The Goderich Star, 1920-07-22, Page 39 .300004 srea At'ly Fres Faims im 3tomisho Most, of the misery and ill health tbAt b ed with arise from Lord,,;A? Wf . the stomach, liver and bowels. If you am feeling out of aorta, Clave Pains in the stomach, especially eating, so" stollic4. bi ipc,, III, .46, sick or bilious be Adacbm hestt- um. , watep brash etc shook! take ,44 few doses of a Lax& -Liver You will be surprised how quickly they win fix XIIII). Mrs. M. A. urger, lRardisty Alta writes "For over two years I a 'uff e ;W _Mit agony from pains in the stomach. severpl remedies, but got no relief. A friend advised me to take Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I started with two vials, but before I had used one I found much relief. I continued until I used six vials, and they have com- pletely relieved me. Milburn's Latta -Liver Pills are small and easy to take and do not weaken and sicken like most 1 -film, pills do. Price 25e. a vial at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of priceby The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toropto, Out. OSTEOPATH R. GEORGE HEILEMANN, Osteopath. specialist In women's and chudrealb dibeases. Acute. chronic and nervous dis- orders, deafness, eye, ear, nose and oat. Adenoids removed, without top knife.llation tree. Grace and residence, Nototitin and St. Andrew's, Streets zt�_Ar d,R%qpQrny ball. North Street. . I I 646 Out,& 0 to a p. in. %outlays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Evenings by appoliUment. LEGAL.CARDS CHARLES GARRONV, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Corner Nort;. street and Square, oodertch, Ont. C HAS. SEALER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary P611c and Lonveyancer Offlet, : Court House, Godericti. C. HAYS Tilione 88. 10arrister.;lSoltetior Notary Public Etc. office Hamilton 6t., sterling Bank Block Goderlell Real Estate, Loans, Insurance CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY QVOROE- E oftERNSLA-DE. Bayfleld, Con- veyntAcing and Notary Public PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN 18C COOKE, ijarristers, Solicitors, Notaries ilul)- ofc, Etc. t)Mce--On vibe.SQuare2nd door from Hamilton street. Goderle4. Privqte funds to loan at lowest rates. PROUDFOOT, K. L., Wk L. KILLORAN, H. J. D. COOKE. SUCTIONEERING THOMAS GUNDRY. Live S and 'tock General Auctioneer, Hamilton street, Oodericti. Sales made everywhere and all efforts ilmade to five you satisfaction. Farmers sale notes discounted. INSURANCE oKILL6P MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE M CO.- IoParia and Isolated Town Property Insured. Value of property insured up to Januar!% AW), $3 048 975.00. ffi DrFf�S-Jamas fronolly, President, tioderich ; Jas. Evans. Vice -President. :Iee,!hwood -. T. E. flays, Sec.-Treas., Set,- .ortil. DIRECTORS -D. F. NTcoregor, Seaforti, U. Orteve. Winthrop ; Win. Wrin, Con Miles : George McCartney, Tuckersmilb John Ferris, Harlock ; John Bennewlso, droadbagan : Malcolm hicEwan. flrucefle!d. AGENTS -J. W. Yeo, tioderich , Sankly t,eItf,,h, Clinton : Wm. cnesney. searorkti E. flinchley, Seaforth. Policy Holders can pay their assessments At R. H. Cutt's Store. Goderl ('11. A. J. Nfrr- rjf,b,s COthing Store, Clinton, or 4. Fleld's. Rdyfleld. NOTARY 111'11LIC, FTC. 41751. 51. BAILIE. NOTARY PITT -If, General Com Ayarwil 1; Anne nood Compania" nep�,esenlcd Go,jel-Ich Rural Phone 24 r IC Route No. 3, Auburn DeVan's French Pills IL,:l for Women. &oM at all Druq :Mores, ol Jr fr�(• •:.,. o. t.-rbell Drug C'Sio St. (atto - -,c) a NI F. N r. 'r 'a ,x,o ,or t t It n'' iT" Brophou Bros. GODERICH M/Leadina funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended tq at all hours -night or day. Lis a TAPE' AGENT FOR TH9 International Hariester 0 Company a on Hamilton Street 0 CALL AND SEL US For SORE THROAT COLD IN CHEST f'o j r v e. N 3. wis!1 to inform you th z I we ConsIder y. (.r tr MINARI,* i I.-;. TMENT a \.n-,, - - 3, s1 d,uperirtvU rle 'a'd we t.qe as Z;i and chest. I would net be the price W14 one dollar a bott; 1. TM MAWMTS , 1`0RONTO MARGKIzi. TORONTO, July IS_ The jaitept (1119tilitions on We Board of Tra4e are as follows: I 1101anitolla Wheat (in Store, Ft. Willf4m). No. 1 torthern 13.15. 1*10.ItIn0jarin. $3.12. Na a northern. $3.08. MtrinitoliaM �. (in store. Fort William). I X L17% X.. Pio. 'I : CW., XXLrn No. I feed, No. I feed. #Z.12%. No. 2 feed. i.tiq%. Mahitoba Bati',v to., store, Ft. Willia."). No, 3 C. W., i1.75. No. 4 C, W.. 41 43. Rejected. ;L38. Feed. $z..48. American Corn ITrack. Toronto, ProffrWit shipment). No, a yellow. %2.30. nominal. Ontario oats (According to Freights Outside). No. j white, nominal, Ontario Wheat (F.o.b. Shipping Points, According to Freights). Na I rAnter, per car lot. $2 to $2.01. No. 2 winter, per car lot. $1.98 to 31_03. No. 3 winter pet car lot, *1.92 to $1.91. No. I spring. per car lot. $2.02 to $2.03. NO. 2 spring. Per car lot. $1.93 to $2-01. No, 3 spring, per car ipt. $1.95 to $42.0,L Peas (According to Fr6ightq, Outside). Na 2. nominal. barley (,According to Freights Outside). U. . $1.84 to $186uckwheat (According to Freights Out, NO. 2. nominal. side). Rye (According to Freights Out3lde). No. 3. $ZZO to S2,25. Manitoba Flour, government standard, $14.85, Toronto. Ontario Flour (Prompt Shipment). 09VIrMfIlIt standard. nointmil, In Jute bLge. Montreal; nominal, In ja?A ti=ff, Toron to. , 4 Mltlfood (Car, Lots, Delver-edontreall Freight*. Sao* included). Bran, per ton. $52. S horts. Per ton. 1161 - Good feed flour, per bag. $3.75 tq it Hay (Track. Toronto). No. 1, per ton, $31. Mixe.d. per ton. $-n. Straw (rrack, Toronto). Car iota, per ton. $16 to $16. Farmers' Mgrket. r F'ILD Wheat -No. 2, noixt6al. Spring wheat -No. 2, noinjuall. Goose wheat -No: 3, noolnizal Barley-1fafting, nominal; feed, nodi- S nal, 0 08,110--N70111111181. 6 Rye-Accordor to sample. nominali. Peas-AccardUtf; to sample, nonainali HaJo-'"mut1by and -bred and clan rKlminal. UMOAGO (I]RAM MA A. L� Hudson & Co- staijdaIrti Bank Building. report the following V I On the Chicago Board of Trade: Frew. Open. High Low. ctoose. cb0old�. vamat Dec. 252 U9% 261 253 20 )liar. 262% 253 267 204 p By*-- JWY322% 219 22!l W Rye - Sept ... In 189% 166% 199-1 1 Core - July ... ISO ISO 148% 149'ASV sept. ... ISO 151 147 149 114! P Dec. ... 13111% 13874 135 136% Oats- f July ... 89 t 994 88% 39% Sept- 76% T7% 76 7111 us Dec. 75% 76 74TA R Q I -Pork- Ydfy _ . ..... ..... Sept. ... 28.10 28-35 28 -I'D 29.36 16.9r IALrd- July ... 19.35 18-77 19.35 18.81 ISAS Sept. 19.00 19.37 19.00 19.37 IS. so Oct. 19.40 19.72 19.40 ".12 July ... ..... .... 16.00 16.21 $ept. ... I6.R6 1@." 19.96 19.90 'IS.n CATTLE M ARZIM UNION SIX" TAIRDIL TORONTO, July 19.-LJve stoek receipts at the Union Yards Simday night for to -day's market, w 163 care -2,790 cattle, 464 calves, 1420 p hogs, 1,116 sheep. NAST BUFFALO 1"N STOCK. R&Et Buffalo, N.Y.. July 1T­-CattIo re- j ceipt.w 450; slow. Calves, recelptsi, 350. $1 bower; 59 as, 8A $19.50. 2 Hogs, receipts 2200; steady to lee higher; heavy $;,fi to $16.50: mized. $37 to $17.15; yorkerk, $17 to $17.25; light 4a., $16 to $17. pigs, $16; roughs. 113; staga. $9 to $10. 0 qbeep and lambs. receipts 200; lambs 9 rrlow; lambs, $8 to $18; yearlings ST to 1 $13.50; weathers $9.50 to ;10: ewM $2 to $9; mixed sheep. $9.50 Ilg,,".50. t CMCAGO LINE ST00,3L. chlicam, July recimpao. t 6.000; 01arket. better gr%440.0 I*bt mei light butchers. Ift to 2k,,N I— grades steady to higbep- bunt of sales, $13.95 to $lit; text lig heavyweight. $14-59 to, $29 SO- 4;;� I weight, $16:35 to 119.10; 4 -ho"" 114 to $15.79; heavy packing ;6' ; $U.75 to $14.40; pack _4_,W b $13 to $13.75; pligni, 76 -U4.50. A Cattle, receipts. &41 66Zpared with week ago; good to best yearling orteerso. about steady; grassers and strong to heavyweight corn fells. largely 25C to Gee s kower; beat aha stock and carters. Ktreing .1 to 25c higher; others Slow. steady: I bologna and handy butcher buns. maet:y 50cm bighL-ir; bort stockers and feeders. 10c ;to 20c htrher: others slow and unerea; seat calves. 25c to Ike higher. Sheep, receipts, 7,000: bulk recelpts direct. few ARIP411: native Block steady. top lambs $15.50; compared with week ago: Lambs about steady; yearlings and aged wether are T5f to $1 higher: ewes. 50c to 75c, higher: feeding and brWAlsig stocf[ steady to 25e higher. Western Papers Demand Refund. WINNIPF0, July 19. - Western f newspapers, thirteen in number.have t entered action againstithn. Fort FmD- cis pulp & paper Co., for a declar- ation that certain judgments or or- ders of the Paper Control Tribunal are valid and binding on the defen- dant, and to enforce the same, and for payment of all sums, due by the defendant to the plaintiffs. The amount Involved is about $122,000, the largest claim being that of the Manitoba Free Press for ;52,259.81. Rival Factions Battle. PF,KIN, Jilly 19 -Fighting be-- tween troops of the rival factions Of' - carred Saturday at Kwanhan, thirty rollps south of Pekin. Numbers of wounded are arriving here.. The city itfiply-is quiet, but wire and rail com- munication with Tientsin has been Interriffolpd. The mediators sent out In an frffort to reconcile the contend- ing parties have returned to Pekin. their nilsi.ion having failed. Bela Run Escapes. BERIA3, J111Y 19_11pla Knn, forte mer Hungarian Communist dictator. and a number of other CommuDIStS, who were transported from, Vienna to Russia by way of Germany, escap- ed from the train on the way to Ger- many from Odprbtirg, a frontier sta- tion on tbf Silesian-ClIechO SIOTLk border, according to a Drealaw de,- sDatch to the Berliner Zeitung. I . For mothiff'. '14 father, the boys and girls., 003 the sweet for all ages -at work or play. I raising cion 1. vara and smith laughter, marriage took lolnee oil Thursday ii\ - Electr ic WE STWU VIP of A nervous or tired. School Commerce �� +{ , r.W see how it of THE 1111111TH11LACE OF THE I)E30CRATIC . NONIINKE FOR laRESIDENI' riu, iionst. on it fartil llear jtick,"fi. We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let CLINTO N AND GODERICH, ONTARIO burg, BLItter County, 4duo, where Ii11\t.rDur I . For mothiff'. '14 father, the boys and girls., 003 the sweet for all ages -at work or play. I raising cion 1. vara and smith laughter, marriage took lolnee oil Thursday ii\ - Electr ic WE STWU VIP of "7=_7 nervous or tired. School Commerce �� +{ , r.W see how it of THE 1111111TH11LACE OF THE I)E30CRATIC . NONIINKE FOR laRESIDENI' riu, iionst. on it fartil llear jtick,"fi. We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let CLINTO N AND GODERICH, ONTARIO burg, BLItter County, 4duo, where Ii11\t.rDur jultirs M. k;,INL \\;t.N born '1), 18,411. refreshed us give you an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil DISTRICT GLEANINGS I Slimmer Dalry Notes. IWT" Insure good, sweet roiil, for 1. Service, Teacher Training Course i Wingliain rbwes will be Ilelli .4,jIjiy,,j I walize that the majority of dairy farmers do not need rt�Lllinders as if) butt ernia king of, for ik,i) w ii if if ir- pos.,. We need better citilm f.)i ri;.• The Flavor Dynamos liilghlv Qualified Teaching Staff fill anti 12th. ]'Ile Purse is $2,400: 1 what they should do In ordinary prat - making of floe butter In ()Illario. Electric Bells and Actual Business System of Bookkeeping 'Testi Mr. Malvolnin Isbister, a prominent Lice, but mankind tends to slnckni�ss. Everybody should give Ontario butter C redentlal Tvpewriting ar -itiztin iif Saskatoon, and it brother of lia, fr. \\'III. Ishister, tit WinKhan), pawed Most men need a wife to glvL o,t - -:t a boost upward in quality. --Pint, H. H. Dean, O. A. College. Guelph. Was P,),il,ors Guaranteed \\,,IN \Vedne.,day, Juno 30th. clonal prods '-I order to keep them tin Mr. janiv., Jolkill'toll. of Tdylor" 0111;to the mark. These notes at-(, whvii ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL erh, (ioderivii tp., lia.,, purchased 1,11 e1with the same good intention that a PEII(IVAI, %'I%'IAN. ' Ro\\chfr" place south of clintun r;i r wife "Just tells h,-.- likishond--tito- -t1j I 1300 and intend, to go int.) poultry' Icansar extensivelN. she is Interested0 Failing ,t\ the ho"It' "flulented Pastures shoal,l b.- stipnl,�- -till, The doath oct-111.1.4-d at with gr nwul ()I- gi­,en Ion, dau0iter. R. !fill, 4th ounces- feed in the stable. Tlit- hot III, (If "tll- ther of June ni >ana short f,,, ' f Jane 'Jeri, b1'j.j\f'd VON 4 mi% ti-ot)- I -ears. 12 months. rt Sweet, axed 46 July anti A-ig!,st; Ilds means s: all + � c At the last regiiiar nitieting of wing- milk and cream -pain cheques. or, it 6nktil lain Lodge No. '296. A., F'..k A m., Mr. amount pf buttor •o , -11. By th 7,3 A. Morton, \%It,) ha., ed a, or or the milk ioi -,on thi !t� we orjy any of the lodge it),, tjjt� past 33 ear, know the vaiii - of wii herd, 6w n I presented with it put. vas 41f �00. the val,w of In !,%idzI.,Il cows. v,?,i .1 1 Mr. and Nir,. \vin. Charters, \fill letter call be known only b: Road, tieaforth, mill-i'llive file (Ili -age- Fe each row in tho herd. with ,i nll,! it -tit 6f their .-Illy daughter, ­ie tuart, to Mr. H. R. Pekeldei, (it NiR- fat test. Nex* to f-1 In ii,iportajj�­, SEALED Falls, N, Y., the marriage to take Willi III '1. :1 f lace quieth the end of Jule. Mr. Percy Cole, who until a ft,\\ these, c-rvs (.%�ooiot rori well. A:j aids dig ration an,l ���nT. noriths ago \\a., farming neit, KivPPIl )n,i cow's •m. An S-1 N,,.ho has been living in Clintop ince, has purchased the Win, Flvoa I the 2nd concession of Tucker- uv,-rj:;,. ( 1)" Qtdr,,4 al) out one o,:.0 � o: sw 111V 91"U1 CAI'I'itW !):' n KEPT arni on In th-1 supp,;"s of Plant mid a,11:11 ti f �(J, % Ljww I and N-vill take possession all. , COW in 1,111 flow of I;111h, w i;I (11-111k iliaiihit ioli.ii "LlWo Symphony eoi�" Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Cook announci, their from ton to twenty ::illorl Of %,.t •r daily, N_­dIess to 1.114"It'lliqua July M111. ����� he engagement of youngest Jennot Lonella. to NIr. shot0d h,' PLII-e. ;larenev NIck;o\\an. son of Mr. Wnt Cooling 11111h a:I(I vrt.11:11 0,1 file A L0%'FLi' REGION IcGowhin, of Fast Wawanosh_ the farm i.j p-it"hi,is lj�L.�t ilk I'll j)orlarl'.1. (1110 :mtI-Irv1l and forty nillos north wedding to take plavo, the latter Pat') if JUIN.. hlilk for Oip , on 'jellsklly% chers-It, ol, luf Toronto lies fit,- Lake of lia,\s re- When the dry, they know UW At the hunif, or Mr. and NIrs. Wni fol city trade, should be cooE,i t lie_ lew 7i) de93. as 90011 �1,4 I)OSsIble no if the most attractive .f E V I D E N 0 E "orth of %,t3ter. Liggins, Rattenbury street. Clinton, tlll• a lower 1-11tier:1tilie if :,,r lintari, it I,, irm filf Qninnams Irif Rantrindy'a f, If )11\t sta ning, July ottli, of their Sister. at toil p),,sI;)l-, Some Or!ns rill not has Lto­i boating, tishing, golf c( ­,'fl at a Wini)i-oriturt? ubovo ;in -1 Heart and Nerve Remedy ,ydja like. daughter 4 the late ,,I. a 1-tol 44-1­11mimlatit,n. Antong the nit Mrs. Hugh o4o, 4 Exelor, t-, *.\I,. 65 C. an,] pr-fi., it toj(,\% it) jaltor Ii(,ing III(. Hig\\in Inn, [lit, III,\\ - and Rackinia's Riftey 'hos. J. McNeil, d -gs. l'Iti-Ilir of cold aster, ut preC- ,,I .,lid lartzo-1 iif suninier hoti-I.- in A pioneer -resident 01-ttli:i- '­­v.aler fol roull,jg milk is I;anjda. with a capacity, of N)0 wwstsl and Liver PiUs ion passed aw,iy Thursito morww-­ k" 11e!- � W.mt. r 's It 111111111flljy rl"'111 hay favor I., assured Illy Atli, in tiw per-oi of \Ir. Rule, LIA., I" I It' NVAItill'IN to thl� fislrirt, taplo!on in his star, He li�,oit'ookig laotuill., Ifill-,(oohog iarlic V -'r I­vr1I)Ii\e litor�itilro" \N,Jtll list Mr. Fullarton. R. R. 1, Llstow,11; Pill) l'i'siding with hi, -on, Mr I 1,)hol, be It ,nl clean, A inilk coolor is a 1 of err., apply I., any AV- "I docilzired tar Welilt years tar tallicton. at XvIland, imil had !well in great convonienee wh-re ilivt-o :,i a ..fit fit Ill.. ,;rand TI'mil, . Raik\'t Stomach Trouble and Pains all not- health for ojiw limc. good !vipply of cold 'Aa'L I. jI:Id4,I. 114,11NIN,;. U. P. thnough my body. " no relief until NIr. T. Murray NlvLeih, of \\1119- prt senre. I umd Hacking's Heart MW Nwvo ain, youngest son of NIT"land N11 . Co fling .1-pani is roll"ll luork, "i'sily Remedy whkh Axed one up all 6611it. 61 -in McLeish, of Arkona, \\ ws Inarrio,l) dont. becit ti,;e I here is oil] I used Hacking's Kidney and Liver I, high noon hjl� ' 9th at St. 11111". Y ZIbOlIt len Wall. 111dresba. S991110. pill$ ajjD,3g With the Reniody., nglican church, SI. t ' to Ada Eli- to fir ' tef,111per cent. the balk it) (.)of. Mrs. H. Hintheilffe, WlnghjkM: osepli Freighliner. ,Ir. and Nlr,,. Nle-lufter sopAraling the fresh vr,ai' ',I was on the podaft of 6L Complete 'Fish will reside in Win MZZER� N aboth, only daughter of \IV and nu I- A with rju I I k. I i�t in i�fj J,j t �l V I r, as com, glialn. Isliou!'I !)- placed in cold water 11111111 Bum. if Som Irritated. Nervous Breakdown, court not sleep An intpresting ev-,Iil it, the 111st"I'V fill"I"I to ro,maln there until ille f thi, Egnion(hilic Presbyterian cre.tin pail is apedAd for the next lot. *a Itiftmed or Calsinulated. or pian my household duties, suffer - use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult oil with my Heart and my Nerves Elilpt), 0110 zilk, clellill ran, wolfll ittil \:dr _.;I( rhe operation twits regalion took place 4m \N�, ernoon of last \%vek In rontW('tif)fl�•']a:.. 1;1!s At all Drugglifts in Cansda. Write for Free and doctors could do Utitle for me. vit'll the laying if the corner "o)[Iti ,I', Eye Book. Nwin Company, Clikeelf. Ill. S. L After taking the tlra box of Hack. he now chnnel-I. \\-hick I is hoina erect-ings Heart amid Nerve Remedy I •I- if, a nwintirial h) th .),L", N\ 11" g;i\e heir li\i-s in freedom's 1.311'e. Improved to much In hes" OwA I atfutinned with a 6 Pbox treatment 1)11" fir th" oinnoer ro�sidvnt, -if th-it fml listriet pa'sed Zi) ;It 111, 1111 and am able to r6turn to my work -41o"'o ,winondville im Wt,41m-s-la-, mornini: with renewed vigor." in tin' person of mr. mm Mr. Richard Jones, Doon, Ont: krehihold in h;, �k'Zlld --ir lb• \\ '­ "I hwve had Pains under my Heart -;collitild. and A -Hill ;for some time and bled affi BaKe of burn in 61asiz1i\\:, t1i'L lilt.. ',nada \Nith his lute! tirl.1r. rehibaid. at It," Na" romedlesi and have been to four dif ferent doctors and coubd got no re- \'iih. tho 11"111" 4 Mr. :iwl �01111111111111 fr,. Ii. C. Brus.,,Ah, tl­! FOIL lief. I took one box of Hacking's ,,r a pretty \\oddimr WAXEO PAPE Heart and Nerve Remedy aW felt lily' -,:;i, \Nhon Moir, dmh i very mucill better. I flook stiotherbox 111,ti-pli-d t., It. .1. Mfind ba" been able to tooth again.. alw!ll .\. .1. N'R1111, tl. '\ , .'!"I• . I.,: our -I �l 1111k, \11" ;Ind \lr,. M.1'.1-111110.3 Piles can be cured Before I took ymmoody I could sill e"tititim. t'. :1 1 not work for weeks at a time, the Brussel, 'F)EiJL Suppostories quickly give relief to those wle Ipain was to great." 'll-, 'how, of ffl� III NI"111"I'l I ii,-tfer from Pi:�i or Hemorrhoids. They are prescAlied These am of only a few the many 1,111 \\!It 1w 1.41.1 .1111y 2sth. twy Mr, h'! 'I by leading Physicians all over the worl& i to ifftlmoinlials "t come tin us rolun- n\.nl. M. P. t' of Ni Box con-zaininif anti dozen, $1.75 tartly and I It= sure that you too Taylor. Lruggist citatiot ifurp:y you, write, direct to -• will get bensflaW results If you will q%\, r rt ill too 111, 1 •11111ivjl chandif'r, Ill.-, I'Al, and 0w ALLIED DRUG ('O. but give thm a Wr trial. Buy them oidtforinin \,,ill i c:twiri from your dealer. IneW on Hack - or X'0. %\ilh I"i-im f.'r 1.0 ni"r,_111 Port Hope. OtIldrio. Ingle. .1111\ 'Pflh ;, 11\- I=--- __ 11larldnil'i, 1144-ovirdir% fire %alol In Godr- ri,li to) It. 4. flisalol). 5.-6 0- In L�i 7�i7 "ye; 33 Yeirs Electr ic of "7=_7 irin School Commerce �� +{ , r.W of We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let CLINTO N AND GODERICH, ONTARIO p us give you an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil Private Telephones 1. Service, Teacher Training Course Motors Dynamos liilghlv Qualified Teaching Staff Electric Bells and Actual Business System of Bookkeeping 'Testi C redentlal Tvpewriting Burglar Alarm Systems 3q P,),il,ors Guaranteed Training School ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL PEII(IVAI, %'I%'IAN. 11.-� t if I'' f Our Clhautaligna audiences have become very familiar with the name of Percival Vivian through the past F two years, for he has appoarpid as Cook, Iron and Toast by He S a KEMP bead of the Ben Greet Pisyers, and 8. F. WARD. 0.h.- M. Acets., Principal. has given great pleasure to all who Electricity I EXPERT WATCHMAKER have heard him. NJ. A. STONE Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal. This year, under his direction, we We have an assortment of the best'Electric Watches, Clocks, etc., Cleaned and are producing "Nothing But the 'Phone 198. Clinton truth." the great play which had Irons and Towers mide ;n Canadil Repaired satisfactorily, such It remarkable run in all the big cities Including Np- York and To- STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME 36 year* Practical exper"c"ronto. No better Chautnufles. play No watch or Cisfift too good to place softh me was ewer produced. It will show y no ROBT. TAIT .bargee moderate how difficult It Is to speak "Nothing But tbo Truth" for twenty-fourSCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st meLtAN .O.K. on tllh_equare hours. Suppose we try It for the stirI lfre4T011irthilif WEST CTDCVT e% GOIDICRICH. ONT lays of Chautauqua week. 1, ,ler, 1 1,104111011,;1 tart hil-. if. Photie 82 or 193 111111103111 01111