HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-08-05, Page 14
Goderioh--Arrive 12.25 p.m. 9.55 p.m. barn. Apply to 0 Lf 3 binnow�.
-- .- �^, 0. T. R. TTOI1SE FOR BALD OR TO RENT. -Fur-
6Wderlch-Leave 6.05 a.m. 220 P.M. AA nished or un rttisbed. Corner Cam-
a " 7.45 a.m. ° bria Road and Ne Sneer, A. pl.
Tplronto- Arrive 11.10 a.m. 7.35 p.m. OLOVER. ,
*/L , tiamtlton-Arrive 11.22 A.m. 6.58 p.m. rn0 RENT.-Attet' AUFUSt t5th residence
Sun Life Assurance Ca. o• ON Twntcl-Leave 6.80 a.m. 12,53 P-A on West Street Not water heatinlr,
6.50 p.m. garden, and all modern 4!onvonlencea. Ap-
_ asmiltont .Leave 7.15 a.m. 7.15 p.m. ply G. L. PARSONS.'
(*oderlch-Arrive 11.35 a.m. 7.14 P.m.AOR SALE,.-Tbto-Sorg frame noose In
Endowment Insuranes as an Inveltmedt 11.45 p.m. I' fairly good eb*p,large yard, orch-
ard and lawn. BrOCK MreeL Quick Bae,
It ,you die within the first year, atter you have taken an En• FOUND $J.ODO• Apply Stir.
dowment Policy, it will pay your estate 1900 per cent. on the
original investment; it within the second year, 300 per cent.; Taj OUND.-About three weeks ago a blue TiESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -1 1-1
Ja and white eta 1[elled bar pIn. Owner ll storey brick cottage and full-sized
within the third year. 133 per cent.; tourta year, 78 per cent.; can have same at TAR OFFICE and pay lot on East St. All modern conveniences[
fifth year, 52 per cent.; tenth year, 14 per cent.; fifteenth year, ing for this ad. stale on premises.'' Terms ressonabl%
5j percept.; and it within the twentieth year,$ little less than 3 =_-- --__. APPY W JAS, 1L JOl#%STON, Drayton, on: i
PUBLIC NOTICE acres, frame
per teat., with compoundinterest in All cases. FANM FOR 9ALt�`;'•«-ilio
Consult as regarding rates at your 4ge. NOTICE. 1 house, barn 4o it., stone ands.baseAll
1\ artesian \�'etl, wlttd two orcDards, All
[t you are looking for a nice hollse to In gcod state of cut otion. ApDply to H
H. R. LONG, District Agent " ENE. Lot C Con; 6, Ashfield, or R. R.
g t buy 1 have them, all kinds, red brick, No. 1, llungannon.
white brick and frame, at very reasonable
prices. My past experience in buildinga�ARM FOR SALE, -100 acres, frame
and valuation places me 1n a position to jj house, barn 40x00 ft., oil basementl
TENDERS WANTED be your guide In the selection of a nice
MU814. home at a right price. i have pleased oth- never o R J creek, Orchard, clay loom. 1
ers, i can please you. Phone 50. For Appply t. H. 7. . 1. DU SanLot o Con, s Ash ,
ALE. J. SUG'TT. BA. DUASTWa prompt service P. J. RYAN Real Estate 01111 A. R. se t, sly of tog These lots
and Insurance. will be sold separately of together,
Teacher of Band InPtrnmeuts and Piano. 'OR SALE. -Lady's bicycle In ffrSt-clasp
9t. neat tq Knox Qbtlreh d ®®®7 ®®®///®®®/®®®®®®Sisso// F condition *=.50, also some surplur
dining room and kitchen furniture. 20
CIiARLE,§ BUCYLEY / 920 Taxes / h, p. 4 -cylinder Studebaker engine, com-
Organist St. heorge'S Angil on Church MAIL C NTRACT Plate with clutch. Dial high r qutn Jttagg••
Piano, Plpe Organ and Vocal instruction. q tete, tnu(. etc. BaiYtor. for bric11„sa it
Flv, -piece Orchestra SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Ig The Tax Rate for 1920 Is 41
GI em A. M. �1LGVER, Cor. Cambria Toad
qq Postmaster- General, will be recelvea M and Nelson St.
For terms apply to Studio, St. Patrick St. Mills on the Dollar. Three Mille
at Ottawa untyil noon, on /
FriDAY, TI{E 27th OF AUOtJST le lower than 1919. I am now• pre- ® L�011 SALE. -Will ve a car of 'Sydney
D. H. WESTON, L. L. C. U. for the conveyance of His Majesty's Maus * pared to accept payment of the ® 1 Basta slag" Fattiltze''• the end of
on a proposed -Contract for four years, six IN / this month, at Mea V Station. Farmerr
'Licentiate London College o(� Music. Eng- times per weep, over Auburn No. 1, Rural Ml 1920 Tates, a wishing to use in Fertilizer for fat
land. Organist and Choir a Director of Route, frOra the •Postmaster General's a Those in arrears, must pay M wheat, or for top d sing chi+ taH for
North St. Methodist chinch. pleasure. /, those artearsat once. IB next year's crop, wl,I kindly leave their
TEACHER Or dIUSIC Prtntpd notices eontSlntpg further infer. / No more replepcy can be shown M order" with JOfiN i QRST. ft. R. No. ?
motion as to eb1101tiOil¢ T reposed 'Con- / IE plinton, or Phone . it' . Colborne Municl-
Rpplls prept!led for, exataitta*tton$ in con- tr44et 1pay be sAdu`, and bl pk forma o[ / �o those IP:dslanit. dal, L , y,,,[,,�
laoctlon •tccitb; ToiltRtll �,ntvel8ltY TQCentA Tetiltei MW be obtained at' e, Post Olflces 1 '`
0131 ot•Atuhurn. Blyth-af+d Goderich, auxi-ao:tt CAMPBELL, AR acres font mues south
„Conseuwat0fny,. ate. • Eypry pupil entered m of the Post Onlce, Insp etor, London. of GOdericn, ,114 coq,, Godertch town -
for musical exams has passed, many with o Tag Collector. = ship. Well fenceg, a newa,barn and fair
snore, For terms apply at residence, Post ll, 19 Inspector's O ce. London,
;West St. (first door west of skating rink), July 1t1tD, 1920. (3oderioh, Jttlq 22nd, 1020. house, t-2 mole; from soboDl and church.
IUoderich. CH41S, E. H. rISHER, ■ Pease slon tzt• of April. Apply' to ROBT.
Post Pill inapector. MCALLISTER, on the premises, or WIL-
LIAM MCA1.11STER, Goderich, Adminlstra�-
for for the estate.
SALE -Charming ulna iCtOn street fiof
!I = Mrs. Soselt-Reid, Jr., Picton street
RA,SPBERRES / off Victoria Street. Two reception rooms
DEBENTURES FOR SAIF ® three bed rooms, bah..bot and cold, lavas
® tory, electric Ilght, telephone, furnace. el-
® "cmc stoves in every room. Main bulld4
® ing solid brick, frlptte attachment, all
® stone foundation, cellar, halt acre lawn
nowerS. Trutt and vegetable garden, ver -
i5ubscriptlons for the purchase ® ansae. CuR on owner et praaent In rest•
W-NNTEID S ,of approximately $9,095.81 of lo- 19 de°1 e'
cal improvement sewer ddben-rich M g, SHINGLE$
/ tures of the Town of Goderich
® will be received by the Town M Always on hand at
DPI IVERED AT THE FACTORY N 2nd, urer fromhurl; Thursday lot), If Met,AW sTATLC+iv
J J s 22nd, to Thurtulay, Augus�' 5th, If Call C. A>,$r'►BERTSON
® 1920. ® or JOHIN TREBLE
For Farmers
o ltIA17M
Nwhere you
AFARMER'S business is
bonds are offered to the local
subscribers at a price to yield G
Point Farmper
cent. No one, person to be
l.a:e House yurQooa New York G❑❑hthaltnte
teacher and the additional atm of b100
Wheat Participation faertifcates.
sold oyer $2500 of th"P bonds.
for every assistant teacher,
A half million feet of all kinds
The list is now open to in-
U1r 1� r�ttattiltittt url9tt w tpplir+rl
of second hand Lumber, also aEF
The Wheat Board has announced an
initial of thirty cents per bushel
spectlon at the Town Treasurer's
I atrty r•angt'atuln Ions on hits attaining
ay, sept. Fath, at t P. in.
quantity of Doors, Windows,
Office, and atter the fifth clay of
August tthe Council will allot
Wain§noting, Lath and Base-
on wheat Participation certificates, pay-
he bonds.
.twG.•>�,t tto:iv:
s :pia'
board, at very reasonable prices.
able on and after July 20th, 1920.
No subscriptions necessarily
tictt fWt alcooutttal
1 m
. ,
Come'and`see us.
Any Branch of The Sterling Bunk will collect
ReeQixraae itt^14' P�`^r ' 4aa
o , ,
The Mercantile Salvage Co.
for Leave the amount due on yBa certificates.
Leave your certificates at the Bank next time
A'. 1•', CLARK,
�, J jr
villa Picton street, oar Victoria
oo YaAs rich red car)tet, rugs, curtains.
you are in town and we will promptly stake
Chairman. Finance (:nmm.,
urniture, etc. Call on owner.
Pout Farm
the collection for you. f
Goderich, 11nt.
Goderich Branch F. WaQlct�lixrlb Manager
L. i:NOX,
evening I ,Agricultural
some severe burnt. He bad been filling 1 to 4, In seven Innlnps, nn account
to darknexa un the match had
tcVREATH, printing office, West Street.
Town Treasurer,
sono of his family home, when in home was ns fotlow•s: Bissett, cl Robinson,
igoitt d ' Barlow. t b: M I I Ier 2 b: Jobn-
:Market Atardeners could soil more
Goderich, Ont.
by making the 'bundles
C. P. R. Lip; $ALIT pq' on Regent St., one
6,Q0 a.m. 1.35 p.m. 1 almost new, tunesp both, or wlil
out the dameo and then returned and the matett being largely a pitehers'
-Arrive 11.10 a.m. 8.24 p.m. soil separately. to %M.
10.85 a.m. 6.$0 p.m, Elgin Avenue. li
10 Crediton}
`bull pthey
-Leave 7.40 a.m. 5.10 p.m.OR SALil:.--Savao rootued brink cottaire.
muton- !! 7 20 a m 400 m F wader- bonve Once$ lawn rden-
Goderioh--Arrive 12.25 p.m. 9.55 p.m. barn. Apply to 0 Lf 3 binnow�.
-- .- �^, 0. T. R. TTOI1SE FOR BALD OR TO RENT. -Fur-
6Wderlch-Leave 6.05 a.m. 220 P.M. AA nished or un rttisbed. Corner Cam-
a " 7.45 a.m. ° bria Road and Ne Sneer, A. pl.
Tplronto- Arrive 11.10 a.m. 7.35 p.m. OLOVER. ,
*/L , tiamtlton-Arrive 11.22 A.m. 6.58 p.m. rn0 RENT.-Attet' AUFUSt t5th residence
Sun Life Assurance Ca. o• ON Twntcl-Leave 6.80 a.m. 12,53 P-A on West Street Not water heatinlr,
6.50 p.m. garden, and all modern 4!onvonlencea. Ap-
_ asmiltont .Leave 7.15 a.m. 7.15 p.m. ply G. L. PARSONS.'
(*oderlch-Arrive 11.35 a.m. 7.14 P.m.AOR SALE,.-Tbto-Sorg frame noose In
Endowment Insuranes as an Inveltmedt 11.45 p.m. I' fairly good eb*p,large yard, orch-
ard and lawn. BrOCK MreeL Quick Bae,
It ,you die within the first year, atter you have taken an En• FOUND $J.ODO• Apply Stir.
dowment Policy, it will pay your estate 1900 per cent. on the
original investment; it within the second year, 300 per cent.; Taj OUND.-About three weeks ago a blue TiESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -1 1-1
Ja and white eta 1[elled bar pIn. Owner ll storey brick cottage and full-sized
within the third year. 133 per cent.; tourta year, 78 per cent.; can have same at TAR OFFICE and pay lot on East St. All modern conveniences[
fifth year, 52 per cent.; tenth year, 14 per cent.; fifteenth year, ing for this ad. stale on premises.'' Terms ressonabl%
5j percept.; and it within the twentieth year,$ little less than 3 =_-- --__. APPY W JAS, 1L JOl#%STON, Drayton, on: i
PUBLIC NOTICE acres, frame
per teat., with compoundinterest in All cases. FANM FOR 9ALt�`;'•«-ilio
Consult as regarding rates at your 4ge. NOTICE. 1 house, barn 4o it., stone ands.baseAll
1\ artesian \�'etl, wlttd two orcDards, All
[t you are looking for a nice hollse to In gcod state of cut otion. ApDply to H
H. R. LONG, District Agent " ENE. Lot C Con; 6, Ashfield, or R. R.
g t buy 1 have them, all kinds, red brick, No. 1, llungannon.
white brick and frame, at very reasonable
prices. My past experience in buildinga�ARM FOR SALE, -100 acres, frame
and valuation places me 1n a position to jj house, barn 40x00 ft., oil basementl
TENDERS WANTED be your guide In the selection of a nice
MU814. home at a right price. i have pleased oth- never o R J creek, Orchard, clay loom. 1
ers, i can please you. Phone 50. For Appply t. H. 7. . 1. DU SanLot o Con, s Ash ,
ALE. J. SUG'TT. BA. DUASTWa prompt service P. J. RYAN Real Estate 01111 A. R. se t, sly of tog These lots
and Insurance. will be sold separately of together,
Teacher of Band InPtrnmeuts and Piano. 'OR SALE. -Lady's bicycle In ffrSt-clasp
9t. neat tq Knox Qbtlreh d ®®®7 ®®®///®®®/®®®®®®Sisso// F condition *=.50, also some surplur
dining room and kitchen furniture. 20
CIiARLE,§ BUCYLEY / 920 Taxes / h, p. 4 -cylinder Studebaker engine, com-
Organist St. heorge'S Angil on Church MAIL C NTRACT Plate with clutch. Dial high r qutn Jttagg••
Piano, Plpe Organ and Vocal instruction. q tete, tnu(. etc. BaiYtor. for bric11„sa it
Flv, -piece Orchestra SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Ig The Tax Rate for 1920 Is 41
GI em A. M. �1LGVER, Cor. Cambria Toad
qq Postmaster- General, will be recelvea M and Nelson St.
For terms apply to Studio, St. Patrick St. Mills on the Dollar. Three Mille
at Ottawa untyil noon, on /
FriDAY, TI{E 27th OF AUOtJST le lower than 1919. I am now• pre- ® L�011 SALE. -Will ve a car of 'Sydney
D. H. WESTON, L. L. C. U. for the conveyance of His Majesty's Maus * pared to accept payment of the ® 1 Basta slag" Fattiltze''• the end of
on a proposed -Contract for four years, six IN / this month, at Mea V Station. Farmerr
'Licentiate London College o(� Music. Eng- times per weep, over Auburn No. 1, Rural Ml 1920 Tates, a wishing to use in Fertilizer for fat
land. Organist and Choir a Director of Route, frOra the •Postmaster General's a Those in arrears, must pay M wheat, or for top d sing chi+ taH for
North St. Methodist chinch. pleasure. /, those artearsat once. IB next year's crop, wl,I kindly leave their
TEACHER Or dIUSIC Prtntpd notices eontSlntpg further infer. / No more replepcy can be shown M order" with JOfiN i QRST. ft. R. No. ?
motion as to eb1101tiOil¢ T reposed 'Con- / IE plinton, or Phone . it' . Colborne Municl-
Rpplls prept!led for, exataitta*tton$ in con- tr44et 1pay be sAdu`, and bl pk forma o[ / �o those IP:dslanit. dal, L , y,,,[,,�
laoctlon •tccitb; ToiltRtll �,ntvel8ltY TQCentA Tetiltei MW be obtained at' e, Post Olflces 1 '`
0131 ot•Atuhurn. Blyth-af+d Goderich, auxi-ao:tt CAMPBELL, AR acres font mues south
„Conseuwat0fny,. ate. • Eypry pupil entered m of the Post Onlce, Insp etor, London. of GOdericn, ,114 coq,, Godertch town -
for musical exams has passed, many with o Tag Collector. = ship. Well fenceg, a newa,barn and fair
snore, For terms apply at residence, Post ll, 19 Inspector's O ce. London,
;West St. (first door west of skating rink), July 1t1tD, 1920. (3oderioh, Jttlq 22nd, 1020. house, t-2 mole; from soboDl and church.
IUoderich. CH41S, E. H. rISHER, ■ Pease slon tzt• of April. Apply' to ROBT.
Post Pill inapector. MCALLISTER, on the premises, or WIL-
LIAM MCA1.11STER, Goderich, Adminlstra�-
for for the estate.
SALE -Charming ulna iCtOn street fiof
!I = Mrs. Soselt-Reid, Jr., Picton street
RA,SPBERRES / off Victoria Street. Two reception rooms
DEBENTURES FOR SAIF ® three bed rooms, bah..bot and cold, lavas
® tory, electric Ilght, telephone, furnace. el-
® "cmc stoves in every room. Main bulld4
® ing solid brick, frlptte attachment, all
® stone foundation, cellar, halt acre lawn
nowerS. Trutt and vegetable garden, ver -
i5ubscriptlons for the purchase ® ansae. CuR on owner et praaent In rest•
W-NNTEID S ,of approximately $9,095.81 of lo- 19 de°1 e'
cal improvement sewer ddben-rich M g, SHINGLE$
/ tures of the Town of Goderich
® will be received by the Town M Always on hand at
DPI IVERED AT THE FACTORY N 2nd, urer fromhurl; Thursday lot), If Met,AW sTATLC+iv
J J s 22nd, to Thurtulay, Augus�' 5th, If Call C. A>,$r'►BERTSON
® 1920. ® or JOHIN TREBLE
For Farmers
o ltIA17M
Nwhere you
live in Canada, you
not far away
from a branch of
the Bank of
AFARMER'S business is
as much benefitted by
as important banking connec-
tion as is the business of a
merchant or manufacturer.
Mai larn-
i ��•-X1'1@r; l,.
Co�t our Local Manage►
-about financing your farming.
Iii ci�ntr 100 yeaft
fila at an Orstich"
G 11JII tt ;n exom of S(ofJ,000xio*
Ckrlt l� Mai +L
There are twenty bonds rang-
Ing from Al2i2.26 to $71#8.t3, due in
from one to twenty years. These
have to dispose of at the
bonds are offered to the local
subscribers at a price to yield G
Point Farmper
cent. No one, person to be
l.a:e House yurQooa New York G❑❑hthaltnte
teacher and the additional atm of b100
sold oyer $2500 of th"P bonds.
for every assistant teacher,
A half million feet of all kinds
The list is now open to in-
of second hand Lumber, also aEF
spectlon at the Town Treasurer's
I atrty r•angt'atuln Ions on hits attaining
ay, sept. Fath, at t P. in.
quantity of Doors, Windows,
Office, and atter the fifth clay of
August tthe Council will allot
Wain§noting, Lath and Base-
he bonds.
\Yav Performed. 61r. Bishop is
board, at very reasonable prices.
No subscriptions necessarily
Come'and`see us.
The Mercantile Salvage Co.
Alter the cen•rnuny the >oung couple
A'. 1•', CLARK,
villa Picton street, oar Victoria
oo YaAs rich red car)tet, rugs, curtains.
points 1\+at.
Chairman. Finance (:nmm.,
urniture, etc. Call on owner.
Councillor Humber Ilodly Burned
Pout Farm
Goderich, 11nt.
make. Fine case: steer frame.
Would sell today for 5060 crew. Guaran-
some gasoline in hls garage on Tuesday ; w'hieh was played ekenin'3
Councillor Humber sustained the Park resulted fn it tie.
L. i:NOX,
evening I ,Agricultural
some severe burnt. He bad been filling 1 to 4, In seven Innlnps, nn account
to darknexa un the match had
tcVREATH, printing office, West Street.
the tank in his car preparatory going of ront1119
Town Treasurer,
sono of his family home, when in home was ns fotlow•s: Bissett, cl Robinson,
igoitt d ' Barlow. t b: M I I Ier 2 b: Jobn-
:Market Atardeners could soil more
Goderich, Ont.
by making the 'bundles
Full supply of noodltt.
One Car.5 X B. C. Cedar
One Car 3 X B. C. Cedar
The Goderich Planing Mill Co.,
'Phone 47 Box 18
The building known as
The Colborne House
with a certain portion of the land.
Will be fitted up to suit requirements.
For farther particulars apply to
'Phone 47 P.A. Box 18
"alt tl � " r/ Itoa ata car our. tiately. : ao anent Was
�O 1N O ay badly acocebed.
Od4lfeliows Lfiiente . victo.do Sir"l S R Pksle
The sanual Sawlay School piciii0 of
Huron Lodge No, 62, 1. O. O. F., will Victoria strtret •Methodist et►utetk OVA
hold its annual picate at JBwett's Grove Wednesday affernuou at 1:100, r Plait
Bwyfield, on Weduesday afternoon next, proved a very t1no event, `file rweathor
I flotations to X -Ray Fund was delighaful and protlabiy 04ver 41,411
The treasurer of the X -Ray Fund the school Have such a Soul picnic bNl-
acl+no)vIvdgvs tbf, recetpi of a donation tote, and t•hero was %; litrge attepdat(oir
of $10 frotit the Mhssw, fleck, of Toron- Of the adult members Ot the I.11ugtvplttsl,
to. I tion. A good propram of races and
004011011 to Hospital other events was carried out and the
swings and teeters bad a busy afternoolpt
°The mansgentent of the Goderich and ovening. The event was oertatgly
(lelleral and Marine tlospilal gratefully
A succuss.
acknowledxo the receipt of a donation M .•In
or $30 front the Maple Leat (:Vaster, M. Peter's Chun+ Barden Party
1. O. 1), b:. Bomember the garden party next
Steel Coss store t►penhlti Wedue«day at the Harbor hark under 4
the auspices of the ladles of 3t. Peterp
Remember the opening of the Steel ehureh. Tett will be serrrtl rroul 0 to
Co's. now store this Friday. The Block. 8 for M cents, and there will be hotno-
stone-Buckley Orchestra \Pill play from made rand,, ire eream and fancy work
1 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon and from on torte, and a lists pond. Ttn•ro will be
7 to 0 in the evening and candy and sou, 1 mqv and old time and modern danoD-
veJtlra will be given away to ladles Dual ing and -t wr amusmueuts for thosle
children. No goody will be sold on this \vho (to not dance. Admission to tti i
day. First big selling day, Saturday, ground:( true.
Aug. 7th.
Important to Townyblp Connells and Ray Breon+es Traille Chief
to ;lehool Boards MC. Flay Itumball, for the past flv0
The Public Schools Act, 1980. Section years manager at (loderlch for the
96 11) provides that the council of each Bell Telephone uolllpany has recolv�a
- - -
township of Huron County shall, this
tl good promotion. being app0dnte
year, levy and collect by assessment
Irallle chief with headquarters at Lou—
East Street.
upon the taxable property of the public
oil) -
don, hus dirtriet including some 03 od
t1k. F. J. R FORSTER.
school supporters of the township, the
cer extending from NVIntiavr to kmvn .
sum of 0600 at least for ovory principal
Ss)und. Mr. Rumball lett on MOndaA
l.a:e House yurQooa New York G❑❑hthaltnte
teacher and the additional atm of b100
lu a-"ume his new dutlew, Air, RuLn-
ball's cuurlcousuess and gods nature
,nd Aural Hoapital, &,Wi [.ant at ltlwreflelCA
Cye Ho-pitgt and Golden Square Throat H,1$•
for every assistant teacher,
tnnde friends of everyone during 1ini
dial London, En
63tvaterloo Nr, fi..Strettor•d. 'telephone 2rff.
residence here, \ hu, while sorry to
At Bedford hotel, Goderich, from Wed-
tlrt Monday, August 1n1, Ill tiL Ik•ur-
sc,• him leu\e to vn v+'ill extend their
esday, Sept. t5th, at 7,.30 P. in. to Thurs-
ge's church, (loderich, b> the rnctur,
I atrty r•angt'atuln Ions on hits attaining
ay, sept. Fath, at t P. in.
IN. S. Hardy, the marriage of Mr.
a Position 1\11101 will, no doubt, open
NYalter Bishop, of Richmond 11111, (int.,
the door to stilt turtlier advancement
and Miss Flae Janette Stothem, of Dun-
with the Coulpalt) Miss McOunaid, of
LORD GAR FOR SA". Steering device.
\Yav Performed. 61r. Bishop is
the local office wi 1 take the position
local and vvill be assisted
C non -puncture tires on the rear, (wI
manager of the Sterling Bank at
of manager
pare tubes, all fixtures, one of the best
mond llill, and occuplcd a like Position
by Mr. W. it. Anderson, who cofnr.9
aotors in town. See it at the house, Net.
at Dungannon until quite recently
from Stratford. in the plant dopart-
on st. Price right. W. J. POWELL.
Alter the cen•rnuny the >oung couple
PRIVATE SALE. -At Mrs- Boswell-Reld•s
left on a how*)muun trip by motor to Toronly Flnxves and Gudertoh Play •
villa Picton street, oar Victoria
oo YaAs rich red car)tet, rugs, curtains.
points 1\+at.
Tie flame
urniture, etc. Call on owner.
Councillor Humber Ilodly Burned
'Phe baseball match between the Sim -
PIANO FOR SALE.-Evafls Bros. best
As the result of the catching fire of ones of Toronto and the [Joderich team
Monday at
make. Fine case: steer frame.
Would sell today for 5060 crew. Guaran-
some gasoline in hls garage on Tuesday ; w'hieh was played ekenin'3
Councillor Humber sustained the Park resulted fn it tie.
eed in perfect condition, Lovely tone.
sill se(1 for haft price for cash. W. J.
evening I ,Agricultural
some severe burnt. He bad been filling 1 to 4, In seven Innlnps, nn account
to darknexa un the match had
tcVREATH, printing office, West Street.
the tank in his car preparatory going of ront1119
to Detroit the following day to bring to be lett a tie. The lloderich line --up
White SCWtri 1KiChiriCa
sono of his family home, when in home was ns fotlow•s: Bissett, cl Robinson,
igoitt d ' Barlow. t b: M I I Ier 2 b: Jobn-
way some gasoline become and p :
Mr. Humber was badly burned about - ston s s: l;ooper 3 b; Pridliam 1 ft
F. R. Thompson, British E:-
the face and body, the Injuries being %Vpbb, a ?: t:tlrrlck, r f. Umpire
such as will lav him up for a fortnight Wiggins and 11cCreath. this wero
chilInge Hotel, A=ent.
or so. He bpd presence of mind to run few, tive only being credited to the
out and roll himself 04 the grana to put Goderich pll+)ern and four to Toronto,
Full supply of noodltt.
out the dameo and then returned and the matett being largely a pitehers'
NOTiCf On Wednesday evening the lloderich
10 Crediton}
`bull pthey
PGQLtC NOTICE. yes a),go
- - where they played A geed (came. The
BYLAW NO. 4 OF 1915 OF THE TOWNSifft' moore -was 5 to 8 in favor of Crediton.
OF COLDORNE, M.%y 40th, 190. Barlow and Bhoett were the battery
will sell by CHARLES
by publi.uctionEat�W. John
Wh6ebas It to expedient to prohlbit 4D and the Only other ch[+neo In lin(1-Up
'animas to thin from the Toronto Ifaine wan that F olej
aanriotc, residence, Cambria (toad, on
froin running at largo I
township. playm at 1,41 base,
Be it therefore enaoted by tete Municipal
commencing at t o'clock sharp:
Council of the Township of Colborne
Board of
the following:
from and after thla (fate it shall not D¢
The monthl> nu•elilrg of the Board
I dining table and 6 chair:(. I buffet, I
lawful for any animal to run at large V,
this Municipally and the. owner or keeper,
of Health \\as held on Monday after -
couch, 1 Singer se\vfng machine, 1 oak
entre table, I combination writing desk
of ally such anima allowing ally such • noon when a report of his Inspection,
large m thin Township I
ind bookcase, 2 rockers and armchair, 2
animals to run at of that portion of the lnwtl which the
Do liable to of not less than
dressers, 2 bedsteadsi mattress and
sprinRBs, I kitchen table and chairs, 2 cup-
0a11 a penalty
one dollar nor more than twenty dollars
assislant military Inspector (Air. F.
boar .4, 1 base burner. f coal range neo
es, t gasoline stove with oven, i coal
for each day that such anima or animal,
are allowed to go at large. Said Dl!natty
\\'eir) has so far covered was given.
Hr 1,•porled 752 Inspections av far And
all heater, t washtng machine and wring•
roeovemble with colas In' prosecatton be -i,
His 1ta"flty s Justices of the
notMes (1(•Ifvrrv•f1 requiring CIhg Irn rOYA-
20 J P
er. 1 Edison Amberola and records, t vel,
vet rug, t tapestry rug, linoleum, 1 laver
fore any of
Peace having Jurlvdlrflnn In thus )hmirl-
merit in sanitary conditions. At tht)
mower nearly new, window shades, plc-
'152 premises Inspected 2'70 dry earth
tures, I electric shade. Y wash tubo, L
elow-ts \\err hound, about 75 per Cent.
sash holler kitchen utextstts, garden
tools, Mit Jars and other articles too
Clerk. Reeve
of which \\err nn streets without yanl-
numerous to mention.HANi�
tars s,nYers, A considerable Improve -
Everything willbe sola without any
mens In the 4-ondltn .ir,of premises since
reserve, As Mr. Roberta is l""Ing for the
West. The furniture Is praellealty ne\\
EACHER WANTED fru• Jllnlor mewl
Ito. Inspection starbwl \\as reported
1 )rlRd
and is In excellent condition.
Dungannon, dutle, to eotiollence setltl
tit. state salary and "experience. C. Cc
The collection of garbage Instituted
TERMS: Cash,
THdS, OUNDRY, Aucflor)?"-,
BROWN, Sec-, [S+lulliannou
by the Hours has mit Suet %%Illl the
support mat aas ,•[per11•d, only four-
\ANTED. --For Ituron Rlun1), Gount)i
tern places being yolk-oted frmn Mr.
DIaLI•Ibutor, It hnndie nun -romper:-
tive motor neceaNlly. Mllat be IIYe Wire
(411111p'A IfIV'nllnl I1f R9;a) fill• Jnl)' cul-
-- - -- - - --
witil snlan f-apital to carry spot .tock
Ivrtlon \\its P,+ssed
Splendld nppvrpmRy. Aptly t)Op1i.•flfiN
Arvade Annet
.Ypt,IlrNhuo, tot• dflr\ Ilren.ea from
.4CCESSORlk''!•1, fff planning
Toronto. Phone Adelaide 1845.
vlrr,vrs. ffaltidrr�. Un.rt,, WIII, and
_ _.
I;ou1d \vrr,r'Irrnnlyd
.D.- v working housekeeper, to
it \\as ,b•rlded i•1 uollf\ c,•rtuln rotl-
go to Toronto In Septembersmall
r1 fns near the harbor lll,,l ..-ptlr Lanka
family end go e µuse+. Apply to MRs,
familyan(I', wl %&ge*.Ljoir Park, rtudorlrn,
'Phuno 1a.
nnlsl b, ulshflll•II til r•1•rri\,• tllrlr sa•w-
hw" 11 \cos .flsu Ilett ll,•• ser.
WANTEIL-Clerk \Yuntcrl for Krnrrnl
roarY uolif\ III, 1'r„\ irwi,il Inspector
under Ill, Fuchs•--. 14-1 Irf hrk or
Two housea to Rent on East
store. Exp,rlence nut neresaary.
Apply stating malary exported. to R U
toll,[ rnnt,•no-riv . ,n c1 rt.fm placed
111 I\i1tU. Auburn.
1 WANTEU.-llu 1 as assistant In dental
fbllut f,mo
The Goderlch Placing NIIIIIs, Ltd.. In
V- umce. Apf+iY to U(1• 116"110-111,1.. _
makioq good pro;(rosa on the hcuso
Detr erected for lgin Templeton, of
(Uott»Itt. corner of Elgin ave. and Well-
'°R`°° "`r"` `
Apply t0
\C01tsI:1.i. --In Ooderwn on l itiny July
"",f' `° p'f and Mr.n sen,
`eel 1 m.
East Street.
r'01'TT+ - kt V,iraa Rtnm 1p. nn Tnf+a
day. July nl, 01 Mr and Mr. Russel
fiulits, n dausnlrr
®aB®fA a14Y,®�®®at a6 tlS��r161B MIM RPM 46913f
J[[IIN•i Tal\ - \I ttu,lr home ('.ambris
flodef lrh. nn-aturday Jul\ -14th, to
\Ir and W. 1„•11 Jnhn•ton a con, Wit -
Item Jnreph hill\
I,111�1' In I,I11-i fir tl,un.hq, on TUPr-
sat, )ui\ Vail, to \tr and Mrr. Ezra
11ur+t, n Ilnuahter
\ 111 \I. 1• r . n .n. s•,nda . Aug.
t+t I h^I Inc,, . II , Lll,d ax, t t� years.
\I u h \1 In k.ial • o •,n Mnedav, Aug.
l,d I inr \I JI hu\ au••II •.I \car+
\111 \,. Irl ul,•1 '. 11 ,,,, lkednesdcgy,
/e apply manager
%1141 1.1 III, t,J, \,•m•• ,.1„I,K, in her fAtb
tr, nnu•, tt u i' lnh, I•Inl o from the
L. R. Steele Co Ltd. "Ir•n,. .d \l,• Inu\,i i ln-th Stanley
w 1 •IA 1•t. 1 rinnl vlKu•f LIh of 1.30
I ., ^f Ill/r,l 1 ,�11!•te•fs a
Open a Ie\I te. lt, n•It f•,. lut.•I m,nt wiv ll•R 0
------f 6ar6if6t66�51i[,ad®�1Faf8BIA6t4a69F�® lnr h1.u.r al I �n, •111,,.1
Every Evening
Dancing 8:30 to 12:00
Music lily Lutz Society
What services do your bankers render?
Do they supply you with sound, practical
advice based on up-to-date knowledge of
markau, prices and business conditions?
Do they help you to take advantage of Your
opportunities and increase your income?
This Bank is prepared to help farmsn In
every way possible. AL
PAID-UP CAPITAL $15.000.000
RESERVE FUND - - $15.000.000
GODERICH BRANCH. G. Winlitme. Manager.
x..... -,... . A----.�..,;,.,..u.�:.,:...._�,,.....,.�:.�..
.tet•-.- .a,_. .s...a�..�i