HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 77TH 9 7920 , 9 o'clock a.m. ------------------------------ Meet Me at ( "Steel's Rest Room" When making an engagement to meet your friends in Goderich don't forget 0 that we have an up-to-date Rest Room ` for your convenience. �� to $1.00 STORE, Goderich, On�iL'"Ce,,mmLI-10 5t o, 110 3A kgreat interest by the people of Goderich and vicinity. We appreciate this interest 7th an opportunity to purchase a few of the wonderful SPECIALS that will be on Lsehold necessity that can be retailed at prices ranging from 5c to $1 will be carried )r a chain of stores of this size one can readily see the advantage you will have in luoom where you will be welcome at all times. different' departments at 9 o'clock, sharp, Saturday, August 7th. t Choice of These Wonderful Values tTMENT, BARGAIN PRIES DY S ECIALS :andia all Times w and 'tary Department your16ars etheart a box of tes, rer value 89c per 59c anuts rday at per lb. 29c 3 pges for ......10e Bars, for........25c ill flav3 packages for 10c vackafor . . . . . . . . . . 10c la S ecial ! re vs Hats $ ,o WEAR SPECIALS ses' FanCy Trimmed Muslin s, regular value $1.50 each, .$1 Underskirts, regular value Special 'at..............$1 Corset overs, reg. value Special at ............... $1 trimmed Silk Camisoles, $t.75 Who Special at .... $1 Trimmed Combination Gar- s value 12 each, Special at 98c loves, T401ar value $1.25 iecial at .. .............98c sle G1ov , all sizes, regular ,ef pair, pecial at ........ 59c Drawer fancy lace trim - r value 30 per pair, Spe- �sr.: .,... ......... $1 HARDWARE SPECIALS We earry a full assortment of Hardware at all times on our 2nd floor sales room. Carpenters' 20 in. Panne] Saws, extra quality, regular value at each $1.98, Special at ...... ...... .......... $1 Mechanics' B -P Hammers, regular value at each S t .75, Special at ............ $1 6 and 8 -inch Pipe Wrench, regular value at each S 1.20, Special at ........... 79c ,Men's Extra Special Safety Razor, com- plete, regular value at each $1.50, Special at ...... ................. $1 Scissors, sizes 6, 7 and 8 in., extra quality, regular value at each pair 69c, Special at...... ............ .........49c Visit Our Music Department We carry a complete assortment of all the latest Pathe Records CENT'S FURNISHING SPECIALS Men's Soft Summer Collars, size 13 to 16, Special at each ...... ............ 25e Men's Fancy Dress four-in-hand ties, extra quality, regular value $ t.5o each, Spe- cial at .......... ............... $1 Men's Balbriggan Combination Suits, reg. value $1.5o each, Special at .......... $1 Men's Extra Quality Shirt and Drawers, regular value st.5o each, Special at .... $1 ,Men's and Boys' Caps, regular value $1.50, Special at ........ ......... $1 Men's Suspenders, slip easy style, each $1.00 Men's All -leather Belt, fancy buckles. at each........ .... ....... Men's lawn Handkerchiefs, at ....2 for 25c Boys'Special Work Shirts, regular value $ t .25 each, Special at .............. $1 Boys' Sport Shirts, regular value $1.50 each, Special at ......... • • • • • $1 Boys' Special Jerseys, white and navv'69 t each................ ....... Boys' Bathing Suit, re,¢ular value 81.50 $1 each, Special at ........ ........ Boys' Conibinatiorl Suits, regular value 81.50, each, Special at ............. $1 Boys' Balbriggan Short and Drawers, reg. 49c value 75c each. - a Campbell 7 s Soups 2 Cans for 25c NOTIONS SPECIiLS Our 'potion Department is complete at all times. Hall's Nickle Plated Sewing Needles, all sizes, per package .... ...............5c White, Black and Shell Celluloid Dressing Combs, each ...... ............15e 8 -in. Black and Ivory Celluloid Dress Combs, at each ...... ................49c Ladies' 63 -in. Mercerized Tubular Shoe Lace, at per pair ....................10c Carded .Mending Wool, assorted colors, at ........ .......... ....for IOc Ladies, (laiuty bier, tr iuritt(ul Inll wit Nightgowns �.' 011 \.(luc ynnr , I,, ,- $1.00 $1.00 LACES and RIBBONS Our assortment of Ribbons in silk, satin and taffeta quality in plain, floral, fancy and grograin designs will astonish you at the prices which they are offered for. Laces of all designs and quality for plain or fancy work will be carried In this depart- ment at all time. Don't fail to visit this department and con- vince ourself. TOY DEPT. SPECIALS We carry a - Don't fail to visit this Depart- complete , menL Always assortment of I ' 1 something new to please the all kinds of Toys kiddies summer or winter. at all times. 36 in. red metal Wheel Barrow, each. . $1.00 Unbreakable 14 -in. Boy and Girl Uoll, San dressed ........ ...... ...... -00 Infants' Commode Chair, 20 -in., highly, finish- ed in red color, at each ........ $1.00 Swing Chair Doll Toy 24 in. high, each. .29c Fair -Box Bank, each ....... .........19c Dont' fail to visit our 2nd Floor Departments YARD GOODS SPECIALS It will pay you to visit this de- partment at all tinles, as our stack is up-to-date in this lilie. Fancv Pattern Chintz, all colors, regular value (10c, Special at 35c (:alatNo !)rtCs (.n(,,t'4 '1\Srlrte,f v ,,t\les and patterns, regular value C 0., Special at...........39c Prints of all kinds, extra Lit... ty, regular value (,(4 per yard, Special at.......39e Curtain Scripts of all colors in fancy de- sign. regular value 39c per vard, Special At........ ............ .......25c Fancy Lace in Insertion Trimmed Plain White Curtzin Scrims, per yard ...... 19c Beautiful Children's Dresses Lift\• color coinbination. I3xtra quality Iirgul Lr values :"+2.50 to S:1.:)O T $1 .00 ,,]a\ . ..... (u,l\.. , (2 to 1 1 yells) ART GOODS SPECIALS 54 -in. Drawn Work Fancy Designed Run- ners, regular value at each $1.51), Spe- cial at ...... ...................$1 Ladies' Stamped Combing Sacque, regular value at each $1.49, Special at ........ $1 Stamped White and Ecru Dresser Scarf, regular value at each $1.59, Special at. . $1 Stamped Centrepiece, fancy design, regu- lar value at each $1.69, Special at ..... $1 Stamped Towels, regular value at each $1.69, Special at ...... ............ $1 We carry a full range of Silks and Flosses in our Art Department. BUNGALOW APRONS \<Hortel sizes, dripe, mint, uui P•,L)rs lr•r Alar 31.t)�s value, -Ipecial $1.00 HANDKERCHIEF SPECIALS Men's Extra Quality Lawn Handkerchiefs, at. Q0 . .. 2 for 25c Men's Red and Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs, at each...... ...... .........19C Ladies' Fancy Eml-roidery Handkerchiefs, at each. . .. . ......... ... I ..... 29c Fine Lawn Handkerchief,, i in package, per package .... ....... ........49e riabte-Oilcloth White, Marble and Fancy r 59c yd. ►, J k LADIES' NECMEAR ca•r% an exclusive line of I allies' Neck wear. All (d the latest patterns an,1 des1,ns in tang trimmed collars and curt, to match, at prices that will astonish \ ou. Nothing over one dollar will he sold in this Department. PEAS PARLIAMENT BRAND, SIZE 2 -1 5c - TOILET ARTICLES AND DRUG SPECIALS Palmolive Soap, large size, i cakes for 25c Lux Flake Washln� Soap, at ...... 3 for 25e Parrot Brand Castile Soap, at .....3 for25c I e Parfait Bar Castile Soap, each ..... .. .. .. 29e 4 -Oz. Brittle Peroxide at . ..2 for 25c Sloan's Liniment, at per bottle .... ..... .. 29c (:actor Oil, 3 -Oz. Bottle, each.... ...... ..ISe Water Glass, 1 pound pack - :1 ge, ack-:1ge, each .... ..... 19c ttII(I[ Lp,•om Salts, .1-()7. package, ;it .... . • .. .. 3 for 10c 1 ), ola 1) \ es• aNvirted col- ors, at .... .. 2 for I Sc Itabv's Own l abieis, per floX.... ...... ..19c Household Rabber (,I(, 35c r per pair.. ..... .. 16 -Oz. Donle Top I'alc:urn Powder, assorted ((.fors, J each.... ... .....15e Small Size ( :r.nthinatior, Sett,. .. .... .. .. 25c I I arse Size Clltex Manicur- 0. ing Set, each ......98c Marvis Talcum Prtw,te'r, each...... 29e Lady Mary Talcum Powder, each.... ...... ..35e �. Melba I toilet \\ .Iter •. I (,z., as.orted o t, r.• per fettle $1 on F=am-, Rlll`1`ct li lr' nr ( .11 ce, h . 15c Holman', .M.1 1r, I' •r• '<I'Ie and I :nl,t ( R• tlll�, '.a, It ....25cIm ! 0