The Goderich Star, 1920-07-15, Page 8P 44041 frH*u 1. t'
a "E ANAL V ill THE 8100 qTflRFt
`fl III it: -DAY. JULY lath, tT20,
Or TH&
40001 .'C(l /may
will ha held At �Nfn�f►�tur� �'�tr� o� �
in convenient size books, spec. New F01111;4as lo poig.
ially priced Thursday�_
, July h
AT 50 CENTS ! COPY Q f � ed efo s ra
A program of aporN, Consisting of Higltltiftnd L1a4fxing, acGolx{•.-SP IERY
parried by the bagpipes, children's gamgs, and a bt> 0 ll ma,tclr q
EQ between tioderich Township and Carlow is bein arran A �03d sterk Af Whifin + `
8 J;fA
There will be canoes and hunches in attendance fern thtleip 'Wl1p
care for heating, a Nap No matter what style of Rose, or what color, they may be bought at store. We carry a
very'' large range in All qualities from cotton, lisle, fiber silk to pure silk. Those li;te3 come In many
lei 8bprals d�� Toy Pttf(s The meeting will be addressed by Sir. Andrew Hicks, I1 .$.)Q'r ' clualitie,� sad i�ie' r
,;�54, A44 , for South Ilurou, Mr. Chas, 51oCurdy, of the;. piloe� r nge from 00 to �^ .7v pair.
�} ta 5 4 a ai
Coyoponttiv �" Oi� tett e� : special in a� sflk at 1.9d.
Company. It is expected that some atet�lF#ei' ofKtbe Ontasio.�fab- a f' 'Every r#ize !xr 6ltlok and white. in pure silk, C(itaLrlar X2.50 for 1.9tt.
ub v �, = 100, tt GOo. inet will also he present. , ,
140eQ Hose are very fashionable.
'IOIIlt. and There will l:e a dance in the a cnesetung•HoteI in the evening, C � � „ U35 for *1.98, •�;'06cial at $1,98, {A all sizes, in black an I white, regular
PICTME BOOKS An invitation is extended to neighboring Clubs and to all others ,
2 � and �'° Children's white Hose, in sizes up to 7.I}.at 199 a pair; About 100 pairs. Come early For this
who cars to court! bargain. ••,
Tea will be furnished on the grounds, Come and bring your Children's Sox, in all sizes and in aeiltiral qualities flour 35e to 50g a pair.
battkets and spend an enjoyable afternpon _-_ _ /�
Wal. YO -UNG, President. J, b, KERNIGHAN, Secretary. g Goats and Suits
Summer Voile
, � MiSS SUSlE NOBLE We flaw
mi -it In tl,e churnh I, • Mr. Huh Wit- - pp e a few Coate and Suits in stock Dresses
) g ST. AUGUS11NE tlE�OiaiDOHQQOC10tSaOfit ftOoOO[t and they have Dresses
n -ted I,•adrr 1❑ ,-ng. A Anlxr'j Ah•..1. gran»tun is »purling a r'r%v car been reduced in price to make
... 1u,+nett trnru \'tet-rLr Wit. etlurett - -- - - room for the fall Coats w�iieh will soon be in Ew' Surprised at the ��'onclerful
--- -----'—`"' (;,,,le•rirh, }{r., le J. iiv)vraft, Met, Mi --i Alice Clark t., visiting .Auhteri7 SHEPPARDTON elYone is au ri
Hutchlsua of tlnderwll, \%hu will re, rrle0ds at present. stock, These garments are all this season's mange Of Summer Dresses which %we ale how-
ISl:NSfILLN;Ii 'I'tn• recent rains ;uui Ault %\rath,v i, -
.Itr , tilt• ,math Bruther•, -t Iletrolt, in- !rinds a number from here %%est to make and are up to date in ever re i[,g Every size is represettteei in the assorC
t'drnmPs uP, hu,y nus taken¢ 1., r• .,1 n,akini haying slut\ but i( is ur great y speer. 1t
Lh it !1a,. \\'lute snmr report the hay ,lrunteul;,l untso• b) ,-noe of tate Wingham on tilt. 'll%elrth. heuefit t- all other rr,r ment and the range of patterns Anil c', lot's i3
fruntts rn,m Nilt, br,idr, local talent blr. uud Mrs. M;trk ;\rnt,tr„un sl»v,i p�' will b,4 a pleasure to show these rments and won
a little short. yet t,n the a%vrage the Mrs. Thurimv and her daugttG r, Mics dePful. We are sho%w;in no txu 1)iesses
cruii avems t- he a fair out-. %,intfanlun price f$, renis end 23 cent.,.lSunday \with !loud, ut till, \Irl[Ilt), \\'III. 1'a\'id 1'a%is, \\ith her little s -t[\ You will be surprised at the values. alike which makes the line %et'% axe:u,iwe.
Mr. L„rne .U., ere, sou ur J.t,hii,l \it', anAt Mrs. H,ibt. sulyth, of '1'ur_ Hruce, art- vtsiung with the furrorr''r Voile Dresses ranglug Vt !,rice fret- X1`3.00
Alr.ure, who hen been residing in the Dl'Nt;ANNDN I''ntu, ate %fsiting at 1u, -Id flume herr. 'laughter, Mrs. Will Foster. t0 i30,il each.iEi
has been married gnite rreently \Ins. N-rnctr, 1'releawen ,end daught• Mrs. J, Sturrurd and rami)', of crude- A stalk of s\veel rlu\vy sr\ru fret g Underwear
ar,•I i» at pre»rnl spendmx ht+ h u,oy.• ,r, art vlslling in Napauer. rich, wished friend, here last week. and u w inch fu length (runt \Ir. c:lut- �! ■
111-00 %%Ili his bride dugong his rola. Mr. will Maize has engaged with the Mr. U. Thurnpsun, -f Ute Sterlfug ton'., field vas heft at J. 11. Ninipsun'` ° G1nghamS
ii\rs and rrients (or this punt-. tilrrfing Hank, rud,vlrli, store last %\t,rk. Watson's is a well known brand and it is
Hank, BAyllrld, Js hums fur tits hurt•
The ne\\ Methodist Ilyntn bu-k %\ ill Mfss too mien Is \i„ting hel 'Jay,• tails runny friends ur \fr. Bert J -tin this line that we are carrying, Every wanted
A very large assortment of Ginghanis in all
be userlblfor the first trmr by lire ten- »iter, Mrs. WIckens, of flea.all. The \1i,ses Irene and Hn;,e u'Couno, I st„til• art pleased to knu\\ that he i+ in st\•le is shown in L -V ie3' :4 l the latest patterns ,trod color cornhi
gr gallon» of Bentuiller etrcult -ext are %isLiK their si»ter, Miss Margarc t better ttralth than he has born PuC 1 sses' and Children's nations.
Sunda). :\ cordial m%itatlim !s rx- \Ir». N. N. \\'hyard and \lir»ter Bert They are all 27 inches \\isle and ran;e in price
returned from the West un Saturday. "'Connor at present, there ur fnur year.. \1 r In,p1• fur Ill, also combinations iu ladies
tended to P\ery Panuly to be present complete rrenwe11y, from 35c to 65c a yard.
nett Sunday at the ser%lee. Beautifier Mr. 'Thos. McPhee, %%hu has been Miss M. and Mr S, Spencer, of \Vhlt-
7 p. nil., Zion 2.30 p. m. and Bethel U laid up %vitt, a broken beg, i» recu\er- by, and Mrs. Dudge and farull)', of W. J, Tigert, of Hanlilhm, nwtt,re,,
Wclnrk. Ing nicely. Toronto, are spending their• hulida38 with friends to Sheppard,"u and speul corsets
Messrs. Waiter and Gurdon McNewau. aalh \Ira. J. Thurnpsun. a fe\v days with his mother and fattier
The annual met -y of lhP ' o if L-ndun. visited reluthes In this vlt and other relatives and friends, re -
vOtli Society will ee held on PORT ALBERT turning' by rail 'on satw•day. GODDESS Corsets are leaders in front laced styles. Once worn always wore. The collie
Friday evenf[tK of this week a! file einilc Iasi work. \it'. and \Ins. \\•. t1,q;ra)' and \Ir. and .
north ,Zion Methodist church, c•om- Miss Edith stnther,, of the oat, John 'I'igert and son are turning out all sizes and in many dualities. ,They range in price from �i2.50 up. Y in
P Mrs. Jas'. \1 cKeuzie motored to \vuud- a good grade of cement tile. They menring at B o'clucsk. Mr. Mllne A. "nice, and \Ifss Ilae, are spending a�sk,ek this \vrek. could D• and A. Corsets are always p
Smith \\Jti give an Illustrated lecture lea days In 1'uronlo. get ready sale for twice their ys leaders in value workmanship and durability. We carry a very
ort the "Golporteur' Work or the Bible Mi,s Pearl I;ald%seit returned hon, Rr\' M' H• Ha\%kiss, of HI)'th, spent Present output. They have trundled large range of these garments ranging in price from $1.25 to i66.00 a pair.
Society." A corals! Invitation Is ex-to»t Saturday after atte0din til(, Suitt a day %wfth his retail%(,, in the village surae 40,000 this season,
Bended to the p b 1 this \\'eek. Frank Hawkins, formerly of this
general public to alh'ud mer school at Knox rtlurrth, Goderlch
this mcellhg• Al r. Thoutes Dickson and Pauilly in- returned
and til daughter, Betty, have
\Ins, Harty \Natters and Mrs. Chain- out mowing onto) their new farm this returned to their home at SeagrrtvP, COLBORNE
The members of L. 11. L., three,Benmiller,t- berlaln are Iters !turn lire \Post vlstt-Jand n number of Yiafting brethren, 119• in theft kurneat. near Toronto, after spending a few
Ing p+treat», \t r. and Mrs. Wnt Miss Viola troy returned !o her h0mo days with relatives here and looking Coo
tended public worship at file BPnn'il- Smith. ��� HOUSE ler Methodist church un Sunday even- horn from Clinton after spending a few up ofd fraepds, RELIABILITY
Ing, July 4t., Rev. H. F. Kennedy, M”, \faller Hi,huP, of Ute Sterlinu months there. \\'ill Foster has completed ditching'[1
chaplain of Lhe lod N, Hank• rias been transferred h, is hiH.s
on aft Chlarvest,s ;Stewart! Parra un -111=01313.
g pon rhrd from tele \Ir. Broulss, of (loderlch, is hit Jllss es \I. green, of Lhe wllh.tcl' wa° rid after harvrat. Ht' still requires a
[hi' text I Peter 2:17, "Honor all men. the guest uP rid. Marni(, V1'arreneit ft'w hundred rods, having
Lo%r the brotherhood. Fear ;;,i1 runner"or. fur the %\eek cud.
A. Culbert's sir\v 111111 is running g Put in nPar-
Honor the Kfngl" Solos nvrre sung A number ur the ly t\`'Pa a hundred rods E that farm, as a church, that you arc not remov- Buckley Urolirstra
very acceptably' by Miss \Winnie Van- steadily these day» and, If all goPF people !runt around The) are working at Ed. La%vson's and Ufbson orche,-
Stune and Aire, It. F. Kennedy, %%tell, the) expect t„ ha%o Ihr yard i1c're aril nded the big rPlNbratiurt in now, Ing from our midst but will still oc- tea, Stratford: solos by \it'. John Alen- J The I.O.D.E., Almeek Chapter, will
cleaned up in a month. tioderich on Monday, cupy your old position in our ehurell ary, Miss Mae Menary of Crewe, and meet In the Board of Trade roome,
An leo cream social will ne held a! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 'Thw•lo\w• are life and work. Ma,sonicTemple, West street, on Mon -
north 7,lnn church on Preparations are hying made fns a I1ur village nterohant intends srrw-�hnme after a visit with relatives and Signed on behalf of the '(asses '\!aster Herb Begley of Hamilton, duets
Wedne;tia) ev- Ing ice steam in cones Saturday even- friends through Michigan, Vt'I, ( nsin J. R. VARCtiF.' by :erases Gibson of Stratford, read- day, July 19th, at 4 p,m, Special bual-
0 CIONing, July Slat, corrrmeriGing at 7 la\\'n Burial under tilt auspices of the ing• July 17th, a:omr early and stat ' \linnesota, Dakota and ether S J nese is to be transacted.
a'ciuck. Ice meam and Cake will be Presbyterian church, ,lily 30th, un til« , Pres, of U. W. rings by Rev, Mr, Walden, the pastor,
late” and rnJo) the refreshment while' They report tater. HL ST 1'oLNG, Pres. of C. E. D. and addresses by neighboring minis- I
kir%Nd at rile tablets. Refreshments of niansr•: grounds• I� urther particulars It lasts.” P good crops In the West.
variuu» kinds will ce served also !turn later. + Lorne and his sister had eharge of af• ASHFIELD ten:;. Admission, adults\ 50e.,; dhild ® ®®RIId9A®@B�f�fls�®®®�,�
a booth, An excellent program of \lr». B. .1. 1:r:twPurd ;end the Mi,srs \I r. 1001 Mrs. Gc"• MacKenzie and Pairs during their absence. The !-!!-wing Is rile report for Cn_ ren, 25e.
songs, readings and addrossas, will be Glare and Nettfo, S ehildreit, of Pr,rl Albert, and \L•, Gor•_ I Will Brown, '\vith his tract,Ir, has ion S. S. No, 17, Ashfield and West \Na- Mfgs Edna HJ\'PrE 1 I ' ® CamIn
e to
proal left tar the ,herr Pearsuo, motored in the latt> y &built corn leted 'road il,s h[arion Ry- ® 7.H
West on Tuesday, \tis, Cra\vfnrd going ear to \fin ham for the 1'\\•t•lflfl of tion for PthP pneaNnlgra1(hg\ op731F \wean°sit: n, I FrPdt)rtle Sproul, \',I an, Miss F:Is1P Bradford, Misses Mary E DANSANT
t0 Winnipeg, and Miss Clara and Misa g ma Fini
Nettie going fu Iga\Idson, Sask, July celebration field there. rounded up a goal many miles of roar! Sproul. Jr. Iv.-Ehvtn Youn' CIIfPora err tehard,nd d alremvrepreanb g representatives Prorry ® at the g
A dernonsirallon WAs between here and the north so f rosy \6c(;ratten. ,Sr. g, Chestergtwef. al:h ACBU IIl-Mary Sproul North street Methodist church, and New PauiliortSTEEL CQ, })narnite un the H. Young anal- last Thr of AshtlPld. \\'ill in at home on a ma George Hamilton. Sr, If, -Earl Arc- pherd,\liss Finnegan &nd Mr. ® nnFarmers' Club is exp' ing a chine and can handle them right. hiss She \week t- see tf f! wuutd snake rile dig• rarluad nP flour shortly, ti,'P, We\vellyn Culbert. Jr, li.-Mere- gar She herd are rNile® g]
it dith Faun F:IIa S Ed p representing
glitg an) .\aspen. It rPrtalnly loosens Quite a number from here celebrated, Pr'7rnotl�nt exams to hrS�No't11�fAsh` g' Sprout Ettrel McGrat- Methodist church at the• Summer ® WEDNESDAY, JULY it
LIMITED Lhings Ftp \wile- they let 20 charges 0If rile 1'aelPth In Uoderich last Monday. field and Colborne: I ten. Pt, 1l.-Worthw at Alma Colle9P, S6 Thomas, �st Under auspices of General Brough
it once. Me.Nee. Sr. 'P44ner--a;ordon \f
it tret•-
bQ t0 ��'1D0 $tQ� file "'i'lls on the Inhprowenhents in Mf'. William Paterson, of the village. To Sr. 1\ total 730, honors 5. ten• \Lar) (;ur%jir7. Jr, Primer---\ta1 a Chapter, LU. U.E.
lS adding a i0, Pass C71l. JS W t� XL x 1 i
St. Pauls church have been plastered, S gothic wind -%v to his dw\'el- 4t5.- Erwin Foster ;A i, Bertha Forster J"tie Yung, Elmer Sproul, Francis \Ip- tit Usa iorOver 30 Years N Beginning at 4 o'clock. �
Grand Opening and as soon as pusslhle tilt' wails will ling. 516, LIIUra (;ratlaen 503. Clarence Ben- Gfart). Class :\,.-Hilda F'inigan, p;\ -a Bears :Z ® Admission SQc, which includ@s
papered acid the seats Painted. 1'lr Mr. and Nlr.s. W. T. Riddell visited nett 471, Bryden frnOma❑ 447, Penman. I st¢n �ur@ �- � ® card., tea and dancing �
congregation expect. td hate a church Mends in Ripley the beginning of tilts Ter -Jr. 1V., y 54 750, honors 5L0, I ����%
uprnJng the first Sunday In August. week. 413 -Edna F)b)' 546. Pass CRER'E I UBEMEMOasVMS��®Be®�®�®®eB®AB®®
\rs.F.h+'fn Munro, Who has been Tu Sr. 111., total 775, honors 575, A garden party will bo The rain on Monday ntnrning did not visiting fri,`nds In this uoighbor•it, pass the P glvcn under
stop lire loyal Orangemen from turn- left cur her home in Souris cast S1rrn_ 4, -Frank fruornan 497, Elmer (;ra- aur ices of the CITIAT Methodist
Ing out at 6 ('cluck. A barn 463. church on Tuesday, July 27th, on the i ■
(coca number.
day. T„ .I r. It.--:\hna Jullnsh,nt•, lawn of \it'. John Menary. Opinions of Gtr'
le the T. Culbert
marched up Main Sl., Mr, (IeorgP F. Yungblut, of tite Blyth Jean Tea SPC\Pfl eat Men
July 31st, 1920, 9 a. me 1+d by T. Gtdbrrt a» ❑ler. Lrdnnr. Prom 1; to R o'clock.
giv,ng some gra\el road. \who Is making an addtilon To Sr. consisting of selections good program
gond music hePor'r starting for F1r'tng- lu ills barn, had the raising Tuesday, 1.-iaa)ton Foston. Lloyd y BlarkstonP-
hang, %ehero the lodge wont, In a body. \ r, Brindley, e what may be object of Solicitude "No matter h m be o Je Your so c Inde be in.
1 Thomas Shields is the framer, - eared; whether
1'hr\rr \wast a splendid celebration, To ,1 r. I.- -Huy Eby, Teddle VpoumAn GQDERICH MARKETS. � I You are thinking of the maintenance of
Last Saturday F'n,(e17, Ruth Foster. your general health, or of comfort and competence in your
Some EY lodges formed in 'Ilse. 1'hu y the \\'t-st V4'a\wrtnosl/ old age, or of the interests of your wife and children when
(let the t1tWo ors a 11!00 Toy at streets were pecked \with sp(ctatms Board of Health had a meetinix in the Pr)rner-_Richard Cuu. OutslJe Market Reports oa
R Special Bargain c wlUage. setting a dis rte. with n, and fns Daae S. I you may be Young no more, or Of Provision for your bo
rli price, Our and atter 11,P pre gl'iL n. Sonne splen- tit a slaughter huuse,P \l- With
!s beard A. M. KNh(.TrTFL.17. wheait,•......
t etandard...9 75 to o 2fif 00 when he reaches
ro rtu ole dao -or, of be ma riage and a day
did sPN,t`hrs \were glwen• g Flour, (3 ding portion of
TOY DEPT. rt' c tt>d. Flour, per cwt. family hope to be a binsbin 4 you
\Irs. \N, T. Riddell received a tele. (1ARLOW per ' Y ••••••8 7b to 7 25 g bride ; no matter what the object is,
RJune lue Ing Of Ir1P i grairr front relatives in tilt, West that Till,
1Oetrtbrrs of the I,. F:. ), Shrorts, p ton .................iii 00 to b6 OQ he Insured." -CHAS. DICxENa.
-ill be complete, with a tel! and \t the June ntrethgg of tit, Cotmtry ; ►get ruuther \was seriously ill and \was i and ftr« per ton
on ,,,,,,,,,,,,g3 00 to 65 00 PRESENT DOLLAR VALUE HITS YOUR tNSURAN
Wuntrn's Club IntrrPsting t oadings 1 nut In to serio l•, l•' \\• r;lassos n'et at the home -f \I Oats ...... ...........................1 20 to 1 25 CE
varlod little of all kinds of Toys• were given by Mrs. McEvoy, Mrs, expectedand left here and Mrs• Victor Young last 1'ne,rl ' Berle Mail the attached coupon and receive facts abort Insurance most suitable
Boas, last \lunday, ddrvs gr 1 Presented Buckwheat ....... ........4 75 o 1 9G
(come early for shotes on our Mrs, Brti and Alta. .4ncir•rw's. Miss N:1• g ' (1 I d them Witt to Your needs:
0PI,NINt; DAY 1041 rendered t d The ladies of t1 \! 1 address and a cabinet , Ila old
ao elignWill t:ulosl tr , Pthudf,l ehut•t'I1 beantirui rake n sliver, and 1 y' .•24 00 to 25 00
` Tire next meeting \will he at the home had a quilting bee« 1`1117 the nrissiun- Plate front it, Hay, now.....................20 00 to 20 00
of Mrs. Blair Jul E.tld, at. 2.30 aries, al the home ui Mrs, Kills' %las, of \which she was tlE Butter per ......,,,0 4S o 0 50
J ° p. m, a Pen'Pr In traeher• Eggs, per dozen
` the \illagN. They Succeeded in quilt-lor
Tu,\Ir, ...:..........•0 47 o 0 47
_ ing roll.( quilts. and Mrs. Victor young. Hogs .............................. 19 00 to 19 00
!tear \''!clop and Bessie __Basle !Aum- "tattle. butchers choice... 11 00 to 1:3 00
CREWE has so often led us astray- with r Cattle. buohersordinary 10 00 to 11 0
st ribP must have been in and foolish will-nf-the-\wls Bologna. Bully, per lb...°,..... 6 to 7
wt' ha%'e become \civ %Pattales that Spring iambs, per Ib....._..... 014 to 016
T edhis dug nut last week. Springin ) ahuni Hams, per lb.....................0 $R to 0 8,y
► rimma Mrs. Isaae (;auley, and children spent g surprises until we art, sure
t Ihr T\vPlftti In i;uderic►r, anti rt' talli that cthpid has shut h, Bacon long clear ..............0 26 to 0 26
arrow• s Potatoes, new, per bush... 6 00 to 6 00
1 \Ins, 1', C. Durnin. l;rrwr, to tie a ectad knot. Parson is abuuI Hides ...............
and sin This time. hu%v_ ..............P 00 to 9 00
spent last %%vek %with friends In Luck- ever. it)P little old tatty wits r tt she
............................ 0 07 to 0 OS
no\\, later)' to announcing a ter d, To HARRISON
Mr. Rich. Me\\'hinney and \Ir: Tiros. hence the reason N a %did naot to us, T■ R.
Shackleton raised a bent to their barns hP+etr,r"r,,, as fi see yrs i iNti['R:iNt:E AND BOND BROKER
last \week. but Juni h \wt', unday school PIAsc.,;. t>t West Street, tioderich.
g t ham corns; (Aden down f; Phone '116,
Mr, liaymnnd Finnigan spent it nwith best ,wislthes For rnanv happy
llwell'th in \\•ingham, We are not wt, beayears t- n urnolill \%ill rulife and n° all ,ov `�►v '� ,
sure who \ventSun
100th him yet. rt?tssrs mutt° cinSely tn•e her. ing\%-V a. Y
SALE Ltmlly,tnof\MarlN. hring,'t¢ Shar\Irton and 'yothett 11, \wJllaccept these L %we ask
gfPl,c. frysting
P nl unrlaY at much tough In,•at to
\tart. Sharkleton's, 0T%%e, cut, plenty or su
Rat' for your tea and
EXtr Mr. Willa McCarthw nhn ed the barn light cake. in
XL aordinary h1, buuRht from \\'nil 1TaSUng's last abundanrP to grape '
daintine,y of this platy. \\P , the
a,`Pk !u his !stern near KingsbritigP. not only as Sunda)' sMu,o rr,olee,
Not firu%wn and ,Iotut K(Ipatrlrk, i l IAscrs but SHOES aha have ti,•,«n gratfirrg, lived Up our
limi oft f 1 la,l a, ek And made a good
HATS Were never in greater demand than this year. There are variotJs
Nit. and \1ra, Perry Finnigan and
family drove over to Whiphanr ,r�ltttr_ R r .1 / reasons for this :
� CCA s day to attend till' .:'fiwelfih %vtth intends Le ear STEEL Goill3'` ianv Praicei Af' In that tOWn1 t i3
s . ecause of their Comfort, in that the
The -thus i l �I. oleo its nlm�ttil- !! 11rr1Er1 Real
fectly pliable, and oast', y. are light, per.
1 ly mePtln,f at tlrr home cit &iris':t}hn
Menary Iasi Thursday, thtYrP hpitllZ a or,80,0000109 2nd. Because of the wide ranf{e of $lmnd Lurlast tYlba and shitO.
$3e\. - e r in to gnd.,ty ighttrid ireAN-0 all% 1 1 of etvod g telae gilt
showing this season, with ft distinct design r laps %we art
lite rain of :"ittnd:'+y night prat n sttt 1a every\ate, ^-onsequerr:tlq g o model to s'tlft
Stoll p e good. to Ii
It fns a fe%r houPrg riche rain wa3 bad- `
ty needed around here, in. We want you to come 3rd 'We can Fit you, whether
!lards •parts' sale'1`tferd;iy, July Sl7th• Your feet are long and narrow, f
in and enjoy .looking ov. W &II,t and, wide, %ve have the correct last for
Zle3ls Hits am select -W f r*% our t Don't target it! keep It hr mind womillr, � build, awls" You, man
will m1m; s+lMenlyng� really hire 'ft Volt riUl� ISi, 0,, R. . r et' our
regnlir stock i111A Y1tow p+rrttyce►1or don't enlltt ant 4th, necauW-of their" nofmy.
-NIP. and Mrs. in "Sherwood, ai �t�i]sh \jh�H�
* COIR tltiif iia B-t0"ditt3 itj►t90s " ftaiYPr't t\fenars, .11169 fillip Nlefary aid
' .. Ste, Joh%, itrallort all enotomil to Wing- Our o our goods, g(3t one pHces, and
ham to spend We Glorious Avelitb. NOTION DEPT, whether you intend bury, You will bun here to t
your gompiet�i tsatisEsotitita,' As1E your friends, they know.
1 Y g troth ti (\%'ell tris rviit bob b real irYbntl to the indus- r not
t.., Ieiephone rates arP s;tld to be "i
b:%�r •thin! is g p,
Iris O
up• Pen a around here think it"In* Motto N1183 or let's. Every aro W Y
e hl>p 116
>1 R.t� �>itas. Re it1 ' lw PAIRING
D, � krinara the
raise the piton rail" now tiav t5* of I�aaita. AYISNY. 5hetly,
rything is ebald tVo (lice a tsoct► itOWN- to .Needles, it� t�itw •�I MOW.
A�rU �$� t$tt iai ,
tifririnill COLI Thlr �� ' e.
8171&911 W ilrlMott
too� ' ` thu lei aad,�s. hetfulnesa aid rob _M ba*d itl ail ttlm e, etc.. •
#-Dt Cg? alcat+ the tlliil lwtie ft 1
D, t�'rr:xt- ttalirish- 1� rii'lt tits tsdttffstets nail �f�t•111 a��i !�04"Man
t►fottler Of` Vile iY`ortift 1!�ittiertrilri•' Our o1PlvIONO .� Ar attd Iii will
S Shoe
Mori rvlil (clear frit llta01th alld In. 'Ii. Y to f11 it s t3hII,
-. ,. r�Mih ls�.
1p►htawrti►'fc�ltr Wit REG. SHAMAN
EetltlnCk and racetore hi�;lthr'u111e£s•
1 .
P 44041 frH*u 1. t'
a "E ANAL V ill THE 8100 qTflRFt
`fl III it: -DAY. JULY lath, tT20,
Or TH&
40001 .'C(l /may
will ha held At �Nfn�f►�tur� �'�tr� o� �
in convenient size books, spec. New F01111;4as lo poig.
ially priced Thursday�_
, July h
AT 50 CENTS ! COPY Q f � ed efo s ra
A program of aporN, Consisting of Higltltiftnd L1a4fxing, acGolx{•.-SP IERY
parried by the bagpipes, children's gamgs, and a bt> 0 ll ma,tclr q
EQ between tioderich Township and Carlow is bein arran A �03d sterk Af Whifin + `
8 J;fA
There will be canoes and hunches in attendance fern thtleip 'Wl1p
care for heating, a Nap No matter what style of Rose, or what color, they may be bought at store. We carry a
very'' large range in All qualities from cotton, lisle, fiber silk to pure silk. Those li;te3 come In many
lei 8bprals d�� Toy Pttf(s The meeting will be addressed by Sir. Andrew Hicks, I1 .$.)Q'r ' clualitie,� sad i�ie' r
,;�54, A44 , for South Ilurou, Mr. Chas, 51oCurdy, of the;. piloe� r nge from 00 to �^ .7v pair.
�} ta 5 4 a ai
Coyoponttiv �" Oi� tett e� : special in a� sflk at 1.9d.
Company. It is expected that some atet�lF#ei' ofKtbe Ontasio.�fab- a f' 'Every r#ize !xr 6ltlok and white. in pure silk, C(itaLrlar X2.50 for 1.9tt.
ub v �, = 100, tt GOo. inet will also he present. , ,
140eQ Hose are very fashionable.
'IOIIlt. and There will l:e a dance in the a cnesetung•HoteI in the evening, C � � „ U35 for *1.98, •�;'06cial at $1,98, {A all sizes, in black an I white, regular
PICTME BOOKS An invitation is extended to neighboring Clubs and to all others ,
2 � and �'° Children's white Hose, in sizes up to 7.I}.at 199 a pair; About 100 pairs. Come early For this
who cars to court! bargain. ••,
Tea will be furnished on the grounds, Come and bring your Children's Sox, in all sizes and in aeiltiral qualities flour 35e to 50g a pair.
battkets and spend an enjoyable afternpon _-_ _ /�
Wal. YO -UNG, President. J, b, KERNIGHAN, Secretary. g Goats and Suits
Summer Voile
, � MiSS SUSlE NOBLE We flaw
mi -it In tl,e churnh I, • Mr. Huh Wit- - pp e a few Coate and Suits in stock Dresses
) g ST. AUGUS11NE tlE�OiaiDOHQQOC10tSaOfit ftOoOO[t and they have Dresses
n -ted I,•adrr 1❑ ,-ng. A Anlxr'j Ah•..1. gran»tun is »purling a r'r%v car been reduced in price to make
... 1u,+nett trnru \'tet-rLr Wit. etlurett - -- - - room for the fall Coats w�iieh will soon be in Ew' Surprised at the ��'onclerful
--- -----'—`"' (;,,,le•rirh, }{r., le J. iiv)vraft, Met, Mi --i Alice Clark t., visiting .Auhteri7 SHEPPARDTON elYone is au ri
Hutchlsua of tlnderwll, \%hu will re, rrle0ds at present. stock, These garments are all this season's mange Of Summer Dresses which %we ale how-
ISl:NSfILLN;Ii 'I'tn• recent rains ;uui Ault %\rath,v i, -
.Itr , tilt• ,math Bruther•, -t Iletrolt, in- !rinds a number from here %%est to make and are up to date in ever re i[,g Every size is represettteei in the assorC
t'drnmPs uP, hu,y nus taken¢ 1., r• .,1 n,akini haying slut\ but i( is ur great y speer. 1t
Lh it !1a,. \\'lute snmr report the hay ,lrunteul;,l untso• b) ,-noe of tate Wingham on tilt. 'll%elrth. heuefit t- all other rr,r ment and the range of patterns Anil c', lot's i3
fruntts rn,m Nilt, br,idr, local talent blr. uud Mrs. M;trk ;\rnt,tr„un sl»v,i p�' will b,4 a pleasure to show these rments and won
a little short. yet t,n the a%vrage the Mrs. Thurimv and her daugttG r, Mics dePful. We are sho%w;in no txu 1)iesses
cruii avems t- he a fair out-. %,intfanlun price f$, renis end 23 cent.,.lSunday \with !loud, ut till, \Irl[Ilt), \\'III. 1'a\'id 1'a%is, \\ith her little s -t[\ You will be surprised at the values. alike which makes the line %et'% axe:u,iwe.
Mr. L„rne .U., ere, sou ur J.t,hii,l \it', anAt Mrs. H,ibt. sulyth, of '1'ur_ Hruce, art- vtsiung with the furrorr''r Voile Dresses ranglug Vt !,rice fret- X1`3.00
Alr.ure, who hen been residing in the Dl'Nt;ANNDN I''ntu, ate %fsiting at 1u, -Id flume herr. 'laughter, Mrs. Will Foster. t0 i30,il each.iEi
has been married gnite rreently \Ins. N-rnctr, 1'releawen ,end daught• Mrs. J, Sturrurd and rami)', of crude- A stalk of s\veel rlu\vy sr\ru fret g Underwear
ar,•I i» at pre»rnl spendmx ht+ h u,oy.• ,r, art vlslling in Napauer. rich, wished friend, here last week. and u w inch fu length (runt \Ir. c:lut- �! ■
111-00 %%Ili his bride dugong his rola. Mr. will Maize has engaged with the Mr. U. Thurnpsun, -f Ute Sterlfug ton'., field vas heft at J. 11. Ninipsun'` ° G1nghamS
ii\rs and rrients (or this punt-. tilrrfing Hank, rud,vlrli, store last %\t,rk. Watson's is a well known brand and it is
Hank, BAyllrld, Js hums fur tits hurt•
The ne\\ Methodist Ilyntn bu-k %\ ill Mfss too mien Is \i„ting hel 'Jay,• tails runny friends ur \fr. Bert J -tin this line that we are carrying, Every wanted
A very large assortment of Ginghanis in all
be userlblfor the first trmr by lire ten- »iter, Mrs. WIckens, of flea.all. The \1i,ses Irene and Hn;,e u'Couno, I st„til• art pleased to knu\\ that he i+ in st\•le is shown in L -V ie3' :4 l the latest patterns ,trod color cornhi
gr gallon» of Bentuiller etrcult -ext are %isLiK their si»ter, Miss Margarc t better ttralth than he has born PuC 1 sses' and Children's nations.
Sunda). :\ cordial m%itatlim !s rx- \Ir». N. N. \\'hyard and \lir»ter Bert They are all 27 inches \\isle and ran;e in price
returned from the West un Saturday. "'Connor at present, there ur fnur year.. \1 r In,p1• fur Ill, also combinations iu ladies
tended to P\ery Panuly to be present complete rrenwe11y, from 35c to 65c a yard.
nett Sunday at the ser%lee. Beautifier Mr. 'Thos. McPhee, %%hu has been Miss M. and Mr S, Spencer, of \Vhlt-
7 p. nil., Zion 2.30 p. m. and Bethel U laid up %vitt, a broken beg, i» recu\er- by, and Mrs. Dudge and farull)', of W. J, Tigert, of Hanlilhm, nwtt,re,,
Wclnrk. Ing nicely. Toronto, are spending their• hulida38 with friends to Sheppard,"u and speul corsets
Messrs. Waiter and Gurdon McNewau. aalh \Ira. J. Thurnpsun. a fe\v days with his mother and fattier
The annual met -y of lhP ' o if L-ndun. visited reluthes In this vlt and other relatives and friends, re -
vOtli Society will ee held on PORT ALBERT turning' by rail 'on satw•day. GODDESS Corsets are leaders in front laced styles. Once worn always wore. The collie
Friday evenf[tK of this week a! file einilc Iasi work. \it'. and \Ins. \\•. t1,q;ra)' and \Ir. and .
north ,Zion Methodist church, c•om- Miss Edith stnther,, of the oat, John 'I'igert and son are turning out all sizes and in many dualities. ,They range in price from �i2.50 up. Y in
P Mrs. Jas'. \1 cKeuzie motored to \vuud- a good grade of cement tile. They menring at B o'clucsk. Mr. Mllne A. "nice, and \Ifss Ilae, are spending a�sk,ek this \vrek. could D• and A. Corsets are always p
Smith \\Jti give an Illustrated lecture lea days In 1'uronlo. get ready sale for twice their ys leaders in value workmanship and durability. We carry a very
ort the "Golporteur' Work or the Bible Mi,s Pearl I;ald%seit returned hon, Rr\' M' H• Ha\%kiss, of HI)'th, spent Present output. They have trundled large range of these garments ranging in price from $1.25 to i66.00 a pair.
Society." A corals! Invitation Is ex-to»t Saturday after atte0din til(, Suitt a day %wfth his retail%(,, in the village surae 40,000 this season,
Bended to the p b 1 this \\'eek. Frank Hawkins, formerly of this
general public to alh'ud mer school at Knox rtlurrth, Goderlch
this mcellhg• Al r. Thoutes Dickson and Pauilly in- returned
and til daughter, Betty, have
\Ins, Harty \Natters and Mrs. Chain- out mowing onto) their new farm this returned to their home at SeagrrtvP, COLBORNE
The members of L. 11. L., three,Benmiller,t- berlaln are Iters !turn lire \Post vlstt-Jand n number of Yiafting brethren, 119• in theft kurneat. near Toronto, after spending a few
Ing p+treat», \t r. and Mrs. Wnt Miss Viola troy returned !o her h0mo days with relatives here and looking Coo
tended public worship at file BPnn'il- Smith. ��� HOUSE ler Methodist church un Sunday even- horn from Clinton after spending a few up ofd fraepds, RELIABILITY
Ing, July 4t., Rev. H. F. Kennedy, M”, \faller Hi,huP, of Ute Sterlinu months there. \\'ill Foster has completed ditching'[1
chaplain of Lhe lod N, Hank• rias been transferred h, is hiH.s
on aft Chlarvest,s ;Stewart! Parra un -111=01313.
g pon rhrd from tele \Ir. Broulss, of (loderlch, is hit Jllss es \I. green, of Lhe wllh.tcl' wa° rid after harvrat. Ht' still requires a
[hi' text I Peter 2:17, "Honor all men. the guest uP rid. Marni(, V1'arreneit ft'w hundred rods, having
Lo%r the brotherhood. Fear ;;,i1 runner"or. fur the %\eek cud.
A. Culbert's sir\v 111111 is running g Put in nPar-
Honor the Kfngl" Solos nvrre sung A number ur the ly t\`'Pa a hundred rods E that farm, as a church, that you arc not remov- Buckley Urolirstra
very acceptably' by Miss \Winnie Van- steadily these day» and, If all goPF people !runt around The) are working at Ed. La%vson's and Ufbson orche,-
Stune and Aire, It. F. Kennedy, %%tell, the) expect t„ ha%o Ihr yard i1c're aril nded the big rPlNbratiurt in now, Ing from our midst but will still oc- tea, Stratford: solos by \it'. John Alen- J The I.O.D.E., Almeek Chapter, will
cleaned up in a month. tioderich on Monday, cupy your old position in our ehurell ary, Miss Mae Menary of Crewe, and meet In the Board of Trade roome,
An leo cream social will ne held a! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 'Thw•lo\w• are life and work. Ma,sonicTemple, West street, on Mon -
north 7,lnn church on Preparations are hying made fns a I1ur village nterohant intends srrw-�hnme after a visit with relatives and Signed on behalf of the '(asses '\!aster Herb Begley of Hamilton, duets
Wedne;tia) ev- Ing ice steam in cones Saturday even- friends through Michigan, Vt'I, ( nsin J. R. VARCtiF.' by :erases Gibson of Stratford, read- day, July 19th, at 4 p,m, Special bual-
0 CIONing, July Slat, corrrmeriGing at 7 la\\'n Burial under tilt auspices of the ing• July 17th, a:omr early and stat ' \linnesota, Dakota and ether S J nese is to be transacted.
a'ciuck. Ice meam and Cake will be Presbyterian church, ,lily 30th, un til« , Pres, of U. W. rings by Rev, Mr, Walden, the pastor,
late” and rnJo) the refreshment while' They report tater. HL ST 1'oLNG, Pres. of C. E. D. and addresses by neighboring minis- I
kir%Nd at rile tablets. Refreshments of niansr•: grounds• I� urther particulars It lasts.” P good crops In the West.
variuu» kinds will ce served also !turn later. + Lorne and his sister had eharge of af• ASHFIELD ten:;. Admission, adults\ 50e.,; dhild ® ®®RIId9A®@B�f�fls�®®®�,�
a booth, An excellent program of \lr». B. .1. 1:r:twPurd ;end the Mi,srs \I r. 1001 Mrs. Gc"• MacKenzie and Pairs during their absence. The !-!!-wing Is rile report for Cn_ ren, 25e.
songs, readings and addrossas, will be Glare and Nettfo, S ehildreit, of Pr,rl Albert, and \L•, Gor•_ I Will Brown, '\vith his tract,Ir, has ion S. S. No, 17, Ashfield and West \Na- Mfgs Edna HJ\'PrE 1 I ' ® CamIn
e to
proal left tar the ,herr Pearsuo, motored in the latt> y &built corn leted 'road il,s h[arion Ry- ® 7.H
West on Tuesday, \tis, Cra\vfnrd going ear to \fin ham for the 1'\\•t•lflfl of tion for PthP pneaNnlgra1(hg\ op731F \wean°sit: n, I FrPdt)rtle Sproul, \',I an, Miss F:Is1P Bradford, Misses Mary E DANSANT
t0 Winnipeg, and Miss Clara and Misa g ma Fini
Nettie going fu Iga\Idson, Sask, July celebration field there. rounded up a goal many miles of roar! Sproul. Jr. Iv.-Ehvtn Youn' CIIfPora err tehard,nd d alremvrepreanb g representatives Prorry ® at the g
A dernonsirallon WAs between here and the north so f rosy \6c(;ratten. ,Sr. g, Chestergtwef. al:h ACBU IIl-Mary Sproul North street Methodist church, and New PauiliortSTEEL CQ, })narnite un the H. Young anal- last Thr of AshtlPld. \\'ill in at home on a ma George Hamilton. Sr, If, -Earl Arc- pherd,\liss Finnegan &nd Mr. ® nnFarmers' Club is exp' ing a chine and can handle them right. hiss She \week t- see tf f! wuutd snake rile dig• rarluad nP flour shortly, ti,'P, We\vellyn Culbert. Jr, li.-Mere- gar She herd are rNile® g]
it dith Faun F:IIa S Ed p representing
glitg an) .\aspen. It rPrtalnly loosens Quite a number from here celebrated, Pr'7rnotl�nt exams to hrS�No't11�fAsh` g' Sprout Ettrel McGrat- Methodist church at the• Summer ® WEDNESDAY, JULY it
LIMITED Lhings Ftp \wile- they let 20 charges 0If rile 1'aelPth In Uoderich last Monday. field and Colborne: I ten. Pt, 1l.-Worthw at Alma Colle9P, S6 Thomas, �st Under auspices of General Brough
it once. Me.Nee. Sr. 'P44ner--a;ordon \f
it tret•-
bQ t0 ��'1D0 $tQ� file "'i'lls on the Inhprowenhents in Mf'. William Paterson, of the village. To Sr. 1\ total 730, honors 5. ten• \Lar) (;ur%jir7. Jr, Primer---\ta1 a Chapter, LU. U.E.
lS adding a i0, Pass C71l. JS W t� XL x 1 i
St. Pauls church have been plastered, S gothic wind -%v to his dw\'el- 4t5.- Erwin Foster ;A i, Bertha Forster J"tie Yung, Elmer Sproul, Francis \Ip- tit Usa iorOver 30 Years N Beginning at 4 o'clock. �
Grand Opening and as soon as pusslhle tilt' wails will ling. 516, LIIUra (;ratlaen 503. Clarence Ben- Gfart). Class :\,.-Hilda F'inigan, p;\ -a Bears :Z ® Admission SQc, which includ@s
papered acid the seats Painted. 1'lr Mr. and Nlr.s. W. T. Riddell visited nett 471, Bryden frnOma❑ 447, Penman. I st¢n �ur@ �- � ® card., tea and dancing �
congregation expect. td hate a church Mends in Ripley the beginning of tilts Ter -Jr. 1V., y 54 750, honors 5L0, I ����%
uprnJng the first Sunday In August. week. 413 -Edna F)b)' 546. Pass CRER'E I UBEMEMOasVMS��®Be®�®�®®eB®AB®®
\rs.F.h+'fn Munro, Who has been Tu Sr. 111., total 775, honors 575, A garden party will bo The rain on Monday ntnrning did not visiting fri,`nds In this uoighbor•it, pass the P glvcn under
stop lire loyal Orangemen from turn- left cur her home in Souris cast S1rrn_ 4, -Frank fruornan 497, Elmer (;ra- aur ices of the CITIAT Methodist
Ing out at 6 ('cluck. A barn 463. church on Tuesday, July 27th, on the i ■
(coca number.
day. T„ .I r. It.--:\hna Jullnsh,nt•, lawn of \it'. John Menary. Opinions of Gtr'
le the T. Culbert
marched up Main Sl., Mr, (IeorgP F. Yungblut, of tite Blyth Jean Tea SPC\Pfl eat Men
July 31st, 1920, 9 a. me 1+d by T. Gtdbrrt a» ❑ler. Lrdnnr. Prom 1; to R o'clock.
giv,ng some gra\el road. \who Is making an addtilon To Sr. consisting of selections good program
gond music hePor'r starting for F1r'tng- lu ills barn, had the raising Tuesday, 1.-iaa)ton Foston. Lloyd y BlarkstonP-
hang, %ehero the lodge wont, In a body. \ r, Brindley, e what may be object of Solicitude "No matter h m be o Je Your so c Inde be in.
1 Thomas Shields is the framer, - eared; whether
1'hr\rr \wast a splendid celebration, To ,1 r. I.- -Huy Eby, Teddle VpoumAn GQDERICH MARKETS. � I You are thinking of the maintenance of
Last Saturday F'n,(e17, Ruth Foster. your general health, or of comfort and competence in your
Some EY lodges formed in 'Ilse. 1'hu y the \\'t-st V4'a\wrtnosl/ old age, or of the interests of your wife and children when
(let the t1tWo ors a 11!00 Toy at streets were pecked \with sp(ctatms Board of Health had a meetinix in the Pr)rner-_Richard Cuu. OutslJe Market Reports oa
R Special Bargain c wlUage. setting a dis rte. with n, and fns Daae S. I you may be Young no more, or Of Provision for your bo
rli price, Our and atter 11,P pre gl'iL n. Sonne splen- tit a slaughter huuse,P \l- With
!s beard A. M. KNh(.TrTFL.17. wheait,•......
t etandard...9 75 to o 2fif 00 when he reaches
ro rtu ole dao -or, of be ma riage and a day
did sPN,t`hrs \were glwen• g Flour, (3 ding portion of
TOY DEPT. rt' c tt>d. Flour, per cwt. family hope to be a binsbin 4 you
\Irs. \N, T. Riddell received a tele. (1ARLOW per ' Y ••••••8 7b to 7 25 g bride ; no matter what the object is,
RJune lue Ing Of Ir1P i grairr front relatives in tilt, West that Till,
1Oetrtbrrs of the I,. F:. ), Shrorts, p ton .................iii 00 to b6 OQ he Insured." -CHAS. DICxENa.
-ill be complete, with a tel! and \t the June ntrethgg of tit, Cotmtry ; ►get ruuther \was seriously ill and \was i and ftr« per ton
on ,,,,,,,,,,,,g3 00 to 65 00 PRESENT DOLLAR VALUE HITS YOUR tNSURAN
Wuntrn's Club IntrrPsting t oadings 1 nut In to serio l•, l•' \\• r;lassos n'et at the home -f \I Oats ...... ...........................1 20 to 1 25 CE
varlod little of all kinds of Toys• were given by Mrs. McEvoy, Mrs, expectedand left here and Mrs• Victor Young last 1'ne,rl ' Berle Mail the attached coupon and receive facts abort Insurance most suitable
Boas, last \lunday, ddrvs gr 1 Presented Buckwheat ....... ........4 75 o 1 9G
(come early for shotes on our Mrs, Brti and Alta. .4ncir•rw's. Miss N:1• g ' (1 I d them Witt to Your needs:
0PI,NINt; DAY 1041 rendered t d The ladies of t1 \! 1 address and a cabinet , Ila old
ao elignWill t:ulosl tr , Pthudf,l ehut•t'I1 beantirui rake n sliver, and 1 y' .•24 00 to 25 00
` Tire next meeting \will he at the home had a quilting bee« 1`1117 the nrissiun- Plate front it, Hay, now.....................20 00 to 20 00
of Mrs. Blair Jul E.tld, at. 2.30 aries, al the home ui Mrs, Kills' %las, of \which she was tlE Butter per ......,,,0 4S o 0 50
J ° p. m, a Pen'Pr In traeher• Eggs, per dozen
` the \illagN. They Succeeded in quilt-lor
Tu,\Ir, ...:..........•0 47 o 0 47
_ ing roll.( quilts. and Mrs. Victor young. Hogs .............................. 19 00 to 19 00
!tear \''!clop and Bessie __Basle !Aum- "tattle. butchers choice... 11 00 to 1:3 00
CREWE has so often led us astray- with r Cattle. buohersordinary 10 00 to 11 0
st ribP must have been in and foolish will-nf-the-\wls Bologna. Bully, per lb...°,..... 6 to 7
wt' ha%'e become \civ %Pattales that Spring iambs, per Ib....._..... 014 to 016
T edhis dug nut last week. Springin ) ahuni Hams, per lb.....................0 $R to 0 8,y
► rimma Mrs. Isaae (;auley, and children spent g surprises until we art, sure
t Ihr T\vPlftti In i;uderic►r, anti rt' talli that cthpid has shut h, Bacon long clear ..............0 26 to 0 26
arrow• s Potatoes, new, per bush... 6 00 to 6 00
1 \Ins, 1', C. Durnin. l;rrwr, to tie a ectad knot. Parson is abuuI Hides ...............
and sin This time. hu%v_ ..............P 00 to 9 00
spent last %%vek %with friends In Luck- ever. it)P little old tatty wits r tt she
............................ 0 07 to 0 OS
no\\, later)' to announcing a ter d, To HARRISON
Mr. Rich. Me\\'hinney and \Ir: Tiros. hence the reason N a %did naot to us, T■ R.
Shackleton raised a bent to their barns hP+etr,r"r,,, as fi see yrs i iNti['R:iNt:E AND BOND BROKER
last \week. but Juni h \wt', unday school PIAsc.,;. t>t West Street, tioderich.
g t ham corns; (Aden down f; Phone '116,
Mr, liaymnnd Finnigan spent it nwith best ,wislthes For rnanv happy
llwell'th in \\•ingham, We are not wt, beayears t- n urnolill \%ill rulife and n° all ,ov `�►v '� ,
sure who \ventSun
100th him yet. rt?tssrs mutt° cinSely tn•e her. ing\%-V a. Y
SALE Ltmlly,tnof\MarlN. hring,'t¢ Shar\Irton and 'yothett 11, \wJllaccept these L %we ask
gfPl,c. frysting
P nl unrlaY at much tough In,•at to
\tart. Sharkleton's, 0T%%e, cut, plenty or su
Rat' for your tea and
EXtr Mr. Willa McCarthw nhn ed the barn light cake. in
XL aordinary h1, buuRht from \\'nil 1TaSUng's last abundanrP to grape '
daintine,y of this platy. \\P , the
a,`Pk !u his !stern near KingsbritigP. not only as Sunda)' sMu,o rr,olee,
Not firu%wn and ,Iotut K(Ipatrlrk, i l IAscrs but SHOES aha have ti,•,«n gratfirrg, lived Up our
limi oft f 1 la,l a, ek And made a good
HATS Were never in greater demand than this year. There are variotJs
Nit. and \1ra, Perry Finnigan and
family drove over to Whiphanr ,r�ltttr_ R r .1 / reasons for this :
� CCA s day to attend till' .:'fiwelfih %vtth intends Le ear STEEL Goill3'` ianv Praicei Af' In that tOWn1 t i3
s . ecause of their Comfort, in that the
The -thus i l �I. oleo its nlm�ttil- !! 11rr1Er1 Real
fectly pliable, and oast', y. are light, per.
1 ly mePtln,f at tlrr home cit &iris':t}hn
Menary Iasi Thursday, thtYrP hpitllZ a or,80,0000109 2nd. Because of the wide ranf{e of $lmnd Lurlast tYlba and shitO.
$3e\. - e r in to gnd.,ty ighttrid ireAN-0 all% 1 1 of etvod g telae gilt
showing this season, with ft distinct design r laps %we art
lite rain of :"ittnd:'+y night prat n sttt 1a every\ate, ^-onsequerr:tlq g o model to s'tlft
Stoll p e good. to Ii
It fns a fe%r houPrg riche rain wa3 bad- `
ty needed around here, in. We want you to come 3rd 'We can Fit you, whether
!lards •parts' sale'1`tferd;iy, July Sl7th• Your feet are long and narrow, f
in and enjoy .looking ov. W &II,t and, wide, %ve have the correct last for
Zle3ls Hits am select -W f r*% our t Don't target it! keep It hr mind womillr, � build, awls" You, man
will m1m; s+lMenlyng� really hire 'ft Volt riUl� ISi, 0,, R. . r et' our
regnlir stock i111A Y1tow p+rrttyce►1or don't enlltt ant 4th, necauW-of their" nofmy.
-NIP. and Mrs. in "Sherwood, ai �t�i]sh \jh�H�
* COIR tltiif iia B-t0"ditt3 itj►t90s " ftaiYPr't t\fenars, .11169 fillip Nlefary aid
' .. Ste, Joh%, itrallort all enotomil to Wing- Our o our goods, g(3t one pHces, and
ham to spend We Glorious Avelitb. NOTION DEPT, whether you intend bury, You will bun here to t
your gompiet�i tsatisEsotitita,' As1E your friends, they know.
1 Y g troth ti (\%'ell tris rviit bob b real irYbntl to the indus- r not
t.., Ieiephone rates arP s;tld to be "i
b:%�r •thin! is g p,
Iris O
up• Pen a around here think it"In* Motto N1183 or let's. Every aro W Y
e hl>p 116
>1 R.t� �>itas. Re it1 ' lw PAIRING
D, � krinara the
raise the piton rail" now tiav t5* of I�aaita. AYISNY. 5hetly,
rything is ebald tVo (lice a tsoct► itOWN- to .Needles, it� t�itw •�I MOW.
A�rU �$� t$tt iai ,
tifririnill COLI Thlr �� ' e.
8171&911 W ilrlMott
too� ' ` thu lei aad,�s. hetfulnesa aid rob _M ba*d itl ail ttlm e, etc.. •
#-Dt Cg? alcat+ the tlliil lwtie ft 1
D, t�'rr:xt- ttalirish- 1� rii'lt tits tsdttffstets nail �f�t•111 a��i !�04"Man
t►fottler Of` Vile iY`ortift 1!�ittiertrilri•' Our o1PlvIONO .� Ar attd Iii will
S Shoe
Mori rvlil (clear frit llta01th alld In. 'Ii. Y to f11 it s t3hII,
-. ,. r�Mih ls�.
1p►htawrti►'fc�ltr Wit REG. SHAMAN
EetltlnCk and racetore hi�;lthr'u111e£s•
P 44041 frH*u 1. t'
a "E ANAL V ill THE 8100 qTflRFt
`fl III it: -DAY. JULY lath, tT20,
Or TH&
40001 .'C(l /may
will ha held At �Nfn�f►�tur� �'�tr� o� �
in convenient size books, spec. New F01111;4as lo poig.
ially priced Thursday�_
, July h
AT 50 CENTS ! COPY Q f � ed efo s ra
A program of aporN, Consisting of Higltltiftnd L1a4fxing, acGolx{•.-SP IERY
parried by the bagpipes, children's gamgs, and a bt> 0 ll ma,tclr q
EQ between tioderich Township and Carlow is bein arran A �03d sterk Af Whifin + `
8 J;fA
There will be canoes and hunches in attendance fern thtleip 'Wl1p
care for heating, a Nap No matter what style of Rose, or what color, they may be bought at store. We carry a
very'' large range in All qualities from cotton, lisle, fiber silk to pure silk. Those li;te3 come In many
lei 8bprals d�� Toy Pttf(s The meeting will be addressed by Sir. Andrew Hicks, I1 .$.)Q'r ' clualitie,� sad i�ie' r
,;�54, A44 , for South Ilurou, Mr. Chas, 51oCurdy, of the;. piloe� r nge from 00 to �^ .7v pair.
�} ta 5 4 a ai
Coyoponttiv �" Oi� tett e� : special in a� sflk at 1.9d.
Company. It is expected that some atet�lF#ei' ofKtbe Ontasio.�fab- a f' 'Every r#ize !xr 6ltlok and white. in pure silk, C(itaLrlar X2.50 for 1.9tt.
ub v �, = 100, tt GOo. inet will also he present. , ,
140eQ Hose are very fashionable.
'IOIIlt. and There will l:e a dance in the a cnesetung•HoteI in the evening, C � � „ U35 for *1.98, •�;'06cial at $1,98, {A all sizes, in black an I white, regular
PICTME BOOKS An invitation is extended to neighboring Clubs and to all others ,
2 � and �'° Children's white Hose, in sizes up to 7.I}.at 199 a pair; About 100 pairs. Come early For this
who cars to court! bargain. ••,
Tea will be furnished on the grounds, Come and bring your Children's Sox, in all sizes and in aeiltiral qualities flour 35e to 50g a pair.
battkets and spend an enjoyable afternpon _-_ _ /�
Wal. YO -UNG, President. J, b, KERNIGHAN, Secretary. g Goats and Suits
Summer Voile
, � MiSS SUSlE NOBLE We flaw
mi -it In tl,e churnh I, • Mr. Huh Wit- - pp e a few Coate and Suits in stock Dresses
) g ST. AUGUS11NE tlE�OiaiDOHQQOC10tSaOfit ftOoOO[t and they have Dresses
n -ted I,•adrr 1❑ ,-ng. A Anlxr'j Ah•..1. gran»tun is »purling a r'r%v car been reduced in price to make
... 1u,+nett trnru \'tet-rLr Wit. etlurett - -- - - room for the fall Coats w�iieh will soon be in Ew' Surprised at the ��'onclerful
--- -----'—`"' (;,,,le•rirh, }{r., le J. iiv)vraft, Met, Mi --i Alice Clark t., visiting .Auhteri7 SHEPPARDTON elYone is au ri
Hutchlsua of tlnderwll, \%hu will re, rrle0ds at present. stock, These garments are all this season's mange Of Summer Dresses which %we ale how-
ISl:NSfILLN;Ii 'I'tn• recent rains ;uui Ault %\rath,v i, -
.Itr , tilt• ,math Bruther•, -t Iletrolt, in- !rinds a number from here %%est to make and are up to date in ever re i[,g Every size is represettteei in the assorC
t'drnmPs uP, hu,y nus taken¢ 1., r• .,1 n,akini haying slut\ but i( is ur great y speer. 1t
Lh it !1a,. \\'lute snmr report the hay ,lrunteul;,l untso• b) ,-noe of tate Wingham on tilt. 'll%elrth. heuefit t- all other rr,r ment and the range of patterns Anil c', lot's i3
fruntts rn,m Nilt, br,idr, local talent blr. uud Mrs. M;trk ;\rnt,tr„un sl»v,i p�' will b,4 a pleasure to show these rments and won
a little short. yet t,n the a%vrage the Mrs. Thurimv and her daugttG r, Mics dePful. We are sho%w;in no txu 1)iesses
cruii avems t- he a fair out-. %,intfanlun price f$, renis end 23 cent.,.lSunday \with !loud, ut till, \Irl[Ilt), \\'III. 1'a\'id 1'a%is, \\ith her little s -t[\ You will be surprised at the values. alike which makes the line %et'% axe:u,iwe.
Mr. L„rne .U., ere, sou ur J.t,hii,l \it', anAt Mrs. H,ibt. sulyth, of '1'ur_ Hruce, art- vtsiung with the furrorr''r Voile Dresses ranglug Vt !,rice fret- X1`3.00
Alr.ure, who hen been residing in the Dl'Nt;ANNDN I''ntu, ate %fsiting at 1u, -Id flume herr. 'laughter, Mrs. Will Foster. t0 i30,il each.iEi
has been married gnite rreently \Ins. N-rnctr, 1'releawen ,end daught• Mrs. J, Sturrurd and rami)', of crude- A stalk of s\veel rlu\vy sr\ru fret g Underwear
ar,•I i» at pre»rnl spendmx ht+ h u,oy.• ,r, art vlslling in Napauer. rich, wished friend, here last week. and u w inch fu length (runt \Ir. c:lut- �! ■
111-00 %%Ili his bride dugong his rola. Mr. will Maize has engaged with the Mr. U. Thurnpsun, -f Ute Sterlfug ton'., field vas heft at J. 11. Ninipsun'` ° G1nghamS
ii\rs and rrients (or this punt-. tilrrfing Hank, rud,vlrli, store last %\t,rk. Watson's is a well known brand and it is
Hank, BAyllrld, Js hums fur tits hurt•
The ne\\ Methodist Ilyntn bu-k %\ ill Mfss too mien Is \i„ting hel 'Jay,• tails runny friends ur \fr. Bert J -tin this line that we are carrying, Every wanted
A very large assortment of Ginghanis in all
be userlblfor the first trmr by lire ten- »iter, Mrs. WIckens, of flea.all. The \1i,ses Irene and Hn;,e u'Couno, I st„til• art pleased to knu\\ that he i+ in st\•le is shown in L -V ie3' :4 l the latest patterns ,trod color cornhi
gr gallon» of Bentuiller etrcult -ext are %isLiK their si»ter, Miss Margarc t better ttralth than he has born PuC 1 sses' and Children's nations.
Sunda). :\ cordial m%itatlim !s rx- \Ir». N. N. \\'hyard and \lir»ter Bert They are all 27 inches \\isle and ran;e in price
returned from the West un Saturday. "'Connor at present, there ur fnur year.. \1 r In,p1• fur Ill, also combinations iu ladies
tended to P\ery Panuly to be present complete rrenwe11y, from 35c to 65c a yard.
nett Sunday at the ser%lee. Beautifier Mr. 'Thos. McPhee, %%hu has been Miss M. and Mr S, Spencer, of \Vhlt-
7 p. nil., Zion 2.30 p. m. and Bethel U laid up %vitt, a broken beg, i» recu\er- by, and Mrs. Dudge and farull)', of W. J, Tigert, of Hanlilhm, nwtt,re,,
Wclnrk. Ing nicely. Toronto, are spending their• hulida38 with friends to Sheppard,"u and speul corsets
Messrs. Waiter and Gurdon McNewau. aalh \Ira. J. Thurnpsun. a fe\v days with his mother and fattier
The annual met -y of lhP ' o if L-ndun. visited reluthes In this vlt and other relatives and friends, re -
vOtli Society will ee held on PORT ALBERT turning' by rail 'on satw•day. GODDESS Corsets are leaders in front laced styles. Once worn always wore. The collie
Friday evenf[tK of this week a! file einilc Iasi work. \it'. and \Ins. \\•. t1,q;ra)' and \Ir. and .
north ,Zion Methodist church, c•om- Miss Edith stnther,, of the oat, John 'I'igert and son are turning out all sizes and in many dualities. ,They range in price from �i2.50 up. Y in
P Mrs. Jas'. \1 cKeuzie motored to \vuud- a good grade of cement tile. They menring at B o'clucsk. Mr. Mllne A. "nice, and \Ifss Ilae, are spending a�sk,ek this \vrek. could D• and A. Corsets are always p
Smith \\Jti give an Illustrated lecture lea days In 1'uronlo. get ready sale for twice their ys leaders in value workmanship and durability. We carry a very
ort the "Golporteur' Work or the Bible Mi,s Pearl I;ald%seit returned hon, Rr\' M' H• Ha\%kiss, of HI)'th, spent Present output. They have trundled large range of these garments ranging in price from $1.25 to i66.00 a pair.
Society." A corals! Invitation Is ex-to»t Saturday after atte0din til(, Suitt a day %wfth his retail%(,, in the village surae 40,000 this season,
Bended to the p b 1 this \\'eek. Frank Hawkins, formerly of this
general public to alh'ud mer school at Knox rtlurrth, Goderlch
this mcellhg• Al r. Thoutes Dickson and Pauilly in- returned
and til daughter, Betty, have
\Ins, Harty \Natters and Mrs. Chain- out mowing onto) their new farm this returned to their home at SeagrrtvP, COLBORNE
The members of L. 11. L., three,Benmiller,t- berlaln are Iters !turn lire \Post vlstt-Jand n number of Yiafting brethren, 119• in theft kurneat. near Toronto, after spending a few
Ing p+treat», \t r. and Mrs. Wnt Miss Viola troy returned !o her h0mo days with relatives here and looking Coo
tended public worship at file BPnn'il- Smith. ��� HOUSE ler Methodist church un Sunday even- horn from Clinton after spending a few up ofd fraepds, RELIABILITY
Ing, July 4t., Rev. H. F. Kennedy, M”, \faller Hi,huP, of Ute Sterlinu months there. \\'ill Foster has completed ditching'[1
chaplain of Lhe lod N, Hank• rias been transferred h, is hiH.s
on aft Chlarvest,s ;Stewart! Parra un -111=01313.
g pon rhrd from tele \Ir. Broulss, of (loderlch, is hit Jllss es \I. green, of Lhe wllh.tcl' wa° rid after harvrat. Ht' still requires a
[hi' text I Peter 2:17, "Honor all men. the guest uP rid. Marni(, V1'arreneit ft'w hundred rods, having
Lo%r the brotherhood. Fear ;;,i1 runner"or. fur the %\eek cud.
A. Culbert's sir\v 111111 is running g Put in nPar-
Honor the Kfngl" Solos nvrre sung A number ur the ly t\`'Pa a hundred rods E that farm, as a church, that you arc not remov- Buckley Urolirstra
very acceptably' by Miss \Winnie Van- steadily these day» and, If all goPF people !runt around The) are working at Ed. La%vson's and Ufbson orche,-
Stune and Aire, It. F. Kennedy, %%tell, the) expect t„ ha%o Ihr yard i1c're aril nded the big rPlNbratiurt in now, Ing from our midst but will still oc- tea, Stratford: solos by \it'. John Alen- J The I.O.D.E., Almeek Chapter, will
cleaned up in a month. tioderich on Monday, cupy your old position in our ehurell ary, Miss Mae Menary of Crewe, and meet In the Board of Trade roome,
An leo cream social will ne held a! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 'Thw•lo\w• are life and work. Ma,sonicTemple, West street, on Mon -
north 7,lnn church on Preparations are hying made fns a I1ur village nterohant intends srrw-�hnme after a visit with relatives and Signed on behalf of the '(asses '\!aster Herb Begley of Hamilton, duets
Wedne;tia) ev- Ing ice steam in cones Saturday even- friends through Michigan, Vt'I, ( nsin J. R. VARCtiF.' by :erases Gibson of Stratford, read- day, July 19th, at 4 p,m, Special bual-
0 CIONing, July Slat, corrrmeriGing at 7 la\\'n Burial under tilt auspices of the ing• July 17th, a:omr early and stat ' \linnesota, Dakota and ether S J nese is to be transacted.
a'ciuck. Ice meam and Cake will be Presbyterian church, ,lily 30th, un til« , Pres, of U. W. rings by Rev, Mr, Walden, the pastor,
late” and rnJo) the refreshment while' They report tater. HL ST 1'oLNG, Pres. of C. E. D. and addresses by neighboring minis- I
kir%Nd at rile tablets. Refreshments of niansr•: grounds• I� urther particulars It lasts.” P good crops In the West.
variuu» kinds will ce served also !turn later. + Lorne and his sister had eharge of af• ASHFIELD ten:;. Admission, adults\ 50e.,; dhild ® ®®RIId9A®@B�f�fls�®®®�,�
a booth, An excellent program of \lr». B. .1. 1:r:twPurd ;end the Mi,srs \I r. 1001 Mrs. Gc"• MacKenzie and Pairs during their absence. The !-!!-wing Is rile report for Cn_ ren, 25e.
songs, readings and addrossas, will be Glare and Nettfo, S ehildreit, of Pr,rl Albert, and \L•, Gor•_ I Will Brown, '\vith his tract,Ir, has ion S. S. No, 17, Ashfield and West \Na- Mfgs Edna HJ\'PrE 1 I ' ® CamIn
e to
proal left tar the ,herr Pearsuo, motored in the latt> y &built corn leted 'road il,s h[arion Ry- ® 7.H
West on Tuesday, \tis, Cra\vfnrd going ear to \fin ham for the 1'\\•t•lflfl of tion for PthP pneaNnlgra1(hg\ op731F \wean°sit: n, I FrPdt)rtle Sproul, \',I an, Miss F:Is1P Bradford, Misses Mary E DANSANT
t0 Winnipeg, and Miss Clara and Misa g ma Fini
Nettie going fu Iga\Idson, Sask, July celebration field there. rounded up a goal many miles of roar! Sproul. Jr. Iv.-Ehvtn Youn' CIIfPora err tehard,nd d alremvrepreanb g representatives Prorry ® at the g
A dernonsirallon WAs between here and the north so f rosy \6c(;ratten. ,Sr. g, Chestergtwef. al:h ACBU IIl-Mary Sproul North street Methodist church, and New PauiliortSTEEL CQ, })narnite un the H. Young anal- last Thr of AshtlPld. \\'ill in at home on a ma George Hamilton. Sr, If, -Earl Arc- pherd,\liss Finnegan &nd Mr. ® nnFarmers' Club is exp' ing a chine and can handle them right. hiss She \week t- see tf f! wuutd snake rile dig• rarluad nP flour shortly, ti,'P, We\vellyn Culbert. Jr, li.-Mere- gar She herd are rNile® g]
it dith Faun F:IIa S Ed p representing
glitg an) .\aspen. It rPrtalnly loosens Quite a number from here celebrated, Pr'7rnotl�nt exams to hrS�No't11�fAsh` g' Sprout Ettrel McGrat- Methodist church at the• Summer ® WEDNESDAY, JULY it
LIMITED Lhings Ftp \wile- they let 20 charges 0If rile 1'aelPth In Uoderich last Monday. field and Colborne: I ten. Pt, 1l.-Worthw at Alma Colle9P, S6 Thomas, �st Under auspices of General Brough
it once. Me.Nee. Sr. 'P44ner--a;ordon \f
it tret•-
bQ t0 ��'1D0 $tQ� file "'i'lls on the Inhprowenhents in Mf'. William Paterson, of the village. To Sr. 1\ total 730, honors 5. ten• \Lar) (;ur%jir7. Jr, Primer---\ta1 a Chapter, LU. U.E.
lS adding a i0, Pass C71l. JS W t� XL x 1 i
St. Pauls church have been plastered, S gothic wind -%v to his dw\'el- 4t5.- Erwin Foster ;A i, Bertha Forster J"tie Yung, Elmer Sproul, Francis \Ip- tit Usa iorOver 30 Years N Beginning at 4 o'clock. �
Grand Opening and as soon as pusslhle tilt' wails will ling. 516, LIIUra (;ratlaen 503. Clarence Ben- Gfart). Class :\,.-Hilda F'inigan, p;\ -a Bears :Z ® Admission SQc, which includ@s
papered acid the seats Painted. 1'lr Mr. and Nlr.s. W. T. Riddell visited nett 471, Bryden frnOma❑ 447, Penman. I st¢n �ur@ �- � ® card., tea and dancing �
congregation expect. td hate a church Mends in Ripley the beginning of tilts Ter -Jr. 1V., y 54 750, honors 5L0, I ����%
uprnJng the first Sunday In August. week. 413 -Edna F)b)' 546. Pass CRER'E I UBEMEMOasVMS��®Be®�®�®®eB®AB®®
\rs.F.h+'fn Munro, Who has been Tu Sr. 111., total 775, honors 575, A garden party will bo The rain on Monday ntnrning did not visiting fri,`nds In this uoighbor•it, pass the P glvcn under
stop lire loyal Orangemen from turn- left cur her home in Souris cast S1rrn_ 4, -Frank fruornan 497, Elmer (;ra- aur ices of the CITIAT Methodist
Ing out at 6 ('cluck. A barn 463. church on Tuesday, July 27th, on the i ■
(coca number.
day. T„ .I r. It.--:\hna Jullnsh,nt•, lawn of \it'. John Menary. Opinions of Gtr'
le the T. Culbert
marched up Main Sl., Mr, (IeorgP F. Yungblut, of tite Blyth Jean Tea SPC\Pfl eat Men
July 31st, 1920, 9 a. me 1+d by T. Gtdbrrt a» ❑ler. Lrdnnr. Prom 1; to R o'clock.
giv,ng some gra\el road. \who Is making an addtilon To Sr. consisting of selections good program
gond music hePor'r starting for F1r'tng- lu ills barn, had the raising Tuesday, 1.-iaa)ton Foston. Lloyd y BlarkstonP-
hang, %ehero the lodge wont, In a body. \ r, Brindley, e what may be object of Solicitude "No matter h m be o Je Your so c Inde be in.
1 Thomas Shields is the framer, - eared; whether
1'hr\rr \wast a splendid celebration, To ,1 r. I.- -Huy Eby, Teddle VpoumAn GQDERICH MARKETS. � I You are thinking of the maintenance of
Last Saturday F'n,(e17, Ruth Foster. your general health, or of comfort and competence in your
Some EY lodges formed in 'Ilse. 1'hu y the \\'t-st V4'a\wrtnosl/ old age, or of the interests of your wife and children when
(let the t1tWo ors a 11!00 Toy at streets were pecked \with sp(ctatms Board of Health had a meetinix in the Pr)rner-_Richard Cuu. OutslJe Market Reports oa
R Special Bargain c wlUage. setting a dis rte. with n, and fns Daae S. I you may be Young no more, or Of Provision for your bo
rli price, Our and atter 11,P pre gl'iL n. Sonne splen- tit a slaughter huuse,P \l- With
!s beard A. M. KNh(.TrTFL.17. wheait,•......
t etandard...9 75 to o 2fif 00 when he reaches
ro rtu ole dao -or, of be ma riage and a day
did sPN,t`hrs \were glwen• g Flour, (3 ding portion of
TOY DEPT. rt' c tt>d. Flour, per cwt. family hope to be a binsbin 4 you
\Irs. \N, T. Riddell received a tele. (1ARLOW per ' Y ••••••8 7b to 7 25 g bride ; no matter what the object is,
RJune lue Ing Of Ir1P i grairr front relatives in tilt, West that Till,
1Oetrtbrrs of the I,. F:. ), Shrorts, p ton .................iii 00 to b6 OQ he Insured." -CHAS. DICxENa.
-ill be complete, with a tel! and \t the June ntrethgg of tit, Cotmtry ; ►get ruuther \was seriously ill and \was i and ftr« per ton
on ,,,,,,,,,,,,g3 00 to 65 00 PRESENT DOLLAR VALUE HITS YOUR tNSURAN
Wuntrn's Club IntrrPsting t oadings 1 nut In to serio l•, l•' \\• r;lassos n'et at the home -f \I Oats ...... ...........................1 20 to 1 25 CE
varlod little of all kinds of Toys• were given by Mrs. McEvoy, Mrs, expectedand left here and Mrs• Victor Young last 1'ne,rl ' Berle Mail the attached coupon and receive facts abort Insurance most suitable
Boas, last \lunday, ddrvs gr 1 Presented Buckwheat ....... ........4 75 o 1 9G
(come early for shotes on our Mrs, Brti and Alta. .4ncir•rw's. Miss N:1• g ' (1 I d them Witt to Your needs:
0PI,NINt; DAY 1041 rendered t d The ladies of t1 \! 1 address and a cabinet , Ila old
ao elignWill t:ulosl tr , Pthudf,l ehut•t'I1 beantirui rake n sliver, and 1 y' .•24 00 to 25 00
` Tire next meeting \will he at the home had a quilting bee« 1`1117 the nrissiun- Plate front it, Hay, now.....................20 00 to 20 00
of Mrs. Blair Jul E.tld, at. 2.30 aries, al the home ui Mrs, Kills' %las, of \which she was tlE Butter per ......,,,0 4S o 0 50
J ° p. m, a Pen'Pr In traeher• Eggs, per dozen
` the \illagN. They Succeeded in quilt-lor
Tu,\Ir, ...:..........•0 47 o 0 47
_ ing roll.( quilts. and Mrs. Victor young. Hogs .............................. 19 00 to 19 00
!tear \''!clop and Bessie __Basle !Aum- "tattle. butchers choice... 11 00 to 1:3 00
CREWE has so often led us astray- with r Cattle. buohersordinary 10 00 to 11 0
st ribP must have been in and foolish will-nf-the-\wls Bologna. Bully, per lb...°,..... 6 to 7
wt' ha%'e become \civ %Pattales that Spring iambs, per Ib....._..... 014 to 016
T edhis dug nut last week. Springin ) ahuni Hams, per lb.....................0 $R to 0 8,y
► rimma Mrs. Isaae (;auley, and children spent g surprises until we art, sure
t Ihr T\vPlftti In i;uderic►r, anti rt' talli that cthpid has shut h, Bacon long clear ..............0 26 to 0 26
arrow• s Potatoes, new, per bush... 6 00 to 6 00
1 \Ins, 1', C. Durnin. l;rrwr, to tie a ectad knot. Parson is abuuI Hides ...............
and sin This time. hu%v_ ..............P 00 to 9 00
spent last %%vek %with friends In Luck- ever. it)P little old tatty wits r tt she
............................ 0 07 to 0 OS
no\\, later)' to announcing a ter d, To HARRISON
Mr. Rich. Me\\'hinney and \Ir: Tiros. hence the reason N a %did naot to us, T■ R.
Shackleton raised a bent to their barns hP+etr,r"r,,, as fi see yrs i iNti['R:iNt:E AND BOND BROKER
last \week. but Juni h \wt', unday school PIAsc.,;. t>t West Street, tioderich.
g t ham corns; (Aden down f; Phone '116,
Mr, liaymnnd Finnigan spent it nwith best ,wislthes For rnanv happy
llwell'th in \\•ingham, We are not wt, beayears t- n urnolill \%ill rulife and n° all ,ov `�►v '� ,
sure who \ventSun
100th him yet. rt?tssrs mutt° cinSely tn•e her. ing\%-V a. Y
SALE Ltmlly,tnof\MarlN. hring,'t¢ Shar\Irton and 'yothett 11, \wJllaccept these L %we ask
gfPl,c. frysting
P nl unrlaY at much tough In,•at to
\tart. Sharkleton's, 0T%%e, cut, plenty or su
Rat' for your tea and
EXtr Mr. Willa McCarthw nhn ed the barn light cake. in
XL aordinary h1, buuRht from \\'nil 1TaSUng's last abundanrP to grape '
daintine,y of this platy. \\P , the
a,`Pk !u his !stern near KingsbritigP. not only as Sunda)' sMu,o rr,olee,
Not firu%wn and ,Iotut K(Ipatrlrk, i l IAscrs but SHOES aha have ti,•,«n gratfirrg, lived Up our
limi oft f 1 la,l a, ek And made a good
HATS Were never in greater demand than this year. There are variotJs
Nit. and \1ra, Perry Finnigan and
family drove over to Whiphanr ,r�ltttr_ R r .1 / reasons for this :
� CCA s day to attend till' .:'fiwelfih %vtth intends Le ear STEEL Goill3'` ianv Praicei Af' In that tOWn1 t i3
s . ecause of their Comfort, in that the
The -thus i l �I. oleo its nlm�ttil- !! 11rr1Er1 Real
fectly pliable, and oast', y. are light, per.
1 ly mePtln,f at tlrr home cit &iris':t}hn
Menary Iasi Thursday, thtYrP hpitllZ a or,80,0000109 2nd. Because of the wide ranf{e of $lmnd Lurlast tYlba and shitO.
$3e\. - e r in to gnd.,ty ighttrid ireAN-0 all% 1 1 of etvod g telae gilt
showing this season, with ft distinct design r laps %we art
lite rain of :"ittnd:'+y night prat n sttt 1a every\ate, ^-onsequerr:tlq g o model to s'tlft
Stoll p e good. to Ii
It fns a fe%r houPrg riche rain wa3 bad- `
ty needed around here, in. We want you to come 3rd 'We can Fit you, whether
!lards •parts' sale'1`tferd;iy, July Sl7th• Your feet are long and narrow, f
in and enjoy .looking ov. W &II,t and, wide, %ve have the correct last for
Zle3ls Hits am select -W f r*% our t Don't target it! keep It hr mind womillr, � build, awls" You, man
will m1m; s+lMenlyng� really hire 'ft Volt riUl� ISi, 0,, R. . r et' our
regnlir stock i111A Y1tow p+rrttyce►1or don't enlltt ant 4th, necauW-of their" nofmy.
-NIP. and Mrs. in "Sherwood, ai �t�i]sh \jh�H�
* COIR tltiif iia B-t0"ditt3 itj►t90s " ftaiYPr't t\fenars, .11169 fillip Nlefary aid
' .. Ste, Joh%, itrallort all enotomil to Wing- Our o our goods, g(3t one pHces, and
ham to spend We Glorious Avelitb. NOTION DEPT, whether you intend bury, You will bun here to t
your gompiet�i tsatisEsotitita,' As1E your friends, they know.
1 Y g troth ti (\%'ell tris rviit bob b real irYbntl to the indus- r not
t.., Ieiephone rates arP s;tld to be "i
b:%�r •thin! is g p,
Iris O
up• Pen a around here think it"In* Motto N1183 or let's. Every aro W Y
e hl>p 116
>1 R.t� �>itas. Re it1 ' lw PAIRING
D, � krinara the
raise the piton rail" now tiav t5* of I�aaita. AYISNY. 5hetly,
rything is ebald tVo (lice a tsoct► itOWN- to .Needles, it� t�itw •�I MOW.
A�rU �$� t$tt iai ,
tifririnill COLI Thlr �� ' e.
8171&911 W ilrlMott
too� ' ` thu lei aad,�s. hetfulnesa aid rob _M ba*d itl ail ttlm e, etc.. •
#-Dt Cg? alcat+ the tlliil lwtie ft 1
D, t�'rr:xt- ttalirish- 1� rii'lt tits tsdttffstets nail �f�t•111 a��i !�04"Man
t►fottler Of` Vile iY`ortift 1!�ittiertrilri•' Our o1PlvIONO .� Ar attd Iii will
S Shoe
Mori rvlil (clear frit llta01th alld In. 'Ii. Y to f11 it s t3hII,
-. ,. r�Mih ls�.
1p►htawrti►'fc�ltr Wit REG. SHAMAN
EetltlnCk and racetore hi�;lthr'u111e£s•