The Goderich Star, 1920-08-26, Page 5Y, At1�t ';hi1Fr, t>a1d. �'•.
diet;calu,t►ti Itte M4(lns Otatk, itxd
'Purchased 0901 xel,c t• Cllr
i mut (047A ;Frill tint tits flet
is • li'+xell.$n3' ext: #rich c+ealetery , 9�alt
.._ ,��Jy�, Mn y nt� �!y p�� ♦ J,
Aw!•ored MAW W OF AI.* �W W 11 W I !lywy.,w ••,.. — wr•_n.. , .. ..
+tts,ta. tainfd. by the la" 0 1. sltlld �ls th% twj ; ' Xa."Vi�lr - ,�;.�',1:���E.1;��
two 1 ks. t' ",0* ,k,+MT
Q= ., . , ' 'jhH il11e t¢ u tdlo eta ply a E�llq tt A V'rttf "e Uetiltt yup thx .1 t1.1ay.Ra - s. .k� +�-'� p
... .a
on, .vllt t !w t ThI.s Its i i +
at the drAU of*� ;k- .4 1 3 c�Phicrin�larevel perhhal s the, Ai'st �t c +t to atte- air " x
~ 611
dart, qtr. Thorr>p4oa, said rceanlmendl?tt 'kite in the Rant tett Wears at 1ea put !n > t4.>Mi, !. .It1.. SaRtardtlya >iQ F.eA. P :t1
tires a letter of c,otlldolenre big aett"t t+1, trine terials court" hove bceil p .SttMR ogt F
�. thi�l fi l tf tpiiaq tenapd ramify, spiendid corlditfou alld are protlauaced :
These reports rt�ere adopted: by those wall WKY as ""fiery title;' n '
•�1N 1t >Yit ra bt•tr ti i t.olrltrmors cad +ytli bo resli40 by the opening dlaya
The mutter 'K the Xol W, -d tucl 1#irtl Onf� IMUrt is alrfWY 141d and the atm^ w
9v�tlghIland uulfilatk Yt1ARF4d1.filar'; •the ,bal,1. wait the
oi�ts't atime 111 ph; � al . ' °` �l ����(. �. pt •� lr�� O«14.�+
chailrtl1sik R ilia: 00110 awtitt"klt comAlt• iasi•1, 11nd tb tl .,.�' `+ `
tee thaltrt;,lftquiries as to a email Rlece lrl1in11sB learned by �t1ss t10 aati ° ..
r QI itasti fer'Rumhase, by the Lo�Yll foo, qtr• RotterllWal this $ittnmer tine pi►ysl-
nlixt wlutcr's user The clerk was .sl;lo 00 side the Auka�r HN: ,+►x911 1!9
InstrUete#. ta,, write to a 0.4,;a ail of ext tl provldCfl Iqr• u
r have, trandgdillg `; Atlkslt*H,�.adatga
towns \vhleh Za ni
- 01 eo e
rqunlct at fuel #V, a rr lot atnt6matian
ulsuof.ta Oi carte Apri 1040s llor pa fight StiVrilpooke Jost ndxiia taken from flus
h Ct#ctitar InIESht� The
toiiuvx{kt 4te>at A xery itrotty
in >some of subb places, w0ding was Q taiad last ¢cenlutl
" Another iinatter Councillor Knight I At, se+en o'cinek, at the home of Mr.
brought up was the matter or a room' alfa :ora, 1). N. Ityndtuan, when tttetr 1. On 'Wednesday I st September the Goderich Public school reepens
at the town hall where the firemen daughter. idessle Ntay, became the bridt6
could gather for social, enjoyment.. of Air. A.' H. At~t4ea, .of Loadan, dnt•• f and there is always a lot of a*tra shopping' to be done tt g# the
They were entitled to better accom- se and son of Al • _and',Mr, . 3. g wn.
tnpdatlon than the back 9t the flrt ked, of Goderich. fres, 13.8 Tirown' K.iddieS ready for School. Aiother will find the '��C�T��i
Takea hall, where they were wont to gather, pastor of Nle ShArp,oke Methodist. STORE an idea] place bay cllilJren's school outfits# We carry
11 and having such a ,comfort0le place church, omelated, and the ceremony
as. should be !n operation would plaeq was performed in tht' resence of
Went In a po,~ition to respond to„ fire about forty of the near relatives. The , the largest stock of children's wearables all at prices that Aare exeep-
K O'D A K togeth quiclts shire they might be house throughout �t a decorated with
together. This was referred to the firs¢ hydratrgea8, fragrant sweet Peas, (erne tiofaally reasonable.
committee. sod pink Ahlox. The bride wag given
The night watchman, ltr• Cantelon� In marriage by her father and wore a
`�,1`j� having resigned the position, the vice gown of ivory oharrgeuae, having ern- Children's Gingham Dresses all sizes from $,.jo to $5.00 each.
with th yOu chAirman of the special committV rP- broldered Aanirrs, and'bodiee with In -Children's 1�2iddies in white jeanages 6 to 14, each $I.25.
ported that oMr. Rudrn dock had been en- sets of Carrickmacross lace. An e
gaged temporarily. - broldered lace scarf worn by the
A motion was passed leaving in the bride's mother and great grandmother. Children's school Hose, rib, lisle thread, black, brown, white, from 39c a pair.
Your speedometer tells you how far hands of the special cofnrnittee, completed the asturneP. Hs. erlthouqut Boys' exatr heavy rock rib Hose, black, 6�� to io!/, from 5oc a pair.
the matter of supply and the Deputy
you went --a Kodak tells you where Reeve moved, seconded by the Reeve streamers. Miss Kathleen Hyndman 1 Boys' au'd Girl's' combination Vests and Drawers, all weights, `vhite and natur
ere }'
that the vacancy be advertised. Car- youngest sister of the bride, played I
you went and what you saw. The I tied. the "Bridal Chorus" from Luh rA. r I at keenest prices.
The council adjourned, a few min. •4t the close of the ceremony �irA. F
lktes aflrr g o'clock. H. Bradley Sang d'Handelet's "Be- Girls' and Boys' Sweater Coats and Pullovers.
PLeasure of the tri can never fade --_. ^at,ti;' . After conKratulations ha, t
�_ been extended. a buffet supper was
with clean-cut Ko ak pictures to rc- LOCAL TOPICS Served, the v,edding oaks In the centro Navy Series from $1,75 to Extra Quality Wash Satin
- �`i - - of the table, artistically decorated
fresh a laggard memory. r Al'uhttnued Prom page 1) with while sweet peas, and gypdophl-
las. Among out-of-town guests vv ns O White Wash Satin 50 much In
It quantft'y of reed has been received sirs. J. L, Aitken, mother of the groom. $7.�
Better take along a generous supply of film, during the week and busy workers \t� kbd Mrs. Aitken mom'toreei to New- demand for waists, dresses and trim -
We have a complete assortment, autographic are snaking this up into the lines for port, v. here they took the train for Navy Serges are going to be Fall
pwhich the company Is establishing a
and nOn-autographic, and it Is all kept t ndcr reputation for first-class goods. The Montreal, and later lle boat to Toron-
p to, The bride travelled In a navy blue favorites this seasofl. We are show- wings, lovely Satin finish, 3 inches
• Star Is pleased to note the progress tricotlne 9ult, wlUi taffeta hat to ing a splendid range in Union and all
�t'd��r COrditibris. this company is making. }, wide, special $2,75 a yard. A better
match. After the honeymoon. \Ir, and pure Wool. Best English melees from
Kodaks from $11.21 up Real Estate sales Mrs. Aitken will make their home in quality at $3 95 a yard.
Some recent important sales of rest- London, Ont. �.I,75 to �7 5o a yard, a
1. dens properties in Goderich include Dr. Simpson on Chine
tilt the residence of \!r. Dlegaw, Water- 4 veCy, interesting tacit vv'aa glvrn m' New Fall and Winter Coats in Silvertones, Vurs, Potn Perms, and Salts
Campbells Drug Store loo' street, to Mr. B. to Taylor, of East P1USheS
\Vawanosh, who Intends moving to the lecture rouni of North Street
Methodist church on Tuesday evening
Goderich after ,a little. We understand ,the meeting being a ewnbination of
1; The Penslar Store Mr.'\tegaw intends locating in British Epworth Leegue and pray- ADVANCE SHOWING OF FALL AND WINTER FUR
Columbia. The consideration was tt4,- the regular
ldext to Miltar's Scotch Store. the Square e r meetings) by Dr. 3hnPsnn, silo is
500 spot cash. Also the Widder pro- at present viaiHng in :town. Dr, Shop -
petty on the river bank, for 166,000, to sun is a medical rndsslonary in China Q Q and 10
\tr, W. J. Shortreed, or Pittsburgh, and has thus a rather Intimate ac Goderich Industrial Exhibition Sept. V� ! f
a _ Pa. \Irs. Shortreed and children have uaintance with the C4binese charae-
'1( '1nOWN COtAr1CIL that the building was the Goderich been summering in Goderich and will q
Dust �7t11ce on the building. The oHl- occupy the proporfs t1 iS winter. Mr ter, The doctor toots, a text for hl-
P. talk, '`week first theingdom of God,'; Take a Holiday and Come to the Exhibition
A %*,ant!W for Night %*5111,elkman-A r'tad ill vvt+use charge this hey was ab- Shortreed, we understand, Is connected and emphasized very strohgly the need
Move aAor Meeting rRace for seaA at the time but the ukatter would with the Heinz people. Still another
receive attention on his return. transfer Is that of Mr. W. Chdshnlm', of giving first place ,to the things of
Firemen Notice of the Bell Tele hone Cu:ls, the Kingdom. The •old •idea of mis- MCCaII's Quarterly
v p house on Bruce street to Mr. J. H, �ionat v work as a *mall part of the McCall's Patterns
application for increase in rates vvtts Johnston' Philanthropic work of the church ti
i The rrxular meeting Of the tov*•� -
received and referred to the special y br supported by 25 cent contributions
•rouncil leas held oa FriidaY night last., rummiltce, Conservator Ezams
s,ounriV r, \Iftx,hell, Moser and Item I'hr• public works committee recon,- Pullnwiug are the results of the Tor- had gone, and ntisaiktktar} work must , STOR� Phone 56
yi brr brr.ur the absenbrs+s. mended that the street inspectur', re- be Io upon as the business of the 'phone 56 M i L AR S SCOTCH
cher 1,,. A ulle:ctur'a .report was rr,t u_ auto Cunservatnry uP, nlutic u+idsun, 1 >f I ��\\
port of Alla. lith be 1llrd; that the pe- „err examinatl„ns held in Goderich in church, \\'orld eiLize��sl+ip Itad hand
r, d to ihr iinance ccrmmittrr'' inion fns a sewer on Park shirt from ,lune; Plre giros of Lhr• Snitflirr uullo matter
i id
,,NiN. li. Baerbler, Napler street. ask Cambria road to east vide e.l' lot Nu. Plano—Examination fur Associate- no one could Say it dfo nal matter to
perv,i,.,''n to have every trcu°'1 ship .k. '1'. l;. \1.'�, honors, Edna J. \tc_ w what iJle Ideals s foreign countries --
1t4:, br referred to file e-ugineer Put• a" were The Methodist' than+h used Ur
......... .
tree in fr„nt or hrw'.•t+renusrs cut down.
the works
Pagett. Thr committee rip rl, d that
Caughey, Clinton: pass, 'Nina Wool-
maintain a mission In,tl3erlin, liermany,
'1Ns w,,s i-i'vrred :Lo Public
the engineer, \Ir. Juhnsou, had
con+be, Laura .lacksun- Junior Grade
and gruels asked the ossa
rf[,d erne to ry anal paries enuuufltvV
hire, and that the .rv.rr un Rrgen'
--past, .lean C, Young. Primary Grade
a misslou ttr BrrTtA,^ but the war
Wyss C. 5, Ross. \w•ho was visiting; in
tri, s
strut and now hying cunslrurtrd vv illi
.-hUndrs, Rena Reid, Blyth. F.lenren_
showed that there trad been nre+l nl
town, asked to have some spruce
iutrrfrr I
Cron, ri to 10 min.
fury Grads -honors, Lydia Reid, Blyth•
many more missionaries lhire to curer-
[ vvnnddr what the angels
tocol and Pray 1 i
h, the rrurrlery lwhich wire
dot the
I'lu tlnanre committee prJoirted hav'_
rIlaging-lntl•rnlediatr ditade-pass,
bat wrong ideals, and it made rl great
sortie a bit al t ring I
ung with the garowth in the of
ing examined the list of arrears of
(Oadys E. Bedford. .Junior Grade-
of difference to us what the ideals
1 wonder dl they
+lute Hon. .1. V.. -Ross, cut out. 1'hk, l
taxes as pres,•nted by Lhr tax collretor
lionors, Rita .•\, Woolcombe, honors,
of the Russians were to be and vchal
the children say'
toy cats and
sus referred 1e She cemetery and pat
rte 1 nutlended that the collector be
Elva t.. Proctor, Holmesville•
t%hina anis Japan wire thinking udmut
For Lhr dollies and pussy
re,lursi,•,i to give tea on; slay thr'vr
Theory-lntrrmediatr Grade Porn+'
The great evil o[ the opium trains
horses mule of tin,
its those Ilcping gra+?ars ar
Mr. Patrick ii;.ennedy petitioned
of Cypress
arrears hand nut been collected: reeum,
-Honalrs, r Ella 1. Robertson• Junior
"vas one of the curses of China anti
1 Canty
In i
a stunt light at the corner
This was refer-
nrrnrlyd the Illing of file liniun
liTrtjG-H' .tory-1911 Blass honors,
Dr. Simpson said that an nddlct usur+l-
often (;atherrd
look into file hrarls- llkose
and Walnut Streets.
statements of balances and the Lauri M. Jackson. Primary Grad+-
iv, returnod to the habit, even though
\\'e cannot
rid to the 4,rrater, light and harbor
user's stalernent of reoeipts and ex-
"Harmony, Budiments--ist class hon-
he might take treatment to breal: it
hearts of baby years
the vvhYs and wheree
rhe rr•yut�t of the Ooderlch Indus
pendiUlrrs, rethat all the local
sewer debentures, as au-
ors Frelyn Kearney.
pp and nothing so t:!lmpletrlj wreck•
and spiritual
We cannot see
of baby juts and
trial Exhibalion Board .for usual re
thorized, under Bylaw NO. 25, had beeil
Decoration Day Seel• 12
rd the! physical, pernicious nm-
habit. \num
life this pernlcw h
But still I think the angels 14ve that
pairs to buildings and grounds and
issued and paid for, and kill smvee
The date of the decoration day
her o Incidents wire' narrated
hour of prawingf about cuts
the appointment of two additional con-
notes amounting to ItMoo Karl been
a ranged in connection with the G. W.
n it.(,
-r principle the
Ing great devotion
Thev fold their wings A nsmall
and say'-Lfiilan•Gard.
stables, waca referred to the public
retired with file proceeds.
1'. A., Oddfel,lows, Foresters and Or-
part of some convertst' Others in the
and smile
works pod (special committee.
Willi, reference to the sum of +$121St;.-
ahgemen, has been changed to the sec
time of Supreme test •'wavered anu
Applications for building permit-; for
t! received from the Toronto General
and Sunday In September. The bans
there were hypocrites among the pro-
\\•r,e mothers win e virtues
reshingiit+g vw•ere received from Mes-
Trusts Cor oration as Life Town of
or the 33rd Regiment has been secured
frssors of. Christianity bu•t these con
Worm Ext
of \folies Graves' Worm �xterminator
srs. Dave Munro and F. H. Wood,
f d to til tl committee
liudertch's share of interest from Vic -
• G t to -West Shore,
to furnish music and the various cler-
-til k t i
t11 'one prevailed amongst ou Jse►vet
always have It at hood because it
r¢ erre a re for>' Bonds of 1hr n ar gymen " of the Loan W, par n -
A letter t`nom the PiPst Office Depart- Railway fund, the committo eeom•'. also Every hese ievery at work roves ,its value. ' -
ment aelhitowledged the town's request the �eFvices.' visitors from Seatorth; P'
mended that the proceeds tGlreived Clinton; 4p'burn, Benmiller and Hen- among til(+ •S;hfnese icklaa individual
Por the pUtiling -of a pign. Indicating from this fund be set aside apdVFein a probably) .had a nickname Lhnuin
r � s it are acted to come for the ser- these seldom leaked out. ,Qs the Chin• ,
I so as to form a sinking Mind to ,jes and the day promises to be d ese are so polite. The,r$aptists, Mrtho-
,l meet the railii=ay bonds at fliaturity, emiirlibl, one in Goderich. It is thil dials and .Frignds, forjIfistance, were
and that the interest recelved from th8 otention to decorate the graves of all known -by titles wiricll meant "Tilt
Trust Corporation be Viaced in'a `see• &Parted members of the various or-Blg Wgah,", "The 141tt1e \l'nsh" and
Mdel Theatre tial sinking fund account in- Nie'Vnlon ganlzations, and friends are asked tj the "No \Yash, at Ali,'„ the reference j. •
Bank, and that $1200 Of the'' amoun/ acquaint the officers of the various or- bet to the .opser�aal►tloe of Baptism.
be invested do 1934 °Factory 'Bobds al g4nizatfons of the frames of deceased It v cold be imposalbte to tell all the J
*, ' irROIRAM once; that a statement of the C#odericb embers, So that none may be over- Rates for Telephone Service
4 Manufacturing Company's bonus loan to Incidents wiles • ,th�evy•••t . Ah on thr�
For Week Ault. SO to ONrt• looked.. Chinese r�rarn4ter wtlrch..,the dei tut
-1, k account, as prepared tr9 treasurer.tba1 G. C. 1. Notes narrated, . but as the. ionly Source of
WDda and Tuesdtr be forwarded to the oompany; and that safely and security fgr,,,ttke world at
eak y a number of amountg'be patd. 'IThe Collegiate will re -open on Tues- large, Its well as, for the people them- Our rates for exchange service, fixed many yeah ago, developed
Sere �e Is Again The cemetery and parks committee dhy, Sept. 7th, at 9 a. m. All intending selves, he pointed to. Elie power cl
f reported having examined the petition students tkbould be present from the many inequalities as between cities at one time equal frs
i LO S BENNISON Christlnriit
t with referetree to thr 'swings in Vic; beginning of'the term to get a props y' population.
loris Park, but as no m7tcraY]+ma sero start in the new work. The same Staff Miss M. -silken rendered a nice solo.
t] _ ,. under consideration, recommended will be In eparge this year as last. uous attention at a moderate cost k?cp- In the new schedule filed with the Hoard of Railway Cam -
that the petition be n+aeiv'ed and flied' According to the Adolescent Sehool
�rw4s. �i ''
,ported that the chicken hoose slid 'Act the compulsory school age will be Asthma Cannot Le�t•avhen the Rrrab missiOsien we have so grouped cities:and towns of approximately
�'ippeedy. Meade shed at the cemetery, as sold to W. L ralsed from fourteen to sixteen yearns est of all asthma specifte% ,iS used, Dr equal telephone develop wnt as to wipe out these incrualitiee.
p >Ga•pp beginning September,. 1021. The Stu- J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rememdy es
t i dent who will not be sixteen until that suredl deserves this exalted title. it I:ODERiI.It.
CENTRAY CWEDY y The rates for exchange service proposed for
�� date should continue at school thin has rpprepaS cures to 1tS led tL vbene-
.t a year. i other preparations h,l(� tailed to bine. under the new schedule are shown in the following table.
The BullThrower
The Collegiate Board has very Lhnr- 11t. It brings help to even the most ser
Padf'•s�MOSt Personal oughly renovated the school building veer eases and bring+ the pntlent to a PropoAd
f within, making it britrht, elran and ut- rundltlon of ble8seIf relief. Surely sof
tt; Wddaecday Ind Thursday tractive. - tering from asthma i9''Iteedless whcN Business Service Monthly Rare
Big SptCW 'Program, at Mstlerate
batter Three addJttonal Junior mntricula n remedy like this is Rd easily secured. Individual line - - X1.75
Frites , -- �- 2.25
2 -Party linen
. ?A PARMUNT ARTCRAfT a; a.m. + � Residence Service
,SPECIAL � Individual line - $2.00
LY YOU 2 Party line 1.75
"'Witness fir the Defenne" "Hold'1ag Their Rural party service
One of the Best we Have Ever Had r � These new rates, we submit, should be considered in the light
coats" ser of the dollar. The compare
` We wtil make it worth while fa the present purchasing po Y 1�UPPer �iys �J;oderschoolI Soh I Sh favorably with the increased rates which telephone colnp.nieo
I- had to secure from public service bodies all over the
9 P n, to buy your o0 oesivStcontinent. here. 1hoes
Bbowta 8Aeroplanes vl►1t1 ��es it the YYY"'.,III 'I`he commodities we have to buy —labor and materlat— have 1.
i .. . allOur aim is to supply our cur advanced in no lamer lddVee than have ti.os+kf,rtakp"-a: tvie•,y v c '`
' SmdYng Bill Parsons
I day tae, the cost of which has made present living a:penaea t
Baptist Church tolmerf wits Boots that give forso hilt-
A LsliCh Needed Rest' feQ: for satisfactory I II
wear. Let -as
Montreal St I show ygg our goods. I THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
' r
Friday aa+d Saturday GiPI
Next Sunday Boys —
. "The load • Through -1 141
• MC Dark 14
k Let Us Worshir '
"For- 0, 0s'�e� F';reine Uplt
1. p
n .r
Y u .ito _