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The Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 5
a I ■ }A V490 ,. gh eKnu t of th\ y, n ' Nineteenth,C etur j _ �. •�, `'. � �`' „, That jtftehfaao>x cup of S stimulating, 'every, 41P By R. P. ROS •+ T L*RR." "BARRiE BURNED AWAY,"oto. Aly ,_ 1 � j�14h�uCS 1 �SIlt�11� �$'�4Sti t1iE C1LOi�,QR: Author pf Qa'�,NINt3 A ;1,lA; STNV R;3 t� , r, Ceylon caths from British Mill galydeXm the supreme tea for BtIfIsh tastes. CHAPTER XXXVII. a self; and he had sten with an inflnitt � � : Order tofty. Hoping for a Miracle dresd whatt cold, dark depths yawn p _ i. .Ni,.. Iv'ison, H4ldane's employer, ,was about one whomene society shakes orf a� I � � r �]�. a }11e and venenous thing, and who �\P a+' �Qt�CQ,,V�ilf»1DUS1aif,G a v, urahipper at St. Paul's and like must eventually take evil and its con - others ' on -others, had been deeply lu)pres- sequences as his only portion. The 4 3 sed by the sermon. Iti3 illflllERbQ had hut. 1'eekinR apartment 11wherein lie .not wliuiiy exhaled by Monday, and, tolled was the first ,olid ground thal as ! IfA gentleman was eminently prac he f It beneath his fret for many day, tle:,l, ht felt that he ought to 'do' It he could hold that touting, the w:ltet .. � f' . 00i:ethling as well as experieuice a might stinal so that tie could reac`•t lilt]., erttotjon. Thus he was led to the land. It is true he could a1w.t> add -ss the' following ne'te to Haldane look to Ills mother ror fool and e)olh. ' ••List week I gave you a chance; till. Ing it he \%,told conrpl) \\lilt her con - we. :t I am induced to give you a FOOL ditions. But greatly perverted• a, hid wol•I• While I warn you that I will nature had been, food ;toll clothing. tolerate no weak dallying with yuul the nialotenance of a mere+ly animal old temptations, I also tell you that I life, could no lunger satisfy Ithn. He rw(,Ld like to see you make a man of had thought Lou deeply, and had ,PFO 1 [ , ` � ` s � ` `� Get Your yO,,,•seif, or, more correctly, per- too much trulh,.to feed contentl,dl) hal as Ur. Barstow would express, among tilF svclur, - it, made a man of. If one wants to But the temptations which eventual- U. S. NAVY'S LARGEST DIRIGIBLE HAS SUCCESSFUL% MAIDEN FLIGHT'. Th" n-1, the I'llited State* do right, I believe there is help "for ly lean to the sv%ine—euuld lie persi>;t Nay.1''s latest and largest dirigible in her successful maiden flight. PilotFd bl Lieut. Ch.irles iiansch, til•' huge • • 1/�� [n. 1 llin+ (go and ask the Rev, Ur. Barstow ently resist these? Could he maintain ship was put through stiff tests at th, I.uud)ear--u.rOl1 a\taU, 11 Held Ul,al V.Vr al and the arid) and navy ufl)eers Plante Supplies M� Le�CItb•wt isl: and if you will go rigid a hard. monotonous routine of toil, ,lsxillg lite flight i'r„puuuced file trial successful. stra:gilt ahead till I see you can be with nu exeitentenis t no pleasures. The U -I Is 200 ft. I, it-• has i nn+xhiuul spec«i • +.. hill'\ per hour• a erui,lu. r Allis of 1.000 toil« . :uol is del' nded upon, I will continue to iw'ith nothing that evi+7t approached capable of 20 hours si.t,+rtmd flight. It L, eirtippr't will, \\uel•s,, ulartun qui, hon•h droppiuu devices, and spi iiC good words to you ,and fqqr you. happiness? He, dared nut give way: Ola) be tittrd \\lilt ,1,eloilg ,twirler: f.,r a ric\\ of sl x. 1, v% Id g,, G, i, p' rnnan, tit s!a':un .il 1.anR(ey F'leld. e� . all,[ perhaPs.du nilIre. George Ivison.'l he doubted hi, strength to go forWart• \a under its o\\n pov\cr, Fine, Juicy Oranges 7"iiy note greatly encouraged Hal- arutle vvith such a prolpwrt. if C• 11- dan and made his Precarious foot- version be a blessed miracle by which Ifni L••ain out \l"t•,Lt\ " i, 1101.1 among the world's industries a debased nature is suddenly liftr,i I 11 r. 1\'isun rFadil> .Taut. d the r•'- I EAT 50• 60 and / COAt9 a dOie11 see"I Inure firm and certain. The dan- up, and a harsh, lead -colored pru,ait. lura. ,u,l evI•ll b rvn,, , Ille\\hal ellr- ■■ee a��i ger of being swept back into the deep \vorld transfigured into the vestibuli+ SUMMER I iuus . to the rv,ull, ��so�1 FE1iii ®F PAINS. wa; •r where those struggle who have of heaven, its longed to w'itneas it it, Wlo,n \irs. Arnot I,ad learned truth no i•)ot-holtt, no work, no place in so- his imn experience. ASTHMA— Hdldanl, the nature of his present en'- Lemons c)et)', would not come from the ca- It,w•as while he was In this mood plo3nu•nt, Alit had Fxperl/orad` both HAY FLYER lea::ure )eo hle sutler terribly with prlc� or forgetfulness of his employer that his thoughts t` curred to Ur. p uAti lul,•ivinr,Jr 11) he 1101 ryianY 1 I y but from his own peculiar temp4tions darks, the good old b'lergyman who •--sleepless nights, Constant N1Ling to take and try to Jo sw'll pain ;it the stomach, lifter every meal 4QC A dozen and weaknesses. If tie could pa lent- had been the subject of his rude prac- ( v\'urk rather than relliain idly, or tak, ky do his duty in+ his present humble tical joke months before. He recalled Sneezing, streaming eyes, j 1\list hr felt 1\oul L bW criarlt>• pro\et; they eat, position, he justly believed that -it the sincere, frank letter' vlhich led te` wheezy breathing I that there v\: , 11wre �te'd t,ielal ill Ili, t Dyapopsia and indigestion keep them would be tf:P stepping -stone to some- their evening Ink letter and reed itmem- runtpusitiun than the ilad P\'•n hoped: in constantm.s:ry. Water Melons, Musk Melons, Tomatoes, thing better. Hilt, having learned\til b,.red vv'iLh a thrill of trope the strong R r �M�i but he Itaturali) fell liult till' ild soon Rrhy not use tient Old reliable Burdock kno:v himself, lie was afraid of hi[b- and nlysteriuus emotion that had seiz- anuuyauel,s of his position \\„old enuu Blood Bitters, a remedy that has been Peas and ed upon hie i as the venerable man brings relief. Put up in cap- become intulerahl •. Flo• \\:+, 'lilt sur• on the market for the past 40 years GENUINE ASPIRIN took his hadd in his warm 'grasp, and pri,ttL :tithuugh Al”was s„lu,•wt,ul and obtain perfect and permanent relief. Fresh Vegetables of all kinds in season `P' sales, easily swallowed. Sold by , Ili' reliable druggists for a dollar. perplexed, at the ret•elpt of Ili,- follull- Mr. H. H. Collins, Norton, N.B., said, in tones o[ pathos that shook his P P anal, "I wish I could lead you h?' lov• ing letter: r j�Q Ask our agents or send card for fly dear \it,,. Arnot,- lou ha\eI wr�tls:— waa with the overseas forces HAS "BAYER CROSS" Itig force into the pants of plea6ant- for four encs and two months, and in mess and pPACe." Wild and reokless lree sample to Templeton s, 142 hlci tut 11 a trut•. kmti ri-rond t" tilt' I October, 191ti, I was flRfortunato enough fool as he tlien was, it had been only King St. W.. Toronto. Agents, and lul\r silo\\u -„ n,nrh tnA'\,sl in to be wounded and token prisoner. • H. Leach by a decided effort and abrupt depart- all Toronto and Hamilton drug- my \c, IParr, llnat I not I,'d to gi\, ?"� I was a prisoner for 2y years, and the ore that he had escaped the heav'enty' a fuller in,ight lulu my Present ,•x- ftx)d they gave us was not good, tit tablets without r`Bayer Cr08s" influences which seemed to brood !n gists' Be periont-6 and hop,`'• Yoll know Iha, times and after a few months I found I tilt, quiet study where the good man = - - I %i1h to be a Christian, You Ila\e that 'i was suffering from indigestion. are not Aspirin at all prayed and spun the meshes of the petty persecution irre,\\ up. Epithets litade I.:hristiau manhood Merin ill'' Wifin 1 camo home in July, 1919, I Phone 160 Cor. Montreal St. and squall nets v\Tiich he daily' cast for souls. If were flung at hint, and practical jo::es lillost desirable thing that I can ever was near)y a wn'ok. I was told to tree Ill could \•)sit that study again with a played upon him till his heart boilFri l,ussesv, hill I nuke little or Do pro- Burdock Blood Bitters. I did so and \\filo auger or his nerves \\err irri- ress t \yard it. :onl,.thiug nhust lir' found great relief, and can Low eat receptive heart, might not the emotlor g that he had formerly resisted rise like tatPd to the last desire of rndury+t'e duo•', and ,luickl) lou. Either there without fear of gins and sickness. I and sweep away his old mis- More than once his tilt \\as c•lff'Med mu,t M• a great change in nn•, lir Plsr p a rugs o, i r t the a nfu must over The nurrec gtilTii Lh«• puce \vas t0 strike: lilt hP remPnibrrrd in tiro," would recommend B. B. B. to all who wage against yin in this d had olid writer. only by file nor of qts a flood, P PrablF self, and he -become in truth a iu lay rircuutata•nrrs, :\s there Is n" suffer from indigestion." "new creature?" that tine hea\ier Ute bin\\ ire strucJt ininediite prosp"et of tilt latter, 1 trusted, tto\aevet•, that God had cum- writer. who was penning words y good un- the more disastrously iI vvonld rear; li;,\«. b,'en led to hope that there can Manufactured only by The T.'Mil- ftienced a good \\ark in. illy heart, and worldly as himself, At, in -r good oto The thought, having been once en- bumCo.. Limited. Toronto. Ont- lolled, with ill+ Hlblt In'• his hand, against himself. h1 such a change in lite that 1 shuil hl, would finish It. relit+fined, speedily grew into a hoPA After the ,exasperating :)XpPrienveg Ijftrd above and made superior to the +� _ -- Even the sight ut lila uaU\1 efts, looked down a )()king and 011, hit „and then became almost a rert•aintl� and noire of file Jay, �1r, lirovliher's ,•xasPerating annoyances of my condi• with Its spires glistening Lit Ute sat- atllnRly at till, )-uung Aran from h1, Get genuine Baser Tablets of Aspirin H,, felt that hl, would much rather szt• you \\ill understand, mother and I ting Nun, moved llaldanF deeply; amu black -%%stout fr,unP. Ill wav thF saint a "Bayer” package, taint marked B rstow and that rOLtagt, \las not the qni l refuge hr i tion. Yl,s, 1 anti hoping Men far In y P B y Ur. marks than Ur, a 'Ottneed. \Ir. I;rowtllPr':. grr'•vl \\aslnuu,•, If i ronld only dxperience the dint" \%ill( uu nuiny thing',, and ill- when, In the dusk hF Ieft till, halo, Fd prrd«rr•srulr of lir. Jlarka, and file with the safety "Bayer Cross. „ IP he could fel,l that kind, warm Bras{ chronic, and it rev ,•,i ' n Hal'lan'r u\- wu>'s will: brit I IunK to see her unci s of Aspirin p (ria "hulls chane whlrh Ur. BaraW\v more. l ha\1 hero thinking of late of and walked litr unci' more through till, tollitkn's of 11a edlift Prayer and holy Genuine "Bayer Tablet P again, an impulse might be Riven him Illing of .+,,I•srrihdd s,, elottul,ntly lw-t tiunda> familiar Nleasa hit] i batt Was crowd. Loll also lingered In this gave ill are. now made in Canada b a Canadian erstrainPd mer\ •, Ill:" t tier ncul) kindnesses. thh that she had \oluno•s and he,l\y tuui•s gave to i{ y which even \it,,. :\root's wise and gen- sa•v%. lir. Rarstow'. rn. n. of t, ' v•niur. Alight I not du right Pasl13 I dd \%till pleasant pull bled n soft* o(i 'Company. No German interest what- tie -words could not inspire. !u+ticai'I) a hien lies kind,, leas Indulgent. But. •,. ed from the precinns I'v+hAatli Ir...! ,•int' and almost spnutaneously, If is sr which naturally produced a sottrneq the peculiar 'Nlunr \\bleb w•1• aysoci ever, all rights being purchased Before the week was OV Fr, he tett slu• cannot hetp till, past any mora allh rile rlOktdr, and suss+'sled the States Government. eith r to '•riled" the old u'•� ti. -mon. :ted their l,spprntet) hard t„ du right nm\ . It thun I rail. and it stay do us both, and receptive mood - United B that something roust be done a on13 resrltt. a1)1), r ntl•. \\:,, t'r niakt a r acid imitations were r Fa\ersion \\til render my ,tete, thoi` gex,d ta, meet once niurl,, I do not He saw mans' well-rernembere,i fur- prolonged spiritual rnuslnRr of c, Durm„ the war, soften his hard lot or to give him and various bin, nnurF out or ver;- I,�rl \ inriirtit•' [,\ pant infinitely t,asier, then ant el' think that sill \till ilius* to ace hie or rt]. and a few glanrrd aL him as it he past, %%bleb an• Au Out of vogue In the sold as Aspirin in pill boxer various I strength to endure it. Cross" is to\card his poor misnt•nhI•• Iltt'1 set* 1 ought to seek this rill+Age hr. ,•\rt'3 suggested One \% hoof they had kno\vn.ihurrll,d, prurtlr.d world u to -day. ether containers. The Bayer C The [lien, buys, and girls who work- gko me shelter for a few hours, even Lwin that oil are Ulan r\rr. Hr \vas so irasrihlr tit0t n,rans til oily power. ludl,rd their thmhgh In'r lust letter seemed harsh. But he kept lila teat drawn Lill hIN r tills study \ru+. lodged, a quiet moo your only way of kn g. y ed at his side in th6 mill were in their of the ob- a little, slowly nu)\ (ng eddy left for Aspirin, roved safe b yP lid P\en the rou,forlable rat and dna hr- nnia b, a cinange in m1, or f shall eves, ind, taking ad\'anta3p' getting genuine p , p y natures like their garb, roar, a "1 shall alae be glr+d to rsrapr fur a e Neuralgia, Colds cams avvan• flint something umi,nal lust, l,vin ih, tout -hold l lav,• gainl,rl fF\v hours (runt ni3 squalid and scarily of the night, escaped rreugnl tbenitnf lumdeirn tlif�iin and Haldadg, foaming cfdll millions for Headache, gi • soiled. They resented the presence of Neuritis, and for ; diel \las antis,, and, ioarad of dozing sr' l art, subjevted, all da>' long. to in,)Ill \vl•e'tr,hrd surrounding,. Tilt- grhne ill tion. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Haldane for a twofold reason collie, tills lenanr'I in keep a vrar3� and annn)anl,l,- At Ilulrs 1 aro silo" the sordid things with which 1 have "IL Is almost like coming back after tmDrPSNdr1 Thal hF had found tie hal• Pain generally• regarded the Intrusion of a "jaiibit'd tablets—also and dPprlcatur> rye on (heir roaster desperate, and nn tin• %Orsi uP, rPrk- ve, lung hien in cunt.urt sedniN eating one hes cl(Pd," he said •til himynLL "I IM1Mt glare, ihr true Bethel, were Handy tin boxes of 12 t among thorn in the light of an insult. "Bayer" packages can be and till toes of hi, thick "IPd stipp'rs t ]rssnrss. E\vrr one of the Poars" into D9oINbels soul, tend I IunK to sleep unrc thought aiyserf an important Per- his sold m�Rhtl1h continued' Panew, larger sized Bay p g tley were still more annoyed, and had at dr%g stores. Iexed also. that this disrPputahle -I've hien aoinc on Ill:r a darned oil J crratur,, that !anti 1onr;,rlir.l in \c t,6 our.• nn,r, in lay *iron, airy count at sunage In this town, but it has gut ml • perp porkerpin*,. he sari to ifahiani, one n\il;t i, nrlti • that. loses no chaicl, I better without me than Il would halo l Aspirin is the trade mark (renstered character lir+de then+ feel that hl, \\as P p hon1, • SUMMER COMPLAINTS -in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of r Hence :+ systFnl of evening. "and if yon don't it ronv,IT, to ,tine nil,: and lhl,rr is unr among Kilt 1 '4111 lotto ling nirselt lou 'lung door whit ole Truly. MrN. Arnot IN Monoaceticacideeter vt Balicylicacid. their superior. H rd soon you'd betirf Kit out of rn)" I ilnan, a hie. horlr f, Ile\\, \\lin (, sr' KILL LITTLE ONES 11' you \vas as-liwvh as \toles'off-11si\e llcit i eam,nt keep t,1) Iranrh et1'nn you. l'hat l have \Pdness. l do right -it's little the world calls ll - I ran luillr Koodertlhal, lut[)tanuviltex- dich na 011 tonlite hrfor Its ta\or. all blue- --- and t\\ire as sou«i, \on couldn't ,tand off h1ol nlurli Iutigrv, If 1 r"Illain cur me mirk Ir,nR' r:" inn l U,' poor fltlo\v 01,1 s,•If. You also knu\\ \\11:,t :1 'r" talo. t;r:+i, full) your,, it tray vvttb a quickly beating heart \t lh.• tir•st ogn of Illness during this fell that tit, f \as ronsidlrahh troth ,•«•;rtion i nn1s1 l,\rr %\pre} i❑ the 1 1:, that he rang the bell aL thF parsunaar . I,ol weather alv•• ihP little ones Baby's • Wt 11t r"lho'.. sirrl• \\hen d min r•,rncnil,'I. Tin imn Tubivts or til .I few hours ht+ may proplr all a1 If I \\,vr ,Dole .oil of \Irs. Arnot \\as mor, Ilan curio,ls;iand requeslo,i i\ be Nho\vti , t0 Ur be b,•ynnd :wl. 'Theme Tablets will t' McEwen S s eeialas Thr mill t,rno an l,arli,r horn { v. ,n •,tat :I h"o'ln t and h" 'h t' rnun- sill v\as Jrrpl> fnlerested in tlo• rt,'- I Marks' study. \\'as tills lhP supreme / , n, , rel,lilr. \\hili, till nnn,l tolerate :,I cull of this \isit, and sir• hupl,d and i moment of ills Ilft•, and he on ihr e\e 1pre•vr'nt suuun,•r romph+intN tf givenPd to visit Irl, \talk if tm r„old oh- larurhu1 ran. al Ira:a, Zhu\\ 11111gra>rd FarnPslly that It might result of that mysterious, spiritual ehanau ,•raslnnall) to till \veil rhllrl and will q fain pernill,ion rrr'nt his enlplo\er t0I L,ok, .'f a\rr,ion. And the I in gond. Rill she hurt detected an He lof which ihr• turd hl,uld an much. soil grumpily rrIIP\,• pigs Irrruhlry If they ,} be absent a f''\\, holtrs on \tond;o get l., \Ir. (;nwtther's I',.Ihlg'. I 'd' nunl in till• rn11ng man's letter whichIthe rt,•"sults of whirl would rorry him conte nn suddenly ftaby's rt\vn Tab., l Q mil find nuu•h rlrspitr, It semis like ) { tell. vhould alwurs h, kept in PVFry, t; Children's Romper ................................... 75c no,rnina. Hr \v rot' a note to \h. 1\i• c;ulsr,l her considerable ineasipFSN ,along AN by a Nldady, might Int,ulae son, ror+tll) thankinz hint for his Pn- „larafihnll, to v\rity tills. loll ill,• good home where there ,bre young rhlldren. rnel•aginl' w'o'rk, hot added frmiklr' His Idea of conversion ilinge ton vitas a sudden through earth's tr•tre lu ilea\rhI, ol,l u,:+ti's rrrrilrir li'4I)it of hl,rattrng Nnd rat rhrulge an rharacLer that glory? HF fairly trembled at lir There Is no rtthl,r nn•du•n,r at] ee and Ladies Allover Al,rous, fium............ $1.00 to $2 25 dial It, r'o'•'id n'ake no pronni,es in rP- l,i,n,elf and the 1\orld rn i:,iwral hw k., ea;'I to Iilmsrlf. ".\Il,that 1 i in sal' cr„\vn \\l,arisunn•, to say the I,,+,f. I would be a sort of spiritual magic.Ilhuugi,t_ the mother has lin• goal of a f o. r t', llll'a\Pltltla all thF nalurlit la\\N of The girl who hurl admiltrd hln, governinrnt gnalysl that they are atr ..k1_ Curtain Material from ..ao a lard to 7JC is” I,•• \\r• h•, "U.al i onl it>lur to dr \\Ant to hr liflld oaf of nUs••1P, fat solulPly saifl, 'I'h'• Tablets ore sold by rigltl not and til t i inn alai^fol to ;+ho\r tills,• iN•tfy \r\allnu, .Ind ihr grtso\th au,i dl,\l,lupuu•nL, lie %vas pointed lu ihr open Ntud) door, and he ol,•tlirirw d'•ah•rs or by m:Lil at 25 conte i X1.00 and til 25 oil f•u' Ili,• lhant•' ",t h.,\r uic,a, m1 "\\u n,kerahle holing to rxr,hp,• Prom Iris e hahlts sijegood riersed Ilv Ihre•Nhol ll The a box from 'I'hP Ur N'lihanl*' �1•dicinc i Lades Silk Hose, special... , \,,n suau'sl it ••rine, hefure 1 Iefl hum,•, pl,l>".d and Ih. Anes,,. \clue \vete of luny: Rudd nil rl, tit nlhn lens bending n\rr r,ul growth. A. illi• leper' rsraprd from his hit] NPrntrul, to which he was gn•InN 1;0 , Hrnrk\,II'•. 9” a i' ' !., n,e, lint. in ulenrur•3 If rode ink, un nor grind old pastor )n• soft Cifrls Hatt, R:hbons, iter yarct................. �c to 50C t,' 1+lion: t., nn\ '.Id past"r. lir sl'•ad „f ll,. nliig il, li, \\r•ot" nm „14 1 di,rasr, b) ;, healing and nu,nu•nl,i3 t11N ,tl[ilrthirtg luulit'b, and lh, ,un•, 'I ver q e"••. m '«t t"ueli Iil• v\„old snt•rl} br disappoint- rays of Lir student's Iimp made hl* F''md grid,• •'f �Ir••,s '.. Y rafin'r S.L.1 liii•, Ih:tn a Lind letter' Iln:+t I \\etit to hi, stud) rursr: et,,• f.nn,•\ \nu r•'n+ill'. r'nnvntl Men's Merino Underwear, liletllUtil weight, at last P'1: itilahl to not ako b,• dlsrnulvgcd,jvvhlle hair srrni Ilk* a Ilaln *hunt hi, Dr. R.nst"vc. and if \ 'i \.ill I"'" w! I„ .ipologiz,•. \\'hill, there hit n,:iili,., \our par un'1 \vor,ls \\Pre sorb tial i hall l,t .Ind af\,• up its(- patient and praSrrful lirnrr(. _— year's price` illi in h'• r,',,enl .I !,art of t,1. xl \1 'u,tr) -- --- ---- - ' Forenoon. 1 \%ill "'t”. Ili it a ern,l Ps\ hr"ak awar to escape a 1udd,•u and lir. Holl v, ill Ir. tt,. „n \ ,,It n.i„In".> 1n>arriuus intluru4-«' thnl hnrli11"d 1111 ;A Men's Balbriggan Underwear, flil6 quality, fit 011l 110 fnrlh'r 1 ran un aft r 11101-h list'• !.Nv,«I''1 all lh:lt is good. 1 li.r\r hup,•'1 .;L)� prices. on ;,ihirdu) and will r, Ilan by Ili Ileal if I-lunild visit hint. I nuglit xr, _ - tufo* tmrlr•r Hint Iollwyrc, iot lot +n,l vll f' . nnade .1 u,,\v thin b, Ili r to In anothor Moll\,•, \\lin li J • J • 1Vic E W Constipation generates 1 Poisons f �. 'Phone 46 South side Square r,,}{' `$ When Cbnstip tl no cornea, �t happens? The Colons get cloyed ��_ 1 ,�1^ (,�-� with waste material, Which is ex ,1:J11�1�11�1IIumI1rJ��f JLJt=r+= F tremely pofeOuaw, the lbiood rimula Energy! Children use ,' r' tion comes in sufficiently close con- tarot with the waste to take up these up a lot Of It, and their CLEARING SALE. (�'C Pobow by �im orptlon and to dt�trib food has to replace it. ` ate ,them thraughtntt the body. The p t OF r✓ r resutt ts_tbe diver becomes • Slug Back O! the oven -fresh s Fish, you become dull and heavy, • v ] - Blifousnese asserts itself, then youquality and famous Flavor �/�{�� shoos have Headache, Kidney and Bladder of Kellogg's is the energy dnV Trouble, Indigestion, Appendicitis, �s and mare wvllle besides. Nature stores In white AxIords and FUMPS Hacking's corn. Select the "wax- + As 1 have deoided tri c'ear out the hrilanre of my stock Kidney and Liver Pills tlte'" package guaranteed r Of White Shoe,, 1 lvnl prcii'tl'ed to of til' you very excep- dre Highly recommended for by this signature--- f17� Coastiph.tion tional values regardless of coca. The following are a + few of the many lines on 4itle. and iti8 FiViY $,t°13QIG9p//(/ Women's White Canvav high lace Roots, high or low ,. ,r ,` `�r^��f/ l3eefs, gize4 2 to 7, Gila price $2.75 and $3,90 r; They are purely vegetable, do not v n I Gripe, P't)v'hw or irritate, and bring K.tfoss's proaucte—Toasted Com Fi*ke.-- kT �1VOnaen s White C an1'a4 TQAM ()xforda, and Pumps, high �f`" ;, ! relief by Vteducing a heaitiyy eOniil• 6Meddvd Krumb[es-Knunbied Bran -en `. .•soil lOty heelA, 3i 7.09 2!! t0 1. dale i)C1Ce $2.50 and s: made in our new modemtred kteefi.ns a ryy i�� tion of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys TORONTO and always wrapped "West+u" $.710 and Dowels. "—Sold R.erywhere Misses' White Cnnvas Oxfords and Pumps, sizes 11 to THE HALYARD THAT CAt,y;FD THtr No matter what medicine YOU are 2. Sale price $1.50 and $1.75 RE-40LITk TO L6.1;F THF. FIR%. tak" for a latative it r-y-+��tttbe just Children's White Canvas PRmpa, sizes 1L to 101 $1.50 RACE it wag this plere of rope. h Ill ss ,s=ell to change aft to 14a6king'a. by Dorothy Dalton, stalzi, a:l,t ",' .. l The comlltblulatfon of Ca9mra, Pep• 11ROMi/►X1tItA111pSfMlYltw • _- Have also a number Of other lines broken 1❑ ai7.09 star. (hal vaulted the Re+nlnl,• to l„•• and the other 10. I 7 that will he on eat© at greatly reduced prices. til•• Ilrsl of qts foil rn:•i,on!II lar•••., permint, MayapD -/T �,.. with ihr � if thek 1 t% Kn ,\r I I. file Vegetable Drags coRrdsaine8 In tlfesd See Our Window Display of These Goods throat halyard it RavP 1\ 13 WI. n 11 • pills Will p'toawla results to be un- iril w _. RFsrdute 0ppearynl :« a inn' r, :Ind r ,m- , equalled by aaty others. They work REPAIRING pole,l her to hir,pp ,Ill of Ile rarr ; hisautifal in Digestive Dtaorden, for r . ?lrnna In ihr bo)fef in til, inin.•io.'ri+ dal on the etomach. for epurnodio �'^► S superstition that If ,+ till, b ,•rr4 i Pa hs in the atot"reoh' att0 iJ�pryafar s `j the yacht will he alb oder{ !iy it:irtl a pye�epefyl 11(11! anll{Ie40on+ �' • ° a j/ ,v \(T r Inrli 111011 H I. tonrited by a etinm.+n buy •,may boa m ir'4to y�tlrnl' �I �/ � V � i� Eno of the +\.'iilnvs of flip RAItolI took l • oil k r` rl� toll7. but be ib11o11ftely fifl"i� Y Y ham. a pirrP n! the hsll ird I:, frnrn:h3 oaf rfar3tlr Nelda of 1,qustilra f}OLIERICH I t Ha(cklnq e. ton (n halt ihr \\Irked ehvr�in dispel. � lied. ", when ihr• R,•so.nl. ritl'\e:l Nackinp'a RVisledick at,' 140114 lit Grldf- 9 final victory it %%w, not anrprtoina. t tlrh by H. C. Dunlop. 'f IilPtriflltfiW • al