HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 6�Y�ihW4llliWotlnwlw.w.i w+ptir'"„,ri. +� - }P - �w "' ;• a IP' The Store for Courtesy, Service and Satisfaction" ' We aim to please you in every possible way. Make this your store. Remember a $ Saved is a $ Earned. ` /11 Y .-. rT'CC� n�nnnnwv y ' ^ .4..�•I li P'Na AUGUS r ir"i+AMf'i f% - The OPENING- S.A. LE of the L. R. STEEL CO. has been looked forward to wi and In order for us to live up to your expectations we are going to give you on Augu t that retail as high as $4 each will be sold for $1. Every personal and ho�u, sale. Items �' •up-to-date de artments, -and with the buying power of an organization buying o: In our � in at our store at all times. We will have for your •cc.nven-ience a Public Rest ' shopping We are listing below a few of the EXTRA SPECIALS that will be on sale in our ALUMINUM WARE SPECIALS Alumimum Preserving Kettle, 5 quarts, regular value $1.50 each, Special at...$1 3, 4- and 5 qt. Lipped Aluminum Sauce Pans, reg. value each S t .5o, Special at. . $1 Aluminum Paris Sauce Pan, 4 quart, regu- lar value at each S 1.50, Special at .... $1 Covered Sauce Pan 1 qt. size, regular value at each 98c, 79c Special at........ 2 qt. size, regular value at each h 1.65, Special at ...... ...... ........ $1 Aluminum Preserving Kettle, 3 qt., regular value at each $1.49, Special at ...... 89c Aluminum Paris Sauce Pan, 3 qt., regular value at each $1.49, Special at ...... 89c to in. Aluminum Fry Pan, regglar value at each $1.59, Special at ............ $1 7 in. Aluminum Fry Pan, regular value at each $1.29, Special at ... . ......... 890 Dainty Voile Blouses \,zq.rted sizes, rugulntr value $350, /lo slpoci4 today...... , ..... ' .. , .0 HOSIERY SPECIALS '-adiesand Misses' LisJb. Hose, all colors and¢diis, regulat $t.69, per pair, "Special at ....... .. $1 Ladies' and Misses' Mercer- ized Hose, regular value 79c per pair, Spec. at 49c Men's Silk Lisle Half Hose, regular value $1.25 per pair, Special at. $9c Men's Cotton Half Hose, regular value 59cper pair, Special at ..... 9e L adios' Cotton Hose, all colors and sizes, regular value 98c per pair, Spe- cial..... .. .....69c Misses' Cotton Hose, regular 98c per pair, Spec. at 69e Rot's' Ribbed Hose, all sizes and col- ors, regular value 98c per pair, Special at.... ....... ..........59C Children's Wool Hose, reg. w—-• value 89c per pair, Spe- '—" tial at .... ....... Mc Children's Cotton Hose, reg. value 59c per pair, Spe- cial at .... ....... 3% Infants' Socks, all sizes, reg. value 79c per pair, Spe- e tial at ...... .....49c nor,'t lag to visit ow 20a Moor Deputmetit STATIONERY SPECIALS We carry a complete line of School and Office Supplies at all times. Special Linen Finish Box Paper, each .... 29c Ladies' Dainty Kid Finish Box Paper, each 59c Special Linen Finish Envelopes, per pkge. 15c Plain White Wove Envelopes, per pkge...5c Steel's White Paper, Sheet Roll ........ 15c Come Early in Order to Get a Selet VISIT OUR PICTUTE DEPAI GREY AND WHITE ENAMELWARE SPECIALS Hex and Round Soft and Hard Lead Pencils, 2 -qt. Grev Enamel Ro-val Tea Kettle, at . ... . . . . . . . . . . ........3 for 5c KNIT GOODS SPECIALS regular value at $1.50 each, Special at. .$I BIUOa.dWhite Enamel regular prices up to $2.50 4 qt. Sauce Pan at $1.00 5 qt. Preserving Kettle at $1.00 10 qt. Water Bucket at $1.60 2 qt. Tea and Coffee Pot at $1,00 WOODEN WARE SPECIALS 4 ft. Pine Stepladder, extra heavy, regular value at each $ 2, Special at .......... $1 Ebony Back Hair Brush, fine quality bristle, regular value at each $1, Spe- cial at ...... ......... .........79c Table Oilcloth, all designs, regular value per yard 89c, Special at ..........59c 4 -String Extra Quality Whisk Brooms, regular value at each 39c, Special at ... 25e Leather Bound Fibre Suit Case, regular value at each $1.49, Special at........ $1 4-StpingCrn Broom First Quality Brand ""utas price 75c, Soccial ,49C Each TOWELS AND WASH CLOTHS SPECIALS Large 2 t x42 in. Turkish Bath Towels, regular value $ t .5o each, Special at .... $1 Special 17x34 in. Turkish Bath Towel, regular value S i .25 each, Special at. . . 79c Hbck Towels 18x36 i%, extra; quality, regular value 75c each, Special at .... 69c Turkish Roller ' oweting, regular value "b9c, per yd, Special at.... , ........49c Cope Brand Cern SIZE 2 2 Ostne few 2 C Ladies' Knitted Fest, all sizes, extra quali- tv, regular value at each 49c, Special at 29e Ladies' Knitted Drawers, regular value at per pair $1.39, Special at .......... 98c Ladies' Knitted Bloomers, regular value per pair $1.29, Special at .......... 89c Ladies' Combination Garments, regular value per pair $1.49, Special at ....... $1 CHILDREN'S WEAR SPECIALS Children's Rompers, assorted colors, regu- lar value per pair $1.49, Special at .... 98c Gingham Dresses, all sizes and colors, regular value at each $1.39, Special at. .$I Children's Creepers, regular value at each $1.29, Special at ...... ..........89c Children's Princess Slips, regular value at each 51.49, Special at.............98e Children's Browning Overalls, extra quali- ty, reg. val. per pair $1.49, Special at 98c a MEN'S WORK SHIRTS X11111 v.dlw, �\hile tht , I I $'1.00 GLASSWARE SPECIALS Cut Glass Water Set, 2 _ a quart Pitcher and 6 Tumblers to match, reg value at per set $2, Special at ...... .. $1 Cut Glass Nut Bowl, size 8 in, diameter, regular ° value, at $1.49 each, pecial at....... ......... -..... $1 4 -pi ce Cut Glass Tea Set --Sugar, Cream, Spoon Holder and Butter, complete set, regular valud at $2, Special at ........ $1 6 in. Footed Na&py, Cut Glass, regular value at each 9c, Special at ........69c Cut Glass Salt and Peppers, regular value per pair 29c, Special at ............ 15c 5 in. Cut Glass May Basket, regular value at each 89c, Special at ............ 69c Special assortment Fancy Vases, regular ,, value at each 69 c, Special, at ........ 49c Cut Glass Night Set, 1 Water Bottle and Tumbler to match,` regular value per set 4� 69e, Special at... ...... , ........ Star cut 'fumblers, regular value at per dozen s .Sil, Specw value.......... $i Dont' tog to ,runt our. 2nd ih`loor W-PisrtiUmts 3 -qt. London Stewing Kettle, regular value ()8c each, Special at ............... 79c 4 -qt. London, Stewing Kettle, regular value at $1.5o each, Special at ............ $1 2 -qt. Grey Enamel Preserving Kettle, regular value at 69c each, Special at..49c 4 -qt. Grey Enamel Preserving Kettle, regular value at $1.49 each, Special at 98c 2 -qt. Grey Enamel Coffee; Pot, regular value at $1.49 each, Special at ....... $1 2 -qt. Grey Lipped Sauce Pan, regular val- ue at 79c each, Special at .......... 59e 4 -qt. Grey Lipped Sauce Pan, reg. value $1.19 each, Special at .............. 89e 17 -qt. Grey Enamel Round Sink Dish Pan, regular value $1.49 each, Special at. . . . $1 10 -qt. Blue and White Enamel Water Bucket, regular value $1.59 each, Spe- cial at ........ ........ ......... $1 No. 52 Grey Enamel Double Rice Boiler, regular value $1.39 each, Special at .... $1 Grey Enamel Cullender, large size, regular value 89c each, Special at.....:.... 690 Blue and White Mixing Bowl, No. 22, reg. value 98c each, Special at .......... 79c Blue and White 3 -qt. Potato Pot, regular value $1.50 each, Special at ......... $1 Grey Chamber, large size, regular value 89c each, Special at..............6% Grey Cuspidor, club size, regular value $1.29 each, Special at .............. $1 Granulated Sugar or Yellow 5 Lbs. for 1. 00 TIN AND GALVANIZED SPECIALS Wash Boilers, 12x24, regular value $1.69 each, Special at ...... ............. $1 Galvanized Garbage Can and Top, regular value $1.50 each, Special at .......... $1 Steel Frying Pan, large size, regular value 75c each, Special at...............49c Galvanized Pail, regular value 75c each, Special at, ...... .......... ....59c TOMATOES DELHI BRAND, SIZE 2% 2 fop 25C •b 0 CANDY SUE Fresh Candia Inspect our New and DAINTY CO Don't fail to get your s e Ruby Chocolates, re L lb, Special at...... Fresh Salted Peanuts S ti 1-ife-Savor Mints, 3 pa Milk Chocolate Bars, 6 Chewing Gum, all flavo Arrow -Mints, 3 packag Extra S Childre ' I :III Lu K:3.Otl V,1 $1 , LADIES' WEAL Ladies' and Misses' Fanc Night Gowns, regular Special at ........ Ladies' Muslin Undersl $1.5o each, Special Ladies' Muslin Corset $1.5o each, Special Ladies' Lace -trimmed regular value $1.75 Ladies' Fancv Trimmed ment, regular value ; Ladies' Silk Gloves, V per pair, Special at. Ladies' Silk Lisle Glov, value 98c per pair, Ladies' Muslin Drawer med, regular value I tial at. , - - • • .-:.--'- I