HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 8C
ii r•
.r�..a....... ur•.+,. :.. .. .wen
Selling all summer goods at very
Much below value. Silk Foulards, a
very select choice in every color, neat
patterns. Regular $2.5o. At $1.50
per yard... — .
Shantung Raw Sid 34 in. wide
Ruse, Alice, Natural A
and White, Regular $2.50 for $2.00
Plain fine Voiles in Pinks, Blues,
Orchid, White, $ 00 and �'i
etc. 42in. wide at 1. .25
British Liuoleums 4 Yards wide,
heavy, beautiful quality, in floral and
block-patterfls, new ' afld
grand value, at per sq. Yard $1050
Tapestry Rugs
Clearing of imported Rugs
3 x 3 Yards, $18.00
3 x 3% Yards, $25.00
3 x 4 yards, $28.00
Brusselette Rugs
2 x 3 yards, $10.00
3 x 3 / Yards, $18.00
3 x 4 Yards, $20.00
Us"a to Trust;" or "Jraith's
*V011 •z ll i, m. gad '"rl.'hfi XWer's
4" at 7 P, til. will be the theme at
e Daptl•t f3hurch Ipext Lord'(,1Pay.
Durini; the month of August Res• >4[r. O
Mllatt. pastor of viotpris,street
ethodlttt Church, is Supplying
11pit of First Metbodist Church. I,on•
= Last Suaaay the pullplt of victoria
;reef Church wuis oeeupled by Rev. Ur
arwall, a returned, mi■s{onary from
blas, pad next Bun y Rev, R. F. o
euaetiy o2 ileum
Circuit 'will
The Ahmeek chapter, I.O. P•E., wi 1
Aid i'n urgent meet iv6 to [ilia Board, of 11
'rade rooms on 8ewMay. August 7th,
t 4 o'clock to discuss twportent
The General Brough Chapter,
are pleased to say the net Pro- 1t
:eeds trom The Dansant are In theclh.te tl
telghbork.oed of one hundred dollars.
roudfoot said he was very th
man who took the farmer's
s 9oO( ss un, strongly oin favoof the Cat rate for
COLBORNE FARMERS' PICNIC hien to the shipping L
Irfront the tilne i� ee left
by Borneo to vnshfpti;and oOth farmers town
A Success !n SPLie of Downpour °I %atoll that Mr. �IeCurdy stl%d hr did ships) could eat electricity at n teas- .
Baia In Early .Afternoon and doesn't
not brlle\'e In Insuring the cattle. lit say, "Pruudfuot i i �arazyBeck use o B
owing to the downpour of rain In would n„t be afraid to insure them ++t : now what 'tie is talking aboout,”
the forepart of the afternoon of Thurs- 5 cents a head, and the farmer could hen Mr. Pruudfuut used to udvocatq
better k,, P tris plant')' to forma fund For Two Weeks
day last week, the annuune.ement wa:
ina6e that the annual picnic of the Cul- at Name than spend It for Insurance, the flat rate. But he \vutl glad a ser
borne Farmers' Out, %vilich had been 'Phu sale of Ifye stock was nil contrnl tin Association formed P to advance lila F
borne F for that aftrrnnon of Menese led by file Iinmlulon eio.ernme'nt, and; Flat Bate idea. \Ir. ernme of had the
tuns Park, would he postponed, and 11"'n the l'. F. o• found It had n,+t vocated that tilt Government take the
tour. Carmichael, 5ilnister without port, sot ,,en r+lpaclty xl lila !info❑ Stock sole control of Hydro power and deal
folio In the Drury Uuvernment• who yards, the aDP�'+hi \vas Made to the re- It out at the same rate to all sections, CASH AND CARRY
raker for presenlstli%v of the i;overnnien"who and he hoped t++ Iteu lute Present Gov
Had come a., the leading speaker prornPtly, gA tnvice the capacity ermnent take It up. a \L P. la. for
the occasion, lett again on the attar- �,r. Andrew Hicks,
nova train. Later In the otternoon• formerly ProclJed, ylr. McCurdy was ' H. MCFADYEN
However, it cleared up and ft looked aitwould De bonded and had
to pay a license tee to South Burn, sketched the eetrly itis- ■
it the remainder of the da>' the (;overr,-nt and the yards ware tory and dlClcultfes of the U• rt �1A Clothing
beautiful, and then the trlrphona wires fully under the co- trot of the Govern- movement and spoke highly OPEN EVENINGS
were kept busy announcing that til 1 menu, A record being kept of all Morrison. When he honk hold of ft it
picnic would be procel4led wllh, with \velghbs, Jt r. McCurdy said he had Is was a discouraging thing for any man, _
speeches In the evening. The af- y,,,.i1 some SO,000 ehequrs since he had but novo !t was the greatest movement
fair thus turned out to be more of an beta In burduess. 'i'Itr U. N. 0.. America had over seen and lila iz s
rvrntrte garden party Lhnn the us+lui though only one of 15 firms operating had w n the respect of the, citizens of
Tlenia but \ins very muell enjoyed on the Union Stock yards, did 37 per (intario. Gents
none the Irss, and a g11nd leo\vd guilt- cent. of the business. and was thus va t11nF n1lerinnRl1e to
rleetions, resulting ttiq
ter .
eDtl y-
husin Go
,• a
n- in form m
�of Ill r •ern o
reed. Piping b)' Roy \IeKenzlr, largest r,nt, their being called on t
Lail, and piping and dancing by the From his position Mr. McCurdy was
Coder►ah Highland dancers helped to able to see the Iran vvtl„ would make toittile bests men to se. Melts lect for it ►1 oder
liw�n thin( up 1111 supper time• nrnney and the man who would nut. furnishingsivf,n tui supply of hat. tea vias pro- from the grade Af cattle sold. our 1eee \A (you Idto have a pubo [,f itheand
vided on the grounds for the ennyen- cattle, he said, were not holding uP telligrnee, htteirrity and Foresight of
tenao of lire plrniekers and early party the ofd standard, and one of the fir. lirnry for leader.
had their own basket. Directly after c•uttlr in (httarlo eoul,l be taken out As to hydro radials Mr, ]bury had
supper a bail game was staged. it has and yet get enure heel There wry,' fold the speaker on July 1st that !t
been intended In hove Culbnrne and toil many rultle on the farm not him ti dra radials weer ns good as lhry sled
l:oderich teams as the contenders but fsh(,d, and lila furnrer with ilfl.t,eu g„+°1t �.re ;aid to Ur \yr could not get talo Boots hoes
os it happened, ninst of tilt pla)rra raltlr and soyen purr cues were sim many of them, but before the uovern-
ready to take purl were Otiderlch ply keeping %oven hoarders'\- :9ctl were u... did anylliIna it would investigate
township men, so that the nu,lch \\as -If ue use. 'I'll. re \\er,• a \vondet'fut ` oonuiillty, of Ihr Logi filature had EtC•
between sides (•hoses UP Jut hrfom ;Aoluunl of III, to toluic kept wiieti ,t` been appointed also to increligate as
the game. not pay. R \\e,ul,l he fur better 4+• to the flat tett, and If we could not
After this part of the proceedings Crave fmvrr ('$fila :end hcllrr cattle, an` K,'t a Cut rate, we \\',,old at htlst I•'t
President w'm. Young of the Farmers the ,b•horoing of cattle would loran 41 an equalized rate. N"ttv should an)
(sub, took the platfurrn and Inviter least half N rent a pound nitre, The Inas in the Niagara peninsula have I
Mr. Andrew flicks, the 11. F. (l. Mem- American hu)er ,",old not take horn- mortgage nn that power? When the
her of 411• l.raislahire tenni South ,\d ealllo. 1,111. Ihrlslrin breed With Chippmva creek develoPment \yes com•
Huron: %fr. Charles Mecurdy, iivestoet ,(,nod fur \cal lvAtle hilt should be pleted, in (Mt., itni, ollitnrio would
snleaman of the ti. i'."`R' Co-opernllye rnarkelyd
veal. tray(, the biggest pub ownership A
e:nrnaoy: Senator W. Proudfoot an,t tirnator Pruerdfu„t, as himself • Plant In the world. For Genuine Bargains
nrr Coy-
•Isl11lt o
Mr. W. S. Bowden, Industrial secretary .former ni, nrher of . the L+4\ The measures of lila IT. F .
of the lloderieh- Hoare; or Trade: toltnr +h ,11 years, sa1J hr kj,ew, Thr ernrnent, Mr. Flicks claimed, were vo
treats on Ute platform. The prograin work end understood the dilllclltfrr good that Air. Joynt, the Conservative
t,f addresses was gi\rn on the lawn in co that ho could sympathlze with the menrher from North Huri,ti had Voted Watch Our Windows
front of the. hotel. maul who \\ant lu take his %ext fur the f•ye•y tittle with the Government, and
President Young referred briefly 1, 111%1 lane. The Farmer novermnenl l\lr. iloyenlock, till Liberal member
tie progress of the Furnu rs' move- ha41 dune ver\ well. Their work from (tr tire Huron missed only once.
,latent. Thr farmers had been told Ilia, ewnpare,l favnrahl) v,iltr Ihat -yf the and their election act was sn Perfect
if tfhey were united Iltey eould makr Legislature drlring till, yearn he \vas a that !herr was no oD•leebion to it.
their influence felt. and nothey 111141 op -other. 'Piu•re \ya+ n, doubt About Mr. Hicks Paid n high compliment to
n Govetnml,nt al Turunlo they weer this, that the Inv, oid parties thvlughl ml,. McCurdy, saying there was not a
Proud of. Mr. young expressed MO they owned lilt Proylncl,, hit, otter ,Hort honest man, nor one who could
regret that. Mr, Carmichael had not re- reading the nKrord of Iasi so -slop, they sell cattle for more money. The only
rrrainpd, as hr \yes rxpertcJ to sgy wouhl cunchuir that the)• had another fault the speaker could tend with Win We are not men
something along the fines of hydro guesv rnniing. was that a man with such a splendid
Mr. Ha\\'del had ril,t conte ezpeIcting F:\ery one wastriad these ,Inys to he physique should be a bachelor.
to say anything, huh. \\h,•n r.alled on nhb• to --IN 11, \\av A farmer. tiring The Referendum ballot to be cnted -
fIxTprecsed his d•lhrrht in seeing the born and hrvnnrht tip In tilt, Township „n In October was made so plain there tioning Prices, but
farmers adopting the plan of getting of Colborne III(. slu^hker had some rea- euuld be no misunderstanding of wha;
together in social Intere,mr%e. The son to be proud of It. 'rhe only hent(, It meant, "and it you say a dry lin-
to)vnspeople'wrre inlerested in getting he 111141 n►w since he sold his rrsi- tarso, you'll get It" said Mr. Hicks. come, and see for
together tan and any such (Ito -operative in (ioderieh was In the jown- TDe wlttging of the Nallonal :\nthrm
efforts should lnelude the people of shop of (;olboroe, and he inlendird to ,•tosrd lila proceeding -s.
L e rural sections. We had arrived at remain for some little here. OBITUARYyourself •
the time in Canada \chem we needed A word As to the Senate. There
the best and brainiest and most honest were no ,politics In the S,nate and no
nien %\e could get to manage our It pleetion every few years. and It was MCQUARRIE—On Sunday evening, F2
tales regardless of party or class, better lhuv. Some people Bald the July 35th, Mrs. P. McQuarrie. Brussels,
:ter. McCurdy raid he \vas glad to "mato "'I's no list,, but it performed n passed away after a severe Illness ex -
meet the met he was working for, the very useful function in the noycrn• tending over a year, She was born at
inen by whom he was--olployrd• Far Ment, to see that 4111 legislation was in Auburn nearly 59 years. ago and was
what success the farmers tied achievp,i the best Interests or ;.hr country. Ste married to her now bereft partner, at
Ln seting their stock through the co- was very strongly of the opinion that Blytb, Sept, Both, 1885. There married Special ci +�e�ring
operative company he hook no credit, lila Senate should not have any pall- life was spent in Brussels. In addition
but Placed a great deal of credit on the ties. to Mr. McQuarrie (whose health has not 1• �
been rugged for some time,) there aro
Bring your film to us for developing and
One Day Service
,Films to Fit all Cameras
Telephone 856
I The Rexall Store
r goods are- alw4yts fresh
i oleio�oao�olalo=o=o
d the best quality we can
)w laid Eggs and first-class
Every buyer knows
that i sell goods that won't come back,
Have you tried our
to customers that will.
You will surely like it.
'Think it over.
aeon, whole Hae, cooked
Ham, Meat Loaf, etc.
MARTIN, the Tailor
'Phone 318
rash Bread daily, 12c a loaf,
! �nnuua►���tL���tiltillllllillfuumuumuullmmullmlunt111111111111111111111111111'.
School of Commerce
Offers the following courses
Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil
seHSvice, Te
r Tr
g Co
ro Store ^ and arranges Special Coarses fol,studsnts.
The following advantages
The heat of summer = Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
makes all household = g y
difficult. a Actual Business System of Bookkeeping
tasks more I c ._
las — Credential Typewriting Tests _
Buy an =c
Positions Guaranteed _
Electric Washing =
Vocational . T raining School _
We have three makes � � for this district, by Government appointment, and under
�.. inspection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department. _
and sizes, at different i
prices = For terms, etc., write
The "Thor" = B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal.
The "Trojan” =
M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist, Vice -Principal. E
and The "Kribs" "—
'Phone 1989 Clinton
Lamps, Irons, etc., always on
. two ohfldren, Mrs. J. C. Prtdham, Tor- lues
> IHIIIIIIli1111IiIlilIIINIiitlllllllllllilllllllliilllllllllllNilllIIIIIIli11111tniIIIIIIIIintl± auto and Will. of Brussels. Mg. D.
«+. Kennedy, (},aderioh and Mra..t3eorge
Colvin, Bru88618 ; are statists, and Robt.
Anderson, Brueaela, a brother. ladies' end
YUl',N(I. The dearth took plaee on
Sunday night of Mr. Jas. It. young,
+ who for the past dine .years had lived
in outterivh, corning here from Fg-
tuondviile to woes the (began For-
Chdr'� s
• tart'. last lull Mr.
r. Yoong suffered ,
-from, partial paralysis and had not
been ship to work since, though quite
v able to be cdtout. He was; born In
Brucefield and waS one of A family of
twelve. and beside, his wife IN es A G SOX19 Shoes
nine children, Vesta, Fatva, Belma. Eva.
C lea, Nlargaret. liussel, William and
Get a pair of BLACKKenneth, 'rbc eldest son, Harold,, was
killed In the nor. His sister, Miss Nel-
Ilc\ lived NAth him, and aphthae tris- �t less than cost
ter, Mrs. Stoekdale, in tiotrolt. 11[w
F owl�hi!' O brother John tivro In ilptrbo on iftilli and
In Cfrveland, lleorpre In London and
Sir, 11. voting in Brueelleld. Nvttliam -
Young is himself hmwel! at the present pr1Ce
tint(,, but fhb others of kbe family were
Guaranteed to reduce y+olu Itoltiery bills 80 Eger cut- bare for the funeral, wltleh took place
fail WedrioAlty to Maitland cemetery.
We are sole aRelth (wGotierich The deceased was a •.lttenrber of vie-
„�� torla atrect Methodist church. The
baled, of wliklh deceased was for years
dtUpuner, attended the ton -
Also 1161t�larttlrl'i fat era] iIn a► boft, p ayiag lite t)ead 'Starch.
8 • sg• ,The. pyop(l.�aalan lett the house. /'tdiyE BARD'
,. S�1 r�rhtltwl �,t .
�t �rIlne Tailoring 5lnco Mr Yonnit'la death. hie+ slater
A k lila htMa n Til for some tune, Paused
*Vky. utile the corning fen �'V��(i1nesdayyTI)'ih fnfheal'sl twill be held ou friday llaltri'a cctttcteTyY Stanley. .......
rA#t Ittt awe�lil� T' At .at 7-M 11,1n.
•+ (L T V. will hold Its regular
1",14 Tl ;txlitt t #LtCI) Will Will ovety'. �
+ AZ>°B L ,, a i�f i►f!tlltit+ tl\itil MItil�ttun
' kidYtltl lisle hl)Lit` xv111 bid af) the v+Yl'o
1 uoti �lifo+ lull, Witors sh*ialk
s Vt**
i -
i �� " p Ili pt�r„ �
n b
. r.4
.Jnr :• .
What would You
do with it?
If you owned this Company, what would yon aim to,
do with it?
You would want to give good service to your patrons
To pay good wages and provide agreeable working
conditions for your employees—possibly make pro-
vision also for their old age—
And to pay a fair return to investors who had put
their money into the business—such a return as would
attract other investors so that you would be certain to
obtain necessary new money for extending the system.
This is just what we are aiming at ---no more; no lessl
These things cannot be done on our present revenues
That is why we are asking for a readjustment of OUT
raters for service l
T� 1�tL .
W Wti