HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-09-02, Page 1,II
Ij%,4q**jPp4 `tier of, T0,4Pr ming
.�_ ;,,.m..•.'t1iR�,1•. �.• 'lttr•"r"'�T'- .. ,.. . -'- 4�7ya• � w- - '� ,: „ - . -,.. .. R„-._ - +'•7w.,r �.•-w ,�.
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Ip»tttlllaaer el l lacl�I Map eEr Wfl1 be g$so tp.
f111"04• mttttt:44of credit wi tb ea Swtlea Motels,
alts isi�y.
' olitb,;0 6 over with himwhenylou ard'tw
,1 Fil .. ...
. � ��•� � t��C!>Mk1�1111 Rtktrlt JrtwlMt'Mfgt'ta iK!',1#ttk, ;;
iNl a Map Mil At 1M1 r N�14% 404' � it lorR 1
�f yyiy', iF '�"y'�yR�",f,�A
14 M. �,'#�'y.',.�1r,y�.7'., �Ar••'
�i t� 4MI, �.1• ail. .•+A!•!tRtr .
Inv gi��tllMN.ilferafitg th4. tw
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4 ' OW�i T�i�II�S caul �1�� FM
1st[ ... THE
! • • t t Y � I , 10 or4ttteltls Yex/1pealc t1a1itrls4e%%Y.Tb
ttaa anti rl-
MY �It"nf't 11iRpP to
+ ¢ 9. j 4 . • r , . S T . (� a , -.�' CLI"ilialt girl The 1'UitlUtll .[Ic tlwuiltlOOa for (l)D
n 1 1>A r ilplllNdt', R at /Nit, ly to tlls${Rh• or AwRR till>+as tltidll Itriitolull, err
' � ���,. It, ��tt`t>~?��• • , . t1t'li~ � 1 t� � 7,'ho Pc 1�wcts toe fila , . `��[�l�l�itlt► `
' ,rk ^" -d4 bl $ilea xecel> rd pqt gilt Rel f St , 4►tt elf tho Goderleh indu,s let re _
stlltel, d J.u1•a Brett, ars Plektet4, ! did, t+Jltrlea Bta "elite 'tad%cclttt�atict �,�t�
tQ1rP( rA gkantlt,a f Af rgrd K IF
AK t mak' wtxl+l> ulritt, ail kinds $Rats whit +"r tet1Y; ltttr. RtArry �Yt tiramer, U bOAcei un Tpesday no tonver dais, sal hUJtrw77
yid have to xtlter atjd ptic4i Aald $alae Ir, rnspllerrles, t and rattle stella Were taken u ho•
xtl,44Ml 1 4 R 11 R Rq tecttic Irp. tura fullest
11 Q.'
tel " Jti, pataeulluaettk 1 C, A. to Meeting one day. p R
! F Tito Children's Aid ,awlety will re- 1 The midway will be a big feature
Aa ( WANTED,• -.lawn James of rellttement to duffle their (twettngn this month. The lila >ear. The iitvYvn sod flyer Btlpwt
' / represent 11"'60-g14it "'ltabltshed New September meeting will be hold flax! will Ge hent, rotJnint; lllrec! foam ftam v'
le rk Houseopoition,tly eldIn a cod till Ca hie Taea/1ay. Scant• Tth, at b.ia P. n), h) the Utah. These Shaws lieu" t\vo ballots
it,N -��#. tanft Parmapeut food, t$l I
t 7s!trs. MktMifat aR #% livieriones, upulteo3ory. Peasant nett, pollee nntlglstrato's room at the venal a \vied wast show and many otilet,
`°'" ^"""""""' ,r•M►Iraafl A4t it �►llt slit" 071A alt or t .era tine. tl tr taatutt+zt. 7'he uul!!6 la aaltt to tegUlpo
19, STAR OYFIf Apl Y Iona". All frtendy of flu: i(tclpt)'are
+ �s*j�� i ,4;.requested to be present- tWVnty (Mfrs for transportation. Ther ii , Oo TURES AND, OpplCh9. FEtkALE HELP AnnounPentrat Was Premature Aterry-4ia_Round. (,illtsy illowet•n.' etc,.,
REQUtII�D -#y to 1104 per ttwate 'lite announcement to out, of thrl '%vlll Miro br here, so there will be
A Basil earned lqy you dor►►%� tlpare ala count plenty ur slit" attraction.
Y s�,t,n►ltunK nanrlitapp of ttaFsonat Great. Y papers lt►ttt Mr. \\'. J. t'e+Ito%ti
[�/ . 10
in g Gards to pet4 I wttOut YOU meat. Tro- had been, or teas llkoly to be appoint- flop, 3tr, t)oherty, eat alrt•ady^ aA-
�`mmich Branch F. Wook*m +�� Manager t iron and dssn�pplos Ctrs y ar. Writ aft ted license Inspector for North lturon. flounced, %VIII arrive at noon Ila Tltut'tm
ati+ PUBL1811I, CO, 3118' Sp&diva Ave. t\a8 a little premature to a{iy the day, be entertalaed at luncheon by the
— ---- - _-- -- least. No change has as yet beep Boa'r'd of "Pratte, after which fig will
HOUSEKEEPER WANTED— nnadn, t be taken to the Vdlr Groutlds and will
1 YY tatrrtly or two for rnornlogs only to r
SPEGIALIST • tOt�I live at bola -Apply tO J. ADES FGWLEIt, NolPs pf lt0wllup Ktve n apep"h ('corn the platform Ili
1! Albert Street. Fred tlunt acus tine winner of the !runt Of th(• errand stated.
1111, E J.R FO1t$TE12 7 oST.-tlunah Q �teys. FUrdor kindly first E+v0ut In W"dnr!sdtlly sft0rp0un'+, %loIrbants who Intend using space,
1JJ►. L return to 81"ttit OFFICE. WANTED. -A wotktpg housektlopar, to bowling tournament. Ile had %vlth In the main building should make It
ICYlg. kd,R, NLJ9E, THROAT. y n ',good lu sept�!(yr•to MR�B� Win R, J. Goldthol`pe and lir. Bolster. Point of snaking preparations early,
t 7 Vi14' w✓+h111tR1.I OST.-Betwaerl ilgptpausa and Model lamely and agOd wnttas. o%v[ng to the Otlan es made n"ClsrJry
1.s a Houseyuriteon Kew York 0 lithahnlo Theatre, on !Friday. Aug. 20tp, a lame" PROU11FOOT, Menesetuttg Park, Gaderlch, Chits• Grldith won the Second event. �
and Astral slland,G, assl•taoc re ktpwre8eld'+ shawl buckle front a Highland costume. Phone 13, haul by the repairs to tiro bEllldlu .
Ey Hosp[Wland'goldan8quara Throat
]JIM. ng with It(m (leu. Ayttwnds anti �f
pltay_london.ICn1r. Finder la sa return Mrs. Donald Mar• A2r. Hruoks, The 33rd AtIgimental Bun.
Vvltr p tp WN'CED,•-PEIRESENTATWE ;WANTED t will Rti�
A edford8R Hotel, Goderic'teteohone 48t. stn. B� ot�480, and rertltve reward F1! For Goderleh fano lturon coup t nlnh muxtg each afternoon and eve
Ai Bedford Hotel, Coderleb, fr,Onl Wed- tr OST,_. -On Thursday evening, a tally s P county U 'riagbourpr-�!{nluht l •n••
aeaday, Sept ttlth n{ 7,30 J,� + represent -The Old RaaaDTo t•'0ntpul liar. fug, and the grated stand pertorrnnncd
of P.
m to Wed -
series." nig mune rhe marriage took plaor ill l loturfa
aY. 5ept_ 10th, ai t p, m. blue serge anal between Marvttl Y is to Do tilt$" selling street Aietl►ad[!It ars eta e, )It \\ r+,1, %vel) lnetude perfa will gi lily Ito
it , Rntnm's farm, SDalrpardton, and Goderlrh Nursery stork during the reconstruelto0 P' t) g rireut 'Bluttdln %vhu will glue "xhtb!-
��AA r, or In Goderleh. Flnder kindly leave at nerved. A splendid opportunity for a nesday, :August 26th, I(;t0, by the Het (!arta of lI p walking at a hoe
Silii` 4J a /� AUCTION sALFS STAR OFFICE. _ levo ealesman. Highest commissions paid. I. F. lloyecnfi, of Air. \Vlllinm TIPh- tight p()pe %Valk! height
u >tl �oa /� � - handsome ,Tao equipment, targe Ht1e of 'bourn" to Miss Arutir Knt)rht, eldest of 75 f"tNt. Nelly, the entertalner and
Q#u 1t4M UCT1oN SALE. T OST -A ladles' lace wool scnrt, and ,•and ornamental stock to otter. STONi7I %'enUlluyulst %t°'111 nlsu ha Its per
either ladies shawl, oe mfr sQasare 4 daughter of Str. and Airs. AV. AI g
\Y. d. [ttA[R 'ANA VVELLtNOTODf, lorento, One. - _ turmama+s. %vhlch urn sure to h" a Dig
will sell by public auction on or Hamilton street_ Finder please return --
I—- Feature. y
SeeingSATURDAY,a SEPT. iii to people's Gt,talre. GIRLS WANTED
` �
commencing at 2.3a C311D OF TIIA\K!1 The NYumfn's Institute %viii serve
.. ,hospei'411s• and Frog es�iive , A compnralfvely rte%v brick haus" with ^^ ^^^�^^w�^� �^ -� nusats on the grounds and liar" well
frame 'kitchen, on Gloucester Terrace, NOTICE TO EXH1111Tons n / ,ARU OF THANKS. -I %%Ish to extend m
HIGHEST WAGES PAID lJ y be ahund"Iec of aecomntodation rrf
Gond garden and Trutt trees, Terms to secretary thanks tO the many kind rrionds and
Assets - e salt 0l'10E TO' ERH181TOIt8.-Tie e"rrat"a til% kind and for
S1U5 711 /�/�/� purchaser. N Y nalghbUrs, who so willingly he1pEM during p(irking of rrtrs an f
• •000.00 W. ). MAIR, THOS. GUNDItY, Uf the GUderletl tadustrial Exhibition i , the Illness slid death lit illy dear brother flu'
Profits alit in 1918 Proprietor. Aactloneer AUP to krounds
will open an office In the town hell oft tVnl. Fk,butson, t
1,606:000.00 Frldpy. Sept. 3rd, tdc{r the convenience or G4DEItICH KNITTING CO. Ltd. MRS, JOHN FII,n1N. - =-
416,358.000.00 existbltors (day and eventng)• This olnee Nnllpht. both uf`uodl rldh• 51r. and
Insurance is force - _t, cTtoN SALE: .
A will be .kept open untll Tuesday, Sept.
JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN 71h, the day pravtou to the show East Streit- "TtCLE9 FOR SALE Mrs. Th-libuurne %cell redtrtp In Bode_
A ptllity Ifs t Sun Life will prove a safe investment. Con- win seff by public auction on the premise. Die. Ver Jr. , CLARH. Ser.-Treas. "
r snit as on Naples Street, oil FOit SALE. -Cheap, Chevrolet Car, In Pto rich.
ardtng rates at your age. I�it3URAlYca
Tyr SATURDAY', OCT. 2nd �l7t91C ilex W1 18TAR OFFItCF: • Address offer- t !•i i7 urs tol.rfiOdrrlPh
T � $circ •+ n I " (TOry,n
' (commencing at t o'cluck) -
LF. 1. rJClyl"C. UarnMAarnx , - - . _._ __._ -----. _ _. FOR
9At.E.-1 No, Happy Thuughl fill' S u/1r r 1 tont to, o a a
r the I I + •Ir I • II gala ply ` I
t H. R. LONG, District Agent A fully modern rad bale& house oil Nap p tl lila u4's of Toronto, on Saturday µ
fr _
ler street. Lot frontage over f00 feet "ocher pf'and lawLinment„ and Piano. Mtge with waterfront. 1 Empire afternoon it 3.15, ret the agricultural .
heated by hot water system and fireplace Viotnria St. next. to Knox t hurOh c Queen Ran
lrE. A xns for rani. Apply park. th0 last Knnlr bill\v""n those
""mein basement un(10r whole house tr 0. F. CAREY to R J. MtGAW, \Yaterloo 31' tf'anitl being It tie. E,ieryone come to
3 spa,-Unents, laundry tubs, stone well CHARLE8 Bt1Cif#Ov �t)it SALB se" the rttnrt exrltlittt ¢cane lit Lttp spa -
RAILWAY TIME TABLE I ®(B®�®�D®®D®®�®gggtD®!Dsamn Is feet deep, n•on force pump. Also ee- Or nlMt St ,leer 'a JftigitCan Church-SliAdebaker touring car, in
C. P. R. D lent stable a garage, and chicken house► gA " rIrppnnmg order, cheap nor rexh. pun -Ihe bo) s will mak,• It worth a
A number of rrult-bearing trees will bE Plano, Pipe $aeon #pQQ Yecal Instruction. Box 4ub, Godarl • 1.
t3uderleh-Leolae have to dis Ptva-Dtec4l'; Orcheatr► Two houses to Rent an East St. � %%'flit`'.
6.00 a,m. 1.35 P.M.pm® pose of at the offered for sale .the same day, s
i3amilton-Arrlre 11.10 M.M. 8.24 p.m. ® • Also two well-bred Ayrshire heifers, rls For terms appla!,to $tudto, Bt. PatrtCk St. OR SALE. -Mahogany Parlor unit, silk' illne Tnw'a Appolnimrnl
Toronto- " 10.36F°a•m. 6.30 p.m, Point Farm ing 2 years old, and a well-bred drivptA - Furnished house to Rent on pt. upholstering, W. J. POWELL. ^lel- \lin. \Inh+ I Tarn, dauKhh'r ref [fl -
7.40 7.40 a.m. 5.10 m. D !is eoH, rising 2 years old, Two second -Inn, D, lL-Wlt13TQ L. L. C. M. Geon els Crescent. ,on Street.
P• ® ® buggies to good repair. A No. 4 Revell Licentiate London College of Music. Eng- B Mf"
'1'onl. has bran appomled to a ^'
Hamilton- " 7.20 a,m, 4,00 p,m, D A half million feet of all kinds tion Chlnu kiln, land. orgaq. �ll an d Choir Director or PIANO FOR SALE. -Evans Bros. bey# Position un the .t.irr „f th,• h1,„plt•ll th
Oo(ler(ch-Arrive 12.25 North St. Mathis ist Church. For Bale one and 6 half story t1take, Fine cas steel rrsine. aunut-etlun %%Ith tlfr '1'rkift t,nlun r of
p.m. 9.bb p.m, of second hand Lumber, also a @ cent... or, day. oft bale: Obalanvv be ar briok,'tlaodorn hone”, rte"#4500, Would fell today for o new, nuarna• >
G. T. R. I ® qua of Doors, Windows. 4' TEACt�R OF 511J$IG 1' Ince rondurled b
Goder(ch-Leave 6.95, a.m. 2.20p.m.I® q eN ranged the day or sale. On other article $1500 cash. This property is teed In perfect cggdt`►.On. Lovely tune ) thr Rr,rkfeller
N under Pupils prepared for to eon_ MCC "all for hntr prlCb for cash. W. J, h'„undatrurr, Atilt IC•t%eti %Mill• (hare In
7.4.5 a.m. WaIn3GOtln�„ Fath and Base months'#Ic'reea east- will ebe than alts u p kll,('0111 neCtion with Torontd University Toronto oder"$ at about one half of what Ml C11EA H, printing offic", \Vest Street. 1 irtfbeP tar Ilekin. Her nlnll) friends
Toronto Arrive 11.10 a -m. 7.35 P.M. I wX board, ret very reasonable rices. ® count or c per rent. aur rash un rredi Conservatory, etc. Every, pupil entered It cost. Ore much mlrl't•s(ed fat tllss 'tom's up-
Hatni)ton-Atriye 11.22 a.m. 6.58 m, p ® amounts. for musical exams has passed man with
p off Come and see us. honotc, 1 or terms hpply al res dance, White SeWiri MaClliridi Prrlrttnient and %cl cel her thr ftp„t of
ranonto-Leave 6.30 a. m. 12.55 p.m. ( THOS. ttl'N1)RY'• JOr4. C. 41ntFF'I\, wes4 $t, (t{r81 it hest of, III rink), 9
® AartlUneer' Proprietor noder(ch.
e�+ 8.50 p.m. I ® The Mercantile Salvage Co.
mlltolt-Leave 7,15 arm. - 7.15 IN �ABD9ND>s�#1last®®IBD®®®®®RRR8t89alist
i „ %
Chula Enjoy Corti IlnuAl '1
p.m. � F R. Thol»piOn, British EK- t`l,r, Irfpnfbe•rn of til. ehr+lr of vlo-
yodertcb-Arrive It.35 a.m. 9.10 p.m, Polos i'a ® ® Inrlu Nt, Jlrtho,lJrrt church, to4t,+ther
11.45 p.m. @6g!lIBDBSID�Dla39D�D®®®D®®DD®®
® GRAiGIE'S chane Hotel, Agent. Will a nunrbet• of Ih,•n (tlrnds, spell r
® 1,,. Full supply of ruedles. u %r•i') e
' D n,ii').(hl,• ev+•run t t t'
.One Car 5 X $. C. Cedar
One Car 3 X B. C. Cedar
Th, �o,derich Planing Mill +Cee,
'Phone •47 Box 18
G�d 01161h. In d�rstr�ah Exhibition
(IDufca ONT., Huron's -Golden Cate
Earlier than usual, but Bigger and `
l v getter*
NOW : Tho P � , 4. sib ands
Sip#�' nth, gthNi ••and '! 4#h
1116644 � Azi L'st and Increased 'Purses:`
for Speeding Events
Far*m*, Trot or Pact—Pam $100.00
MO 0
., .. ,. .� �S0 00
f> -
w 2.12 „ ,. • ,. ` 25000
�I �O� .,.M�.IiiYtr�l IYY .11 , Y , A,
AR: DOHERTY, Minister of Agriculture in the U. F. 0.
d� Huron Ctl�uint memberspspeak
a e � afternoon, at 2:30: and
'+ t�ient Band Each Afternoon and
a ;
Wilt OVA I NDIN is Aigh °fibre Tight Rene Walking. �.
Vatriletsist alliin hatertaiser. A111" otlyrn„ t
n ,
�itid fN11 of Isst>t�tivt at�ii �»ri>.jr Eaiorel►.
' Mi iiri Adults. 500; 0iiUm sstler 12 rears 10c .
# `Al i
k, 3
25c: wres slultl' 12 !rears, ISt
�,�� .. i
r I y y 6MY Aa3i
f..r Ciao
F L U IVI ;3 _ at a tint
® 133U81NCE AND REAL ESTATE ['rrlilt ran \vedne„rl;l), .\rig. Y3tll, tin i
®® PUBLIC NOTICF. rnteftnlnnlent litklnit the rnrnt lit a S;
--..----- - _-____...-_ ® G4)UU 4r1'F:til\N F4,11 HI NINEyN - ._.,_ rr,rri Purt.l. \te•,er+. Iluuaal'th. 8ufliry,
® F'(IR `{ALF: N ~-~
r ® ”\'itla Yictim,” Y -star)' brick, fill- Store with rr41drnee . al„n barn Bud tun Hr) rrafl and l', wt 11.111 Atlr• 1{ruernrt,f• ,
@1 r is, Iafn 'd, talml f) i til Iota. •rhe si.f 14 un nna of ilia IeadhlK 4y lyrlonalei IIllea eaY„ t„ rotl%1') tin Sr ruonrn, tecta 1„t. siluallvl nn the of need lrh. Tar bhing K nn. been IIeNIy Plu'ly t., Ito• plre,rsnt•• putnt.
®, painted and everything is ., I/rst rias. Labor Day at 'fnrleh
soulll �irlr of ! fr•!nn .`rlrert. 'I'h!s shoe". n tlrst-class upenmK for n Uva nine
INANY QT1 A�T/I 7ry�T Cy !E ullr of the i wan moilrrn 4i u ,non"y nnaker. A baiwain rr,r quirk 4410, Baseball Imirli,un, 11t ;Incl rather
t L V lel l J. L1 i7 ® Iola, in tu%vn. Iwnlydiaf0 pus- St>rak gwrk. Kpurts. 411.15 tri prizo%. \turnlnK pro.
�e snLul. P. J It f.♦V, Ileal F,tate, KranJ' rluderrh'll %.litrfrh, ,1/:10 a in.
DELIVERED AT THE FACTORYAftern,llen prour•1u1 1:11"k-16t;re_
D ory r,•,1 brick hm,st full)' 189BD96�®!g®9B9tDD tB9st79B8Ns93Brt4elFasd9 ;
M niodern. i t•nntli„, full hus0rnent, D D Illiuu, Y p. rn \\Inn„r„ „t morning
(e9 ,incl 4fU rnln,n uurne. ll peak lift Ai
suutli side. of East Street. NOTICE l ,
® 0 f m tl)n %argil it 411, •Iprn Relay
THE HURON CANNING AND EVAPrORATING CO 1 -„lair)'. franlp house Willi 7 alar• 1,r 1 fe,ur Ie•le,lil banns.
s l8 rourris, roll lot %%ttlf orchard, D lice Sertion%geant
for the position h- 81 Uunr. N n1 I•.%vl ILMI rn iter ••%rNOp1 �f
® Police 8ergoaflt and Night Watch• u o , tit a,l.prr,'s .,r the Luric-ir H,,sr ll
D sll n St on the west tldP of remodnk-el.
man of the Town of Goderieh, act• buff 4,11111 1
(4h,RICH !$ Bron Vit. \VILh a Utter remodel- D pressed to the undersigned, will
D tinu this (,art be rnnde a desli-Ailp iy f! Me►eli l't•ore unit 7 tcenl) Lusl1r,4
® pg be recelve(l up to 8 u'cloclr p. In. Al "1 11 1. 3
pruprfly 4hr
1111 will -Allyl Cheap. 8i oh lU nlru, r unl,,, ,•,1 pet z
® m T HURSi)AY, SEPT, Jud, 1020 \\ nr, \Isla h, ..r \\ rote(• r hl I!1„ Iluh- t ✓E
n JIir1}I, Ili k•, n 1111, morning.
INVF:i7'MENT SUGGESTIONS icor further particdlara apply to \hlr• h u,,_ s,•nt np rnnn \t roxrttr g.
• - �:'� .RENT° � f' ll iiltp1lD.I
The building known as
The Colborne House
with, a Icertatn portion of the land.
Will be fitted up to suit requirements:
For further particulars apply telt
'Phone 47 ' P.O. Box 18
w'l 1
Fal lWiffinery
Aueid,,tty and Wednesday
SEPT, 7th, and 8th
A co Wal r'ht itttlon is sxtentdsd to all to visit
aw i rd oms to li wp►ect the lealttst Millinery'
. �'Ir4tctltioyre
'Mac Vica
AG 1Viff i fml
( s Vi tarn)- ,Bonds hought and solil I0
IN Ch, Special Com., Glodorlob. N
Gonlinued on PapeIN I
r ® Province of Ontario Rends, due D L.
t e
MUX, 'a'ti1)TNas
is Jim-, 15, 1930, prh•e *100, to ylehl
IN Town Clerk, soh it
rnnl.,r 1.,
the effect then the
4Audel b'h l'•rl,l "ll •%%utild rl.,•,•
1. W'. 1:RAllill:,
short -
ly for till- seanun It, Incorrect Just .n
long y(x thr uttendane” w,►rrantr, the
Dow nrttiru %%ill bP iti%aney,Iubn H j.4 (n -
r f`'OTF.115 LI!•i'r NOTICE
1 �
lehlleel fu rl,rl,e t
/�'/1_ y� e
Ever Evening
The (lioil•rf(th ArnuaMent co. Ltd•
1 (:OINTY OF ffl'RO.\.
�It” Ile, $saline; la Hu•r•r' any
lhing )011 krU.%% ill that hu+n't rnerew"
NOTICE iv hereby given that d have
rranbmnted or delivered to the Peralnnf
utenu ed In thin a or the Ontario
ed tQ vretue in t1N' feat fit% year„
,lift -yon. bill pri.1ham, Ihr tall-lr'K
CIOUTArl hue: %vlllk
I %'seers 1.14,4 Art 'the rnples regall•ed by
arouuel Isle rornrr
said sef•ttans to bP se transmitted or de.
.rRd 4.11,• Rtl, I„ sly �,(1 fl •Illi •,r• ',%rP-
livered of the list, rnade pursuant to Bald
Act. of all persons appegrrhg by the Iasi
revl•ed a4sassment cull or the sold Municl.
Dsilty to be entitled In vote in the said
1un[rlpsltty At Elertlons for Mernberit of
DAt 1� --In r.utrrlrh hn 7hureday. 6U m
th Leglslitive Alisambly and at Municipal
rip qp
Daseing 8.30 to 12.00
Path. U, ter std tial 'f ti hnvi4, a
El�tlonr; and that the sold list was Br*!
pnaled up at toy offtee in the Town Half
r7nderlrb, on the 30th day of Aufusl, WA),
_ 1
Music •y Lila Society
` Society
PO\\ t I \t I/PRI Hartn,r nn Mntur-
sad remains there for InspecllolL And t
Augqust 11t9r1 Heber in -AI only
ll. o
,a� of Mr. ter,.
roll Unita all votary i<t tike ►let
and \�. J Powell. 111 ,
osr•1. I nronth4 and 24 day,
proravAlhg to have any arror�
-or oml4alons Porrerted according tot)tt%%
bated at r:nderieh this 30th day of Au--__
YIwfIBA hl Ooderlrh in Similar. All.
gglint 94th. hrXt, Mary k fisher -Airs,
trust, Ittla,
)f r. f:borw .1 f'Isber in her illmli year. ,
(IUflIN'AtIN In 1 ,lb,,riie Tnurt4hlp oil
i'riday. 41fK r1th. R Ill,anl Ib+bina,n, &sad
7s Y0111-
t�Ott RENT. 4Lroorn rootage, War Russel
1% of;moniAu
1 Hotel. Apply Box (A4, oodnrich P, O,
%1'llf'rf. In I,,,inK rn,=rnury of f•te JaGb
1.10H.iSAI.R. -Seven roomed brtek cottage,
\t'hlte itrlla,l In action +iepternber tib,
Is+ls. �
C hlndern aQn�bnlenee■Lawn.
barn. Apply eo HARI.iC$OARRrIW,
Asleep lie 11'. 10 f under. neld,.
Althnaah on real ,o1ra be near
- -
Tr, w ,the %%$it) 1„ae hi, thifttr ear'
►1end 4, ►nut hof pa+fad from that dealt brolti
Klnun Hanout M
, if' Drl(fhMr4
Always on hand at
tu,u 4
rpll C. A. ROB81ATSON
-®,cls-am-a— -----------
2 is.,x 4 is.
2 is. x e its., 8 in., 10 is.
• aril 12 in.
, 1 is. x 4 is. snA sin.
Thr & tW Cera
Bring your certificates to this Bttn '
and we will collect for you the boli ,.
payment of SO CENTS PBR H SSRI
authorized by the Wheat Barirdj
G,ODRSICH 11111AN t, •a W8"C.::
.....,. txi,:..,r,.a,...,,, . •,..0 ... ,.,„.,:w,x,; .,,.,. - .. ... ' �. .any.. �