter by trade anti
and in time of Scarcity of fuel you %VIII
event will be ivade, an annual affair,
kn ow,
as wehe
have to content yourself with suoit
graves of all former members of
t the Canning Factory
consolation as you can Flet from coni
he various ledges will be decorated.
A public service will be held in an
This year Mr. Boswell -Reid hw,
templat.14 the -potential heating pose
sibilAies the shade 'trees fronting
open space in the new section of he
Can -
made game hnprovements In the Can-
your property, unless you can per
oemetery. - ��,
Wates and LIgcL
nib Factory which make it possible
to hawe much larger
g quantity of
broads the counsel that sortlo 'tit tt1ATn
are dead or dying or -are too tnie y
The regular meeting of the Water
fruit and vegetables tan In former
planted or something of that sort.
and Light Commission was held on
years. The engine has removed
from the canning, roorn to a separatq
We belleve though that cases ha% -r
Thursday evening, Aug. 20th, all the
room and the syrup kettles, which us -
happened where the "owner" of %tree%
members present,
ed to occupy a corner in the canning
trees has not had the chance to object
It was decided to render anaccount
room, have been removed upstalr the
to their removal or ,to claim the wood
for atY to,Mr. Root. Williams, of Zur-
syrup being conve3pd to the canning
contained in them. f
Ieh, who broke,& pale on the Bayfleid
room by pipes. Those kettles contain
Life Isn't In holding a good hand.
The application of Mr. R. Wallis
some gQ hogsheads between hem. A
in playing n poor hand well.
for electric service to property at the
Widder Cayley
now appliance his season is the hop
per that fills tho cans. Theeday-the
It Is tldt b6ause men's desires are
strong 00 3116y net ell; it IS btlaauses
Orner of and streets
was tltl'anted. The estimated :Co
:Cost, of
star man waa, at the factory plums
' '
their cpliftpi# i&bs are weak. --J. S. M111,
the extension Is $92.
were being canned,' and he rapidity
with which the cans were tilted wits
W. H. Campbell of East Wawanosh;, ,
Mrs, D. M,-Gdriion, : bf! .I.uokho*, and
surprising. The shaking - motion lm-
---- ItNI
parted to the hopper othe plums
he c cans and 011
to And thole way Into the
them about as rgpldly as one ;could
Bl acli sans
-, • ;
pour the frpit into the hoilper.
Another machine headed and sealed the
equally rapidly. Some idea of
tie quantity of fruit handled pan be
gut from the statement that the eom.
pany uses up a toll and a bait of augat
a day. Mr. Boswell-YReid wag forta-
nate In getting In his supply before the
y � �
high prices came into effect,of
Thousands and Thousands of cases c,1
empty cans and thousands of cases of
canned goods ready for shipment wert
on the floor of the factory. Mr. Boa.
well -Reid stated that his company was
thlsr season handling about double Iasi
year's output.
Knox Church S. t3. $Ienib
The anuttal plettld in connftoon %Vlti
Knox church brlft o school \vas fret!
vFry sueefaafnlli+' oft T� A tev
noon and evening at tt .hark.
True the day- was not Alloothet Will
the air being a I1010 soul, and shnw61N
Interfered a little with. the ~AM
No d0li
w�1s�� +■�t�t1�l fl�rlts
Sauwa t uJt 1 �J
fence. Howevel
gave a elft
a Ali #11 6 "
y pith
made use of tt
a r
AN 1 IES and O.Sox
„eatb„'ht the
coedll ht anoto
'Weir Vit
aulfeat in thV dfalb. ey alr,A ,14l of
to the.• 'Kli
` Yr+YYYYrW,+r+YrriwWYrr
� raCerl. 't'tlb I)al
at Gaeta Ifarpor-� orgtan
tttd game wits
the belle oaunr
clally the bole
wets so fifty
Iriany that theay
rr. i
i eft tor':
y 4
tdr�•"*ho W&
eek on the boAt g eavipg line, when
he Iatlt his b.al nee knd felLto be
�I %ween
•ihe wharf and feta .l)dait. �,t iA thought
f;ltfi, d +j
111) may have strode bis eaQ Y* Itis,
fa4tt. tt# aslllrsalreftily llc ma.. lata Yi>urt
4;vcm effort but lxglsttecg>fsfulty:
t eq ,,Vag, JO 1118 Plod year, lie
�4y la �h X aatoo
yerr pAl►lal tr aUn t roan end a
Mlpd lisp 1lYitxt
rireat,I4rer of ttpors. Ve Illitd nerved
Bring' youT fil#1.to' tis rtor detrelopltl auc14" �^
One o ay Scirvtce
Films to Fit ail. Cameras
H. Cts DUNJ'6'1%p,' Ph .B.
The Rexall Stor
The Satisfaction of
Perfect Tailoring -
When you know that your clothes are tailored
correctly, and that they fit perfectly, then you
enjoy genuine satisfaction.
F. H. MARTIN, the Tailor
The Western Fair
Auto Polo, Music, Fireworks. Two Spe6ial Events Daily.
General Admission, 50e. Children, 15c. Auto and Driver, $1.00
All information from the Secretary.
LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
Western University
Lon -tion, Ontario
r cArts and Sciences
• r ,
c, CM
Fall Term Opens October 4th
' I ` K. P. R. NEVILLE, Rigriisrar, s
Offers the following --courses:
Business, Oteno.,draphic, Secretarial, Civil
Service, Teacher Training Course'
Mr. John A., Harrison, of Goderich. 'E'wE and arranges Special Courses for students. �I
Fraser, Rhoda IMeNevin, Florence GrITO v The following advantages
.alrls' Three-legged race—ist, W. Store Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Shepherd h�d Irene Stowe; 2nd, Agnes Actual.BtNitsess System Or Bookkeeping
Fraser and Rhoda Meegvin; 3rd, Irene I
Abel, and Jelin Matheson. ' . » Credential Typewriting Tests
elfin' gli�ttold me(— at content-- The beat of summer Positions Guaranteed
Rhoda t %Chien, Elsie' o ` ell, s Gwrf s all honeehold r - -
NN 2nd contest --•Il VdVooikld
l"heAbet; *srle gel+, '' ,t tasks more dilMCUlt. Vocational Training School
Curls' Consalatlon Race--Adaliue 110v- Vocational
Ilre, Naoml•,r.�1f!cI)eth�rtid, Mice Kafttibs. X•
Bdya, 0 and urWer-•-Clarence -- w"`..•"'
Walker. pl tai` Mott, hoot, Cardhw_ �� ��Washingfor this district, by Government appointment, and ander
boll,Olit. inspection by Soldier's Civil Re-establishment Dqpartment.
N �p'jj�, I1*0';yearb and ovor.�Iwa1s+I °
ittlf Htititr', Maurice Ht11ItJf; -. h'I" For terms, etc., write
# �ic-'1 te+t.w :taf;�'lsti• - aF �•
late 'ttlllttlis 11111 � �dbater; We U'Ve tltlrte ;makes B..F WARD. �.A., ells Accts., P17 i
`isrt is ktNd i�YVlt'!k 1ifalWta(IIt i .� � AR � i�'
els ': w t fnl�tut►t i t lRn t� awtlpit ;; I pvi event M. A. STe 144 ,e t>r. Ilecialitst, Vice�Ptia�ipal.
,�ya�'lojrY�y,,y'�''�eltw►tw oy,e'g���i.eytt ri ' .. ' .. (y
''{�'iyk {iY�yuyy �ti.vyy4,� 'f1yil r�y.yiyty: yAWtyUyyy. `,y,y •'yF. ate �, ; .a . 'a 'Y pL r',,.., 7�r1fQ, ttii� - y
.R�WS/9M1lR a� 1',pwlutk ri✓I.l MtilAl IIsi U� ,r w X ' ;�j, �, �,�,� � iu1r(�C •• 7v {Vir4�
it t t �i4ttp Itto it { 0 WWI, , r � 5 'll�l t'S�n MAY
Tho ~�; titan tet �4t'e'+�a,� ' �f'`aA#il'Jr $ TI�EI+t �j
IIl►yfleld t� on tort► -mviti. � � f R;1., �l tL4'
I+trfr. AhNltam SfMth httvitlg pttlrwi t . ,, „,•c' .s i ,1.
Iwttfto bftud at her Tootle art util
Mrot. e; rtleo Is'Janttructed
1troly 0 It_ tuft 'Nola"ta wed' f
C4ittro tie Mr, iSmithit ii)roperty)uon a �' ta,
ri01lt60 btlitked Ktid a largo y��{
'S rj pp
` Y w -
".'1,.l 'lRlIFI'�I`b77M�.I, f�itltp]kfll,, AA�t�I
lwcu ar0111, vi With fir!' too f4ll M. J.
I o, '" Ia .fife 40 + elOut y Ittct�l P�•
aulfeat in thV dfalb. ey alr,A ,14l of
tittle only sate, Iifelter Poxvl,ll, which
at Gaeta Ifarpor-� orgtan
Ittip,. on sa,turdity. ` ^ynning' meso
hent tleeu sutling on t#o t'e=14 Glca!
hrcby and .at tt}e tide a W.0 , 01dent
was on the %'Mot pt�parl1w ti} #brow
eek on the boAt g eavipg line, when
he Iatlt his b.al nee knd felLto be
�I %ween
•ihe wharf and feta .l)dait. �,t iA thought
°' W,h+►t deo the
111) may have strode bis eaQ Y* Itis,
fa4tt. tt# aslllrsalreftily llc ma.. lata Yi>urt
to �.r:o hiRl.>Felf. His con Ion mads
y et�r
° Wal RP YOU?The
4;vcm effort but lxglsttecg>fsfulty:
t eq ,,Vag, JO 1118 Plod year, lie
�4y la �h X aatoo
yerr pAl►lal tr aUn t roan end a
Mlpd lisp 1lYitxt
rireat,I4rer of ttpors. Ve Illitd nerved
,. b'It1 f9rmilli
> neat v>II1Fn1
Over0as for 111reo years in the Arm:
liedlc+tl""' Thg ^tsllrlsei' .'aft nee
aft th>t fu11+~rat� whfah tdolr"p1&e Ea on
all Pao
1'ti`ednesday, ;+,was evidence of the deep'
t)f title townspeople ~vitt-
The paxrepCa 1n the ,sad event, The ser-
The p rco T
yices \retry eaktdttatt 'bet. Rev. J. kl.
£'Ord and the przjUj+l;triaPit were Harold
clone by rAepas of "Il�-
Vorry, tlltroN Moraey,, >l'eroy Beattie,
vestmenti34►rr4fft4tRfti" the
Alvin t3atftero.0,, WttlW.13uchttnatnand
'raft coftdiition of bud-
Gieorge :1taan,
atswi.. A �bk«id an.
R4l3tiSf1:�,-aI here ,ppfd to. his et-
Broil reward on. Fritilty .morning.. toe
KOVd.lug ' b
Chi uit, one of Colborne town-
actual conditions.
sbip'a most highly res soled citizens
It will het to aekct
p you
securities, avoid alta,
Iia the erson of Wfl tam Robinson,
death fall wlYtg .a strQle. deceased
\vas a song of 'the Tato John acid Maly
obtain a larger income
to buy or:
1£aret Robinson, of Goderich township,
im�estment$ so as to obtain
a in addition to
and had spent practically all his life
u�me; -to handle
in this locality. The funeral on Sun-
day last was oondueted by the Orange
Bey by sound, scientific
Order, of which he was a member,
Rev. Mr. Campbell otllclating at the
Write NOW ac, a elope
house and at the ,grave. .The sorrow-
$Vtft fi t Y_be a*a you
ing relatives have the sympathy of the
entire community in their sad bereave-
A" DYYp6 G
ment, in the toss of a loving brother
and kind neighbor, always witting to
land u helping hand. He leaves to
mourn lits loss three sisters, viz:
firs. Ed. Jenkins, Grlswold, Iowa; Mrs.
Ilavld Campbell, Detroit, Mich., and
Mrs. John Fi}bin, Bennifiler. 'Those .
$$ +10V Street' r0eito
from a distance who attended the fun-
eral were: Mrs. Robt. Meliw•ain, Sr.,
Bayfleid Road; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Henry, Mr, and Mrs, Case MoAlllster,
Andrew McAllister, Lucknow; Ilea,
(;has. Browning, Guelph; Mr. Fred 3Ie-
The Gpocetepia
Allister, Listowel; Mr. And Mrs. Rohl.
rho aHarriston; Mr. and teras
Phomass Irwin, Paisley. The pallbear-
ers were four nephews of the deceas-
ed, viz: Thomas Henry, Case McAllis-
ter, Fred McAllister and George Mello
waln, i
Actually Oaves You
FISHER.—The death on Sunday last
Df Mrs. Ebenezer . Fisher, Newgate
street, removed a inuch loved lady
from our midst., $he was of a bright
The fhe6est and best of all
eheertul disposition $nd had a largo
circle of friends in town and surround-
kinds of Groceries, at the'
Ing country, especially around Benmll-
JOWeSt prices.
ter, where the, family formerly resided.
She was in her 82nd year and her
death came as a termination of an 111-
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 12c pk.
nets over the past three
months, during the last five weeks of
"Rinso," 8e backaae.
which three of her' rjaughters (Mrs.
"Arrow Borax" Soap, 0c cake.
Uvesey, of Toronto; Mrs. A. J. Stew;
art, of Coronation, Alta., and Mrs. Hop-
pearling, 8c package,
kin, of Atlantic City) had been with
heroohs. Fisher was formerly :Mss
Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in
11aiy Mo(,orvie and was born in Tori
every day.
onto. She was married at Berimiller
30 years ago last January to her now
bereaved partner. After corning to
Bacon, Cooked Ham, Veal and
Goderich they lived here for, seventeen
Tongue Loaf, etc.
years. Subsequently_ lir a similar per-
iod they lived In Ahfl delphia and two
Bread 12e a loaf: The beat
hears ago returned to town. firs,
bread In Godericb. �.
Fisher's death makes the first break In
the family, her husband and family of
tivo daughters and,ppe son, surviving.
rhe 'children not already mentioned
are Ars. A. G. McLedd, Buxton, Eng.;
%D's. E. J. Crawford,. Melfort, Sask.:
and Secord Fisher, of St. Louts, The
runeral took place on Tuesday after-
noon to Colborne cemetery, the serl
n•Ices being conducted by Rev. R. C.
slel)ermid and the pallbearers being
`1PFErS. A. Hunter Hunter,
an�fWm. of
iincardlne; %Jr. John; Oakes and Mr;
H.AAAISON.—The tato hers W1111Am A.
Harrison, whose deatil ' was noted to .
rhe. Sl.,:r last week, vvas a former high -
y esteemed citizen ( Goderich for
at �,QW Prices
nany years. Iiia 3� y�� 1&ee ' wa
5heffleid, England, �lVtr, 1 he+.,vas born
In 1837, and when he was four years
a an the family came to Jsuada ane}
materials, in plain
nettled ib the Count; of Durham. A)
shades and patterns. All
:he age. -of 20 ho came to doder}ch
with `father, the late John Harrl-
siWith 5 pockets,
;on. He was a• carpenter by trade anti
nor number A,f years he was fore-
nan for the late Francis Smeeth in
he contracting and bundtng buslocss.
Xlvn's Tweed Trousers,
in 1873 he moved to a farm in West
iVaw•anosh,; near Auburn, and remain-
d patterns, 1$111
assurep P
rd there fol+ tw•entydour years, coming
colol s, finlSLed with fide
sack to Goderich then and remaining
the death his
pockets, loops for belts
,ere until of wife, Since
Mat he had lived with his daughtP•,
and etliff, buttons. Sizes
i ttknow, and It
sirs. D. M. Gor14'
3 to'' a 65.75
vas here the en' on Monday of
� � +
est week- :lir. is lvet4 a veternq.
)f the Fenian Radeceived a med-
Blue Ser�S and neat
it for his oervicthat time. In re-
Iiglon he whs a Methodist and in poli-
greypatterned Tweed.
%los a Liberal. His wife, to whom he
Serviceable, dressy and
was married in 1850, and who prede-
ceased him by eighteen years, war
remarklablii values. All
Hiss Lure la Hates, of Durham coon-
sizes. At $5.95
ly. The funeral took place on Wed-
nesday afternoon from Mrs. Gordon's
residence, Lucknow, to Maitland cerge-
lery, Goderloh. The funeral services
were eonduhled by Rev, R.• Fulton Ir-
win and ' Ree. R. Mctlturts, at�d the
were Ntees Joss Taylor.
pallabearers -
David Taylor, George oAnderao% and
Mr. Button .Mr. Harrison Is survived
by two daughters and one son, Mrs:
W. H. Campbell of East Wawanosh;, ,
Mrs, D. M,-Gdriion, : bf! .I.uokho*, and
Bring' youT fil#1.to' tis rtor detrelopltl auc14" �^
One o ay Scirvtce
Films to Fit ail. Cameras
H. Cts DUNJ'6'1%p,' Ph .B.
The Rexall Stor
The Satisfaction of
Perfect Tailoring -
When you know that your clothes are tailored
correctly, and that they fit perfectly, then you
enjoy genuine satisfaction.
F. H. MARTIN, the Tailor
The Western Fair
Auto Polo, Music, Fireworks. Two Spe6ial Events Daily.
General Admission, 50e. Children, 15c. Auto and Driver, $1.00
All information from the Secretary.
LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
Western University
Lon -tion, Ontario
r cArts and Sciences
• r ,
c, CM
Fall Term Opens October 4th
' I ` K. P. R. NEVILLE, Rigriisrar, s
Offers the following --courses:
Business, Oteno.,draphic, Secretarial, Civil
Service, Teacher Training Course'
Mr. John A., Harrison, of Goderich. 'E'wE and arranges Special Courses for students. �I
Fraser, Rhoda IMeNevin, Florence GrITO v The following advantages
.alrls' Three-legged race—ist, W. Store Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Shepherd h�d Irene Stowe; 2nd, Agnes Actual.BtNitsess System Or Bookkeeping
Fraser and Rhoda Meegvin; 3rd, Irene I
Abel, and Jelin Matheson. ' . » Credential Typewriting Tests
elfin' gli�ttold me(— at content-- The beat of summer Positions Guaranteed
Rhoda t %Chien, Elsie' o ` ell, s Gwrf s all honeehold r - -
NN 2nd contest --•Il VdVooikld
l"heAbet; *srle gel+, '' ,t tasks more dilMCUlt. Vocational Training School
Curls' Consalatlon Race--Adaliue 110v- Vocational
Ilre, Naoml•,r.�1f!cI)eth�rtid, Mice Kafttibs. X•
Bdya, 0 and urWer-•-Clarence -- w"`..•"'
Walker. pl tai` Mott, hoot, Cardhw_ �� ��Washingfor this district, by Government appointment, and ander
boll,Olit. inspection by Soldier's Civil Re-establishment Dqpartment.
N �p'jj�, I1*0';yearb and ovor.�Iwa1s+I °
ittlf Htititr', Maurice Ht11ItJf; -. h'I" For terms, etc., write
# �ic-'1 te+t.w :taf;�'lsti• - aF �•
late 'ttlllttlis 11111 � �dbater; We U'Ve tltlrte ;makes B..F WARD. �.A., ells Accts., P17 i
`isrt is ktNd i�YVlt'!k 1ifalWta(IIt i .� � AR � i�'
els ': w t fnl�tut►t i t lRn t� awtlpit ;; I pvi event M. A. STe 144 ,e t>r. Ilecialitst, Vice�Ptia�ipal.
,�ya�'lojrY�y,,y'�''�eltw►tw oy,e'g���i.eytt ri ' .. ' .. (y
''{�'iyk {iY�yuyy �ti.vyy4,� 'f1yil r�y.yiyty: yAWtyUyyy. `,y,y •'yF. ate �, ; .a . 'a 'Y pL r',,.., 7�r1fQ, ttii� - y
.R�WS/9M1lR a� 1',pwlutk ri✓I.l MtilAl IIsi U� ,r w X ' ;�j, �, �,�,� � iu1r(�C •• 7v {Vir4�
it t t �i4ttp Itto it { 0 WWI, , r � 5 'll�l t'S�n MAY
Tho ~�; titan tet �4t'e'+�a,� ' �f'`aA#il'Jr $ TI�EI+t �j
IIl►yfleld t� on tort► -mviti. � � f R;1., �l tL4'
I+trfr. AhNltam SfMth httvitlg pttlrwi t . ,, „,•c' .s i ,1.
Iwttfto bftud at her Tootle art util
Mrot. e; rtleo Is'Janttructed
1troly 0 It_ tuft 'Nola"ta wed' f
C4ittro tie Mr, iSmithit ii)roperty)uon a �' ta,
ri01lt60 btlitked Ktid a largo y��{
'S rj pp
` Y w -