The Goderich Star, 1920-07-15, Page 3'€ A111*'. "rL'•••' , •t A • • ••�' w� i.,r,� �� T EE's c 7 Wil Week atltLV.� av At ltifs u.a o. ";'x, �y • .y ` a I --e• TQ.Iit)xj:t?. July 1l+. Tins 11gto44 y brand Openn. Through one saulle of anottft a large` QuataL1,045 On We xlu.lyd oI a 1.Auc ul'+i ,• ialajRrity of the people are troubled 116 lollowa: e more or less, with some form of heart Manitoba wn¢rt (+n Store Ft. 1,Y1+Ua,n). No. I. not utoru, 43.10- t ; d • trouble. r,v. " rilrrtltora; 0+ iy. .. Sade Airs. James Blair, A3ttynt)tR(la (hat., hw- 3 uorbtierta. $3.ua. i ; caro to meta acrottf Qrtenit634a Oats (+n Store Ft, 1NUuam). I ; •i'e artier}. under date of January 2nt , 1x20: NO• x �,v, .. 51.1:, lafttdyr ratted��r* for, Spllbull", "1 feel it >aP dutyy to let; you 'know how No. a \v., x1,17. f � Insect 8tte>;a. '1'born Scrtltchea. much benefit I have received through u ctra No. i te.:... 61.10 qrp ta4es. antis -Bok fills hese July 31 st, 1920,9 a.m. using Your Aii'Iburtife Heart and Nerve No, r tares, al.+�- b• t Mve1i to be the best. TJilca R P1116. I was great l gr troubled with a sola a ea en. 4a.tr, 1 weak heart, and I doeetdred with three' PA taiLoua .a ro,y tw Store Fa wilikA n). x SKlth�tttl No. 3 C• W.. 01.71. { SQi ia+: ol[ ln4tt aMtt SMna different doctors but as soon tis I 1,, 4 C.W., 01.41, It you want aumething atev. stopped them medicine I waA as bad as ), •cted, $1.3b. i iis l ever. I ptarebased four boxes of your . Feed, $136. Al U reasonable prfc.r, pIlls last spring, a6d I hat} not taken American Corn (Track Toronto. Prompt tjlp+o of thentbiefore I began to feel better, shipment). No. s yellow, 0"-•:,u. u0win+.l• r � 14tep oven our way lV and after using the'f our I have not Ontarlo oats (According to Freights - - ,- been troubled since." Outside). _..... - _ ... "�"' t)o our OPEN IN 1 -AY. (Tnthe first sign ofany weakness o[the No. 3 wtute, nominal. Onta io Wheat (F.O.S. Shipping Point% f Flltorr.,er.r c:itrt+badly. The use t heart MSlburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills S' According to - Freights). + of a S1,1Ud L+r trp•.•1!..nt ill `tn,t Datta should be taken so as to regt}late and No. i winter• per car lot. 52 to $2.01. ° trouble, but t at., kilwat+v •ttra rue stimulate it, and this being tjone the No. 2 winter, per car lot, $1,98 to V. or extra wllk. Our candles are strictly fresh. whole system will be reStoted t0 8 No. 3 winter, per oar lot, 11.9E w it•9i. i normal, stem No. 1 spring, per car lot, 12.0E to 0=.u3, t Huts+•u npPn„ t.+ a 3r�nR t1r1+'rt1B h condition. l�o, 2 spring• per car tot. 11.98 to $1.010 a long half da)' o•t '1tr binder Hurats pure and wholesomar. Price 50c. a box at all dealers or No. 3 spring, per cur• lot. 31.96 to 112-u1. ilyd direct on receipt of rice b The p load lu \an+it:ttui raurdly x ls.0 \vw- Ftp p �p y Pre (ACc..rding to Freights Outside). 1 �,., 1.104 with tit, s or W(' ,• - �._....- T. Aldburn Cu., Limited. Toron£m. tint, NO..T+, norlAnal parley (According to Freights Outslds). ! "' t 1 Dung c rlv :. ,,:111 u+Etke b ^ t7+Iii.; OSTEOPAT21 Malting, $184 to 11.18• N7►on housed 0 -,it t; the d,.Y; and 63D 0=0 Buckwheat (According to Freights Out" fresh pasture at night. O R. GEORGE HEILEMANN, osteopath, side). -OF Lnless carefully Pod, rreenly q 'j' � New �J+ specialist. W women's and gntldren'b No. 2, nominal. ,� t'Itt..Cil HO\IIIR llEhltlRtin Parl+lR. CAYELL`�' iataiva "ke�`�`er, Imp c .si%t. to attended b) n.+mn diK Yf threshed grain tikay bring on digrs- Q Ql++eaaes. Acute, chronic and nervous 4361 Ryye (According to Freights Outside). nun•', \va, rrrently unveiled orruuers, partial deafness• eye, ear, nose No, 3, $2.20 to $2.26. ittr!e•s of France, Sitter purses front huapitals of Patin wrrr µre•>ta of honor.-- a Thr photo are Lord Hurnhant (jv0 troubles With slack, particularly throat. Ad Its removdd without Manitoba Flour. horses. �a ��ii**�� the kaffe. ConsWtation Free. Oface sa4. Government' standard. 114.86, Toronto of F:nlzLtud• tend (ion Fal Pat), of the r'rt•tr tl arni) . Decorating reatdenca. Nelson and St. Andrew's Streets Ontario Flour (in Juts Bags. Prompt A look at the beat is lino stock at peck Qt Temperance Hain, North Street; Shipment). !11 inarnage Nits. F. rre'uee'. 'I.uvl.:• r set •1t:.;..1, \L. .1+. \Ir one of the larger tatro wltl land to Otttee Lours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Government standard, $12.90, nominal, DISTRICT GLEANINGS \Ir. and .Ut'S. a \\'••o•f. ! ► In,dd-, til%ll. Al in your )Hind the approved types Store C>rondays, ybursdays and Saturdays. Montreal; nominal. Toronto. -_ Evenings by appointmeq. MIIIteQd (*tar Cots, Delivered Montreal \Ir. uvven Winer. -,w of \Ir. and \Ir• \Ira e;. . \1 k.Ih. Clinton. 1144' d Freights, Bags Included, \Ira. \\'ne. Ailheu and Ninth% \\'in+ \\'m. \\'mer, of �1' I'hru. t+\\.+)' on Nlonde) of last \\eel\ after art \ %ucersnful u..u+ nnt•I .InJ\ Ih,• )LEGAL CARDS Bran, per ton, $52. Ilam, rec"t\cd the +u1 ue\va tlttti all$-hvir faults of other+" L cltor Shorts, par ton, $61. soil, titemarl, %%a% dru\\nehl al \Inti The tu\%n cuurn tI „: \\'ul;l:ani leas illm %w • vie n lirµ +t\rr t\\u ui+lnt'llt, akYell. I do a'! hon%% that it fight VNerit Street wt1ARLES GARROW. Barrister, Sol Good feed flour, per bag. $3.75 to i4• a\carded t e +•untraot f•.r the rnn.hur• \11-,. hill) %\a% born at Summrchilt' stake a. nuyt aurov%.rhil, hal 11 uuµht lJ Etc. Corner Norty street and Square, Hay (Track Toronto). tattu, sash.. Jul tat. Ooderfch, Ont. NU•. WIll. Skinner +heel al h1.\ home 1:1 tit''n of tie nuurlPIP:+I bridge' amt dui+ bcinF a duu)rhtrr of the lair Jost+Ph 163 bre u delightful stud). Kanatts 1:It) No. 1, per ton. $31• aero ihr \rattland (o the Rainter \\ Hthlna, of the Baer •Liar. Atter her Journal. t In addition to our tines Of Wall tt.\a. $EAGER Mixed, per con $27. t'sburm. Int 1.+, tun. fi, ,tune 30th. tttrrd Arid�r ancf Rottt'r +: e. of Kineanline. marriage she It. ed t\ilh her huaban+l C - Straw (trrack Toronto). g, Near%,• II,• IIH,i here a life -haat: re .mniovrtlill, ant' Piper, Points, ate., \c0 handle Car lots. pet' ton, $16 to $14, ,ideal of tLr,t \\nshi+. + The cost \\'ill be to till' Wi9liborl,otol at Belfast and Ialt•r •al Barrister. ,Solicitor, Notary Public Farmers' Market. i tit 027,1100• after her hus�and entered the mindr)' all kinds of and Wnvgyancer Felt wheat -No. 2, nominal. The ulat'rta.:r 1.••nl. Vaa'•e \Pr\ quiet of the .\nµllctul rhurrlt IhrN \\err luIP Q Ortice : Cbtiri- House, GOdertch. Spring wheat -No. 2, nominal. The drHlh uY \Its. ,tabu Hu"i T oe- rated at Itelhi ,+tut c)ran!on. Nh'. K11- Nn a� ly un Salurda)I •Irl) at'd, at 0s. 11tl, r curroid al Lite holl,e 4-f her ruts, Thant C- HAYS ?Phone Its. Goose whealing a 3, nominal. Mrs, Edith P:' NlcharuN, uC B1\lit, to Ntr 4-n Tue%d:iN t l'.r d.'alh .ate \ 9.1 at .'o I:+tier pisco Every O O Barley -Malting and iced. nominal• John R. Bell• of Nlurri�. as, in Fiarcttsl, .\Its., last work. dto• loft \\'in}liam :i Pr\\ funrte••n )ears \;+gn. Loaf un hr death B tater, SolCtor, Notary Public Eta Geta-Nonflnal. I)r. l:. \\', '1'houtPsu❑ and \iia: Lu,) \I r:. blit) rant+• In clinh.nPacketr ; «'IndOty (ilaYa, Plate Glass, 0)rice Hammon fit., 8terllng Bank Bloelr Buckwheat -Nominal. \%eeks aK,t tilt a Vistl to (hn%r of Ile' i GOderich Rye -According to sample, nominal. tile\en%, Oilllun inut wild to t:cnhalfa fan+ily resldinir in NN •strru 1:,u1ad.,. Revelled (glass, l,ilrrore, Ota. ' Real Estate. Loans. insurance Peas -According to sample, nominal, tiJn• Ira\r•s a fauiil\ of 2,\%el%e children t' Hay -Timothy, mixed and clover -Nowa- Thursday ulurni119. Jul. 1-!, and \were 1 [n view of the high price a feed -_- g ltONVElIANC1NG AND NOTARY inal, quietlN married at tilt' \tr:hoeli,l liar- I I can the fattier in 19 to keep the C Straw -Bundled and icnae. nominal, sOnage by Re\. A. Sinc!vr. \fro. (if \r%hll. +.nr ui Thr +)3' poor laying hens In 19207 FLY � DS IL POW OBORGE E aRE14NSLADE, B4yrteld, Cory QHIQA(i0 aJl{�y Ji1ARJA plonPrrs oC Ihr s•ctiun, passed A\\:+) a' Given exercise, sour eklnuallk, h [I you are thinking oI doing valtia.cing and Notary Pgbllr Louisa Moir, \\ifs ..f Ur. I>� A• all• Blyth Julie rl:+tlt. he funeral lnoh A. 1.. Hudson & Co., Staddard Banti leCy, Toronto, forrnefly ut Hen%ali, plenty of g) the feed and !,f lay or p any g 1 PROUDFO( KtLLORAN & COOKE, Building, report the following prices on Plscc on the 1Rth, [rie•uds Dungannon T•+i'•'1+ Data (rolled) the firm flock of layer3 ' died very 'aal+l+levl) July tad, From to, Goderielt, 1,nc!.nu\\, Uun)rxnnon an'I will glvo n goad account of them- • Decorating Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Pub- the Chiosgd,Board of Trade: . p,� cerebral hemorrhage. lir. Setter% in a Bluevale being in allendattce, \ll'- .\ • tic. Etc. salves. Unice -On AS ' Quare, 2nd door From Open High Low close Close cou%in of \Ir%. A. T. l:uopry, of CI n- B. (qtr, of Blyth, i- a durlFhlr•r of Iltc It saves wark to let the,hens teed tl6mtiton street uoderica. Rye- tun. deellased- themselves -a hopper may be buillt at this your, omit on ua and let its Private hinds to loan at lowest rates. July , • • 206% 2313¢ . 226 a31% aE3 W. PROUDFOOT K. G. Sept. , 180 200 190 200 188rii1 \Ir>. .\dlit�n Rranurn, turmrrly Nli-% ;\t the butte uC Nlr. and Nlfs. \\n, home without great expense\. � give you an estimate. 7. L KII.LONAh. H. J, D. COOKE. Corn- Annie Ua\idaom, daughter of Mr. And Hlgg!m• (,Jlutun. on Thur -dao +•\"111114 only the well-fed, well-bred hens an July _-- July ... lfi6% 191\+, ib8rh 181 164% Mrs, ,las. 110idson turnlrr rt'sirtcnt5 Jul• 131, the marriage tout% Plact• of Y y pio- Clean i0 handle. 15014 b O A`UCTIONiEERING sept. ... 1661A 1597/6 156% 169% 166% uP \\'in) batt, diad in i'ari+, France• will be found In the ver hear y Dec, 139% 144% 139% 144% 1387,{, , their sister, \Its Lydia Uke, dautrhtet ducing class. Drug�ists, Groicets slid vT110UA•S GUNDRY. Oats- June 301h. Since to rv[ttarriut;e s• t' I1"d of the late \ll'. and \lra. Hugh tike, of Where the hopper plan of feeding en" Storeg J. r���ee[�QO„ 1 Juty 96% 98 96% 97% 94% tilled in Paris. Exeter, and %11.. Thus. .1. McNeil. Thi in adopted oa the term, tile labor a C a e7 N Live Stock and General Aactioneer, ,. 78% 81 78% at 78 June Will in H4-%vard Park Nlethodi•'! ceremony "-as performed by Re\. R N\ problem t6 much reduced. it the hop- Hamilton strapt, Ooderich. �t' 75% 79 76% 78% 76% rhutell, Toronto, ill'.• nurrfaµ" �%a% McCamus. e W06 made everywher# find aH efforts Pork- Pers are kept supplied with grain E V I D E N V E A100�0®Qa mRde to Fivd YOU 1111;13ts019n, July ... 28.20 28.36 28.30 28.80 88.60 solemnized of \'cr:+ Le\%is, rldc%t \ pretty \veeidinrr \\aa %ulcn+nizt•'1 a: there will he much less •danger of Farmers sale notes discounted. Sept. 36.25 30.47'S0.25 30.30 30.25 daughter of MI's. \1'rslr>' I,allruer• to St. Charles ehurch, Detroit, on %fun• un(terfeeding and producing stunted INSURANCE hoed- Frank Eadie Foulds, it. c. :\rr. oP the d,+%. ,tune Y8th, %rhPn Uurir Kathleen chtedist 0i Success Oi Backing's July 19.00 19.10 19.00 10.10 19.00 Frn k adle Itixte• second eldest daughter of Nil, and Nlr% Heart and Nerve Remedy B ;{lg09%LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCh Sept.c.••• 19.32 19 So: 22 19.87 19.86 39.7E ' Dec. E0.15 ao,2a a0.17 20.20 20.07 ,1 quirt wedding look glare at the Win. Duggan, Seaford', \Vas married it r Ribs- and HarkinD s Kidney Co.j$d isolated Town Property insured. Ilnittriu street parnuna)re•, Clinton. I'll \ll'. Herbert J. Bruder, oP Stratfnrdi $ Raincoats dor Men July\\io'tt HEADY MEAT EATS and Liver Pills VsI1le.or property insured uD to January, Sept ••. 16.87 16.86 16.8a 14.86 18.87 ""����'"dt Nicilru\ and Nlr• Joht! .f10 (bid iso.00. Sept. ... 17.92 17.70 17.70 17.77 17.67 Seto +\ tl'nuun, .Ivl) ard. )ottnRPst ant of \Ir, an l \Its. cirn at s Nlrs. 1 `-F Bruder, of Hann\er. _p._ FlhinjREi�1S--James eonoti� President. OA�� Robert Bell, or Ri,th. \\rt', united its The \\eddin)r tunh Place• \,t•) tletic!11 MONEYSHeb Jas. Evans, ce•Prese,niarru+at+• by Re\.�.sleechtv0o4 ; T. E. Hays• Sec:-Treas., Sea- i•n ottavVa, June 1Plh, nP \fish Lilli,+n HW -1 Fullartone R. G 1 L ears l:••30th \It. Sannu•I I:an1„! +ainlun, dict: J;,\crrnrr, "Ideal dan>;hlrr .•t tkr Lt!' HAVE SLO"I for J>�>r Remarkable Price oiRECfORS-D. F. Mcaregor, Seafortr: UNION STl)t3A YARDS. on \londa+ of last •+l tl+•' :'Fr " Mr. and \1rs. \;'. S. L:+\\r''nt'•'• ,+f ++l Stomach Trouble slid Patna 1,11 J. G. Orleve, Winthrop ; Wm. Wein, Con ';t%%a, rornler•IN of 1:14114-11, and W. I thnooai my body tot no relief until mance'• George McCartney Tuckersmith : TORONTO, July 12. -Receipts of 6.) veal's. He \vasa nali%rt of """-I is i I e n N haniPia• H. A. la le li,•nh•nant 4-! John terris, Harlock ; Jobn Bennewtse, bt Isas most if you feel Baeltsabr of I used Hacking's Hurt WO Nerve Men's Tweed Raincoats. Bron4baBSn : Malcolm McEwan. Bruce8teld. live stock o all ltilli eaghtto'clock last hithe Union s [ life 'iinath'+tl'\ ii `ut n iJJ, e'i, atLci\i the tlth hattallon Canadian P:nrrineer- Remedy which fixed, me up all right. AGgNTS-J. W. Yteo, cnnnK"s( son of \Ir. W. Iran!rl., o Itshb)adaeltmble�Take f,ettch, Clinton ; Wm. Chesney. Ssafortb : night, consisted of 120 cars -- 1666 Pd he tour brothers .nil h%.. sr. h•rs. thasof Seita i used Marking's a Rean and Liver 'j'hg Coat 1S Ciit in the E. Wachley, Seafortb their assessments cattle, 269, calves, 2284 hogs and \itr. R. I.. 1:1:+rl;r, zearort1i, reref\ed Toronto. Pills along with the ReltnCxly.- Policy Holders can Pay word un M'rida\. .tut\ tad. Ilial !n r 5111 le breasted style+ a m A H Cart's Store, Goderlun, A. J. Mor- 1276 sheep and lambs. The receipts \ i tial hat chartnina \\ d hitt I, of Mrs, H. HinchellAs, Wingham: slug le Glnthing Store, Qlaton, or S. H. of cattle show a marked decline from hrothet•, Ntrs, .las. \\'kite, had life" .M plact• at the Itonu• ..f Mr. :,nd \Ir-, C loose belt With buckle. rights. irith d. _ -_ SI1„+1; ,No man or woman who esti nibat regi• ',[ woe on ilia pofat d a complete _ that of a week ago, when the de- itis hoinr in \\'innte n, \lout.• on '1'Inn- S. ltouldice• F:hns,lHl.• Earn+• >arl + mak a mistake b fi the Nervous Breakdown, could not sleep - NOTARY PUBLIC, ET4.- = liveries ran up around 6000 head. da)', Jurl. ist. Ile \\,,< burn in Tuck- dice, on Wedne.elay. ,filar 30th. %%lu.� y ��°g Nils, I,nrindu .I., stroll, a oecaaionall w a well-knowo ` or plan my household duties, stiffer 517,eS } to d2, at �x7 WIENNlPMG 1AVE STOCK- r%ntilh :a \ear. Hu•• and %%.n- ;+ %un nt I i,utahtcr .ti authorit Bleat forms acid whi+lb W 3L BAILIE. the !al" 1:k,u les I:I,tr!. the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sh,nln-fer Y tad with or Heart and MY Nerves Winnipeg. July 10, -(Dominion Live encites the kidneys, they become otter- _ afid t9oeton could do 11We for me. Q 12 45 and $16.45 NOTARY PUBLIC Stock Branch.) -Receipts light, 54 cattle, A ,fuiel \veddinu look ) I:,r • ai 1!r�• becano• the hrofe of R,•\. M; L. \nd,+ worked from the strain, get sluggish Sad ' Atter takitlg idle drat box of Hack• W General Conveyancing done 113 hogs. Market was slow and dull 'I-rkitt Nlennui;,l r,•, fur% F:v• hv, .fill\ sun. It. of RH)If"Id, tial.. s..0 .f li''\ fail to filter the waste and poisons from Good Compallied Represented and little [radfng was in progress. Bid- 5th, \\hen Ile\. 1, A. Tronrper unih•d and N1rs. S..\nder%,tn. tainhtu, the RM the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all Rigs Heart said Nene Remedy GoderlCh Rural Phone 24 r t4. d extremely weak in sheep and hlmb -�_ S. .\ndi sun per•formilm the e"remun) rhetlmatisln, headaches, liver taonble I Improved to much In health that l Route No. 3. Auburn j�ag A few 801433 of - ;essiskcd by the !b\. l'. \\ If ez, I\\•.ud market; quality ImoT• - rhe"mnervoutisn34 dizziness, sleeplessness aa+iS , continued with a 6 1)oi treatment thin, common light sheep were *de oC I•t+l+r\\,,1 sad am gbie •p retvrro to my work \ Men's �' ate❑ Raincoats. s from 14 to n while beet were sold at t urinary disorders tome from ilu61J3ah De'Vl31ns French p11� int \toad,+), Jul :rtli, Ill.- 1 1! with renewal vigor" from $7.50 to $8.b0. Hogs steady, with kidneys. .1.1abLs Regulating Ptll Lor Women. selects fed and watered. weighing up at ryxa. ' \\'ini!t:+tit rartied tht•re hNla%\+: un• !' made III single breasted JS t l,ox. gold at all Drug Stores, o� 118 t,0. The moment you feel a dull ache f the Mr. Richard Jones, Doon, Ont: 0i. to any at all on receipt' o, y. �.. ghee fill' v%ater\eurhn d.y..trhn.•nt un The or your ba+Y hurts or if the i [!lava bad Pains udder my Heart st}•le, double stitched I,• r:,+• ;iny l! oras n receiptt. Cath- .. dei• a rununfnsi„n carried by t0i) %olrn urine is cloudy, offenalve, full of eedi- for some time and tried all sorts of sco,, ,.., t•nrrrto. •,Fountain of Perpetual You anolht'r to raise sG,:dNi h. ,•\lend 1114 ment, irregular of passage t0 b• �, ego P ag h7 sea 111 �-,. LONDON, July 12. -The The latest „ \eater mains In Ih,• n•'rtll sid.• of lh' a sensation of scalding, stop eating moat I remedies d a� have boon to four re- I 1/Leff i } Flit 3 '-IONOL FOR MIEN ''`' `:y'. foront doctors and o01410 get ki g's Maitland ri%er had a n+al,rrilN ..f IN)' `."•n al'.1 Vltnlst.•: for Nr:•tea 'claim of having discoYef;e$the'f0ra- • ''�' • g r and the hyla\\ 1�, u•u\idv. f•n• Ila• r,i- and get about four ounces of Jad � lio?<f 1 took one 'box of Haoking's 1 At i F:,...,, i.lpr.•;,aa- ••,✓+;.�• no'tte::" a Lain of perpetual youth" omen from i �s' sr:' i Salle from any pharmacy; take a $7.45 lrui:u sou up. l: a box, or Vienna, where Eugene �Stetal>ttch. l ,, r?:.� li in) of Afi+.:-fi fur the r4-,,. ,,, ltun •,f tablespoonful is a glass of water Delors Heart and Nerve Remedy and tel; fes- s at arc; acorn-• "' by mall professor of biology. annatlnees that N mrd. . new bri+hr, to replarP fh.• 4-1.( ••n. n,.0 breakfast and in a few days your kidneys very m1tAh UetteYr [gook a>rotberbox a s�wbeil 1)r+se he has invented two ways of reju- the f111\%son mills %%.1' r,,rrti'd h% 101 will act fine. This famous (alts is made and have been able to work again. lienhas men; one by means of a i' a majority. from the acid of pas and lemon juice. Before l took your •relmody i could Aft' 7 a r Mr.. Will. \Irl; n%an Ka -I \\':e\%:+ alight operation on certain glands, f �� ;fir. ,' � combined with 11 ia, and hes been used i not woi"k ib�r weeks a2 a time, the and the other by X-ray treatment. y + fes': nosh, pa•+sed a%%.,y on I'rnlaN no.rntnN for generations to flush and stimulate ! pain was so great." �c 1 ". Joly 'Ind. li'•r maiden u,,ow \\:. \u the kidneys, also to neutnlfza the adds Those are ony a few of the many �^ Bros.causing a general improvement of fhe . y { ya.cell system. n"g i)n+ldrt. Hnd she \vas 1.,'r•n to RI) I'l {n �lne eo ft no longer mtlua irritation, t+�tirnonJale tit come to us volvn• hus ending bladder weakness. tarily and 1 tact sure that you too Vienna sclentisls say that Prof.Protz / :>c yr•Hr% aKo and her emir'' tt1r• ova- g ROB I N S Steinbach's claims have been corro- spent In the village and neutho-0--1 •Jad malts fs inexzppeennsive and cannot will got baletidal results 1t you will I Ma GODERICH borated by successful experiments She is survh'"d bN ht r Iii -hind, h> injure; makes a delightful efferveefrent but give them a fair tried. Buy them !'' ^ two suns And one damthh•i' Nle%srn lithia-water drink which everyone with animals. gJ fn >jrom yew dealer. Imist oft Hack- borated Leading : at yF actio And by tier ami \has +il,ol>%. o' kidali take now and then to teep the Open in the Evenings >t> Y� at nam+• : by her wither. NI",. .huts.• tidneya stent and active and the blood I Ings. Funeral Directors The Armenian Mandate. It4-dds; by t%vo sister- \Ir•n. Nin. Itchy Pare, thetsby avdddlLB aria" kidney iHnct,Ing'•. Remcdirr „re veld In Godr- SPA, Belgium, July 12. -Belgium � i= Prison, \Vlnaham, and \It -s I:e-su eomplicatiatta I rich b) 11. 1. Ihudop. and Embalmers will be asked ,by 'the Allied Three" to accept the mandate Lor Orders easefully attended to Armenia, according to a strong and tit all hours -night or day. appargatly well-grounded report in q' circulation among diplomats here. Albert, King of the Belgians, dined \, with Premier Venizelos of Greece at ) Brussels Sunday night, and the pro - O Boast is said to have been broached Home Applied Tire Mileage O Le . TAPE to the Belgianenizolo monarch t this d, As �" I / O cion, Venlzolos acting, it Is said, fill spokesman for the Allied powers.« 1 AG NT FOR THE - Jews Want Money. %X-,% on REED BARRED FROM Ytimely OU can add a thousand or more miles to the life of tires with inside breaks by the International Harvester LONDON, July 12. --One hundred DE11161(1RiLTIC (*.oNVEVTh)N--I'. use of a Goodyear Reliner. million dollars is the sum to be Senator .land- A. Reed, .,t Mis%ourl. Company levied upon Jews all over the world iill#'r 1►in,;l' 1110 l+barled-;tio This Refiner is -a complete new the lining made by (;oodyear to reinforce tires weak - for the rejuvenation and re-popula- O Lion of Palestine as ,Zlol s home- n lilt. lu-noerati.. t;4-n%''till"'' In '"" ened 6 lot , hard driving, road shocks or accidenui. A On Hamilton Street land. Of this total, American Jews' Franctw•o• L% '' \..t,• of Itie Nati-alY g g c:ornmitt"" It f- r.•roed..I I11,11 1111, i"l garage without expert flet CALL IND SEE 1;S � are expected to raise 280,000,000• ac- A %%\eP nn \o t.tr• f. r .\.hoints:r.tti"n' You can a�pfy the Goodyear Reliner right In your 1) \'Sl �,' l P p• cording to Dr. Felix Frankfurter and 1 µ -- I if h oLiotL.�'�oC=OL O lf other AmerPans who are dominating I'a'1"r s•"t't+" Shaped to it t e casing, it Can be cemented in and t?�� �►re trail} for running In ha the financial discussions of the Zion- an hour or soh ,•P 'f i r 9 is, convention here. Will Not Accept Villa's Terme. l If you prefer, your repairman will apply it for you for a small service charge. MEXICO CIiTY. July 12. - The 0 STEEL Coe decided to reject the Watch tires carefully for fabric breaks inside. Government has peace proposals of Francisco Villa, l,(\IITED Gen. Francisco H. Serrano, Under your If airy appear, see a Goodyear Scirvlce Station or your tire repairman about Goodyear Secretary of War and Marine, told the Associated Press. Only ❑tram_ Grand Opening h Rurrendpr, e declared, Refiners at odea. ditional would be accepted. n v Y Another rebellion has broken out in Mexico. The Fraser river has flooded Dear-� Sale ,�� 3.1.4 ;+•c ly 10,000 acres. - JULY 31:t, 1920, s A. m, 1#1 Go- Ma S. K�n`Mp M.,4DE IN CANADA EXPERT WATCHMAKER \'snit our Waitelits, Oaks. its.. ClumW iad StATION£RYf1DEP RapWsee re l ssthfs+otrrify. on . 36 veers P it* +r- wxoerma" the v++ondertnl r%lnelw we offer to +as haft, or first tN good = Mase /1m' are obergisr a edwalm ati kinds of titationery. Rcboal o Flnpplies and Book% for Dict and •le tAlt fKAfit, ee tae;at i•... verl"4. �ssereaea-O*irsDaRHIC'fl[.OIfT. (