The Goderich Star, 1920-08-12, Page 6, "� , n.�p ., .., I , 1. M. htthe1­� . .... .... Vf .., A tu 0 nth Cen ry N,ine.,, By E. P. 'ROE TWU tho flavor M 33141 u, xvwa, 16 Auttkor of "Or;,�frm A CUESTIM 04A. ratmas BURNED AwAY."alite. W001611MMA4 a I ACONWA KH �,gardcns. W909--lyet fe iat 010 94 that tho fl 4,11APTER UXVlff 'yDar, 61nd.1, - `nd Tills receptlon was so u).Ueh kinder 444* Tuo arotm At 111ralilit, ilialf" place - � i J Wait lie I I'd ellen hopleth,.Ih4t. ilaldspe P� sn� 4rilion 1. (Ititsh veal doeo Y m1p no, 'Neu- 'it I ho color— rich aiiA ThO hi. 1�11 V041 � 40 1f(?no, � spar"-- 1koy t140 GtIM V�rpl,ho hilt, it Ule� u1no Zin ifiv, W1 if ano Jl� GOP M C �T. ling. Ift (14 J a lip liftattit -of IM.Pr" 01al, Weil Dr. Vath 1 in Ito f -1I 1!01 euotisomoro.#4 61ft Vis: 01 leaning btek,'In filo k pi1r• the of 1XIS11fa 4.11co Ifilloll illiallune �oiti,-jitt-4­d his atwillun last =10W. Tile doptillr Iwo -JY004 - C lis kapeking III foil ill.- open dour soon fumbling for his handkerchief. WXBRAM -The old gentleman aro." and came for- and list the story culminated. nioppitio. Vancovivar. lavard with II q 4 iNlitiariv timally rVaLkip-t tit* eyvio. ajid uJavul Lott fell With which h0',woijId greet 4 mtgal4ger VLltb blereasing frequetlrYr� "'lou Ju lJo9ji rMieniber Bald .'An, lumll ca'arluded lJoldine, "If I -Oro- elfild only think that Ood wi.tuld,ro. to -ol cannot say that 1-4iff. My e*.eoughl 1*e I It#- as you bete, --If III o"oula 111�1`yl, I tile from jilt miserable Ili not ties good if* %%ben I v%AN at )out hange age.., *elf to %tobat I knotmi, I ought to be, and lip ant also 'the Last -tae ),,it expoet Ift. long to be,—1 feel Mal, L could serve set-, halt I trust I oball not be 1111wel. Hint %%Ith gratitude slid gladpebs the eQnle when you kwtv% illy moti%.- I'm rvoit of illy lift-, e%en though I shoule Corning. I ant Kabi-ri. HAIdarie. and I remain In Lilt- humblebt station; and I .................................... ...... tMo hoped that you-- study would ItaAe come to ark you what I am to, GO TO LEACHS' reint-Alu upria, thougli ni'mr-ly all re- do?" NAVY OAR181111I ro IRACA AT.0i'VIIIPI(; GAAML—The Annapolis litatot, I Academy ohrsplen who will repre. sent tile 111ralted SlI at the Olvaullf, games rowing competitions, having vj a II privilege by defeating the Sym. F6R lPeetable doors are citified against all,.' "Ife will receive you. lily boy: IR "Esbert Haldane! tan I belleve lily f,%jll receive you. No fears oil that 1, us,, University crew on Lake QuInsig amorid, Woreelikir, :.fans., Saturday, 1. eft, to right: Cox* V. B. Wanst. "t eyes?" exclaimed till. old elel-KNInan score," said the .doctor with a hearti- low: L. Litchfield, Jr., Strome; J. L. at nard: W. A Weltiman; E, R. Frawley- W. L. Lee; J. Q Misinger and J. R. :But Howland. stepping eagerly forward. nests Uiat carried conviction. "When last In this place." continued tioalt ask tile what to do. i1n hot rts f 110, Nouth, "I v%as Uad by your gener- going to Interfere in the Lord's work fouN / Pn)% Idenee, fur It has been so Fresh Vegetables and- F fous forghentim tit nay rade behaviour Ile is lending you. If you wanted a Ibb, ► 11A% Ird You to bay, that it I mer voisli- text or a doetrine explained. I'd, vee-SUMMXM utterly dark alad full of tit) ery that, The Lord will not suffer you to #ill lit hattronle (a Glirottiorl I would eurne lure to ght, %on my views: but In thlilly failli was beginning to Vnpr." Cabbap, Cauliflol;;I Applies, Totnatoe,;, I is n nu sooner than in any one else. I Mal matter I shall leave you in God's AftIMMA, I tempted above that you mv abte,'t sait.1 OniOnS, Carrots 13C sl..etc. -7 haN , come, for I wish to Ili- it 1I hands, 'being confident of this very the clergyman heartily. "Wheu relies thing, that Ile whiolt hath begun 9— "Now tilt, Loril tit, praised! 114, limp good i%ork in ),oil will perform It until Is essential It comes, and It always 1voill ,,Ward His sentuat's pra.ser.," respond. Lite da) far Jesus Christ. I once, set ---sleepless nighu, cZfl tant .31 come, rest assured. Take ceinfort, inatimin: nay. let your tit -art o%erl!.;vo` Sealers an ett Dr. NII fervently. -Sty study is about reforming you myself, an*d yop, use Zatil-Atalk. Therme is d.Rubberg Ifneiezingi; itreaming eyes, \%lilt Joy without fear. ,Thr 1I nothing so an6ttong for tender. agen to you. lily suit. find my heart know what a bungle I made of 11 means Well by this �uilnq Illall. 1,341, the unspeakable b1po4rigsends pou end tho burfaing, draw -out -the too," tie added, taking HaIdane's hand Nim I belleNe Lite Lard has taken you wheezy breathing:— aclaing,or blistered fret. It Will for Preserving. q: phasized )its cordial words. "Sit flown ineddle. Bow with tile In prayer that �; III( 00th of his With a grasp thatIli hand, land I shall not presume to voith the gladness artl Atratituilf, of a soritsiss. liartivent bit or IRMINIMIAH atering and b$ m6 here. and tell me all that is foil He may speedily bring you Into Hil, child rt4-ehing gifts from a good Fath diva roti perteot foot comfort. -tibip. brings relief. Put up in capo. (Wifi hands. An- Ile [ibis lipi-, ill, Cream, of Baile'y I manelloull light and knowledge.' Also tII is KJO11,11i0lif so good all -bi swallowed. Sold by good work, flo-li tlith0i It." And the good inan knelt and spread mules, easily I as 414-811k for sun�urn. latial, "I hope so. 1 'I'l. intleed. 11. pe lila: rashes, blistered. hands. actLing fur Breakfast. his hands lotward heaven, and prayed reliable druggist*- for a dollar, Egbelf"t voill nov% come If) his sen.,es MM9,1114% mosquito aniVinseat and Winer 'HOW YOU CAN TELL .%%-till tile 0141inplielly and undoubtinly Ask our agents or send card fq and see thin,". Anti duty in their trot bites. pjlttb�uism bifta'and faith of all ancient patriarch. IEVRKYT�IING CLEAN. AND FRESH. salt ailments. TO Ills falul coptalarlous? Did the frefi sample to Templeton's, 1742 light, As Other Pe,01I (10," PJII01113ted all skin. Juries ja] gr w all dr4gatia 6 au, GENUINE ASPIRIN pall"ils"Is of his voice, lit% stropilly radril- King St. W. Toronto. Agents, the widow fervently. "If he had onl� ts 14till store& Z. taken blic excellent, advice ) ou 6ift For all you� Faindy Groceries go tco totalled sympattly, combine with all that *0 Toronto and Hamilton.4rucl X... him idpec here, how much better I., had gone before to nl'ejt the young, and F inan's. heart? air. lit answer to the gists. 80 would have been foi- its all! But I70V% Ni ------- te h province It lit to give IIre9 Like the dent, are Aspirin—No others) "But now." restionded tilt- due Ty that mysteriously tikes and announced," said Lite childlike pld L6'a6h Local ALI R. (k DUNLOP. - .,% dreary stgh closed the sen. Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" prayer. livas tiler(- present one whose, nee. X, wind up the little warmly, "the Lord has saved 3 J6 va Comes tov%ard (trip with Its viewle.gs clergyman as they drove soul train depth. and that *out is youi Intends PoAo right, and I As' a littio*k ot 7 4, descend upon Q believe Phone 180 Corof, rAont Yet distinctly felt power, Haldane wit. :celled rohd. "Wp�wilt d, 0 conscious of influences at Work in lih your mother and sisters i ra only son. it ;pII to me that this, that the Lord intends to help lit like -allow lip every nth- which is of far greater c thought should sm Pa onsequetiice,, lit -tart that were as' potent as they were lam he of happiness." cr: and It will. when you realls,, IV Said t 04 014 :A 04 014 0% oft I or. Marks. "I will now bid Incontprehenslible.; II and 'doubt The curtains In the sitting -room tie concluded heartilv. "Tills worlo' gonad night. as to -morrow 1.4 the gab - were patimIng away. Deep emotion not drawn. and the family group was; ath: and let me entren: you, my dear Christian life. thrilled his %total. Nothing wait distinct before them. The aplartinent was furio and the fashion of It pas4eth awa% N -, . fu and Ince all promises; well for. the worlil inadam, in parting. to rther by your Ile now began to reallse what a dIj to 4av, and felt sure to;AL iip could t a rush of feeling which seemed to niched %%lilt eloganve land taste. buttht would follow the advice given. Never .1 to vorne. you have only cause fit, Joy prayer arid sympathy the good work wi before -the 4 lift-tiim up a% on a ralghty tide, and very geralus of dreariness seemed to ficult problem as_b ore.the youth. before had W8*4 living 4eenied so Never 1l advice. I was bet- w6wh the I.nrd*has begun." Society would be slow to #pIve hini brood over Its occupants. Till, somOre tra#tiW and -the Pilth of dtiVsojurn- I bear hill] 'beavenward. fill for any excelk ter pleased with it at the How thatz, H�Idane Insisted on seeing the til credit for changed motives anti clip! -- I It you don't stie the 1'ftyeir Cron" trots %,..as whot lip had sought, 4 of mourning dresses seem. [nous. IBut the t4ought that chlefly till- color, On the tablets, refusal thelip—thii are the Lord was. I now lift thrinkfiti tha. gentleman safely baler to his study. acter, and as proof wuuld take only r I'tie pr Y, was whit tie had hoped: tills letrodic. oil a part of the deep shadow that was .filled him wt•* Joy was that hencEforth 'elling lip In Ills heart resting upon them. all(] t inal,lAspirin at all. He let it do no more, harm than It did.' Their ride was a rather use one, each patient continuance iq well -doing, the'lle )V)uId no' 1, be v(jnS1!1It,d to *plod fur- er, lot only one Aspirin, that marked JOYOUS feeling. v% the c With the "Bayer cross"—a!1 other tab- like a spring leaping into the sunlight uloon, or life shadow vvm.p, cannoit help the Linst. mother.' being busy will, 4ilu (;xvlf thoughtsltrittsh good doctor novo more thail suspected ward as a weary PTI111'rim. Ha felt that anus? be eonyemion. by their air of despondeney and till, Alibi Hildane eliaorly. "Pei its tuillb The good man had found his enthu- that -in Ili. Gwa home Haldane woulij lets are only acid limitations. our eyes to the futute, which Is al sia.,in strangely quenched Ja the at- lie had -MrIgN find mart: that was deprossinig and ton- ; tile diviae Look for the "Bayer Croifs"i Then M11011 lie gross, front Ills knees tit, pallor Of their faves. The younget trenAh had bei aglow with hope, I ft,,,l that liod Ila, 11 phero in Which Mrs. 110dane dwelt, orial-Inw. Worse than all, he would tie be- pirin, for which there is "Yes were full tit tears, but a glad da voao, re.itting, bill the elder -elf changed,Larrrok It is real As I� and found tha lieved him- P-1, trans - no, substitute. 411dilanee idione thratt4i ;them, 'and, :fall the till) tiler . held their hands III I f"I"riven nit�. anti the though,ts fill n I. In spite flof himself. tie lumi, to contend with till. excitable and %%.ill, ,, tualult, q lily_ yi)ilr wiu,; M)Arirvg in her tioui)tit and fears un-rmernod NN -1.4ri"In fill, It" that his old but ill made wrasping the dortor's hand. Ill' plild 111 'a -PS- kill -I their VVt1 1 heart to ia I i I kv, Already— sadly I self had �,%Nay- Aspiriq ill not German b brokenly— erre fixed oil % actancN, alt.'r tile olon- I Nvarin ernbralro as.�nrvs late th.at filt to the,%future vou�se of the pri-atir v% a! p... I I n, I la�.,od wrongly. "Wh I, and in Chnada by Canadians, and is owned h,lughts ml.e Huse ' jill.it,linK ten - "I believe your propir has been an- 111it'r 1)f thOnP VNIMst' 114ve ANo fOrgiVoll the wnntr. tlw anti impulsive N.-outh a: Itis sloe. He will ljk• I il'rial result'?" sighed 11 s 'llilitochatied from the V. S. Government. to hirnsvif. But he goon H 4 - No go Awa ]Y, t e." Halilant, 4-toild r 1; air but !i :-riqfal ",N hanols. Henerfor;h it shalt Ili-. pelt resolutely away. By a few fell back hopefully on Ills belief that, be felt II would henceforth is . happy before." man work and' e at�nataral as bireathing, and pralsie' a Canadian Company. all rights 6eing , I I Shame. an I sorrow you limo ret -elver. blamed hirlaw-11"for this, and fried to 'old gentielpan he dencie v%oulol v--n'r d swered. I never felt No strangely -su %%*ill' lit"i'll"ll till 11 e - Genuine "Bayer,.Tablots of As - 11fo-eff,wl that oou ni.,:-'ve tile rel earnest %%orots lit, sought to show the the Lord ha4,begun a good millions m io t' ,(;Gmc w1lill at, r feel �vjtbh� young man that only as. the grace of and wor-ithip the strong and abidIng in - have been proved sato by rine "' cried the old glance. and ruVIP.J % "Mother, forghe rne Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rhou. impetuously; 1,ronic with met Your of all till,. I at last would finish it. anile of his heart. fat God was daily alke4.,,fur arta daily re- Hiddane listened at and nktAsm, Lumbago, Neuritis. litifir must learn at once that her Him presence vias �-o unexpected andl D"I" the Power I live as a true attentively Randy t� boxes of 12 '?ablate --also I In;' " -4 that tilt, widow mgM." relved, could he ll�Pe to.milintain the gratefully to all that his old frknd had 'To be continued). s in, who 'was deskil. Is alive again;"' 11 IsillaRel, so illipottiou J. it 14 few moments -later flaidane had no time to roptilder what kind of "I trust v,iiir hopes may lit, realised forgot t`Ba etre packages, can be had and Was T, t an drug store. onee noire In the vv carriapre, oil hI4 It P"VePtifill she ('tight to Wive her way- Pghort-- I ,in, inileo-d: hilt loo ever '41, " i to lit then ( rillilent -fore--and In is the trade mark -Ity, with tke en huslastic doctor, to ward bull. Of WhuAl She had Nv� * wi, al d lin. ap jrf'lltereit 1 11 t ished knovo what foilo%Nvil," concluded 116 'Canada Of flayer Manu me are of , Ills old homol. her liands. 7 inollwr with a shudder. Z Atilt- f Salicylicacid, I we Nvort I perrnfili ourselves to. -be .1, Her Raut it r-mve tritimphen,, her (,.,art had long horn stirl, with grief: "My present feeling, nIV orpsent m(i - — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----- and slat, reiiii-ned Ili,* embrace-vt,4kb lives, In nil ri-spect, resemble illy con. pillyat bisartintNt. ditiou when I started out before. His 414term, however, had,AnhQed was then ,I c-incolted fool, lgnorpnL w 4nore of their mother's nventionsilitV I) )-self, Ili,- world, and the task I hao attempted. ' Hilt nowI feel that all 1; II McE en is WO-%wa this phirfir wittiMilan lit her heart: ant the tart In via, their brotlit-r di different. Mother." tie explaimP4 .vIll, not it by any intanN nillitt-ra 11 from tll�Tt a rufah of ontollon, "I feel as If hP,,,vPr train& I� 0 t" other' W"P, th t II haat almost begun in my heart! Why. 'A'01'Y 41'ad MPIrtattoni, and that Irk.Akim them;' do You rlouli this bright hou abominably dressed. Thole greeting. I with doubts anti fears?" Childreil's Roi . npers ....................... : ............. 75ci therefore, Was rathee grave and eon- .1iVoll. Illy ann, we will hope for thr strained, aild %tiageitted that therefloat," -said his mother. endeavoring If Ladies' Allover Aprons, from ............ $1.00 to $2 25 might have been a depth In the family, I throw off hor ilespondenev. ;and shmr I and that their brothot-had cause horne it) the VIM which animated her pastor Curtain Material from 25o a yard to ............ 75o to attend the funeral. # "But I have dwelt - long in sorrov, Elul 'tilt, tirrovorldly 4)r. Marks mvits and foreboding that ti will require wholly absorbed in tilt- bleqsed truth time hetero 1-811 recover my' old ilal ..... ...... ` 25 - ­ ttiat the (lead was alive anti the lost 'trill 101le. The.'- 81111den and -trial, Girls' Hair Ribb�ns, Per. yard ................ 25o to Thund, 11ro Imil, followed Haldane -Into alternations of feeling And 'It,, r •llllarstcrtmonit. - rubblaq-Itis hands and YII our Part and dbiqui#q trip. an a 64m hit kII WFr*lih1(1lAt1dfi. Ulf. I cannot see V -11Y one hroufrht tip a,, "ImInq that the serene tight (it H You ha%e been should not maintain zi t',% mr,rolstedl,oik tbo,4vtIVIA14 (luiet. well-bred deportment, and (if year's Pricedor 0 jj k e -i Molt tie ' wlild lobtl4v right as a matter ;it rnursp. ac Il3oPllati lofted .% you, IVOWII.- fit sisters do, And yet. If fir. Nial-ki, truly Men's Ballittiggiin Undet-weitir, fi'ne quittlity, 'at old 'emelt' htm that It wail an am, thinks that You mean to tin right r6r irl"Xnd inamixed,jealolmnic 'flot ght troll, prices. 'i tills time forward, I shall eertatrily 11 Attrir some Itirlet. explanations halill take courage: though -arf given 111 the howildered holi4q,, how going to meet what has already oi- eurred I hardly see." 115 t4- MY,drar mattlann. I could tit Olin do. Indeed, lipliever that your sur Myself tile PIP,1411M of Coming with` rotial sowl tbat I 014tht rejol", with M! 0 VbII Jet '_Jt, Me' IF The Lord has answ6red -till .4w E . - .1", ?) oraveria, you see, and You hAV0 MAM(Ita Phone 46 to 6e the haPPIest woman living." Dane' S th M "I tin) WWI. inalp-fit" vIirhpd'th- wait. Qw. "that some light 13t beginning t' 0 r and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sfifne through ?film dark limu ill)bjel, MUSIC t V emodow ilde at the mom of "ONO amillbot M stuaw Isy f A, A i_�Wt't L &&.We. late. "is .10,ft of ='Aft t1jit n, haat * -body to thill rb"M at In k mom* lotin of Oawftw is mair in, bam O&MIJoirlty 6C the -olveltimp Q*n "I W9111"; W4 IlQuor wilitUdm- 4* musk, howe'lIter, dkilleft nmy do ftlordS. dod, hLittio6ok- 6"d to a" In hdr, 1111tv" t"us "M Pei 0,010 Yin wo" "124 0 ' jj6'*1A VIM As I have decided tololear oUt the Wiltheo olt,111y atook of White Shoes I am prered to otter you "ity ex"p- ext' exit y tli delill" for 41moliew4iL P40* *to totip* U664 their tit tional values regardlim of -,e mt. The "followipg & are,Ili D004, Alai TAlte few of the'rhany"Illu?Are, 1i1s1taL ley W011066*19 Willa high di 16W voil".*lkill it wilis heals, sizes 21 to 7. 41e prift $24$ 'aod 43,,00 fted, aI ltisafts lei OU S*tk parletp XY0Men'sNVoh1W Catilvos OifqMsf, u4 **lI big), tom No tk4r *why WN "a bow In Mill; 11111101A - land low liealg, . 4- " till OY &3*e II 1117MG 1@046 Ana $3.00 Hisses' White CanvaA Oxfords and Pumps, air" 11 to A 2. Sale prifels $1.50 and $1.11S Chilaren's WiI Cm,4,V#M I? 4 lova aw, 0ti00II 601st,, )I 4sit4 ,ti p -that will be on We at g1*Jgy "daWpilfts. PgLl A A 7 7,7 ­ it at :L %ltdam" "M till 41 A F-1