HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 12Wi*U­W6, Omy Z.T. threshold of a tremendous expan- ramal, 111u3skinAted signs, map", iFemous Idws of salmon are shown cion in the Dominion's industrial transparehcles, pictures. ate.. Wet- by B. C. whilst a specially con - ac activities, That Is the belief of the Ing the activities of the company. OtnwtOd cabinet, made Up of difter- dy Canadian Pacific Railway, which has but also by exhibits sent up for dig- slit kftWIa of Woods for which B. C. play by world-renowned, conveys a graphic done and Is doing so much to de the Asezift GeStAftst Of is world velop, the resources of the country. British Columbia and Quebec. A Illastratlon In tht quickest possible Sir George McLaren Brown, the large selectfim of entarged.hoto- Way of the vast -undeveloped re. European General Manager of the graphs dealing with the recon? visit sources which B. C. offers to the C. P. R., with the co-operation of of the Prince of Wales to Canada timber merchant several of the Provincial Govern- attract Much attention; the moving SPORT ON THF C. P. IL ments, has organized a highly Inter- models, one showing the great grain R6crea46n has an important place eating and comprehensive Ebch4btdon elevator at the twin Cities of Port in the Lives of C. P. R. employee. of Canadian Resources and facilities William and Port Arthur, and the From the President down to the Jun - for transportation In Cimift, at the other Quebodby night and day, with Lor clerk they are devoted to spbtts. Canadian Industries Fair, - Royal back- A few years ago splendid gTounds the Chateau Ftontenne in the b R Agricultuml Hall. Islington, London. ground, are centres of admiration; were opened at Sortin, an outsktTt of 11111 t"I 1111111111 HUS 11111jILIN Illustrationq of whIch are shown ou Utute yrhUst the Royal Colonial Ins Montreal. where football baseball, this has been housed with apace in one tennis and general athletics are cul - The exatutt Is at the ertrnnee booth to r.nfjwer enquiries dealln& tivated. Attached to the grounds is to the Main 11all. Passing the turn with 1h. sense of institution, a large club house elaborately fur- %ttles the lettefs "C. P. R." bid the Scores 61! original piciure,­: by famous ntsbed and equipped, where all home vihltor welcome, whilst on eltbpr side artists featuring 4'atkda from every &mforts*are supplied and a dancing of the entranqe, hall, undenteath the r)fmsih)e point of view are onex- hall gives deligbt to those who are "Canadian Pacific. the hibttion, and a tastefully appointed wording fond of dancing. These grounds and World's Greatest H1z))vv9y**. hang waiting room Is at the service of the largo pictures depicting P scenic or sightzecirs. club house are the headquarters or the C. P. R. Recreation Club. agrfcultural and ladustria' resources The Dominion Express. the The ladies play an important part of thA Dominion. Each pillar 1.4 partntent of Colonization and De- In makivig the Club auccessm. ".e surmounted by some big game hetid velopment, the Passenger and ht Club sometimes holds "field days." Moore, Pee% NNO Ox. Frclv Departments of .4p Canti- 'The King's Birthday was the firpt Bear. Two Larne Xlan?� I;­tdR from adlan Aulatrnlesian Line are woll , Northern ]3e.ttF;h (70 at represented. and an aerop' :mbla are anp inadel field day" this year. Tho sports on thethat oecaMon were opened by Mr, top ot the coluramc; of 4be en- calls develop- t6jbe latest develo A. D. MacTter. Vice -President of t�a and over meat of the Dominion Express trance to the mair strikina actIvIt'ea In Europe. The exhlb- C. P. R- etret, the rolumn tNA.A, painting aev*t11'ng CaTteda In peace Itg' provided by the Azonts Z;n- One of the beat long distanep run. and war. ()r %be ,ofit. a intrite aign I eral for Quebeo and Tirtifs It Col- ners In America, Eddie lAwrence, it, ezills jttekt!o.n to U.p Onama In thelumbia are topical and, attractive. It C P R- employe ILI Montreal, He Hit -g ndward 11iftiA. mdIr-e-101'. Enter-IThe forale? dboss samblea of pulp FwIII probably represent Canaoin at tho Ing the ,ctrtj^lurc One 1`1249 ".1 in varlolls 81UPS. mineirals wowto - Ming Olympic games. 0 b6otba an Iltb-.- al11, W-Mlt ter In 011. I Of 01 Muds. and ftr-1 gltoftk- Ash. j ON % - i I �. . . . � - 1. 1 1 . . . 0 14 s. q IL "t; NC40%,w Su [.I MAP I VIA f, Aoiir,��h to 1L Fil :1 il: luta` iiolurui'nlntnru,'mi'll►tlhinl I INIMMI I I t I I I I I I I I ) I I I f 1 11 111111111 111 111111 1111 11111111111111111 if I 11`1 1 IF, 1, 1 11 Pl*t; 7- -7 DeYt`1W monstraing Canad*an Resources Wi*U­W6, Omy Z.T. threshold of a tremendous expan- ramal, 111u3skinAted signs, map", iFemous Idws of salmon are shown cion in the Dominion's industrial transparehcles, pictures. ate.. Wet- by B. C. whilst a specially con - ac activities, That Is the belief of the Ing the activities of the company. OtnwtOd cabinet, made Up of difter- dy Canadian Pacific Railway, which has but also by exhibits sent up for dig- slit kftWIa of Woods for which B. C. play by world-renowned, conveys a graphic done and Is doing so much to de the Asezift GeStAftst Of is world velop, the resources of the country. British Columbia and Quebec. A Illastratlon In tht quickest possible Sir George McLaren Brown, the large selectfim of entarged.hoto- Way of the vast -undeveloped re. European General Manager of the graphs dealing with the recon? visit sources which B. C. offers to the C. P. R., with the co-operation of of the Prince of Wales to Canada timber merchant several of the Provincial Govern- attract Much attention; the moving SPORT ON THF C. P. IL ments, has organized a highly Inter- models, one showing the great grain R6crea46n has an important place eating and comprehensive Ebch4btdon elevator at the twin Cities of Port in the Lives of C. P. R. employee. of Canadian Resources and facilities William and Port Arthur, and the From the President down to the Jun - for transportation In Cimift, at the other Quebodby night and day, with Lor clerk they are devoted to spbtts. Canadian Industries Fair, - Royal back- A few years ago splendid gTounds the Chateau Ftontenne in the b R Agricultuml Hall. Islington, London. ground, are centres of admiration; were opened at Sortin, an outsktTt of 11111 t"I 1111111111 HUS 11111jILIN Illustrationq of whIch are shown ou Utute yrhUst the Royal Colonial Ins Montreal. where football baseball, this has been housed with apace in one tennis and general athletics are cul - The exatutt Is at the ertrnnee booth to r.nfjwer enquiries dealln& tivated. Attached to the grounds is to the Main 11all. Passing the turn with 1h. sense of institution, a large club house elaborately fur- %ttles the lettefs "C. P. R." bid the Scores 61! original piciure,­: by famous ntsbed and equipped, where all home vihltor welcome, whilst on eltbpr side artists featuring 4'atkda from every &mforts*are supplied and a dancing of the entranqe, hall, undenteath the r)fmsih)e point of view are onex- hall gives deligbt to those who are "Canadian Pacific. the hibttion, and a tastefully appointed wording fond of dancing. These grounds and World's Greatest H1z))vv9y**. hang waiting room Is at the service of the largo pictures depicting P scenic or sightzecirs. club house are the headquarters or the C. P. R. Recreation Club. agrfcultural and ladustria' resources The Dominion Express. the The ladies play an important part of thA Dominion. Each pillar 1.4 partntent of Colonization and De- In makivig the Club auccessm. ".e surmounted by some big game hetid velopment, the Passenger and ht Club sometimes holds "field days." Moore, Pee% NNO Ox. Frclv Departments of .4p Canti- 'The King's Birthday was the firpt Bear. Two Larne Xlan?� I;­tdR from adlan Aulatrnlesian Line are woll , Northern ]3e.ttF;h (70 at represented. and an aerop' :mbla are anp inadel field day" this year. Tho sports on thethat oecaMon were opened by Mr, top ot the coluramc; of 4be en- calls develop- t6jbe latest develo A. D. MacTter. Vice -President of t�a and over meat of the Dominion Express trance to the mair strikina actIvIt'ea In Europe. The exhlb- C. P. R- etret, the rolumn tNA.A, painting aev*t11'ng CaTteda In peace Itg' provided by the Azonts Z;n- One of the beat long distanep run. and war. ()r %be ,ofit. a intrite aign I eral for Quebeo and Tirtifs It Col- ners In America, Eddie lAwrence, it, ezills jttekt!o.n to U.p Onama In thelumbia are topical and, attractive. It C P R- employe ILI Montreal, He Hit -g ndward 11iftiA. mdIr-e-101'. Enter-IThe forale? dboss samblea of pulp FwIII probably represent Canaoin at tho Ing the ,ctrtj^lurc One 1`1249 ".1 in varlolls 81UPS. mineirals wowto - Ming Olympic games. 0 b6otba an Iltb-.- al11, W-Mlt ter In 011. I Of 01 Muds. and ftr-1 gltoftk- Ash. j ON % - i I �. . . . � - 1. 1 1 . . . 0 14 s. q IL "t; NC40%,w Su [.I MAP I VIA f, Aoiir,��h to IIIIIIIIIIL � 1L IIIIIIIIIIL �