The Goderich Star, 1920-07-22, Page 1THS 800 RIGH STAR is equipped for Of kinds, of Soh Printing from a Dill .w it J30o1;. Nasonic TolIpp.4 8lpii41148 'Peon 71 THE I#DK OF 'GOGD, PRINTING s SIXTIETH YEAR. No. :7-1'1:0. WH04E NO. 9078. G4DE tICH. QNTtl1Ri0 CANAI1Ai THURSDAY. ,JULY 22. 19120 Soviet lotuses, f e Stop War at Behest of Britain, Launches Neav •Offenslve -- lea Eranso-Bri lsh Arm aY SIXTY CN 'S Will send Tilt 000rl jeut STAR from e'ow tt3.7X3. tat, IVI, to A UQW ■lab sic-riber atlywhere in elalI- ada. Start tiflis creek afi t have your trlentt gait tiar THE OLD HONE—TOWN PAPER PugUalhcd every ThuredaJ'--t1,CJ a Year in Adv&glCel 114,2 it to Arrears, anattor it N3nol• Putts. IT— Proceed to Polish Front, --Resolute Wins Third Race TOWN TOPICS Lutz Urcheatra playaId Um+ tauatc ant) t4{it.1\'A\' TL{1E TABLE „' ,• •` O S DIMBLy enjoyed a d;tnev. \chile olhera S M '"- plillyed cards; and \retrvrshments \\etv+ C. P. a. (iodatleb-Leave 13.00s.m. 1.95 P.M. 1. 1Qr. (lark's Molhrr Dies aerYtd In the restaurant wing kit tltr Qamilcan-Arrive 11.10 a.ru, 8.84 pito, \fes, JktRJos Glark, mother of jlr. Pavilion. A substantial aunt \vas pea- Toronto-- 10.85 M.M. 0.30 p.■s, SLtErliag Bank 11�0IIej► OJ{,dlrss are tai tralUkO alp jill-lUk, died this morning at Loyal, Gol- Itxed. The General Bretugit 1:hapbr rorofito-Leave 7.40 a,m. 5.10 p.m. Eamill for four maw=: �a offer enr��Ie/altt1a1141tR11 dap, t borne, tp. wishes to exprelss their thanks to the flamllton- 7.80 a.m. 4.00 p.m. utetal Lati111;y ��� civth Itulbday +�(t!ssrs, Buchanan lu a public \\ay fur t}odorieh--Arrivo iS.20p.m. 4.68 p.m. mantttaPtu areetrowtn i \Yetttlecutay,..1ug. Slit, fs htoderk,h•s the use of file a\Hlun for the occ,t- o. 2. R. 1. They are absolutely safe and quick. tomak. avapo■■ . 1": p ov.Q raad. pllt. ' h. colle4- ,'civic hullday, ails fixed by byia\v. \lake aloe,,, It fa certalaly au ideal spot rur Goderlch-Leave 6.03 a.m. J.:O P.M. 2. Ii a Money Order should last beforeior� lit dr fttt recstns apr/Clai seatlw stfR your arrangements aceotd t such all orealslun' 7.13 a.m. being cashed a new one can be o attWtlop. EUA fndluatrieecan ' r waNtrrc> t \ » 1 t1g y. bled obtdn' A.c.aauT backing for Enlranlw EzagJuuliuo liesulta Formol 011Pninp of L. W. SIPeI l:u. +Iom Toronto - ArrivO I1.I0 a-tu. 7.55 without dela ;; R ; , Abe reanits of rho entrance eXamin. At tilt, formal ,pe ons of tilt, L. ti H&SUIJCon-Arrive 11,88 a.m. 0.53 pito. y devyoptaent• Out practical P•m• advlaor7 aasLtancI tea succore an l- za y»..• 4 s. titeol Gu_:t 41g store uu Friday, Jul>=oron�-Lea 8.s0 a.m. Id.95 P. In. 3. A receipt is given at the time of Important tactor to til. ��o�.n4 .7 ations will he found on page s of this purchase. of and 1pdtlatr7• a9+ w issue. Also other Interesting local :10th, lite Blaekstuhe; Buckley four- 0,50 p.m. 1. Matter. Plea urcheatru of \lulHl, tittle, reIlu Hamilton-Leavo 7,15 a.m. 7.15 pm. 4. When the Money Order is cashed it re- flt..e.rc.. a:a ped =1T4,oliOfliOl) \ a rite W1•dttesday Iluwllu0 Tougttanteul kind plant), \\111 KI\e the following pro_ Uouerich-Arrive 11-33 al.m. 7.10 p,tn. turns to us tO remain in our files as a ,��*t v `''` The ldnesra in tin \\et, T WPdtles_ loran+ afternuou dud e\rulnK: 11.45 P.M. anent recei t. UNION BANK ,K O Waltr specs heterth+rt.. •sinal \ ntrnb.,nd' i p CANADA day Lir.Hun to iirst; rnt this wt,ek \\'nld►rfu \\'altar, " Chara'ttrrlslu others \\, ,fit- Ur. Hunter, tint; and l.ha.•,. l:llap- \ovriu,•. Iti• gt\r'u .ln,l after the• wttra Sterlin Bank MOS Conor opera •'nil, Ru)" In nn• lodge room \\a, runipleted ad - g Money Orders may be obtained � stun, second. Ur. Hunter had with ••Irtah Mevue)." hint lieu, z+lnunoLLs ant( Hay Ruhtball. '8n•auss \valtae.' lake )uurunit t+t \\aY n,adt, du%%ustairtl, at any O our branches. Goderich Branch F. Wooleomb, Manager and \II'. Chatunau Jir.,rr., \lar\ (ear c„ntly upera +elerttuu 'alalubu\v (110” t\ lert' lunch w•u. svr\t,,1. A rotra niv �a[Id McLaughlin. "Seoteh Al"'"'.. .... lake ter \\.f. apo,dnied t„ art w-linjunt>- IncbP.tra '\bsent” ttun \\tilt til,' Uldtrlrt (trout) in the A Itreord (:cup of Apple. In Iluron Comic opeta.stilet-tlott.. venrt Ludy” platter of bidding a lodu+' if 1nYtrtto "It) all a r, (lane.. Ilw'ou \\ill ha\r \'irwr tlub,ot THF.STERUN'61BANPUBLIC NOTICE lit,' beat cl',o'TIr AI)Vlen In Its hINttoI•),'{ "\lapin lira(” h„n for, lfu• 1ha1'irl. -K FOR BALE OR TO LET ,aN s air. Ua\ id A:antrinn, the apple "u, t:auada” lluulripal slalivlies 11TOTICE. IL�OR SALE.-' houses on Regent St.. One 6th Cand) aril „tnrulre \\111 hr Jinni l� 1 g, of (Alrllt.n. artt-r a per.un;tl in- ,,\\fly rrl',• b, I,t,llrs ,Jail( rhllJrt•u I•'IKnrr•, taken from a bulletin i,yued OF CANADA If almost now•. $2400 luntlr both, or m ve.ttigation in the district. The trier h) litHtireail of \lunu'1 til Affalt0 you are look for a nice house to sell separatPi). Apply to \\9I. \ROOM A., I H000urlh-purr D buy 1 have them, all kinds, red brick Elgin Avenue. or barrels ;and the hutch rust of luhutl kit"\\ ;',,at In the tiownshtp• III 1111tarto Whit e brick and frame, at very reasonable \\Ill nut In,ulributr to rht•tap applra, '1 quiet w,'dding took place on 'rues. there \\a. an ittrreasr In population prices. MY Vast experience lu building IF ORSALE.-•Seven roosted brick outtuge, t1,1\\e\e1' la)' morning at tit. Poler's churvit, for 1919 ,\Pr INS of ',:UtU, but :1 do andvaluation places me In a position to L' modern eonvenleneo>,, lawn, rtardeu- 1\hett Rr\. h'alhcr \Irli.te utuleal lu •• frunl IU17 n( a.lk;i In the vl{- _ be you guide In the selection ora nice barn. Apply to CHARLES GARROW, T\\u Thousa Thousand 7bns or Coal marrlagr Miss F rnosla Ameba �ptfrr. lag,.•, ,utd h \\ n+ Ihr uu I I for lW9 Home at a right price. !have pleased 0th- - -- I'\\u thousand loos ,,, three w ern, f can pptense you. Phone t0. For �J OR SALE. -00 acres four miles south 1 +rtt,r ,laughirr of Jir nn11 \Ir. John parr', „\1.1' dUlrt \\its 7,:115 and „\e1' 1917 kit ■ I prompt service P. J. RYAN Real Estate For Goderien, fat Con.. Goderlch town- h1u1V caul \\rte unluatlyd fur ihr \1'es- and \t• Hamill i IlogK irlh ,TILL tf \t L and In rship. Well fenced a now darn and fair tern Canada F'luur. MillsMill. this \\eek, ;Ut,l \Ir. Ilohevt IiuKKarlh Thr\ \\ ' ,',1, i•'C: