The Goderich Star, 1920-07-22, Page 6A Knight of t� .4 Ninetee'fithCentur By E. P. ROE � k y AUtbssr Of ""OPENINU A CHFE$` Nur Buay.." *TARIIEns Bt1RNGD AWAY."eta. a r I� v t:H-4i'Tttifl !s�yP\. taama as lar \\hether It woul+i be besi M' 44 to assume an air of ofrended rlllznfty. ot:: �y" a 1tra1rwon ttna a Itumb-Slrrll \\tlh Upt•xe addylrig suit \aryingt f •, ,,;,, t= The fill jpvsa *t'+b.+lfi i ...... nitkei ,Itta eu:tt911ttr until enl`e lion 9%li,lt 44114rte°r okizhtt 11,.4 Who ntla,a l t the' f\,n+1 W'Ulel fiD.A:;1' blr,te. 1{,• Iia � ( 11 � el tenlld4d to LeU•Nil lf,,d lJti"r,• wit t, 3r',+ ,t that It way Nirs. .lirn'at whoa Sill and nuw•r•) m aw wor:.t, :.ad trial LN ! .mil t\vic. ral.•irk},lui.rtl•)R•°d \Nth a 4° . Stich a church as ilr, .4en ,t r,mil"T•a , hi, ji,tinit, fu; , .I ba'.k Brat, suit wa- an tnu,n n;! pr„i,• r oru.n4„+ ,+uid u"t I , Ip r, 111.u•ktu,r t•, 'etvral -t' R. 1 tion. \, ilii "dhsr, e+h' n oft :. r ill'- ,a„1 Vous• r\aU\e uo wbel, the( d oleganl burner. .old L+ rwalpl lJl'• 1 t war \ •1'1 ILIJiDt arid alr,u Uhf lRd tea ( \aen(ted their t\:t% it, tne,r s. log nt � uf*% .\riot Io pedal h,•lbolf o1T un fill, :ellurch, tit N 'gQk iioilltila Ill Ila” f,rtte•'.,t, ..n ,rdinar-) t,n,,,on. w%Iwo Pura l,w, t q - Inl:y' and sm.:,h+h+ 1., r non,i Ila, cr +,l 1 tut+ it ! ad- hey•[) the plainly un'a•r �I lire hea\) shade\\, !,r.e„ding n\rI, Ill+, I -I.m,d pt111415 of ill,- church mit Io r•It- `• � f'arth. \\ IIJI tl...i a \e t, IU 'd.'.1 I.+ IF) 4 ' ,)r.tw e' '•1't) it hr\ pti„ )11.1l yy that the)• should Kn, .,n hour I. tL iii 14:11 the ronwr thi)t m)n,I•tllin,; nn t aetittae{u \vursitip. as tit,•% ba -1 du +,• in untrgl t\.+., thl+ut Lu take kr plate at til the past when ti,e ”-,at1wr Iwrin rq,Il'aul'x brougllf Either on thin pard• j and it .;Ll r•+'turn 1” dw.wr '110 . 11.41 c•itlar K.rhlate all k1wN ;+n,l dt;1.1-11- e and ail the• urtihnart r ,u'un• of Itfr° 1 itr,nr ..Y p op;.::uld tin dlgruut,d funs - There, were• nu "beast, it F:plite,nn'• j4. tionar), who4,, ,flat\ it \\a, to neck. 1191st uses. t Tho• tint+:, had r hang"d, � Ih, fit. Kr•,•\\ h„t .suit 1tu,tvred will THE DE'JIOCRA't'IC NO"{tINEE- t1%3 HiS iYiFE.--lluterror and NIrs. Ju. and l,. five ail this axe ilke an 'inrprtlt hl. 1111\\oat yi tasks, suit made Bucl w. 4.ox of 19)10 Ill It fraphed at Vietir'tur- a -near Dayton. rainy laa(D \Mould 1)” IIA. K,dnw to NL...'.+Cr;,G,,Ke hlun,ler,. thin both h.. all, fialt on flat,( when un„ rikallt like , Ino r, felt tt \ wrt•e un til. N.rgi, �'Uurnr¢ tilt- past \verk I ha\e ttken r p:ltace car. liund;:d, .+t Citi) grown IItf clue,,, fiat in,sl extr•aur-Imar\ llr„UgILI fare lit face \\ith the uhrisl I ANADIA�N NEWS perfecll) also, people it!e.I tut" the .app.ru Inw p, r, alae+K• was no I.ther If flat! Vitale rallwr than the Cbri,t or BRIEF chwell, \\ho cou,pi+ovittly fell that mitran Nlr, Jvr„In1,d1 •:ru\\tht'r: and. a the-tlog) au'i philmoph), who Iia: }, all' it 'Inji ,I rNh'• -tnee 'w t\\are ;a \\r, k t\ IIh ill, it,irle,l ram• hr huhhlerl al•Iil,' fll,thcrtu d%Neil ill nt> Stud) : and 1 I)av4 �3y C.P.R. Telo raph; fP ,.• IOchm•'i. Ilio\ \\ere \cry unud �•,t Ilal-hil''s ,iib', h,• Iu-tked fill all 1::, 4rgctl \Nitta surr•ow and shaine that Ottawa, Ont.—Tbe Soldiers' Settle• kn,l :, t. stratag lu ,a) I\\urid .I- if „oo,• Krute,yue ,+n.l anlp'la. In) spirit +11lTeroo \\rd' i) front t•Iry: th4 r• \\a., :1 ct�llsl, ct1-t 1, rr,I,;% on it,I • tminK had ronhe to ire, and wits -tail T11-1 Christ Ut.tt rune Crow hlar'en went Board announces that action 11 spire, and tit, )' had n.iwrd Ihe1t I tar in :urtnw. \ot ,.nl> Ila+ ,r[lun, but thuuxhl of lh. pr„pn slid, Ptad cont• being taken to dispose of 75,0011 church ".-I. Paul' � nlan) Ilth,v,, Inoktd asloance at Ili ;+a,,.rl'n All the n,111lltude. A \Nati t,9- cies of Hudson's Bay reserve Ian testi. hroad-shnuldty, d youth ,)f sncll ,rus,rd with ui) s, ruiutrs. fin)' systems �a 9askatchewttn and Alberta, which )+1. Pawl : its i the c r.a11 ills lila 11 have been cancelled by the Crown ,t e r \n . ,, how r.nn fail-) III saLrise (herll 1 ni••. spit ht, N\'vr'I,:)pp.:9r�ur 'f truth, ;,lad nice iutt'cpt•rtatiuns; ui Also 10,900 acres of DouhYidbor r xeiNrs lw xrv.rel)° .1 dwarf i. th,• ronlfiaul..n, us Ito•) \\olk.d 'lint,• Cyr pa,.,agrs Ihat 1 ala) hat- r•.nderetl ;e>rve lands near K!amsack, Saskat inure lu pe tuti,4t it nailed after a np f•+I• ,tile b••forr 111.) could llud i nrurt+ oh,cure. bill I ha\e nlaelts a vuN\ ••hewan. Aaotber 39.000 acres o giant. seat. ,n lits natne an.l strength, that hence - It laud will also --bp opened, ftp It \vas \'cry queer that this rhurth Yhu1y rubbed their eyes to be snrr forth 1 will nu longer rugte into tit tae whole I I ill at -res • will b shonld naine itself ;after the t.ut-nlak- it \\a- not a .freanl. \\'ha( had rums Pulpit, or gat tilt,) any uther, fu della' vallablN for soldier settlement after er, %\hu becrune all things Ila all men \^r the doe,wons and elegant tit. sermons of my ,\Nn. i shall nu longer , 111 suit who said, "1 made to>•seU set•\uni I aul',Y \1-h'•n ht -for. had It, dim, re-, Phllosuphl5a ablaut t:ha•ist, but rndg4y_ p .,0th unto I,11 that i 1niKht Kalil Lh-1 more., ill taus light rt\.alyd srirh sct-nes” or to Iead )-fill directly to Christ; and Ottawa Qnr.— p �cr,lrn hrorfgSt It was very unfortunate for them to Whence this Irruption of strange, tin- thus you will learn by cump;lrisua. awn in Parliament faces rbc, total ha\e chosen this saint, and )et thr+ruuth creature%. ---a pallhir•d In a lab- what wanner of spirit )uu are of, and p natn.. Saint Paui, had a Nery arlait')- I ur•er'x wart), and the profane old her- i trust, become imbued \vitt) Ili, xplrlt inn il:rcpedii onaryments in ada Forcorathe Cana- crnllcN sound In Hlllaton, and that; far 0.572. not, w'hnin the boys had nicknatnet, I aflali ,Peak tilt, truth in love, and vel ly provinces the number was as [ol- had seemed prcullarly IittNd to the i "Jerry Uio\vl.r." and Nvho had not wlthuut fear, and \vitt) no \vurd)- din- own ; Obtnrto, 243:677 Quebe 82; ,.. eaatly cdltice on which it was carved it.0 seen In rhur(h for )-raise guise. Henceforth I do not belung to Anil never had the church seemed Nlrs. Arnot, fullovNed b) many eves )'uu, bill to my Vaster, and I shall IJ: New Brunswick, 2b,864y Nova ton re ltattely than on this brilliant passed quietly up to her j resent the, Wt rlst w'itu loved all, Nvltto lc•otla and Prince Edward Island, pe\c, an P. 13,342; %lafitobal, 66,319; Saskatche- Satabath morning; never had Its ell,• bu\Nrd her head In prayer. died for all, and who said to all, '\Vi'Id- ganoe• and that of the worst►ippers Prayer! Ali I in their perturbation soever will, Ict film comet' van. 37.666: Alberta, 45,196: $ritish seemed more in harniony, sone and furgoltt,n that flus wax the "]bat \\ill rind my text lu the rl,)spel "olumbta, 51,438. Yukon, 2,327, Bill the stony repose and calm of Place of prayer, and hsstil) bowed of St. ,John, the nint:teenth c11 Ptuv sad ��— their Gothic temple wax not reflected In ilieir headri alxn. fifth verse— Ottawa. Ont—Tbe applications of the fuses of tike pe blit, There \\as a "'Then calnc .Jesus forth, NN�Narin aver 1b0.Impertal veterans who de- tra. Arnot had been absorbed in his' 8 {ire to take advantage of the Soldlec ' general air of perturbation anal ex- business to the very steps, and* mach the crown of thorny and the purple rand S rtiemrat scheme, have be Qa pectanc). The peculiar and compla- too absorbed duringthN week to hear robe. :►ryf Pilate with unto therri, Ile- oent expression of those who are cola- hold rho Man!' ' ,pproved. ' These veterans will b4 oe heed any rurnors; but as tie \aalkc• i requirtitl to spend at least one rear soiOus of tatting specially well drmasted up the aisle ire stared around in evi. "Let us behold d t tunow qnd learn )n fartns in Csna[la to become tami- and respectable was conspicuously ah- dent stir rise, anti b know' Hirn and to know ourwives far wtth Catlad aD methods. The P hour several furtive better, if we dlacoNer any sad and fa. i sent. Annoyed, vexed, anxious faceg glances over his shoulder after being athers will be absorbed tato the passed into the vestlhule. )'nuts of scaled. As his \vlfc raised tier head, NAI rnit it f aur rellwinus Ili•. Jct u• 'bard's tra117lnS es'abtitshments and twos, threes, and half -dozens lingered he leaned low'ard her and whispered- correct It before it fs too late." •vitl be required to spend at least two and talked eagerly, \vitt) emphatic Ker•,I "What's (,lit, matter with JeernsY fol It would be Impossible to portray the 'ears farming In Canada before be - tures and much shaking of licalds. If I mistake' not, their are a good rnam effect of the sermon that followed, riming eligib:�e for the loan benefits Many who disliked rough weather Prom second -dams saints here to -day;^ But ('(lining as it did, from a strong soul of the Act any cause avoided their ft•Ilow-men)- nut, it muscle changed In ,\irb. Arnot';, stirrt,d t0 its depths by the truth un- bers, and glided hastily in, looking Pale face. Indeed, she Scarcely hear\ der'tunsideratiun. The people for tit worried and uncomfortable, Between l t tl;s tl p P.Q.—During the last is e biro. Her soul was and had been tap time bring \cern swayed by it and car• e•ir5 rhe Province of Quebec has the managing officers, who had telicl� several days �n the upper sanctuary, it, rit,d away, \%'flat was said NNas seen to enc fated themSelves on having xacur'd 1 the presence or tied, pleading with Hirai P $''2r+On.000 on highways. in tie truth, felt to be truth; and ars the 92'0 the grc!'nary annual provincial congregation containing Lite creme da that He would return to this earthly riivine tia\'iuur stood not refire theta -ranrF for education are S-.000.UI)n. Is creme of the city, on ar►e' hand, and temple 'which 1'he spirit of the world luminous in His mNn loving and con- i'ryr cap rel r.v'tered In pill,) and the disquieted air. Blakeman, who had seemingly usurped. lassiunate deeds, which manirel tv'l til. -varier i t . found the church growing untomfort- pants \v rb'n rale province Is When Dr. Barstow arose to cum_ character an.l the Principle, of faith 244 ,oe:, ItnO •fid th" nnn1L r of mill ably' cold• on the other, !sirs. Arnot's nience the service, a profound hush fell He founded, the old, • exrlusII . self- I! employees bout 10,000. words and acts, and the minister's hit- 'Upon ilio 1 Pleasing IITe Of the church shrivelled I p Plied pledge to bring the matter people. Even his face and as a force an A sham. hearing Impress and awed them, and Sherhrooke. P;Q.--- 'Flat- Campbell- tip8quarely to an issue, had become gem it was evident that he, too, had climb- "In conclusion," said Ili, Barsfnw I HoNvard \lachttte Company, formerly ssomelater known, asttil o foreboding as of ed some spiritual mountain, and had "what vii -as the spirit of this divine the Sberbraoke•. Iron Works IAd.. Peop great. a Ir tropll. Oppressed the Teacher when He summoned + btkN.n Fare to face with Uoa• publicans have gold their business to G. L. i People. Jf t}le"trutli tvt+rt; known, there and flshcrmen to be His fullwvers'' Bourne and ire A. Scharff. of New (wire very general nlla ivyltt \y ire pruceadeii with the Service, In, gs; and,. tones. that were deep and magnetic• the What Nvas His spirit when H. laid His York. Plicae gentlemen are reaper- no\v that the people had been lets to think. there Nvere some very un- sense or unwonted solemnity iuereas- hand on the leper'.' What„ when Ht Lively president and vice-president, of i Comfortable as cera fa the sues_ t"1' Ilvrnus had been selected which said to thik Outcast, 1e•itht,r do I con the Locomotive Super -hearer Co. of tlok. liven that a the eh-t1r cnuld not PNrfot'ul. but mixt dt'm"n thre: go and in no more+" Naw York, railway supply people. itgust (fig' sing: and the relation between the saa- What, when to the haughty pharisees. sod it is the intention to 1n>#rrufac- nitary the sextan arae in a painful dt- red words and the mpsle wast apps)(- the mast respectable people of ilial Lure "railway supplies for Canada, — --.- -- - _ • .—_ __ _ ent, The tx•ripturN lessons were read art)-' He threatened, '%%'oe, unto you'( also to carry on .a general foundry OTHER -TABLETS NOT as If they were a rneSsnge for that 1) "Hr looked after the rich aqd •iliniss! And `maebille business. llcuinr congregation ani fur that x e• perfectK man, by whom He w'a� P et a Dun re „ 1,. APLETS occasion, and, as the shnple and ' ejeeted. and lured hint. Vancouver B.CL-According to an- authoritatipve words fell on lite ear. the Ire also said to the penitent thief,"Tu• nouncement mate by R_ J. Lycfatt, AS R� 1 A1` ALL KcutGlai fnlsgivltig N\As lnereased, stay thou shalt with me in Rua- vier -president the Trans Canada Tit(y Beern,!d wholiv on \irs. Aruot•s ruse.' His hear! \vA as iarge as hu- ' rhtatres. Ltd., 'this company will • arae: fie, rather, she wax pin theirs, manic), Such WAS His spirit." shortly start the construction of a %\'hen at last Dr. Barstow ruse, not After a murnenl's pause. In w'hfel, new theatre to be erected, close to Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" as a sacred orator and thrulu,gian who them was a hush of breathless expel. the C. P. li Vaneouvor Hote1,'whieh 4 ht shout to deliver a sermon, bill rath+ tansy, Ur. Barstow•'s deep tones were will bavr a seatttlg capacity of about are Genuine Aspirin cr as an earnest 'an' w'ho had some- again 'heard. "God grant that hence- 2.000 land cost S404,000: eonstruattion thing of Nil -al ttponrent to so)', tilt• ,,It, forth yonder doors may be open to all of which will start shortIv. race became almost oppressive. wh-trn Christ revel\'ed. and with the instead Of commencing by formals same \NriconlN ]hal he rr--�•'--'— announcing his text, as \vas itis cis- +annul tar, \vhoevei may come to this �i���li�.A.• MR taint. tie looked silently and steadlly at temple, Christ will not enter it, aur Bearathe hlYs�fatQwt301fixs ills People for a moment, thus`heJght- dwell within It." ' atanatukro ening Ihillr expectancy'. The People looked at each other. and at "My friends," tie began slowly and drew' a Inng breath. F;Nen those \Nhu , quietly, and Abect+ was a suggestion o1. were most. in love Nvith the old system \\•e may give adafee, but we can - sorrow in his Lupe rather than or men- s see or dentiricfation forgot Ila. BArxhwv. and felt for the not give conduct. ?f 'yon don't see the Bayer cross" niy tilyguds. I moment that they had a controv2rsy The borrower Is A %lave to the lend- on if'" tablets, you ala not ttin wish to ask your rain, and ttiSpreJud- with His masts A•4 +cin—naly in acid lmitAifen. S iced atUlnflon to What I shall wry this t' er, and the debtor to the creditor. 1 1•tnuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" morning. I ask you to interpret my aThe congregation hrOl:r up in a quiet r Yalu will not hear reason, she'll yy worfLc in the lis fid sImpred manner. .%il w'.re LOA urrly ra, r_s+ .•,\v nada is Canada by a Canadian light ut the Nerd of Gad drip Impressed by what •they had'I\'F; I yo1r� knnckes. (* > nq, No German interest what- and your own consciences: and if I ala +°:•, til rights below purchased from the Wrong in any respect I will readily as heard to tai' it) a moOai for talltlnw err-- t.rl' d Citates Government, knuwl('v1,4N It. Upon a certain orrasl,») )ed: and of the majority, it should he — t sold in juslicy that, congelous Ol Miring the war, acid Imitations veers Ott isE 3Altt t+.p Ills disciples, Yr know colli as Aspirin in pili boxes and various not what manner of spirit ye are or•' wrong, they were honestly dextrous Stomach t 14 ".; and Ila [snit, , of a change for the better. ti+rr containers. be Bayer (:curly is prOvy4d fin\N w�iely lift luring the sertatin lir. tirow•theNs in otrr only way of knowing ,that you aro spirit erred from theirs. They at-- quint And \Frhlkled \;i5age had \\Ork- Disorders �citiu genuine Aspiris, proved safe by cetaled the lesson,—the]- still followefl cal most curinusiy, and there weir aw illivils for Headache NeuraWal Golds Mill, and throujh (,lose eompanion- iwr itlle4rn,aeneru.irtmtiago, Neuritis. Va fol xhtll eviitttually ni'Qulred fits merciful. rroi�8 when a hearty, ie Nlhoughffiraili�rrprvi.tam � ' Pain raeraUy, catholte' spirit. But at ].his tJmo they There eats no remedies or med- Iiundy tin boxes of '12 tablets -+'•also did not understand )(tin nor t9tenl. N tan Wt. % 4cinen iia effectivefor the treatment Iarafts sixty$ "'Bayer" packages can be Selves, liiyl�lt ins wve (,all br1S1t under- 4rn his war home hN szold to Itaidane ft 1:a41 . t stated Vie .rDirit NVe are of by consid .Ind Lived iike a heathen On l.ryd's day the $toanach Disordlem ttte t tad All da 11114 b the duly poketN as Hacking,* Heart, and Nerve 1\ i,irfit is the trade mark ragiatalred Nrttlg lids, and by learning to know )• ilk. Carta i1Ir11 bNtter whom Nvr• \vorehi pIt hN:tr t lvt p:iririun 'tie'rt+:ttfrt evNt'y Remedy and HackkVvs Kidney and ! tk4 nt Bayer tiianu a@tttre of p, Ilya a day, rain or Biline• if 1 E ave to Iigtlf Liver Pills. This wo know, from the liGnoacetfiCacilter'tlelr off Salioyllaaoid. NNltuse nan1N we are iLalled, � r ... flit' way Into Ilse- ehureti N%tjth til- elnb;' Upeirlmee we have reit from theele prrnifar lire 11ar,14+1t dila the ]bung Vilipu'I'aUfons and from the know- i�l l 111311'5 1.4, and hN Iles Nvere Very lodge vt'e hestre of the action add 111rIn. but he mare m+ rept}. "ThN Hail. medicinial e9liel t of tBe dilletdat a iltai) tvhu:e portraih)r•t• ho had beheld �nd herbs that go into the that do,- watt a rnvetratiam4nd he tiOp � # tQfO Wonderful -�I !Fri r `• ed that this' divine yet human Prien•. 1arc" might male a cation or hhn.1 'tie Appetite MWy be either eaag- + =Nese d it': rat 4 l "\1'f+i trtrlarla4 Arnal sentitrl t10110l1;, '"that srerreon was A peoveel ge ed, Vevcrtedk dimlulabod or en- act bgmta shell ami, rtlark my words, it ,tom„.1� th�b"Vilephrations will u %trill efther hlo' VIIiP dOetnr out or his rester• lit, The Crplttdition may be hien ortp ibaroirttg through exllefihnee tilt'' folly of plitpft, or Some of tho 111`41=clavas mints etthbr Anute of Chronic or the i� buying inferior Shoos because] of temptilrl; pricer. tJltl (rt their pev\s" NelfVas aupplyPnq ttYeti Stomach ninny ra 'Out d' serene and hopeful tight shnnr be defective or there filar b, Lias on 7"!lo N oarinh► itflDYe6 t' alt thtt i�lt Nvrls r to410termino from 1%IrK :\rilt)Ps ea•e�, and site onlr the lfitotnaob dire to Feltiolttntlolr or goedh649 ig by, teot ilitlnarbb 'shmsi have bitch te"'led. Bald. In a to\Nr tittle=- Ilucnm0`W1tfon 6t Few ft no matter Quality first has I>lletl rho 1"orglttnpnt Xtollty�' e}f tllig ti:m. "The l.or(1 is in His holy ietnp{e • • u tat the troubeli, may the this tread TO be fibdtlrtenrtt`. Zr fit trill tone''ltrpi 06 orgiltis of the • worcnw 1 entire �'ean aid bring 'back rite ,r i3eciauso Of tho a1�4siy>iftg, etidlit"itll; ISl1rViSD tltlt3 f;hm p rtrttrlicn work havoc. glorious NOW X1 1 't rtlt irsu So individuality plreeenteri 'ill, Iilonarcit 81r08 YOM kiioNr ThNe pogL.a attack ,th” U1104or lining of much dire+ .� that your buying hag been done! wisisl lite Iblestillrs $till- It left to pursue .ca th'atlr rilvatt�aa witiallgittt`iim ♦Hilt ultt- pain sfttlr Leatiitp, VatntkYtilb of a, 01:#tf y perforalte tp�1, KIM arcanstl Litt Lord of Flesh triad 4trobothe t+ Metier Quality. Prieeb IR1t St r8agt}tttlbiat 'lips" vNi,f fns ole\ gip' thct I,nelk rarieNty o00"ta and Aflatefnti attpree dlo i bt that eling to tafitt tON11 upon Interior STZMMS of Stiomench ntsoriilom the P A • f rfaen a, Milli rIg NlVorn) l 44\\•art's will till t QlIkk .s ardYlpipelrtr tphft nmd i'h� s i;�tr IF 7t N jj Wall llrity lixtt+rtilinilttk, loxia( worms, of H kttlp'�4 ill +cYt17ti7! to t c t1 C1pbi . ► t'IRI rVlsgtoyeett V010ty. but will Serve to re, bb "Ill hien Is #A Icntial Pairs tit' 111jury • thew have done, the tight • diad fit r3 %rhetl a ('tan qtly,, sic► rt * and sttlrona wfiit \ ..k�_ •-- lash 'beat fr1•ltlltv tor sass tetxislh late An oCd cl)irrrttd rnatL crag bitrnlna3` �+r ' 1� ttl 4 shptttltl VA ill t to bb Mrtd Mac l V T: eJC i let rl felt' r'�i;�t, l C boyt4A ,nII t Ark- E0tr d it tttvs •\vhp Le\ tastier to dO 6hgt l tiENkirC t 1 teio i` ; It: %illi t1raY:e ,t81e rri�ildmv a 1 tta!t+fl M tllrft slitrtt Wsity ptilttifrdy rtrtd ;; ast't: rws+ �elll ariitp a 04114 I'r�tln tit 1�tiie" attic ti rk-, Yat► ' N'Aukl't NliOl'f1`1 ]bout Hiatt, o1h,1r i%,Q, PPliit plaid tit, a *0a 'tri.], t pit r"et traria I h. "rat grass \gilt +►�tvPP 9KN#AkT4Nao4 e 11 . K e ere dti14\V•A�r hitt' fp Il? 1K it.rily �fi ° ii11111tf�rA tC 1tMN tte11)r 'iii Cilllli.i"* '4lwttarit tNit I5, " 11 1!tltRle . +� ftp teen ran rrlpt. ... o &k by ft C btial �' • C. ' ��kFT1M _k^�.i R !S T•1�r�' �i 'i.K'RR, pp Au surgical uperatiuu is nets ssar) tri Help for Asthma: 1\eg! of r gives Grupuv'fng turn, if llollu\\a)b Corc1 Fpa; nlu a great advantage. The tron- call•,• be used• l 'nu•'• it has secured a foothol'tJ, F'ur age suit \\ant sale.• \\hit ),1n la'ten, Its grip on the bronchial pae- ma), mI morning ,un fast-, .+ \,I1,,ie',aK••, itlaacfuusl). lir. J. D. Kellogghf day. A,11 is limned)' is daily curing oases it a,tlir a of Ionic standing. Years of CI. �1� ,uR01111:, In -c er, Wright have been h i l d r e n C r 3? i•r.•\.uh II had UI,' r,•nled), been used FOR FLETCHER'S ; \\lieu tele trouble \\:1s in its first stag - 11„ atilt nP lett a,thina, but use �.+ t+' tl a ✓ R i A it— pl•,•l,,r.+tlun it Ince. z � _ r Get Y®up Piens c Sup -plies at Leach's ei r •\ Finer hicy Oranges 50, 60 and 75 cents a dozen �\ Lt oSSY x43 Lemons l�lif' Tlid(C 4411`14 \ 40c a dozen Wafer Melons, Musk Melons, Tomatoes, ' 9 Peas and Fresh Vegetables of all kinds in season WIS IF MONEYS =0R MODE BOTIR J. H.'Leack BarmlNs to Bosh Kidnap and n astral I Phone 180 Cott. Montreal St. and Square in irritating ieum i I Willey and Bladder wealmesd tasulb from aria acid, ears anoted suthoriltMcEwen's Specials The kidneys Sher this acid from the ' blood and pose it on to the bladder, where ' it often remains to irritate -and in8amek, canting a•burning, wAI&ng sensation, or netting u sa irritation at the ne* of the blrad r; obliging you• -to seek relief Children's Rompers .................................... i5c ttwo or timet during the night. The sufferer is in oonstiant dread, the Ladies' Allover Aprons, from ............ $1.00 to $2 2•5 water Pam sometimes with w scalding sensation and is very pprofuse; again, Curtain Material from 25c a and to tbere is -difficulty in holding it. Y • • • • • , . , .... i 5 c Bladder wealmess, most folks call it, because they can't control urination. Ladies' Silk Rose, special...............$1.00 and $1 25 While$t is extremely annoying and some. times very painful, this is really one of Girls' Hair Rihbons, per yard ................ 25c to 500 the most simple (ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts a Men's iVlerino Underwer, medium weight, at last from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in a glass of water before year's prices. breatcfask continue this for tufo or three days. This -will nentralim the acids in Men's Balbriggan Underwear, fine quality, at old tbe'urine so it no longer is a source of itMbAlon to the bladder and urinary or- prices. gam whish theft not normally (again. Jad' Sake is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and is saneed bythousandsri rof folks who Are ' C E W N suhjecti to urinary disorders canned by i aria said, irritation. Jail Wts is splen- did for ' kidneys And causes no band effeeta whateever, ft 'phone 46 Sth ids !Here you have a pleasant, effervesouse oars ml e; Q -lithis-water drink, which quickly relieves - lkk�ldw troubliks, s Oil fi l4 1 I • 1� •1 � 'i Y -�- may. y... ..p•C .- ''+ -./. •�". :=Evei3fake in eve ' Pi�ckagentut be good enough for Your children, to eat. That is What is guaraa�teed', 9 ,MY s a�turo. oo ervery, " V •+ tilt- package of -Kellogg's Toasted' 1 Corn Flakestal. tic . .Jeti'f Ptttductr—To••ted Corn pldcry-- Shreddeed� flSvmbk. rambled Hran•. "'re made ft- +lax nea meda�ed teheb• fix TORONTO•ndalways wrapped -w.kktj(e•••-� I&vatIVIOhem 11 M• r f= A t ♦ i <. A Knight of t� .4 Ninetee'fithCentur By E. P. ROE � k y AUtbssr Of ""OPENINU A CHFE$` Nur Buay.." *TARIIEns Bt1RNGD AWAY."eta. a r I� v t:H-4i'Tttifl !s�yP\. taama as lar \\hether It woul+i be besi M' 44 to assume an air of ofrended rlllznfty. ot:: �y" a 1tra1rwon ttna a Itumb-Slrrll \\tlh Upt•xe addylrig suit \aryingt f •, ,,;,, t= The fill jpvsa *t'+b.+lfi i ...... nitkei ,Itta eu:tt911ttr until enl`e lion 9%li,lt 44114rte°r okizhtt 11,.4 Who ntla,a l t the' f\,n+1 W'Ulel fiD.A:;1' blr,te. 1{,• Iia � ( 11 � el tenlld4d to LeU•Nil lf,,d lJti"r,• wit t, 3r',+ ,t that It way Nirs. .lirn'at whoa Sill and nuw•r•) m aw wor:.t, :.ad trial LN ! .mil t\vic. ral.•irk},lui.rtl•)R•°d \Nth a 4° . Stich a church as ilr, .4en ,t r,mil"T•a , hi, ji,tinit, fu; , .I ba'.k Brat, suit wa- an tnu,n n;! pr„i,• r oru.n4„+ ,+uid u"t I , Ip r, 111.u•ktu,r t•, 'etvral -t' R. 1 tion. \, ilii "dhsr, e+h' n oft :. r ill'- ,a„1 Vous• r\aU\e uo wbel, the( d oleganl burner. .old L+ rwalpl lJl'• 1 t war \ •1'1 ILIJiDt arid alr,u Uhf lRd tea ( \aen(ted their t\:t% it, tne,r s. log nt � uf*% .\riot Io pedal h,•lbolf o1T un fill, :ellurch, tit N 'gQk iioilltila Ill Ila” f,rtte•'.,t, ..n ,rdinar-) t,n,,,on. w%Iwo Pura l,w, t q - Inl:y' and sm.:,h+h+ 1., r non,i Ila, cr +,l 1 tut+ it ! ad- hey•[) the plainly un'a•r �I lire hea\) shade\\, !,r.e„ding n\rI, Ill+, I -I.m,d pt111415 of ill,- church mit Io r•It- `• � f'arth. \\ IIJI tl...i a \e t, IU 'd.'.1 I.+ IF) 4 ' ,)r.tw e' '•1't) it hr\ pti„ )11.1l yy that the)• should Kn, .,n hour I. tL iii 14:11 the ronwr thi)t m)n,I•tllin,; nn t aetittae{u \vursitip. as tit,•% ba -1 du +,• in untrgl t\.+., thl+ut Lu take kr plate at til the past when ti,e ”-,at1wr Iwrin rq,Il'aul'x brougllf Either on thin pard• j and it .;Ll r•+'turn 1” dw.wr '110 . 11.41 c•itlar K.rhlate all k1wN ;+n,l dt;1.1-11- e and ail the• urtihnart r ,u'un• of Itfr° 1 itr,nr ..Y p op;.::uld tin dlgruut,d funs - There, were• nu "beast, it F:plite,nn'• j4. tionar), who4,, ,flat\ it \\a, to neck. 1191st uses. t Tho• tint+:, had r hang"d, � Ih, fit. Kr•,•\\ h„t .suit 1tu,tvred will THE DE'JIOCRA't'IC NO"{tINEE- t1%3 HiS iYiFE.--lluterror and NIrs. Ju. and l,. five ail this axe ilke an 'inrprtlt hl. 1111\\oat yi tasks, suit made Bucl w. 4.ox of 19)10 Ill It fraphed at Vietir'tur- a -near Dayton. rainy laa(D \Mould 1)” IIA. K,dnw to NL...'.+Cr;,G,,Ke hlun,ler,. thin both h.. all, fialt on flat,( when un„ rikallt like , Ino r, felt tt \ wrt•e un til. N.rgi, �'Uurnr¢ tilt- past \verk I ha\e ttken r p:ltace car. liund;:d, .+t Citi) grown IItf clue,,, fiat in,sl extr•aur-Imar\ llr„UgILI fare lit face \\ith the uhrisl I ANADIA�N NEWS perfecll) also, people it!e.I tut" the .app.ru Inw p, r, alae+K• was no I.ther If flat! Vitale rallwr than the Cbri,t or BRIEF chwell, \\ho cou,pi+ovittly fell that mitran Nlr, Jvr„In1,d1 •:ru\\tht'r: and. a the-tlog) au'i philmoph), who Iia: }, all' it 'Inji ,I rNh'• -tnee 'w t\\are ;a \\r, k t\ IIh ill, it,irle,l ram• hr huhhlerl al•Iil,' fll,thcrtu d%Neil ill nt> Stud) : and 1 I)av4 �3y C.P.R. Telo raph; fP ,.• IOchm•'i. Ilio\ \\ere \cry unud �•,t Ilal-hil''s ,iib', h,• Iu-tked fill all 1::, 4rgctl \Nitta surr•ow and shaine that Ottawa, Ont.—Tbe Soldiers' Settle• kn,l :, t. stratag lu ,a) I\\urid .I- if „oo,• Krute,yue ,+n.l anlp'la. In) spirit +11lTeroo \\rd' i) front t•Iry: th4 r• \\a., :1 ct�llsl, ct1-t 1, rr,I,;% on it,I • tminK had ronhe to ire, and wits -tail T11-1 Christ Ut.tt rune Crow hlar'en went Board announces that action 11 spire, and tit, )' had n.iwrd Ihe1t I tar in :urtnw. \ot ,.nl> Ila+ ,r[lun, but thuuxhl of lh. pr„pn slid, Ptad cont• being taken to dispose of 75,0011 church ".-I. Paul' � nlan) Ilth,v,, Inoktd asloance at Ili ;+a,,.rl'n All the n,111lltude. A \Nati t,9- cies of Hudson's Bay reserve Ian testi. hroad-shnuldty, d youth ,)f sncll ,rus,rd with ui) s, ruiutrs. fin)' systems �a 9askatchewttn and Alberta, which )+1. Pawl : its i the c r.a11 ills lila 11 have been cancelled by the Crown ,t e r \n . ,, how r.nn fail-) III saLrise (herll 1 ni••. spit ht, N\'vr'I,:)pp.:9r�ur 'f truth, ;,lad nice iutt'cpt•rtatiuns; ui Also 10,900 acres of DouhYidbor r xeiNrs lw xrv.rel)° .1 dwarf i. th,• ronlfiaul..n, us Ito•) \\olk.d 'lint,• Cyr pa,.,agrs Ihat 1 ala) hat- r•.nderetl ;e>rve lands near K!amsack, Saskat inure lu pe tuti,4t it nailed after a np f•+I• ,tile b••forr 111.) could llud i nrurt+ oh,cure. bill I ha\e nlaelts a vuN\ ••hewan. Aaotber 39.000 acres o giant. seat. ,n lits natne an.l strength, that hence - It laud will also --bp opened, ftp It \vas \'cry queer that this rhurth Yhu1y rubbed their eyes to be snrr forth 1 will nu longer rugte into tit tae whole I I ill at -res • will b shonld naine itself ;after the t.ut-nlak- it \\a- not a .freanl. \\'ha( had rums Pulpit, or gat tilt,) any uther, fu della' vallablN for soldier settlement after er, %\hu becrune all things Ila all men \^r the doe,wons and elegant tit. sermons of my ,\Nn. i shall nu longer , 111 suit who said, "1 made to>•seU set•\uni I aul',Y \1-h'•n ht -for. had It, dim, re-, Phllosuphl5a ablaut t:ha•ist, but rndg4y_ p .,0th unto I,11 that i 1niKht Kalil Lh-1 more., ill taus light rt\.alyd srirh sct-nes” or to Iead )-fill directly to Christ; and Ottawa Qnr.— p �cr,lrn hrorfgSt It was very unfortunate for them to Whence this Irruption of strange, tin- thus you will learn by cump;lrisua. awn in Parliament faces rbc, total ha\e chosen this saint, and )et thr+ruuth creature%. ---a pallhir•d In a lab- what wanner of spirit )uu are of, and p natn.. Saint Paui, had a Nery arlait')- I ur•er'x wart), and the profane old her- i trust, become imbued \vitt) Ili, xplrlt inn il:rcpedii onaryments in ada Forcorathe Cana- crnllcN sound In Hlllaton, and that; far 0.572. not, w'hnin the boys had nicknatnet, I aflali ,Peak tilt, truth in love, and vel ly provinces the number was as [ol- had seemed prcullarly IittNd to the i "Jerry Uio\vl.r." and Nvho had not wlthuut fear, and \vitt) no \vurd)- din- own ; Obtnrto, 243:677 Quebe 82; ,.. eaatly cdltice on which it was carved it.0 seen In rhur(h for )-raise guise. Henceforth I do not belung to Anil never had the church seemed Nlrs. Arnot, fullovNed b) many eves )'uu, bill to my Vaster, and I shall IJ: New Brunswick, 2b,864y Nova ton re ltattely than on this brilliant passed quietly up to her j resent the, Wt rlst w'itu loved all, Nvltto lc•otla and Prince Edward Island, pe\c, an P. 13,342; %lafitobal, 66,319; Saskatche- Satabath morning; never had Its ell,• bu\Nrd her head In prayer. died for all, and who said to all, '\Vi'Id- ganoe• and that of the worst►ippers Prayer! Ali I in their perturbation soever will, Ict film comet' van. 37.666: Alberta, 45,196: $ritish seemed more in harniony, sone and furgoltt,n that flus wax the "]bat \\ill rind my text lu the rl,)spel "olumbta, 51,438. Yukon, 2,327, Bill the stony repose and calm of Place of prayer, and hsstil) bowed of St. ,John, the nint:teenth c11 Ptuv sad ��— their Gothic temple wax not reflected In ilieir headri alxn. fifth verse— Ottawa. Ont—Tbe applications of the fuses of tike pe blit, There \\as a "'Then calnc .Jesus forth, NN�Narin aver 1b0.Impertal veterans who de- tra. Arnot had been absorbed in his' 8 {ire to take advantage of the Soldlec ' general air of perturbation anal ex- business to the very steps, and* mach the crown of thorny and the purple rand S rtiemrat scheme, have be Qa pectanc). The peculiar and compla- too absorbed duringthN week to hear robe. :►ryf Pilate with unto therri, Ile- oent expression of those who are cola- hold rho Man!' ' ,pproved. ' These veterans will b4 oe heed any rurnors; but as tie \aalkc• i requirtitl to spend at least one rear soiOus of tatting specially well drmasted up the aisle ire stared around in evi. "Let us behold d t tunow qnd learn )n fartns in Csna[la to become tami- and respectable was conspicuously ah- dent stir rise, anti b know' Hirn and to know ourwives far wtth Catlad aD methods. The P hour several furtive better, if we dlacoNer any sad and fa. i sent. Annoyed, vexed, anxious faceg glances over his shoulder after being athers will be absorbed tato the passed into the vestlhule. )'nuts of scaled. As his \vlfc raised tier head, NAI rnit it f aur rellwinus Ili•. Jct u• 'bard's tra117lnS es'abtitshments and twos, threes, and half -dozens lingered he leaned low'ard her and whispered- correct It before it fs too late." •vitl be required to spend at least two and talked eagerly, \vitt) emphatic Ker•,I "What's (,lit, matter with JeernsY fol It would be Impossible to portray the 'ears farming In Canada before be - tures and much shaking of licalds. If I mistake' not, their are a good rnam effect of the sermon that followed, riming eligib:�e for the loan benefits Many who disliked rough weather Prom second -dams saints here to -day;^ But ('(lining as it did, from a strong soul of the Act any cause avoided their ft•Ilow-men)- nut, it muscle changed In ,\irb. Arnot';, stirrt,d t0 its depths by the truth un- bers, and glided hastily in, looking Pale face. Indeed, she Scarcely hear\ der'tunsideratiun. The people for tit worried and uncomfortable, Between l t tl;s tl p P.Q.—During the last is e biro. Her soul was and had been tap time bring \cern swayed by it and car• e•ir5 rhe Province of Quebec has the managing officers, who had telicl� several days �n the upper sanctuary, it, rit,d away, \%'flat was said NNas seen to enc fated themSelves on having xacur'd 1 the presence or tied, pleading with Hirai P $''2r+On.000 on highways. in tie truth, felt to be truth; and ars the 92'0 the grc!'nary annual provincial congregation containing Lite creme da that He would return to this earthly riivine tia\'iuur stood not refire theta -ranrF for education are S-.000.UI)n. Is creme of the city, on ar►e' hand, and temple 'which 1'he spirit of the world luminous in His mNn loving and con- i'ryr cap rel r.v'tered In pill,) and the disquieted air. Blakeman, who had seemingly usurped. lassiunate deeds, which manirel tv'l til. -varier i t . found the church growing untomfort- pants \v rb'n rale province Is When Dr. Barstow arose to cum_ character an.l the Principle, of faith 244 ,oe:, ItnO •fid th" nnn1L r of mill ably' cold• on the other, !sirs. Arnot's nience the service, a profound hush fell He founded, the old, • exrlusII . self- I! employees bout 10,000. words and acts, and the minister's hit- 'Upon ilio 1 Pleasing IITe Of the church shrivelled I p Plied pledge to bring the matter people. Even his face and as a force an A sham. hearing Impress and awed them, and Sherhrooke. P;Q.--- 'Flat- Campbell- tip8quarely to an issue, had become gem it was evident that he, too, had climb- "In conclusion," said Ili, Barsfnw I HoNvard \lachttte Company, formerly ssomelater known, asttil o foreboding as of ed some spiritual mountain, and had "what vii -as the spirit of this divine the Sberbraoke•. Iron Works IAd.. Peop great. a Ir tropll. Oppressed the Teacher when He summoned + btkN.n Fare to face with Uoa• publicans have gold their business to G. L. i People. Jf t}le"trutli tvt+rt; known, there and flshcrmen to be His fullwvers'' Bourne and ire A. Scharff. of New (wire very general nlla ivyltt \y ire pruceadeii with the Service, In, gs; and,. tones. that were deep and magnetic• the What Nvas His spirit when H. laid His York. Plicae gentlemen are reaper- no\v that the people had been lets to think. there Nvere some very un- sense or unwonted solemnity iuereas- hand on the leper'.' What„ when Ht Lively president and vice-president, of i Comfortable as cera fa the sues_ t"1' Ilvrnus had been selected which said to thik Outcast, 1e•itht,r do I con the Locomotive Super -hearer Co. of tlok. liven that a the eh-t1r cnuld not PNrfot'ul. but mixt dt'm"n thre: go and in no more+" Naw York, railway supply people. itgust (fig' sing: and the relation between the saa- What, when to the haughty pharisees. sod it is the intention to 1n>#rrufac- nitary the sextan arae in a painful dt- red words and the mpsle wast apps)(- the mast respectable people of ilial Lure "railway supplies for Canada, — --.- -- - _ • .—_ __ _ ent, The tx•ripturN lessons were read art)-' He threatened, '%%'oe, unto you'( also to carry on .a general foundry OTHER -TABLETS NOT as If they were a rneSsnge for that 1) "Hr looked after the rich aqd •iliniss! And `maebille business. llcuinr congregation ani fur that x e• perfectK man, by whom He w'a� P et a Dun re „ 1,. APLETS occasion, and, as the shnple and ' ejeeted. and lured hint. Vancouver B.CL-According to an- authoritatipve words fell on lite ear. the Ire also said to the penitent thief,"Tu• nouncement mate by R_ J. Lycfatt, AS R� 1 A1` ALL KcutGlai fnlsgivltig N\As lnereased, stay thou shalt with me in Rua- vier -president the Trans Canada Tit(y Beern,!d wholiv on \irs. Aruot•s ruse.' His hear! \vA as iarge as hu- ' rhtatres. Ltd., 'this company will • arae: fie, rather, she wax pin theirs, manic), Such WAS His spirit." shortly start the construction of a %\'hen at last Dr. Barstow ruse, not After a murnenl's pause. In w'hfel, new theatre to be erected, close to Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" as a sacred orator and thrulu,gian who them was a hush of breathless expel. the C. P. li Vaneouvor Hote1,'whieh 4 ht shout to deliver a sermon, bill rath+ tansy, Ur. Barstow•'s deep tones were will bavr a seatttlg capacity of about are Genuine Aspirin cr as an earnest 'an' w'ho had some- again 'heard. "God grant that hence- 2.000 land cost S404,000: eonstruattion thing of Nil -al ttponrent to so)', tilt• ,,It, forth yonder doors may be open to all of which will start shortIv. race became almost oppressive. wh-trn Christ revel\'ed. and with the instead Of commencing by formals same \NriconlN ]hal he rr--�•'--'— announcing his text, as \vas itis cis- +annul tar, \vhoevei may come to this �i���li�.A.• MR taint. tie looked silently and steadlly at temple, Christ will not enter it, aur Bearathe hlYs�fatQwt301fixs ills People for a moment, thus`heJght- dwell within It." ' atanatukro ening Ihillr expectancy'. The People looked at each other. and at "My friends," tie began slowly and drew' a Inng breath. F;Nen those \Nhu , quietly, and Abect+ was a suggestion o1. were most. in love Nvith the old system \\•e may give adafee, but we can - sorrow in his Lupe rather than or men- s see or dentiricfation forgot Ila. BArxhwv. and felt for the not give conduct. ?f 'yon don't see the Bayer cross" niy tilyguds. I moment that they had a controv2rsy The borrower Is A %lave to the lend- on if'" tablets, you ala not ttin wish to ask your rain, and ttiSpreJud- with His masts A•4 +cin—naly in acid lmitAifen. S iced atUlnflon to What I shall wry this t' er, and the debtor to the creditor. 1 1•tnuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" morning. I ask you to interpret my aThe congregation hrOl:r up in a quiet r Yalu will not hear reason, she'll yy worfLc in the lis fid sImpred manner. .%il w'.re LOA urrly ra, r_s+ .•,\v nada is Canada by a Canadian light ut the Nerd of Gad drip Impressed by what •they had'I\'F; I yo1r� knnckes. (* > nq, No German interest what- and your own consciences: and if I ala +°:•, til rights below purchased from the Wrong in any respect I will readily as heard to tai' it) a moOai for talltlnw err-- t.rl' d Citates Government, knuwl('v1,4N It. Upon a certain orrasl,») )ed: and of the majority, it should he — t sold in juslicy that, congelous Ol Miring the war, acid Imitations veers Ott isE 3Altt t+.p Ills disciples, Yr know colli as Aspirin in pili boxes and various not what manner of spirit ye are or•' wrong, they were honestly dextrous Stomach t 14 ".; and Ila [snit, , of a change for the better. ti+rr containers. be Bayer (:curly is prOvy4d fin\N w�iely lift luring the sertatin lir. tirow•theNs in otrr only way of knowing ,that you aro spirit erred from theirs. They at-- quint And \Frhlkled \;i5age had \\Ork- Disorders �citiu genuine Aspiris, proved safe by cetaled the lesson,—the]- still followefl cal most curinusiy, and there weir aw illivils for Headache NeuraWal Golds Mill, and throujh (,lose eompanion- iwr itlle4rn,aeneru.irtmtiago, Neuritis. Va fol xhtll eviitttually ni'Qulred fits merciful. rroi�8 when a hearty, ie Nlhoughffiraili�rrprvi.tam � ' Pain raeraUy, catholte' spirit. But at ].his tJmo they There eats no remedies or med- Iiundy tin boxes of '12 tablets -+'•also did not understand )(tin nor t9tenl. N tan Wt. % 4cinen iia effectivefor the treatment Iarafts sixty$ "'Bayer" packages can be Selves, liiyl�lt ins wve (,all br1S1t under- 4rn his war home hN szold to Itaidane ft 1:a41 . t stated Vie .rDirit NVe are of by consid .Ind Lived iike a heathen On l.ryd's day the $toanach Disordlem ttte t tad All da 11114 b the duly poketN as Hacking,* Heart, and Nerve 1\ i,irfit is the trade mark ragiatalred Nrttlg lids, and by learning to know )• ilk. Carta i1Ir11 bNtter whom Nvr• \vorehi pIt hN:tr t lvt p:iririun 'tie'rt+:ttfrt evNt'y Remedy and HackkVvs Kidney and ! tk4 nt Bayer tiianu a@tttre of p, Ilya a day, rain or Biline• if 1 E ave to Iigtlf Liver Pills. This wo know, from the liGnoacetfiCacilter'tlelr off Salioyllaaoid. NNltuse nan1N we are iLalled, � r ... flit' way Into Ilse- ehureti N%tjth til- elnb;' Upeirlmee we have reit from theele prrnifar lire 11ar,14+1t dila the ]bung Vilipu'I'aUfons and from the know- i�l l 111311'5 1.4, and hN Iles Nvere Very lodge vt'e hestre of the action add 111rIn. but he mare m+ rept}. "ThN Hail. medicinial e9liel t of tBe dilletdat a iltai) tvhu:e portraih)r•t• ho had beheld �nd herbs that go into the that do,- watt a rnvetratiam4nd he tiOp � # tQfO Wonderful -�I !Fri r `• ed that this' divine yet human Prien•. 1arc" might male a cation or hhn.1 'tie Appetite MWy be either eaag- + =Nese d it': rat 4 l "\1'f+i trtrlarla4 Arnal sentitrl t10110l1;, '"that srerreon was A peoveel ge ed, Vevcrtedk dimlulabod or en- act bgmta shell ami, rtlark my words, it ,tom„.1� th�b"Vilephrations will u %trill efther hlo' VIIiP dOetnr out or his rester• lit, The Crplttdition may be hien ortp ibaroirttg through exllefihnee tilt'' folly of plitpft, or Some of tho 111`41=clavas mints etthbr Anute of Chronic or the i� buying inferior Shoos because] of temptilrl; pricer. tJltl (rt their pev\s" NelfVas aupplyPnq ttYeti Stomach ninny ra 'Out d' serene and hopeful tight shnnr be defective or there filar b, Lias on 7"!lo N oarinh► itflDYe6 t' alt thtt i�lt Nvrls r to410termino from 1%IrK :\rilt)Ps ea•e�, and site onlr the lfitotnaob dire to Feltiolttntlolr or goedh649 ig by, teot ilitlnarbb 'shmsi have bitch te"'led. Bald. In a to\Nr tittle=- Ilucnm0`W1tfon 6t Few ft no matter Quality first has I>lletl rho 1"orglttnpnt Xtollty�' e}f tllig ti:m. "The l.or(1 is in His holy ietnp{e • • u tat the troubeli, may the this tread TO be fibdtlrtenrtt`. Zr fit trill tone''ltrpi 06 orgiltis of the • worcnw 1 entire �'ean aid bring 'back rite ,r i3eciauso Of tho a1�4siy>iftg, etidlit"itll; ISl1rViSD tltlt3 f;hm p rtrttrlicn work havoc. glorious NOW X1 1 't rtlt irsu So individuality plreeenteri 'ill, Iilonarcit 81r08 YOM kiioNr ThNe pogL.a attack ,th” U1104or lining of much dire+ .� that your buying hag been done! wisisl lite Iblestillrs $till- It left to pursue .ca th'atlr rilvatt�aa witiallgittt`iim ♦Hilt ultt- pain sfttlr Leatiitp, VatntkYtilb of a, 01:#tf y perforalte tp�1, KIM arcanstl Litt Lord of Flesh triad 4trobothe t+ Metier Quality. Prieeb IR1t St r8agt}tttlbiat 'lips" vNi,f fns ole\ gip' thct I,nelk rarieNty o00"ta and Aflatefnti attpree dlo i bt that eling to tafitt tON11 upon Interior STZMMS of Stiomench ntsoriilom the P A • f rfaen a, Milli rIg NlVorn) l 44\\•art's will till t QlIkk .s ardYlpipelrtr tphft nmd i'h� s i;�tr IF 7t N jj Wall llrity lixtt+rtilinilttk, loxia( worms, of H kttlp'�4 ill +cYt17ti7! to t c t1 C1pbi . ► t'IRI rVlsgtoyeett V010ty. but will Serve to re, bb "Ill hien Is #A Icntial Pairs tit' 111jury • thew have done, the tight • diad fit r3 %rhetl a ('tan qtly,, sic► rt * and sttlrona wfiit \ ..k�_ •-- lash 'beat fr1•ltlltv tor sass tetxislh late An oCd cl)irrrttd rnatL crag bitrnlna3` �+r ' 1� ttl 4 shptttltl VA ill t to bb Mrtd Mac l V T: eJC i let rl felt' r'�i;�t, l C boyt4A ,nII t Ark- E0tr d it tttvs •\vhp Le\ tastier to dO 6hgt l tiENkirC t 1 teio i` ; It: %illi t1raY:e ,t81e rri�ildmv a 1 tta!t+fl M tllrft slitrtt Wsity ptilttifrdy rtrtd ;; ast't: rws+ �elll ariitp a 04114 I'r�tln tit 1�tiie" attic ti rk-, Yat► ' N'Aukl't NliOl'f1`1 ]bout Hiatt, o1h,1r i%,Q, PPliit plaid tit, a *0a 'tri.], t pit r"et traria I h. "rat grass \gilt +►�tvPP 9KN#AkT4Nao4 e 11 . K e ere dti14\V•A�r hitt' fp Il? 1K it.rily �fi ° ii11111tf�rA tC 1tMN tte11)r 'iii Cilllli.i"* '4lwttarit tNit I5, " 11 1!tltRle . +� ftp teen ran rrlpt. ... o &k by ft C btial �' • C. ' ��kFT1M _k^�.i R !S T•1�r�' �i 'i.K'RR, pp Au surgical uperatiuu is nets ssar) tri Help for Asthma: 1\eg! of r gives Grupuv'fng turn, if llollu\\a)b Corc1 Fpa; nlu a great advantage. The tron- call•,• be used• l 'nu•'• it has secured a foothol'tJ, F'ur age suit \\ant sale.• \\hit ),1n la'ten, Its grip on the bronchial pae- ma), mI morning ,un fast-, .+ \,I1,,ie',aK••, itlaacfuusl). lir. J. D. Kellogghf day. A,11 is limned)' is daily curing oases it a,tlir a of Ionic standing. Years of CI. �1� ,uR01111:, In -c er, Wright have been h i l d r e n C r 3? i•r.•\.uh II had UI,' r,•nled), been used FOR FLETCHER'S ; \\lieu tele trouble \\:1s in its first stag - 11„ atilt nP lett a,thina, but use �.+ t+' tl a ✓ R i A it— pl•,•l,,r.+tlun it Ince. z � _ r Get Y®up Piens c Sup -plies at Leach's ei r •\ Finer hicy Oranges 50, 60 and 75 cents a dozen �\ Lt oSSY x43 Lemons l�lif' Tlid(C 4411`14 \ 40c a dozen Wafer Melons, Musk Melons, Tomatoes, ' 9 Peas and Fresh Vegetables of all kinds in season WIS IF MONEYS =0R MODE BOTIR J. H.'Leack BarmlNs to Bosh Kidnap and n astral I Phone 180 Cott. Montreal St. and Square in irritating ieum i I Willey and Bladder wealmesd tasulb from aria acid, ears anoted suthoriltMcEwen's Specials The kidneys Sher this acid from the ' blood and pose it on to the bladder, where ' it often remains to irritate -and in8amek, canting a•burning, wAI&ng sensation, or netting u sa irritation at the ne* of the blrad r; obliging you• -to seek relief Children's Rompers .................................... i5c ttwo or timet during the night. The sufferer is in oonstiant dread, the Ladies' Allover Aprons, from ............ $1.00 to $2 2•5 water Pam sometimes with w scalding sensation and is very pprofuse; again, Curtain Material from 25c a and to tbere is -difficulty in holding it. Y • • • • • , . , .... i 5 c Bladder wealmess, most folks call it, because they can't control urination. Ladies' Silk Rose, special...............$1.00 and $1 25 While$t is extremely annoying and some. times very painful, this is really one of Girls' Hair Rihbons, per yard ................ 25c to 500 the most simple (ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts a Men's iVlerino Underwer, medium weight, at last from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in a glass of water before year's prices. breatcfask continue this for tufo or three days. This -will nentralim the acids in Men's Balbriggan Underwear, fine quality, at old tbe'urine so it no longer is a source of itMbAlon to the bladder and urinary or- prices. gam whish theft not normally (again. Jad' Sake is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and is saneed bythousandsri rof folks who Are ' C E W N suhjecti to urinary disorders canned by i aria said, irritation. Jail Wts is splen- did for ' kidneys And causes no band effeeta whateever, ft 'phone 46 Sth ids !Here you have a pleasant, effervesouse oars ml e; Q -lithis-water drink, which quickly relieves - lkk�ldw troubliks, s Oil fi l4 1 I • 1� •1 � 'i Y -�- may. y... ..p•C .- ''+ -./. •�". :=Evei3fake in eve ' Pi�ckagentut be good enough for Your children, to eat. That is What is guaraa�teed', 9 ,MY s a�turo. oo ervery, " V •+ tilt- package of -Kellogg's Toasted' 1 Corn Flakestal. tic . .Jeti'f Ptttductr—To••ted Corn pldcry-- Shreddeed� flSvmbk. rambled Hran•. "'re made ft- +lax nea meda�ed teheb• fix TORONTO•ndalways wrapped -w.kktj(e•••-� I&vatIVIOhem 11 S'+Ypi M• r S'+Ypi