The Goderich Star, 1920-07-22, Page 201A44 TWO
----- ---
If Y01I1 want a nice, nifty Car
One that volt will be ;wood to drive, get x
Accessories of all kinds
Oils rind grease at the ripbt prices,
° Fresh stgek of Columbia Dry
We have on hand a grand' -stock of
"Dominion. :1licbelin and K. and S.
Tires and Tubes.
All kinds of Repair Work
promptly attendedt,.,.d setts• �"�
_ faction [guaranteed.
The reliable C.C.M. Eicy-
°les are sold here, and we carry
a full line of AMERICA's EAGLE LIPTON'S MASCOT.--Str Thomas Lipton, holding h:$
mascot, the wooden eagle with coat -fit renis or the United States, that once II
BICycle Marta and Genuine Ford Parts grared the salon of the yacht America., \vinner• of he Atnerlea's Cup in 1851,
In Sir Thomas' recollection it lifts u; \, r •bofore ba+ea photographed. 1% t
Give us a trial and you will come again
will be aboard the Shamrock IV, In the coming rues, for th,,'s Cup.
T. • • HOLLAND naval a disposal
O,pa o (;a litl �' t';lili. J I' He 13 ton
Some disposal had to be made of t:,, r to 1'aairo cryun•1 the miraun
Canada. She was exposed to he the le,o 1. '1'n luulitla, +nw•r, ,;s and the
'Phone 243 East Street, Goderieh scene of battle if the Alabau,a clahw, ' ftitodc,iatr Cuulpany fell out ,lust us
�#� : were not settled colt the indirect claiu,s the raid s,arled becau.e the former
amounted to a sum impossible to pay wi,hcd to preserve and dominate the
rrxeept as tribute to a conqueror.Hoer Republics and taus u.aae their
�+�� t ■ ...�—�..., It was believed at Washington that o%%n ld)ut r,rl.'tttirus a ibing they
"' Great Britain would withdraw all r
DI��'l1rwR CONTiROI� of \" t''' not Lh, ly t- o able to du L the
troops and stores and arrange for a itrpl:.'.Ges Gerau,;• toluol« -.
plebiscite throughout -Canada has to Th -s-- in;rigur, at) I the into rP,ts he -
union \v2th the States. Sir Edward'h,nd than were wholly reroute from
OUR .FOREIGN AFFAIRS Thornton, the British Ambassador, was t;anada and e\°• herr ignorant color of b na
the source of the bettef. The plNbi- ,\e.,.pt tt.ronRn hig:hty colored abuse
scite and the union would be a pay- of the Botr,, and th:• ! lin\rrnmenll
nlent In full of too Alabama claims, i
Nle ntime C pada was Federated and furnished y tduifru<ly t ,' our press by
• • q the propaganda of Ihrir adversaries,
'Writer from Quebec Province Ur, es This as a \\ax�te undertaker her own defence. Itte raid. howr\er, to the ~Dolt,
j An alternative �pplan w•as bayed on '^rh%n War \v,ti,rlt mattered error-
• General Grant's bumanity and can- mously to us. 'hint \\ar did what
Plank n our National Peltey mon sense. It Involved ttt��,ttowing uv- Jandesun failed to and v. -hat the
erboard tho indirect clainfs and pay- n,lofng inti -rests ""r, avrr�e to doinar
ment of the direct only. The indirect tt wined nut the rl„ej Be uhl'c-r It
)AY, Jl'LY ''42A
Coxfort WiTH Economy
The New Canadian Car
THIS Overland is built from In every detail of its equip -
1 the ground up to secure rid- ment from Electric Starting and
ing comfort, 'light 'weight and Lighting to Speedometer, Over -
economy. land is high-grade and complete.
Triplex Springs combine, in a The large Canpdian factory
remarkable way, the economies And service organization behind
of light weight with the luxury dke Overland are big factors in
of riding, formerly possible only the success of this new car for a
in a heavy car of long wheelbase. new`Canada./
damages \\fere ruled out of court at
th0 Geneva Arbftralion by the adroit
t did not pr educe a Cap.' to Cairo' Rail-
GEORGE JOHNSON, Dealer, Goderieh
and friendly aet on of the American
nor forced labor for the mines.
representative. Canada remained in
As is often the case, the conquerors
R Dungannon Dealer, L. M. McKENZIE
rite following article from Atr, G. s. The South could ave with tree trade
state of suspended animation political-
5teupcd into the �troubles o,. the ren-
('umpbeH, of Bedford, true„ Is publish- to Europe. It trod a choice bete
by as that and free trade within the llulon,
ly until her future was_decbled as it
quered and could not find , ny new so-
listen. beaten Laud +iced had
ed request, and paid adverd.Wng•
Its publication doep not mean thaeAlit The North had no such choice. W1
then mac by the liberty of action
lits j gmentr 1'\ event;.
l \
, ,
Head Office and Factories: Limited, Toronto, Canada
6tar ghdorses the views therein . as. Its vast system of unobstructed inter-
which President Grant allowed to the
representatf\e of the United States on
The Uutrh majority had he rreoh-
titch majority had •
in i
to, Montreal,
Branches: Toronto i4foncteatt, 1Vinni and R na
Winnipeg �
pressed, though the article is interest- nal trade, there was no future before
the Arbitration Commfgsion at Geneva
plied as "predominant, No forced Ic-
ing as showings the view point of those the North comparable will, that prom-
In 1812.
her \vas available for the mine,. The
iced by the Union. Thio
who think \\ itli the writer, promise
To etre Kdltor: time nlaade good and incidentally show-
Not contemplating any foreign wars
railway, atter threat}• years, is yet to
co fie. Fr+1m beginning to end of this
ed that tl P 50 11
and rr cogrnlztngt both the power and--+—��-+��—
— r Il nae+ •, .�+•t w••„ til furnish
Sir,—At rite• nest general electron, \cl t- u I would have done i•• a •as p'•
he good will of the United States, Sir
shall have to choose a course for the better not to haste elected for seces- troops, not to rc,nond the policy that pan tun of fa gain od in the news, the A Reined for iilious Headache.—Toar-
slon. At the tfrlle, however, the South pen MacDonald did not a any time ted to It nor the conduct of it nor the yOl 0=• _ "O=i0— oc-
future. 'that choice Involves both ex spend upon troops or armament more bait of large. gains spread before pro- Chose subject to bilious headache, Par- O
ternal rciui,1vns and the cacaos b thought It could separate without dis- final solution, flteers and a slight imperialistic biaq melee's Vegetable Pills are recommend- M
} than s no Inal sum. His emphatic re- The world war !s rerr•nt. In the Y
which we es ret to ay our way. Ne. advanta}Ta> and the North knmv it could at Ottawa would be enough. A timed ed as the way to speedy relief. Takeo The l�ew It
p p y' not let the Souttl o, fusaLof men or money to the >oudaq p outburst in a subsidized cess a O
more vital matters have eve! depend g Except for this Campaign and Cartwr'igrht s saying diplomacy trial led u 1,, it. Canada p appeal- according to directions they will sub- cireurnstanoe, the )VAC had no part. Without full details It jug to our compassion showing us a due irregularities of the stomach and O
ed on the result Of any election, The "Canada owes nothing to Great Bri-
more the voter informs himself and could not have happened, and the pas- Iain except a good deal of Christian is kaolin that tt+r situation \+'est moral obliquity in the intended enemy so act upon the nerves and blood vas- /+ 1•
cions, politics, Ii erature, eln, uence broupht about in whit -ti if Russia went agd lauding the fighting capacity of sets. that the pains in the head will Decorating
oasLra aside prejudices, Ihr more Ilke!' I t 1 forgiveness,” can best. be. understood to war. France hal to gra in. I g
he u tE help Id acrlving; at a suunO and military glory of that rpoch are in the light of what had happened. t our young men would tech the mine. cease. There are few \vile are not at
best understood when It is borne h) Gxnadu's existence and her being •the Fran,,,, wont in, England had to goo lief �Ve should never Plirget that the ap- sl)me time aubJect to biliousness and
and workable policy. mind. battletlelrl !n a and so haft Canada, (if military and (pretended to have been made familiar with its attendant evils. Yet i0
External circumstances and the plat, quarrel not oP her mak- optical conditions in Russia, \we knee/ Store
upon them of interests rentl)te from It \vas the (..evil War and the w'ay It tact both hung in the balance and p from Juhannesburg to save the women none need suffer with these pills at'
ended that brought tttaout Cunredora- were decided by the action of o hers. nothing. sir Edward Urey admits he and children there, an appear with hand:
ours have hitherto decided our destin; t did not know• of the agreement be•
without our knowledge. The ,ern, tion. The end found France with an She had no decisive word as to her which our press wrung the country's O West Street O ,
ivrmy in Mexico trying o set a an theca France and Russia, but only soul with horrible memories of he Experience keeps a dear school, but 0
earl t3v11 War, South .'tfrfoan War an,. t p destiny. what passed hot\\een Frarlre and Ureal Indian �iutln fools \vitt learn in no other, and scarce
Empire under the auspices of Napol- The Boer NVar arose put Of a' poi- y vias signed in G e In that. j In addition to our lines o[ Wall
the World Vt'tu ar«' rases in point, Pull Irl., and Great Britain had one in \•ate and money making ambition. Britain.. Cluaa,ta did not even know Town a month beforehand, the date I
host nvars art, a uttib possible by Canada. I'll were in nlrrkran \ that, bill France and Rus::i•a knew both being' left blank so that Ur. Jamieson I aper, Paints, etc., \\e handle
enme underlying condition so Import- Going noTth from C•ap� 'rL-ti ri ;tltpg lende. The action of the' Russiau War could 1111 it in to correspond with theminds grievance, against both• The the highlands which stretch to thef (O all kinds of
ant that tac►stllP interests, prMer, to French in Nlexleo were a menace and Soudan were Cape Colony, the Hoer I)t11eP rn eiisuhcyinF the Czar's order to statrting of the raid.
stake everything rather than fits Republics and Rhodesia, the latter stop mobilizing preeipitat•'d the Geri, No oil fields or i 4
concessions to o poOlits. a violation tho
°of the Munroe Ili\ctrinP, gold mins in any BUMMER MM Glass
p Against the E:ngcifsh were maims for been a man r9eictal•+ttion eif war. The moa:31 re- country have over produced (\)•o bei- Q
tfi private ands and with a
The Southern Staelrs exported cul- strips sunk by the Alabama cosi for ohartr, r, clock noel bonds and the tem Rp'ansibllily is not hero the qurstionl liorfs of dollars in Ih•e years or sup- ASTHMA— OM
ton and were not manufacturing•. enorniuus indirect damages for inter- iations and difficulties Incident to that The point is Ih'at for years it lay in ported half a million of troops. If the window Glass, Plate Glass, W
North was largely manufacturing arrr ferenc•e \vial trade, General tlrant kind of an enterprise. The Boer. Hr, ties prnr.'r „f anyone u4tu r,+old gaain people \chu can do these thipgs are too HAY FEVER Bevelled Gl s O'
cheap freight carriers were not ye. 'was at the hPa of P80.000 well r ul t!. � r ..f lir Russian autocrat to dis- simple to ;auspect false news, too inert a s, Mirrors, etc.
d o p publics were the sea! of great nlinFn! to -wish to understand foreign events
sleepless nights, Constant
known. Cotton was the exporter peel and vew fro soldiers. Napoleon companies that w•ivhed for, forced na- post, cf Inds ,'s her
cilizvn. the lives and at the same time susceptible to
axtxh crop that paid Interest on debt til. withdrew from Jirxlro ;and cheat Give labor in the mines. The Rhodes- of rJo nds i her citizens. flattery and social influences, they may hneeziIIg, streaming eyes, `
King -
and put the whole Union In funds in Britain largely \vit.hdn\\ from Canada fan Company would be bPnefltthd or Sh luno Ntacl►onai•i, ,.� i, welt O If you are thinking of doing
Europe for must purposes, her troops and stores, retaining , the at all events better advertised by being knu\.'n, desired to salt Canada a 1:inK- expect tb be exploited. NiosU Cana- gwheez}t_breathing
lom, not a Dominion. It was not a dians say ne\•er again," but to be a any
Till fancy as to dafcnes• Ito foresa\v safe, we need .abroad something' dif- �AV-MAH O • O
many risky and would ha\., made pro- ferent front a desk in the office of a Decorating q
ai,lon auainsl them, As a Kingdom, British Ambassador, we need to fret brings relief. Put up in cap- O
C,ulada w, u!d have ranked \with other our information at the source and 1Q stiles, easily swallowed. Bold by'' this year, call on us and let us
hfngdnur. It \w,nllai ha\e conducted weigh it ourselves, knowing how it reliable druggists fora dollar. eve You an estimate.
its u\\n fortiga•n affairs Its sublecty was come by. g y
w.utl,t not have hri`n Ca�iadians in Can- Any political Ask oto akentas or send card for
party can afford to Op
ads argil BrM,h snhjects outside, but make "entire and, direct control of our free sample to Templeton's, 142 II i
(:a' !d 0 riot
rats within or \\ith 1wr Foreign Affairs" a plank in its plat- King St. W., Toronto. Agents,
O J. Cuthbertson
Lo,i !• l lint hast, »n ons ser\ins her form, All candidates should be made all Toronto and Hdmflton drug- O
born In doubt that hi. sole to pledgee themselves to it. � MM
was to her. It would not ha\„ G. S. CAViPBFLL, gists. 80 O
hr. n passible as It is nn\\ for an able R• d1'nrd, P. Q., \!ay 30th, 1920. ( Local�gcrnt, D4nlop's Krug StoreO1CZO0a0A
;and ronselentlotts plQllic servant to • ��,+
t,,,I that it is Itis ditty to plare the 1s a vermicide there !s no p^o;+,•ra- - —
i:n;s+ire list and Canada second. tion that equals Nloth/r braves' Worm
IN, words are Ar,•nsr enough to ire- Exterminator. It has saved tilt livc;.
-, ItP n fit,- voter file Impnrlan; v of rountless children. ,
akin:: up his mind as to Our sta-
!aas law a nation and inhsT 1':'p Ct`sentefl a� 1� EN
1`y ,. recon • who Minh,
its he floes 1
1'h•• sIluati,-n created by the Peace PeI M''
'i':-aty i, .til irtF(lwl one, giving
to -ooir lzrlorinv nth -
IF. FrIDev in,i,tmy on her position Garage --Hamilton Street
in Flirope \\illi a diminished popula-
taoh and r, lyingt partJ}• on .negro troop,4
may antui e the sympathy ev sir did i Special Sale
R, the \ictltitn of 1t<<0. The Rrventy-five
milll.ln: of 4,f-rinon-spooking ;people
-1111 If vplit un u\er Important
states era;t"Of}►�
-IIIi lin• nm,t important Tummercial ilC�r\\ t1�(,�/[/wQVIL/fyln OF
trrovip ,.n the continent. For centuries
they held back the Slav from Europe.
Vow largre rzzla\ states have been creat-
ed in Gentral P:Ilrvpe, whose racial aaffl- >•
liations are.wlth Russia. The heading
off of German enterprise from the west TIfZES1
and frr.m over the gea must result in
a ehangrP of Itre role hitherto played,
bK the fiermanfz ane they may culti-
vate these new Slav States and RusAsia �1e have a large Supply Of
as hep. Motor Car
• R'e cant only RPP Ilimly khat is cm-`
ergring: from the Petare Treaty and on- 1'Vice Tires on }land, all malies.
1} Int; hitch spots through the fog, but Se
thn:ttrh In gee a very unstable and -IF it's a spans plug--
dotrntfttl future. - - tube--or�-re irs of Goodyear
We have In the Cairo G, Calabar Rail- u:d. DROUWE11L les any kinii-or If >tt s a tail►
way proleet the m4ie alliterative lin- London cone t't party. car, t}bmetous.
Fele and the Rime pcissltrfllt3PR for truer- ! Goderich 0haulauqua Tuesday, July 2". I We' are equipped to Dunlop
the as wr'nt w°ilh the Cnpe to Galro Pry All gym, n�elie
11«•rP are lntlat+enrlent Rtate- on the , felt supply.� Dominion at
cauls llyt Cs there itis Hoer is Republics. <�'nW of the,mdst Gil: Dominion
The only dltt gold this time Is that It 06dlirft factory in- the
Is nil and note n kingaiine. effiiciento tion of o
h` a Poles .tee making the tlrst use - r all corr�t lubrication. Royal oak
of heir tit\etty in conquering boon- yA
tries t\vo hundred allies beyond the, We llmvL+ the to els
iinllty of Polfsh-speaking; lands, As \ grades of Impeet W poles
tb.dr e\auntr•y wast a battle gnatiuild i I _ !l� loci Rnd, the Imperial• e Goodrich
merrun, thtty ►riltst pet t1lo lir t �i Citllit 13f Rrcomr ehda-
sin(,ws of war frc+ru ndA or other of the\ ! ZAa#.400K �y. � t4ohs which specifies the
Croat pn\vterQ who so recrtitly piedrred yetoostthablilttt, IgtMO gnde fc* everyM�itese -Cross
its til peae0, lidi iiad of makpatG0. Letusshowr
The Vroneli show their disregard for ttlttr tiarini�. Y" t t and lytplarrz
t9eP LaL\pun b enforcing their otvfi ea>l It�i good M!! ;; fhbim ri�.ne of g+ettili' Q ,
view$ of the Ivy
with fholy o%vn baatlf at biller there 6Egredeafrmp Standard
n O>} ° anti of
tsT cvo shote n by
-hab y�� t tree every time,
f' p p
i float"', they' hoick 'To I\y IntroApeing >rtylNf, thtttf, brwiltkFa,illy�pringfield
a•on t riptia\mt Irl rift=11= wg tl roionta+4. Y>rmttl7tllttltl�tt lmslittl+erir�
A tura or lltiy w lt« a'i .ext \t'e ru;ry hC ' 1!° NwmllM CtltitVii #8ft`�gIo>l
afu opafn to prop trp t Nkritomi svx%1ti4 a*4 read ttt>E[ t citl , Onaranteed for o
Asa if 35 ® fry
rill .�:7n t t\r ilii l`a►stmt.\�ar e a to It'Pm�E;d;t tilt �� ( ��t� e
Savo tho lltiilrif,teolll tlif,lt+ tearer tiollt I % iC bb l . f3ffx i[lilE'S.
qtrit davcii Vz oolk %1ItgN,.4nl i 1 111
�, Ilt�to`t;aia3al tovtvputtfav� ,
a� sg' ratMilo�pS>tat9liCia tdt cr;; t tiil7:`itSi1P pt:'cAln. "� , tmm �'
.p B
E�mjlry�j�5°!'4�l ;i�• ED 4k4tim iin.G�
},c13t„�J $A 6 -
O �
Plain Facts about ivulk Routes'
-A team of horses costs about $400, double harness
X100 a wagon $75, maldn� a total of $575. A Ford
eek costs $750 at Ford, nt.
Government experiments have +proved that the cost
of feeding a horse is 8.7 cents per workings hour, or,
17A cents per�teath per hour. One Learn, if collecting
m&,,wlilld riot cover more than 80 miles a day.
The cost for twelve hou tis would be $2,09 or about
° seven cents a mile The cost for gas ana oil for a
Ford Track is only 4)J cents a mile, The Ford Truck
soon pays for itself In the reduced cost of operation.
A Ford Truck will cover at least 60 miles a, day coI-
lecting milk or 250 miles on long hauls. It enables you
to operate at a lgwer cost per mile and to cover twice
as Much territory as with"hooses.
F*W bine-Tea Unk (e6wttds oily) $Iso Cat. L pard, out
Use only Genuine Ford Parts
• 1 " t• r a+ t rr h; y t in Ga°liadia n Dsttfet'e and ovor "
« .ta,' ►•r :''
�3Uil' .Srrvice Gcltwrgee
t -0Y• ess, �'erdd Art* onsupply
g . , prMpt repair etmoc