HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-19, Page 64
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�,04or Qt'. �3l'15'alIVa A fr"t10ST'lur a au. I3AGRIP'" I#uas—Ela Aw,#&i. >4,tfl, C .'bbag n'1M1r�✓aulift ower,,, . �] 'af'.1. � ,�(
x, x a ix n l� Tomstmt t4�- , ,
(>oar r �' I.
!Ct[,f►k�7'1 li:ti,I1jI. ttesrid',r attent?i)n by laud fnao#f0tt1 or k
Volorit-* of the World:.,, � tfavoting iircfssa but It tet -ds eSSL-0tiaf to �. , � 1, ' P+" •A
' JK
tdlE'!r groes .tt[gt gout,. sestets �Illpuld: � ji i► . >,M1
1,)dsr.tt 1r tcltkfo+ returna�l 'he four . reLrd thorn, .as eut.inently respectable, � � 1 h p s' .
' that his [;infers hart rcliev 1. tie v.a* .. ,j rlstoeratle. el 1►Etgh-tooed-••ifs a Train- , ° pis
erc}flry, tray be talshrd ee 1,[rll; and esa[rt' 1 fly tat` removed d thou► vulgar and or- for, fr esery1� y
strained ,.tial with tris mothe•rr; brit that . dluu.'• . huma"Ity, That their name. 41) I � A'
;t : lai+ly pleaded that the ey�'nts tit the, the peraun of a son anti brother, had r
oti.<°nlnac had so u,nnPe.Prf her. soot that hC6n4raytt�'thrctut�b csrtlrtg. crl[ntaal. �j�t�� '�� '���?�'#�° t
111.e3'e ,.vitt kIl rrtttrIl rte Ie+• ettttg9derPd, rt'Ctird�. ells Alois„ ryas ab.'10 4%llcled J o
tont rho rites,. haze r;ulrt, In the d t later. that fere,.,. snore otiertvt'tC.lfr,- Av Bre ;;
tn0rn.zt; ftkcy .'tvrkuld try to Ir[•adise, inik as they brooded over ft1' it srcntkct. l k;ast-
i 4 •sga, 1'ljeir situation, amt detrede upon the t to
thew that illi* world's groat esti IV", u
" best course to be pt:;,ucd, t turned full upon them In scorn and . EV'ARYTHk .''CL `AN AND ,�'�AW '
o . Eveu In Ills exaltation the last sut;- i t%ouder, and that balky by malntaining `
' g stilin streek ila#.raliey unple4salktl'y their PerJI t se,nlukloo, or by hiding " •' r'
affghl not his n►Qtluer marl; out, and among strangers, could they escape ,�or` all your Vamily�Grocerit:s go to - t" -
talte as a' teit of Ilia sincerityy, same iter cruel glare.
C4ttrfiee that 'wears ar<cvrd tt•3th her After all, ,.herr feelltri;s tyre onl+ f
Ideas of rialit, but not with Ills`? But morbid developments of the Instincts
t1t$ present Iraur ttas tK#. tali oP rrr2str- I of rt ronneri womanly rtnturet but the . . -
cal prei Lnt hij rattle t,rs.% f ul art that he 1 trouble was, they had net the woman- _. t , n _ 4o,''Ho c'cLeac'1* � -.I-.I . . gate hirns�df up to it, hwliPting that I'• larpoem of heart and. aff&tlon THE AtiCtF.i•,TRAY. ttO1IE O!F CEQRtiE Nf HIN iCQ',Ij, N' ,f3tlLt'r1IA'VF, EN(i6.AND4 VISC1'EII BV 119l1t AJCA111 BISHOP., t
they +l:.ine hands. to ,..-.fell tie belle%A,d t%,hlclt .would have made them equal to E.icillK 18N STATES t ' ' "Phone '900 , : Cor,t'tVi111600gal St. and, Square
ltlsus It to be, ,would pro%lde for him the emergency, however painful. Poo[ The ten bishops who came to Eng- visltini °Lite aYYu!at[al humrr tri Geo[ eHants. _ 9
;1' as,a_f}elplc9a child Is cared tur. Mrs. flaldant, tens one of those unfor- land to attend the Lambeth Goilleredce^'\'F'aehiugton,at Sui#,tave Manor, [�ortit � -^
trlirr midi«perplcr a[nrtng when,. be pact tunat:e people, who always fall bet0tt ""'^^""""'^" ^'"^^""^� """�^ • k, tl
worked the previous week would tilt-, oceasion; Indeed, she seldom rea
ar;tr-ety have rc�agnisr hitt,. as he Used It. 'F*rotldcnce had now vett 'a fete years, and then resided in some all tills tt,at ]s r.ppe[tn, ,t E gout sti6riger" rwlth peculiar [emphasis on
t+• down t b eakfaz,�� aAlowin other etty, or in the seclualon`pf some u►lnds. I have been all thruugh tht ,qr,s wurd3• "lf he really,wlahes to do I strange. wo of keeping this pledge. I 'Which so effectual,. destroys all ro- i t, � ,
jean f n o r the t E tier rt chance to atone ror tnuch of her u p , Y P g P g bust IndIi,iduaE#ty-is' the. continuo B
� `,risoru:arz, dressed wt::, iaatYr atuf ere- tr,rrher weakness and rulaaua inial d tet country place, We Might, escape hose of ght•,n6utK h•unr tile not•tu'.• Ills dot as a Christian man. he ,.viii Itvould suggest that we all retire to our tl
'$:kt,t• •. it ,was evident That his r,fstPrr wrrr, but her little mind w • h li;% this-"•.•- and i1a^s' Fl4aldane i}ntshed word and touclk, as If rn,.' tt Ilei+• 6+•In} see that the first and most sacred obli- I, asking of tile. - ; t , a
n as a def , + rooms, and In bile atter part f tes_da question, "What will
cRur:•E endure hire with Dettcr grace -with a �slglt that was far wase than were a diseased nesse. While in that aatl,ns resting ut► i,lm are to us, tinct we shall be calm@r, and therefore mord People say?" :�,
engroasPd ,.,.fill the queatloo. V1'Ilat can tory worse could have Dcen." ,.liter a condition I `*suncrru e11uugh, uuu not to vthaca, Peen though they mayLdtan when clad in its coarse, ,.working rte do to t,m„nth matters over, and rP- rational;" and th8 ladies quietly glided (To be continued.} r . ,� �%galrb, redolent with the hitl[erto tenlrrea• moment site concluded: "But, u,, knows; but e%en in We poilcP , ural : be nfure angeile than tree are. You but like black -shadows. Indeed, they - ,�
t train sou►r;hlns tike our old standing course, 1ve cannot go out herr, witer3; \t'as not main to fee I more thoroughly prurniscd last cuetlfng that It weals be 4
p' ,.felt odours pertaining �a well -titled In sorlely? .\s the result of o long Coo• t . , an their lives had become ltttiq more
umi hdner y. They, wh.i hls,.tuother s►rltatt0n ►vtth he+ call that has leappeued Is sol fresh, 94r t at •I was a dirbi xe'nlui , riur,o #..,,, pour life -crier,. to make emends for thgi than atte uated shadows, C•0.1>!�i'OR=lA. ',• +
r daughters, It was, t 'fit
•rt ted: a#m howetAr ,.with tire air o1 uppermost In every one's mind. The`i"leate trete here, In ro_ childhuuri's �• ••n_� >"uu have Indicted upon us: There l [}pth[pgvthleh so thorou h- 8eaisthe+ I4 "'W'1�3WY +7`t
ie, l i,4ti ,Ale to the mttfst of ills voneludPtl that their best corms,+ tt:ttt more I think of it, the more de0ded P' honte: HarhaRs you cant hely+ Nu ♦ and going back to your old sordid lits I ly depletes and. robs gtoml character alXaautre j,.
t i' to go Abroad. There ,.tees eputd' ten aur that the best filing far us all+ts to�feel}rig: but the result iti all the win, and vulgar associations would be a of all substance-- e
e #t['cALeat ntlsfnrtunea. but Who hope lure out with him who was •the skele- { re is nothlnNj of , .. t. :
;, they see a rarrlinif ray of light• tan of tttt+ household, wtthaut having rfn to some quiet an::ring-place ' io i Througil the inth,eurr ,,, a %v, uu,n evil ;,
3\'iti their nieces. but conventional Europe, tike+re there ars+ but fent, i; I,helc,ngs to heaven sutras Ilan rar::r..I -
F r eters onto ,.kern and look after them any, Autertcans: and In,Nute we maa,wan led to insist tit.- start+! An.t al I
!doas of`life tip ',."cast 1n tryth, a difficult wlth all•.klnds of comment upon their feet difT'erently.'• abkrut It: 1 ttas i,•d to w{..h rn sura, : , .. � +
, �preblettl Igor ran tgey be, tery great. lips. After several year's In Fcticopg
ly blamed. This youth, ttho might ,.lees hoped society •,.tools be inclined Her tion ate no more breakfast. He j good charftcie t for its + %%a akr, f
#rave ))con their natural fn fnrget aril overlook the miserable \wanted to be rid of 11w d•l+asing' tlo '
h, +ltroteeLor , awas beginning to I'rllisr, as h� >ka jbf my nature \+hick -tr ,,.,,I wade a t, � - I r `
atoalnst every scandalous and egptgnlp- record of the past few months. not before., that he was in a certait. , hate, and Wifeh would s,•parate n„ I •" r
'qI tumim word, and whose arm It would That the young man himself would sense a corpse, which this decorous, front such as ahs is* i panted ynuq it ( r,r:
�1 .6 have been their pride m take leder' after opposition to the plan, and prefer and ettluisltely reline,• :aruily could forgiveness. mother. ,\tore tha all, - �y `
I:: t the world, had now such a reputatlon I0 o•eturn to the seeno of his disgrace; not bury, but would hide as far a5 %vttnted nod's f+ rtci%r•nPsr,, an I .`hA, I t \ r
that only an affection art -absorbing and posaibt.c.
and tQ bio .sordid tell, did not ealer We
t,tle+ltlsit would be willing to.brave tilt) iarPaE change in my nature %%hich H+ }' their sninda. "Yo,f then expect ►ne to gu twilit kou I alone can hrsto%%, I felt that In• . Need-, "T �✓ 1 I 11 ±;,
-t 0ttrious and atornfµi shire that tn{• to Europe?" Ire said.
11 tt lofts vase who had been so dlagraCPd• In the enthusiasm of tele note -born ` :!larks, could help me, because I he• I i'
7 "Certainly. \\'e could not [o with• k
faftli, HnliIlmr had determined to face lie,.ed In hien: and Ili, (lid carry me, to , 6 / 1f,0
hi Mrs. Haldane and her daughters were out a gentleman:' •�.
r,' � the public gaze, and hent Ur, Marks. � It were, to the ,.Pry gate of heaven. •
not without natural aZ tlon, -but theb "That 1 seacce•ly am now, n,vtl;er, in . tf;
were ntutttldly senalilve to preach. It Is true, he had gt'estly ,'xnected." a't leant, a Ilttir• s>mpath q Mofte , wa";i
public op• dreaded the ordeal -and for his rnpther your estimation or in society's. I , t4om you all, oral a f;od-speed Aa'; ', • t
t;; 1nlon. Like shahs tYho live soma+whaf think you could get ran better without - ry
secluded from isle world, they fmttgtn- and sisters 'far more than for himself w„nt haek to an- work to-morraw. , t
\\'belt hr began to intimate something r[tc+• Leven hoped that you might t;rkP int i t '
ed That vague and dreaded entity ryas ":vow, Lgbert, be senalblr,"
6 ittnrs them mttrh erose aticntion thAn of this feeling Ills mother promptly ! by the hand, and say to those who - ' V. r.`, k
�� t •\?hat am 1 to du In tMs, seclude,i - 1'
l . it dLt. '+\Vl►at twill people say?" ryas n►otiuned to the ttervimt to withdraw N:uropeAn watering -place, where there knew us here, 'My son wits lost, but i, This year we are ageusias about ten ' 'on dollars to extend our I � till r
;,:+ n tcrriblc`quastlon to thein. from the ro0nr. He then soon learned' found. He wishes to lits a mauls �. rti*�t,^Iq,
that they had hat attended church since r•nrlst n r, •e Pn[I ail %%"I• t ar,• Ghrisl �:t
are ono #mericrtns, and at which nee ace , system to acootxiatodatt new subscri i ,
}7,1, r-othing could be farther from their \les. lialdmu's return from her mem- to sojourn Indefinitely? laps should help him.' I ,.incl, on lit+ "" t'' 11 '' ,'I
natur0 than an attempt to attract the "1 am sure I have not thought t �',,
, IliOrablP visit to Hillatun, and tleat they Your sisters, at least, can venture out contrary, that Christ And His %vnrdr Year by year -we mttat,Spend miilivLts t people requiring ,1 t ' ,;
st„j r ,-..-...�„�.«,..,�....;, � .- -- - - .had no Intention of going to-d:cy. ( are forgotten; that I am regarded ar f 11 .p may be accommodated! 1
and get a hrPath at ,.resit air, It ire - tele honeservicC
I`. "The very thought makes me turn luueour and deformt�tl rreatur•, lha•
s , time you thought of them rather than ,,,,,,-t r,r, ,,:�+..,,,,,+1 a. far as m+4sli le .••. '
i !faint and Irk," mid the poor, ,.veal and spirited off to ?time rPrnutP corner Suchh CS11mSOf outsecannvtbt rbvidCCiOl3tOfOUrreVCrlut. ,r
' gentlewoman. pt Yourself, 1[olr child muse your- i" uu$ P I f , �+
It ' - self with the natives, or by flshing and The only w of obtaining i''
\\'P should feet IIkP sinking Lhrof►gh u' the earth, r,nrl there %irtuaily h,trlrr r
i' ° the floor• of tiee aisle,"" chorused, till' hunting." alive. ThrtiH different are tilt, teaehinw; Y aY g money in such i�ttlounts is from in-
- ki pallid young ladles, .,Mother" tie e%eialmed Inipetuowly. I of the B±'hle and tier t.•+� s 11 it
., no tomer set ire tv merely amayw hin'�. of til+• vestors seeking profitable employment for idle fund6.t,N
. r Hwi,'iltanP rP,4srd gartakiing of Ilia hurl?. I Uhmrght i could rel Pndnr , t
l`'i ', breakfast at once, titers tra.nad back Irl m}sPtf! L wish to DPcnrne man to int hard lot at Hiliatr:n Any i,rnu'r, but ll
' his chair, I the best sense of the word:' 11 „tins ro t•q,^r- to ,t +•••,t • �+,,,:,,rt •• Investors naturally won't put their money into any enterprise
f ,' Ira. Haldane evidently experirnei'd i As the youth ailtered :hese %.•oris that does not promise absolute securi and a sure return. Now-
t •'Ito -.you reran to say." hP asked t3'
a disagreeable nervous shock .4t the ,,.,+a hes .,.�0 4 im.p..t,t+,srh. t'r tris,:r++., l
" , ;a' gtoomiIV, that my folly has turned this � a 's ecuri `r.Ss
, 1;i house 11110 A ton►b, and 111411 you tv111 stidden tntenclty of his manner•, buy could only weep axis trru,bie in hit ' ty and handsome return on investments are not '-
t . '
�r .i . F; she said, with rebuking quietness- %,,,wit An+r nrrgrrrr. wiry; b, difficu t to fittdl r'
bury yourselves here# IndPflnitcJy'I^ �f Irl, i:sts- i 11
"i',", , •'i am sure I 'wish you to become exciairned- r xr a r
t\\'ell." sighed . the mother, •Ef we ,,
g .{;, lice' this tvretrh+d 11 PP • 0P seclusion such a mail, thoroughly well-bred, and. "('in to your rid mill -lift, at 1I?1- " t i
Tt`:`', . ' brtlndinir over nits trauhler much Ion thcuoughly under self eoptcol. it is laton I" Our then is, in spite of the high cost of everything we t14
a g ray Pur^Pose to enable nu .Ler appear \•LLa by tells first train tn-gtorrow., btty sstboih hror and material, to pay such a return to present?Y
Pr, smaller trinrbs ,will auttlre ns. Yott likexa perfect gentleman ireun this time ;r
see that your sisters are beginning to "Well'" shev elicrused evils,. a. InnL ]
investors --our shareholders—as will attract new money. This j l @,
r ; ` » I. furtvard, and I Pxpcet that you twill be brr,ath. bi,t As all language seeroPd In• i
look like ghosts, and rni sure I feel
r%' : l t0 Yiiilit Q. .SOlt�'ft tlq that I aan.rtPver lltt up my head Attaint oris" adequate, they added nothing; to their must be'accomplished while, at the same time keeping bttr o ..It
\5'hat will 1 be but a ,.tell -dressed e�rlama'Inn '
P bt
gists, .Glrocers anti i know it H said that t)rne works ,.von- nonentity? -what, ivill I be but a cow- service` p to the high�ststandard, If fhb rate of return is not
W drys. 1�erltAps if rte ,.went abrt,,ad for Airs. Haldane slowly %,oped `her P\'Ps ! li, 1
General stores ard, sPeletng to et awns as far as atPractive then the supply of new o eas p I
n . and said. "FR'bert, }s exrtl,ed now, and i tl ir:
p �, - possible front the place oY rny' defe9t. sees not real±err Ilan- %aP frPl. After hr `ti':
and to tilde frDrr1 it consequenccr. Ilea thought it All aces uuieth hr will This is the colicin of tele hone coin y
w' "` -rte Answere8 with sharp, bitter em . ,, P P paries Cvt ere.---- e
. el t Ings in a r.1lffPre0t If#cht•, And %eil!t • _". : y r r
,, r ; _ Ott ttrsls, . Previve that he sh'rluld tAke ,sauna, ! " of theta hts found any other solution than to charge it and p I`* ,
k �. iishert.- your .tendency tt) exattg,�fa- - a a ,
r�! �r /� /�y �i tom his inattrrr rather than from a ad uate rate to subscribers. , 's 0
%; 4.frll�iL VG,K�a7Irtn a vE elle peech mote. iiia .�I�...^..����„r,+�. 1
nd vi 14 h r 7
,•r,, ,. ...�,+_ y �r ., y , e ...i.. an endure In my tYeait. nervous e0s#< _ { •I
t+•••----- ditlon. \\',.ten yea have thought LbIA N'etLL FAIR D\TCa
° ' matter over calmly. and have rralisC —"
Following �
,•. how i and your sisters feel, you ltitl fc are the dates aonnrinced THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY I ,
CiltAdreu:a Rompers.....,........r..,,.....,....,...,y�,., iwa,:.theft we are .right -that It, If'•;:W. Yer fall tttlrs in tots district. tiodPrfch iy :i'
t ?6C the earliest of ,.Ile list : OF CANADA q , t
Tttsdies' iltloror elprana, from.......,....�+1,Q0 t0 $,` 25 GODERICH......., .I311,PT. A-9-10 {
rilartee is correct, and , you cin .reall9 „,.,Pett til -t,, t j
+ , 1 trtsh to' atone ttr ttre past as far as it ....... < ,•
, y. 1lr>ittat`n Material from 25a a yard to Tfia lurit+t'1 .... .Ceps; �� �rl ". 1
i naw can be done."
....... The S oung roan ,paced reatiPrssly up t
( anti clown ti�e spite,. ht an aglfated ................. 22 , + �p[ t lr s
lr iCla'di #lt FlostB, special .............. manner, tvhiclt greatly disquieted his Sratocth.. Sept. 23-@S
-1 t .$11.00 And $1 25 mother and siateiFs. I.uckn0w. .Sept. 2,1-21 6¢
, !pFr i' f -. 1.
x, I "4an ypi[ not realise," he at last aaylleld. ....SP t. 2"O1. ,.
Sept. r ,
ilk 'ib tlirla Hair Ribbons, per yard................260 to 800 horst nut# "that I also have a coil- Blyth............ ... ...ept. 30 -act, i ` } � ',',
vf,� science?•+• -that I am'no longer a child? Wingham..................Sept. 311-t#et. f t '1a s
1.�1�`:' .i4ten's Marino Underwear, jtttedium weight, at last • (do?' � that t cannot eP0 things a9 yi,n 1Ctungannon ......................1)ct. ?-A rbc o* r 11 i"
11, ny Veaela larir~ea - •a:,rterrt," cxrlaimed 1'ria el,jer sitter, + , " It u''
a • w lifting Rier hand .deprecatingly. "we ,,-•--,�-"- _.,.��.,r.,...�,ru,,,�r,,,, ,Irrr.,,,�...��- a
:Ken's 73alilri�gan fi3nderwiear, 8nA nuaii.f<�: at old nett not deal»" -- e —
, 5, prince„ { ,.It yon will only • follow your eon; .. S e
' ' '•, , sbir pee, t Continued Mrs. Haldane in " r p I
` a , . heC lo%v monotone. "all wilt be well. '" r i .. ± k
.r, ,,I-." --_ is v�uuc being e�arrt4d away by.a�u$ta
. !
:Its -
. , d violent assion that" ?;
} ,., 0i impulse an n w � rt.' G c[ a';• ,.�
I rtrakes scot,.ltd ttoulilo" 'dt yotl bad,rYal� A 7 u' i'L
p r
lived 1'xiui~ robscferiGe yGis rltottlt'tkvc f k ; �t
I ji o ,,� at osteo eft Hiltaka ,,' ,. Valu s' !L,47�
Jot k 11
fit m\ r est; r
i'•; +. 'find -i' eq �ra s its
tidal rte t' Lha aeraymaioty
fgil +
+r+ , - that i Lndlirttecl 't�"'you' hadLdadp+ ,so;, t�� ' �.
a Plltrnti 46 5Qut6 atte uare t'ktu rnip{ht hate saved y0tsrbnit and us i; i' apt . * !M'
;t Toil/ Illi"tltnf ijttfl'fllfhtCa nCYlplkd:" a x �.
',r. r rs. �r v.r.`,
',i :t, . - t:OtiOlt IOt,111N0 + v fr
.. r. ern �, -7 r.kokoa ,w
L. . ; '11th 1 \,.grits have' lost"itl'j s If ' �, 11
o,a{ ; , t » At!kyQe .e t taint 3 y
re et. I sht mid havo' 'done •worse ` I
�, '
« r -- .•-,. -. - t. ,H:tP»ptltiYl" Ihlurxupierl, Itja ttittlhf ; �+fa1>�i2� �t+rch A a ,. °r It
4`� er. whit. an expressia>x tel; dhigus! >f to h1it Cke11a h " ,,� t ',. �, :
• , ss h ile f, re, '-Hart,. teaitl>aiji�,oippal pie + for ti� ay 'k
.1 t ilitthak acre t boa n� Of ..
1 • etin ton thakk \vb `0Ttof 'VIlat h tiw r i b , '+
z «i iW►t 1h1 hs'dotrbla !•.>>li<rC A'1C,.
: �� t ll ba: a .- $ s _ o :�
4 I., •.ww .. hapPeitrdi ands r~Ioilw 'non that yob z yy u i��,y.y N y♦. y , Atli 1'D :- : :q , a,
1 `, Yy1 „ ',. `. r: .. p4 JRIA•,.I. Mirk \•W fM:M+,Rru.' _� rh
p, . 10 ti'Y� t In.:n 1.t1 r' A?t[i „iAc i�t hlnilOrl + +a
1.xrillk rwtdvt'IlrI to attt et a I
�' : s-+ '04
tarp pt�u a+. and ,1190 . Wi01 #fiat pros �y
.., . ar . +tat* .Alza y, c,"odk h +h> �1W - iii''
x , y�
t�. J ...,... f ... . tidrlia�'U '. .. a.. ,. , ""b 7",�rl '� , lj. '1.
,:.. diel olt1 rAtutrs �i+Il6 ll , its ,til ; #ra : ii
x : tie fltteBavttll YItS@ tilt >. , ,�
e x. �aftle +ot 16 to Gro%10 To think . yy � . ,
.. .. ..
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