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The Goderich Star, 1920-08-26, Page 6
1-111 11 ll i kr' ' 7> 7 S 1 .., , - n " g • -I, I i„ .. - ,, a � . ; lA . _t " I A s T ,, -11 `> �A �`, - , " , , t. , ': I 1 V IF e rNineteenth C ntu# 1111 z, 1� � �""t 1K •, ii' ,,, . . . . , Y , .., , tre-so , , A . . I I I t y0ii . I ", .1 . I , 1, ", 1 , " By E. P. ROE I., . .- .:, q. . 1nr4or of "Ort>vtsJ7J A O'iL3lsfJr ffi*1.LiTt,ke'"IiAt«TMtLElt18 Iii7RfrlGft AtYk�."4G0 4° gb djg X41 .[#1< faG r ipl3 s, ' +Gflii�tt0.'w t i ' t }�{• },p �y �Ik�a wq p kR i F 0i11pup'. r 'Car 114ts A w s, etc. i ,, �1I l Lill i "Th'11 ',.'s A f.'y .t r;s:.1iAG!'dt 1.el+,n as a Q."�angPci, a better mats, if e r i \%.••ltd be based uA idle rock of trot!). t }. + p, i 'Poor iI`,3Llane %'.sent W ).:, ruon, and � t.. Listc,crf Ii ,t+y ,tie taut l''. tic% batt leartied it., 11 vrefore concluded to iso t}aeu a,; i` ' � � � ' titlia Party that Lill (:irrtstion •1110 %vas tie had int„rlde.d. and %ritlia the dnrlslon l ` , ,nut triad(• ug, of sacreta a.nd t,ea Iltc trill- * line Lis runner happy, ntystfea( feel-: ottons. under till, fn+luenee, of wtriell i ling, %%ellingr opt In falls heart like, the t . _ f6t I`ttltl t. I,t fluty ."'ouid b..>e.sntr an a;;sy sun-flitial ,swett, Pefreabing wat,%rs of a spring. �" I '-` , I 1trIA- pail). the etow.. L,n,nesn of s►tetch inlet( hill , % • HP ahead;: %%4s !n *ore parplt•%ity�h•>nrt n,lth courage and confidence az rdam o 1 �/ f; as it., \seta( hit duty was M thfe In• to the future 4 ` T �sT xlatxe. ought hr a^,l to lir•viitfl i1i[nr:e•I. Surely,"he exrlattnPd, t am o ;eSA , ' , I him nuttier and silsifer ,and hop.• changed. a romerted rnan.These'btraagq f02" 8>!•ea fas>`. (ilii( (stat, %%otrtd lulrl8 nit';ltealthic! a%%rel rmutluras, till% uaspeukablP glad- t + ! t t+urt>I} DPS•` lit Iw8rt 1n the millet nP su much 1 tVRR�tTHING CI��AN AND F`R��F�, � j athanide in their t»,rri,'td f(•tlifif;. . %allot they asked would not seislt h0rd that la panful and distracting, trr(P\r '„ '., ry1. In the worLi's estituai!ou -a trip 1, that l am t hu%e not lake\ra arts jour- w , ` , • • t MuFupe, and a Ilfe fit ftlxuritttts.eatat• n4.{ to \aln., r; For all y0ur.,Fawi1 G OC�1"leS 4.J t0 a and aruas.•norist--for soclot\ %%o ild lYtalefane inet only 61* %i- erx fi! Jit)-• . �.11 A r s agree with leis nrot,tr, that b.' would n"4., fol• Rte xcene of 1'u nu,re:nti thnd i i , .- t ( ,f F II I b» JY f; a/lti anti I,I'lrl%i' lltl-ilke 21` t iter( Illy mnttr4.P \%ittl a m+1'%UUJ i +`3 ai ,! <.1. .,,_ its , pleased In the meanthne. `Phe u+alurt 1'AdaChs' In spit,• Of hi% efforts ft was �%oul,l say Umt it hl• could in purl a rerrclralnPrf anti di»oral affair, and all ENGLAND, (ELEQRAT@S 30tK1I1 ANNIVERSARY UR' tiA1Wl�t.' Ulr PI GiltJ+�e ch ,G'. n: I I , 4 M FATHEAS.�••-The 300ih' anniversan't mah-• amende b} uequit•t+[•tnve in su %% ere glad %%hen it Was O%rr• of the departure of The Pilgrim II%thers to America :s no%% being celebrated at Sudthampton, England, %Ath a ver) (' ' rvai.t nil#[-, a rWinea, anti one that pro- In (tie e%ea.'ndf they all met in ;Ira plcturrsque fund anti wail>r palteapt. I he psi coal is to b4. stagelf in other ct .les and tuw'nS tater. Phone 1.612 C+Dn. MOntn+eal! $#. orad Squalr+s .1 ,', a , f t n+k:td so ,true!( of Ieusrtr„ find adveU_ IialdanP't room, and floe }uuntd mora s t;,,, r P Ttre photo shDay. Britannia %oieleoroing the spirit of America. Cadet, in the background repraserit British and 1 it rage L9 111111%4.1(, ho ought cerlatnly to told then» Ills dtvlsiun sn firmly alit, Anu•r:ran �S.ulfllehs. .fold. tlul, .' that, ♦chlty the}' were bully Ritt,ill that \vats good and nuttily In surprised and finery, they saw that It "" """ """ .' � 'the } ,ung fetloWs nature ruse up air- %%as useless tq rPmonKtrate. He nPc' name l% .Jeremiah tiruw•ther!" lie` ea- huldan., (1•d not twi!,'\e L'tat lacy ,. , 190 straight In at the front acor anti! KEEP CHILDREN WE alit«, the plan. 111 the first I,laee, Is., drew %uric a dreary piet.ure of the fu- elauOed. "I'd gi\e tilt- %% hot • alrt and r•, re, --h,• lidd t• •i n tau_itt b u \%,•l' out at he back. It's my rough way of ''� I"* 114 lively frlt that Illy also., hrr',. aril.! lure as they hall deSlgilt'd it, that they anything else th bout, that wa. uai,ed r,,r that,—but he r,.ard:•d tlrrn: 'IN a . Got Reim. Ttdd cumin' to the Plot at Mee. I can sQe DURING HOT WEATHE,1 )t,t,ry' vh�%%s till tetarty all xubjecl> %%ere halt I11ellnvd to think that he wa' It I could only gft reltgu,n. But t[', f.\t e\Itjrnres that It,, \\ay areepled, that that you're runtlln' behind in s'peret'al - nh Matters, ■ els an I believe wuu{d he eodtiuual:} at cfirlanre %%•tttr right, And G•rl him, prrA•encP would be use fur me to think about it: I'm dusk' If,, \%us u I,.+rt*u.+a: sod he exp ct'I '�t -x r a d e e that my cussed- E�'ery mother knows how fatal ft his awn, since ti.ey %\'ere coming to a ,greater %mar...•v,f pis'n than of cum and cooled off,.and \\uuld nrcai, ,n•'' th.•ist to c(.nttnue, ::nd to Lear foul fur- While `h ness is�part to ,blame. You don't feel hot summer niuuths are to small chi fort to tilt'no. Hr also convinced them tell thousand pleces if I trier to cuaLIA ! %vard, i,ii I hu h anti i%er the . +a good as you used to. It would never dren. Cholera Infantuny larrhoet look at fife froom such totally different t i t : U$ p• trent- ipy do to get down at the heel In these mat- dysentr rtandPoitits, Its also hc;Nt+ve,i that he that it %%otrltl i)4. !eS% Ptubarrasln;r foe rttyseif. 1 couldn't feel what you Pert lar (4.:.+i, lit lv:+ 1.?.t, a, un tt strut:r and "— t y, cold( and stomach �• trouble r ers 'cause the or t poorest timber h , til to a to '+ c P On t wt ,)Id b)• tan t,veitipt•esPnt burden and � e it H. t4. )p sloop than with any, more than than 1 could run a4.. ' ,s ):sir..; t.d. • Mr. fI. Maxwell Rroddlxou Alta. P e are rite at this ((mile and often a Prr suurce of niurlitic then to tile»(. As ;i his send. and that the plan uP guinii jurup ad you kin. qty mural jtnt, Is a• Mrit Arn.,t also .toted til:11 ,l:4. V. a ' � * market is your old backsliders. Id ra efous little IIPo is lost atter only a ft,% •chtild and a buy tial td been tfu>Ir idol abroad nerd not be given ill). ell as bedge •stakes. I(! tried to Rit writes:-- I was in til© army whga X gqt 'ther be what I am than be a backslid- hours' ll'Iness. The mother who keep a JwIt nn the ,•\,• of Ita%mg Il, fn., Pur a heart trouble. Tile two doctors tolck e .Tete right . , t• way, 1 But airs. Haldane way strenuous on up a tlLP of your teean', it \\•uultl beY s to take thew Baby's li\\n Pablets In the"hou_Se feel They n P Y r ht. an•I that , t her tui t. \ uul I �i had I d forward nl to til time t t 1 4.i a there 1 } N: U m� t e was little ho for' me, to P ttas t38t things 1 h n time before h o ., b ore you 1 tile fn st • .s � u a t that h, . do 1 4.• a, the 4.r} h e t o n s ti f n lit 1 tet % I •v o hue along t .eve � a e. fib w'hi>n ire, '.%4th Ir•rr•,,n,ndlrat+le ulannrre + P H Itatnn. like trying t y is f K tltrn and 1 xpt:.iu h••4. u;••An�ax sauce• i better. i have doctored with other �' t f e occasional use of the TAU and reputation, would bel•ame their accept tier old offer, anti live a quiet by buiidin' a lire on fife tr,,zrn R'duun'J fully. ; I doctors but with no relef. ,- year ago down hill too Last, It. Isn't that Iwant Ito l lets prevents stomach and bmvel trot. escort in the exrlushe cirrles in -wi lel: respectable Ilte In soma retired place ]t' would rely make ono tittle %put soft In tunrl i,:(n s1 P \%r , t a friend told me to try N1iJburn's Heart ba rid of you at all. I've it gr.><E bleay,.,or U the trouble comes sudden) the}' were entitled to [nu\e. Ncriv h,, where hr \%aS not known. and sloppy: the tire \could stiun .go-uttt: "1 think sail did %\slat \%•, riulst anti: and Nurve P1ts. I laughed at, hilt at used to you, and like to have you, --as It generally dues—the Tablel may and Would continue to be the fu, "f %%Ill not have It sald," she perais- then It would f►'eezo rlRht u1, situ beet in rrUunlnr :i '+ n .\t :111; tho time, and told h'm they were on�y a round 'mazingly; but I don't 'sPtiae wilt bring baby safely through. The ted. "that any son is working ax a corn- Now, with you itg spring ail u\er: ),till rat. you 11me rt,arhrd th•• age when' fake, but as I g,,t worse I thought tl s possible for *,*,on to reef right and are sold by medicine dealers or b SuperableheiIr flat to uann ritie and b;) -Hve with roe, and io you had better road! at 20 cents a box from the D (hell trtirIlx and manner hP would J1P own factory hand, nor tail f have tion, ft,+,:>I tender and mell,>t• ht.r, and e•\+•!'}'- }•ou must obr\• r•our 1,\\11 rnnr,rienePt) I would try a box. I !)ova taken s•�sr out, stick' 4.s time, for you anust keep Williams Medicine Co., Broekvillt rontlrxially retnlndr>d uP ttiy fact . M'al- ulrtt'i Paxaoecla6['d \+'ith that \vrPtehrai d[inid !rood •,s ready to sl,r,.ut. N"ell. anti eau on It oiler phare lite rP.punylh- boxes, tend can say that they are the feelln good and pious If -e lets idols art- a perpetual otP',nrr• to ! creature %+brise protanly And gtrner- veli t if I do have,tn go to W11 N1ek a; :lits of >our action- upon others. Bull first thing that ht -W me, and I feel as g P k my buy lir [-sot. Al nutandishmrns are the ,Itown talk and lost, I'n1 Powerful glad he's L:el thL rrnlen:t,rr that you o%ve to your moth- it I were a new rnhn. I surra ctrt�thank it's all up witth you." (bete former worshipper S, at, they P%er I( CANADIAN NATIU11AL E\HIRITIOlt remind of the downfall of to\%rring the constant theme of new•spa'per squibs, set back In your ca.—." er lite most dc•lirate iurbcarance at. I them, ad f0el that with a few snore ('I'll be continuer+) bill),. s. Yoll at least n%Ve It to us to let this hong and rarnest:y (lit] Hal.fane t4.} rut !aeration. You .- luuh! ,writo to boxes l will be wdl.•, --•_ __ _ ! : 1OAONTn ' - Willi all Isis faults, Haldane had too scandal dh• out as speedily as possible to reason Ills quoting friend t•ut of hi< hrr> reirulariv, ant( set•k to prove that t Sores soleal Quickly. --Have yotr a per -- ah e t Wherever r here aro 1 i o with eak If yu • , people w You \% Ill I (t o t 4. c %• t i , t l% Willi t ey • i I,t•I At la t il %' p S Stent sore that nmc+t) spirit hrr Ko through !!�• its alfa(• n . 1 t ! , r roost lea- despairing views lit !s n P. t %•uu are guided h prfnrlplP rattler than .'hearts, we do not know whore they can o e , t refuses to host . 1 her, f)urlrrg the Canadian rational Cxhl %vitt, must be tolerated, endured, kept sonabl,• requtreruents. I wf I see that (,Ill nlan said teatily m'p:ase. Your nu•tser has much ren- find a remedy that wdl•do so mut. o try Ur. Thoma*' 'electric flit in the hitIt,n, August 10th to Sept.- (0th' In fn flat, background, and eon ertrhtµ }'Ott I'Me fill abundant supi>�ort. it you "Now lout: here. vuu're Loon full -11,10- .ton to fret as sho due*, anti nothgne y h t dressigg, It will stop sloughing, carry elusive, the Grand Trunk gateway wi rdako the heart regain strength and whom no questions rolls( he asked. %%Iit not . I Rave tin evidence of a ehangw ell a saint to inxtrurt a seasoned an,. ; an excuse volt from the tacrctl duU1Pr ��"ay the proud'Itesh, draw out the pull oPe4'stte a hrougp coach betw(56 restore it to a normal and healthy and prepare a clear way for the new l,oderich and Toronto leacing Vode He slid (stink t[e nhALG?r over Iona In vthur character: rotor can I see any experienced old sinnt'r like rot\. Yue you owe t , her." condition as Milburn's Heart and'Nertre anti carefully, anti, concluded that eved better way than to leave you to suffer don't kuuw all about lite Lord'sf%a} J Haldane d;d \artier. as 31rs. Arrant Slag- pigs skin. It is the recognized heater among ; rich : at 6.05 a.m., arriving Pai•kdal for fats mother's tied sisters' sakes ly the ronsequenrPS of your folly until yet, and I know all about tilt' I,P%ii'. trested. In a ft.'ty days ho reeelvPel t r oils and myriasds of people? can certify 111.02 am., 'Toronto 11.10 pan. standar you vlu lone to your tk•nyr,." %ways, Because you'\e taut out til hl: f ,. Price 50c. a box at all dealers or that It healed when other offs failed time. For further partltulars apply t Wonld hr best that they should live foll(,wintr letk•it, nIn hls nluthm. ! npart. if be could thoroutrt+ly retriey,j "\lot'her, stn you think a strung fellow clutches :and 1'11, miles(} glad yui _ \'e shall sail"'(411 F:urpoP as soon a • mailid direct on receipt of price by The utterly, 1 Grand Trunk Agents Ills eharaeter where tie had lost it, they of illy years and Pnr•rgy cfutld go to an have; you needn't make Ifs -lit of 111111, wv can get ready fur the jimniv ihts., � T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. Out. +, would be reronelled to him: if fie Ottt-Of-%HIt" place, and just mnpel and take Allot PUPS Niru as ,;f ht -liar lawyer Is tnvce aldn-all the ues-ar,i.--�---� could not, he %vo.uht hP less tot a bur- teat find sleep for the sake of heiner sup_.. was nubn.fy, 'spechill.v %%turps S(TIPIr irrangements for its. I will 1•'o%•P trout, \ den and mortillrtdllon absent than pr., ported? I %copld rather starve first. I calls him 'a ruurin' hon.' If I %%A• a"\affil hlnh, and wtienryer }nu are read} "What du you mean?' e _ tear We shalt never understand Pach oust; as you tit., I'd make a dead set to I I "I II give z\'uu a rrrelpt to Pull And a srtlt. y ). n good.fait.l tc arcepG nl%' offer, Ira),,, % When he considered his own fei•1 ng* other: and I have rcaehed that oin get away frum' him: but atter � tryln gnu,( character, and then you look for � • ,� p j llfllatun, ani IIcP so that tilt Scandal tit• thntlgiil of skufklllg slid hullgf`, •- itfP wtTPO i meat follow, my 0A\T IllOrl` tlrrlPR Iharl )'Uhl'Ve liV'eat years. 'an dtt' pllt. yell can Ohti1''n (enol hh,l a hE!alttl grC bnilydln'-P tal`l`." 1��Q �/'�1��(>• through life made his cheek tingle with( consefeifer. I shall leave tomorrow filar- know it ain't, no list,. i test y'ou I Can't •IIP means of licinir cteevntiy and quiet- t '\h, 1 see You wish to be rid of roe." �44.rri// V Specials L �7 shame and disgust. Conscience sided ning before any (of you are up; and far, feel as you feel, any taore than vol? ly. AS it Is , I flys In daily terror test �(P, you don't see, outface. 1 %%^loll Willi his rinetna Lon toga back to lit), my working clothe*, (.;nod -•bye:" and ran Squeeze %\:Wtrr Elul of then, (Pill any( "Lill again do st.ntething \vhirh \\•III y'o11 to be t•id of m4. - before trek could realize It, he had kL�• Irons, :\-A-h :" + ',ring nor name sofa, til flillal•,n I " f st eplirsv, if you wish m4.• to ge.� old holt( fight nt ltlllatun: and It also pap- t'I1 got at once" said Haldane in a des - appeared An hire .Chat he, otfuld dere sed them atilt left the roont. Haldrone %cas Silent. Peeling that til' ,rs: and. of enurse, eyerytl'rus: iv r•(Pn_ Children's Rompers .................................... 7 5 c !miter mahrtAht is Christian 1lfP, to spittt TUPY weakly Sighed as Over tilt, +nevi old man's Spiritual condition \%t:, to, +Phi by Lhr pr+•*s of til:: euv. \Wilt lite p "Amit tune., • r n "Anti offs hair -tock sit the odds agttitJsi hffr'i4 than ity.ta-• ltaiblP; but one of his sisters aAld, ..lir knotty a pruhla•w stir him to I K t ha P cock into the bar- rte , Must lite enervating eotir,set marker( out %vI1J fail irlad enntlah to eome to .our After a `Pew nioin••nt, Mr. f; u%\ihs, 'me r%ri rime when you wig con>fd='gain? I ain't one of the kind yore know Ladies' allover Aprons, from.....,...... 1.CC t� "2 r \arta :,1 hen's sent *ist• 4.S' PPeiinoill lata talk* around Rubin Hood's barn, by Ills another. He also remembered IPrms before wh)ter." added. Ina ,3nitw that h E: rant t4., L )I'll, a ;'toe Ali went as %vi tt ;;; cool) — Curtain Material from 25c a yard to .............. 75c 1 Willi a faint thrill of hope, that what- very ,ulet»ei,toand irnpre:,,i%e e exp••cied in fit,' trvinz cirrulnSlan- ) 'CHAPTER \r. � P%rr rPeoattftuA a could•iget at till- "But (\%;Ara( you to tnjo\, your ells e* of Haldant''S lite, Hls prayers U)r ....1.- Ladies' Silk Bose, spacial ............... 00 and y�i1 25 I � �__ Haman Nature µcons. feelln'a% all the sante. I will lish•n Strvngtli anti, patience were at llrst Par- Al.an otirlY hour Haldane, hue to his L, all the tacripter rf•adin' anti prayin -test, anti fhefr nnswers Seemed a%-! 1 V ONLY purpoa dP arted . frodfa the home of you're %villin' to (in, without makln ,tired—so assured, ind6od, that in islets' Hair Ribbons, per yard................25c to 50c i - THERE IS ��� tell cllitrihuod to the any dfsturhanre. 1hilved, I think 1 \yR 'hese, of I vtP and IV' RrInPx4, ♦ . j as he had come, guise, of a laborer a placer .lilij,-mofjter heard bt, t'nJay my wriggles r)u,rr•, now that at: yrntra;'% ramp t0 he hurried or ort - Men's Merino Underwear, medium weight, act Inst GENIC AIN steps 411 stir stairs, for she land eased a honest grace ran be sold mer them, :\c erG d tlrforr hr- . \'A* away cf 11 _ . sleepletis night. agitated by painful ent_ When \,till read the Hihle, you nee,ln't 'veling began to elih v\vA%, He at la:+t year's price,, I churls, Nile wished to call hint back: read the eussln' parts, if yer don't 1Pcaniq troubled, and then alarmed. ' . � '"" She grieved over his course as a "dark %%Ant b,. III read 'eni to- myyelt tiers,- and made gr,•at efforts to rPgaln hist t Alen's Balbriggan Underwear, fine quality, tIt `old' i1 e. and mysterious providence." as a mis-1 after. I'll give you all llrc le1>%yay dd hslnpy <nrntlotio, And Pxperlenre*: ,.I Only Tablets with Bayer Cross" ) that nn old curmudgeuti like myself '\lit, itke an ontgoin,: tide, feeling � A , I pt ices. - fortune \vhlcttq like death, could not. ba (yell ed:'bat wild tine kin: and I expect to tali', A slight o' eunl- •hhed stvacllly A\vay, are Aspirin --No others 1, P parslsteney' of A I little mind, Capable of taking but a -stn, furl in aceto' yuo goln', on ver way 4.c• W'a face indleatod h41s dlsgnit,t And �' --- --' ltll'> Ad naruw view. she was absolute- jofrin':' tnxfety, for he fell tike inn w9u, \vas 1 ty Sure She was.rigbi in tier course, and And tie d1d Stern to take as snoods In- •Iinsing h1 a rnpe that was slowly • 1 (crest In l41c young man's prugrrSx and partln Strand fay Strand. `'-- 1 J J L' 1R�,E.> %�,�t that nothing bill harsh and bitter ex. a Y Mft Perienee nvould bring her waysvar4 new Spiritual experience), As it he alun` Ween-eyod J's•. t;rmvthrr %cntehed . \ • • • sun to his senses. I were the one IntervAled. Hla Plfr,t% G tint closely, and Was. satisfied that s Nor did It Seem that the 11aris ex' epntrol ills Irrilablllt}' and prnfanity :nmPThina v'as ami**. lir \\a. noels .r M • _ ' ' Perlenee, would lit+' V4. Uftting, for. the %erre hath udA an11 pathctic, and Hal- -neerned anti took not a little of lift ft Clegim to hanc'i1e... Sold, by All � hi��$ I�6, •_ South side Square morning was \vttl advarreed when hM Alone would xvtnetlines heat' shu swear blame Upon him*elf, ri;nggists, Grocers and reaelhed ills pisco of work, and ,he re- litµ.softly to hhnaelt, with a.strangt "Hew• ran a Eaton the a Chrtstan. try General Ston •� t, ` \• P . y. \ \ ed face ,ti r -thins: P (r nt rlton I •w ,•n„ rattwP , Iha1. d , i d a kierrr � nt ' � Tf yt}u (lira ape the Raper em I, foreman for being no late. His explant in tormer times hr, would have vented ',Pei7S e,srh romnan•• — f he?" be moot, — ,� +��- - �� -1. ". _ '- -- on tile tnlflMi(, refuse them—they, are atop that he had received permission his spfie do the harshest lance. Pled. 'i s'pnst, I kt,%,ler ,+',4.n and with, '` , not Asp`lrin at all. to be absent, was Incrr•dulausl rcePlc► Haidane wrote holly to fir,. Arnot of ar nn his tl•tir,ll t'eelln's lii(P A sill bur k Your druggiat ladly will Iva yott the y ills visit to his natly> city and Its-happ9 'e acid fartnrv.•• n ° W t �Iqq q „ Pd. It also Seemed that Jibes, taun'tl g enuine "Haver Tablets of Aspirin bo- and sneers were filing at film with in- results, and erdarar•d upnn ills shange(I [tnP evenfncr Ile exetafm'P,i t., tt,t,ir'n,• i PaHat icnuine Aspirin now to made by erensJn- \•Pnom by lots Ill-natured as- feelings as the proof that he was a i >-„\• . a•nnntr man. yon tract brttr.. . t'nnad*its and o%%-ned by a 0aaadian � chortled man. > null nut lit herr :' •('onrpxtiy. s9clates, who \avec- vex0d That tile). ha 1t • e" ,s` ,. ` n \ S flue iv was prompt, and v A H r re b n n. 'Ci;Pra! is not atixtrt'e wh it ggf been ptf► riAt tbPt3n a11je, to itrlrat+; tt. area),' by %vita the �varrnest eongratulath nS And '���� - ----"- Interttsti n As tin, all rights bomb put, then Parses- ttfoos, _ _ (� ehatec•I Train go U. S. C:overnuient. But lite 66,1ret of their spite was expressions or the sinverest sympathy FALL 1'.IiR DATER -W • hoaid a -man Riau e d Duringthe •roar, Retcl Imitations were dwelling In it %world at which they( it also contained these Words-- \ llu• VON wa Aspirin to Pitt Boyles pod vartoue knew nuthing.rand lit whihh they had "I fear ,that you are dwHyrou too Pollo\vinu aril glee dates announced ° 'other eontahrera, • 8ut now )Pon Can Ilei no part, gild, almost oblivious of thetlti ltuttPly npotl ynur terlings Anci exile(° for fall falls In tilts ,11%trfet, f;ndcrlch iS � + gen-6ne Aspirin, fainly in lm t \tt-lth existence, tit' 'pnrfortned,,bI1t meehanfPat lencea, and hiving to them a value thoy it]" earliest of the list : . - r`Zet the el hone•Co '. eP many'use the Lhr -lfety "looser Crtresi'Aaplrin duly in almost undisturbed serenity, do not hosstls. Not.that l would under- CODERICIf .................51&PT. 8-a-10 4.'0 tsth ells los mus ears if ruvr,l SAA by millions for Headache, value them— the),are gracious token( A fi eymad P Pte years, Mr. fira%vthrr wt%tchomed him back Brussel*..........,..,........SPP(. f•I-15 � 1 of i,od'A favor: hill then are not 11' t they meed money to• bur7d more plant." 'Coal►, rhe, Iatraehl. Rbet>ratattslA. 1>nm+ (tacit tiearttiy, and r1u1E11 RiJ..;Air.[af lager Mcetrr ........................Srpl. `;D -`if+ bauo,Coldit Itfenrltls,and Plain nerally. INSPeclation, gild NvitentIto-14,,00 brietis grilunds of .your salvation and accept' Zurich .......• ................Re i. 22_231 ` TUIV11V titn bpxea of 12 tablets --also but gtaphleally "hart idol( ltlii..�r;" et%lencc. Ance with, •Gd _ . o .II . r%3torttt... •................fir>pt. 23-� tourer "$slyer" packages, he ' holabled' up ,.till dcitilal WW froom In* _ _��_� _._ - - ._ Inrrtsnnw ........ , •....... • , .4Ppt That's exactly wba�t we have' done) . , tvtiirin to tile- trade mark (resdottered a MAP of great exeltement, - � w11 Rayitelrl ......................Rept. 28'-21 In i'trnikktal, of fdttyer Manufacture of You've got 141 Tculwt gttt lit i t►d ' Blyth ................... ...Opt. 3"et, f $harclioldeis Of the Bell Telephone Company of Cascada haat* A{ �ttoacetleaddeirter of Baiicylleacid, ill(. genulne artfole, :sup, a+z Is ttfn cls tli �' 11 , , , ,� y `� '4 Wingharn. • ......Rept. Aft-11rt.. f �. $"« Uungsinnon......................()et. 7-8 beets plaid obly to moderate,tVWT on t par v�ue of their stone t Ct5t#tem'Li°t!.:It�ilt'tlt�"t3RC l� f` tf$f[g�,i\---tYOlriOt'ei 14 .� - 92 • We have trade no distributions of bonus'stock, no `melons' have iy'" AA �� ' % 1irVe# Cul; no distribution evetibeen made of surplus earnings. . , . C.? A ) I '111 0 ! .SRI Every -ft- of stbck has brought us its par value, or better. " . I ) I �, te.L� -L S .ll Por forty ),flats we have consistently used all surplus earnings, ' ° _'. '' idle 4.c Ctfes. to buy p p 'fie t�J - � � '' to �x'� ,w a brook kitO t'ise business to extend t anti (terve neW subscribers ' .. ' > y 01 .• ' 111W il;i The time is lrfartl again to got yp11r heasrt aQd girls° , tVltRt hos tXlwpoit'cy meant !o'thepu5lit:? ` tl la . t, - 4.jt .ltfifntSt><Ib .tarn•lte `iifa31vv Go>irulatsi ti°t'rt 1 rr 1 prepA;Ped for filo loll ta$1°m 'tet Ixo col E.%. .vq 1. Thi x�til,,, Ake► ;, ItlCozll ► btWeek�l6 afi "O. I f Ftp the hind that will stand the t6tlt in tttiy `l+v,lath,6h ' , 1:� - P At our sfiorp you will, figd the most iaotbi iet;Ib *took . tt: of thea class -of (oot*t%kthat'V�ill jW6i,160stile4ou„ tett 1 + - ' tilts lowest ptis'sittic, price+ . uti"%this if i att3x i rtf ter y t ghat good Sh%oes lab can offar stiff.1. � , : 41m "L. . REPA1 1. lit rte d©- your Shoe iitfptatiltiAg and ltl, b it � otte g :i right. I ° ,r PLP'. ,fp-f GE0*11 MA�dw"'R' . cc $ , �.., *0 tt :1t # , . llitlltitfu(�ili I . 00 I 6 f�i % • 1111LI ATItl- ------,-rlt& 'Tlir ft: rt,V. C a11tn, sit silt ik t,�'\Vier c all omia. till tit illt'"Waa tiff%>- _, tt toreet Of k%L om , shit [t lion-Oderw ii 41"litlts at Eli\ }tbv- t tb tiut?lt t1Te t'hm tell W la aw,k WWI, ad'� ,iO j+4.,( L N I % . . . , : �1, I r �i' on at our ash tate rE"VVW test- . 't�i� f"b�ilild 0MVif we hacj, trot pursued this hoiulrabie coutpe of tutt'Wrag all ilu puts earnings ba&fnto the business we would bave - 1Id'tcll'prortfiicln Tilt the year 1918 alone an a4iffidonit'1$909,000 out ! 64f+ nlltetcr int+d+est on the plant so secured. This, of course, • would have mfsfanant higher rated to subecfibra. - - The 'fact Iltt we abed' t4km* of lie* money ,,just bccauoe our qtr have wos been at mik, steeping dosis our bond and stock itlsutel, grid ftsuring low loafs to d& wbscn`bers l % ! � , t6M HELL TEi,EP*10= C011I#:P►AStl''Y 10P CANADA 11, . ANVieh..' 1 I_ . , ii __ � - ,-r_., . . -_-_. _ _ _, . , 47 . . ,• .. . y, , n 0 41 I \ 11 9,;'11 1: .1 Y ,• ,, r )'i