HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 3.y--_�^. .,.-'e,•..".,fiA•ew,rrM-r+Y_ek-•�1H.,.1,� Ww.i!.':%, vu...:.. u, -t.,. _ _ -. ... _ .. .. mi+_ ... .. , - _ G THI �1)re .>MG •.%tt1, ltl: ° •+1G`�!1» rt� y�full LIM ""WANT TO' on] A'� � +l1- iI 1-1 1t1t##lttt~R� 4}i tit Get {;0\1' t*tCC Ott �iltfp e l•Q" - li?'di'o'�leetl''i't\ StI13Rb�cfcil'�ri . &>'J L�Vin ltatlt. ons Hungarians Ask hQ Allies G['. M,o, ,S' A. Aimis, .tit Port t'ni+)ita �^*" Give Permission. ter of Nils. AA %$111113ton, of t•licion' e�e,t ft MF P1aintoauorecotntnon ;< died on Jr,KI�3' cvetiitf�t• July ;i,vl. sw, ' *carcely rainy which Great Britain and Ti rA ice Favins the Mr. J. C. Laing, of 5eaftu tU, fracuaft- > qp ti}oro troole, ttnno}'meta t1Rd Bc,�keviki Menace, [int Do Nat , ed his hip and Injured himself intt•ru- ally in a fall %Vhite shingling Lite darn + 1;•IRI'lCh, 011t. I Cam to Irertnit blobUization -llw i Of Alp. If, aicKellar, of Crotnttrt�. Poo may bo clttaacd tmtler four , #nngairy,--Solviets `1lLgat Not llttt- , Arg• Alal'y :iil'Ll:3A, a f(7rloor well- >: ix,adings -external os rotrudiug in- i�cualr bleodlnjr�:. blind or itc�tiog, �y�x Terms on Poland. 1 }PgNvq 400, Uigulk. tevillied lvaidenl ilf Win and %Jcoifs, ,1dI td in 15()Oh, y' ioit tib milt Ler tin es whtir ►lteeldit►g rites • li'AR><S, Aui(y2.-I3ungary has ArAIf+ , eater. Minn., on - ueaala tttornitt� + esterJuly, i. t:omia, 1-q Ic«aOlw C44 safely be put dtlwn ad the permlaslon of Great Britt' t:<t 7tIt, tfa constt;,`�G�h�,�on, and the cause must be and I'Lnttce to attack4,.he,oviel at MY. ��. Jobq Gi+ILter passed away at tfi8 reAauye(l Ae+pr@ you can expect to Such an attack would iavDlve per* i, miaslon, likewise, to reorganize the horse on the 15th enneesstutl or Iia;! emit rzi eved. Da not allow our bowels to berme } Hungarian army, the demobilization on 5a4iroy, ,July 15th, ill `Eris for by the egear. lie \vas burn ill Hay T"\vn*hip ,gatipated. If you are in the un- haviniK of which was provided Hungarian peace treaty; and lived there all his life, I+rrtunate position of not a it 'puovement everyy dad+, The Allies are hesitating over Hun- Alis Asquith, who has been trach - 11+, Srvi and oatural , era nrguld advise you to t15e Iyt% gory's request, according to a high jag in Goderich lov nship, ha- u they fearl engaged to till the vacancy kiti t;lc ,L-:xt,Liver Pills. They. will regulate lh+ flow of silo to act pr&perly on the French official, because Hungary ould expect too many Lon- staff of the Clinton \1 \del School I'on" � Y ;- by the ref MllAtikiu Of \ll -s ururc ll" i : r1 Lhtla removing the constipation x .d till 'rte all.ed ailments. They a cesslons i0 the terms of the itreaty. l ed In the meantime the situation be- \lather. ' f easy to take, and do not gripe tween the Allies and the Soviet Guy- 1 \It .'John C. N'on,l Ih••d "t [Al. h•nnn I �, Neu t sit%ilf,atnd u •:'cep o! sicken, erIament grows more and more in- in seafkirth ole 101 -.71; , Jul) "1th :. ilille,a cal sed 11)'`, I ' Y.ce 23c. a vial at all dealers qr r :rind d'rt ton receipt of price by Thothan -volved. Lt would take infinitely more after a lingering the, f;eported Anglo -10 reach expe- diabG�e,s. tFe �v t?-`�' c u tit �troral A tx";in \Llburr. Co. Limited, Toronto, Out, ditionary force of luo,000 men and tu\Vii$t,it Itd h3tl 1 t rl" tl'tJra agd; +'1 ;, w ",aa spa forty air anuadrons to defeat the Bol- W. F" H �x shell Dike million me would be •gi'r'd {lu}Iarlh, of titt`i;+h n. `:itt+ 1 ' a Y -y,.1- OSTEOPATH she \le'. ;\,„�'?'�!+cHto mor e like it, One hundred thousand, b, kelt rPeantl\ l (' \tilts it, �t3js the top ever, might be sufficient to keep Ilald' and \\a, till 'rrrnrhard, !tilt. tYyR,t ENGLAND'S \lARSUALL OF T11E .Alftr-tieneral Sir 1-!13911 load e et Reds till*' Polish soil and even n1- a load of tray \.hen the til" bat•wletc) Cur hi. ,t the lu•ftd of Lhg ,Ur a,•1vn•, Lo lite tfroun,f lit "u"- x\ttu i a wedge into their front. and ill ratlini; s,- ars the hill, tit \tal.hal of the .\u' III,, re.16s\.+t'xnd \\hu nu\\ b•,us du[uil ll" gr A that nuts- tile utionell. r out, here was a time when tained the injury force" and rhtcf 11f the Air stall in Ill.- \111&411-) of Ill, .\1r. Ile \.as of men could have walked Louis }{ulmrs, daughigr tit rigs! snldn rs I I' the I3riti,l' .\run to L1 hl up 1-l) ing and Io forr,rl to Petrograd and Moscow, [tubcpl H•)in1r,, "f 1'.er_ "f Lhr \Ir. atul u, ;+,I„ihiltti, , in just at this moment, the Bolshe- ho-merl) tit hlinit,n, ttiltu +s s+'+'- onto, t• army has reached the pinAUcla rotary n F;+i easoeia- leffurt where N1Y•\ Itad sine,• r,•w,lyd - et$ciency. The stories of the as hid a further inorea�e [n Hallett, tont, I7ae ha rmansk, Archangel, Kolchak, salary, \.['tell l5 l,fi\y $:3008, Fugerie l,,vlrtrh tI:0 a clu,l, Ball kill g her .\hila Yudenitch and Pilsudski H. I'ar'�er. �cafovth, fill h Arsday, .1111\ 2'211.1fronl ril,ath \ir. Harold e 1 UORGE IWILEMANN, Osteopath, holy l 's jiR. women's an hildra ,+ specialistm eq 4 C n tri the family mored o Ac ,.asses, Acute, chronic and nel\vuus cli9- 'Deafness, dri ve rders, Partial eye, -ear, Mose i l throat. Adenoids removed wi out T he kulte. Consultation' tree. Omce and her Cardinal Merrier had to stand for Belgium, I claim that same right to -Idence, Nelson and St. Andrew's Streets a, k of Temperance Hall, North Street. the' ough mce Lours u to t2 a. m., t to a P. 1-q[1i But SaWrdalvd. wilt wili"IlEvel�ilings hy1appointment,and Of lis LEGAL CARDS Mu nikine, OARROW, Barrister, solicitor, ca ea cam CCH_kRLES i Etc. Corner NoitL street and Square, alt 1;•IRI'lCh, 011t. r rirfl» r R1 f'( l l.i S. SEAGER as as Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public tail and Lonveyancer is t otRce : Court !louse, Goderich. she L. HAYS 'Phone 88 will it aar. surrlstrr, Soiletlor, iVotary Punllc Etc ant OMce Hamiltons St., Bank Block GoderiSltierling one Real Estatc. Loans, inoul'ance to +Uti\'EYANCINd AND NOTARY pro 1178 _J t:OR,IE E onEENSLADE, Bayfleld, Con- esp vevm,clna and Notary Public re gr KILLURAti & GUOKE, an 3 onr•rl"ter., Solicitors, Notaries Put). ver 6rl!cte-On vile Square, Ynd door from the elattll tton street, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rated. ch W, PROIIDFOOT, H. L., J. L. KILLORAN, it. J' D. COOKS. inti So NUCTiOSEI:RING No marvellous and finally complete spa T•1-'0\IAS OCNDRY. on 1. Live Stock and General Auctioneer, all 11 unliton street, Goderich. ag Sales made everywhere and all efforts ho matte to give you satisfaction. wi Farmers' sale notes, discountad. \Ir. and \its. Ko u•r( lL)luv's, ,f '1' int n \\Ililr "parting frau III, hack• title of the an 1NSIJR!ANCE is _ tKILLUP MUTUAL FARE INSURANi:« 11 • of f;0. - -- isolated Town Properly lusureel. Ca ,arm and t alur or property insured up to ,Januar; , ist OFFICER&-aan'es Conoity, President, Vice-Presidrat. w je deltch Jn,. Evan+, --hwood ; 'I'. E. days, Sec.-Treas., Ser w ,ortb. Feafori^ OIRECT0115-D. F. Ptrrregur, \Vinthrelp ; \Vol. \\'gin. Cor, R' P G. I,ri,•+e, elanve : George McCartney, Tucl;erSrmSl, ,ohn Ferris, Harlock : John Ilenne\visc, tic w d„oadhahan : Malcolm DIcE\\•an, ilruccll r? 1, \V. 1teo, I.oderlch Sxnd:; W -Cr,EN'TS-J. • elu•h, Clinton : Win. Chewiey, Sesr\-rtU an E Illnrhley, Searorth, P"lIcy Holders can pay their a,ser`smen;3 le 41a+ 1fCl SStore Gudentuu, orJ•SMvI� F thting little h. \\,,: I,•. General Stores Hdyttf-14- a NOTARY 1'ti'f11.1C: B`J- haphazard, half-hearted way that _ er the former wars, but \. ", \"+'r.a.a e \icl.ran, a t ,!^u," `` �OT\R'i I\rnClr at, r+nervi f:"tive•t•anr Dir iv., r r,n)d Compatitee itrpre'e,eted at t.,,.ir^irlt Hta•,fl Phone 24 P 1(•.'I• Auhnrn Route Nn. av%av ole "1•')+''11'1\ kif la,l \\erlt ie: Lurl.- A novel industry which promisee s[rnatura By 7)- Dc- -fn's French Fills b 'ruLttin; Pill for \'+'amen. . I at :,I! IJOT :torr¢. of t addrra+ on rerei c• - - _bell )rug (:0., st. Cath- L d :..� b OR I1gl;N c - •,11 \ Itflitt••: f,)- N, •:d '` Bail on the Baltic an previously lir• S:( :I t,t::C. Net , .. � ..,t-; : ,•• ranged. T 1. OWLI �10� r H. S. K'EM P GODERICH I The Leading funeral Directors ` and Embalmers t Orders carefully attended to i ah all hours -night or day. zf '' a y Aran r y RIPA"d uti:tsl�t>arlly. tow { ji �oloo�o�o ,e',8 'e ,f'1y�Y� .nr...B.'FAPEa' 1 E AGENT FOR THE .y •y"« + . •1-%p -r; ..'�"Y ,^., lntelmational fluvester 34 ,IN,y prMtiMt of � 20" fim Company p Q o] on Hamilton Street o� h CALL AND SEE US „ oiao�---oao�o111���111 For SORE THROAT COLD IN t CHEST / etc. r Tilton. bps a\ Fairville, N.B. writer: (I wish to \ inform you that we consider your ° MMEN 'a LIN- �((..� Very I y superior article, ar,d t 1•,,e' we use it as a Lure 1. relief for wrethroat and uteri:. i wttluld not be without it if tate pelta was we dollar a bottle-" A » '4 V�ftWL t ke. s 1 Those start Bions d aracterized vier a Ten years ag,; the, family mored o j 'M.ijt Cardinal Merrier had to stand for Belgium, I claim that same right to ,� I IIIII kk \ r■ stand for Ireland." Archbishop Mannix r rirfl» r R1 f'( In his speech, Hughes, Avatra- .a declared Premie, Brit4sh , s'• I Iia, was n renegade and a , ,t eM,�• v�' v ' ^' Imperialist of the worst type. "These newspaper have all been remarkably std a\\a) naris \lundav wdruiut, Jul\ tt.,rkin 1n the \Vinfiharil creamer), • At first there were marvel- •ltitlt, aged 36 \cars. If,, \gas taken Ill \\1t1rc It,- is enipio)ed, lit \\orkm. successes, then retreats almost \wttek prior to 1131 death and carter- ( aruuu,l our lir the machine, his cloth - • marvellous and finally complete a went an operaliou stili \va laking; t\cn• caught in Clue "Lartmg. Lir \..+rl " � ure. The moral of these stories satisfa-tory r+co'%'ery Veht•n other U•"u- instantly .whirled through the air and he same: "You can beat the Bol- .at de\elni+eft, bitAir. til r,inuult dki\-,n hr .,',r,•d -[lie p1pui" vik temporarily but the Bolshevik Nvlollr (;. M"Inirs, eldg,I ,13:1 lir \\ Lith \\as near at hand, 6111111\ holt- .0 Ti+c tore [its beat you ultimately," \Ir. and \its. Ko u•r( lL)luv's, ,f '1' int n \\Ililr "parting frau III, hack• title of the familiar with° the history of outo, foruo•rly " Chillier', and ,I s" )I rhethe, nipio\r,,, (.htl", \c\\nlau, "11113+ tli,t L -Bolshevik warfare all agree on in-la\y lir \U. John 1'e;0,ou, aril dap gr, runic to the, r,srn "toppin ,. , thing -it would be unfortunate ees,iun oP �hu)Ic\, Ila- \\"n till, IIr ufa'•hine. lwitrieh \\a" batlly lar - another campaign that would chainpinn:•hip 1-f till I [u\ifn'e ni \1- I ; r;+ted the 'hrf111.1ors' aril agonies of long indefinitely the agonies of t)er'ta reir Itu,ateur trap-I,I,otrr� I .Ihkiul �,,\\.11ulll ,tire• !,orrir,l Mill luta I people In Russia and File unnounven •til r Ilei' gnp:I .,t r.+r and gn,ln d lin, to Dr. Hambl\'s epe{slly of those living in the which have suffered most which file' [it kir \ir, I:ha.,. S. it e'41, „f the \I"I- "on t,f \Ir „:IIce. v, 11"T. lie' recet\ed likedrral all! t b for, h, (.it] r,'' Clean to handle. Sold by all where is going on this sem" Batik' Tornut", ,'Nest l liail, Off I;linloue. t„ It \\ill h,• "el.], lino Druggist_%, Grocers and y \day. If there must be another an,[ Mrs. F. B. I:atht'ri c. (1HU.111c • (If \Ir, stili \11" little h. \\,,: I,•. General Stores r It should not be prepared for ini.�i'tit 1',)rl,ntu Is „tit, Il,n Illal- haphazard, half-hearted way that i,i�_, 1-r, take place earl\' in :\uxn t. THF. SEA MUSSEL, the former wars, but \. ", \"+'r.a.a e \icl.ran, a t ,!^u," g lg 1-D R = g INDUSTRY In Use For over 30 vers' s1- be with the idea of subduing ''stc,'und resident of \\'ingleam, p++- aeursthe Russia by force at any cost. !tiler men nor mon@y should beI av%av ole "1•')+''11'1\ kif la,l \\erlt ie: Lurl.- A novel industry which promisee s[rnatura red, but the weir should be carried I R"chcsG'r. Ur. 1), Ged.le" lir fill..' and \V. J. It,•,hlos, tit' Hgll:r:o., meld expansion and great popularity, of is no less than the development of a with the same dogged determin- on that characterized the war ainst Germany. There is little pe that Polanii and the entente 11 go to this extent and therefore armistice with subsequent peace looked upon as the best way out the present troubles_ But the Allies feelthat they can- nnot permit the Bolsheviks to reg- er a victory over Poland that ould practically mean complete sub- ction, of the Poles. The limitations hich Great Britain and France oold put upon Soviet demands of Oland in the arranging of an armis- e are set forth to a notification htell has been despatched to the Ire, ,brothe'r's of tile' dercused, a I \Ir.. Ii. 4. NicGre, of \\'in h;+1 -n, i, a nivel•. hev. Huy \(• ';e igen \,\'kiet6tovk. s ,o tit' \I r. and Nil \Ileal•:+ t;eii'er, of 7.Iu- 111e. \\as united in hill)' loatrinnerly \\ith NIIr.,v E\r1\u .\. \\'ildfuua. daul ht,•t• of [he lalg \\'ildr'anL•, EInt\\o",L til II;. 1•:In'\ meet parsona�e•. I:hr�Iry gegen!!\ \ olliet %\eddinc .va, salcnu'ized kin \vvdnesday morning:', .tell\ 99th, ;it the huml, of life. bride. p;nl,nis. \Ir, afi i \1rn. .Itdm 9.13ctle, Ib'r -:III. \\I" a liwit eldest 1;,It_htrr. N, Illy.,\• I. tmil".1 in nlarriacc to NII.. Pot, r It h ,• I n 1 en h\ t;. N'. BIN r-, 1, I^t�•:' of U" \I •lhn- di,l rlu't•rll. 1 substitute for the suiewilent but somewhat ctgwll oyster. - This is the sea mussel, found in vast quan- tities along•tbe low tide mark of the Atlantic coast, chlefly in New Bruns- wick. The Dominion Government, with the co-operation of scientists, has conducted experiments to this end in Western University labora- tories and it Is now claimed that mussels can be produced commor- c}ally and ::old profitably at 15 rents per quart, as compared with the $1.00 per quart around which oyster prices b."W. The mussel 1s by no means a new article or diet to the, Dimple of Can- ada Government by the British \ ,iniel hnl pr, \ • hi I]-' I,",,, ads, and besides being used exten- _--- sively in coast towns hks found its d French GOye''atneIIts, it was 11 , t .,l III, r, rid .Irg ' ' 1!"' i''''l"'' way to the tables of inland cities in lea here Friday. Poland request- i+an•ul", \Ir. an,l \irs. \\ illlalo I.h.I' Central Canada. ]1-s deli cities of the views of Great 'Britain and tors. 'I'lleheT.,nlit11, "I) \\ "'ti�l',d•i> flavor and high food value have been Fir on possible armistice terms, Jul\ lstle, \\h, n Ihgir "til\ ,I;Iu_I h r r 4I:harlcrs, \\.,s nn'h•el in nine•_ much advertised store the estahllsh- nd the Goverpn,ents a- London and I Jo,,i, .. ment of government investi,gn•!on Pa have notified the Polish Gov- ria_,' 1" \I r. tl•'nr\ 11• I'gg1"'I'1-cr• "! and experiment, and de -serve to be omen+ that they will not permit Niaear.I P.+IL. \. \' much better known. There is yet eland to accept possible Soviet \[r. .l,11ltw,n \\,)kid,, ,,,u of NII.. ft',Ili 1 much to be dour in the line o' re- mistir3 demands Involving: \\",loris. )r 1'sh„run, vert. \NW, ;+ ,'i'i11 search to a_scerta:n con,lition. imder First --Whole or partial disarm- ;meideilt fill Th III'— 1,1.\. ".'nil ' which produrUren would he most all of Poland. \\Inn hr \\a, I:iekgd 'in Ill Aid door rapid and prnfitahle, and to this Second --A change in the Polish h\ ;+ horst. Ile \\as a„i,lill - in l,.,1 I end the Cot:nell of InrluFtrial and stem of Government dictated or ilig for 1\\n horse., til (if., 11"„n h"IIr11 scientific Research is devoting its er- rought about by the Soviets. NOwn to• nP linin I,ivkod .)I Ihge I forts Third -Acceptance by Poland of a , still \ie'. \)rend, 11191\gd iII" hl"\\. A survey of the rinssel beds of the be line less favorable than \iia \hthcl l;race' \Irl'aul, d,nlirhl,•r ' SL Croix River, which constiltot•3 hat provisionally drawn by Premier ,)P I)r. .I. 11.'ndrrsoti \IrFeul :In,! \Ir-', I the boundary between New Bruns- loyd George. I \IrFaul, of Ileruntu, and cram! -dao -lit- wick and Alainef, has occupied the at - Fourth -The use of Poland as a or of \irs. L. L. �Iri'rI„'• ;""I )'l'''''' o: -tentlon of a scientist of the council ridgehead, in any sense, between \its. .I. f;.. \1101, it, "f rgor"rth, \we for three years now, and it is ex- ermany and Russia. Iiiarrif•Ii t" Ur. Stonl,> rru•II'1 I''"orb pected that this summer will ser the \n11ugesl sten „i'">II•. .Ind \Ir,, 'I 6ostl sa[lslaclory conclusion of the rr- MANNIX IS DEFIANT. lir„nen. rnl„111". :II rnr"pili ,•',inti\ search. it is hel[eved that the, beds An ,eld residenl of �e,+fl,rlh died •,n of mussels are practically unlim:ted, hfnks Himself a Second Cardinal 'I'n,wda\ • •1111\ 1 -Ill. in i'"Boni ,, in I!), and the work occupying those en - r -un "f isalo ll:t \IrF, nil', \\ if.• gaged is merely the test condltinns Mercier. 111(1 eat• Hnhl,rt .lung.. "r.. .el Ili" .I , of (:evelopment.. It hat; also 'leen 1 NEW YORK, Aug. 2. -Speaking at \;1111-d age' „f sf yr o,. <le" r•itw\,al determined that mussels become recept'lon arranged in his honor I" 'i'orunt„ :11milt s,\ \''ar, .,L"• \\!"'1-''''I sweeter and more palatable the' far- 1 ere, Archbishop Mannla said: "I am she' li\gel \\itis li r elautrht, r. h'.1t. I'll ther north they are found, and in ather sorry that the British Govern- sl. ,inn•,. Itf �l,sf„rlli, i- a s„n "! ilei' advantage this gdovernada the muss I bedtanto lent, which seems to be so unwilling '!''+'''+"'''I the south of the Uomtnion. 'nose hat. I should land in Ireland, had \Ir. and \irs. Arnnlit \heir. "i \'111 of the Hudson's Bay make pafticu- ot the courage to begin the battle tun. .\Its,. i„ -t their "tie. .Leri: "1i of excellent eating. n New York. They have already re Tnr�eL'+> nP last \.rgh of liipl,ll„ 1-'i The sea mussel cannot be produc- reated to the Ola World, and what e"ntracigd \\mile' +',IIIt[lig do\`1-1 tie' in [rrsh waters so that there' ;a wIII happen til re no one can fore lokgs h\ haat. \t r. .unl \Ir,. \h,u X11' fire possibility of develrepintt an in - ell. thrll 1-\\u rleildrl,n \\erg un tlegir \\•,> I iusiey in the Great Lakes. it is "They seem to have some difficulty t') \isiI rgIAI%P4 at Exe'te'r' \\hru III aret n making up their minds as to just, \nook lari tnuk !IIr fe\rr, and hem eh •,11, however,lieved tfor there development liti of what to do with me. But I know uccurrod aft,r the•\' arri\rd in h:x,'I•-r treah-water clams there and the Do - exactly what I am Itoing Ito do. That In the (]cath of ?snrtu'I P'Mard al minion Government alt the inst.1gatioo S the difference. !eis home on the lath rnrrrn,slou "' of the Ontario Fishermen's Assocla- "Mr. Lloyd George is going to con- llulil,tt irn Tlnfrwla\, .1nIQ '?''?nd, a Lion fa copducting a"'serirs or experl- ter a distinction on me that Von I,i,ghly ncteemed resident of the' "I" ' ments which will probably result to Blssing never thought of conferring nn,nily passed 'I'll. i[,. vvas :I naln,: ntereatlne developments. nn Cardinal Mercler, If I have to go „f 3'sborne lm\uship anei. \\hen W o jail for Ireland." \\.is seynn years old, the family u,fi\,'' Children Cry The archbishop said he was so to \Ichillfrp and lat.e•r to Kmbitm. d sorry to have the situation compar- \\herr keenly-li\1• \goy a"', I"' \\" FOR FLETCHER'S d with that of Cardinal Mercier of married to \liss h:liz:11)r•Ih clarkc t� f""'A e--,TOi~3iA Belgium during the war. "But In this particular Cardinal blercier and I stand /on common ground." he added. "Whatever right Ten years ag,; the, family mored o j 'M.ijt Cardinal Merrier had to stand for Belgium, I claim that same right to ,� I IIIII kk \ r■ stand for Ireland." Archbishop Mannix r rirfl» r R1 f'( In his speech, Hughes, Avatra- .a declared Premie, Brit4sh , s'• I Iia, was n renegade and a , ,t eM,�• v�' v ' ^' Imperialist of the worst type. "These newspaper ,•' ; , d r°. tit �r'p 1-t ! Refrrring to reports that have come from Austra- P Iia In the last day or two, in which r Premier Hughes -says that I do not speak for the Australian people," the prelate said: - �hw;. 1 f t 1` "Hughes Is no friend of mine and • I confess that he has no reason to his , s be thankful to me. I opposed conscription measure," An earlier despatch said that the a r FWchbieshop had declared that he tbiowtng had not changed his phills , Lloyd George's ukase, and he would r '` Bail on the Baltic an previously lir• ranged. I H. S. K'EM P EXPERT WATCHMAKER!All v 12taMest. Wds, ttc., WMA tori zf '' a y Aran r y RIPA"d uti:tsl�t>arlly. tow { ji 'e ,f'1y�Y� 1 .6e' wt ",a5 .y •y"« + . •1-%p -r; ..'�"Y ,^., "1 34 ,IN,y prMtiMt of � 20" fim 1-N w.m.n w tl,I.a. t». tdr•�•b 1111111101" mo+arato IFIWH EIG111 pF:7'iTlbr FOR fii' .1111 LARKIVr-Vf'nrkmen I (hiblln rfnclarnd a two-hour hnhl ny reeont ler march 1-r, Lire tats Hall i• '+ivn , potiticen tet Pres+idenl \vilaon asking for tire. relrare of Jim Larkin. tMeWll KAM OQ this 84'sla+ servin :+ term in Slna �,na Pri-fl. v. ", \ 1.'e' rrimin rl ttrerrin L„rel \L•r\ ,r Weill ,rT Imbl[n fl,fiv,,r-lh�i first tr II\ 1111.,) nt•e•er+,na,'r ;" •t•, "1-a lily L"rel \1i\nr OOD1CItit>ilfi. tf11�'1'• '+IRT tit\ pvlilt„n. Nhn 1, \t 111 h•• +„'tit t l \', e- final -n •I' + .taning. , i � • y, wri{E why are tuft'TWIMi •t flavors R like the Ptd pxral�ids of Lu + Because then are long• lastinge And WRIGLEY'S is a beneticla as well as long-lasting treat, it helps appetite and digestion, keeps teeth clean and breath sweet, allays thirst. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL Sealed Tighltlii�iiisii Right DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND, REVENUE i NOTICE To Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers NOTICE, i+ hereby given to 'III (1.1.1(6 ­. lteturne, liccolliiutulrll L\ roniut:n:,r O)• I,1 \- 1 lt1' AND I MA'Si: 'I 1\i�fi, !1!11'!11 Ile fit" Ir a, L,:: )ws . t It ,tie • t) t lee, „r,;tl Collector of Inland R�veuue f,, Ill v u.A' inro;'In;ttion desired linty be obtained. RET1 RN5 (Il: 1,l'\ I'M' T.\\ tn'"Nt be "1 A" o:. flee first and fifteenth (la\' of etch pont!!. Ri T'i'RNS Ole'' JI';N'l;Ll,l:itti' T.\\, MANI VAC- '1'i'1t1:ItS' TAX AND 5a[,f.� TA\ must ht, nel.i': not rotor thus the In.t Ila\' elf tho neond. Ill Illi 11 co Vere,! 1,\ IIID Rotul n. ltv, t'RNS FOR TAXES iN Alll.F ARS ueu•t, 1„• 1,1 ole f,othw;111, otherwise :he lienal"\ pro\'i'lo.l It,,, it\y 1-t ' be onforced. try ot•der r,r the DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE THOS. G. DAVIS ('pill. ht'TOIt OI l�1..%\;D R(I%VNI 1 - LONDON, ONT. 1-1 Electric Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give you an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones !Motors Dynamos Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the best Electric • Irons and Toasters made in Canada Rd�T. TAIT ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET t P'Loae 82 or 193