The Goderich Star, 1920-08-12, Page 8a
funeral being Held on Wednesday last.
\list Rdith Stilthers is spending a
tliken to reduce tate sptq:d In eroyaalj14.
few days in Toronto.
flee bridge over the river here. horses
not faster than a walk, and autos notCHURCH.,
r y
which dressed w•As a respected mem-
to exceed eight miles an hour-
linens here.
lot 1r,
There will be no services in••tYl
Pre.1byterian or Stethodist
The paster will preach on Sunda
f'wloti► 1. dge of btRxosti bit r%tlftoery'
ffrpsi R:oiledch Altcgll CIn1Xe
llv and on Saturday, July Mat, the
funeral being Held on Wednesday last.
\list Rdith Stilthers is spending a
tliken to reduce tate sptq:d In eroyaalj14.
few days in Toronto.
flee bridge over the river here. horses
not faster than a walk, and autos notCHURCH.,
r y
which dressed w•As a respected mem-
to exceed eight miles an hour-
linens here.
lot 1r,
There will be no services in••tYl
Pre.1byterian or Stethodist
The paster will preach on Sunda
f'wloti► 1. dge of btRxosti bit r%tlftoery'
ffrpsi R:oiledch Altcgll CIn1Xe
i f4 S
nt �t�( /f(� ■
:tug. 13th. at Colborne Evangelic(t
entree at it a. in. and at Zion 30u1?1
at 3 p. 111. H
Several auto joadx of tirodericit 1►las.
prinelpal-of Lurknow• high school at
Stoekart Bros. have given up the at -
in SAltforv9,
a good seise}''
The spring crops are ripening very
quickly. and are promising much ACL
ons drove out 10 the annual ebitifcit
service of 510ralogstrar bod'", w1low,
G Ar
is 4NW 0 RAC' 411
ter than as anticipated a short tints
on Sunday afternoon, .A ng, jet, Tbere
sir-gle as? illlllile rlvi the -
Sir. And :\Irv. Flarry Freeman and
chi,ldrru \seer in Clinton on Sunday.
ago. Some have thresttrd the fall
was a large turnout of 4IQruingstar
lodge. Rev. Flliglantl preached a
pillik• >
wheat. \vb►rt,' is turning out very 1ve11,
:splendid iter 114 talcing i4.r his text
i0,, iY�sittt: s eC171. sRllt�
Cloalport, RbIal Poulton,
Sir tn•vrt•oux, of the Sterling Rank
here. had quite ail experience this
!1 Cor. Vrd, V0111 1 DW that 4hell
house thls. tails (e Is
Well 114tiA bi h
week. A loaded revolver wAs W1116 on
our earthly of
dissolved, we have a buildlug'7�iud
aide for trays, ceshes,
� all
;`°' iI
the desk. tie took It. up and It Accl-
an house not made with hands. eternal
Miss olive Tichbourne has been en -
griiifi'u 1tIl1 CilwlOa al•
dentally discharged. Tt,1e belt went
thumb, 101leeting
In the hesveop,p,
.t .ir John Florton•
arung tilde Ills a
Llapj. Fingland pointed out the plow
cils�liiens, 7carf9, eta.
ways In stock.
slight injury
relation existing between rellgiog'and'
I "11111111\• :01111-11 held A CPI'\' pleasant af-
ell in reading file foliow-ing shoji pUrlll
Masonry, In that both deal with mya-
from his poll. This poem, coming front
Mr. And Mrs, leo. Whidon and fair-
t6rles. both rest on two boalp beliefs,
fly, or timuwton, air vi.Iting at the
Mins J. Ashiun 1-s home after a two
ballet In Ood And In Immortality.
-- --
"'ll be a benedh•llon.
weeks' craft with her brother, Rev,
The origin of Masonic Lodges was
� Itrliei'
\\'"tu. Ashton. at
Miss Graham. of Mount Bridges, has
lost In ob"Ority. Oroups of Ms,9000
appeared in t.nslsrJd °,lJ,tortly other' the,
cl ria .
beep engaged an teacher In the Junior
yxaN :'iid eti At tate world. had.
SiII$AP Supplies
�"' n
Ha4f 0C1tS, t#i' .�1Yp.
Xoom of the public school at a sal�gy
of A!". t •
been expected At shat date, and when
ft did not come the people exprei sed
And gentle friends who for the blind
lies, Tennis Balls, etc.
Prep(lratlons are under way for a big
their gratitude by building churehes
A a 'it., 11 a. m. anti 7 p. M. F,veryonr
celebration here on i.abur flay, and no
ca'thedralo, abbeys, etc., and ex ert
rich anti broad,
effort will be spired to make It a huge
skilled Masons were in demand: Atter
nlonth agn.
the Norman Conquest building died
it Is worth seeing. Some or its ((f_
Air. and Mrs. James Sl,era are spend-
down .utter three or four hundrirai
years• but was revived by the gre l
menslons are 5 ft. nigh, 1O% fret
\\ithout $!gilt.
Ing esu weeks with friends in Ali Jim
trio, slaking the trip by motor. Jim
tare of t.on�ion lfi06,
��� ���� NOBLE,
suis l0 cisiturti.
deserves a well earned holiday.
operative guilds or lodges of
\iasons died out, speeutative, Masonry
Mr. and Sirs. John Jardine and
developed, and as early as 1600 there
British Block
daughter, of Tugaskee. Sask., and Mr,
were records of lawyers, clergymen.
A. Helbene arrived here nn Wednesday
etc., Mning the Stations' craft for Itr
to :attend the funeral of the late Sjr.
high moral teuehings. As each Mason
Helbene. •
put his mark upoQn the stone to put
be the largest .+teev it) the world. He
Re\. W Johnston. who Is holidaying
into the wall of the t%thedral, so rash
Is on the sick list at present but it is
with relatives at Ford\\irh, cnndueted
day left Its mark upon the building of
hoped he will be better before, long.
I'll• Ni c. 11. f Rosa • Rot's and
' ' Slee
the ire Presh> n
m r\ iee in lb'rlan churJ
un Sunda). Re\ A. Laing is having
There were two million Masons In
Mr, :rtewart has been offered $3,000
her -unsay school cla'`M; and several
his holida.Ns.
the U. S. A. and ranada. of all creeds
for hint.
t f iPrSt8 n the 1tk0 shat
Thr Lader.' \id the Srl1ndlAl
and colors. and the orrr uphelIfh-
He\, Mr. Lowe will give a lecture in
\ „ 1t
. II May Ferguson,F(•r uwho hits been
son le h i b
i K '
church h, I,I +i L, rt' nuccrssful garden
e y , i o
f ilticc,l an r
D d religious lu s e
u bell P,
the Red Hall on "titan clam and 1'V'trat
it Stands Mor." Air, Luwe is a splendid
\isil,ng her parents In lire vlhat3e, re.*
turned h) her items In Clinton thlE
part) at't1w horns of R. t:aathen, eon
toleration and (i sympathrtlr outlook
This olss the of the lurid to off-
speaker oil this subject, so don't miss
wr, h,
4, Iln\slck, hn Frl11i\y r\rning. Llstnw-
.,I hand \\as In attendance. Thr
. w
art Bn19hPV1Rr11, war, racial hatred, etc
hearing film. A silver culleetion will
be taken up.
Sirs. Ly -ins, of Toronto, accouipanietl
grounds \Ser•,• lighted by helen light
(aipt, Fingland cl0s(`rl by pointing to
I-) her little son of Toronto, are visit-
ing .)t her uncle's, Mr. John Arthur, of
\Ir. and Mrs .john Knot, of N'Innl-
Christ the carpenter, as the greatest
master bulldrr, the great pattern for
the- ,ilhtge at present'
peg, sins 11rs !:kill, of TnrunUl• and
Miss LoN Bean. 0f Woodstock, were
us all to follow.
\\ o Carey is again laid up with
bf" ore leg.
Mr . l,urbam, of Georgetown, who
(-filling nn old friends ere on Monday.
After the service the brethre ad-
P ad -
j to the
ere where Ap-
Sirs. John Ilakley, of Tor•oltu, \\•fill
has been visitt her arents, Mr. and
ng P
Mrs. John' Ferguson., of the village, re -I
Th,•y formerly reside here. Mr. eon
Sfr•n. Knot made the trip frim Winni-
turned ks
tpr0priale remarks were roads fly a
her little daughter, Bits. is clsiting her
sister, Sits. Will
turned to her home last Tuesfiti>'. I
Iwg by motor.
number of thi>�hrethren, and a cntr of
W.- believe that means are to be
Sits, Chas. 11.1ben, who had been ail-
thanks passed to, Rev. Fingland for his
excellent sermon,
Marion Tigert was successful at her
last year In high school. Site expects
�I I I T' ' I
ing for soul• tune, paAsrd to the ("real-
' f
to attend Normal In Stratford next'
llv and on Saturday, July Mat, the
funeral being Held on Wednesday last.
\list Rdith Stilthers is spending a
Mr. Geo. K. Poster and wife, of Men -
The remains were laid tq rest in the
few days in Toronto.
omince, Mich., are visiting relatives
Corrie cemetery, services being eon -,lir
(fueled In the Presbyterian church,
Tnm VI'iggina had his nP\\ shed
and friends around Sir. Foster's old
which dressed w•As a respected mem-
rnlsr. last Saturday evening.
linens here.
her for many yNirs. Rev. A. Laing
There will be no services in••tYl
Pre.1byterian or Stethodist
Three is cunslderable rust on the
tftaln and some of it is badly lodged,
next Sunday.
vhtch makes hard cutting. It would
Miss Francis McLean has engaged as
be harder if there were none to cut.
Houiv Is holidaying with friends
prinelpal-of Lurknow• high school at
Stoekart Bros. have given up the at -
in SAltforv9,
a good seise}''
teSto to disc the ,ewers on tthe tit
Sft'. Windmill spent Sundae w•Ith his
\\'m. Beglr. And family, of Hamilton.
concession. They ran Into to
of whiclogs, pieces
h were sound as \\lien the
sister, Mrs. 11,11 -toll.
-live visiting relatives and friends for
roams were built ti0 years ago,
Sir. And :\Irv. Flarry Freeman and
chi,ldrru \seer in Clinton on Sunday.
a week 0r tin,
Abe f:nthhert's is
Mrs. Win. Bogie and her brother,
Sirs. J. E. litinter ami baht' spent the
mill running full
lime later. They are making the logs
\\-Ill. Rome, (if Toronto. attended the
funeral of their in
past week \still friends in Stratford.
Ih)k searve now,
mother Muskoka
last week. Sirs. Rome \vas A4 years of
\7-. arltl Stirs. Ko)lAnklater And
Farmers are starting at ruttinfi oats
children motored t,. Cxeter and spent
Some flehis art. very gond and 140111-1
Sunday with friends.
ar short and thin.
NIrs. Gavin Clutton and two children
Miss olive Tichbourne has been en -
of Stratford, are \-tilting at lite home
glia -1 to tPaeh the Junior room rot
Those who heard Sir. Those. (,i.
.t .ir John Florton•
ri tit \f'a r At a o •\.
.sial- of JfR00.
\liteheltree, ihr Mind pianist, at tit„
Se\or;il of our young corn intendl
\ few of the famllies of St. Pant's
GOderich Chautauttua will be interest -
g ,ing mll West nil Wednesday nn the
I "11111111\• :01111-11 held A CPI'\' pleasant af-
ell in reading file foliow-ing shoji pUrlll
r>rur.lon to help with ihr harvest
lernoon At the lake short at Kintail on
from his poll. This poem, coming front
Mr. And Mrs, leo. Whidon and fair-
such a source. stloiild go out Ln the
fly, or timuwton, air vi.Iting at the
1lev. Mr. Hicks And family, Pats-
\\o Id. and to thoughtful persons it
fhrnlPr's hone•, llult ef'\Ir. and Mrs.l
ley, are visiting friends r
A,Jnd herr
"'ll be a benedh•llon.
It Widdoo.
Ilua\ing motored herr in their new \Ir_
Thvrt' are no Mind save those \chose
Sir. A. If Clutl,ol i. Iiavfng a ne\v
I Laughlln car.
spirits sleep
hllrhen hnilt I., his It"\% hnusi•. When
i St. Paul's church ilas had the finish-
Ambition hefting, with scant trust in
ilni.hrd \Ir lautton will h;l\e ;.n up.
ing louehes and will be all ready for
lo,iale house.
lopening srr\ivos on Sunday. Rev, Sfr
And gentle friends who for the blind
\Itw. Wn'. Hugle-was called to Hiss-
Lmar will hold services As follows.oft'
khat( last —oh. ha\!ng would
A a 'it., 11 a. m. anti 7 p. M. F,veryonr
Ila\(' failed to grasp God's purpose
that her mother was deadd., Sirs.
NI s. Bogle
rich anti broad,
11811 th
h'n \\Ith hl'r mother Il lull A
Your humble scribe etas tile privilege
i'or He Wto from darkness brought
nlonth agn.
of seeing (l. Stewart's big steer. Sure
forth light, . .
it Is worth seeing. Some or its ((f_
Leaves net thPr man nor woma[i
Last year 260.000 picture postcards
menslons are 5 ft. nigh, 1O% fret
\\ithout $!gilt.
of inhibits at the Britisll Museum Welk
i\t•ound body, Aly feet girt, and weighs
There are no biind-save those Who fail
suis l0 cisiturti.
about 3300 pounds. tie is supposPd to
, in are
t�tt�tt�j�((� —�—, Thr )leaven here on earth to men
JIJ�C �II[JIICJIICJilC111rvJ�1IC.►nJ� L�IluI1C111CJ�IlU11rvJIIfJILIL�J��� _f[Ar��"1lJL�,LII�IM[M (and given,
J �'hv +ent His Royal Son our Light to
\Vhtise every beam reflects some joy
Il of Heaven,
v For light denotes what spirits compre-
0 And not the thing -s of mere material
CITIZENS I would not, c
r •
TO,,THE, � hangs my lot for some
h who wear- a
Ir . Though hay)nz sight --A discontented
ml nd.
L; l�' a o11.'C � Il
a i� . For w�man's cnirr to me makes music
C e.
And I hove found men noble, strong
And kind,
�.AND �a letda}\\ould rather lark the light of
4 v I 1 Than see this world 'mid sk•tes of
sombre foray.
(? ` tinmility doth much resembleclay,
2� s , Used ban �\�Igour Lord to give the blind
I Anoint your eyes with that same salve
e� .a tr. eczate the . wvon � toda>
And you err long shall look upon the
} I u ilght.
For if you gaze but through the lease
` I t+ of pridt\
i, ul Beware lest you In darkness long
e t i e nr n c t' our abide.
� e a o
rp-, So When at length we shall pass on
� iour way, ,
u:l�u Sa
n that bright land where ail spill
Grad Oen
Ill t' urdc'�,
Ii,...truth reflect,
t �1 x ' olding as we shall the King of btiy
r 11 g
J Whom Ignorance and pride did Q'nc t
"' 'r rPjeot, � '
Z a There. when among Cord's choicest;
1 '7 t •; O an souls reg -eld- wti1l SrPtntntzs I'll+tl bO eurivibeed thereAugust
aFP no blititt
re i r c �r
c p o ate y "Vii Ser
---- trN 'erc.n MI<
0 ° r
he#-%.�u�rters li re.
b `
-. ry
T. R"'I
: Nan�soa
. .. �..,....... -- - .-: .e-,�,:.•et>. ,.•... ,roe :stet--•t`�:.;:�n <:::Mr, ¢;" --' >, ,-. � ,
Ti1t:R,.`l1AY, ALM. 112th, �
e. o ur e . M
.' � �r•4J!•11•t.1M•�}qRw"'�I"IwI�A�RIPRYin�agii���nn��.�l,.��i .+�
P Values Fo,r Au ust'',,,
$�.1k Qse Voile Blouses
• Venus Silk `Se, iia hite only, We have gathered together several
in all sizes lam $Ia .tsa ro Regular
e speeial.11ines of Blouses w'hieh range
111 size from 36 'to 44 and have put,
Tltasr tock pg;?E are of the best them on sale at $i 98. Every' Blouse
manufacture' atkd;,'made from pure is this season's make as we do not `
thread silk, there AIt'e no' seconds. Be make a practice of carrying goods 1
Sure and See thgo.e values before they over from one season to another.
are all gone, aT,' > gait. " Be sure and see these Blouses at
Silk Lace Hose tn. purplb,, tan and $r.98. Every one a special,
black regular $2.75 for $f.g$ a,pair.
White Skirts Ginghams
We still have a number of White Starting to clear out the G;ug-
Skirts left to be s,)ld and they are all hams at greatly reduced prices. Every
on sale at 25 % less than regular price. 65c, 6oc and 5oc Gingham lin sale at
Every size is here and in several 39c. Thismeans we are clearing out
differlint styles. all this seasons Ginghalns and to do '
so have e
at so
reduced them r
, Y
s 1
Every fees -
well set v l<
1 Very quickly. Y y P
9 Y
A number of colored Smocks in all 27 in. wide and the checks are the �.
sizes still to sell at $3.98 each, These newest. Remember the price ,,9c a
garments ranged as' high 'as $6.00. yard.
his is an opportunity to buy a Smock
at very little money, $3.98 each. Summer Vests
5 Every Summer `"est in the stere
Voile Dresses ,
is on sale at 25 per cent. less than
reg -alar price. Euery style of garments
in the reason's best colorings and is represented both iu short and no
designs at 2ro-4. less than regular price. sleeves. Ladies' and children's Drawers
This gives you an opportunity to buv all reduced 25 per cent. Children's no
real merchandise at little money, 25% sleeve and short sleeve Vests 25 per
less than regular price. cent. less than regular price.
J*,jH* Colborne &'Co.
Thye House of Reliability
she and, besides these two children. JIIIIIIIIililtittillllilllllllilillllllllilliNll IIIIIIIIII>�IUIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIL_
she leaves two sons living in Muskoka.
Although Mrs. ,Bogie Attended faithful- }
ly on tier mother in different times of
tier. illness, she did not happen to be C
with' her at the last. RE -OPENING
There was a good attendance at the ' 4.,,,,.
.Int,' meeting of ihr Cnito th \Toronto s St. Paul 's Church =
Glob. $15 was donated to the TOrontO --.
star Fresh :Ur fund. A good pro -
&ran) was given, consisting of readings C Q
by Mrs. Burke, Miss Salkeld, Sirs. I. Dungannon
Salkeld. Mrs. Biehan gave an interest -
Ing talk on children's welfare work.
Instrumental selections by Mrs. Green- (After Renovation)
s1Adr and Mrs. H, L. Salkeld added
rnuch to the enJoynu`nl' of Ike rne'N.intr — will he held on
Mrs. McE\oy closed the meeting with C
surae exceilrnt suggestions for com-
munity life. The next meeting will be _
at the home of \1rs. Jas. Rill, Th urs- Sunday, August 1 �e.r� 1 Q
day. Aug. 111th, at 2.30 p. in. ust 1 59 j 92j0
Rev, Mr. KennPii.•, of Benm'iller, ne-
cupted the pulpit of Victoria St, church = 9 a.m.—Holy Communion
on Sunday last.
Rev. Canon Seager, D. D., of 7?Oron 11 a.m.—Matins and Sermon
to, will. preach at St, nrorge's church
next Sunday evening. 7 R=m.-Evensong and Sermon
Victoria St. church choir, with their I __
friends, held their annual picnic at Splecial Preacher
4;ra'nd Bend on Saturday,
Mrs. Marshal, of St. Thomas, assist- a REV WM. LOWE L.Th.
ed Victoria St. choir on Sunday. The (� • P
solo, "God Shall Wipe Away all Tears,'
was \very• mh,ch enjoyed. � Rector of St. John's, London, Tp.
Mrs. (Dr.1 Simpson, returned ems•
tBtonary.oriia St. church at their regular meet- ,�li IIIIIIIiIiiIIIIIiIIIIiIIIiIIIIIIiilillll IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIINIillilllilllllllllllllliillllllr
ing on Monday and gave a talk on the
,work in Chine. veyances will leave the Sunday school S❑
St, George's church Sunday school at f,3o o'clock. I oripfog ty eler faro sermons r Flt
will hold their annual picnic at Black,., I dy for use of rirrucrnrn is the wore;
Point on Tuesday, August 17th. CV. "Encouragement," Solid
a.R m., and of one London Arm
"Shifting Sands or Solid Rock 4" at 7
P. m., will be the subjects at the Bap-
GODERICH MARKE"fS• tist church next Sunday. Short ser-
er- HAY
Vices during the hot weather. HA j EVER
Wheat...............................s 00 to 2 25 Mr. Spencer ouest, of Winnipeg,
ably re thrheve ing11seleotioinalloth boor Remedy. y
Floor, Giov'ment standard...? 7b to 6 0o and ASTHMA
Floor, per cwt., family ......6 76 to 7 2b each renderAd `a solo srle0tlon accept- fbn seers b • it'(' World's Onl • 'i'�\
Bran, per ton ..................55 0o to 56 o0 rn d}. Icon t suffer
tihorta, per ton ...............63 00 to 65 00 St. Methodist church last Sunda Mr. to a mmu.
Oats .............................. ..1 20 to 1 25 Y• longer. Send to d y 1 3'g ay In't'
Burst is a former Goderich boy, and m(\nt. Trial size 25r. vnd zuaranl,'" I
lltl akwheat ........... ••..............................
'1 65 to 1 75 many were pleased to hear him in the W. K. BUCKLE". kyt
1 7if tat 1 9b sefbiee of song. 11P(t. f.hrm
14Y. old .................... . 24 to 2b 00 97 Dundas St. L. Toronlo.
its y �: new........... . •,a o 110 to 20 00
Bid;ter per lb --Daisy', ri ••.., b 0 50
%1lgs, per dozen .., ,,.,,0+ tis to 0 54
Hopes ...............t..:r<, °.w sill M to 19 25
Iat+tle, butchers chbtod -16 06 to, I1 00
Cattle.butcher�ordinarlr:.i».,QAto 10 00
8irfogna, bulls. per 1b. `,.� �'�0 7
SOil'aLikinbe. per lb Q 16 to 011
toes, iaeW. per bustb . f 00 to 1 001 WHITE SHOES
�•'�• " to W tb 12001 1
isltltlillpw.,.i.. •»••a.y�► , ..wl..• 0,07 to 0.031
1444) 1.
• �tJh1 �tfJiiriil�
t'.rttt�itrltit �t`iC'+e,
Smith I Ofts.
.. _... _ :. ....._ .� ,......,sect..._.. ,�'t .z _ .. ...... _
Were never in greater demand than this year. There are various
reasons for this
18t. Because, of their Comfort, in that they are light, per-
fectly pliable, and easy.
2nd. Because of the wide range of Styles and shapes we are
showing this season, with a distinot design or model to suit
every individur taste, Ronsegftently,
3rd. a We can Fit you, whether your'feel ate Iting ltind narrow,
or short and wide, we have the oorreet last ter you, marl,
woman, or child, and
4th. *Because of their Ewitfl > y. •.
your complete sfpctioli �P Ab ybitlt~friends, tou hleybkooheYs' is
PAS .e
S A"
SWik". SHAM"
„`etta L1
It r
1 • •
„`etta L1
It r
1 • •