The Goderich Star, 1920-07-15, Page 7c 0 \ .a`' ,ubw `hr, ck gosto 1111ONNE4 TORONTO. DETROIT aPd • CHI�.4G0 4nezce1led 'djr)Iu1.-car service. F4eepin)3 cars on night trains tinct Par- lor cars on principal day '11*810R. Full , WformatIOU from 811Y Grand Viin;Y Ticket Agent or •G. E. Horning. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. F. F. LAWRENCE iii SONS Town passengerTtaket Agents Phoned Winter Tema From Jahuary 5th open in each of ghaw's schools, Toronto• (BuandsWtre, Wire- l9horess). twd.ta for book( L. less). W. H. SHAW, YotSe and Garrard Summer Yom Commences July 5th CEMAL 5TRAT*40T4D. ONT. ,This is the school which has ex•' perienctd instructors, givesthorough courses and assists graduates to high grade positions. The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the num. ber graduating. Commence your course with us at opening pf Summer term on JuIV 5tb. Get our free eataloeue, D,. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Telegraphy, Piano, Voice, and all business subjects. Open all sum- mer. Private classes when preferred and to help students catch classes when entering between terms. Spec- ial summer course for teazhers. Tuition Twelve Dollars per mouth, 6 months. 570, (including books). Special rates for halt clay students and students wishing only one or two subjects. Night School work and Correspon- denoe courses a specialty. Typewriters to rent or sell. L. IIEWITT. Pre9ldent. S LIEN WANTED To represent the OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES S ' The greatest demand for Nursery .toch in years. British and European \farlcets again Open for Canadian fruit Largest list of rrult & Ornamental, Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in Cannda WHITE FQR PARTICULARS N WELLINGT STONE & 4 Wstablisbed 1837 TORONTO. ONT. T. SWARTS' 'Bus, LiVerp and Malek Stables Monte4tal Street just off the Square ,%4"w 'Busses Melt all Trains and Passenger Boats passengers called ftlr to Yay part of the town 'for all trains at 0. T. R. or C. P. R. Depots. Prompt Service and Careful Attendance. 1.1 Our Livery and Hack Service will be found up -to -dales in every respect., Your Patronageioticited T. SWARTS Phose 1`07 Montreal Street MODEL Boot and Shoo Repair Depot corner of Hamilton and Newgate Streets Footwear Repairs Geed Work tai Reasmakle Price - Gsaraatai r S. Ward & Son li. VORA, TO s SYSIOERT Lost 29 Poune- Ilysclgtery is one of the wtlt'st forms of bowel eompla;nt. T0e 'pains it1 the bowels axe intense, tbi- diehargrsoccur with great rap'dityrtm�nc�l are very ofum accompanied by L; 1. It does not need to Pero st for any length of t me until the whole system is weakened and debilitated, and .hardly any oth/ r dis- ease soqujckl�,y uadermints the si rengt and brings ahrut a condition of pro- otratiou and utter collapse thp,t often terminates fatally. To check the unnatural d:tvbar•te, without br;nggg un constipation, lhtre is only ones rerncdy to rise and th's is Dr. Fowler s Extract of Wilt Strawberry. Air. G. W. McV41a, 1%4awer, Sask. writes--" About eight years ago I has a severe attack of diarrhoea 'which turned to dysentery before I got better. I might say I was,sick for three weeks. I weighed 154 lbs, when I tool: sick and weighed 125 lbs, when . I got It stopped. I think Iliad tried every medi- cine that was on the market and did not find relief until I tried. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and one bottle relieved me. I think there is nothing like it for diarrhoea or dysentery. I always keep some on hand.as a person does not know when he will need it." "Dr. Fowler's" has been on the market for the Vst 75 years. Don't experi- ment with some no -name -no -reputation compounds. They may be dangerous to your health. Price 50c. a bottle. Manufactured only by Ti:e T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont- -- NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Hav3 Occurred Dur ing the Week. The Buay World's Happenings Core - fully ComRiled and Put into Mapdy and Attractive Shape for tine enders of Our Paper - A Solid Hour's Enjoyment- TULSDAY. The Spa Conference opened Mon- day d'he capture of Aviona by the Alb:oni:uls is denied. The University of Toronto opened its soilluter, courses. The Argonaut four won the senior event at Philadelphia. Douglas Mullen, .12 years old, was drowned .•.t Sturgeon Point. Toronto"s new Union Station will not be completed this year. George H. Ross was appointed fin-, ance commissioner ones of Toronto. Eleven cows and a bull were killed by lightning near Newburgh, Ont. Miss Toronto 11. won the Webb Trophy at Burlington, Iowa, Monday. The Bolsheviki claim to have brok- en the anti -Red resistance on the Cri- mean front. Kenneth H. Dunstan predicts an Increase In telephone rates in the city of Toronto. England was denounced by Irish- men at a meeting in the ilabor Tem- ple, Toronto. The British House of Commons on Monday rejected a motion to re- move the duty on tea. Dr. R. 9M. Mason, ex-M.P.P., of North Victoria, died at his home in Fenelon Falls early Monday. Stewart Pherrill, a Hornewood Sanitarium patient, eluded his guards and drowned himself in the Speed. "Bob" Dibble, champlod Canadian sculler•, was defeated by John Kelly on the Schuylkill river on Monday. The steamship Victoriitm arrived at Qgebec with 1,150 passengers, 650 tons of freight and a large quantity of mail. Ted Maynard, the 17 -year-old son of Robert Maynard, Sanford avenue, Hamilton, was drowned in the bay Monday morning. Miss Gladys Unger, the well-known playwright, is married to her literary collaborator, Mr. Kai Ardeschir. The romantic marriage took place in the Chapel Uoyal, London. WEDNESDAY. Toronto will oppose any increase In telephone rates. Westwood won the Fort Erie Handicap run on Tuesday. Another .storm is brewing In the temperance ranks of Ontario. Two -persons, a man and a boy, were drowned in Toronto bay. The new Board of Commerce held its first nreeiinyg on Tuesday. A battery of artillery arrived at Belfast Tuesday from Britain. Cutworms a,re menacing the crop in Maple Creek district, Saskatche- wan. Marshals Foch .and Wilson are con- sidering question of ,military aid for Poland. Major Hardcai;tte,4ate of the Royal Artillery, won the Edge competition at BIsl ey. Play In the Ontario Howling Asso- elation trophy compet.itiou has reach- ed the emi-finals. The British Shipping Controller has announced the virtual removal of control over all shipping. The Toronto baseball team defeat- ed the New York National League team in Toronto on Tuesday by 4 to 3. The camps on the Hydro -electric development at Cameron Falls have been placed under quarantine on ac- count of smallpox. Irving and Herman Arthur, ne- groes, charged with having shot and killed their landlord, were burned at a stake In Paris, Texas. The Secretary of the League of Na- tions Intimates that the Canadian l overnment has decided to contribute $200,000 to the League's campaign against typhus in Central Europe. A I r I; u - r .E.-lectric 111vtring_ ,i Sp iug W.11 by here short1v and Ra+v the tilile to -get youthollce xo'ireti, before the rush is ori. IV e specialise ill wiring of all kinds. Private Telephones Motors ° Dynamos j Electric Bells and AN EVERYDAY SCENE IN ttlw.. Burglar Alarm Systems ND.• -'110 British Totntn!en to ` , antic• chances agahrsf R surprise attacks by Sinn Feiners, as the photo I(1dlratPs. The) arty .ecu u, cv wilt, dr,wn havonets ready for any emergency. ALL NVORK GUARANTEED •tier, w a.au . e...•Fry Tnd press states that 20,000 Cana- �soctatton. M dian ex -soldiers, now in Great Bri- The Lambeth Conference Fridity Electric Fixtures°and Supplies of all fain, will take action against the discussed thewitty and dutyCOO kinds kept on Band. Canacjian Government for art -ears in inears of of the church in industrial and so- u - army pay, alleged to be,due through cial problems. ,, t s STEEL breach of contract. The dispute is on The Ruestan Soviet Government Lt311TEt1 R fisc question a the rate a exchange, have by Cloy all the conditions laid ROT3T TAIT ; 1 Keys to the warehouses of the li- down by Lloyd George for a resump- tion of trade relations. Quos companies were formally hand- • ed over by the police of Cali'ary, judg- The Council of the League of Na- inent establishing the right of the tions Is conEi6eying the atguioents of Gr"and Opening ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET c � liquor company to a -warehouse in Sweden and Finland in rtghrd tui 'Phone 82 Or 193 Calgary, where intoxicating liquor claiias to the Aulynd Islands. Sale may be imported and exported hav- The Western c; -ops are probal ly as ing been handed down. promising as at tiny time In IIIe his- _-•_ THUPISDAY. tory of Can"da, acc•or6irip Io C. 1ti'. - Murphy, ridn-ger of the t'.P.1(. iu should be wc.l bioAliecl with the stiff A large polp mill is to be erected Winnlpen Jdy, 31st 1 c7L0 tag.[ . dermis. It consinrs of it I,;yel o, i bru>°h and Own .uwbed with combs u at Kapuskasing. t� Maj, -Gert. Sir Willou;t•t•.) Cw;:thin t s 1(pQ t agglutimited cells which we formed des't;hod for the purpose. The Czecho-Slovak ihdusttial c•om hasbee,^. trsn>ferrrct to the Alif'ut:c, j It Is well. under ordinary condi- mission arrived in Toronto. ' where he will be is:,lrocVtr-�n,tl..l cit on the Fill -face of the Iirrn,is' tiontt, to grr,oru a horse well twice Work on file C uippawa power th( Air Ft•: c 11 ah the r..l.lt (it Air In the tlesuo Immediately under- dully. If a horse has perspired freely' cant:( was rtsunled thls u,ornir,g. Vice-"darshal. heath thederulis ore large nunlbcrsuf I It is rood practice to rub film well The Toronto b;sehall feta:: del al A despatch to the Noesis \v LPu- ON l fall to take n�lvantat!o or with cloths until he becomes dry. If ed Jersey Cit in Toronto, , to 3. the �1lecttll Bnlpains we shall sudoriferous or sweat glands, euc•h of City , tung frol.t Tilsit says tj .t uiu°I sa this be neglected he should be groorn- Lt.-Col. F. 2U. Cole, D.S.O., died at' .vele lighting the Lolshtv,k: hart eller )uu fu cart which Is surrounded by a quantity of ed to remove the dried perspiration .els home !n Wtsnnounl. ).:,,t,irral btokci: :h.rough _e i .,.,>.1, r.u,,t. fat. 'These glands are round bodies, and other accumulations before he. la An esperdt: el:u.l 1;.. is tt be hunt anu riot.s cl the LerUIL., ravel ALUMINUMWARE DEPT. each of which consists of one or more fixed for the night, as under such con- zstablishsd at Swift Current, S,;: !t. ;,t three 1t.r: t small tubes celled Into d bull; lire tiitions he doubtless rests better.- H<,Iold Manu, ages 14, of cl)_1- Dr. J. H. Reed, O. A. Collette, Guelph. ham, wits instantly killed on a Jait.l. t utlND. ie ON OUR OPENING li k ,' free end of the tube opens on the aur- Waltec Hagen +4 Iht United Rt:•l,s Lord 1'I.?,el, u. the Brit,s!, n;sty, I face by a funnel -shaped orifice. v1�ayTOR= A.. Is olid. I thin the l�tensh open gulf chumpiun-; Jul _ 31st, 1920, at 9 a.m. The skin of the horse Is character In Use For Otnr30Ya m gulp. i '1•ait:;, a Chin;uo:.n, ,!i •d in a y neantAe CoronEr Bateman of Toronto said I Turt.•,to hospit:_l. tied by Its great sensitiveness, which I 81gnature / autoists u.ust respect pedesuians'I mire ih ;, Toronto harave causro is still further promoted by good of (r>46* t $.0.000 daltl:lgC. rights. grooming. Few animals, if any, pers- New L'runi. ki k voted to go "hone- t � ^ ;mt"r "Sir, I .Isis rur )our dauK!�tr•r The 1 the States Government has n Aire as freely its the Morar. Inn. n's hnml" removed the ban on trade wlthieiry'" by 41,436 to 0.7tJ' G:�OV:��.��i� IItiRSE Ke � P.uesia. II. W. F..ir u1' 'Turul,tu 1i'a:J ureas As txtalnd, the. yells of the t•plderuila Ilcr l�alltrr ",:rrhhnl}'. my I,ny. Georges Carpentier, the Fiench� injurcu t,! .. n:uu,r a(LC,ltnl. are formed by the derruis. This fur ic't'rhiull) -Ltkc it"! ,,no that's ahvn). In A Iu;tn w• :: , , w • r 'h., ss `+ rN u sl its L, ,t :rain in nt> 1 ,k t. I Passing ..ht i ehurxiPion, expects to sial for haute IN/j, ati� Ilpta"17 l�'V. the Animal matlon of cells Iii contlnuuus, us la next week. 1'o:•cr.lu sad killed ins,t.nr13 Gcu: c lil�:et. ditllr :- laird as tldsn the exf llution of the cells of the Grenlaled Eyelids: A Toronto c•oronei's ;thy Pro-� a Wnb i;own. th(' its alt of :, 1 ort' x.. k. external surfhce of the epidemic The nounced the Gcutt, uC Mts. ri1;uy Brit- YourEyesialiamsd by tipo Ii,r Cpl,n<^I t,1 Artu,.i 0:'r:,t „c hn!r prcvrnts the free est•ape of these llhslandliflatl tun accidental. It It. ilia F? in anti Coat Clean and t aurstotlltals tiilva ul' h'orlt,rw hs sial^utd. G ratans admits having int tail- t Rr::tPs, fiance there its a tendoncy to ��qulcklymilevedbyKarin L'hc Loy.-,' \;,v„i la;g..ur Lclr', a iily,rov,+ t'l1:• A1,lrrucnnrr-littrit- EE lion armed men and two million ri- nerualUlu tion ; tlie ,Pont also rsillsN-13.NoSrnfiftiti& Iles unacc•uunled for. rfwrcl/ l t�radc in 'fe tunic Rucun)'. tl:,r lE'iutr 11!nrrhur•n ul' ('hfrker, guthore Ti,just Eye Comfort. At r A prarli,'. I program has bean .P fiat:rt Lt,cl Luuc r amu, t. ee' ors', tlr., from the surrudndlugs. andlyour Diu ttsor by DWI 60C per Bottle.' ' will wecl ill \V' 11wifji til: I::. It_un.U'1t•vI.•.• r„ 11ntn,tr, I,r,wrrl+,rnt .7f adopted i,_ tLc interr.at!onal Zionist "I'! if the nr,rnal Is not grroouled the tout For Inn • IIP Eye trey write n•u Ltua' C. (',CSP' h'at (.) :: Aµ„tn rnr. rurun�" 1 •cuntele;,cr In Caudat. to hriop Jcc.F ) sour l,ocn,ncs lilted n•Ith the acrnthh-IM■N■• ey R•tt■Ny cos f:OICNe.I of rock pilaster to a qu.,r.1' :<t 1!i1L- (+F; h: r' : ie groonlefl for the lation, which becomes clam when the! in big , scuds to ['x,rG.:iut. p I - -- While bol+iirr ir, tt.r O.P..A. tour- herr'' N'b' :,u:pr+sv o' kit-,ing the skin uninlal petrpltev. It Is chiltned that, naulem at N::. dr.t Wednr:'.da} a sol -I `rn,lul DCnt:iS, Owner 11 the heli t t.hlct hes a itndw,,y to oce•Inde the I r;;x Hert:lu, diet uftrr un s,p. ,;t; i(�,. 12 nd cnat clean, and Incident- dier trade t:nn,b by shell shock ri-- openfngry of rtte sweat glands, ponce euvered his sp,.•ccll. L't,sloc, M. 17,s. .,I!v Inlprnving the general interfere with tree persplratlon. Who - The aonoinrn;tLt of l'•,I, ll, i Bubb)" Lbcr onlraiattd l uu i;e ;,miem-unev. Tale skin consists of two Ther or not there Is much force to! L R. STEELCO. Poen as 'Governo,- of St. Helena cre• n4uatre..i of Prov,_:etJce ,a ;1 azo-- P;11 If. vr¢ , the dermis or corium this contention, it 1s an undisputed round to -111 n! Il,t;..1tu:I- fact. that the horve Ihut Is regular) LI11111:D ales a Parliamentary ivisio)' vacancy in the "lilt!,! fo:nl,• the deep Inycr, which in y! A n,.!Luu-do-,..; I,al,•r r.::il ;u and well Woodbridge iIirvtsion of Suffolk. Kioomed !auks better, feels ulil)ze w, c •c rrr:_w. ::, !u b* , Sizi,- I It nll'.ully s.ipplied with both blood better and gives inure slltlsfactor A conference of British delegalt s y representing 900,000 miners asks the itstetl ir• scutLe! n ;,aekrirTa,•. t, r, vesmir .,nd nervt•s. and the epidermis servfre than his mute under the same Geo:gc 1'e. YLtc:.. L i,,, Or ,J oar conditions lest+ the Grand Opening Government to accede �n advance it orctul.le whi, h is external and has Krooming. Thepaper ii,an, ha:' been „ppowic(i r.+, objorl of grooming Is to remote tho wages of two shillings ratty. gist;alt D iu,t)' MJnislcr t; i' I:,,ilun neither blood nor nerve supply; hence The Federation of British Indus- scales, dust, dried perspiration and J 'p to the tr;•: u: unt'his no the tiul,.,t1 nv: axilr :nd iusenllive iiutsand tides suggests thN setting up of a lother foreign substances regularly. Sale State Finance Council to advise theSettl,t Int }i-iiu has moot• 1!'� serve: as a protective covering for the In order to do this a curry comb of 'rams of hcc land to r(turncd sot -- Cabinet on expenditure and taxation some na ore must be used, that when i i ( rs. The British Government suffered (- --- -- ______._ being worked by the hand, both w)Ih Toronto has" h:J! tvw:i Lave rade July 31st 1920 9 a m. defeat [n the House of Lords Wed- and ngalnst the grefn of thP�Ialr, willciFht wills In a row, wtunlag a ccn- RKEN t19r.esday night when the resolutfur: D�� HAIR agitate the hair to Its exit from the ole -he. on :u.turda), 11 10 a .:ld Lrging national" retrenchment was skin, Thereby loosening all foreign adopted. 5 to 1 substances. The comb should not FRIDAY. A ( 1. -i of I t-ateF ut.;r,t:fabtur''r* LOOK YOUNG,PRETfY have teeth suflthe sly sharp to scar- ut the- I�r111eti $ratee: rl„ut t9u,u: .) i I[y or lrrttate the akin. Then a stltfThe body •of a man was found on to Mont,caltiu g•,ct-ts ur Its ^.i;.'.:r brush should be used to remove all Ij/HE-N Nmi are In the store on the beach near Toronto, factuters' A,rw ,ern. foreign matter that has not escaped n o r t11'f:NIN(3 DAY be solo Paul Weidel won the Canadian -� --- to Ret your ,•baro of tilt -Spec during the use of the comb. When Derby inn at Fort Erle. /� � Tea and Sulphur Darkens, il►1 ]ltut;nfne w`�• shltll uRcr lou Edward C. Davenport of the Toron- Children ®Il Ci iy the coat Is quite short the use of the in Um FOR FLETCHER'S So Naturally that No- comh Is not necessnry, the stiff brush to license department of c is dead. body can tell, being sliffi •lent. A finer brush, the TOILET A�tTICLE DEPT. The discovery of crude petroleum ^ s^ ' ^ ' •. bearing surface of which consists of In New Ontario wits reported. bristles should now be used to re - There were 3.374 strikes and lock- t Hair that loses its color and luetro, or move anything that still remalns. outs in the United Slat(s In 1919. _ when it fades, turns gray, dull and life- The friers and Quality neo ltl�ltt 1 after which the whole surface ur the The Lambeth Conference discussed L r1 leen, is caused bye eek of eulphue to ( and will save you foal moony. the marriage question on Thursday. LOOK and Feel the hair. Our grandmother made up a body should be well rubbed with m The Winnipeg labor appeal will be mixture of SW Tea and 81 bur to clo- !inrn cloth. The tall and masa heard by the Privy Council on July Clean, Sweet and keep her locks dark and beautiful, and 21. / thousands of women and men who value -- John D. Rockefeller celebrated hie ! that even color, that beautiful uark 81st birthday at Lakewood, N.J., on Fresh Every Day shade of hair whieh ie so attractive, upe Thursday. only this old-time recipe, w�• With Jersey City leading by 4 to 1. Nowadays we get this famous mixture slow• Thursday's game at Toronto was call- improved by the addition of other Ingredi• LSO Mir ed because of rain. Drink a, glass of real hot water ents by asking at any drug Atore for a 50 - Two thousand Czecho-Slovak sol- before breakfast to wash I cent bottle of "Wyeth's Saleand Sul• diers from Siberia lett Valcartier.and out poisons, t bur Compougd," which darkene the sailed for Hamburg. 4 hair so naturally, eo evenly, that nobody Sir Lomer Gouin, Premier of Que- _ Ii can possibly tell it has been applied. You bee, has resigned. Hr' may go w (JI- Life Is not merely to live, but to last dampen a sponge or soft brush with •/'T/N iM� live well, eat well, digest well, work t and draw this through your hair, tak- �M1MiXfOPAVE& taws ie Liberal platform. in one small strand at a time. fl morn - Marie Gagnon, under sentenm of well, sleep well, look well. What a g y death In 41jebec, gave birth to twins, glorious condition to attain, and yet In the gray hair disappears; but what e a boy and a girl, in the prison in- how Very easy it is if one will only delights the ladies with Wyeth's Rage and Piles can be cured firmary. adopt the morning Inside bath. Sulphur Compound, ie that(, besidea beau- ` Flolks who are accustomed to feel tifully darkening the 'hair after a few MEDEOL ha osl The United Farmers' Co-operative y y applications, it also brie back the loss M PP torics quickly sin »ii•f t• firs• who Company of Ontario plans to enter, dull and heat/ when the atlas, 6Ptlb PP Bs g suffer from Piles or Hemottkoila. They ar• yreaarll•i ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul and lustre and gives it an appearance by leading PLysicions all over th• world. upbuy. 0- of goods it can- tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, of abundanee. Box containing *no dozen, $1..73 y' can, tnafead, feel as fresh ae a dally , Wyeth's Bs and Sulph* Compound U you Drsggist cannot supply you, write direct to -- The name of Canada's new PrP by opening the sluices of the system Is a delightful toilet requislte to Impart mier Is pronounced as though it were color and a youthful appearance to the ALLIFD DRUM C11. written Mee -en. The "h"'ln Mei hen each morning and l poisonous out the Y PP g whole of the Internal poleonous slag- hair. It is not intended for the cure, Part Hope, Ontario. Is not aspirated. rant metier. mitigation of prevention of disease. J. H. Burnham, ittember for West Evergone, whether ailing, sick -or Peterboro, has -resigned his seat in well, ahonid, each morning, before i Parliament. He urges the new Pre rater to "go to the country." F Three men were arrested In Wind- sor, and ten thousand quarts of pois- onous liquor, containing a high per- centage of wood alcohol, confiscated. SATURDAY. The I- O. D. E. will boycott the Hearst papers. Scotland won the Elcbo Shield at Bisley Friday. Hon. L. A. Taschereau was sworn in as Premier of Quebec. Easter Lily won the Lennox Handi- cap run at Fort Eric on Friday. The Toronto international League team beat Jersey ('its by 3 to 2. W. C. McGhie, chairman of the Board of Stationary Engineers, in dead. Plans for the p-opuse,l colony for the feeble-mindec are beiniz dis- c ussed . There Is no evidence at tbP present time of any shortage of sugar In Canada. Important 'nec7 regulations are !a - sued -under the Migration lords ('on - breakfast, drink a glass of real het water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In it to wash from the Stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire altmentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone pbosphate on ad empty stomachIs I wonderfully invigorating. It ceans : out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and given one a splendid appetite for breakfast. White i you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phosphate 1s quietly ex- tracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the Inside organs. The millions of people 17ho are bothered with constipation• bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism others wbo have mallow eking, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to gP.t a quarter pound of ilmo- stone phospbate from the drbg store which will cost very little, but In I iS7ii'HE viction Act, sufllctent to make anyone a pro - 9. 0"awa Was rhnsen as the nPITI nounced erank on the suh vct of I 1 0 11 f i t 1 t 1 z1 internal sanitation• F nee P ince ng r. ,t I or Icu tur< - - - -- -- - N lent■ KOM Xr' I `.� "The s s rt s ;Its 1 ( � v v. Still : 11 I u 1 i 11 f 1 ' t a ct rr: F nee P ince ng r. ,t I or Icu tur< - - - -- -- - N lent■